HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-08-19, Page 1The soil is 'sandy and la Will not grow
• A single thing of worth. But here and
Among !the few scrub pine, a patch of
Competes with distant sky;
Small, stunted bushes, hanging low
their hoads, ' 's
Seaforth Nc
!Guarding a secret wealth from
/A worthless soil; 'but that is where
,you'll find
ohiebenries, a the •ripest, bluest kinal
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 59, 'No. 33.
Phone 84,
all a year.
All Sizes up to 8 Gallons
@.25c GAL.
10c pack.
19 oz. Tin @ 10c
FIG BARS 2 lb. 25c
@ 22c per doz
PEKOE TEA 38c half Ib.
TAPIOCA 3 ib. for 25c
DATES 2 lb. for 150
CHEESE 15c pack
2 Tins 190
3 halves for 25c
KILL THE FLIES with Fly -go
16 oz. bottle 35c
2 tins 9c
KARBOL SOAP for lc when you
buy 3 for 15c
Masters Red Head Laying Mash,
$2.85 cwt.
A. C. Wedge
Union Services
The First Presbyterian and the
North Side Unites! Churches in Sea -
forth. Services aor August 22, morns
ing at 1111 and evening at 7, with Mr.
Carmiahael in change. Both services
at the Presbyterian Charah. Heatity
!welcome to all services,
'St. Thomas' Church, Services .
!For Sunday, August 22. Sunday
Ak. *hoot and Bible Class, 101 a.m,
'IMF Morning service, In a.m. Sermon
topic, "'Through 'Glasses :Darkly."
!No evening service. You are invit-
ed to attend at la o'clock. All wel-
come. Canon E. Appleyard; Rector.
Mr. Reheat .Albert Hearn passed
away in his 84th year at the 'home
of his daughter, Mrs. William Oke,
Goderich at. on Monday, August 116.
Mr, Hearn lived the greater pant of
,his life near Palmerston where he
was born and owned a farm. He was
a mail -courier 'there for eight years.
(His wife, who was Miss Mary Mc-
Clure of MalKillop. predeceased him
nine years ago. Surviving are five
dal:millers, Mrs. William. Dice, Sea -
forth; Mrs. Orval Rapson, Hu'llett,
Mrs, Frank Whitmore and Mrs. Har-
old Whitmore, Hamilton, and Mrs.
William Wright, Egmondville; also
len grandchildren. One brother, Wes-
IHearn, of Preeceville, Sask., of a
family of eleven, is the last surviving
IA private !funeral toak place from
the residence of his son-in-law, Mr.
Wm. Oke, !Goderich st, 00 Wednes-
day afternoon, Ilaev. T. A. ,Carmichael
of Northsicle United !Clinroh and Rev.
C. C. 'Keine officiated. 'Interment took
place in the Clinton cemetery. The
pallbearers were Dalai* Whitmore.
Harold -Whitmore, Orval Rapson,
Rapson, •Hughie Oke, Wm.
Attending the funeral from a dist-
eke were Mrs. IHarvey House, Mr,
and Mrs, Foe* Whitinare, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Whitmore, all of a-Tant-
ilton; Mrs.Orval Rapson, Summer-
hill; Mr. and Mrs. 'Franic (Whitmore
Sr., ailohnes‘ville; IAlex Neilans, Clin-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. gohn •Clark, To-
tonto, Floral tributes were received
from Ma. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Whitmere, Mr.
and Mrs. Wan Oke, An Oakville,
Ont., !Friend; the employees ,af 'Frank
`Whitmore; Mr, and Mrs. Orval Rap -
sal; Rev, and aaars. C. C ,Kaine, Mr.
and lifins. Walqir Rogerson, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Wright
!Trinity Anglican 'Church, Bay field,
was The scene of a very pretty wed-
ding art Wednesday, August 118, at
high noon, when Mies Eleanor Elia-
abeth, eldest daughter -of •I'Mr. and
mrs, sasiatianasSicobohiner; .of Bnfled
bareailie the bride of genes Douglas
Bleak, younger .son ,o,f• Mr. and IVIA,
William Black of Seaforth. The cere-
mony was .cooducted by RSV. W. G.
