The Seaforth News, 1937-09-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold White of St.
Mary visited on Monday with \lr,
and Mr :Geo. C. Petty,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Redden and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wilson of St.
Catharines .'pent the holiday here
with Mrs. George Hedden.
Hiss Ruth Hedden was taken to
St. ioseph's Hospital, London on Sat
nnrday and operated on for appendi-
citis. She stood the nperation well
and is recovering nicely.
At the United Church on Sunday,
the pastor, Rev. 'Arthur Sinclair
tpreagied at [both services. At the ev-
entixt:g1 service, Mr. W. 10. .Goodwin
and Mrs Matfdi Hedden sang a duet,
"God is Love--'"
Bernice. Jitiiks, little daughter of
Mr. 'anti Mrs, Manley Jinks, had her
tonsils; removed at Dr. Steer's office
on Moad•ay. 8;ernice is getting along
Death of Miss Clara Volland-
Miss Clara Vo•ldand, a well known
and highly respected Hensall lady,
passed away at Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, on Tuesday morning,
after an illness of several :months.
She resided here 'with her father, Mr.
Conrad VoBatnd, and when her father
went to work 'Monday morning she
did not seem any worse than usual.
She was later found .uncanscio'us and
was taken to Seaforth Monday even-
ing but failed to rally. Miss Volland
was '50 years of age, and had lived
here 114 years. Surviving are her fath-
er. one sister, Mrs. William Liebold,
.Zurich, and two brothers, Henry and
Emmanuel. ni 'Cmderich. The funeral
will he held from her late hoarse,
Queen st., Hensel). on Thursday af-
ternoon, interment in Hensel Union
Cemetery, A private service will be
held at the home at 2 o'clock con-
ducted by her pastor, Rev, Arthur
Mr, William tHoggarth is in Scott
Memorial 'Hospital, Seafo th. serious-
ly ill.
The funeral of the late William
James Parke. of San Francisco, Cal.,
who was killed in a car accident near
Shakespeare last week, was held from
the home of his parents, 11r. and
Mrs, Donald Parke, on Friday after-
noon, interment taking place in Cro-
marty Cemetery. Rer. W. A. Young
of Carmel Presbyterian Ch.urah, con-
ducted the 'funeral service. Twelve
comrades of the deceased were flower
bearers and among the many beauti-
fel floral tributes was a wreath from
the San 'Francisco legion post 'The
pall 'bearers were Edward 'Munn,
Thos. Sherritt, A. 117. MciEwan, Sid-
ney MdArthur, Sam Dougall, William
Davis. The 'last post was sounded.
nnntber from here .attended the
meeting of the [Buren temperance
.panty held in Clinton on Monday af-
Mrs. Albert Bowen of Kitchener
spent the holiday here with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Rabt, 'Higgins,
also at the Beach -o -Pines.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett spent
Sunday at Bruce[field visiting Mrs,
games 'O'Brien.
1Mss Sarah Manson spent the week
end in Toronto,
Mr, George C. Petty intends leav-
ing on the PS'th for a two weeks' vis-
it with his daughters in Winnipeg.
Mr. and Mrs. David Mickle and
children spent the .week end and
Labor Day with relatives in Ridge -
Mr. and Mrs. Bert North and
daughter, Audrey, of Woodstock,
were holiday visitors here with Mrs.
North's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Rob.
ert .Higgins. Mr. North returned to
\nrnodstock on Monday evening, Mrs.
North and (Audrey will visit here for
a week.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services will
be held here in St. Paul's Anglican
Church on Sunday, Sept. 114th, Morn-
ing service commencing at 011 a,m„
.evening at 7 pars
Miss Joyce Scruton of Toronto,
spent the holiday' here with her moth-
er, Mrs. Alf. Scruton, and sister, Miss
Miss Mae McNaughton of Toronto;
spent the holiday here with her father,
Mr. 'DaniellidNaughton, and broth-
er, Mr. Peter McNaughton.
Mr. James McGee of Bayfield, was
in sown on Monday calling on friends.
