HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-08-19, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 1937
These Prices good till Atte'. 25th
Ungraded 17 oz. tins
2 TINS 15c
3 CAKES 20c
2s squat PER "TIN "� �+
20 oz, 3 TINS a�
2Lias. 27c
Hemphill's Wheat Berries, 5 tb bag eacli 29c
Salada Tea, special Brown Label, Ms , . , , .. , . each 33c
Yellow Label, Ms each 29c
Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon, Ms each 20c
1s each 35c
Monarch Flour, 7s , , , .. , , each 31c
24s each 98c
2 lbs. 25c
Chase & Sanborn Coffee, Is per pkg. 39c
each 39c
Maxwell (House Coffee, 1s each 39c
Royal York Coffee, is each 39c
Swansdown Cake Flour per pkg. 35c
Jello 3 pkg, 23c
Instant Postum small each 29c
,,, per lb. 17c
, each 29c
each 15c
per btl. 25c
per tin 14c
4 cakes 19c
2 tins 17c
all colors per tin 12c
per jar 21c
per lb. 17c
per pkg. 10c
4 coils 10c
,,,.. per pkg. 15c
Sultana Raisins
McCormick's Cheese Bix
Mayblossom Pink'& White Marshmallow Biscuits
Rose Brooms, 5 String
Tuna Flakes, Xs tins
Crunchie ,Sweet Pickles, large bottle, 28 oz.
Dixie Dainty Grape Fruit Juice
Calay Toilet Soap
Glacier Sardines
Nugget Shoe Polish
Miracle Whip, 8 oz.
, A. B. Gum Drops
Wilson's Fly Pads
Aeroxon Fly Coils
Brock's Bird Seed
Eat. Fleischman's Yeast for health
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
per cake 4c
Motor or Hasse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, hoMMr of Go- "
ver *lent diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
• Wheat, per bus. SI.1/5
Barley, per bus. . 1S1Orc-60e
Barley, malting, per 'bus.
'Oa'ts, per bus. 40c
Hogs, per awt.': ...... . . $110.50
'MTs. (Edwin 'Hobson and 'children
of 'St. 'Thomas 'who have spent the
past week visiting friends 'here, re-
turned to 'her home on ,Monday,
!Mrs. T. M. !Sndwden and daugh-
ters Masses 'Eliza'beth and ,Mary, vis-
(tad ,the 'former's sister, Mrs. 'Frank
Hobson, a 'few day's alas week.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil .Sparks of De-
troit ,are visiting :Friends and relatives
in Blake and vicinij y,
Rev. M'r, 1Peters of :the Varna
' charge called at the ;homes df 'the
memhens of Blake .congregation dur-
ing the past 'week.
Mrs. J. IA. Cunrle and dau'gh'ter
Helen spent 'the week 'en'd at ‘the for-
mer's ofd home on. the 'Bronson 'Line
This 'farm, the old Sparks' ,farm, is
pas's'ink .into other hands, we under-
Following :the ,recent wit .period;
stodk'threshin'g is 'again h full slwing,
the high average of yield of all claps
being ,well maentained.
Mrs. Jennings of London is visit -
Ing her daughter, 'Mrs. C. Church-
Mr. Wen, Tippett of Billings,
Mont,' (Who has been spending the
past month 'with his mother, Mrs.
!John Tippett, returned to his home
on Monday.
'Work 'hags sltarted an the 'repairing
of the north pier.
Mr. F. ,Gemienhardt is on the sick
list •this week. His nsany friends hope
for a speedy recovery.
Dr. Stogclill of Toronto spent the
week end with his family.
Mr. J. Pease is spending his vaca-
tion in B'illing's, Mont.
