HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-07-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1937 HENSALL 'Mrs, IJ'ohn 'Wallace of Buffalo anti Mrs. E. L. Baughman of Chicago are visiting here with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter ,Fee, 'The 'trustees of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church are making a number of improvements to the Manse this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gotch and daugh- ter Miss Dorothy of New 'Orleans, La., were visiting here on Friday, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fee. Mr. Geo, 'Ferguson, who recently anoved here from Unborn township has made a number of fine improve- ments to his home, Mr. Albert Paesnnor• of Delhi spent Sunday here with leis aren'es, Mr, and Mrs. ;John 'Pasant *mit Ifini Haying o Y g is trict and the cutting oa9 d'in this dis- tal] wheat has oamrnenced. There was a well attefnded meeting here in the town hall n Friday ev- ening of the executive 'of South Hui - on Conservative Association, Mr. and Mrs. John iReid and child- ren of London spent the week end with Miss Minnie .Reid, Mr. and Mrs,, Jas. Bonthron and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron spent Sunday visiting in .Kitchener and 'W'aterloo. Miss Kathryn Sells, who has .been e g'tiest at the home of, Mrs. Wm. !Lammie and Miss Greta Laramie for the past two weeks, has returned to her home in London. Mrs. Jas. Troyer of Toronto is vis- iting here with her brother, Mr. Geo Hudson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and ohildren left on Monday for vaca- tion at ''Rondeau Park, • IEd. MoQi een and Harold Higgins • of Beach -n' -+Pines epent ' the • week end at their homes here. Mr. Neil Mdl\eill spent the weel: end with his family at Thorndale. Mr. Can Hudson, who has been so seriously ill far about a year, is able to sit up a while each day, out of doors. He is showing iotllrovea- enent fn his condition, but is weajs Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Knight and two children and Miss Alice Higgins of Kitchener spent the week end here with relatives and at Beach-o`?Pines. Miss Emily Morrison eif Toronto is visiting with friends in Hensall and vicinity. Rev. James Foote and Mrs, Foote of Carleton Place, were visiting. friends in the village last week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenzie of St. Louis, Mo., accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Margaret 1vloKenzie, of Bruceflekl, were visiting here last week with Mr. William McAsh, and sister, Miss M'cLks'h. St. 'Paul's Anglican Church 'held 'their annual Sunday school picnic at Turnbul'1's Grove on Wednesday. Mr. Roibert'P'assniore will take the service in the United Church oaf Sun- day morning, and the evening service will be withdrawn, Berry picking is quite ' the order of the day in this vicinity. • Mrs. JohnHabldnk of Seaforth is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor. Mrs. Trenner of Montreal is spend- ing the summer at the home of her (brother, Mr. Alfred Taylor, Mr. Percy Keys of Hamilton is visiting his mother, Mrs. John Keys. (Born, at Mrs. 'Paterson's Hospital, Hensall, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Bell, a son. - o MTS. John Wallate of Buffalo, N. Y., returned home on Sunday after spending the last three weeks with her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Walter •J. /Fee of Hensall. Mr. Wallace and dau- ghter Dorothy, of Buffalo, epent the week end in Hensall, also Mrs. Ed L. Baughman and daughter Mary of Chicago is spending a few clays with ,Mrs. Baughman's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter J. Fee, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harps and son Max spent Sunday in Hensall at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J Fee. Mrs. Fee is in very poor health at present. Potash in Agriculture Potash is 'one of the three "essen- tial elements, of fertility"—nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. These elements .have received this appella- tion not because they are any more essential to the growth of crops than the other nine elements, entering into the composition of plant tissues,. but 'because they are the three which must he constantly returned to the soil if its productiveness is to he maintain- ed