The Seaforth News, 1937-09-23, Page 2PAGE TWO.
Tea for every Taste
Adjourn Race Track Case—
\\"ni'n a search by Police.- prosecu-
tor and solicitors failed to locate a
stenographer to take evidence in Ma-
gistrate J. A. Makins' court at Gode-
rich last Thursday, the court clerk
being ou holidays, a case in which
Alfred Shifter 'Waterloo horsema'nt
was: .:parsed under the Opium and
N.,rrotic Act was a'dliourne,l a week.
ac•,1scd supplying a2.tYntt personal
When Prosecutor 1.. E. Dan-.ey
a,1...nn.ed he was unahle produce
stenographer Charles Beil. l:.C.. of
Hamilton. objected strenuously t,, a
hearing- of the must :or cites:
aaains: proceeding '1"ler those o:v1-
dlt lis." he :said. "This is not ./ trie-
ial matter and I cannot conceive of
the rase 'keine tried without a-:tenog-
ral:,her."-Schii,ter is 'charged with un-
lawfully having cocaine and diaetyl
morphine in his possession at a race
meet at Seaforth on ;July 11. !Hc was
arraigned at Stratford'. on Dally ',,1 and
Pleaded not guilty to the charge, The
-complainant is 'Corporal W. V. C.
Chisholm, ,R,C.M:P.. of Sarnia. Am-
ong the witnesses,present -were Dr.
G. H. Lucas. medical head of the
University of Toronto: 'Ii, R. (Hart,
Dominion analyst, and Dr. Cairns.
V,S.. both of To'c'tnito.
Funeral of Dr. Armstrong
\.•\Iver• and \\,r, lir,. F.:torte:,
fir+4. ''During the service t f,ta,rite
lit•nins 11 ere sung. "Unto :lie Ht l^"
and \\ lien n Mly Day of 1. he
Night is Falling." Mrs. W. .\.
t presided at the organ."I"t a:l!-
e.arers were l actiVet \\darn fuer.
1Itotts, Gordon Filer. A. D.
tanleron, iahn Entipey and V. R.
Vole; honorary. Dr. \\ i'.liaaa Aber -
hart. Dr. R. B. Gillrie. 'Dr. W. E.
Pridham. T. S. Ford. R. 11. Munro
ind iJr. A, F., Fraleigii. St. \nary..
No more fitting. text could he ifoltnd
in the Bible symbolic of the life of
Dr. W. J. M. Armstrong than the one
chosen by his minister. Dr. \. Rae -
burn Gibson, Friday, at Mitchell. The
teat was "For he was good maw.
and fatli of the Holy Ghost and of
faith." "1No greater epitaph can he
said of any man than this." quoted
the speaker. He not only ministered
by the skill of his hands but never
failed to :give .words of comfort to
the spirit. Dr. Gibson spoke highly
of 1».s life in the community and as
an elder of the dhurch. In closing the
speaker adjured those who were to
take his place 'ta enter in at the
straight gate and do the punpose and
will of God as he had done. ,Rev. Gib-
son was assisted in the service by
Rev. R. C. Capper. The ,funeral was
under the auspices of the '1,fasans.
ITthe service at the house was in
Change of Very Wor. Bro. J. A. My-
ers, while the graveside service was
conducted by bhe Woes Matter Bro.
H. A. Mutton. assisted by Very \Vor.
B'ro. John Empey, Very \Vnr. Bro. J.
a'. 7._!17.•t t '•y Ntr. Mrs.
L- t' •11 t
i '!1 i 11:1y I:k' , t. '1..114 :,1,.
al v
. Alter a 1'i`-
fri , .'`.1'. 't cid ortier
.1-,7;1,. to settle
ne,•;,. • , • :lint -in 11r.
a . HI Hau-
g.: acre ., Ma, holt
ter:, snocessliii business among
the t, avel:M.4.• ptth'ic who have
predated his m>spitality. Many of his
Patrons have preferred to motor from
surryun'din. towns '11 order to en-
joy a quiet night's rest ander his roof
where they would he undisturbed by
the noise and bustle from beverage
room patronage, For the first time
in the long history of the hotel, which
is one of the oldest established hous-
es ,in the province. it will he unoccu-
pied. No suecesnr has as yet been
named. and much concern has been
expressed locally in this regard:
t'Ent"n '.11's -Record.
Late Henry J. Hibbs—
:\ pione of Fla at t •:1 1
the person c H'nrt 1. H ilihs
his ,`Pith- year. 1•..r the -past Care:'
years 11e had 'lye! 1vitil It.o- .
saw and.dauuha•r, Mr, .111 \lr,. Har-
vey \lex:ln I, r. ,:- ,i e-.i„n 7. God
ich ITbwn.hi:,. and it was there he
died. He was 'corn in Dorset -hire.
England. September 27. 1831. and a:
the age of eight years came t'. t'.r.l-
ada with his Parents, the late 1 ienrze
Hibbs. They located in t iaderirh
Township an'.l were among the 'pi nl-
ser •Partners. Henry High:, attended
the school, u2 the section and as a
young man married Mary Plummer.