Miss 011ie Car worth of Detroit,
spent the holiday here with her sis-
ter. Mrs. Alf. Scruton.
Mr. Edmund Geiger of London,
was a holiday visitor here with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs, Owen Geiger.
Barn Burned -
Mlle large bank barn on the farm of
Mr. Archie Rawcliffe on the highway
just south of Ht nsall, w t ')lir ned to
the :rrt':and rm Friday evening c ning last.
Mr. '3ioscliffe was in the barn tnilk-
ing an'; hearing an explosion in the
upper part of the barn went to investi-
gatt, and found the barn a mass of
flan.e. He got ntnst of the stork out
of the barn' neighbor- and the
Mensall fire department arrived. Mr,
nRoweliffe -,vas., found in an uncon-
scious condition kinder a tree, having
collapsed aster getting most of the
stock out of the barn. He was taken
to the Seaforth hospital by Dr. Steer
for treatment, The barn was one of
the finest equipped barns 'n this dis-
trict and contained all of` this season's
hay and grain crop, sixteen pig, and
number of implements. The driving
shed and house were saved. tIt is he-
dieved that tine cause of the fire was
spcnttaneotts comib.ustion. The loss rill
be.. heavy, only partly covered by in-
\4fs. Geo. C. Petty has returned
some after spending a week in'1'oron-
to visiting relatives and taking in the
Miss Clara Vnlland, who hasbeen
in 'very poor health for several
mouths was taken to the 'Seaforth
dins Cal on Monday night for treat-
men.. Miss Voliand" is in a seriotis
Bond iri or.-.
Mr. and' Mrs. Leslie Knight and
children of :J<itchener, spentthe holi-
day :here with relatives.
Mr. Thos. Simpson of \h'ingham,
accompanied by his mother, Mrs.
!Esther Simpson, were calling rela-
tives and friends here on labor day.
Miss Dorothy McQueen of 'Exeter,
spent the week end and holiday at her
home here.
Dress IJp Your
Hair :dor The
Enjoy the only and Most
Modern Shampoo
The Latest Styles in finge
waving, done in comfort
(include Shampoo, !Hair 'Cut and.
Style Setting)
Exclusively By
In Uptown Block
PHONE 50 or 18 Seaforth
At a meeting pf the soltool ,trustees
on .Friday evening it was decided. net
io open the public and continuation
schools till Sept. +113th.
Miss Croce Brock of Locxlon spent
the week end with her parents, Adr,
and- :Airs, IGec rge Brock.
Airs, Mary Fisher of IGoderith, ac-
cutntpan Cal by .her nephew, \lr. \\rm.
Fisher, visited on Monday with Mrs.
John Ddnsdale.
Air, and -Airs. \\'m. Simpson of
Detroit- spent the holiday here; with
Airs. Raba. Bonth on and Mrs, Los
Miss :Margaret Buchanan of :To,
ronto 'visited friends over the week
Mr. Harold Bontliron is visiting
friends in Toronto this week and at -
lending the C.N:E.
Mt. and •Mr E. Carlisle of Detroit
are •vi iting his sisters, Mrs. .Anna
McDonald and \its, 'Leiper.
- Mr. 'Wm. Van konyen and 71r,
John 'Farquhar are sreudiug a few
days in Toronto attending the. Ex.
lir. and Sirs, Harry Mew of Gode-
rich visited Mlis.. Mattie Ellis Monday
:\ large amount of grain is being
marketed in (-fen. ili daily. -The em-
ployees of the titres grain ware-
honses 'are working day and night
unloading the nen:erotts. loaded
trncxs and wagons, some of .hent
coining 40 utiles, •A large bean crop
is 'being harvested in this district.
Some ,growers have threshed . The
beans are x splendid sample and
turning out 'well to the acre.
Miss Marion Sinclair of Toranto
visited over the week end with her
parents Rev. and Mrs Sinclair,
Mrs.'0h •11ODotrald of .Windsor
i'ted over the week end with Mr. Wm.