under our ordinary systems of farming• which, as we know, entail ' the removal and sale of at least a :por- +tion of our crops. Of these three elements, potash is the more widely distri'bu'ted and less frequently deficient in soils than ni- trogen and phosphoric acid and may be considered the least important from the standpoint of the necessity of application, 'Olay loans as a rule are well supplied with potash and sel- dom respond profitably to an applica- tion ofa special potassic foi+hilizer. In- deed, upon heavy clays such an appli- cation may depress the yield by bring- ing about an unfavourable condition of filth. I't is more particularty sandy and gravelly looms, limestone soils and soils rich in -vegetable matter such a mucks and peaty loarns, which are poor in -potash and upon which this element may be expected to give a profitable return. Again it is not all crops that call for potassic manuring. On our sta-ple cereal crops, wheat and oats, potash seldom gives a remunerative return, save on t}:e lightest and driest soils. Barley„ - 'for malting purposes,. is to same extent' an exception among cer- eals, frequently responding profitably to potassic, nnannres and particularly so on sandy soils. Give Yourself a Gift of EAU' By enjoying one of these Good Beauty Salon Permanents The Standard of Perfection When there is any equipment better 'we will have it. SPECIAL PRICES FOR YOUR SUMMER PERMANENTS All .permanents include shampoo, hair out and fingerwave. 'B' Beauty Salon _Phone 5p sr • 1S. Seaforth •VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Appleby of Ingersoll spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby, Mr. C. 'C. Pilgrim returned home last Saturday after spending a week at Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. J. MciAndrew and fa- mily of California are visiting friends here. There will be Sunday , School but p'a evening service in. the United Church next Sunday. ' Mr, Cecil Wiley of (Detroit spent the week end with friends here. Mrs. R'athwell of Windsor and son Charlie of London are the guests of Mrs. M. Reid.' Mr, and Mrs. Gierhart of Detroit were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A. Ings, Mrs. Beatty of Goderich, in comp- any with her son Bill, and sister Miss Roberts, called on Mrs. M. Beatty and Miss Mossop Sunday, also .1I1% and Mrs, McDonald of Wroxeter and their friends, Mr, and Mfrs. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Schell and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seeley of Detroit are the guests of Mfr, and Mrs. A. :Austin. Mr. J. T. Reid of Landon was re- newing acquaintances in the village last week. Mr, George Beatty Sr. is visiting his nephew, G. - B. Woods, at his summer home at Graven'hurst, Mus- 'koka, Mr, and Mrs. Hey, of Palmyra, 'New York, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs Ings. Mr, Millard Robinson was ,taken to London hospital Saturday for medic- al treatment, Mrs. Serrell is visiting her s• ister, Mrs. A. Robinson. WINTHROP Wheat ,slitting is the order of the day .and is a'bumper crop. Mr. and Mrs. Peter MoCowan of Roxboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton.' The young people of Caven Church held their annual picnic 'at Barfield on Wednesday. • Mr, and Mrs, Elton Hoist of .Grav- enhurst are visiting his mother, Mrs. Heist. STANLEY Mr, Geo. Hodgson of Wilton 'Grove spent Sunday with Isis daugh- ter, Mrs. Harold Penhale. Miss Marie Hodgson of Wilton (Grove visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ha- rold Penhale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. - Olivaster spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McClinchey, ST. COLUMBAN Visitors nt rs a•t the homy of Mr, and .Mrs J. J. OlReilly over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Toledo, Ohio, Mr, Andrew McMahon and Miss Rase O'Reilly, Detroit, Mr. 