Bugler of Biaylfield. Mrs, Moorthouse
'presided at the organ. The bride
looked charming in a gown of white
satin striped !organza. She ware a
long veil and carried a bouquet of
iaahanna Hill roses and baby's breath.
She was attended by her .sister, Miss
Lrene Scoltebnier, gowned in pale blue
orga-nza with a white picture 'hat and
carrying a bouquet of autterfly roses.
Little Ruth 71111.140W, cotisin of the
bride, its .flower girl, was in a .shorr
frock of pink orgaodie. She carried
'haaket of mixed flowers and wore a
wreath ,of !flowers in her hair, Mr,
Alister Broadfuot, cousin of the
groom, was nr,n and the usa-
ers were Mr. T. S co telimer, brother
of the bride, and .v1 r. H. Scotch in ea
cousin of the bride. During the sign-
ing of the register Miss Limy
\Voods sang "0 'Promise Me." After
the ceremony, a reception was held
at the home of the bride's parents.
The bride's mother ',yore a gown of
navy and white slicer and corsage of
Premier Supreme roses. The graoin's
mother was in ablue triple sheer with
corsage of roses. The .coup.le lefit lat-
er for a motor trip through Northern
Ontario, the :bride travelling in navy
and white net dress with navy taffeta
coat and accessories. On their return,
the young couple will 'reside on the
groom's farm in Tockersinith.
The summer meeting of the Mae
Lane ,Auxiliary ,was held at the liome
of Miss ,Latella Keine. Keine
had charge of the program and Mrs.
H. Snell acted as secretary. Prayers
were offered by !Mas. 'Ross Savauge
and Miss IKaine, Miss Josephine
Edge, pianist 'of !the evening, •played
a piano acilo. Succeeding :Miss May -
belle Rands, .Miss 'Kahn was chosen
to help with the Baby 'Banta Mrs.
Carrie told of the work .of the Fin-
nish people .of Northern Ontario, and
Miss Myrtle Carter spoke of the- Fu-
ture of the Indian Schools. After the
afizpah benediction Mrs. 'Keine, who
'had so 'kindly offered 'her home for
the meeting, .serred tea, :lunch having
been provided by the following mem-
bers of groups three and four: Miss
Margaret Crich, !Mrs, Russell, ,Mrs,
Westoott, .Mrs. Chapman, Miss Carter
and Miss Kaine.
A hit and run driver ran over a
small black dog pet of the Mayor
family, en Main street near the post
office on Tuesday afternoon. The
car quickly disappeared down Gatlin -
lock street and was believed to be
from out of town.
H. B. Edge of Seaforth was award-
ed the contract for laying a new sicle-
walk on the west side of Main street,
at a special meeting ,of Seaforth coun-
cil !held in the oouncil ch.amlber on
Monday evening at 8 p.m., all memb-
ers present.
The fax rate far 19317 was struck,
Public school supporters will pay 414
mills, 'less one mill repaid by the Pro-
vincai net rate olf 43
mins. The net Separate school rate is
42:5 mills. This is an in -crease of one
mill over '10316.
The rate is made up as follows:
Collegiate Inst 6 Mills
Sepa,rate School .9 mills
Seaforth ;Public School ..., 9.S mills
County rate 32 mills
Relief ....... .... . . mill
Seaford) Library .1 mill
General 32.18 mills
Motion: Reid -Holmes, that the ten-
der of H. IL Edge for construction of
sidewalks a; per specifications be ac-
A quiet wedding tales place this
(Thursday) morning at all o'clock at
North Street United Church parson-
age, !Goderich, by 'Rev. W. IP. Lane,
when Helen Lillian Grace Walker
Gillespie, ,ot Seaforth, becomes the
bride of !Dancan Munro, son of Mr.
and 'atm J. E. Munro, of Orange-
ville (formerly of Blylth). Miss Betty
MacLeod of Seaforth is 'bridesmaid
and Mr. Harvey Davis, Of Blyth, is
groomsman, The bride's dress is
flowered organdy, canary yellow hat,
white gloves, shoes, and purae. The
bride and groom leave shortly for
Toronto and Orangeville. A host Of
friends join in best wishes to. the
'happy couple.