11clAsh and sister, Miss McAsh.
Mr. and Mfrs, Jerry Taylor and two
sons Jerry and John. Dr. and Mrs.
McLennan and song Dr, McLennan,
of Windsor.' Visited on Tuesday with
Mr, Wm, McAsh and Hiss Ilc:Asa.
Mrs. Milton (Pollock entertained a
number of girl friends of Hiss Eliza-
beth Snowden :previous to her mar-
riage•and presented her with a hand-
some silver flower basket. The bride -
to -lie fittingly Thanked the girls for
their thoughtfulness, .After which a
number of games were played and a
dainty lunch was served by the 'host-
.\mniversary services will he held at
Goshen United Church nn Sunday,
Sept. l'3 at 'la' a.m. and 7':30 p.m. Rev.
W. R. Mair of [Thames [Road will 'he
the special speaker for the day.
Mfr. and Mrs. Herb Snaith spent
the week end with the latter's .iter,
Mrs. Mary 'T•bindes near Chatham,
Mrs. J. Calling who has spent tine
past few weeks wide her another, Mfrs.
W. 'Armstrong, has returned to her
house hi London.
lir, Rohl. R. (Robinson arrived here
last week with a car -load of cattle
front Carlyle, Sask., where the drouth
has left thein without suffieient feed
While here, he pnrohased the farm of
Mr. \\'. 3, 'Dowson and has returned
'.o the West to bring his family • and
household effects,
The W. M. S. and Baby Band met
in the church on 'Wednesday after-
, Rev. John 'Richardson, a former
nlinister of the Hillsgreen Church, re-
newed arquaintances in our church
stn Sunday morning.
1?r. and Mrs, Grant Love of 'Lane-
ing, Mlicit„ accompanied by his mo-
ther who has 'been visiting at their
home visited at the home of lir, and
Mrs. Ross Love and family.
Mr. H. 'Risher of Toronto and
friend of London spent the week -end
in 'the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love of Ailsa
Craig called Labor, Day on' Mr, and
lIrs, G. 'Love and fancily.
'Hillsgreen Church anniversary will
he held on Sunday. September I19t11.
Rev. R. R. Cormier will be the chest
speaker for the day.
The September meeting of the Kip -
nen East Women's institute will be
held at the home of 71re, Stoneman
on Friday afternoon, Sept, .10th, The
topic Dahlia r
p t a s an 1 Gladioli -Culture
will he taken by Dr. Smillie, The roll
,c•all will be My Favorite Preserved
:Fruit. [Prizcs will he given for the' beet
dining room bouquet.
Itr. John ,McKay of Rohm omit,
Nerd: Dakota called nn several of his
mild time friends in and around the
village recently who were all glad In
see flim, It is shirty years since Dr,
McKay left the village and he sees
many changes.
lir, and Mrs. Grant Love and Mr..
and Mrs. Duncan Cooper of Lansing,
Mich., spent the week end with their
parents and friends in these parts.
Lean harvesting is the order of the
day in these parts.
Dr, Jas. Jarrott of New York City
is spending aweek 'with his mother in
the village,
:Rev. and Mrs. Richardson of Ark -
oda spent the weelc end with their
many 'friends around the village,
'Mrs. D'ell of Toronto is spending a
couple of weeks with her sisters and
other friends.
Mr. and Mns, W. E. Butt of the vil-
lage spent the week end with friends
Hint, Ricci.
At a meeting of the congregation of
the United Citnirch at ,Varna they de-
cided to 'have a hot fowl supper on
Thursday, Oct. 141th.
Week end visitors Mrs, Fulton .of
Sarnia In the home of her sister, Mrs.
1.. Beatty.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson of Que-
hec, as guests of Mars.' M'ossop,
Airs, Reid of Windsor .with Mrs, M..
Mrs, Walker and. son George of
Hensail with Alr. and Mrs..Gra'ssic.
lir; and Airs. John Seeley of Lon-
donas guests of Mir. and Mrs. ;Dustin.