Mrs. W. 'Ferguson and Margaret
spent •a Pew 'days in Pt. -Stanley -and
Mr. and Mins., Fred Davidson of
Detroit spent the week end with
Good Equipment makes a Good
Fanner Better •
McCormick Deering
Farm Machinery
From Your Local Dealer
Prices: Cash with order
650 ft. per lb. $10.50
600 ft. per lb. 9.50
Prices: On or before Oct. 1st, 1937
650 ft. per Ib. $11.50
600 ft. per lb. 10.50
Main St. Phone 17
Mrs. ;Davidson.
•Mrs. Weir and granddaughter Bet-
ty of .London are guests of Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. !T. _ •Brandon and fa-
mily of the village have gone to
Kitchener to reside.
Mrs. John Ratthwell is spending a
few days in 'Bayfield as the ,guest of
her cousins, Mr. James Reid and sis-
Mrs. Woods of St. Helens called
on some of her friends in this .com-
munity last week.
Rev, and Mrs. Paull of Windsor
have returned 'home after calling on
their many friends here, ,who were
pleased: to meet them again.
Mr. George Beatty Sr., Mrs. M.
Beatty and Miss E. Mossop 'spent
Tuesday' evening in Bayfield with
Mr. Jas. ,Reid and in,
Mary and
iiir. and 'Mrs. (Bob Woods, Mr,
and Mrs, Bender of Lis'towell called
at the home of (George Beatty Sr, on
'Sunday evening.
Mr, and Mrs: IR. Horttey of Lon-
don in company with Miss Ferguson
and Mi. and Mrs. W. Harney of Kip -
pen, ,called at the home ,of Mr, Geo,
Beatty Sr.
Mr, and Mos. George Cannell are
speeding several days visiting relat-
ives in Owen Sound.
Mrs, Marks, two Children Ross and:
.Carol, and Bobbie Curtis, of /Toronto,
are spending their holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mns. Geo, Connell.
``I wish to complain," said Mrs,
Newlywed, "about the flour you sold
me. Lt was 'tough."
"Tangle ma'am?" asked
ished ,grocer.
"Yes, tough! i. made a
and 1,us'batid could hardly
the as ton -
pie with it
eat it."
Mr. and Mrs. IJ, IF, Theisen and
:Donald have returned to .Detroit ac-
companied by Mrs. ,C'anbert who will
attend her son's wedding.
Mr. .and Mrs. G. F. Gray and .Nisi
Florence .of Toronto spent the .w•.eele
end with Mi, and Mrs, Alex Stirling.
Miss Evelyn (Gray who spent (the past
week 'here returned home with #thorn,
.M.r, and MTs. L. R. Thompson of
Lansing, Mich., are ,visiting at the
home of Mrs. 'Phomtpsan's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm.Charters, Mill
Mr, Ed Davis and daughter, of
IT'i'llsonbucg are spending a few days
with Miss Davidson,
Master 'Jimmie 'McKinley of Win-
nipeg is spending a holiday with his
uncle, Mr. 'joshes Scott of Thornton
Miss iP•arik of TAiagan'a ;Falls 'visited
,kr a couple df days at the home of
her Ibroeher, Mr. Alex Park.
Mr. and Marcs. J'adk Smith, 'formerly
of IHarpu'nhey, are visiting Mr, Mar-
shall Smith.
Mrs. IH. W. 1Hart and son Kenneth
have returned hoarse after spending
two weeks in Stratford and (Kitchen-
Mr. and Mrs. IH. W. Hart and Ken-
neth and Mr, and Mrs, W. Nichol
visited with friends in .London 'last
Mr, and 'Mrs, M. M'cK•ellar, 'Marg-
aret and dsobel• and Mr, (Gordon Wil-
ke'. of London spent the week in
Lindsay. Misses Margaret and Isobel
McKellar retrained !for a couple of
weeks and will also attend 'Toronto
Misses :Dorothea and Frances Gee,
who spent several weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. M. 'McKellar, have returned
to ;their home in Lindsay.
The many (friends ,of Mrs, !J. B.
