HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-08-19, Page 2PAGE TWO.
Enjoy tea
t its best
SAL 11
Joins Clinic—
:Dr, jack ('Harvey) Bristow has be-
come associated with the ,Gnagi-
Schlindter clinic, 'Monroe, as eye,
ear, nose and throat specialist. He ar-
rived here today with M•rs. Bristow
from Bay City, Mich. Dr. Bristow is
a graduate of the 'Wayne university
medical school. 'Detroit, and has tak-
en post graduate -work at centers in
'St. Louis, Chicago, Indianapolis and
Ann Arbor, 'Mich. He was resident
specialist in eye, ear, nose and throat
at Grace hospital, IDetroit, and was
connected with the Detroit,- Eye, ;Ear,
Nose and Throat hospital +before
Practicing at 'Bay City. --'Mo iroe,
Wis., (Evening Times.
The engagement is announced of
(Beatrice) Mary E., eldest daughter
of Mrs. T.' Drown and the late Dr. ii",
Drown, V,S., Staffa, to (Nelson Edgar
!Posliff, eldest son of Mr. and 'Mrs.
George IPosliff, 1.263 Huron s'tree't,
Stratford, the marriage: to take ;place
quietly in Septemlber.
Mr. ancb Mrs. 'John T. McKnight
of 'Clinton announce the engagement
of their ,only daughter, Isabel May,
to Mn Lloyd Percival .Batkin, son of
Mr. (John (Batkin and the late Mrs.
Batkin of 'Goderich Township. The
marriage will take place early in Sep-
Mrs. Henry .McBrien of Clinton
wishes to announce the engagement
of her d'aughhbr, Etta 'Irene 'McBrien
of London to .Morley Joseph Mayor,
son of Mr. (Henry Mayor and the late
Mrs. Mayor of Sande. The marriage
will take .place' on August 2fliet in
Metropolitan. United Church, London.
Inspected Flax Fields
The Minister' of Agriculture for
Northern Ireland, Mr, J. W. Megaw,
and Mrs. Megaw, were guests in
L=aeknow at the home of Mr, and
idrs, W ,B Anderson. While there
Mr. Mega'w made a tour of inspection
of the flax fields of J. G. Anderson
and Son, staving ,previously visited
their 'fields at Seaforth, Mitchell and
Tavistock, which all told, total some
211100 acres, Mr. Megaw was very fav-
orably impressed by the excellent
yield and 'quality of this 'large acre
age.—Lucknow Sentinel.
Thrown From Horse—
Miss Mildred Wood, teacher at
Willow Grove school, and daughter
of 'Mrs, Samuel Wood, Logan, had
her leg broken near the ankle when
thrown Irom her horse on Tuesday
morning. Riding along the road the
animal shied at a piece of pasteboard
and slipped on the cement, throwing
the young woman to the road. Her
foot was caught in the stirrup and
when the .horse fell on her, her leg
was broken. --Mitchell Advocate.
Car Strikes Motorcycle—
Lawrence Schneider, 2211, son of Mr.
and :Mrs. (Daniel Schneider, near
Bornholm, was injured when thrown
from his motorcycle by an approach-
ing car, about 9.30 one night, while
turning into the lane of his hone on
Highway No. 2. The car was driven
'gay Carl Stoskapf, travelling north.
Mr, Stos'kopf did not see the cycle
until it was hit. No charges will be
laid as a result of the accident, which
Traffic 'Officer Jack Callander in-
Trousseau Tea-
On Thursday afternoon and even-
ing of last week Mrs. Jaques gave a
trousseau tea in honor of her daugh-
ter. The house was beautifully ar-
ranged with many lovely boulquets
of summer flowers, Miss 'Darlene
Rowaliffe was a .winsome door at-
tendant with the bride and her mo-
ther, Miss Olive Herr cousin of the
bride, invited to the tea room, The tea
table was covered with •a lace cloth
and centred with a silver 'basket of
roses, Mrs. ILaweence, of Seaforth,
and Mrs. S. Stevenson, of ,Birt,
poured tea in the afternoon and Mrs.
'Ci. M. ,Francis, of Exeter, and. Mrs.
S. R. Peart of Rockwood, poured tea
in the evening, The dining -room as-
sistants were Betty .Peart and Beta
1'r :lot . :The many Io;ely .gi4t., wer•
Ji,piayed by Mr,, 'Hark( ( ak:oner,
M-trj ole Medd, Helen Dignan, and
Pty Russel(. The trop,seau by Mrs.
Jean of lav[ lt. During the afternoon.
an 1 evening the trousseau register
was presided over by Miss Olive
Hern, About 90 guests were in at-
tendauce. ;Out of town guests were
Mrs. 'J. W. Skinner, of London; Mrs,
Ben Abbott, of London; Mrs. H. Er-
anston, Lucent Mrs. M. Heywood,
Lucent ,Mrs. Diehl, Florence Diehl,
Mrs. Perritt, of Tavistock; Mrs. Mel-
ville Hern and Margaret, Zion; Mrs:
Frank Brock, Mrs. Garnet Johns,
Winchelsea; 'Mrs. 'Jessie Jaques,
Viola, Lorne Jaques, Woodham; Mgrs.