Mr. and Mrs, Raymond itt the.
home of 71r. George Beatty Sr.
71i_ses Irene, Mary and :Doris Char
ter of London at the home of their
parents, also Mr. and Mrs. T. Ohuter,
Mr. and Mrs. Simmons of Brussels
in company with Mrs. Manners and
son of Detroit, Mrs. and James
Broadfoot of iiillsgreeu, guests of
Airs. Al. Beatty.
We are sorry to report 'Ain .Aus'lin
was taken to the Clinton hospital on
Monday evening and . his condition
very serious. I.'art'kculans are not yet
Mr, and Sir. MIc1Allister and kid-
dies, in company with firs. W. Mc-
Allister, guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Me Alvin Elliott of. Kitchener with
his parents, lir, and Mrs. Ai. :Elliott.
Mr, and 71rs. Roy Brooks of Ring-
^:ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Ings last week,
The Wa.\ of St, John's l)hnrtli ncet
at the home of Mlrs, 71. Beatty last
Mrs. Melvin Dale and baby hare
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Taylor.
.Me. and Mrs. 11. A. Dilling spent
labor day with friends in London.
31 n. Thos. Coleman is spending
the wee -k with her daughter, Mrs.
Cecil Oke, Mr, and Airs. Cecil Oke
and Airs 'C'oleman called on friends in
13ensall one dray recently.
The many friends of Mr. Richard
Caldwell are sorry 'to learn he is still
confined to his bed.
The Wilmot Agricultural Society
extends a Cordial 'Invitation to
attend the
To he held in Fountain Park,
New Hamburg
SEPT. 17&18
Complimentary Tickets to School
Children and Teachers will be for-
warded on application to the Sec-
2:27 Trot or Pace , , Purse $75.00
2:22 Trot or Pace , 'Purse $75,00
Entrance Money Added, Trotters
Allowed 5 Seconds.
Amateur Contest Friday
Evening, Sept. 17th
Dancing: $7.00, $4.00, $2.00
Old Time Music: $7.00, $4.00, $2,00
Bacon Hogs Judged on Rail
Bacon Hog Judging Competition:
$2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50c
Ferris Wheel and Merry -go -Round
(;rand Baby Show Saturday
Sept, 18th. at 2:30
DANCE in Agricultural Hall
Saturday Evening; Sept. 18th'
"Red" Ruhl's Rulers of Rhythm
"Waikiki 'Wedding" at Regent
Theatre, Sept. 17th and 18th. Sat,„
urday Evening 3 Shows, 6, 8, 10.
Exhibit Department of Chemistry,
O,A.C., Guelph.
T,. E. O'Neill, live Stock
1'tanch, Toronto, will open
the lair 1,'[..ida_y- evening.
Send Yost Card for a Prize List
Ralph Hiiborn, Pres., Charles Hei-
pet, 1st Vice -Pres., Charles Jacobs.
2nd Vice -President,
Mrs. A. R. G, Smith, Secretary.
Treasurer, New Hamburg
Sale of Bakin1
QUILTS, APRONS, etc., in the Va-
acant Store next to Mr. Routledge's m
Seaforth, on
Sat., Sept. 11
Mrs. Lloyd Mar'shal'l and baby girl
of Vtralkerville are visiting at the
home of the fotmn'er's mother and bro-
thers, Mrs. Jennie, Ernest and Ward
Knox. The former's aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Detroit,
were also visitors at the hone of Mrs.
Knox, leaving on Tauesday.
IA special meeting and tea of the
W.11.S, wa's belt] at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert (Allen on Wednesday
afternoon of this week.
We are sorry that Mr. Harold Bea-
com has been laid up with tonsilitis
but hope he will soon be all [better
Mrs. Wm. Pepper and baby Bert ,of
near Bru.ceiiel'd spent Tuesday of last
week at the honve of her patents, Mr,
and ns A. \W, MetEiwing.
.\Ins..N,ormtan Lloyd and children of
Clinton spentcouplecouple of days last
week at the home of Me. and Mrs. P.
