The Seaforth News, 1937-09-09, Page 6PAGE SIX.
and she hardly even looked At him;
bat her presence, then as ever, nett-
led' to bring with it an atmosphere of
!gentleness and sweetness; and when,
by chance, she did regard him, there
was a kind of magic wonder in her
ey es that for the moment rather be-
darrled hint and muck his answers to
micro ,nod people's inquiries some-
what incotlsecutive. For they were
rurions to know about his plaits and
scheme; and shoyved much interest
in his welfare, while all the time he
sate thinking of how strange tilas-
',;o,c would he without the chance of
catching a glimpse of Meenie any-
where; and wondering whether his
dream -sweetheart the imaginary
Meenie whole he courted and wooed
and won in these verses of lits— would
be nearer to hum there or would fade
gradually away and finally disappear.
'lit any case, Ronald,' said dr..
Douglas - and she thus addressed
him for the first time, 'you have a
goof friend in his lordship..
I know that.'
'I suppose I am breaking; a confid-
ence; continued the little dame, in her
grand way, In saying that he plainly
intimated to us his w Blum =mess sup-
posing that youwere not as..sucees.-
•enn g the talk was all abort Ronald's fol a we all hope you may be—I say,
o n;g way, and his proepectr in i ong his lordship plainly intimated to us
_ow•, and so forth; and Mrs. Dong that he wonitl always hang tt place
las took care to impress hint with the I'll"
fes yon tial) hero.'
fact that, on tate occasion of ],ori \.e•s 1 think he won elo that.'
"Inc haivili reeeln•ty spent an even- RnttLlo'aid; 'hut when a 111)111 has
1)n the evening before the brother two -inspiring little Dresden-cl ina
anti ;istcr wire to leave for the Sentih, lady condescended, in these unusual
;Are nic runt• along to see thein. Ron- :!reunistanees, to be gracious, Of
aid had cot quite aecustomcd to find
Miss Deng -las in the house- of late:
fur Maggie needed a gem! deal of dir-
ection and help ---the tearful little lass
being sorely distram_ht at the thought
of .min;, surae Rut on this ,.era -inn
it vas t .l:kli stn 1 come to seek.
'I ha re made :i little draein;;e for
you, Ronald: said she—.and the bean-
tife' 11iehlan:i e:,= acre downcast a
well as 1 •:rill, of the loch
and the hill ud the river; 'and 1
want sem take it to ielasgow with
you, and tut it on the mantelpiece of
your room, and then sometimes it
will make you think of the old place
and of us x111
'I'm sure it will not need a picture
to make ale do that.' said he, 'hut all
the sante 1 ani obliged to ye ---and it
quiet little raorir--with the strange
consciousness that Meenie was so
neat watching the nimble, small fin-
gers busy with her knitting—and
wondering when she would raise. those
beautiful, deep, tender, clear eyes;
and to think that on the morrow hour
after hour would le placing greater
told greater distance between him and
tlte po.-.sibility of any stroll another
evening—uwy, that it was not only
miles but years, and perhaps a whole
lifetime, that he vvas platinic between
her and hint --that was no joyful kind
of a fancy. 1 1 it had been Meeuic who
was going away, that would have been
easier to bear.
,Call her back, Ciebt 1g; Modal call;
Ere all of the young springtime be
he would have cried to hill and river
and loch and glen, knowing that soon-
er or later Love Meenie would conte
bark from lila go\v Town. Bat his
owe going away 1.115 very different—
and -perhaps a final thing.
Ry -and -by he rase, and begged to
be excused. Maggie aright stay for a
while longer with Miss Douglas, if.
she diked;, as for him he had some
matters to attend to.Anil so they
bade hitt goodbye, and wished him
well, and hoped to hear all ;good
Things of hint. T1415 they parted; and
he tient out by himself into the clear
monnli.ght night.
But he slid not go home. strange
Many wildfowl the while—until he
reached the lake. There he launched
one of the cobbles; and pulled out to
the middle of the still sheet of water;
and took the oars ,n again. By this
time the redshank and curlews and
plover had -quieted down once more;
there was a deadly stillness all
around; and he had persuaded himself
that he had' only come to have a last
look at -the hills and the loch and the
lmooriaod wastes that Meenie had
made magical for hint in the years
now deft behind; and -to bid farewell
to these; and carry away in his mem-
ory a beautiful picture of them,
It was a lonely and a silent world.