Thompson are glad• to see her out
again, 'following an automobile ec-
Judge and 'Mrs. !J'ac'kson of Leth-
bridge, 'Alta., are visiting friends here,
Mrs, L. C. 'Jackson, 'Fred, Mary
and Louis are camping at 'Bruce
Mr. and Mrs, !Duncan .Cooper of
Lansing, ,Mich., are holidaying with
Mrs, (Cooper's 'parents, Mr. and ;Mrs.
John Hotham.
Miss Leone Hotham has .returned
home ,after spending a week 'with her
sister, Mrs, C. Laithwaite, IGod'erich.
Mr. IAnthur Roach of Long :Beach,
Calif., spent a few days this week
with his cousin, 'Mrs, 'D. Shanahan
and Mr. ,Shanahan,
Mrs. C. Robinson and daughter,
Mrs. Guy Richards, Betty 'Ann Rob-
inson and Mrs. 'David Brehm, .of De-
troit o and Mr. (Walter Robinson of
London were guests at the home of
Mr. George Seip this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh 'Sproat anti
family of 'Detroit spent 'their vaoa,tion
in 'Niagara 'Fails, Toronto, Temag-
anti, ,New Liskeard, Callander, re-
Iturning to Seafatit'h 'where they spent
a few days before leaving for home
on Monday. Mrs. Wilfrid 'Morrow
accompanied them from Toronto and
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Sproat at present.
Miss Margaret 'Henry is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Pevlitt and family at
Mr, and 'Mrs. iE, C. ,Chamberlain
and 'b'a'by Marion left Wednesday For
Flint, 'Mich„ to spend a few days,
and are bringing home with them
Helen, who has 'been spending - her
vacation there.
Mr, fames Russell and Miss Kay
Harry, ,both of Sault Ste. Marie, are
visiting at the home of ,the 'former's
grandmother, Mrs. ;Rdbert Edgar,
Miss (Harry has been attending sum-
mer school lilt London.
• Miss Minnie McFadden of 'Toronto
is ,spending her vacation at her home
Miss Margaret (Patrick has accept-
ed a position as teacher in Sandwich.
Mr. Neil ''Patrick of 'Toronto spent
the week end at iris home.
Mr. Arthur 'Edmunds of Hamilton
is a holiday .visitor with his mother,
Mrs. W. ,Ed'mu'nds.
Mr. (John MdQuaid spent 'bhe week
end in 'Toronto.
Mr, and 'Mrs. (Herbert 'Bdannett and
their son tFzancis and datiglrter Irene
of :Los Andes, 'Calif., spent a 'few
days with Mrs. James Stewart, 'Eig-
Mr, and Mrs. N. 5. 1011an,ley and
daughter, M'rs. R. R. Coleman and
daughter 'Joan Coleman, and Mrs.
D. Molyneaux, a!1'1 of 'Chicago, visited
over the week end with the ladies'
sisters, Ivfrs, IT. 'O'Loughlin and Mrs..
C. Ryan.
/Reynalds—I:n Scott 'MeiuorialHos-
pital, on Wednesday, ,Aug, 1118, 1937;
to Mr. and Mrs.- 'Gordon Reynolds,
Seafot'th, a son,
!Hunt --,Ln S'c'ott Memorial ''Hospital
an Thursday, Aug. 1112, 1937, 'to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hunt, a daughter.
Want and For Sale !Ads., 'll week, 2151e.
Up -lifting
Raising the poles 'for the new lines be hind the stores is a
familiar ' scene while Main strett improvement Scheme is in
progress. Forty poles have been put up.
A very charming event todk place
recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
'Casey Way, Shanley township when
about .fifty relatives and friend's niet
in honor of Mw. and Mars. George
Durant, Meaford, the occasion be-
ing their tenth wedding anniversary.