E.. Johns ,and Bessie, Elimville; firs,
H. Lawrence, 'Alma, Maxine Law-
rence, Seaforth; Miss 'Beth Francis,
Bright; Mrs, S. R, Peart and Betty,
Rockwood; Mrs. Samuel Stevenson
and 'Lorene, of Birt.—Exeter Times -
`Atwood Doctor Drowned—
I r. IRiehard T. 'Kidd, 3e1 -year-old
Atwood (physician. was drowned' in
Lake Huron at •Bruce Beach, five
miles south of 'Kincardine, Sunday af-
ternoon. 'With his wife and Dr. '5. D.
and Mrs. ,Colqultaan, of Ethel, he
Was in -bathing. Dr. Colquhoun was
on a diving stand when he heard Dr.
Kidd's cries for help, 'the latter being.
about 150 feet from the stand. Dr Col-
quhoua plunged in and swam to Dr.
Kidd but was 'unable to hold hint.
The body was located •tear the spot
an hour later in eight .feet of water,
Artificial respiration was resorted to
without success, Dr. 'Kidd ' was a
graduate of London college and had
practised in Atwood for six years. .A
native of Listowel he would have
been 33 in September, He was a son
of Mrs. 'Richard 'Kidd and the late
Mr, Kidd, 'Listowel, Surviving are his
wife, one daughter, Karen, 1115 months
of age; ,his mother, two sisters, Grace,
at home, and Mrs, Charles Johnstone,
Listowel. He was .predeceased by one
brother. Suffering from shock and
tinder a doctor's care, friends took
Mrs. Kidd toherhome in Atwood
on Sunday night. The funeral was
held from Knox .Church,,Atwood, on
Goderich Woman in Peiping—
No mention whatever is trade oaf
war or impending hostilities hi the
letter from Miss Mabel Thin, native
of Goderich, from Peiping, 'China, to
her mother ani sister at 'Goderich, re-
ceived a few days ago. Miss Toni has
been a resident of the Chinese city
for many years and only recently re-
tired from the position of receiving
officer of Rockefeller !Foundation
Hospital in that city. The letter,• how-
ever, may have been censored, Home
at IGoderich a year ago Miss Tom re-
fused to discuss relations between Ja-
panese and the Chinese. She said she
liked Peiping so well she inter:led to
live there indefinitely perhaps to
spend her remaining days, Miss Tom
is a daughter of the late J. E. Tom,
inspector of schools, and Mrs. i1'bm,
Been Good For Two Years—
":I've !been good for two years,"
George Welch, MaKillop Township
man, informed all and sundry as 'he
walked into J. P. Weir's office at
Goderich on -,Monday to answer a
charge of stealing 511 ,pounds of cop-
per wire 'clippings from -Moses Ys f-
lick, Brussels junk dealer. He was re-
manded in custody until 'Thursday.
Arrested the day 'before by :County
Constables 'Ferguson and Jennings
at his home in McKillop 'Township,
Welch is alleged by the :police to
have had the stolen goods in his ,pos-
session, He worked for Yellick.
Noted Teacher Dies—
Intimately known to thousands *f
former pupils throughout (Ontario and
beyond, George• .Woods, for more
than half a century a public school
school teacher, died at 1Godcri.-'h an
Saturday, 'For over 40 years the late
bfr, ,Woods taught at ,Saltfard, a stab•
urb of Goderich, and there are scores
of professional and businessmen who
attribute [much of their snores in 'life
to the close personal contact and in-
terest he displayed in his pupils both
in school and in the schoolyard. A
thrifty man if ever there was, Mr.
Woods never received a salary of
over $800, but died comparatively
rioh,'lames Edgar Woods, of Ni,t p ra
P'adls, '.N.Y„ is a son. :Thomas Woods
and 'Miss 'Tillie Woods, of West \Vo -
':''MiLLi COOL SM0_�t.1.t
wanosh,,where the late teacher was
born, are brother and sister. His wife,
the former [Edith Roberts, of Dun-
gannon, stied 111 years ago. Before
ailing to Sa'itford, Mr, Woods
tomtit at Dungannon and Benmrller,
where he was well known. IHc was an
.active church worker and .Sunday
school teacher all his life in the Meth-
odist and latterly United 'Church. The
funeral service at the St. !Patrick St,
(tome in Goderich was conducted by
Rev. W. 1P, Lane of North Street
United Church on 'Tuesday. Inter-
ment was in •Maitland Cemetery,
Working on County Roads—
July •payroll of Huron County road
committee was $215,7010, The August
payroll is expected to be about the
(Prime ,Minister Ma'ckencie King
has communicated a request to Prem-
ier William Aiberhart of Ailber'ta ,for
co-operation in testing in the courts
the newest Alberta social credit 'l'egis-
The reference of the Supreme
Court would be to determine whether
the Alberta Legisla'ture under the
constitution had power to enact the
three measures. The one requiring
bank employees to take out licenses
is designed to give the Alberta gov-
ernment through the Social Credit
Board control over banking in Al-
The eon=titution (.that is the Brit-
ish North America Act) vests control
over ,banks and banking, currency
and credit in the national IParli•ament.,
The new Alberta act stipulates that
senior bank officials in applying for
licenses submit the names of two per-
sons who with members of the Soc-
ial Credit Board would form a five -
man board with control over the pol-
icies of -;.[the licensed 'bank .officials.
