HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-09-23, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1937
t oltlnrhan defeated Walton 2-31
in at thrilling football match at tit.
'Coltonhalt on Friday afternoon, it tie-
ing the first game of 111e 'finals to (le-
ek! the 'Huron Foot -ha -11 .\,sociation
c 1, O)1 'i(0.'hip .for the year. The re-
tain _;acne was played at Walton on
Tuesday afternoon. \\'bile St, Colum-
bian carried the play for quite a hit of
the game, 1Valton didn't get the
brtake when it came to :hooting on
gcoal. A good crowd watched the
match and the whistle \vas 'handled
by +}'erg Bullard of \Vin ehrop,
Walton—iGoal, Why -tort lel, 14. 'Hol-
land; rd, 12. Holland; ch,• McCall; nil,
ilryens; 'ill, McNally; centre, Steins;
or, W. Flarquharson; 01, ;f ohnstun ;
St. Celtimban—gClea'1, ,I. 'O'Connor;
k1, 1. \lcQnairl; rd', \Intens; ch. J.
'141:c1vnr; rh. N. \LrQuaid; lir, Flan-
nery; e, Stapleton; or, Williams; 'ir,
McCarthy; aa, Moylan: id, J. 'O'ton-
n'or; sails, 7', lfed ectr, '1;, O'Connor.
Passes In Toronto—
1()ld friend, in tiro:se-Is learned
With regret of the death of \ergs
Thoma, Fletcher at the Fara-• of tier
sinter, Mrs, Elizabeth Smith, in 'rcc-
rccn1o. The late Mrs. 'Fletcher, 111105V
1)111 len 111010 was ;lane•-'R,isdeu Gorr,
(ion, ;was born in Exeter and came as
a Lrid'e to Ilrus.el, ivhrre s'Ite lived Southampton. She is mei' 'nor picking
athtit some 311 year, agti, i'ttr the trl.1 op nil d'rtl0, for the 'Imperial Oil Co.
�' at 10)10110 ioipto. •Phe tin ,r
two or thrrc years fee deceased had 1 I silts is a
been in very pour 'health and has p.Ickltgc £reic,htcr wyrh:ith "mikes rcgti-
bern ,rarcrl for in tl'v,rnnto by her lar calls at 1 s1 rich. On Sundae
winter. Also surviving one sae 92us_ crowds of people from the miglthnr-
sell, another .son, 2 eginal(1, predece:ls- incl towns and 1coderich went not 1,,.
cd 11 is mother a fen years ago, The `ce the -1 1'1113'2' 'Vieces of inrnitnrr
funeral was held in Brussels. and cedar posts from the bac e are
d utered on the beach. The theta was
Petrie -McCall— being lashed by the huge waves and
it seemed only a question of how
long she cops( withstand the weath-
er. Captain Ebel [praised the seaman-
ship of his colleagues whom be cred-
ited with saving his and his ship-
mates' lives. He said that three at-
tempts were utade to throw the tom -
Mut from the Superior to the Gilby in
the s'torm before the line was 1ihally
made. tfatst, 'The cause of the d.; illy •s
mishap was, believed to be a broken
nil line in her engine. The ship start
tended. Later they left on a trip to ed to leak and •when the anchor.
Sarnia, Pert 1Huron and 'points :south, were torn away by the rough sea the
For travelling the 'bride wore a rust Glop was uncontrollable. '1 he (ills 1+
tweed snit with 'black accessories, On
their -return they will :reside .on the
groom's farm in the 1100 concession
of Cirey. ' Brus+'e1s [Post.
Freighter Wrecked Near
Friday with 3,51110 eight -toot c(•dar
posts headed' at Manitoulin I-,1.11 and
ran into a :(•Vern storm. '..u• n o 111U-
tered about for '116 hours la ftwe hero:g
taken in tote .by the freighter Super-
ior. commanded fly Captain 'Harold
Hodson, early Saturday. About eight
niiies nut of (ocdc•richof Saturday
,ho W110 sighted, thing dislre-s sr
nal:;. by the crew of the steamier Sup-
erior under Captain Harold 'Hudson.
