HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-09-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR 7rHEtttSton F. I'IT h rE\\ S ,'11a1e a ttt','I• tit''... Women's Institute— Ph. t, ''•';; nt. t the \\ n In lir a t t ' tt tin•. immr o. Mrs. it. Vida., or. aaii.aa, Sept. 19th, kith ;t +alrn,li,l ute.t.a't,e. \I ctrl * oii u d 'ti l l,,inti t n. 'a- sthma' Ode, after aloe the t.or,l's prayer was t't•pe:tl;•,l 110,011. ft wa. decided that \i r.. Fred Oster :metal the ttainin; etas: of local leaders. Mrs. W, 1. \Cehster s.uta a solo entitled "-I'11 take you home again Kathleen." Mrs. .\, Barr responded to the motto "'flint Hate and elate Will trow; Plant Love and Love Will IGroa"• \\'e carry the fate of the world in our hands in the little plain seed that we SOW. Tilt' meeting was in charge of Mrs. P. ,l. Kelly. eonvencr of agricul- 111N and Canadian industries. Tlie guest speaker was Mr. Ian McLeod of Clinton. His subject was -'Che. Er- adication of '\Weeds, • The loss each year by weeds is IN million dollars. The 'cost of chemicals for spraying the roadsides is from 8112 to 1'5 a mil:, airs. deed Oster nn -e an ad- dres. on t'anadiau industries. -Roll call was answered shy "My hest gard- en success for the,ea-son," A ten cent tea was served. Hostesses: tesses: Mrs, H. :Pickles. Nita. Art Barr anti Mrs. WALT ON. Dundas -Young— \ quiet wedding tea- solonmized at Illutt', United Church imolai. Walton, on Saturday, Sep amber 111th. Rev. Chas. Cumming urlieiating. when Ruby Reelyta daughter of fir'. Youiig and the. late ,Thos. Young, wa; united in Marriage to William G, Dundas, elder on of Mr. and Nies. Geo, Duuchrs, McKillop. The bride. wearing a royal blue crepe dress with white aocessorte., was attended by the groom's s -sister, Miss Agnes D'un- d'a;a, gowned in a 'figured crepe with white accea•.ories, Mr, +Frank Yo'u'ng, Cromarty, nephew of the bride -sup- ported the groom. Following the cer- emony the bridal •party returned to the home of the bride's mother where a dinner was served to the inntedate relatives, after which the ,Young ,cou- ple left on a motor trip to Toronto, Belleville and, other eastern points. For travelling Ithe bride wore a du - bonnet crepe dress, black hat and matching aecessonies. Clpoo their re- turn they •w'ill reside on the ;groom's farm on the 112th 'concession of Mc - The many friend'. of \\iallace Shan- non are 'sorry to hear bit had his artt't broken and hope he will soon be out again, Miss Anna Ennis of Kitchener, is visiting her parents, M r. and Mrs, F. Ennis, -Mr, and Mrs, Bert Anderson 'spent the week end with friends in tGrim's- by and St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs, 'R. Dundas of Toron- to, are v'istlting Mr, and Mrs. Willis. (Dundas. IThe W.M.S.i;followed the service of w'ors'hip found in the :August number of the missionary monthly, 'Miss M'is.s Simpson and Mrs. McDonald were appointed delegates to the sec- tional meeting at Brueefel'd on Sep- tember 09. The annual report of 1937 was bhe study topic in charge of Mrs. Kirkby. 