'Joseph Larger, 'Toronto, Mr, and 'Mrs, Thomas Costello, West Monk .tong Mr. and Mr, Nell Klein, Detroit, were recent visitors in our burg. A lawn social is to be held in St. Columban the first week in August. Mr. and M•re. Pope, of Kitchener, visited Mrs. Mary Dalton and Miss J. Cronin over the week end: Berry picking is the order of the day. - Miss Muriel Lodir;, Dublin, spent `;tin lay with \Pss Mary Milrplty,• . DUBLIN Mr, and Mrs, Win. Wald Of Clif- ford visited with Mr. and Mrs; ` John 'Darling on Sunday. - Mrs. John Flynn underwent an op- eration for appendicitis on Saturday morning in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. I-Ier many friends wish her a speedy recovery, Mr, and Mrs, ;flames Barber of Stratford were guests of Mr. and iefrs. Alen, Darling on Sunday. Mr. J. Tracey of Toronto installed an tip -to -Elate switchboard in the of- fice of the iM'cJKillop, Logan and 1711b- bert Telephone Co. during the week Mr, E. Kerr has returned to his duties at the Bank of Commerce after a month's leave of absence. - 'Miss Carmichael of Windsor was a visitor in town seeing her old friends Mr. and Mrs, Louis Matthews and children of Detroit visited with Mr, and Mrs. M. Nagle and other relat- ives. Miss Katie O'Connell of London with her sisters, Mrs. Bruner and Miss Mary O'Connell. Miss Nagle of Kitchener is visiting Mrs, M, Nagle, Mr, Patrick McConnell of Toronto with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dave McConnell. Mr, Michael Longworth of Lyd- den Sask., is visiting his old friend, Mr, Alex. Darling.- It is a nurnber of years since Michael left here and he sees many changes in his home town, iRer. Father McConnell returned to Pennsylvania after a three weeks` vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McConnell, The funeral of Miss Clara Gorm- ley, 21I -year-old victim of a traffic crash during a dense fog, near Strat- ford, tock place at St, P'atrick's Church on Saturday morning at 9.30. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes sang the requiem high mass. Rev. Father John Mc- Connell, of Scranton, Rev, Fr. Dant- zer, of St. Colin'ban, Rev, Path Eck - art, and Rev. Father Gi'blbons and Jos, O'Rourke of St, Peter's Semin- ary were present in the sanctuary. Eleven nurses in uniform from St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener, where Miss Gormley was in training, acted as a guard of honor. A large group of nuns who ,staff St. Marys Hospital, were present at the church service, 'besides representatives of the Kitch- ener medi(:al profession. Miss Gorm- ley, the youngest child of Mr. and Mfrs, Edward Gormley of Hibbert, was a graduate of DeWitt schools. A large number of floral wreaths and spiritual bouquets showed the high esteem hi which the young woman was held. Pallbearers were John Ry- an, Hugh McGrath, Lou ,Morris, M. Coyne, Joseph Coyne, Hugh McMil- lan. KIPPEN Mrs. Rev, Littleford, w'hn has been visiting with her parents at the Manse for some time, left on Monday for her hone in Red Lake where her husband is stationed. Mr. Emmerson Mitchell of Wind- sor is spending a few weeks with his 'many friends in the village. 'Mrs. John Chesney has returned to her home in Stratford after a pleas- ant visit with friends. Rev. acid, Mrs: Chandler tad visit- ors from Ferdwich aver the week end. ' Mrs. Chesney Sr. is much improv- ed and all hope she may continue so. Mr. Clarence McLean of London spent the week end with Kippen friends, ' St. Andrew's picnic was held on Tuesday ,and was well attended. Master Floyd MctAsh was sanccess- ful lis passing his Gracie V piano ex- amination with Honors. Rev. ,Paries and Mrs. Foote of Car- leton Place are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. R, Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schell and fa- mily of Detroit are spending this week with Mr, and Mrs.' Alf. Malin. !Rea. E. F. Chandler and daughter Helen, Mr, and Mrs,' M. C. Talbot and Mr, and Mrs; E. Taylor attended the Steckle1P'enfold nttptia•ls at West Montrose, -on Saturday, July 117th. HILLSGREEN W.M.S.— `tthe July meeting of the Women's Auxiliary was held in the church on Friday afternoon, July 16 with the resident Miss Edna Cochrane ran, 'Po , e re- p isiding. Guests were present from the 'Goshen Society. Call to w'ors'hip and hyinsi 499 was stung. ;Prayer and re- sponsive reading from hymnary 2108. The scripture lesson was taken from St, John 115, verses 115 to 117. The roll call was answered by S' points for Mrs. Turner's .group and $ points for Annie Jnairrott's group. The treasurer and secretary 'then gave their reports. The 'busines's was then taken. It was agreed to give $120.00 of the proceeds of the strawlberry social to the church, The August meeting will be with- drawn. The Balby Band will meet in 'September. A hearty !welcome was ex- tended to the Goshen ladies. The guest speaker, Mrs. C, Johns was then called upon to address us on "the summary of the work in Canada," which was enjoyed by alt The offer- ing was taken. We closed our meet- ing with singing hymn 510, Benedic- tiont, The Sunday School Picnic is 'being hold an Tuesday at Bayfield Grove. Berry. picking is the order of the day. Mr. and 'Mrs, W. ,Huxtable of Centralia -visited at the Thome of Mrs. 3, Love. Mrs. 