W. '71:dEw in'g.
M1 r.:\, \W, .IdEwing had his stables
all whitewashed f at the beginning of
the week,,
Ids. and Mrs. 'Robert \Va•tson, ac-
companied by Mfr. and Mrs. Isaac
Rapson, .,pent Sunday in Goderich.
Ms. and Mrs. lachariah •MIclllharg-
ey and two clang -Meng of Detroit visit-
ed with Itis sister, Mrs. Thos. Ryan
and fancily the past week.
Combatting Weeds
Use o•f high-powered spraying ma-
chines by counties and townships in
Ontario for tweed eradication 'has trip-
led this season compared with last.
3. D. Smith, director of the crops,
seeds and weeds 'branch, Ontario Ag-
riculture IDeparbment, states that 115
enmities and I1150'.townships purchas-
ed or rented machines, now in +fan11 op-
eration. Last year only 50 machines
were in use.
Middlesex County is the tatest nm-
uicipality to 'purchase an outfit and
will start operating Monday. Heidi -
mend 'County is ,praying 150 miles
of road on ane side this year. Bruce
County has a LOW -gallon machin
"\Vith op -to -date equipment at
their disposal, municipalities are mak-
ing wonderful strides in weed eradi-
cation," said Mr, Snaith. ."We are
more than pleased with the results
obtained, Worst weeds at present
time are ragweed, chicory, wild car-
rot and bindweed."
Counties in the anti -weed cam-
paign include Bence, Dufferin, W,el-
linglon, Fron1'enae, Peel, Haltom Hal-
dimand, Norfolk, Prince iictwaral
Lincoln,-1'Iidd'lesex, Kent, 'Essex,
Brant and Oxford.
Plan To Improve Wheat
A fall wheat improvement .program
for Sitncoe County is being put into
operation by the 'Department in co-
operation with the agricultural soci-
eties of the county, the dtgricul'turai
committee of the county council, the
junior fainters and leading wheat
producers. Its purpose is to 'bring
about the production of a higher qual-
ity ttlleat .so as t0 meet the demand
of milling 'companies for pone white
winter wheat. Six agricultural socie-
ties including Cookstown, :Alliston.
INottaw'asaga, Oro, Etniva.l'e and. Bar-
rie hare agreed to co-operate by con-
ducting field crop competitions, '.('.hese
are supported by grants from the
Federal and Provincial Departments
of Agriculture, $76 divided into 12
prizes being availabie for each of the
contests.. Where possible, a 'Boys'
Wheat Club will be organized and
these along with the senior colttests
'lie k up with fall fairs heli) in
W4y8. Contestants will Oe - required to
sow at least three acres with regis-
tered 'Dawson's ii•nlcten Chef Wheat
60.A,C. No, ti), the seed to he .pur-
chased 'through an agricultural socie-
ty. Contestants will be requited to
make an exhibit of wheat at the Fall
Fair in 10138. 'Bo'th- field and wheat
exhibit will be taken into considera-
tion schen making the ;final awards.
Care of Poultry
T'h'e extreme 'heat and 'dry weather
of soma, e r -bring new problems to the
poultry raiser, and these extra .ob-
stacles necessitate careful attention to
detail, Troubles from external and in-
ternal parasites prevail in addition, to
the usual 'feeding and management
practices which dent1111tl conscientious
'attention during summer months.
Too frequently, theresults of rood
care during the early life of the chicles
are nentra'lized or lost, dos to neglect
after they have passed; the so-called
danger, point in their 'd'eve'lopment.
There is no such thing as passing the.