The bride of ten years ago was .form-
erly Miss (Lily Knox, The guests as-
sembled at a large table on the lawn
where a delicious repast was served
by Mrs. A. C. Routledge, Miss Greta
Bnoadfoat and Miss Evelyn Wilson,
After the (banquet Miss Ruth Mc -
Claire presented Mrs, Durant with a
novel !bouquet consisting of garden
and field (flowers. Miss •Lillian Mc-
Clure 'then read the following ad-
dress: Mr, and Mrs, Durant. On this,
your Tenth Wedding : Anniversary,
we take the opportunity pi express-
ing Our sincere good wishes to you
both. In remembrance of titin happy
event 'we ask you to ' accept p1tese
gifts, We sincerely hope that troubles,
and cares may look askance at ,you,
and that Providence has many years
of success and contentment in store,
:Three little cousins, Stewart Wilson,
Janes McGregor and Moss McClure,
then .came forward and presented Mr.
and Mas, 'Durant with 'several lovely
gifts, Although taken by surprise,
Mr. and Mrs. Durant in a few well
chosen word's thanked their fritnds
for the gifts and the pleasant visit
and repast prepared for them. After a
few hours. of social chat the gather-
ing ..broke up around four o'clock,
every one leaving for their various
homes, 'Guests were there from Mea -
ford, 'Au!burn, Clinton, Seaforth,
Brucelfield, Kippers and Windsor,
Mr. Stewart (Knox of Windsor,
spent the week end with Isis grand-
mother, Mrs. W. D. Wilson,
Mr. Sussman and sons 'Harry and
Morris of Owen Sound spent the
week end with Mr. Ben Sussinan at
Mr, M. A. Cameron's,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ooxen and. family of
London spent a day recently with
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cameron,
'The wedding took place, to 'Shrn,ia
of Mrs. Clara Elizabeth Workman;aof
Kippen to Mr. John ,E•lston Dafn'san
of Varna, son ,af the late Mr, and
Mrs. ,George Dowson. Rev. Mr. Col-
ter of IFirst :United Church officiated.
The 'bride .wore a white silk 'crepe
suit, white turban with veil, white
shoes and gloves and a 'corsage of
white ,rose buds. They were unat-
tended, the witnesses being Mrs. Col-
ter and Miss Trott, a friend. .For go-
ing away the bride wore a navy taf-
feta suit with all accessories to match,
'Immediately after the ceremony the
ha'p'py couple left far an extended trip
to Windsor, Detroit, 'Cleveland and
many other 'places. IOn their rettern
Mr. and •Mrs. Dowson wilt make
their home in London. Congratula-
tions and.ibest wishes are extended '1'
the happy couple.
Miss iJessie 'Wallace ,of Seafonth
visited ,with her .friends, Miss 'Gladys
Jarrott, of the village.
Mr, and Mrs. (Robert •3.engough of
Marlette, Mich., are a'siting with.
their sister, Miss !Kate ,Bengough
and Mr. ,Wd•1 'A'nderson of the village.
Mr. Will Cooper to the north of
the .village is kept (quite 'busy with
two ,threshing machines going.
Mr, John IJlarrott of the village .ha's
been engaged 'by Mr. ILand'Mickle of
Hensel! to run 'the elevator,at KKippen
again and is 'kept busy.
Mrs. 'Blea'r hfousseay 'and !batty
have returned to their !(tone in the
village after 'visiting for a few days
with friends •at Grand 'Bend,
Mr. Wilfrid 'M'e'blis, who has , 'been
sick, is ,able 'to he up and around at
'work again.
Mr. IGiiz'atrltblousseau ,o'f the v'tlti;ge
is kept 'busy at ,the garage 'these days
fixing cars
Kippen East W.I.—
'The August meeting ' of .the Kip-
pen East Women's!Institute will be
held at .the home :of 'Miss Sarah
Sinclair oat Tuesday evening, 'August,
34Th at 6. o'dlock, The roll call •will
be "An Emergency 'Use for (Hot Wa-
ter," and health 'wild be the ,general
topic for the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. 'Chapman are
the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Robert
McGregor and family;
Mr. Morrow and his,tlsughter, Miss
Morrow, of 'Winnipeg a'at?d Mr. and
Mrs. Basil 'Edward:' of''Hensall vtstt=
ed with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. m. "McGreg-
or and family recently,
Mrs, Andrew 'Bell visited with
friends in London during the week.