'Much information of the mission 'fields is contained. in •this re- port. Mr, and 'Mrs. Bert Anderson .spent the week end with Mr. and dors. Wal- lace S'hnldiee at St. Catharines. NORTH McKILLOP Mrs. Joseph Thornton, who has spent two Weeks in Waterloo with her ,parents, brothers attrl .sisters, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thornton, of Brussels, rolled on Mr. Jos. Thornton Sunday afternoon.' • Messrs. Edwin Leouhard't, Ken Thornton, 'Ralph '1McNichol, john Musan, William Roe and 'Frank Dun - Sas spent the week end at Niagara .Falls, \Miss Ames- Dundas who eon a few days' at hone has returned to her work in Ethel. Mrs. Dune McNichol hasn't beeii as well as her many friends would like to see. Minn Trus ;Dennis is holidaying at Stratford with 'friends, '• Miss Jessie +Dennis is engaged at bhe home of Mrs. Miller of Grey who isn't enjoying the 'best of health. Shirley Regeie entertained a numb- er of her -chums to a birthday party Monday afternoon. after school. MissMildred McNichol of Brussels spent a few days last week with Iter parents, Mr. and 'M'rs. Dune Mc- Nichol, McKILLOP 70th anniversary of D'uff's 'Church, McKtillop, will be held on Sunday, Oct, 117th. The following 'Tuesday ev- ening a fowl supper and -entertain- ment will be held. The W.•M.S. of !D.etf's Church, Me- Killop are holding a cooking sale on SaE'urday, ,Oct. '2nel, in the vacant store next to Routledge's store, Sea forth, Mr. George - Steuernagetl of Mo- hawk, N.Y., spent a ,few days with friends, 14Lr. (Edward Drager. Mc- Killop. Mr. Steuernagml lived on the eighth concession, MdKillop, 'before moving. Mrs. Steuernagel has been in the hospital, HARLOCK We are very sorry Mr, James Leip- er has been bedfast fora Few day's but hope he will noon be better again. -Mr. 1Peter Taylor has been laid up with the mumps. We hope he will aeon be his usual self again. Mr. W.nt. -Bell, who is in Clinton Hospital, is cloin'g as well as can be expected, 1\t e hope he will soon be able to get home. Mr. and Mrs. :Lloyd Marshall and little daughter, who have -been ;holid- aying for a week at :the home of Mrs. Mars'hadl'•s mother and brothers, Mrs. Jennie 'K'nox, 'Ernest and Ward Knox, left on 'Friday to spend a ,couple of 'days 'with 'tote 'former's .mother, Mrs. Marshall of Woodstock, returning to their home in Wal'ker- ville on Sunday. - Miss -Bessie Watt and friend called on Sunday at the home -til Mt-. and Mrs. J•annes ILteiPer and Mrs, Jennie 'Knox. M•r, Guy !Leiper was 'busy the 'be - 'ginning: of the week 'extracting honey for his aunt, Miss 'Marbha 'Leiper. Mr. II -Tat -old 'Beacom is able to be around again atter being laid -up 'with ton s'ilf tis, Mr. and Mrs. !Robert Watson and Mr. .and 'M'rs, Isaac Rapson called on Sunday on ;Mrs. !J'ase•pit ITayl'or, who has 'been laid up for some time. We hope she will ,soots be stronger. Miss Dora Addison is in charge. BLYTII Mrs: W. tD. S'holdice, St. Cathar- ines, announces the engagement of her younger sister, Anne if . Mc- Dowell, daughter of the late Mrand Mrs. H. MdDowe II, formerly 7f T3•lyth, to :Mr, R. Walton 1Zoberta son -of Mr, and Mrs, C. Roberts, St- Cathariii-es, the marriage to take [ John Cole. A pleasant event was enjoyed at. the home of '1Lisa Josie 'Woodcock on 'Wed'nesday afternoon when a fare- well tea and Presentation was tender- ed Mrs. A. A. Maloney, - wife of the rector, ;who leaves for L.ttcknow next week where he will become pastor` of the church there. An acklress was read by Mrs. R J. Powell and the Presentation of a quirt was made by Miss Mary Collinson, Book and pie- -tare were presented to Margaret mad David Maloney by the Stuulay school. The address was ream by dors. Cart- T13E SEAFOI2T-3 NEWS a!ht an a. • •nt 1teal male le .• Mrs. A. Barr , was .e-.alam; %salt ttiten.i-1 - .wed in .\n litwt i elite it the tttrnine and Ret. U•. .\ Mtlonr> ins f'tre't-till sermon in the evening. 1 \Ir.- \`. dL Bray returned hone Thursday from the-tlititoit hospital ;there she 11ilerttetat an cruratiou for appendicitis. 