Snowflake Ammonia
3 pkgs. 17c
6 bars Pearl White Soap
1 pkge. Ammonia.,27c
1 pkg. Chipso
3 cakes Castile Soap , 29c
Princess Soap Flakes
pkge, 15c
8 oz, bottle Vanilla 15c
2 Ib. Icing Sugar I9c
Red Rose Salmon ...2 tins 19c
Unicorn Salmon , 2 tins 29c
Blue Ribbon Tea, Ib. 49c
Red Rose Tea, ib. 55c
Salada Tea, ib. 59c
Lipton's Tea, Ib. 59c
Fresh VJeiners, 1'b
W. , . Finnigan
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
10'f farni, farm stock and. imple-
ments at Lot 125, Con. 2; 2lay Tp,, two
mile's north, ,west of tHensall On
Thursday, Sept. Ord at .1 o'clock
Horses -11' horse '110 years old, .1
aged mare.
Cattle --Durham grade now 6 yrs
old, due Dec, Iltst black Tow 6 yrs. old
due to freshen Feb. 2151th; 12 'b'lack
caws 6 years old milking; steer .iisin.q
2 yrs., heifer rising 2•years,
imp'lemen'ts--•Ma:ssey ,Ilnrris ,Minder
'a. ft, out; mower 5 [ft. cut; spring tooth
cultivator. hoe drill, .rising "piont'h,
walking plough, set diamond harrows,
seuffler, hay rake, wagon, wagon rack,
gravel 'hog stone bola, set sleighs,
Butter, buggy, fanning mill with bagger
hag truck set scales, ,sett single har-
ness, 2 set double harness, one nearly
new, horse .collars, horse blankets,
robe, 'buggy rug, auto rug grass seed-
sr. oil drum, ;grmdstnne,.Ford touring
car, eros,,s cut saw, ditching spade.
boring machine with augers, cant
hook, quantity of lumber, block and
teckle, 12 barn screw jacks, wagon
tongue, ache. broad axe. 'hay knife,
culvert tile. sap buckets, barrel
complete set of good carpent-
ers' :tools, quantity of hay, quan-
tity .of 'household effects, forks, chains.
shreds, whiffletrees and tittatterous
other articles. positively no reserve,
'Tents :cash.
At sante time and place the farm
which consists of 150 acres amore or
less, with frame .house and barn, 13
goad wells, soil ;good clay loam, .cie'ar-
ter mile from school, will he offered
for sale subject a10 reserve bid. Tf not
sold farm ,will' be rented.
Terms on real estate -11,0%n of pur-
chase .money paid down on day of
sale. balance in ;30 days.
'Geo, 11 Elliott, Auctioneer; Mrs.
W. ID. Thompson, [Proprietress.
Contents of Hotel IRattenbury,
Clinton, on Tuesday, 'Sept, 14111, and
on Wednesday, Sept, 16th, Sale to
commence sharp at 11 o'clock 011 'berth
This 1s an exceptionally .good line
and will [be sold positively willhout
reserve,. Terms cash, L. Rousseau..
Prop,; Geo. 14. .Elliott, ,Acct.
To take full .charge of farm home.
Two asiut'ts in family, father and son.
ioseph Greer, B•ay'field •P, 0., Ont.
R. •R.:3:
Bald seed 'w'heat for sale. James
Landsborongh, phone 1150 r 16, Sea -
IA meeting of the .Electors of thin
Town. of Seaiforth will be held in the
'I'ow':n Hall, 'Seaforth,
'FR IIDIAIY, S[HIPT, 2-0, 1937
for the purpose of nominating per-
sons for offices of Mayor' and one
Councillor. 'Nominations will be re-
ceived from 7:30 o'clock pen, to 8:30
o'clock p.m.
1:1 a„potl be necessary the same will
be ,field at the following places on
TH C•,RSIDIA1 , SEPT. 16, 11937
From 9 o'clock a.m. until '5 o'clock p.
Polling StbbsD•ivisinn Ni, 1, at W.
\; Crieh's store glttihert Scarlett, De-
puty Returning 0Sa cer ; 14. E. Bright,
Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -Division \•o. 1, at A,
\V. 1Detalop's Office: john Cumming.
Deputy dieturn•ing 'Officer; John F.
Scott, Poll Clerk.
Polling SubJDlvisions Nos. 3 and
4, Base Ward, at 1-10.1011t, Hall: J. 71.
