HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-07-22, Page 6PAGE SIX,
^Oh, !bother?" said she '(for the
strain of a heavy salmon and ;forty
yards of line was something on her
arms); here, •take the handkerchief i
.From this ,breast -pocket, and wave it
back to them stand up 'beside me—
they won't see the difference—"
11 -le did as he was 'bid; apparently
she paid little attention; she seemed
wholly bent on getting this .fish after
her recent ,misfortune, /And clearly
the salmon had somewhat exhausted
himself with his 'first escapades; he
now 4ay deep down, not stirring an
inch; so that she gat in her line until
there 'was -not more than twenty
yards out: 'then they waited,
I send ham some photographs of Lake! 'Well, there,' she said to herself, a
Alichigan,the ,result of these rapid ,cogitations
Then in the boat: in the tufternoon I of Jack Hysen's ,good for anything
she ,quite innocently remarked that ! if he wants to say he has done true
she 'wished he was going back home service—if he wants to show he ha
with them; for that he world find the the spirit of a man in him — well
voyage across the Atlantic so amus- now's hie chance.'
ing, She described the people coming
out to say good -by at ;Liverpool; and
the throwing of knives and pencil- It was but another instance of th
cases and what not as farewell gifts, curiously magnetic influence of thi
from the steamer to the tender, and man's personality that she instant]
vice versa; she described 'the scamper and unhesitatingly assumed tea
around Queenstown and the waiting what he wrote must 'be of value. No
for the mails, then ,the tong days on every second human 'being, as we
the wide ocean with all the various she knew, writes verses at one perio
occupations and the :concerts in the of his life; and these are mostly tras
evening, .and the raffles in the steak- and remain discreetly :hidden, or ar
ing room (this from hearsay); then mercifully burned. But what .Roanal.
the 'c owcting of the deck for the first wrote, she was already certain, nim
glimpse of the American coast -line; he characteristic of himaelf, and h'a'v
and the gliding over the shallows of interest, and definite worth; and who
Sandy Hook; and the friends who better could she do than get 'hold o
would come steaming down the Bay some of these things, and have the
to wave handkerchiefs and welcome introduced to the public, perhap
therm home. She seemed to regard it with some little preliminary endo:
as a quite natural and simple thing ems written by a friendly hand? Sh
that he should 'be of this party; and had heard from the little Maggie th
that, after landing, her father should lRonald had never sent any of h
take hint about and 'see him through,' wri'tin'gs to the newspapers: nigh
as it were; and if her fancy failed to not this be a service? She could n
carry out these forecasts and to pie- offer hint a sovereign because h
ture him walking along 'Dearborn aw- happened to be in the boat when sh
enue or driving out with them to caught her first salmon; 'but fame
Washington Park, it ,was that once but fame—the appeal • to the wid
or twice ere now she had somehow reading public? Nay, might they n
arrived at the notion that Ronald be of some commercial value also
Strang and Chicago would prove to 'She knew but little of the customs
'be incongruous. !Or was it some in- the Chicago journals; but she goes
stinctive feeling, that, however natur- 'ed that a roundabout hint conveye
al and fitting their friendship might to Mr, John C. Huysen would not b
Abe in this remote little place in the without e'ffe'ct. ,And what were th
Highlands, it might give rise to awk- subjects, she asked herself, that .Rb
wardress over there? !Anyhow, that ald wrote about? to praise of dee
could not prevent her father from stalking, for one thing, and mountai
seeing that .'Ronald had ample intro- iolim'bing, and .out-of-door life, sh
ductions when he landed in New felt assured; you could see it in h
York; and was not that the proper gait and in his look; you could see
sphere for one of his years and cour-in his laugh, and his singing as h
age and abilities? went along the road,
When they got ashore at the end of
the 'day it was found that each boat
had ,got two nno•e salmon, so that
there was a display of nine big fish
on the grass there, in the gathering
"And to think that I should live to
catch five salmon in one day,' said
Miss Carry, as she contemplated her
share of the spoil. 'Well, no one will
believe it; for they're just real mean
people at home; and they won't al-
low that anything's happened to you
in Europe unless you have something
to show for it. I suppose Ronald
would give Inc a written guarantee,
Anyway, I ant going to take that big. tir,npriate--and she leas' welcome 1
one along to ,the Doctor --•it will be .a the best of them; but as for scri'bbl
good introduction, won't it, mita?' ings and nonsense of that kind—no
But a curious thing happened :about no, On the other hand, site was jus
that salmon, When they get to the as persistent, and treated hint to
inn, the Gish were laid out on the little gentle raillery—wondering' the
seine flags of the dairy --the coolest he had not outgrown the years o
and safest place for then' in the shyness; and finally, when Neerythin
house; and loss Carry, who had else had failed, putting her reques
cone along to see their. when she as a grace and courtesy to be grante
wanted any't}tin.g clone, natatrally to a visitor. This was hardly fair; bn
turned to 'Ronald. she was very anxious about the mat
'Ronald,' said she., 'I want to give ter; and she knew that her dentin
that big one to Mrs. Douglas; and I was founded far less on mere curios
am going along now to the cottage, ity than on an honest desire to d
Will you carry it for me?' hint a service.
