HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-08-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1937 HENSALL 'Mr, and Mrs. Alf 'Taylor, Mrs. Johic Johnston, !,Misr •Ml:argaret Johnston of Q3ensa1l Mrs. T, ,Fenner of Montreal and Miss 'Violet Willis of Marlette, Mich., were recent visitors with :Mr. and 'Mrs. AT. Dunglas, 1-lyde .Park. lOn ,Sunday when Mr, and Mrs. George 'Pearce and family were go- ing to 'Delhi to visit friends. a "ire 'blew out near ,Ltican, Mr. Pearce lost control 'af the car, which ran ntn the ditch and turned •aver several • 'times. Mr, Pearce was !badly hurt, having several ribs ;bro'ken and other ieljluries. 'H.e was 'taken to his home in Tuckersmlth in an ambulance and is now confined to his home under a doctor's care. !Other ,members of •the family were not\seriously hurt: Council Meeting g af he villa t 'village meetin The regular g council was held l'n the council chem bens on Monday•eauening Aug 9 at 8 p. m All members present. :Minutes of the previous 'Fleeting were read by the clerk, and adopted. The clerk re- ported that Mrs: M. Pope asked per - Mission to remove a tree in front o5 her property on South Richmond .St. Referred to property committee. 'Constable (Fee 'reported re extra pol- ice protection for band tattoo, He was instructed to stop ,bicycle riding 011 -the sidewalks at once, Sam Rannie and IT. E. Drummond, appearing 'for the band, asked 'permission to lose King st., between Wellington and Nelson sts., for the night •af,;the band tattoo. Brook -Twitchell, that we give the band permission to close, :King st. from Sutherland's residence ` to .,the Commercial (Hotel on 'the . ;night of. iA:uggust 25th. 'Twitchei1-Jqn s that: the council 'put a top on blie:weil riu• the park grounds and •visit l,.acpnuup: F. G. Bonthron appeared',,rair,asked, permission to cement the SISe be- tween the aidewat'k 'and''acr}rbtm front of the 'post 'Office, Shephei•d; .Cwitch- ell, that we :ft IF:.iG ontliron per- mission to cerpent,riher' bptilevard in ,frsirut of the past 'office and that the council supply one load of •gravely 'Correspondence was read from tfi county clerk and ,filed. 'Bills and ac- counts , amounting Aro '$296.414 ware .passed, and relief ,-accounts of :11,715, aMo William dcAsh, his sister Miss MdAsh of Herself, Mr, and Mrs. E. A. McAsh and Mrs. Annie Mc- Donald, London, spent the week with his )brother, Dr. John MdAsh, 'Tara, Miss 'Arty Laramie of Windsor is spending her holidays with her mo- ther, Mrs. William 'Laramie and sis- ter, Miss 1Grelta Lammie, • Mr. (Ray Laramie, accompanied by his mother and two sisters, Misses Amy and Greta. Laramie. spent Sun- day with Strathroy friends, Mr. and Mrs. James !A. !Paterson spent Sunday visiting friends at Mea - ford. A band tattoo will be 'held , here Aug, 25th. Six bands will take ''part, Parkhill, 'Grand Bend, Dashwood, • Exeter, ,Zurich, and Hensall. Miss Violelt Willis of Marlette, 'Mich., has been visiting 'here with her relatives, Mr. and •Mrs, 'Alf Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Rdbt. Paterson. The funeral of the late Mrs. Rich- ard Pollock who died in hospital at Battle Creek on Aug, 2, took place from the IHensal1 station on the arriv- al 'Seth, s'! f the train an August t a t was in the ,Hensa'll Union :Cern- etery. Rev 'Arthur Sinclair had charge of the services. 