'Robert Stephenson returned to her home after 3 'very pleasant vis- it at her son's co'tta'ge - at Bruise Beach, Mrs. S. 'M'dLeo'd of Detroit and rel- atives front ,Manitoba and California called on friends. Mr, and Mrs. IP. C'amp'bell and chil- dren visited with Mr, and Mrs, H. Love, their son Elmer staying for a few days. BAYFIELD `Dr. Stogdill, of Toronto,- spent Sunday with his fancily at their cot- tage on the Terrace. Mr, J. Marks met with an accident on Saturday last when his car turned over and he had to be taken to Clin- ton Hospital. Miss' Anne G'ovenlock of Weston is spending the week with her cousin, Mrs. ',vv. Ferguson. Miss Margaret Beattie and Mild- red Cuthnore of Seaforth are spend- ing their vacation in the village. Mdr, G Churchward of London is spending his vacation at his cottage, Mr. and Mrs., Walter Wyley and Mrs. Howard spent the week end with Mrs, Castle. 'Miss Nora ,&nest of Toronto is visiting her cousin, Miss Donna 'Toms, The anniversary services at Knox Church will be on Sunday, July 75 at nal and 713'0. tt<nox Presbyterian Church will hdld fheir anniversary services on Sunday, July 251th, at ,111: aim. and 7:130 p.m. Rev. 'Gordon A. 'Peddie, 'B:A., whose induction took plate in Clinton 'July '20th will preach at both services. Artist: "And why do you want me to give up sketching?" Landlady: "Well, I should like to see your drawings cover your board." or, a e ass, week, 213c SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB WATER CARNIVAL SEAFORTH MONS PARK Wednesday,July 2ith PARADE TO THE' PARK LEAVES MAIN & GODERICH STREETS AT 5:45 P.M. «« SPECTACULAR FIREWORKS DISPLAY* Under direction of T. .1,;V, Hand Co. of Toronto SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE Water Sports (see bills for events) --Band Concert—Wheel of Fortune— Dancing—Gaines of Skill . b A l\. C I N r OPEN AIR DANCING ON PERFECT l,' !F PLATFORM. Music by OttoHenderson. You enjoy the park and pool, help us' maintain it In case of 'inclement leather, Carnival will be held following evening ADMISSION 10c. Children in Parade Free FREE AUTO PARKING 'Want and For Sale ads, 3 whs, 5Oc — Outstanding Cash Specials s SATURDAY ONLY Red Path, per cwt. 5 79 Red Path, 10 lb. , - 59c Red Path, 5 1b. - 30c Magic Baking ,Powder, ib. 28c Seedless 'Raisins, 2 ib. 23c ,Swans Down Flour, pkge., 33c Vanilla, bottle . , , , , , , 9c 'Old. Cheese, ib', 21c Shortening, Ib 13c Pure Lard, 2 lb. ,,. ,29c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pk 23c Kellogg's Pep, 2 pkges .. ,23c Kellogg's All Wheat, 2 pk. 23c Kellogg's Bran Flakes 2 pk 23c Red Rose Tea, lb 53c Blue Ribbon Tea, lb 49c Lipton's Tea, ib. 59c Red Rose Coffee, lb, 35e , Palm Olive 'Soap - 4 cakes 21c Lux Soap - 4 cakes 21c miaminine Sweet Pickles, bottle .. , 18c Si ' . J. Finn an ELMER D. BELL. B.A.'E,'C. Chamberlain Successor to John IL Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario 11•1111111e Auction on S1. ae HORSES A CHOICE CAR OF YOUNG HORSES from 1300 ' to 1500 weight, three to seven years, to be auctioned at Cudmore's Sales .Barn,. SeaForth MONDAY, JULY 26TH AT 1:30 O'CLOCK R. KEELER G. H. ELLIOTT Owner. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Lambert Saleyards, 'Strathroy, Sat- urday, July Litt„ at l' o'clock sharp. 3150 M41XIED 'CATTLE, lncl'fiding 200 Choice Yearlings and 2 yr. old steers INr.l Choice Milkers and Springers, bal- ance Heifers, Stock Cows and Calves, Usual run Mixed Pigs and Calves. Watch for Horse Sale to he an- nounced later, - l"rucks to .deliver. Terms cash. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. 