There was not a sound. save the,dis-
tant murmur of a stream; .no brea'th
of wind came down from the Olebrig
slopes to rut fie time broad silver
sweeps of moonlight on the water;
the tiny hamlet 'half hidden among
the trees gave no sign of life, The cot-
tage he had lett--*the white front of
it naw palely clear in the distance—
seemed a ghostly 'thing: a small, snl-
!tary, forsaken thing. in the midst of
this vast amphitheatre of hills that
stood in awful commtnie with the
stars. On such a night the wide and
vacant spaces can readily become peo-
pled; phantoms issue from the shad-
ows of the woods and grow white in
the open; an unknown wind may
arise, bringing with it strange sing-
ing from the northern seas. And if
he forgot that he must not mention
the name of 'Meenie; if he saw only
the little cottage, and the moonlit
loch, and the :giant hulk of
that waskeeping guard over the
•leeping•hantlet, and w•11tching that no
sprites of spectres should work their
evil charms within reach 4fMeenie's
ball -listening ear—well, it was alt a
fire in his Mood and his train, and he
\Xeric 'herself? So he iva'lked down could not stay to consoler. The phan-
to the river; and wandered along the tont-world was revealed; the silence
winding and marshy banks—startling was was filled as with a cry iron, the
'.1>; with them, his lordship had lis- once Pit his hand to the plough, he 1itre•st and longing had seined him; a
t 11 tly app
and the step Ronaldonce
not like much to go back,' de -ire to be alone with the silence of
had taken, and hoped it might aura ,\ncl perhaps,ror one uredo mom- the 1i:e,'hl: perhaps some angry innpa-
ut well in every way. slit of indecision, he asked himself !knee that he could rat make out so
'Will there he any office -Work, what had ever tempted hint to pit much as a few trivial tenses for this
Ronald?' the doctor asked. his land to the plough --and go away 1eanlffel ;girl -friend whom he might
'I suppose so, for a time.' from this yu•iet security, and friendli- no,er see again. 1-1e eould write. about
'You'll not like that, my lad,' ness, and peace. But it was only for a his dream -sweetheart easily enough;
'I'11 hove to take what conics, like moment. Of course, all that batt been and was there to be never a word for
other folk,' was the .shnp4e answer, argued out before. The step had been
How ,pretty Meenie was on this taken; forward, and not backward, he
last evening! She did not ;ay much; must go. Still, to be sitting in this
DR. E. A. McM RST'FJR--Graduate
of the Faculty of'Medicine, 'Univers-
ity of 'Toronto, and of the New York
Post Graduate School and Hospital..
Member of the College of Physicians
and 'Stugeons of Ontario. Office on
High street. Phone 217, Office fully
equipped for x-ray diagnosis and for
ultra -short wave electric treatment,
ultra violet sun lamp .treatment and
infra red electric treatment. Nurse in
will be the chief treasure hi the .
40 nor -oh, no. she said. with a
rueful smile—and she ventured to
raise her eyes. `You must not think it
a picture at all—but only a Inc lines
described on a paper -knife to make
you remember the place when Yon
happen to find it lying about. And
you must not look at it until I have
gone; because you would feel bound to
praise it; and that wound be as awk-
ward for you as for me --for ,indeed it
is nothing at all. And here,' she add-
ed, producing a small slip of paper,
'6s my sister's address in Glasgow;
and I have written to her; and she
will be very glad if you will call on
them when you have the time,'
'I . dolt t 'know how to thank ye.'.
said be. 'It's when people are going
away that they find out how many
friends they are leaving behind;
'bn your case,' said she, very mod-
estly and prettily, 'it is not difficult
to count—you have only to say, the
whole country -side.' 'And then site
added: 'I heard of the lads that ranee
all the way from Tongue.'
`The wild fellows! ---they had a
tramp here and hack home again.'
She looked at him rather hesitat-
'There will be a great many com-
ing to see you off to -morrow morn-
ing, Ronald,' she said,
'I should think not -,I should think
not' he said.