'Ilie barge was leaking badly w'lien
the Superior rearhed her and - the
ere\1 was 1111:3 with hails haling the
wafer ottt, :\ cable was attached to
hIle distressed vessel and the Super-
ior proceeded to tow her into 1 oder-
ich 'harbor. :\ heavy gale irom the
south teas blowing at the time and
lashing the waves high over the
breakwater. ;Lust as the Superior
neared the breakwater the toWlitie
broke and the 'Gil," started drifting.
Seeing the difficulty, the \latIhmit'1d
brothers, Burt, 1111 and John, with
their ever -ready 00swer to the call of
the sea, put out in the -motor
launches :':.mbar Mae" and -Captain
John" to go •Gn the assistance of the
Superior, which contd. not turn
around in the narrate channel, as the
100111cd 'bate'e drifted oat in the lake.
The "Anna Mae" .succeeded in get-
ting alongside the "t;illy" and t1111111
off the crew of six Wren, the rescue
being iw+itnc.sed by many spectators
nu the. piers. The "Gift's."' was skip-
pered by Captain - 'Harold Eitel of
A ,quiet but -pretty wedding was
solemnized at the hone of 1Rcv. C. J•
Mecrehottse, Landon, on Saturday,
Sept. lath, when Clara S., youngest
daughter of Ur. AV'tn McCall and the
late Mrs. McCall of Morris, ,became
the bride of John A. Perrin son of
Mr. and Urs, James IPerrt( lGrry.
rite 'bride wore a becoming gown of
bite openhym velvet with matching
hat. The Young n ivple were antat-
'Her hack broken and 'settling deep-
er into Lake Huron riff the port of
;G'oderich with every wane :splashing
heti wooden sides, the pat -lc -age
freighter sniffy 'lay .aground 1.1 outlay,
iter 'crew saved 'hy the seamanship of
two lake captains. 'Loss- of the ship,
iher engine and cargo may reach $23,
0170. 'Those rescued were Capt. Harold
Ebel: Mate Jerry M4'asalcs, Parry
Sound; two wheelsmen, Oscar Hay-
wood, Prince Edward Island, and
Edward 'Cambridge, 'London, Ont.; near Wheatley, the previous mid -
Engineer Charles Dawes, Toronto, night. IDoherty was taken tog St. Jo -
and the -cook, Jack Charrington, Sar- se[ph's hospital at Chatham tvitll a
nia. The IGilly left Southampton on dislocated hip. He is alleged to have
the former Bet'-!', a Nova Scotia
schooner. She was taken to -Quebec
last spring anti equipped with an oil
•horning engine. This was her first
season all the lakes,
Blyth Man Killed in Crash
At Blenheim-
1figrhway 'I'raefte ()Nicer Dark t'ar-
neuter, of Bleinhninl, announced 'last
week be had preferred' a '1)1111ng
charge of drunk driving against Roy
Doherty, 30, of Blyth, as a result of
an accident in which his companion,
Leonard Davis, ?4t, Blyth, was killed.
`three others were hurt in the crash
Davis died in Leamington hospital
on Friday following the 'mishap,
which occurred on No. ;3 highway,
'been et the wheel of a nlotc•r star
which crashed into one in charge
Manson 1&otic•8'l, 11.12, 1. Wheatley.
Gosnell and his wife Were ' hos),itzliz.
rd at Leamington. According to ;13.
formation obtained' :hi• Constable lack
Carpenter. of Blenheim,. the accident
occurred close: to the fa.rni of 11r.
Gosnell 011 No. 3 highway, They were
rctilrning Monte, with \'lr, Gosnell at
the wheel. Noticing a fast travelling
tar cooling from the rear, Mr. Gos-
nell hesitated to turn into the drive
tray of his farm, bun instead, decided
to drive- slowly along until the car
had passed hint. The car, allege11)'
da•iven by Doherty, smashed into the
rear of (GUS Ile car, Davis was
throwl1 through the windshields of
lischerty''.s ear. 1 force of the col-
lision ripped off the end and the 'left
side of the 'Gosnell sear. The car driv-
en iby Doherty was wrecked. '113 a
statement to .police at the time of
the accident Doherty gave the name
of the dead man as Harry Johnson, orf
London. Interviewed later by Traffic
Officer Carpenter, Doherty .said the
name a£ hL, dcnntpanton Wks Leonard
Davis, 244 -year-old stn of '31r. and
Mrs, .fames Davis, of Myth. An in-
quest will be -.Reid this week at
Hospital Aid—.