Gaven.loctc, .D'oputy '•Returning 'Offic-
er; J. %). Broderick Poll 'Clerk.
IPotling Sntb-Divisions Nos. '5 and 6,
South Ward, at Public Library: J.
Alexander Kerr, Deputy Returning
Officer William Reul, 1'011 •C'lcrk.
;Town Clerk
Sea forth. 'September 410, 1913'7.
danger p'ahtt do raisins poultry. batt
the wise poultryman will 'be on :the
alert to' anticipate and avoid -trouble,
rather than to ,pay the penalty which.
In many cases the farmer fails 1.,
provide adequate rations, usttally by
depending upon insect dire as a source
of animal food instead of incl'tidine
a'degt ate supplies of driest milts or
meat scraps in the .growing 1;0:11.
Then, again, he may not provide suf-
ficient amounts. An abundance n'
feed hoppers kept ,fi'ldcrl with grain
and .,growing . mash,, atid placed it
shady place's, will assist in 'keeping
the chicks growing during hot wea-
E. C. Chamberlain
The purchase of the insurance busi-
ness of H'ay's and Meir and the ad-
dition of their cconnpanies to our prev-
ious facilities enables us to give you
unexcelled services 'in all lines. •
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth, Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
For the con'stru'ction of bhe Sin-
clair Drain, 69150 feet open drain and
517100 feet of tilled drain. Tenders will
be received by .the Council in a lump
sum, to he opened on Sept, 115th at
7 p,m..Plan and s'peci'ficatiau may be
seen e t at the office of the Clerk.
D. F. M;cIGIRREIG10lR, Clerk,
,I gntondville„
[Dry soft body and limb wood,
slabs dB" long. tongues and 1i' and 2"
second grade lumber suitable for
stabling anci bride covering. :C,'O.D.
William Doig, [RR. 3, 'Kipper, IPihone
House with a little land aiid a barn,
in.or near Seaforth, Would make
down payment and 'balance itt'nton'tib-
ly payments. Write d3'ox hl, 'c/o The
Seaforth News.
On Monday aught about 7 or 8 p.nt.
a man's brown leather club bag from
a car on No, 11 Highway (between
Seaforth and (Dublin, [Finder kindly
cominrunicate . with !Geo, S. Rose,
Queen and Si, (Paul Sts., St. Cath-
arines, .Ont,
A refined 'lardy wishes position as
housekeeper, or companion to elderly
lady, or care of sick. Apply to 13.0.
Brox 2163, Seaforth, Ont.
Large brick _residence on James St.,
Seaforbh. Hot wafter heating. All con-
veniences, garage. 'No reasonable of-
fer will be refused, Apply to Mrs. G.
Hann, Seaforth, 36
lt11) acre farm for sale, lot 5, L.R.
W., Stanley Township, Modern .con-
veniences. For particulars apply to
Robert Dear, R1R3, Bayfield, Ont.
A good .Deering corn binder and a
Beatty electric .grain grinder. George
Beatty, Sr., Varna.
I am buying grain for Mr. Thomp-
son of 'IIcnsall. For .prices call '11160 r
4. Sant Chesney, Seaforth, agent for
Pennsylvania oils and greases,
One piano in excellent conditicet.
Apply to Post 'Office Box 39, Sea -
Pallets Pullets
A number of Barred Rock and
White Leghorn Pullets for sale
-Pen weeks old to laying age
Also a number of year-old
Leghorn Hens;
Moore Poultry Farm
PHONE 160 r
Seaforth, Ont., Aug. '21st/37,
To J. E. Hugill,
Agent for Willys Cars.
Dear Sir: -We have driven a
1936 Willys around 35,000 miles.
Our gas consumption is wonder-
ful, averaging 35 miles to the gal-
lon. We use No. 10 Winter oil in
this car today, getting 1000 miles
without adding. Repairs, none.
We recommend the Willys for
business and family use, every-
where. Yours, SB:
PIi01NE for demonstration -34-616