((Ontario Dept, of .Highways)
Some day, my ill-mannered ,friend,
you are .going to go too far, Some
day when you swerve around a street
corner, you are going to clip the but-
tons oil' the wrong pedestrian's vest,
and he is going to catch up with you,
haul you off your sonify upholstery
and deal you the smacking -down you
deserve. You're a veritable Titan of
self-assurance, aren't you, when you-
're 'behind an eight -cylinder engine?
But how do you look on your feet?
Aire you the sante dashing, imposing,
self-assertive personage for whom the
rest of the world must make room?
Would you dare shove another ped-
estrian aside; would you jostle a six-
footer? You would not, for you're
just a grubby little inferiority com-
plex 'who's been sublimated by a shot
of gasoline.
And what's the reason for this
break -neck rush of yours, anyway?
You're (u an automobile. You'll ar-
rive at your destination 110, 'l15 or 20
titres quicker than the ,pedestrian
you're crowding back on to the curb.
The best he can do is five or qsix
miles an hour. You are going 5 or
30, perhaps 4(1 miles an hour. Is your
.business ten times more urgent than
his? My, tiny,_ what an important fel-
low you arel What vast designs, what
momentous projects must occupy
your waking hours to justify such
The automobile, it scent.;, is the
devil's gift to the Little Man. Put
hint hi control of a motor car and
he's cock o' the cross -walks. But if.
you suddenly yanked that ton or two
of iron and steel out from under 'him,
you'd ,find him just a measly nonen-
tity with the mental set-up of a public
school bully. You may say ;I'm in a
bad frame of mind. You're rightl And
['ll get aver it when fellows Bice you
begin to use a little care, caution,
courtesy and •common-sense when
you're driving on the streets and
highways of this province.
(A 'Pedestrian."
live distinguished Canadians will
constitute the ,royal commission
which is to investigate the economic
and (financial basis of confederation in
the light of social and economic ole
veloptnents in the last 710 years: Prime
Minister 'Mackenzie. !King at Ottawa
on Saturday announced the eomulis-
sioners would he:
Toon. Newton W. Rowell, chief
justice ,of !Ontario, 'Toronto, chairman,
Hon. TPhibaudeau Rinfret, justice of
the Supreme Court of Canada, Ot-
John W. Dafoe, president and edi-
tor-in-chief of the 'Winnipeg Fres
Press, Winnipeg,
R. A. ..14ac,Kay, professor of 'Gov-
ernment at 'Dalhousie 'Univ'ersity,
H. P. Angus, professor of econom-
ics at theUniversity of ;British. Col-
umbia, 'Vancouver.
The commissioners intend to, [make
the first thorough -going review of
Canada's constitutional and go'vern-
meotai machinery, with :particular re-
ference to Ifinanciat aspects since the
Dominion came into' existence
through the passage of the British
North America Act 70 years ago.
At breakfast a Sco't suddenly ex-
claimed in horror, "''jean, Jean! Can
I 'believe nny awn eyes? Sich extrav-
agance lI never saw in a' my lifel"
"Hoots, Jocks, what's the matter?"
asked Jean.
"Two pinches of salt on wee
Jamie's porridge!"
"Well, never mind. +Ha'e ye for-
gotten it's his birthday?"
Want and For Sale Ads„ 1 week, 25c.
Reckless Driving!
If you drive recklessly and have not made up your mind
to stop it, you are going to find yourself in serious trouble
— soon! The Department of Highways is determined to
put reckless drivers off the road and keep them off. If you
need your car in business, stop and think for a minute what
would happen if you had your driving license cancelled.
You might lose your job. But what is your job compared to
the death, crippling, or injuring of a good citizen !
Reckless drivers are criminals going along our highways
breaking laws, maiming and killing defenseless people.
Our laws are adequate and fair. Obey them and you will
keep out of trouble; break them and take the consequences.
You cannot say you have not been
warned. Stop speeding! Stop cutting
in ! Stop passing on hills. Stop taking
chances of any kind. If you must
drive slower than the average traffic, ,
keep well to the right side of the
highway or use the side roads. Do
not block other traffic.
to put reckless drivers where they belong.
Here is what to do. When you see a motorist
driving in a manner dangerous to the public,
take his number, make a careful note of the
actual time and place and when you reach
your destination write to the Motor Vehicles
Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto,
giving full details. We do not invite reports
of minor infringements of the traffic laws;
you are requested to use sound judgment.
We will deal adequately with offenders.
Motor Vehicles Branch