HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-08-12, Page 2PAGE TWO.
nge Pek
Francis -Jaques Nuptials—
The Main St, United :Church, Ex-
eter, was the setting for a pretty
wedding, (July 131st, when 'Ina Merle
Jaques, Reg. N. only daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. George Jaques,'became
the bride of Mr. 'J'ames :Hamilton
Francis, of Tavistock; son of Mr. and
Mrs. 10. iR.IFrancis, of Bright. Rev.
E. A. Elliott officiated and Miss
Helen 'Dignan presided at the organ.
The groom's sister, Miss Beth :Fran-
cis. w•aa maid -of -honor. Miss Beth
Peart, of Rockwood, cousin Of the
bride, was bridesmaid. Dr. K. S. Mit-
ten, of Chatham, was hest man and
the usher, were 'Rev. J. W: Siebert
of Tari -tock and Capt. Eugene E.
'Tiernan, M.D., of the R.C.:\.\1..C., of
Halifax. The y..un• make
their Isere iu Tavi,ta 1 ' •t ,
On Trip To Coast—
Mr, and Mrs. G. S. Howard and
clanRliter Evelyn are away en a trip
to the ',Pacific Coast. :Word has been
received by some of their friends
from :Banff 'where they were spend-
ing e . few days with Mr. Howard's
sister. Frons there they were to leave
for 'Vancouver, hoping to return the
third week in August. Up to the time
of wvriting they had travelled 2.501)
miles without a single mishap and all
were enjoying their trip greatly. At
:Banff they were at an altitcie of ',-
500 feet and the scenery was beauti-
ful beyond description: Will Weis -
miller, formerly of 'Hensel], was sta-
tion agent near Banff. They found
the highway tAlll in every particular.
From Saskatoon west for 20) miter
the crops were dried up, but in other
parts, fair to :rood. Taking it all in
all, they considered this the finest
trip they ever took.—Exeter Times -
Crushed Under Binder—
Three-year-.old Bernard Larkin, of
Parkhill district, was taken to St,
Jnsc'n.h's Hospital with both legs
Severely crushed. He hag fallen into
a moving binderathis father's Farm.
Found Pigeon—
pigeon landed at 'Mr. Arthur
Francis farm near Exeter one day,
apparently tired out. Mr. Francis
picked it up and put it in the barn,
Int Jt died the next day. It was band-
ed, hearing the following numbers
Visited At Exeter
'IDr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Johnston and
son '•Peter left ;Exeter last week for
Rochester, 'N.Y.. -where they will
, spend a few days with Mrs. John-
ston's mother and her sister's family.
frhey left their home in Wallkill, N.
Y., about three weeks ago, visiting
first at Saranac Lake, afterwards
crossing the St. Lawrence at Corn-
wall. They spent some time in Ot-
tawa. thence to North Bay. At Cal -
a. lander they saw :the quints and
though it was Tuesday morning they
were surprised to see the hundreds of
cars that were rolling in, each with
it: quota of sightieers. Their trip
then continued to the Blue Water
Highway and down to Bruce Beach
on Lake Huron where they visited
with Ilia 'brother Freeborn and Mrs.
,Johnston -anti Hugh, whence they
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
11. 'Johnston.
Out On Bail.—
Bail of .$50 was fixed :Monday for
Robert MapGregor of Fergus, for
his a'p•pearance at 'Goderich on 'Thurs-
day to answer charges of assault and
intoxication, He is alleged to have
struck Miss Dorothy Durnin to the
ground aurin;g an argument on Fri-
day night outside a Hamilton street
beverage roan:.
Small Farm Combine—
The St. Marys J'o•urnals:Argus re-
porter visiterl the farm of William
'Crleesnn, thresherntan and implement
salesman of St. Marys to see a new
all -crap harvester working a week or
so ago. A description of it from that
paper will interest many of our rural
readers so we have taken the privil-
ege of reprinting it: This compaet
Itre.;her-harvester is motutted on a
pair of rubber -tired wheels, weighs
j'tst as~ St. host and is towr•ri by
ordivarytwo or three -710w - -tra .or
tilted mlth power take -off. T'it're Is
no engine on the tiiresher.and all the
rower ,s derived from the tractor.