A very nicely arranged tea was
held .at the 'home of Mrs. Wm..Archi-
!bald an !Tuesday afternoon when she
entertained for her dau.ghter, Isabel
Grierson, Whose marriage .to .C.
G. Sherwood takes place on 'Satur-
day. Mrs, .Archibald dressed in blue
and white chiffon voile received the
guests with her daughter, also dress-
ed in blue and White voile. Jlirs. An-
drew lArchibaldpoured tea. The .as-
sistants wore ;Mrs. IDoig, Misses
Alice and !Jessie Archibald, 'Cora
Sherwood, Dorothy Reinke, Mrs.
Clifford BroacifoOt. Others who have
entertained for bliss Archibald are
"alas. S. E. Rogers of Toronto. at a
bridge and kitchen shower; .Mrs. Ian
:Malcolm, also .of Toronto, at a mis-
cellaneous allover; ;the nurses of
Wellesley Hospital, 'Toronto, at a
cup ,and saucer•,shower.
On Wednesday afternoon frienas
and neighbors gathered at the Archi-
bald home in Tuckersmith and held
a shower for the bride -elect, Miss
Isabel Archibald. Ai short program
was provided. little Marilyn Chesney,
tap dancing; Mrs, Wilfrid Coleman
(Continued on Page Eight)
The engagement is announced !of
Helen Teresa, caughter of bars. and
the late ,James -Cronin, Dublin, to Ma.
Edward Hallinan af, Detroit. The
wedding will take 'place early in Sep-
.Mr. and Mrs, Thomas M. 'Snowden
wish to announce the engagement of
their •elder daughter Elizab.eth Rosa.
mond to Mr. Russell A. (Graingea,
youngest SQfl of ,Mr. IGeorge (Grainger
and the late Mrs. Grainger of Alvin-
ston, the marriage to take Plaoe the
early part of September.
Miss Dorothy Lorraine Darling,
daughter of Mrs. IR. 0, ;Darling, of
Toronto, and ale 'John D. W. Cum-
berland of Ottawa, 80.11 of Mr. and
Mrs.. T. J. Cumberland of 'Pincher
Creek. Alta., were married Saturday
afternoon in Wycliffe ,College chapel
at !Toronto, Rev, G. S. Despard offic-
iated and ale Sargent of the Cauca
of the Epiphany, played the wedding
music. Miss Christine Coatis sang.
gladioli anti palms decorated the
chapel for the ceremony. The briac.
escorted to the altar by her !uncle,
Mr. H. J. Copus of Detroit, wore a
gown of ivory bridal satin made in
empire style trimmed with beads of
sairribg, wlth a yoke of rosepaint
lace. A train loa from the waist mull
a long veil was held to her head with
three strands of pearls and tiny or-
ange 'blossoms. She wore the gift of
The groom, a :filigree 'brooch set with
diamonds and sapphires, and carried
a boulquet of lilies-oPthesisalley and
sweetheart roses. Mies Isobel Beattie
af Guelph was maid af honor, and
Miss Margaret Torrance af Toronto
was brides -maid. They were gowned
respectively in turquoise blue and ro-
mance pink taffeta, the dresses 'fitted
at the hips with bands of cording at
the bottoms of the full skirts and
trimming the sleeves of the .fitted
acts. Their small net hats and veils
were het With !halide af 'corded taf-
feta and they carried bouquets of
riarhill roses, 'baby's breath and pink
corralawers. D'r, Gal-braith 'Williams
was 'best man and the uahers were
Mr. J. Monty LA.rmstrong of ITbronto
and •Ntr. Gerald IDulmage a 'Perth,
Ont, :after the ceremony a reception
was held at Aanesley hall. The bride's
mother received wearing a hand-rnacle
dress af glytine chiffon trimmed with
wo shades of blue taffeta, navy ac-
essories, and a corsage of sweetheart
oses and blue cornflowers. The
groom's aunt, Mrs, J. 'P. 'F. Williams,
assisted in receiving, gowned in .-pow-
er blue chiffon with cerise *flowerk at
he neckline, matching accefiq4
nd a corsage o,f yellow cases.:
ansies. Later Mr. and :Mrs. Cumbara
and left by aotomobile for the atdira
ndacke, .the hride travelling .
brown suit worn with darker brown
hat and accessories. They will make
their home in Ottawa.