'Harvey Garniss had the mislorttutte to splinter a bane in his arra while cranking a car. \Mrs. A. Fawcett returned home on Saturday after spending' a -week in Toronto with her dan,gtltters, Mrs. -Lnelcyer and Mrs, Cuthbert. Mr, !James Dougherty- was taken to Clinton hospital for an a'ppendix oper- ation. \1r. and Mrs. C. 1.. Burnside of Bradford, \fr, and airs. T.. 10. \Ciller of trodericit were visitors witlt the ladies' mother on Sunday, who ac- companied them to Palmerston to visit their brother, 'D. 0. Colchauth. The schools here are still closed and children are not .allowed on the streets, Every precaution is being tak- en against 'Infantile Paralysis. Mrs, J. H. ;R. Elliott and daughter. tlertrude, spent last week itt Toronto. AUBURN Mrs, Blanche Phillips, 'Royce and Arnold are home after visiting in Bxoattford, Toronto Galt, Kitchener and Clinton, The September meeting of Knox United Church Women's Missionary Society- was held on Tuesday after- noon in the basement of the ohurch. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Munro and fam- ily, Mitchell, visited with Miss S. liktir and Mr. and 'Mrs: IR, D. Munro. Miss Margaret Ferguson has .gone to her school at Parkhill. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1937 it G ..dLP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer L-01.0 in till seo the new Plymeotth car anti Fargo Truck We als have a Service Truck—if you have car triable. phone 17t) atitl we will come promptly PHONE 179. - i Repairs Strictly Casa. SEAFORTH We Alm To Please Gordon Dobie has returned to work at 'Gord,rtt Taylor's store, fallowing his operation. Miss 'Roby Boyce has returned to Toronto after visiting James H. John- ston and Mr. and Mrs. '1'. 5, John- ston, Harry Hughes, who has beet' vis- iting Norman Riordan, has left for his hone in St. Marys. Rev. Dr, W. J. Mortimore visited fHeads in the village -on Monday. BAYFIELD \ir. P Bi_gart spent it few days in hayfield tenetvi•ttg old acquaintances. IE. Sharpe of 'Toronto is visit- ing her sister, Miss 'Ferguson. Mr. and 1•Iiss Jennings arid Mrs. ,leanings Sr. of London s'pentt Sun- day- with IDMr, and 'Mrs. Chu'rchwand. Thursday, Sept. 'lldth is Bayfield Civic 'holiday .and all places of 'busi- ness will be closed. BRUCEFIELD The monthly meeting of the S. was held Mn 'tire school room -of the church on Wednesday:, Sept. 8, with the'president in the chair.- After the call to worship a hymn was sung. Scripture reading !John i:1-].7, was • ad 'h • Miss Edith Bowey followed -by prayer by Mrs. C. Hauglt, After minutes, roll call and -treasurer's re- tort. business was taking, when com- mittee:: were appointed for the sec- tional meting which will he held here on Wed„ 'Sept, 29th, Alter an- other hymn, Mrs, A. McQueen led in prayer, Mrs, Jas, McQueen react the devotionalleaflet'1TIte 'Unchanging Christ" Mrs, T. Baird then took the .chair -for the study period. The Church Everywhere - was the topic. Qt estiolts, taken front the annual re- port were answered by Mrs, W. Ste- ven: Mrs. i. Thompson and Mrs. A. T. Scott. When the closing 'hymn was sung bit's, W. 'liatten'bury 'closed the meeting with prayer. .Mrs. Rohl of Brussels and Miss Robb and her mother of St. ICafher- ines 'were - week end visitors at' the home of Mrs. 'Jas. McQueen and Mr. and Mrs, Pas, Moody, We, are sorry to report little Nora Eyre, daughter of Mi. attd Mrs. 