There are several belts, all of the V
type, and the cylinder is of a new de-
sign. Angle iron bars faced with rub-
ber rake the place of concaves and
spikes on the normal thresher and as
the sylinder travels at II6Y30 revolu-
tions it beats the grain from the
heads in a surprising manner without
chewing up the weeds and straw,
The grain is cleaned and bagged
right on the machine and the bags
may be dropped off at convenient
intervals by the attendant who •stands
on a ,little platform. Only two men
are required to operate the tractor
and thresher. The machine cuts a
fire foot swath, elevates the wheat
evenly, heads -up to the beaters and
then deposit, the straw in a row on
the ,ground. The angle of attack of
the knives and the facility with
,chicle the table may he raised or
low•ered.•inakes the machine ideal for
si,king.'u`p "down" grain Mr. Giee-
snh was very much impressed with
tate performance ,.f the machine and
Ire says that if it continue; to thresh
wheat. tritich is the hardest grain of
all t a thresh. he has an fears for its
future. It certainly was dndug a good
job- on 'Wednesday, traveling at about
four utiles per hour, The wheat wvas
bagged and drawn directly to the
elevators all in one day. Some farm-
ers claim that the wheat in this.- dis-
trict, if cut and threshed the same;,
day, will be too moist to keep,;; if+
stored in large quantities, but others'
say that proper handling Will: ellInip-
ate this risk. The big thing in 1a^rpe-
oF the thresher harvester is 014' -it.
cost; much less than an ordinety
thresher, it will pass throuy;+1, a
twelve foot „ate, it cuts, threshes ahsi
cleans in one operation with the
aid of only two men and without
hinder ;,c:no expense. When the Held
..s eat :with ibis machine thefarmer
has no more worry or work.—Mitch-
ell .Vicomte.
Sells Ruth Peters—
road about three miles south of Clin-
ton, traveled :1170 feet in the ditch and
resited into a tree, careened another
a feet and struck a second tree.
Mrs. ;Robert Hamilton, R. 'R. H, ;Lon
Ian, was instantly killed and Betty
:lautilton, 1119 -year-old daughter of
the dead woman, died in Clidtin
'.to.,pital about an hour and a half af-
ter the accident, Robert Hamilton,
husband of the dead woman, suffered
a possible skull fracture and severe
body hurts, William /George Shaw, of
570 /King street, 'London, aged about
212, and driver of the car, suffered a
fractured arm, severe faee lacerations
and terrible 'body injuries. Mrs. Geo.
Shaw, sante address, his mother, re-
ceived body injuries and lacerations.
Earl 'Ballantyne, aged about ;23, of 216
Monett Pleasant avenue, London, s'uf-
fered ;possible internal injuries, a
compound fracture of one arm, and
lacerations about the face and head.
With the exception of the young
driver, who was taken to the hospital
at Seafoa'th, all. the injured were re-
moved to Clinton 'Hospital. Their
condition generally was considered
serious, Traffic 'Officer William 12oh-
insr+e of -Exeter, and Traffic Officer
N' rrrnan Lever, of -Clinton, iuvesti-
rred the crash, There was apparent-
ly •tn eye -witness of the crash, Th,.
Inc front tire of the machine was
Fe n:1 flat after the accident, but
vaet!trr it was blown ottt 'before or
Sitter the impact,; was not immediate-
ly determined.
Believes Fire Incendiary—
lira was incendiary and 1
have reported the facts to the pollee,"
said Mayor Mao&wan of Goderich,
referring to the burning to the
ground on Thursday last of the large
cooper sloop of the :Goderich Salt Co„
at Saltford, the first salt company to
operate in Goderich. It belongs to the
'A sale of interest to followers of
:•ree,ng inthis tiistricr is anuo•unced
with the .sale by E. '\l', I%awni of
Mita:tell_d1 his , r9r-,d' mare.- Ruth
Peter;. She n-•ts' nwelve:+•d by 'Caui-
tsr Bros, o:' Toronto argil resold to
Frank :\dant, of 'Halifax, N.S„ to
whi:pit point she ass shippers last
vv. ook. M Fawn: sn p rt-hese:I Ruth
'!'eters as a tw-o year old from John
Formes of Blenheim. She holds a rec-
orl of 2•,1/34 Walt at .Simcne this
year. She was sired by Peter G., her
dant ,heir;; Betty 'Grattan.
Building Highway No. 23—
The work of widening, fencing•,
grading and building culverts and
bridges along the route of Ontario
Highway No. 2C3 which' runs north
front Elginificid through Whalen,
Woodham and Kirkton to Mitchell
is ,going ahead steadily these days
and many of the culverts and fences
have been installed. During the past
two weeks a cut-off to eliminate two
bard turns on the 'old road at Wlrtlen
has been under construction. This
cut off was purchased front Wilsnat
Morley whose farm forms the south
west conte- of Blan hard Township.
This will mean that motorists will
have to negotiate only a :gentle verve
instead of the two right angle turns
as formerly.
Granton Claims Youngest
There ,cents t,, he a race -ta find
the -onngest grandmother. Mrs..R.uy
Harvey, Granton, claims she 'became
a grandmother at HIV ere of 3L2 plae-
ing her ahead of a .grandmother and
grandfather at Compo who claimed
the age of 355. -
Two Women Killed in Auto
Crash South of Clinton --
A mother and her daughter were
killed and four other .person; critical-
ly injured, when the London car in
which they were riding left the high
way south .of Clinton late ;Sunday af-
ternoon and crashed n gain,t two
trees. 'The injured were removed to
Clinton and Seaforth hospitals 'Thr
heavy sadan driven by Willi tin
George Shaw, of 5711 'King streat,
London, ,vas northbound on Nu. 4
hig-bavay, Shen it swutig from ihel
f OR -A i'AtI'I.D,COOL,'SMOKE.`.