A Spot or Natural Beauty
T..akelet 111 Howick Township, is Huron's only inland lake, and is noted for its scenic 'beauty
and black bass fishang. Water power rttaa a grist mill at One end of "the Winding little lake: This
!picture, taken by The News, shows part of the lake—and some Lakelet young people.
The Lovely
• Distinctly different
in design.
34 Piece Set-
Va I ue 120.
Si 750.
ornpititst:',*riiCe for 8 --with
each pfte.e,gittaranteed to give
perfeef sari sf cal on See talk new
. Wm, Ocagera-andaSaii:sfeation ,
tomorrow—.yob will of:
it as an extroordinary,,value.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H.amilton,
!Oheaterville, announce the engage-
me•nt of their youngest daughter,
Hake 'Marian, to 'Rev. David Knech-
tel tPerrie, BA., only son of the late
Rev, Dr. and *Mrs. .Perrie of Wing -
ham, the marriage to take place the
latter part of August.
The Bolton reunion for 19317 was
held at Harbor Park, Goderioh, with
over arty members present from 'the
different families. 'Between one and
two -o'clock in the afternoon, oars
began to make !their way to .Harbor
Park bearing members of the Bolton
clan, ancrafifer the .gieetings were
over the sports Were soon in full
swing. !These consisted ,of games and
races, into which everyone entered
vsiah enthusiasm. Winners of races:
For 1 to 4 years, 1st, Bobby Man-
aghn, 2nd !Malcolm Bolton; 4 to 6
years, 'Arthur Bolton, ?nd Clifford
Elliott; 6 to 110 years, Marjorie Bax-
ter, rand Ken 'Elliott; 40 to 112 years,
Beth Campbell; married men's race,
Glen McKnight, jim Elliott; -married
ladies' -race, Mrs. IRtrasell Bolton,
Mrs.aliaatly Managhn; young men's
race, 'Rest IGIliddon. !Harold Bolton;
fat Men's race, :Glen McKnight, Jim
Elliott; tie race, Lorne -Elliott and
Mrs, Cecil 'Baxter; 2nd, Bert :Gliddon
and Mary Humphries; kicking the
ilipper, Mrs. W. Humphries, Mrs. G.
MoKnight. A sumptuous •supper was
served by the ladiee. which ever.yone
who pa-rtook of it thoroughly enjoy-
ed. A business meeting took place
presid.ed over by Bert Glichlon and
the !following officers were elected.
president, Bert Glicldon, Clinton; vice
pres., [Robert Campbell Jr., MeKill-
ap; sec,-treas., Mrs. W. Humphries.
Walton; sports comniittee, Reta
Campbell, MaKillop, alien McKnight,
Exeter, Jim !Elliott, -Atwood. All who
were present reported a good time
and baited that the reunion would be
continued from year ao year.
'Tale annual ;Furniture Tourney was
held at the bowling greens on Wed-
nesday with excellent weather and
excellent greens. 40 rinks were in
play. Skips of 'rinks were:
E. C. !Krantz, Ayr; j. A. Logie,
Paisley; ,O, H. Mosley, Dorchester;
A. E. Matson, Stratford; W. J. Mohr,
Mitchell; W. Moise, Exeter; D. Me -
Taggart, .Hensall; M. ;Pollock, Wing -
haul; 'F, B. Kibourn, Landoll (Elm -
woods); +I, lPorterfield, ' :Mitchell;
Don Rae, Wingham; W. Steep, Clin-
ton; C. P. Sills; S. W. Middleton,
Exeter; R. J. Sproat; Geo. Thomp-
s,on, Owen Sound (Narth); T. !Tay-
lor; !Godericla R IG. Winter, St. Ca-
therines; J. S. Weir, Detroit; Pa J.