'Lind- say Eyre, has 'been confined to her bed for the post 'three weeks, Mrs. \Win. McKenzie of Stanley, who was in Seaforth Hospital for about a week, is now at the (home of her sister, Mrs. J. Cairns. We are pleased she is improving -nicely. Born, -1-n Western Hospital, rror- on'to, on Sept, tilt, to Dr, and Mrs. Carman !Haugh, a son. - Want and 'For Sale ads, 3 wks.:511Ie ht THEATRE NOW PLAYING ALICE FAYE DON AlaTECHE —in— You Can't Have Every= thing Ritz Brothers Rubietoff A most glorious parade of songs and stars, MTYRONEon, Tues. Wed., Sept,YO20-21-2: POWER LORETTA —fn— Love Is News Don Ameche, Jane Darwell, Slim Summerville A comedy with verve, charm and humor Thurs. Fri. Sat., Sept. 23_24-25 CHARLES RUGGLES ELEANORE WHITNEY —in - Turn Off the Moon A Musical Comedy Drama COM'INiG— 'New Faces Beloved Enemy Twenty Pages of Furious Fun! Now every week you'll find 20 PAGES OF 00'MI.CS IN COLORS in the enlarged Cultic Section, 'Pock," with 'I'7te Detroit Sunday 'fines. These comics 'have wide var- iety and are of interest to young and old alike. Be sure you get your ropy of The Detroit Sunday 'Tiimes every week so you may enjoy this merry company of famous funnies. • TODAY you have reason to rejoice that you voted Henry out and Hepburn in. The Hepburn administra- tion has replaced mismanagement with good manage- ment, extravagance with economy. It has replaced the unbalanced budget with a balanced budget, changed the chronic yearly deficit to a surplus of over 9 million dol- lars. It has relieved the drain and strain on taxpayers' pocketbooks in- many ways. In the year that ended .March 31st, 1937, it reduced Ontario's gross debt by $33,098,165.39. How You Have Profited by Hepburn's Policies 1 2 3 4 5 Grant, equal to one mill on the dollar, from die Prov- ince to every Municipality, has relieved Municipal taxpayers to the extent of $3,000,000. Cancellation of the amusement tax will save patrons of the theatre, sports and other amusements $3,000,000 a year. Ontario is granting a $5 reduction in Motor Car rates tbat will save motorists $2,500,000 a year. The Province has cancelled the 20 per cent. levy for- merly made upon the Counties toward the cost of King's Highways, a saving to Municipalities of over $2,700,000 to date. and a further saving this year of $2,000,000. Township Road subsidy was increased to 50 per cent., a saving to townships of $400,000, per year. 6 Entire cost of Mothers' Allowances was assumed by the Province, a saving to the Municipal Taxpayers of over $2,100,000 a year. Municipalities' share of Old Age Pensions was taken over by the Province, saving over $1,000,000 a year. 8 Payment of Pensions to the Blind of $300,000, 9 Abolition of the Students' examination fees of $170,000 is another worth -white saving that Mothers and Fathers appreciate. lit Rates for Hydro -Electric Power have been reduced to users to the extent of $4,800,000. IvThe Hepburn Government paid relief charges out of current revenue- instead of adding them to the Public Debt to be paid for by increased taxes in the future, as was the policy of the former Government. More Sunshine Budgets On October 6th, you will have the opportunity of show- ing Mitchell F. Hepburn bow much you appreciate his handling of the Province's finances and the administra- tion of its government. Mark your ballot for the Liberal Candidate in your constituency and work to elect him by a safe majority. That's the way to show Mr. Hepburn you want him to "Carry On" with his program of tax reductions. He promises another "Sunshine Budget" this year—and you know he keeps his promises. Be kind to your own pocketbook—Vote Liberal. LECT A LANTYNE FOR ELECTION OCT. 6 HURON