V acHwui estate, in which the mayor
is interested. "Some people thought
it was a joke—an old hone week
prank ---to ,burn it dowii, lbut the loss
is 52;5110, and there is .no, insurance,"
continued his worship, intimating
that malice had been shown and that
there had been previous threats to
burn dawn what was considered' an
eye sore, "I tlaiu:k, in :view of the
service I have faithfully tried to ren-
der this town in my aline -years as
mayor, our fire department might
have fought ;this fire. :It is true it was
outside town limits, Ibut it was just
across the bridge and there was
plenty of water in the river." The de-
partment apparatus went as far as
the bridge and turned :back leaving a
volunteer ibucicet ;brigade to fight the
'flames. The mayor was :forced to
chttckle to himself as he admitted
that he had ordered that fire sirens
and bells be silenced during the
height raf 'Thursday night's carnival,
feeling such a prank might have seri-
ons consequences, only to learn later,
that his own property was on /fire.
Reunion Has Deficit—
Attributed to the changed spend-
ing habits :of the people, 'Goderich
old home week committee will be
"in the .red," How much the ;commit-
tee members are unable to say, lack-
ing full returns. Guesses of $110010: to
840113 were hazarded. "There will be
a deficit," said _Mayor 'MaciElwen
1\'e lute to admit it." Crowds at the
1!:ag'c•tet, :baseball games and seconl
marc meet were not up to
-crate!). -
Injured At Holmesville—
While rounding a -down grade
!curve, 'David Healy lost control of
`bis ear on No. a4 highway one mile
west of d-iolmesville on Friday when
driving toward :Goderich. He and
Mrs. ITIealy,'3131556 Stanley avenue, De-
troit were taken to Clinton hospital,
the former with severe face and head
lacerations :ali•d. Mrs. ,Healy with a
fractured arm, two 'broken ribs and
severe shock, Their car is a total
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Plumsteel of
Clinton, announce the engagement of
their ,daughters, 'Jean Hill, to Rev.
Harold John Snell of Ethel, son of
the late Mr, and \irs. Id, Snell of
Dondesboro, the marriage - to take
place ;August 25; and Margaret Grace
to Mr, Johne Maurice Kingston of 'To-
ronto, son of Dr, and Mrs, 13, 11,
Kingston of 'Landon, the marriage to
take place Sept. 111,
"Now tell rte," said the teacher in
the history lesson, 'which ruler do
you think commands the most re-
"Please, Miss, I think the one you
are holding," replied Tommy.
A 'divinity professor 'was 'salved to
preside at the :baptism of the laslt-
arrived infant in the already crowded
hone of :the moister -of the :parish.
The professor gave out - for congre-
gational singing :one of the para-
phrases often used one such occasions
in Scotland: -
"Let .us," he said, "sing from the
second verse, ".A -s sparks in close suc-
cession rise.'
To his consternation he :o+hserved
that the congregation seemed unable
to repress a tendency to giggle.
Afterwards, asking the ministet''s
man that had been wrong, lie receiv-
ed the reply, "You see, sir, the minis-
ter'., name k Sparks, and yonder is
his tenth bairn,"
The deep sea diver was 'Taut at
work on the ocean bottom.
SutLle'ly an urgent voice came ov-
er his telephone, w'ivith connected
him with the boat above.
"Come up q'tickly," the voice said,
the contain tells me the boat is sink-
The appalling loss of life and frightful injuries caused by reckless driving in
Ontario must stop ! Motorists have been requested to be courteous on the road,
but the death toll still mounts at an alarming rate. Reckldss drivers must be
dealt with according to their deserts, and to the laws of this Province.
A reckless driver who causes death or injury is a criminal—just as much of a
criminal as a thief; for reckless driving is illegal. Cutting in, passing on hills,
excessive speed, driving slowly in the centre of the road, and all the other breaches
of safe driving are to cease.
Ontario has an internationally famous highway police force but they cannot be every-
where. Most accidents occur out of sight of the police. We therefore ask with all
sincerity for the co-operation of public-spirited motorists to report to this Depart-
ment instances of reckless driving. Itis your duty to help check this wicked slaughter
—deaths that could be avoided, and the maiming and crippling of healthy' men,
women and children.
Here is will, t' t
When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the
public, take his number, make a careful note of the actual time
and place and when you reach your destination write to the -
Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto,
giving full details. We do not invite reports of minor
infringements of the traffic laws; you are requested to use
sound judgment. We will deal adequately with offenders,
Motor Treltigles Branch
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