29 MITCHELL SALES AND EX- CHANGE Auction Sales at Hick's (House Barns, Miteliell, every Friday at 2 pan, of Springer Cows, ,Feeder Cattle, Young Calves, 'Pigs of all ages, Potil- try, bfachinery. This weelc we will have 415 feeder cattle, in good flesh, ranging front 5010 to 900 lbs. Also Dodge % ton truck. Bring anything you have to sell, For particulars apply to Aaron Steinacker, phone ,613 r 3, Mitchell. Terms cash. McNeil & Nairn, Auc- tioneers, • MASSEY-HARRIS BINDERS AND BINDER REPAIRS Bihder Twine of high quality at competitive prices. Grain, Feed and Flour. 'Open Saturday evenings, (Give us a call. 'Phone 323 or 25. J. McKen- zie, Seaforth. .30 PIANO FOR SALE One piano in excellent condition, .Apply to (Post ;Office Box 39, Sea - forth. 29, FOR SALE One good Durham cow six years old, due in July, $60, One ais•ed creams separator in good condition, $120. W. J. Finnigan. 29. FOR SALE Six foot :Massey 'Harris hinder knife; b•iede'r canvas, 401590 insanes;. screen door, 312 x 150 inches. W. V. Jefferson, Seaforth., 29 HORSE FOR SALE Good strong work horse in good condition, quiet and reliable, for sale. Mrs, Alex Munn, IR.iRi2, Walton, lot ld, cons 12, MciKiilop, 159 IFIGS FOR SALE Per sale, eight good thrifty pigs: Phone 2117-22; Seaforth, 29 MANLEY We were sorry to learn that Mr, Harry Weiterson met with a painful accident when he fell off a 'load. of hay last .Saturday andreceivedhead injuries, but under the doctor's care he is progressing nicely. Mr, and Mrs. Dick Tate and Mas- ter Dick from 'Dearborn, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Al. Spiziini from Chi - corm, called on friends here this week, Cutting fall, wheat has started, The sample apparently is going . to be good. i INSURANCE AGENCIES ' ANNOUNCES The purchase of the insurance 'busi- ness of Hays and Meir and the ad- dition of their companies to our prev- ious facilities enables us to give you unexcelled services in all lines. Seaforth, Ont. The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m MAN W'ANT'ED Wanted, farm hand, must he ex- perienced. $315, per month, Apply at News Office, 29, WANTED Wooden silo. (Apply to Reynolds Dairy or phone 313-970, 29 FOR SALE One Waterloo thresher with cut- ter, 28 x 413f one Massey+Harris man- ure spreader 5do, 4. J. A. Darling, Dublin, phone 9. 20 HO.USE.FOR SALE OR RENT Eight rooms, good cellar, hard and soft water, electric lights, garage and garden. James Barron, box 154, Sea - forth, PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW I' alit agent 'for the 1E. b, Smith Nursery, and can Supply any nursery stook you need—all 'kinds of fruit trees, shrubs and flowers. Now is the best tine to order for Fall planting, especially fruit trees. Wnr. 3. Mc- Kenzie, Kippen ,R,R. 3, Phone 41 On 31, !Hensel'. 30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf that all persons having claims against Wal- ter Willison, late of the Township of Hullett, County of Huron, Farmer,. who died on the 214th day of June, 11937, are required to send to the un- dersigned Solicitors for the Executor full particulars in writing and veri- fied by affidavit, of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them on or before the 39.st day of July, 11.'39, after Which date the Executor will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this. 10th day of July, 1937. HAYS &'MEiiIR, Seaforth and Hensall 30 • Solicitors for the Executor,. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to - the statutes in that behalf that all persons having claims against 'Eliza- beth Harvey, late of the village of iEgniondvilie, County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the 22nd day of April, 1119317, are required to send to the undersigned Solicitors for the Exeoutor1 <fall panticulars in writing - and verified by affidavit, of their claims and the nature of the - securi- ties, if any, held by then, on or be- fore the 3111st day of July, 119317, after which date the' Executor wit'( proceed to distribute .the assets of the said de- ceased, having regard only to' the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this llOth day of Jaily, 19137. HAYS & ME91R, • Seaforth and Hensall 30 Solicitors for the ,Executor. WILLYS SURPRISE CAR OF THE YEAR Half the gas and twice the smartness $150.00 less than any other car in its class See the undersigned s ed gn Agent before making any purchase J. E. Hugill AGENT FOR THIS TERRITIYORY A NUMBER OF CHOICE 4- AND 6 -WEEK-OLD Barred Rock and White Leghorn PULLETS FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES StannyvalePoultry Farm PHONE 160 r 3