Beehely, J. Beattie, IR. Bright, E. H.
Close; H Carey, Exeter; T. 'Camp-
bell, Listowel; Cutt, Goderich;
Carl Draper, Clinton; W. H. Down-
ey, Soathampton; Fred Deleis, New
Hem burg ; 'T'ete Mc Callu ni, London
(Thistles); Wally Forbea Forest; D.
Graham, Goderich; A. 'Tiogaarth,
Hanover; W. Hanaberry, Jordan;
T. G. 'Hemphill, Wroxeter; Len
Heard, Clinton; F. Hunt, IGoderich;
Chas. aredale, !Preston.; J. Johnstone,
IGoderich; Ed. Nash, Winghain.
Mr, A. ,D. 'Sirtherland, as Mayor of
Seaforth, bas received a medal com-
memorating the Coronation. The -let-
ter with it, bearing the royal insignia,
reads; "By ;command of His Majesty
the King, 'the accompanying medal is
forwarded ;to A. D. Sutherland, Es'q.,
to be worn in commemoration of
Their Majeaties' ;Coronation, • 12Ith
May, 19317." •
Mayor Sutherland has left the me-
dal at the -town hall, SQ all may see it.
The boy scouts and cubs of Hur-
on -district intend holding a rally and
jamboree at Goderich on labor aaa,
Monday, Sept, 6th. BOP secaftsa Para.'
eats and friends interested keep this
date open,
'Tlhe 'regular monthly meeting of
the W. M. S. of Nortbside 'United
Church was held in !the 'basement !of •
the church on 'Thurs., Aug. (12. The
meeting was opened by 'singing ,ehe
hymn, "Oh blaster, let me walk with
Thee." Mrs. Laing, the president,
then. led in prayer. The. secretary,
Mrs. Finlayson, read her repent,
which (was adopted. Miss A. Fergu-
son, the treasurer, read her report
and it 'was adopted. Mrs. 'Archibald;
the Christian stewardship steretacys
gave her report, and 'bars. McMichael,
the Watch !Tower secretary, 'read
some interesting items. The Toll call
was Then -taken: It was decided to
have the next ,social meeting and
thank offering meeting on Sept. .30.
Miss (Alexan-der toolc charge of the
devotional .part .of the meeting. 'Phe
hymn, 'IReseue the perishing," was
sung. Miss ;Lawrence read the Serie-
ture lesson and the devotional leaflet
"In ,the !footsteps of Jesus," was react
by Miss Murray. This was followed
by prayer by Miss Alexander. Part of
the aymn "Se -Idlers af ;Christ, arise,"
Was sung and alas. '1'. J. Webster;
read some interesting temperance
news.. !T'he offering was taken and alf-
ter -Singing the last two verses of
"Soldiers of Christ, arise," the meet-
ing was brought to a close by repeat-
ing the Lord's prayer in artisan.
Th -e funeral of 'Robert Wilson,
whose death ,accurred on Sunday at
the !home of his !nieces, the Misses
Young, 1(4)cl:erica -street east, took
place on 'Tuesday afternoon to liar-
purhey cemetery. The pallbearers
were Jahn Stott, J. M. Goventack,
Thomas Jacksan, IT. G. Mullen, j. A.
Case and Henderson Smith. 'Rev.
C. !Feast officiated.
Tale late Mr. Wilson was a native
of Harputhey and .was in his S$th
year. He had always lived 'here and
for a number of years was in 'busi-
ness in the fiarravare firm of Reid &
Wilson, ale Wilson was the last sur-
viving member af the family,
Miss Viola Dexter spent a few
days Iasi week with her friend, Miss
Marion Lawson of Seaforth,
'Mrs. Brown of Clinton and lar.
and Mrs, Wm. Haggai,: and family
of Lontlesboro were visitors at the
home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter
ou .Sunday,