'Mrs. Pollock was a former well known and highly respected lady who resided here with her husband, the late Richard Pollock, for a number of years. After the death of her husband about eleven years ago she sold her property here and moved' from Hen - tall. While here she was a very active worker in all church work. ,Mrs. Wm. A.MoLaren's group of the Ladies' ;Aid of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church held afternoon tea and •quilting bee Tuesday. There Was a good attendance of members and each member invited a guest. At the :Goderich old boys' re -union on Thursday evening, Mrs. Jas. • A. iPaterson received !first prize for the best comic costume in the (parade. Shower for Bride-elect— On Thursday evening, July 29th, Miss Kathryn 'Scholl, '23 Doehn St, Kitchener, was hostess to .some 40 young ladies wh'o gathered of her home in honor of Miss •Alice'Higgins, bride -elect of Saturday, August 7. (The 'beautiful home of Miss Scholl was very attractive with 'lovely dec- orations of pink and white streamers, end profusions of summer blooms, while 'the tables were attractively ar- ranged with pink tapers and looking most effective with 'summer flowers. Tering the evening the bride -elect (was presented with a miscellaneous shower, receiving many handsome and useful presents. 'Miss Higgins in a few well chosen '.words thanked her friends ,for their kindness, after which the rest of the evening was devoted to music, contests and games, and, a dainty lunch was served. Bowen-Higgins— A. ,quiet but pretty midsummer wedding was solemnized at Olivet .Evangelical Church parsonage, On- ward Ave., Kitchener, the house be- ing very ,prettily decorated with color schemes of 'pink and white and a pro- fusion of lovely summer 'flowers. The bride's table looked lovely with !bowls of sweet peas in silver containers, Pink tapers and centred with the wedding cake. Immediate relatives were present. -Following the wedding dinner the wedding party motored to the 'home of the 'bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, A. J. 'Sweitzer, Beach -o -.Pines, Grand Bend where the week end was spent. After a couple of weeks visiting relatives land friends in different points in Wes- tern ,O'ntario, ,Mr. and Mrs. Bowen will reside in Kitchener: Mr, and Mrs. ,Bowen are very popular, the bride beinga former dl'ensa'il girl having lived in lfrnsall all her life until a years or so ago when she left to ac- cept a good position in Kitchener. The happy couple have the best wish's of their many friends. 'Anion,g those who attender! 'the wedding from this district were Mr. and Mrs. Rcpt, Higgins of Heneall. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, and Mr. 'Haroid :Higgins, Beach -o -Pines. vfrs. Peter Fisher a.nll clanghter, ' Give Yourself a Gift of BE UTY By enjoying one of these Good Beauty Salon Permanents The Standard of Perfection When there is any equipment better we will have it. SPECIAL PRICES FOR YOUR SUMMER PERMANENTS ,All permantntS• include shannpoo, hair cut' amt flagerwave. `B' ' 'Beaut• Salon .Phone 50 or 18^' Seaforth 'Alfas ,E'le'anor !Fisher, returned to heir 'home here on Friday after pending Ix weeks with relatives at IGravenhurst. Mr, and Mrs.. ), L. Thompson and family of Toronto are visiting with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. tlohn Fish• er. Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson, Mrs, A. Logan, Mrs, A. Harvey spent the past week visiting in Toronto, Mrs, Alf Smith and daughter Mar- ian, have returned to London after Spending two weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John ,Richardson. Mrs. Harry 'Array and little son of London visited for a few days with. Mrs. Abray's .parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Hudson. Mr. (Neil McNeil attended the Old Boys reunion at Thorndale. South Huron W. I. to Meet-- South eet—South (Huron W.I.Iare holding 'i Summary 'Day in Hensel! town hall on August ;117th at 2 p.m. to complete their refinishing furniture 'project. The exhibit, story of the work and an illustrated lecture by Miss Slicter, de- partmental instructress. will he fol- lowed by afternoon tea. This is your invitation. Misses Irene Douglas and Ada Gram left on Monday for a week's motor trip to different points in Nor- thern Omtarlo, They will also visit the quints, at