Mrs. !!ones of Hastings, accompan-
ied by her son and his wife of 'P•eter-
boro, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Andrew- Bell,
The anniversary services celebrat-
ing the Seventieth Anniversary of the
building of St. Andrew's Church will
be held on Sunday, iOctdber 117th. The
special speaker for the day will be the
Rev, H. V. Workman of .Petrolia,
Miss Lena 'Heywood, 'R.N. of (Kin,
cardit a is
a t halidayang at her home
A large,number attended the Sun-
day School picnic held at 'Grand 'Bend
on Wednesday of 'last week.
Mrs, W'nt. Spry and rhilciren of
London visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 'Ben, Williams last week,
Mr, and Mrs. A. 'MuFalls, 'Birdine
and !Bonnie, of Biddulpli. were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm,
Misses 'Winnie Smithson and Joy
Whitlock of St. 'Thomas are 'visiting
in this vicinity. ,
Mr. James Heywood underwent au
operation for appendicitis in a Lon-
don hospital on Thursday of last
Misses 'Et'heiene and ,Eil•ene johns
spent the week -end with the (Knox
twins in Granton. -
Miss Bessie Johns spent (the past
week holidaying with the 'Misses An-
drew in :Exeter, -
Miss Florence Belt, nurse -in -+train-
ing in Victoria Hospital, London, vis-
ited at her home •Isere on 'Standar.
Hisses Edith and 'Vette Hunter of
.Exeter visited recently with their
cousin, Miss !Gladys Skinner.
Miss •.Bessie Bell, R.N. of New
York is 'holidaying with relatives in
the village.
Miss `teat" 'Reynolds of New Lisk-
eard is visiting with Friends.
4IV1'rs, Chas, Smith, Madeline and
Jack, of Oshawa, are holidaying with
her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. John Shan-
ahan ,Sr.
Miss 'Eleanor Curran and Mr.
Hugh 'Curran of Clarkson are spend-
ing a couple of weeks with their
grandmother, Mrs. (Dominic 1Fdynn
Mrs, John Shanahan yr. has return-
ed home after spending a 'week with
her mother, Mrs. IKindree of St.
Miss !Patricia Morrisonobtained
the 'highest standing at the recent
Entrance.examinations in East Ho-
ran. 'There were three hundred 'and
forty-one candidates. 'Patricia is only
twelve years .of age. She is a pupil of
.Agnes .Reynolds of the Hul'lett
Separate School.
Miss N'elcy .Desb'vrough of Detroit
is spending her vacation with her
many .!fiends in OUT burg:
Tuesday's,ra n storm has again tied
up harvesting and tthres'hing opera-
tions. Much 'damage (was done as the
grain which .was not ,cult was 'broken
dawn and much will be left on the
ground. A lot of it is growing in the
stooks 'front the continued ,sweltering
heat With sinowers.
Mr. Vincent 'tcckart, ,who 'has (been
attending the college of the Basilian
order as at present spending leis holi-
days at the 'home of his parents, Mr.
and 'Mrs, lPeter Eckert: -
Mr, !'red l'etleart spent :Sunday with
'his tbrather-in-law, Mr. {John Doher-
ty, in 'Logan, who is seriously ill,
At St, Coeurflban Church
Wed., Aug. 25,
Mrs. Jas. 'O'Brien has the sy'mpat'hy
of he'r firlends in the dearth of her 4ttts-
band, who passed away early Monday
morning, after an i'l'lness of 'a few
Mr, Sam Thompson returned 'home
on Monday'Front 'hospital in`.London,
Where 'he had an operation on this
Mr. John McIntosh, who spent .the
past week 'with friends, returned 'to
his home in Toronto on Saturday. He
was accompanied 'by Mrs, McIntosh
and daughter, who had spent the
suntuter we
with Mrs. McIntosh:'s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hann,
while Mr. McIntosh ,took a 'summer
course. at 'Guelph.