Fifteen years ago they retired from
farming and •reside•,a in Clinton where
Mfrs. 'Hibbs died nine years as;,,.
'There survive cite -brother, Charles in
New Zealand: three daughters, Mrs
Atno:s Cartwright, Clinton: Mrs. 1-i.
Alexander. IGoderich Township. and
Mrs. D. E. 'Hari, • Cayuga. Ont., and
three grandchildren. !Che funeral vas
held on Saturday.
Penny Bank-
\t:auy schools seek to includeles-
sons in money management in their
contribution to the child's welfare.
Money may be a useful or a danzer-
cros tool. according as it is used. One
of the most useful precepts yet form-
ulated far money management run-
thus, ”-Earn honestly. sate regularly,
spend wisely," 1Ffve hundred school-
are now seeking to teach this iessott.
according to J. R. Littleproud, On-
tario Penny- Banle Inspector. Figure:
for .Seaforth: Total amount on deposit
at end of !June, 037, $1,2O7.34. Com-
parative figures of a year ago. $1.,293.
Clinton Hotelman Retires—
Jt is exactly eleven year ago today
since 'Mr. Louis Rousseau. genial pro-
prietor of the Rattenhury Hote?. cone
to Clinton, today the hotel i. hut a
1111 11 of what it leas a week azo, the
Bumper Bean Crop --
A hut: 1r. ..11 .test a.irt 1alt
•• .. 1.2, ii•rr,m itu ter
n.t.'• '4ru,•r this year t?a❑
r' and rr y i. : excellent. Che
52 T 3e.1 ago Farmers are it,
u: '1rtrry to seJ their wheat, holding
it 'or better ,ri •r. Present figure at
Hen.;. i. 81.111 ler ix1 1101, stand-
ard. Barley ti; for malting is br�•1�•
int ri3t mt like ,cheat, farmers are
ltaldinl ;t for 1 better price, ()tiet•-
lugs at the drills are far !>elott' those
of a year ago. Present price of oat-
is 44c.—Exeter Trines -Advocate.
Death of S. Fitton -
Exeter mourns the loss of an es-
teemed citizen who passed away
quite suddenly in Victoria 'Hosnita:,
Landon, early Tuesday morning In
the person of Mr. Saxon ,Fitton. a
native son, who was in his 64th year.
Mr. Iiitton vas taken ill on Satur-
day. On Monday he was taken •
the hospital where he underwent an
operation early in the afterttnolt. .\
few hours later In passed quietly
and 'peacefully away, Mrs. 'Fitton he-
lm:; at his i>rdside at the time.
11 . t\ i,at is
rice -iv ...;.>t1 and •14111
1'a.—''Ro:nentber t1 -- tiro got:,
we 'tai ti,'.rz last 11i4'1111'
.hike— 'Iles."
Pat—"\Veli, the one i was with
was 1 v`iaion. but the one you was
1 i, a sight."
"I never feed tramps," the house -
111f:' informe•i \\'ear,.
"r ain't askin' yer ter, lady." 11,
replied. "Just gimme the grub an'
I'll feed myself."
Two 'farmers who had jna mole
money for a good meal entered a
high-class 'restaurant. They hadn't
been eating long when one exclaim-
ed: `Hey, Jim, these oatcakes are
A quiet wedding was =nlentttized
on Sa:mrday afternoon at the 'Pres-
byterian manse, Exeter, when Mar-
jorie Jean. y4,:1t>4e.t daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Oke was united in
marriage venni k'it-ientard A. Heek-
t'-1 with ill nt'txlilad scale
year and tar 14 to uch ad -
tying. The government
no hesitation i>t
With the
the age has
immediate -
the st
sacred places
the service of pt
nksgiving is uttered by 11
0 find that long -looked -For -Ix
contentment and rest within
walls of the church. Whca:tz
"Oatcakes," cried the other. "They
are cork maks far your plate."
"frlieret if asked you not to leave
the kitchen door open."
"Why, what's happened."
"The draught has shut the cook•
erg book, and now I shan't knew
,what 11(1 cuokingl"
�trt1> ^ - oil W
�c190 Sv. ia'rYCo�;.
yOCA 4bt •1,1 t A } SOga t . ChRtnta `cul>'
COI a1+pst•
tae alta„
WANT T Y O , `,. H E fit,.
When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the public,
take his number, make a careful note of the actual time and place, and
when you reach your destination write to the Motor Vehicles Branch,
Department of Highways, Toronto, giving full details. We do not invite
reports of minor infringements of the traffic laws; you are requested
to use sound judgment. We will deal adequately with offenders !
As a motorist and a citizen of Ontario, answer
this question: How would you like to face the
rest of your life knowing that you were respon-
sible—through carelessness—for an accident like
this ? Would you ever want to drive a car again ?
If you do drive, get this clearly in your mind !
Should you break an Ontario traffic law and
cause death or injury, you may not be allowed
to drive a car again ! We are determined to end
the needless slaughter of our people. Cutting in,
passing on hills and curves, crowding, racing
and other breaches of the traffic laws, will get
you into trouble—make no mistake about that!
Reckless driving must stop— now !
4, glt
Motor Vehicles Branch