The \\'omen's Hospital. Aid 10
Sent NIcntorial hospital, Seaiortll,
has just completed its fourth 0)10ci•5c-
:111 l'e'nt. S,i10'1' last September there
were ten monthly meetings held. The
membership campaign in 0vt0d,tx' re-
st111rd in securing 2120 tnenthers. ;\rti-
vities consisted ittf a bridge held in
the 1,13(3.F. ball in It -notary; a euchre
in the Badminton rooms in April -and
t tea on the hospital lawn in June
Oar gilts to the hospital included two
electric heating pad three sets of
safety bud side.s, an electric miter for
tete l.ttohen and 11)5 woolen blankets,'
011 Christmas small gifts were given
to the hospital staff and do each pat-
ient. The ladies have planned to begin
their -Pall membership drive within
the nest few weeks and it -is hoped
that even 0 larger number of memb-
ers will be scoured for the coming
season Officers for coming year:
President 1'1•rs 1\ C. Sproat l'st
Vice Pres., U•rs, D. 'Wilson; laid Vice
Pres., etas. MI tA. (Reid 'Res, Seely,
Nis Maty Hays; Corr. Sec'y, Mrs.
F B'rtigget 'I'r( t,nt er Mrs \,-Clt*e:
-Executive 'Miss O Laidlaw, Miss G.
Ross, Mrs, E. L. McMaster, lIrs.
Finlayson. Pinrcha-in,g comet„ Miss
Wi'1'awl, :Mrs. Shaval ani, firs,
Social comms., Mrs. K. \'irLcan, Mrs,
Wenn Mrs. R. J. SprosY, Mrs. Chap-
man. tVisiting comm, Mrs. Ada Reid.
Mrs. Mackie Passes— •
Mrs. Alexander Mackie, 71), died
at the 110tne of cher daughter, Urs.
Tames Barrie, iGosteric'h, after
lengthy illness. She was .born at :Vb.-
\b-erdeens-hire, Scotland, a daughter of
Mr. and 'Mgrs, ,George Gibson, and
wa's married there, ralliing to Can-
ada with her family ..30 years :ego 'to
live at tR(ichw•ood, Blenheitu 'l'aw•n-
s'hip, Oxford 'County. Her husband
died three years ago and since then
she •lived at Irgntondville and (Coder -
Eight children survive, Airs.
James Barrie, 'G,oderirh: Mrs. Alex
Li41tco, •Egtnondville: William Thom -
on came home bursting ,tu
(}B Wats The big break
with the news. Ile was now
has come at last' t a big
Department Manager a athe1
salary. Your '�
increase el ted " beamed Muriel,
be deligh ���
will w"- by not call bun uP •.
his wise. will news like this
D1etanee. And
demands Long ; x call Aunt
while Tin about it,
Mary, too.
The Watson family' have
that to spread good
or in emergency, Long
Distance is indispensable.
Arg you m ens
that Long Distance off
Low Night Rates begin
every evening at seven, and
as, Forest, an'd Alex X4ackie, all it
Richwood; "Fred, Stral•helarc•, elan.
and 'kers. Herman iNinitr_, Sioux daa11.s
South Dakota, Two brothers, teen.
and OFred Gibson, live at Aberdeen
A funeral service was couclncted ar
the Barrie 'hone by Rev. T. Ward.
law Taylor, DJD,, and the remain•,
were taken to t12ichw-ood for inter-
\Vont and For Sale ads, d week, 25c
C eck o ks
e Are Selling Quality
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles,
Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere.
Get our Quotation on Your Next Order,
The SeatOrthr ,News
(Continued .from Page 7)
softs; crochet worse, Mrs. 'taason..
Mrs. Jaques; plain hand sewing, -Min..