10h. but there will be, Every one is
talking of it. And I was thinking—if
it was not too much trouble—if you
were not -too busy -1 was wondering
if you would come along and say
good-bye to my father and mother
this evening—II would rather have
that than—than—with a crowd of
people standing 'by—'
'Oh, yes, certainly,' he said, at once.
'When will 1 come? Now, if ye like.'
SAnd Maggie, too?'
`Yes, yes, why not?'
'.And about my album, 'Ronald?'
'Well,' said 'he, with not a little em-
barrassment, 'I have not written any-
thing in it yet; but I will give it to
You in the morning; and—and if
there's nothing in it, then ye must
just understand that I could not get
anything .good enough, and 1 will
send something from Glasgow—'
'Indeed no,' said she, promptly.
'W'hy should you trouble about a
thing like that? Write your name in
the book, -Ronald, and that will be
'Tit three of thein now went out-
side, and the door was shut behind
Them. It was a beautiful night; the:
moon was slowly rising over the sol
;tildes of Strath (Terry; and the lake
was like a sheet of silver. They were
rather silent as they .walked along the
gray highway: to -morrow was to
make a difference to all of their lives,
When they reached. -the doctor's
cottage, and when :Ronald and Mag-
gie were ushered into the parlor, it
was clear that the visit had been ex-
pected; for there was cake on the
table, and there were plates and .
knives, and a decanter of sherry, -and
a number of wine -glasses. And not
only .was the big good-humored doc-
tor as friendly as ever,- but even t -he
Ontario Elections 1937
THE VOTERS' LISTS for the Provincial Elections to be held on
October 6th have now been posted in your electoral district.
Examine this List and make sure that your name is included.
If your name is not on the Voters' List, find out the date on which the
Revising Officer will sit in your locality.
Public Notice will be given locally of the date and pace of the .°; evising
0 cer's sittings.
If name left off, or correction needed, attend sittings in person or
obtain notice of complaint form and file two days before sittings.
You enjoy the franchise. Exercise it. You should co-operate in order to
see that your name is on the Voters' List.
The responsibility is yours. Do not delay. Don't put it off until Elec-
tion Day and then blame someone because your name is not on the
Voters' List.
(sorted under the direction of
Chief Election Officer for r1 ntario
The above notice applies to all municipalities except cities and
separated towns having a population of 10,000 or retore, and town-
ships bordering on a city having a population of 100,000 or more.
Graduate of- Faculty of Medicine, Un-
iversity of Western Ontario. Member
of College of Physicians andSurgeoos
of Ontario. Office 43 Goderich street
west, Phone 3f7, hours 2-4.30 ;;,
7.30-9 pm. Other hours by appoint-
ment. Successor to DT. Cbas. Mackay.
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special at-
tention to diseases If the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and residence
behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone
No. 5; Residence Phone 104,
DR. F. J, BURROW'S, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the 'United Church. Coroner
for .the County of Huron. Telephone
No. 445.
DR. F. J, R. FORSTER -- Eye
Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in
Medicine, University of Toronto 1697,
Late Assistant New. York Ophthal-
mic and Aural institute, Moore'field's
Eye, and Golden Square throat hospi-
tals, London. At Commercial Hotel,
Seaforth, third Wednesday in each
month from 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m,
Physician - Surgeon
Phone 90-W. Office John St. 'Seaforth
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at Tite Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction-
eer for Perth and Huron Co•uuties.
Sales Solicited. Terms on Application.
Farm Stook, chattels and real estate
property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell.
Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
I1il±ltoal Fire Insurance Co
President—Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth;
Vice -President, John E. Pepper,
Brucefield; Secretary - Treasurer,
M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefield; E. R. G.
Jarmouth, Brod:hagen; James Watt,
Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine;
Wm. Yeo, Holmesville.
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No. 3;
James Sh•oldice, Walton.; Wm. Knox,
Londes'boro; George Leonhardt,
Bornholm No. 1; John Pepper, Bruce -
field; James Connolly, Goderich;
Alex. McEnving, Blyth No. 1; Thom-
as Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; Wm. R.
AYchibald, Sea'forth No. 4.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will he
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post -
lone seas of die far north; and, all im-
patient, and eager, and shall bewilder-
ed, he seemed to press forward to
seize diose visions and that weird mu-
sic ere both should vanish and be
(To Be Continued)
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