HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-08-12, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1937 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE. These will be our prices 'till Aug. illath BY PUBLIC REQUEST 19c SAL CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK TALL SMALL ....6 Tins -25c. 3 TIINS 25c SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES 2PKG.15c 2 IN 1 SHOE POLISH Paste—All Colors 2 TINS c 2 BTLS. c HAPPYVALE CATSUP Manning's Dundee SHORTBREAD CAKES 19c • PER LB. 153/q oz, 2 TINS 19cLYNN VALLEY DESSERT PEARS. "REAL VALUES AT 19c" ' Ginger Snap Biscuits 2 tbs. 19c McLaren's Minute Tapioca 2 pkg. 19c McLaren's Jelly Powders , ... , , 4 pkg. 19c ' St. Croix Castile Soap 6 cakes 19c Macaroni Loose Ready Cut 3 tbs. 19c Golden Wax Beans, Standard 2s 2 tins 19c Pork & Beans, Aylmer 22 oz. tins 2 tins 19c Keta Rose Salmon, large 2 tins 19c Corn Syrup, 2s per tin 19c Clothes Pins, Round Hardwood 6 doz. 19c .Cotton Clothes Lines, 30 Ft. each 19c Rice, Choice Blue Rose 2 tbs. 19c Quick Quaker Oats, small 2 pkg. 19c Brunswick Sardines 4 tins 19c Quaker Puffed Wheat 2 pkg. 19c Crunchie Sweet Pickles, 6/ oz, 2 btl, 19c Icing Sugar 2 tbs. 19c Aylmer's Infant's Food 2 tins 19c Aeroxon. Fly Coils 8 coils 19c Vinegar, in bottles. Spirit, Cider or Malt ... . • • • • • � 19c tl. 19c Black Pepper Spring Mop Sticks each 19c Ross.J. Sproat PHONE 8 Miss N. Prycc PHONE 7? Walker's F UND RTAKING SERVICE —and— EMBALMING Motor or House 'Equipment W. J. WALK,ER, holder of Go- vernment di doeurttinied cense. Flo Night or day phone 67 STANLEY Mrs. 'Edwin llirdbson and ,children of St. 'Thomas are •visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. James Wambold ,af Kitchener visited •with Mr, Harald IPenhale one day last week. M'r. and Mrs.' !George SGaister df Howard (City, IU.S.iA., Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'Go:lster •and family'' of ;Middle- vil'le, 'USA., spent a week with Mr. and Mrs, John S•cdtchmer, Ivfr, Edwin 1-Io'bson and 'Mus, 'Frank Hobson of St. Thomas, also Mr. and Mrs. 'A. E. Westlake, visited Mr, and..M•rs, H.'Peuhate on •Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Clifford Scotchmer of Chicago, spent a few days with the IEormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Seotchmer. KIPPEN Miss ILaura'belle Wright has re turned home .from Scoot Memorial ,Hospital, 'where she had an operation dor appendicitis and !is making a •rapid recovery. l.fr, !Gorden Wright of the staff of .Schtumac'her High $obool is spend ing a few weeks at ,his home here. Mr. and Mrs, (Arthur Perry of De- troit end Me. ,Gordon McNeil Of Owen Sound spent the week end'with Mr, and. VIPs. James Wright. TUCKERSMITH Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Gordon. Hayter o'f Detroit are spending their ,holidays with Mrs. A. Ross. Mrs, Lorne 'Pepper ,of 'Nilagara Falls, who was spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Jas. ~Lay, ihas returned home accompan- ied •by her sister, Mrs. 'Clayton Horton and sbalby. 'Mr, ,Alfred (Ross is wearing a ,broad Good Equipment makes a Good Farmer Better FOR •QUALITY & SERVICE BUY McCormick Deering Farm • Machinery AND REPAIRS From Your Local Dealer BINDER TWINE Prices:, Cash with order 650 ft per lb $10.50 600 ft per lb. 9.50 Prices:. On or before Oct. lst, 1937 650 ft. per lb. - $11.50 600 ft. per lb. 10.50 JOHN BACH Main St. Phone 17 Mrs. Chas. M'clKCay. • •Mrs. •IJo'hn (Powell spent a ,Few days with her daughter, Mrs. 'Cecil Pull- , ivain, Mr. and 'Mrs, John McLachlan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn IElgie. VARNA Mrs, M. Reid has returned after a pleasant motor trip through the Bruce peninsula, in company with her son, Dr. Reid and family of Tor- onto,. The many friends of Mrs, A. Rob- inson will be sorry toknow she is not enjoying the best of health. it is hop- ed she may soon improve, Miss, Ida (Reid. of Detroit was re- •ncwing acquaintances in aur village. She was accompanied by Mrs. Med .elf of London. Mr, and 1'(,t+s, lslicConnell are hav- 'ng their house painted. . • So!ute ;of our youths have agured, in care accidents this last week and had a narrow escape. We would adlvise the boys to be more carefti.l in future, I.t's no poke and good boys are scarce. Last of Dalton Boys Dies "With Boots On" An •article chsc[osing how the sole survivor of a notorious hand of train and hank 'rolbbers, which 'helped make Aanetica•n history, passed away, re- spectable, is one ,nf many human in- terest articles which you will find in The American Weekly, the great smile these days --,it's a'balby girl. weekly magazine, with the August Mr. and Mrs, All. Johnston and pis issue of The 'Detroit Sunday 'family spent Sunday 'with Mr. and'T'imes. TOWN TOPICS Miss Mona Sills, RN., left Monday to take a position in The hcspitai a Pickwalk, 'Ohio. Mr. 'Murray Fowler of Windsor visited his cousins, the 'Miss.es Cress well, Mr. Ralph Cresswell arrived! this week to visit his sisters, the Mlsee Cres.sweil. Mrs. W. E. Kerslake and her sis- ter, Miss E. Smith, are spending a couple of weeks !with reliatives in Flint, Much. Mr. J. R. Cross, BJA., and IM'rs. Cross of 'Highgate, accompanied by Mr. Alva W. Way, have just returned from a week's motor trip to Toronto, along Lake Ontario to Belleville and Prince Edward county. They return- ed by a short 'trip .tap un .Northern Ontario, Mr. J. R. Crass has a position an Fordwich High'Sohool teaching ;staff. MTs. Charles . Counter and little daughter, Patsy Ann, of Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Carlin of Buffalo, are .guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lea !For- tune this week, Mr, and Mrs. George Love of Tor- onto are, guests of the lattter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Mrs, Rlabt. Burchill of Mitchell and son Jack and daughter Mary were calling on friends in Egutonclville and Seaford!, Mrs. John Love and two daughters left •Monday to spend two weeks with relatives at Burk's Palls and enroute, 'Guests at the home of Mr. acid Mrs. Geo. Ab'erhai•t, McRillop, are Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ab'erhart Jr., ,af London, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Zavitz, and children, London; Mr. Robert A!berhart, Guelph C'allege, Miss (Beat- rice Aberhart of Craigh'urst, from summer 'school at London. Mr. Donald Abenhart has returned to Toronto after spending two weeks at his home in M'dKiliop. Miss Lorna Dale and 'Donald are holidaying in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Currie and son Paul of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. Currie. Mrs. Ellen Mdlntyre of Royal Oak, Mich., is at present visiting her sis- ter, Mrs, Catherine MdNabb, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Guymer and Eileen of London were recent visitors with Mrs. John McLennan and Miss Ido McTaggart, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Healy and son Orcdan 'of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. Hetm'an Benderman of Detroit, Mich., were visitors of Muss O. M'c- Corniaick and Mrs. L.''E. Richards. Miss Alma Lawrence returned home Sunday after visiting friends in and around Exeter. Miss !Marion Pooley of Winchelsea is spending This week with Alma Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Jos...Collins of Buf- falo, spent the week end with friends in this vicinity. Mr, and 'Mrs. Louis Bradt and dant-: ghter June and Mr, and 'Mrs. :Charles "Jahnsten of Detroit spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C..tEokart, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays return- ed to their home in Detroit: on Mon- day accompanied by Misses Angela and Bessie Eekadt who will .vacation', in the city. 'Miss Cora Lee 'Graham of Detroit is visiting Mr. and res D H. Wilson. Rev. and Mrs. E_ S. Sinclair of Sault Site, Marie, Oa't., visitedi the lather's sister, Mrs. Oarmich'ael and Rev, T. 'A, Carmichael on 1Tluesday. ' Mr. Joseph Hoggarth is able to 'be oil again after being laid up with an a'ttaok of +bronchitis and pleurisy. ,Rev. Archie Dallas and. Mrs. Dal- las and sons, Jim and John Dallas, of LaGrange, Georgia, are •spenfling a few, days visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie enroute to 'Ottawa and ,Mon - treat. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Harrison of Montreal have returned home after apeuding their -holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Habkirk. Mr. W. Willis, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. Bell and two ,children, Port Huron, Mrs. War, Hanna and' daugh- ter, of Kingsville, were guests of Mr, and Mrs Sani;Hanna, Mr. ,Alex, Bethune' left Monday to spend a couple of weeks at 'M'idland. Mr' and Mrs, E. Thompson and .Mr. and Mrs...jack of Moorefield were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Christie. ?14r. and ;Mrs. 'Robert •Laidlaw of 'Sacramento,!Calif., are spending some time with his sister, Mrs, 'Robert ?big, Tudketsmith. Mr. and Mns. Jack Edmunds and son Bobby of Mitchell visited Mrs. Wm Edmunds on _S4utday • Dr. Forster, eye, ear, nose, throat sp•ecialist,; avult be at •the ,Commercial Hotel, ISeaforth, oit,W'ednesday after- noon,,Aug. 1118, as •usual, ' Mr. and Mrs. Ruck of Hillsdale, Mich„ visited this week with 'their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mfrs, 'Wit, Mnrrisoln. Mr, ,and ,Mrs. J. ,G. Mullen arrived home on Monday from an extended tour in Europe after attending the Coronation. Mr, ,Alex. Ferguson of • Chicago is The guest ,for a dew weeks of Mr. jo'h'n 'MsiDbwell, MsiKlliop. \'r, and Mrs, 'Frank Smith and sons Allan and. Douglas of `Fort Col- borne spent the week end with Mr. !H'en'derson Smlbh ,and Miss Smith. Mr, and Mrs. 'Hudson Woodruff ansa daughter Marian spent the week end with Mr, .and Mrs. Wilfrid Whyte. . Mrs, Campbell and daughter (Flora of Winnipeg, were week -end guests of Mrs. Reid and Miss !Galbrai'th, also as guests on Sunday were IMrs. Aiken, Winnipeg, Mrs. 'Martin, !London, and Mr, and 'Mrs. IDem'psey,'P'reston.. Miss 'Galbraith is visiting •frieudis in Sarnia. •Mrs. E. lGorwiiil and' daughtet of London s'pen't the 'week end 'with Dr. H. H. Ross and ,Dr. ,and Mrs, IGorwiill. Mr. Win Brine was in St. 'Marys on !Wed•nesday 'to attend the funeral of a relative, ;Mr. 'Frank Brine, Sud- bury, who was killed in an accident LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS (Continued from rage 1) Helen Bateman, Arith. Elizabeth !Barton, Aribh. IRos's Bienndtt, Geo., !Art„ Bat. 'Charles Bryans% Arith. Mary Helen Eokmier, Bo 1. • Lyle Evans, Eng, Gram,' ,FredLeamington, Br. (Hist, Geo., Art, Bot. Harold McDonald, Sr. Hist,' Arith, !rank Marshall, BT; Hist„ Geo., Art, Bot. IL'hert Smalldon, 13r. 'Hist., Geo:, Bot. Bella +Thytiei 13r, Hist, Geo, Art, Bot. Isabel '.l'urnliu41, 'Br. Hist. livor Williams, ,En,, Gram,, Agri. T. 'Glenn Wheeler, Br. Hist, • CLINTON William, Douglas Armstrong, Br. Hist, iGeo„ Art, Bot. Glen Alien Carter, Eng. Gram„ Br. Hist., Geo., Agri. I. ,Jean Viola Cooper, .13r., Hist., Geo., Arida., Art, Agri. !h ,Lois Margaret !Farquhar, Amt. lW'estey Douglas Ham, !Art, !Gerald'Robert Harris, Arith. 01.4, 'Aunts Gertrude ,Hoggart, Arith:n" •.,Madelan Ruth Mlason, .Br. IHnst.'t 'C1dta Elizabeth Medd, ,Arith., Agri. • :Ross Phillips Merrill, Br. Hist„ Geo, Art. ' Helen Ciba •Pie'kett, Art. -. )Jean @MdNaughton Reid, Eng. Ceram.,, Arith. Allen lEdward Shaddick, Arith., ZaoL • Eva Jean Snell, E+'ng, ,Grant„ Br. Hist, 'Art. 'Gordon. Thomas 'Westlake, Br. Hist, IGeo., Art, Bat, W'IIN'GRAM rataces W,innifred `'E'dgar, Arith. Mac Hab,kirk, Br. Hist. Muriel L. Lane, Arith. Betty Lloyd, Br. Hist. , Jeanne Lowey, !Agri. I. Neal Lowey, Agri. I. Edith MdOl'enaghan, Arith. Mamie Merrylweather, Br. Hist. Ruth Nethery, Phys. William Sturdy, Art. 'Adeline Vansickle, Br. 'Hist, ELIMVILLE 'Mrs. Snell of 'E'xeter, spent last week with her sister, Mrs, Geo. Kei- lett. Miss Mary Jahns v'tsited',,over the Week end ,wilfih Miss• Beatrice Essery near 'Centralia. IThe ,sympathy of :the contmpnity is extended to Mr. 'Joshua Jttltn3 and. Miss ,Alma (Johns of Exeter in the death of Mrs. (Johns on Sunday. Mr. ,and Mrs. Laine 'Batterslby of Exeter, Mr. Wes. Heywood and Miss Jessie !Heywood are visiting in In- dianna. Mr, 'and iMrs. Enos 'Herd'ntan. of near 'V'arna, were visitors with' rela- tives here on ,S,unday. AUBURN Mr. ,and Mrs. Rolht, Adams of To- ronto, are guests at the ‘Auburn Boise. Mr, and 'Mrs. Donaldson and ,fam- ily of Goderich, were with the 'latter'.s ntcsther, Mrs. 'W. C. 'Robertson on the holi,d'ay. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Dodds of To- ronto, are visiting with .Mr..and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Rev, W. 'Mm's of Corunna, was in The villafe on Monday MT, and Mrs, ,Edgar ,Rio'wd of Lon- don, called on Auburn 'friends on Man day. Rev: Dr. and Mrs. Mortimore and Artlnir of 'Oakland, were in the vil- lage on 'T'uesday. Many from here have en'poyed the IGoderich ,cel.ebrabion. Mr. and Mrs, W. C. IRibison, Mr, and Mrs, N, 'Garrett .,B1lyth,; Mrs. McCool and granddaughter, Ruth Adele' Throat:of :Detroit, have return- ed 'front a trip •u'p north, CONSTANGE,' Miss 'J'ean Stephenson returned to her borne in Brussels after spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mns. Frank Riley. Mus. Joseph Riley spent The week end with her parents, Ibfr. and .Mrs. Geo. Cook of Ceod.erich •township. Russell MdN7chob of Toronto, is spending a few days with his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn. Miss Jean Wakefield is. ,spending .a The ®D, Ma—er \Ir,Alex.. \9 cKe T ie, torn(, ly ut Kip en now living retired at :Au- burn was reniwned-in his clay fur. his skill as a maker of collars for horse,. In his shad a: Rippen Ile implied more than ,fifteen 'Ontario. tirni., extending- s fat east as l:oatttintvillr, aid Chatham on the with. Mr, ,Mehenzie say; that eollars'weil inaek by hard were a.1- ways better than machine anade collars; A 'iYut a year ago Mr. Me - Kenzie disposed of Itis harness shop at iAµburn to Lipid 'Fenguson, ,;ottple of , weeks -with Mr, and Mrs. ,Geo. Cooke, of ` Goderich Township. Mrs. Nelson Saunders is spending a month with relatives in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. ,Carter and' Glen spent the weak end at the home of Mr, .and Mrs. •Fred King of Aylmer, Miss Jean MacDonald, of Walton has ;been visiting with her cousin, Miss'Bery,'t Carter, KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. !Jadk Forsyth of De - it are spending a week with their (ren+ts, Mr. and !Mrs, ,AIbe Forsyth. Harvesting is at a standstill awing to the continued wet weather. 'Mrs. john Wilton of 'Mes'cinawe, Saa'k„ has been visiting with Mrs. French and Mrs. J. W. McLean re- cently. Mr. Watson is busy buying grain for the Kipper elevator again. M•rs. Jones and family of near Tor- onto are spending a couple of weeks with 'their many- friends around the village. Mrs. Nellie McLean of Wa'basitene is visiting with her daughter, :Mrs. Johnson. CROMARTY. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of Guelph vis- ited with Mrs. Fisher's mother la'slt week. 'Mrs. 7. reffryhas returned from 'her tripin the north. Master _John Pierce of Brussels is visiting his.sister, Mrs, 'McDonald. BORN IA' number from here attended the Maloney—{An Scott Meunonial Hos old boys in Goderich last week, pita!,on Inday, .Aug. 9ith, .10317, to lisrs, Robertson and John, also Mrs. 'Mr, and !Mins:. Peter E. Maloney, Mc- Welton attended' the Robison reunion Killap, a sop: . in Sp,ri•ng;bank, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace .visited friends at Si,nrcoe on Sun'd'ay. Miss Aileen Young of .Slcienee Hill is visiting her aunt, Miss Currie, STANLEY Mrs, J. Bohner, Miss Mabel iEtou- ner and Messrs, ,David and Walter Bohner .visited friends in ,Goderich on Sunday. Bobbie and 'Ruth '!Hess of IHensali spent a few days last week alt the ho'nte of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carnie, Miss Marguerite Douglas of 'Tor. onto, • who has .been visiting relatives et Blake, B'aylfeld and the Bronson, left an Thursday for Muskoka ac- companied by Miss G. !Ross Of -Sea - forth and Miss M. INiehol of faun- ilton, While assisting his son Roy at the •farm, 'Mr, Wm. 'Lamont of Zurich suffered a fall 'which resulted in a 'Fractured •hip, 'He was removed 'to 'Clinton hospital where he 'received medical attention and is 'progressing favorably. His many friends •regret ethe .accident and hope •' that he may have a speedy reeoyery: Mr. an'd 'Mrs, (Gordon !Hayter and family of 'Detroit spent a few •days last 'week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Hayter. Mr. 1Rnio,t. Taylor of. Varna 'left last Saturday for Ida Thiene, Man., to as- sist with the harvest. ..REE FRONT SI.Af ()RTHE DEPT. STORES ISEAE0R�TH WEEK EIO SPECIALS FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY 75 Prs. MEN'S BOOTS GenuineGoodyear Welts 1.25 .pr. 1 BOYS' BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS & DRAWERS 15c - MEN'S ZIPPER BATHING SUITS 1.69 FEATURING MEN'S SHIRTS 98c Up to Size 20 UP Men's Work Pants Up to Size 52 • 1.75 UP FLANNELETTE m m w I0c O. MEN'S, WHITE SHOES LADIES' SHOES . , , ... . 2.19 99c