Callander, Mr. John Craig. who is in the Vic- toria !Hospital. London is improving nicely and hopes to soon be able to return home, Mrs, Hannah Taylor it leaving shortly for her ,former home In Fdll- mare, Sask. She has a lot of property there that needs her attention at least for a time, She has rented her hone here to Mr. (Fern McLean. Mrs. Charles McCrea and daugh- ter, Miss Mary . McCrea of Sudbury were visiting here a day last week with their relatives, Mr. Geo. ''Suther- land and Miss Hattie Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gram of De- troit spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Gram. Mrs. Wm, Jones had 'the misfort- une while going down the steps of 'her home to fall, .causing a bad injury to her knee. Her many friends hope to soon see her around again. Mr. !Robert Passmore is spending this week at Bigwin •Inn, Mu'koka, and Tobermory. . Miss Annie 'McIntyre of Havelock is visiting with ,Miss Bella Srnaie, Miss Minnie Sangster is spending a few weeks at Tillsonburg. Miss Alice :Pfaff is spending a few weeks at Delhi. VOLUNTARY HOSPITALIZA- TION PLAN FOR S. HURON (By Dr. A. Moir) We are this week reporting a good healthy interest taken in the hospital- ization plan for South 'Huron. Subscribers are ,more than doubling in number each week over the prev- ious one, and we have nearly all oc- cupations represented, wiz., teachers, doctors, farmers and (business men with their families. There are still nearly three weeks left in which applications can be ac- cepted for the year beginning Oct, ar There are at present 140 hospitals Canada alone, which are conducted on this plan. The nearest of these is Listowel. Many increase in subscrib- ers for the second year over the first by more than 1100 per cent. • TUCKERBM'IT'H Mr. and Mrs. 'Gus Dorton of Cali- fornia and his sister, :Mrs, James Smillie of Hensall visited their friends, Mr, anct Mrs, !,Alex. Wallace. Week-end:reeks of Mr. and 'Mr.. Alex. Wallace, .Airs. Charles Minn:, of Leamington, Mr, and "Mrs, Wm. McCracken and sun Bobby and dau- ghter •Velma of :Staples, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Walker and son Bruce, Mrs. 'Thos. Ca.lwill. 'lir. and Mrs Shanley :Datott and Irene. all ,,1 Ilnirefiq'.d: Mrs. Charles Chvpma,, and daughter Catherine of London; Mr,:, Wiv. !Dutra and Mrs. Tho 1) of and son [Leslie of :Comber, lire. Sturdy of 'Windsor. ,t''rn:,. .. .L...a 4, i ?pii :,,.t ""moi 1::.,, 5p,• ,...,..,.-sc„ r, -,c.,( ,..i. . .„ .... SCHOOL ON WHEELS ('Ooittd!nned from Page 'Four) naw 'before there is anything more to do," -- That '(five weeks included Christmas and New • Year's. The youngsters stay until ten, eleven and tcaelve o'clock at night, they have so little else to do. "There is an awIni hunger of end- less loneliness among these people," Mr. Sloman said. At 'Ground ;Hog River !Johnnie dial not come to 'School until he was IS. He was a half breed, a big overgrown lac!. 'Caine only for a wreck, Mr. Sio- man gave •hini a picture 'book. John was going to come every mouth, but be was called back to- wards 'James Ray with traplpert. It was, not until a year later' he returned to the school. He had to 'begin with the ;primer ,Class, The :tiny ,Mots were being drilled in spelling simiple words and for a time John was bashful and took no part. The class carne to the word 'Spin.' lUlp went Johnnie's ha+rd. "Spell it," Mr, &lum'en told Stint. "Sun -pig -Indian -nest," the boy cried triumphantly, only to take his seat in embarrassment at the amusement of the others. He bad taught himself to spell by pictures, Jdhn is now 22 and working a't Long Lac, for a mining man from Buffalo. He still .has his school 'bank hook, and is intelligent and• 'clever. An !Indian tribe had offered him many inducements to become- their chief, but he would not pant with his citizenship, The contact with the rest of the world—such as the school is •doing, is work that should be done, the speaker said. I't is easy for agitators to stir rip !trouble in a hurry among people such as he had found in the north, • 'Those people had the impression people -such as you are extremely rich—S/100 is beyond all words," he said. It is the school's job to train the children to go out and hold a mat's jab like a man, ''"Not: one of my 'boys is on relief," he proudly :stated, referring to his former pupils. HILLSGREEN Mrs. Robert Hopkins and friends from Chicago, I11., have been visiting at the home of Miss Edna Cochrane. Miss L. Weido of ,Zurich spent a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. W, W eido, .Miss Mary Hagan of London It IN MEMORIAM IFortbes—IIn loving memory of Wil-, liana 'S. !Forbes, who ,passed away Aug, 1112, 1119311, August brings sad 'memories Of a 'loved one gone ,to rest, Who will always be remembered, By diose who loved 'him best, But sone day a'e ivope to meet 'him 'When our work on earth is o'er, :1n that land :beyond the rives, Where sorrow is (known iro' mare. —Missed 'by Wife and 'Daughters. visiting her sister, Miss Dolly. Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson of Walkerton visited at the Name of his '.parents Mr, and Mrs R. Steph- enson. Their ran !Robert, 'who has been staying e [few days with his grandparents, returned home. Misses •Berth's and Margaret For- rest and brother Joseph of near Sea - forth visited one ,evening in the vic- inity. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morris and dau- ghter .visited Mr, and Mrs. John Bell near 1Kip'pen, Mr. IJ, Meidlinger and Mrs. Mary J'oties of 'Mitchel, acoom'panied by the 'latter's wont of Winnipeg visited one evening :with relatives, CONSTANCE Mrs. Albert 'Coates and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Fraser, of Shoshone, Idaho, are visiting Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Clarke •and other friends. Mr, and 'Mrs. 'Andrew iReikie of Loncloit have 'been visiting the la'tter's parents, 'Ms, and 'Mrs. 'Wm, 'Britton, Mr. Reekie unlade a 'Short visit on Monday, 'before returning, to 'the Y. M. C. IA. 'camp at Silver Beach. Mr, James 'Armstrong of Toronto is spending his holidays with his par- ents, Mr, and 'Mrs. Matthew' Arm- strong, The following have returned from taking summer school courses: 'Miss Isobel 'Jamieson ,from •McDonald hall, Guelph; 'Miss IDoneldla Adams, from 'Ontario School of Art, !Toronto; 'Miss Helen Britton from !London, taking acourse at Western University. Messrs. Alvin Date and Leo Ste- phenson attended! the races at New Hamburg an Wednesday. Rev. and :Mrs. 'Clifford .Britton and family and 'Mrs. Wni. Britton spent Wednesday at ,ICintail visiting Rev. and Mrs. 'Chas, Leslie. WAL1ON WINS GROUP Walton football team won the North !Group ,championship by de- feating Brussels on the round 5-4. The scores •were: Walton 3, Brussels 1, at Walton on Friday. Brussels '3, Walton 2, at• 'Brussels on 'Wednesday evening. CONVENTION Allnual Meeting THE LIBERAL CONSERVATIVES OF .SOUTH HURON WILL HOLD A CONVENTION AT HENSALL FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 AT 8 O'CLOCK P.M. TO SELECT A CANDIDATE TO CONTEST THE RIDING OF SOUTH HURON AT THE COMING PROVINCIAL ELECTION Three Delegates Will Vote from Each Polling 'Sub -Division A. R. Douglas, K.C. President of Western Ontario Conservative Association and others will be present to address the meeting THE ELECTION OF 'OFFICERS WILL TAKE :PLACE AT TH'IS MEETING Ladies are especially invited to attend. J. W. MO•RLEY, CLARK F3SIH'ER, President Secretary G'O'D SANIE ITIHIE IKi1N+G INFANTILE PARALYSIS. The season of infantild paralysis is August, September and October, and the department of health is anxious to pre- vent, if possible, 'a serious epidemic, Repeated notices have been sent to the health officers of Ontario which require them to carefully carry out the pro- visions of the Health Act in reference to "prompt notifica- tion of the disease where present or where there' is reason to suspect its occurrence; to quarantine for the full 'period of three weeks any case of the disease, and to quarantine any one in contact for the necessary period which is usually ten days. s No dairy product' or gontainets will be permitted to leave the premises withottt;lpermission of Board of Health. 1, The residents of McKillop, 'Tuckersrnith and Seaforth are courteously requested to co-operate, as the •Board of T-Iealth are placed tinder ohlligation to insure the ,carrying • ottt of the Act. The early symptoms of infantile paralysis arc neck stiff- ness, headache, pain in the back, irritability, vomiting, red- ness or soreness of throat and moderate risee of temperature, Signed on behalf of the Boards of Health, Medical Officers of Health, DR. F. 3. BURROWS, DR. G. C, JARROTT, SATURDAY ONLY Spot 'Cash Yellow Label , . , . % lb..29c Brown Label , ... % lb. 33c Red Path per cwt 5.69 10 lbs -59c. 5 lbs. -30c Pickling Spice Ib. 25c Pkge. 4c. Pkge. 8c XXX White Vgr.. , , , gal. 29c 1 Large Chipso, 3 Kirk's Castile 29c Bread Flour, per cwt. • . . 3.49 Morning Cheer Coffee, ib23c Blue Ribbon Tea, % lb. , , .23.c Double Strength Fly Spray tin 35c W. Finnigan ELMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John H. Best BAR'RISTE'R, 'SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario IBM AUCTION SALE 600 CATTLE At ILamllber't S'aleyards, 'Strathroy, Saturday, Aug,I!114th, starting at 1112 o'clock sharp. 360 'M'ixed Steers; 1125 Mixed 'Heifers; balance Stook Cows, Springers 'and Stock 'Calves, These Cattle are Choice 'fleshy 'Angus, Here- ford 'and Shorthorn :Stock, Also •usual run of (Mixed' (Pigs. Trucks 'to deliver. T'erm's iCash. . A. IG. :McAlpine, Auctioneer. 32 KINDLING !Frill coal 'box of .broken boards suita'b'le for breaking into kindling, ll2 per load. Sonie used lumber for sale. Tomato sticks h,c each. Splendid iron water tank suitable for barn, Rooms to rent. See E. L. Box. , GRAIN WANTED I am buying grain for Mr. Thomp- son of Hansen. For prices call 11160 r 4. Sam Chesney, Seaforth, agent for Pennsylvania oils and greases. 31 NOTICE The Public 'Library will be closed from Sept. 2 to Sept. 117 for Librar- ian's vacation. 33 PULLETS FOR SALE ' Barred Rock pullets, 5/ months old. and laying, from govt. approved, blood -tested, 'bred -to -lay stook: 'Phone 1'3 on ;1134, Seaforth, Alex. Chesney, Ri}t, 3, .Kippen. 3h' FOR SALE Eight choice pigs, six, weeks old. W. J. Finnigan, Egmandville. 32 GIRL WANTED A reliable girl, immediately; state salary. Mrs. Robert Coleman, Staffs. PIANO FOR SALE ,One piano in excellent condition, Apply to Post iOf.fice Box 39, Sea - forth. BOARDERS WAiNTED Boarders wanted;: good home, washing included, rates reasonable. Aplply to The (News office. 32 E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AGENCIES ANNOUNCES The purchase of the insurance 'busi- ness of Hays and Meir and the ad- dition of their companies to our prev- ious facilities enables us to give yon unexcelled services in all lines. Seaforth, Ont. The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- • ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, ours:Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m MITCHELL SALES AND EX- CHANGE Auction Sales at . 'Hick's .House Barns, Mitchell, every (Friday at 2' p.m. of Springer Cows, (Reeder Cattle, Young Calves, Pigs of all ages, Poul- try, Machinery, etc, This week we have 20 choice horses from 5 months to 9 years old.. Some choice four year olds. These horses are Belgians, IClydes and 'Per- cheroiis and are consigned by D. 'C. Gardiner. For particulars apply to (Aaron Steinacker, phone 6113 r 3, Mitchell. Terms cash. McNeil & Nairn, Auc- tioneers 31 AUCTION SALE IOf. Feeder Cattle and Colts 'at C.N. 1R, 'S'tack . Yards, Seaforth, Monday, Aug, L6, 49117, at 2 p.m. sharp, • 80 steers and heifers ranging front 4510 lbs. to 900 lbs. each. ,Durhains, Herefords and (Angus. Horses, 3' 'fil- lies rising d years old, '2 geldings ris- ing 4 years old. Terms cash. McNeil & Nairn, .Acct,; . •Gardiner & Steinac'ker, Prop, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 9,4420 repeating rifle, 7 shot, will ex- change fora .22repeater p iter or will sell. John 'J'o'hn'ston c/o Mrs, IJ'oe Dennis, Walton, Ont., 'RAIL. 3b HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Mrs, F. D. Hutchison is offering her home for sale or rent, corner of Market and (Jarvis Streets. Possession Septemlber. Ideal location, Good re- pair. Well decorated. !All modern con- veniences. Inspection any time. TENDER CALL TOWN OF 'SEAFORTH Reinforced Concrete Sidewalks Sealed Tenders will be received by the Town Clerk until one .o'clock, p. m., Monday, ,August 1(th, 119137, for the construction of One Thousand Four 'Hundred and Eleven (1141111) sq. vds. surface measurement of rein- forced concrete sidewalks on the West Side of the Main Street, Plans and specifications may be seen and form . of tender obtained .at th'e of- fices of D. H. Wilson, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Seaforth, and af the En- gineer, S. W. 'Archibald, Victor Buildim'g, 218141 (Dundas St„ London, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. H. WIIILSIOIN, :Clerk. McKILLOP Mr, and Mrs. Ken'n'eth 'Harrison of Tottenham spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mr's. 'W'iliner Scott and Mr, and 'Mrs, Allb'ert (Har- rison. Master Keith and Miss Lois Har- rison are spending a 'holiday with their aunt, Mrs. 'Mary Smith in 'Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer .Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harrison. THE WILLYS Car will actually pay'. for itself its 35,000 miles driving with the saving on gasoline, oil, license, insurance, etc., over other cars. It's the car for everyone It's your business to examine the specifications and ride in it before malting a purchase, Terms, etc., made to suit your convenience PHONE 34-616 J. E.H HUGILL LL AGENT CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Township of McKillop 'Notice ishereby given 'that I have complied, with section A of the Vot- ers' List (Act and that rI have posted up in •my office in MclKillop on the 10th day of August, 19137, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipality 'for members of parlia- ment and Municipal ;Elections, and that such dist renvains. There for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to :take 'immedi'ate proceedings to- have ohave any 'errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the 'last day of appeal 'being the lls't day af 'S'eptem- ber, 119137. JOHN MsNAY, Clerk of the 'Township of MdKiliop NOTICE TO t CREDITORS All .persons having claims against the Estate af Gideon Hislop, late of the Township of Tuc'kersinfth, in the County of Huron, :Farmer, 'who dried on or about the 3rd day' of 'Septemb- er, 1936, are required'. to deliver to the undersigned ,full particulars of their claims on or 'belfore the 118th day of August, 1937, as after •that date the !Administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the asselts of the Estate, hav- ing regard only to ,the claims of which he shall then have notice, 5 Dated at Goderich this 211st day of July, 1119.37. k1R!AINII: DOIN'NEL'LY, IGlod'erich, 'Ontario 312 Solicitor for the ,Administrator, Pullets Pullets . A number of Barred Rock and White Leghorn,Pullets for sale Ten weelcs old to laying age Also a number of year-old Leghorn Hens Moore Poultry Farm PHONE 160 -r 3, SEAFORTH