Mr, and. Mrs. 'Patterson and Mr.
and Mrs,: A. Anderson and daughter
and..Miss ,Margaret Mercer of Mont -
teat *are visiting Mr, and Mrs, A. Pat-
Mr. Ind Mrs, Norman Wheeler and.
J'o'anne:, of Detroit are visiting Mr,
and Mrs. T:'M. Wheeler. ,
Miss Ellen Scott of London is
spending a ,few days - alt her home
Miss Jessie Cameron .of Clinton is
visiting Miss. Ahvna Affkenhead.
Miss iDlorothy Swan spent last
week. in London. -
Miss Irene Snyder of London is
spending herholidays at her home
Mr. and Mrs! Irvine Schilbe of
,Zurich spent Sunday with Mr. tad
Mrs. ,G. Swan, •
Mr. James McCully returned 'home
last 'week from 'Delhi where 'he waa-
wodking in the tobacco fields.
.Mr. Lawrence 'Reid of Toronto and
Mr. Stanley Reid of Hamilton and
Mrs. Woods of St. Helens visited at •
the home of Mrs, Charles 'Read this
Mrs. Thompson of • Sarnia, vdais
spent the past week with her tnohlter,
Mrs. Stevens, in the village, ,returcned
Ito her home last week.'
,Mas, ,Atex. Mustard 'Str.,..is.. visiting
'friends in 'Tiverton this week,
Me. and Mrs, Joe Jiordan and fam-
ily spent Sunday with .Mr.. and ,Mrs.
J. Meagher. -
:MT. (Ed. Scoins spent a 'few days
with 'his sister, Mrs. Jbim Darling.
Mrs. Frank ,Kenny had a yisit from
her son, John, of Detr'oit, 'Mich.
Margaret Strobl) and her only bro-
ther, 'William, Kitobener, are guests
with 'their grandmother, Mrs. Ellen
Burns, Laurier Ave. East.,
Mrs. Elizabeth INlagle, -Des's born,
Mich., is ,the .guest of Mrs. Alex. Dar-
ling and her many friends in the vil-
lage. Site leaves today for Monkbon,
The nine-year-old •son of Mr. Lloyd
Elliott, south of the village, broke his
right arm while :playing in the trawl,
Mrs. Murray is quite ill at her.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Desmarais
and daughter, Lenore, 'Chicago, spent
tele 'weeks with Mr. and Mrs. (Alex.
Darling and Michael. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Devereaux of
Chicago, have gone West again,
'Mrs. Catherine Stapleton and
daughter, (Gertrude, spent three weeks
in Dettroit, with 'her ,two .sisters in that
city. While there they visited (Green-
(field village, Ford Rotunda and all -
points of interest,
Mrs. !Gar .Smith has 'returned £'ram
a visit to Hamilton, her native city. -
Patrick McConnell is practicing law
in Toronto.
Dr, Frank Stapleton has opened
his dentistry offices in Toronto.
Mr, 'Will Landsborough, who has
spent the last few month's at Oshawa,
returned home last week,
Mr. Wiil1 W4titanore's fanvily of '1io-
ron'to, have been spend ng a .very
pleasant holiday at their uncle's, Salm
Mrs. Thos. • Goleman returned home
.Saturday afterr spending a few wee'ks
with' her daughter, Mrs. 'Geo. John-
ston at Varna.
If the weather keeps 'fine, this week
will see the greater part of the harvest
nn the barna.
Mc find Mrs. Russell Coleman' and
family and Mrs. Tlhbs. Coleman call-
ed an Mrs, ,Eldinuatd Troyer- at Brig -
den on Sunday and found her rnztnsh
improved in healith: They then spent
the rest of the day in 'S'annia with
Want -and' ,r Sale. Ads, 0. week, 215a,