Jaques; button holes, Mrs. Jaques,
Mrs. Dottpc'; laundry 'bag, 11n. ea
sons, Mrs. Doupe; painting, any ob-
ject, Mrs. Parsons, 'Mary (Fletcher;
pillow 'cases, Mrs. Jaques; 'patchin!g,
Mrs. Jaques, \irs, 113•onpe.
Blankets, all wool, S'outhoott Bross.,
toles '& May; wnoh•n yarn, Sotvtlxuu
Pones & Slay; tailor custom
-ult. \\'. \V. 'Taman, -Southcott Biros.;
„lie: lion of Itnvrl' goods, Ju'u•s
11:q. 5c'nthr0 1 I res,; 'hest collection
tailor's s.toods and furnishings, \\'. \V.
'±;leant, 3,autheott Boos.; collection of
groceries, Southcott Gros.; collection
.,E hoots and shoes, Jones & \gay
Soutllcott Bros.; -assortment of
Tweeds, 1V \\ 'Tainan 'ladies boots,
thin -tin -on Bros.. ;font & :May; gents'
boot., Jones & May, Situthcott Bros.
Woodstock - Sentin'e1.Review Tax-
payers ,ere full aware, through press
reports of council meetings, of the
situation in respect of -the,govern-
ment's rebate to the municipalitiie so
that it wowlc( be not only futile, but
;somew'hat•t orf a' misrepresentation. to
advertise that this y'ear's ,rate is being
reduced 0 (1111' mill thereby.'Tile coun-
cil is taking the only stand which
stems to be proper in the rase,
1Vben the .government undertook
to rebate the equivalent of one mill
on the tax rate, in lieu of the .income
Tax which the pro'viiice has taken ov-
er, it obtained the ,fullest publicity
for the act. Later it was 'found; owing
to necessity of action 'hy the Legisla-
hire, that the municipalities could. not
Ire relieved -of their share of .Ile cost
'of old age pensions and mothers' 11'.3
1) 1011nces for the full year, but only
far nine 111011015. 1n Other words, it
was not ,feasible for the government
'10 ,carry out its promise of a rine-n0'1
rebate l'.he payment in the case tri
Woodstock, instead of the expected
176,803, is .'l+4,4I4, net, or approximately
two-thirds 1,1- a mill on the present
As a platter of fart, the rate here
was struck before official notice was
received in regard to- the rebate; much
arf the ;ear's :as: ley y has maw been
collected, and the rebate 'has 11'01 ae-
tua'lly .been received from the govern-
ment. As the word '''u'ebate", implies,
the money was collected in the first
place from the municipal taxpayers,
who have also met their proportion of
old age pension's and ,mothers' alltow'r- -
ances for three months • of the year,
a'tad if Ore governmenthad left the
municipalities '- with - their former
spurge of revenue` from income tax,.
there would not have been any neces-
sity ,for a rebate.
The solft=ball ganias each week
Have been very pleasant hours,
For each ,and every one of us
To greet nthose friend's --di ours.
Last week's game had its clinlax-
IFior wtlien the game tyaM ,o'er.
'Louis, he stepped on the starter
[And o'hl how Itis- car did roar.
ct 'first it started' sizzl,ng.
And then same 'bite smoke,
Wing turne 1 pate in the face,
icor he •t'hont,ht it was no poke.
The noise was just like thunder,
The smoke was just like dust.
Louis 'burned his eyes to heaven
'.Andto the Lord prayed thus.
0, save us all:
So loud he .cried.
Conte hurry, take us from this .car
Par if we Ca100ot soon escape
We shall he blown afar.
'T -lis prayer was quickly ,aniswered,
The doors blew open wide.
Yon should have seep them scramble
In order to save their hide.
The driver staggered round the car,
And filen he lifted the hood.
The mechanic Rook a thorough look,
And said all things are good.
\t first Louis w•as so angry,
Rut' then he forced a smile.
Because' he was so happy,
For it was good foranothermile.
Then he quickly pulled away,
Leaving the crowd in Igllee
For he said 1 guess they are too sharp
For a codrdy lad like me: