HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-07-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1937 HENSALL 'Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd end Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Manna spent. sew.- mall- days last week et Grand Bend, . Miss- hem. lloggarth had her ton- sils removed at Dr. Steer's office -on M on day. 'Miss Myrtle Hudsop ofLondont visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Heidson- on Sunday. .Mr. Thos. Nelson was visiting friends ht London on Saturday. .Master. Charles Fee, son of Mr, and Mrs.- Geo. Fee, South Richmond St, entertained a number of friends on ,Friday last, the occasion .being his Oth 'birthday. Mr. and MTS. William Shepherd, Mr, and Mrs. John Shepherd spew the week end at Hayfield. • Mr John Craig. who has been in very poor health for several months was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, for treatment no Saturday morn- ing: he went through, an operation. On Tuesday a report from the hos- pital stated that his copdition was just fair. Mrs. A. D MoEwen, who Was in Victoria Hospital, London, for a couple of weeks and who underwent an operation there, was able to be brought home last week. Mrs. Me - Ewen is improving nicely, Miss Donna M dEwendaughter vi Mr. and Mr. •\ D. McEwen, who spent several NCek, visiting with her :grandmother, Mrs. Sparrow, of Pais- ley, returned to her home .here on Wednesday. Mrs. Lore McNaughton +lib- bert, and 'laughter of Mr. W.. L. 'Mc- Laren, oi Hensall, was taken to Vic. toria Hospital, Landim, .i,,thout, two weeks ago for treannentlMaut rit4r; went an operation on N.Pllska. .714 Mrs. MoN'aughton has been in poor health for some time and'Iber many friends hop for her a sited s rttm ery. ,Ree. W. A. Young, Mr. 1Villiain Craig and 't•Vm. McLaren wegevisit- ing relatives and friends at ,Yictoria Hospital, London, on Saturd'ass Mrs. Jews: McQueen and Mrs. Lorne Forrest of firucetield, were visiting here last week with Mr, and Mrs. William Dow. Miss Nellie Fee of Milverton, is 'visiting, with her parents, Mr and Mrs- Geo. Fee, Mrs. Mar. Roweliffe is visiting relatives in Detroit. Sunday, Aug. 1st the service at Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held at 111 a.m., Rev. Mr. Gill of Ex- eter preaching, The services during the month of August will he at 111I Sunday morning and the even- ing service will be withdrawn. Mr. and Mrs. Rolet HigtsinS of ...HenSan, Wish to announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter, Alice Matilda. to Mr. Albert Bowen, Mrs. Bonen and the late Mr. Henry B o n. Blyth, the marriage to take ;:'ve i_arIv in August. Mr. ni:1 Stanity Wood and daush.er 1 Winni;'er, motored to Bens ti! aml were week end visitors and Wa:mn Wood. They had a esry :"leasant J. Wilson Bern% tieneral Manager of Guaranty Trust Co. of Toron- to, visited over the week end with his tr, then Mrs Anna Berry. returning witsh usin, Cadet James Hum- mel. 1Ir. Hemmen intends doing 'ole seeing while in Ontario, namely. Niagara Fa1s. Callander, Sieskoka. after which he will visit csesins in Kitchener before rettirning home to resume his college training 10 Phila.delphia. Jim is fifteen years old and stands five feet, 1114/ inches in height and with his military train- ing promises to be 'a stately young man when matured. Mrs. William Foster is spending a couple of weeks at Grand Bend. The Sunday School of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their an- nual picnic at Turnbull's Grove on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins and Mrs. Eo. McQueen were visiting last week with -heir cousin, Mrs, John G. Scott of IL'isbert. Marday, August 2nd, will be civic holiday in town. Mr. Lee Hedden of London visited over the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sparks of Lon- don were in town this week visiting his mother, Mrs. Geo. Sparks, South Richmond Street. Hensall Band assisted at' the band tattoo held in Exeter Wednesday. . Mr. William L. McLaren visited his daughter, Mrs, Lorne MeNaught- on, at Victoria hospital, London, on Monday. Mr, Harold Sherrill' of Toronto visited over the week end at his home here. 'Mrs. Albert Willard was visited by several, rhernbers of her family frolm Exeter on Sunday. Mr. Casey Hudson and friend from Listowel visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hadeon. Mrs. Roy Palmer and daughter Caroline of Windsor are visiting with MTS. Palmer's parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. John Fisher. 'Mr. and Mrs. Peed Smallacomb and children of Guelph visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sinallecomb. Harold Foster visited in Tor - 0010 on Saturday, WINTHROP Mr, and Mrs. Bert Trew•artha of Holmesville spent Tuesday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Trewartha. Mr, 10hurch was taken to Seafonth hospital Moncl-ay after being knocked -unronscious when he fell front the barn door into the stable while doing repair work on the floor, Mr. Church came front ,Rueseldale 'last Fall to the former, R6bt. Clarke 'farm, '10th con- cession, M-cKillop, The *Ladies' Aid and W. M. S, of Cavan Chinch will bold their regular meeting on 'Wednesday afternoon, August 4, at the home of Mrs. Frank Tohnston. Roll call will he answered with 11 verse on "Hope." • Give Yourself Gift f BE UT By enjoying one of these Good Beauty Salon Permanents The Standard a Perfection when there is" any equipment better we will have it. SPECIAL PRICES FOR YOUR SUMMER PERMANENTS All permanents include shampoo, pair, cut and ling -ere -ave. • ; • Beauty Salon PlIones50 or 1S. Set -north Mr. and Mrs. Adam 'Dodds of Lis - toe el, spent the week end ivith 11r -S. Robert Cam:Obeli, Sr., and Miss Rota Campbell, Mrs. Laird of the West, is staying with her aunt, Miss Eliza Betts. \\'e were sorry to hear of the Miss- es Reta and Marie Holman receiving severe injuries, both having fractured arms and bruises; also Scott Kerr who received bad lacerations. We are pleased to hear all three are gefting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson tiOvenloek of Waterford, called on theirold neigh- bors on Sunday. The laavy rains were very welcome t crops were needing it Mr. and Mrs. F. Bullard and family spent Tuesday itt IA-m(1,m NORTH 1V1cKILLOP Nliss Helen Robertson of St. Cath- arines is visiting at the home of Alr. Jobe Denuis. The ice cream and cake social held ly liethers Ladies' Aid at the home ofNIr. and Mrs. Alex Dennis, was well attended. A good programme was provided and enjoyed hy all. Miss Anne Ristner, who has 'been visiting the last month with her A1S- ter, Mrs, Jos. Thornton, has returned to her home in Waterloo, Ont. Ken Thoruton and Ralph MoNich- n1 spent Sunday afternoon with John Munn, who fell from the top of a dredge and fractured his wrist and ankle. We all hope for a speedy re- covery. Quite a few front the 112th spent Sunday at the lake. spent the ,week end under the paren- tal roof, Miss Jean Millie is sojourning in Hensall 'at present. Mr, and Mrs, Milton Pollack and family spent Sunday afternoon • with Mr and Mrs, Geo. Campbell. CONSTANCE' Mr. -and 'Mrs. Win. Britton,. and Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Jewitt abtended the wedding of MT George Wynne and Miss Jean- Stewart near Forrest on Wednesday aft6imoon. Miss Jean Jewitt of Kirm'aid, Sask., returned with them. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Rayburn are :vending a few days with relatives at Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson, of Brussels. Among those attending the contest held in Myth last Thursday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. ,Dave Milison Mrs. Thos. Rolland, Donald Coutts, Miss Jean Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. lRobt. Grimoldby, Miss Olive Grim- oldby,' Mr. Fred Hanburn, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley and Fred and Al- vin Riley. * Mr. and Mrs. 'Murray Hardy of lGoderich and Mrs. George Giles of Windsor, visited friends in the vil- lage on Thursday. Mrs. Leo Stephenson returned on Monday from a week's vacation at Brigden. STANLEY Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Peters, who have been spending their 'vacation at their cottage in Muskoka, return this week to their horne in Varna, and Mr. Peters will take his work on the Varna charge next Sunday. Mrs, Margaret Erratt olf Muncey spent the past week with her sister. Mrs. H. IErratt and other friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carnie and daughter, jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Gladuin Westlake and Mr. Randolph ',multi motored to St. "Nlarys on Sim- Niiss lvfary Campbell of Port Elgin BAYFIELD The Misses Wolfenclers of Detroit who have been guests off Miss DT01.1- in, returned to Detroit on Monday. The annual Anglican garden party was held at the rectory grounds on Tuesday night and was g. htige atm - cess. The Golf Club held.a rum -ma -gess -ale in the town hall on Saturday. A, Mr. and Mrs., N. Toms of 'Detroit are spending their vacation with. Ms, J. Toms, Mr. and Mrs: F. Crane of Detroit spent the week end with Mrs. Crane's father, Mr. R. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes and Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Smith ,of 'Seaforth at- tended the funeral of the late J. R. 'Gorenlock an Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hunter of Toron- to are guests of Di-, and Mrs. Stog- dill this week. DR. MULLIGAN (Coal:flailed From Page 1.) ' tg.1)Sqhod his practice. Two years lat- er he took post -graduate work In London, Edinburgh, Berlin and Vi- enna. During the period from 1927 to )1932, he was associated 'with the late fltt Dewey Gertson. Di: :Mulligan was inarrmd in 190h 0 Miss 'Margaret MaelQuaid of Sea - forth, OritariO, -Their five children all died in infancy It was She year he was married that he built the present family Willie. at 51114 Belmont Road. "Members • of the profession hern and others intimately acquainted with Dr. Mulligan's life spoke highly of his life work when informed of his death. '"Dr. G. ',ST. Williamson, setSretarV of the state board of medial exam- iners and a friend of Dr. Mulligan since the latter tante to this state, and IDe,'11'. Liebeler, district president. paid tribute to his professional and private life and declared his death "a diseinet loSs' to his profession and to the community." WORDEN FAMILY REUNION Worden iamily gathered for their annual reunion on W edit e scl a y at the home of Nfr. and Mrs, Jos, 1Vorden, Sten._ During the afternoon a softball game was played and a fine program of sports under the dire - it of Mrs. Alvin Worden and Ada Miller was much enjoyed. The results were: 'Children 6 and under, Nlargaret Nliller, Lorne Fell, Gordon Miller; boys and girls 7s10, Marion Hodgert, Ross Hodgert, Loh.; Fell; girls 11-14, Jean Hodgert; boys 11-114, Reg. Hod- gert, Bcib McCurdy, Frank Miller; ladiee' race, Lillian Hodgert; gents' race. Alvin Worden; pillow race, Lil- lian Hodgert's team; driving contest. 'Nfilton Hodgert and Mrs. 51. Mc- Curdy; hot coppers, Mrs. Robert Mil- ler's side; Cinderella race, ,Alvin Wor- den,. Cliff Miller and Lillian Hoclgett; tile 'target,, Milton Hodgert's team; untiethe leaigit, Bert 'Fell's side; team jUitipS,,Bert ,Fell's side; costume race, Mrs, j, -,Hodgert; oblject guessing con- teSt, Mrs. Bert Fd13. • After a picnic supper had been served, Jos. Worden, the retiring president called for the election of of- ficers For the ensuing year which re- sulted as follows: President, Mr. 3, M. Miller; secretary, Mrs. Roy Mill- er; treasurer, Margaret Allen; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs., Robert Miller and Mr. and inc. M. Mc- Curdy. in appreciation of their hospitality a heady vote of thanks was tendered Mr, and Mrs, Worden by Mrs. Frank Alien. It was decided that next year's re -union would be held the third Wednesday in July at the home of either • Mrs. M. McCurdy or Lyle Warden. by buying in bulk lots. CROMARTY • The ACT,affteT11. Of the Lord's Sim- per was observed at the morning ser- vice and a thanksgiving service in the evening, -both services being con- ducted by the minister, Rev. James Reidie, Mr, and Mrs. Bunton Mac- Donald joined the church by certifi- cate and Mrs. John Wallace, Miss Pearl Houghton. and Miss Agnes Scott became menthers at the com- munion service. Owing to Rey. James Reidie's ab- sence on a three weeks' holiday, Rev. Mr, Gilmour Of the Staflia, United Church, will conduct s services -,each Sunday' daring this • term. . • Mrs. Hugh Currie and son Hugb, and Miss Mary B. Qurrie, attend ed the funeral service Of Neil Bain, which was held in the Motherwell United • iaturdh on Saturday after- noon. Interment was in the ' Avon - bank cemetery. Carl Weitzman " and Mrs. Car: Weitzman of Niagara Falls, N. Y., visited with the latter's: .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MdEellair; John Houghton, of Harriston, at his home; Cordon Houghton has returned after visiting with his brothers in Harris - ton; Mr. and Mrs. Fulton and Mur- ray' MoGill of Mitchell, and Mrs, John Barr of Stratford, with Mi. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar. Crop Conditions The latest crop 'report prepared by the Statistics Branch shows that field crops generally in 'Old Ontario made phenpmenal growth in the month of Jane, An abundance of moisture and fairly cool weather provided the best growing conditions -experienced in years. Pall wheat and fall rye, hay and clover, spring grains and pastures grew very.rapidly. Fall wheat is now ripening in "Western 'Ontario and in the more southerly part harvesting wilt commence within a very' few days. Bumper yields -will be obtained on most, hut lodging has reduced the yield somewhat on some stands, Spring grains have developed so ra- pidly in most of Central and South- western Ontario as to completely off- set the extreme lateness of seeding. 'Early oats and barley promise excel- lent yields. In :Eastern Ontario' spring grains have made good growth but are still below average. In Lake Erie counties frequent rains have interfer- ed e ith haying operations and made curing difficut Controlling Plant Aphids Aphids or plant lice are soft -bodied insects which are frequently found feeding in clusters on a wide variety of plants. They vary greatly in col- our—white, green, blue. red. and black, When they are discovered, they should be checked before farther da- mage is done. They can be controlled much more easily at the beginning of an outbreak than later in the season when their numbers will have in- creased and the leaves on which they are feeding will have curled up in such a way as to protect the insects from sprays or dusts. Spraying the plants with nicotine sulphate 40 per cent. (Slack Leaf 40) and water, to which have been added a small amount of laundry soap, is the easiest and best method of con- trol. In small amounts, two teaspoon - fulls of nicotine should be used at the rate of 3-6ths of a pint to 410 gallons of water with two or three pounds of soap added. The material should be applied on a hot, calm day, drenching both upper and lower surfaces af the leaves so as to actually hit all the in- sects. In protecting 'field crops, at least 100 gaillons of the spray should he used per acre at each application. Two or three applications .at weekly intervals will be necessary for com- plete control. In buying niootine sul- phate in quantity, large containers should be purchased in preference to a number of email bottle or cans, be- cause the cost is very much reduced Old Home Week in qo der ic h AUGUST 1 TO 7 Mammoth Pageant Spectacle, "l3RITANNIA" Cast of 600—Topical Music—Lovely Scenery—Beautiful Dances • The Greatest Production ever staged in the District THREE NIGHTS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, Aug. 3, 4, 5 TWO RACE MEETS WEDNESDAY, AUG. 4 ' MONDAY, AUGUST 2 A Treat for the Baseball Fans Civic Holiday Stake Races DOUBLEHEADER FIVE EVENTS—PURSES $2500 By Crack Professional Teams BUFFALO ALL STARS THURSDAY, AUGUST S One at the Best booing in N. Y. State Three Races -2:26, 2:16 vs. DETROIT STARS and Colt Race Champion Colored Team PURSES $900 BIGGEST BASEBALL FEAT - FRIDAY, AUGUST 6 URE IN TEN YEARS AFTERNOON ' GRAND STREET CARNI - Caledonian Games—High- VAL EACH NIGHT land Dancing and Piping— PRIZES Athletic Events BANDS -ORCHESTRAS EVENING FUN -MAKERS of all KINDS Band Tattoo—Fireworks GIANT MIDWAY ALL WE, DK THE OLD TOWN WELCOMES YOU° BUY IN EGMONDVILLE CASH PRICES. SATURDAY ONLY In Trade Only 3X White 26c for GRADE A Vinegar, gal, 29"c LARGE EGGS 1 Large Chipso 3 Kirk's Castile „ 29c 6 cakes Pearl White Wrapped Bread • Soap, 1 Ammonia Per loaf . 9c Matches 3 boxes for 24c Jewel Shortening • 2 lb. ,23c W. J. Finnigan ELMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario TWO AUCTION. SALES Lambert Saleyards, Strathroy— -- On Saturday, July 31st—t3150, MIX- ED CAI:IDLE, including 200 Year- ling & 21 -Year -Old Steers, balance Milkers, Springers," Stock Cows- and Stock Calves. "Usual run of Mixed Pigs, -On 'Wednesday, Aug. 1-1HOIRRES 50 Horses including 1310 Choice Young Work -horses unibranded, 'balance Yearling, 2 -Year-old and .)-Year-old. These Horses are an exceptionally gniet bunch, 'Sales" start at 1 .o'clock, Horses can be inspected at Satur- day's Cattle Sale. Trucks to deliver. Terms cash. A. G. :McAlpitie, Auctioneer. '30 CLEARANCE SALE Beatty ,Electric and 'Gas Engine Washers. Clearance sale. Information A. Sills & Sons. . 310, FOR SALE L\ third horse, six years old. James ishem, Walton. :30 FOR SALE The Walton Blacksmith Shop for sale. Immediate possession. With or without tools. Apply -to A. Pullmen at Barton Blacks -with Shop, Seaforth. (3t),) HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT .11reF. D. Hutchison is offering her home for sale or rent, Corner of Market and 'Jarvis Streets. 'Possession September. Ideal location. Good re- pair. Well decorated. All modern .con- veniences. Inspection' any time. 30 1 PROCLAMATION Town of. Seaforth CIVIC HOLIDAY Many of the citizens having peti- tioned to have IIONDIAY, 'AUGUST Ond, 11939 proclaimed a Civic Holiday, I hereby ,proclaim that the said Monday. Aug- ust and, 110617, be Civic Holiday for the Town of Seaforth, and request that the citizens olbserve the same by closing their places of business fat that day. Dated at , Seaforth this 28th day of J uly ':JIOritHIN9139% MUM Acting 54 ayor. "God 'Save the King" SPECIALS IN Used Cars During Old Home Week in Goderich, Aug. 1 to 7 1 1936 Deluxe Foid V8 Coach 1 1936 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 1 1934 Deluxe Dodge Sedan 1 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1 1929 Pontiac Coach • 1 1929 Studebaker Sedan. 2 1927 Chev. Ceaches 1 1927 Star Sedan. 1 1928 Chrysler Sedan (4 cylinder) 1 1936 2 Ton Dodge Truck with New Combination Stock and Grav- el Dump & Hoist. Just put on new, 1 1931 Ford IA Ton Commercial Panel. REG. McGEE DODGE & DE SOTO SALES Phone 695 Goderich Pullets • Pullets A number of Barred Rock and White Leghorn Pullets for sale 'Pen weeks old to ,laying age Also a nurriber of year-old Leghorn Hens Moore Poultry Farm PHONE 160 r 3, SEAFORTH E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AGENCIES ANNOUNCES The purchase of the insurance 'busi- ness of Hays and Meir and the ad- dition of their companies to our prev- ious facilities •enables us to give you unexcelled services in all lines. Seaforth, Ont. The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth.. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p,ni to 5 pm. Saturday evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m KINDLING /Pell coal box of broken boards suitable for breaking into kindling, "If42 Per load, Some used Mather for sale. Tomato sticks 11c each. Splendid iron water tank suitable for barn. Roams to rent. See E. L. Box. MASSEY-HARRIS BINDERS AND BINDER REPAIRS Binder Twine of high quality at competitive prices. Grain, Feed and Flour. Open Saturday evenings, Give us a call. Phone 325 or 25. J. -McKen- zie, Seaforth. , PIANO FOR SALE Otte piano in excellent condition. lb Apply to Post Office Box 39, • Sea - forth. 311. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Eight rooms, good cellar, hard and , soft Water, electric lights, garage and garden, _lames Barron, box 1.54, Sea - forth. PLACE YOT,IR ORDER NOW I ant agent for the E. D. Smith Nursery, aad can snap's, any nursery stock you need—all kinds of fruit trees, shrubs and flowers. Now is the best time to order for Fall planting, especially fruit trees. Wm. J. Mc- Kenzie, Ki -pen R.R. 3. Phone 41 on SI Hensall. • 30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'Notice is hereby given pursuant to the- statutes in that behalf that all persons having claims against Wal- ter Willison, late of the Township of Hullett, County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 24th day of June, 119.39', are required to send to the un- dersigned Solicitors for the Executor full particulars in writing ,a,nd veri- fied by affidavit, of their claims and the nature of the securities if any, • held by them on or before the Kat day of July, 119139, after which date the F....xecutOr will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 10th day of July, 1037. HAAS & MELR, Seaforth and Hensel' 30 Solicitors Inc the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given ,pursuant to' the statutes in that 'behalf that all persons having claims against Eliza- beth Harvey, late of the village of Egmondville, County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the 22nd day of April, I11937, are required to send to the undersigned Solicitors for the Executor, full ,particulars in writing and verified by affidavit, cif their claims and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, held by them, on or be- fore the Sltst day of July, 119317, atter which date the Executor will proceed" to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have 'had notice. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 110th day of July, 19437. HAYS & MEDR, Seaforth and Hensel! 30 Solicitors for the ,Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of 'Cridedn IHislop, late of the Township :of Tuckersmith, in the Count§ ofIHruron iFlarmer 'who died on or about the ircl day:of'Septemb- er, 1'936, are required to deliver to the undersigned loll particulars of their claims on or before the 38th day of August, 193l7', as after that Tate stile Administrator will proceed bo dis- tribute the assets of the E:state, hav- ing regard only to the ,claints: of which he shall then have notice. Dated at -Goderich this 211ist day of jely, nor. • BRIAINK .1)10INNE'LLY, Goderich Oritarict 312 Solicitor for the Administrator, Send us the names of your visitors.