He said something about getting a .Of course he yielded; and a terribl
piece of .string, and left. A couple of time he had of it the, might he se
]tllfll5trs therrafter the lad Johnnie about selecting something to show 1
appeared, with a stout bit of cord in her. For how' could she understan
his hand; and Ise. having affixed that the circumstances in which tees
to the ]read and the tail of the sal- random things were written—thes
mon, caught ]t up, and .stood in read- idle fancies of a summer mooting- -
ines.s. She seemed smnprised. there careless love on
'Where is 'Ronald?' said she for gs tine;
he was always at her bidding. rhymed epistles in whichthepra•ctic
fie •asked me to carry the (fish to al common sense and shrewd arh,ic
the doctor's house, tent,' said the were notch more coinspictmes that
lad. "Will '1 ?„ any grace: irf art. And then again s
go now' many of them were about Meenie
Moreover, this salmon was acrid- and these were forbidden; the penis
cntally responsible for a still further
discovery, When Miss Carry 'vent of \leerie--even emit it eas th
along to call on the Douglases, little 'birds and the roses and the fix
r lours and the Sommer rills tha
Maggie Was with her friend 'Meen]e; 1
and they all of there had tea together,
and when .tete little Maggie consider-
eni it fitting she should go home, Miss
Carry said she world accompany. her
—for it was naw quite dark. And
they had a good deal of talk by the
way. partly about schooling and ac-
complishments, !but much more large-
ly about (Ronald, who was the one
person in all the world .in the eyes of
his sister. And if Maggie was ready
with her m'fo-mation, this pretty
young lady was equally interested in'
receiving it, and also in making in-
quiries. !And thus it came about that
Miss Carry now 'for the first time
learned that Ronald was in the habit
of writing !poems, verses, and things
of that kind; and that they were
greatly thought of by those who.had
seen them or to whom he had sent
'Why, -I might have guessed as
Hutch,' she said to herself, as she
isalked on alone ito the inn—though
what there was in (Ronald's appear -
alio., to suggest that he •was a 'writer
of rhymes it aright have puzzled any
ane to determine,
(let this was a notable discovery;
:till it .et her 'i;uicic and fertile•brain
wort ins! in a hundred different'ways;
het mostly she beth, tight her of one
beim i', Huysen asd of a certain
s -
Miss ,Caatry looked on in a very
calm and business -like fashion; al-
though in reality her heart was 'beat -
ng quickly -with gladness and exul-
tation. And 'then, 'with the same bus-
inesslike calnmess, she took from ;the
deep pocket of her !ulster a flask 'that
she 'had 'borrowed from Mr. Murray.
',Ronald,' said she, 'you must drink
to our good Mak.'
She handed Mina the 'flask. She ap-
peared to he quite to the manner
born now. You 'would not have im-
agined that ler 'heart was 'beating
so quickly, or her 'hands just a little
bit nervous and shaky after that pro-
longed. 'ex'citemeilt.
'Good hick seemed to follow the
Duke's boat this morning—to make
up for the disastrous (beginning.
Within the next three-quarters of an
hour they 'had got •hold of another
salmon—just over ten pounds, And,
it was barely'. Lunch-time when they
had succeeded in lauding a ,third—
this time a remarkably handsome
fish of fifteen pounds. She now
thought site had done enough. She
resumed her seat contentedly; !there
was no elation visible on her face.
But she absolutely forbade the putt-
ing out of the lines again,
'We are to have luncheon down at
the dray,' said lie, 'There is heater
shelter there.'
'\'cry well,' said she,
:\nd well be going over a very
good hit of ground,' he suggested,
"Very well.'
'And I think the other boat has got
a fish too.'
'So much the 'heater.'
'Will ye no put out the lines?'
'Now, look here, .Ronald,' she .said.
seriously, 'What clo you think !1 came
here for? Do you think I came here
to leave my bones in a foreign land?
I ant just about dead now. My arms
are not made of steel. We ctua go
ashore and get lunch unpacked; the
other ;boat will follow quickly enough
—I tell you my arms and wrists have
had just about enough for one morn-
And a very snug and merry little
luncheon -party they made • there—
clown ,by the side of the Lapping wat-
er, and under the ehelter of a wood
of young ,birch trees. For. the other
boat had brought ashore two salmon;
so that the !five 'handsome fish, laid
side by side on a slab of rock. made
an excellent .show. Miss Carry said
nothing about her arms aching, but
the dill not seers to be in as great a
hurry as the .others to set to work
again, No; she enjoyed the rest; and,
observing that ;Ronald had finished
his lunch, she called to itim, under
the pretext of wanting to know
something about sending the fish
sinttlt. •This led of to other things;
the three of them chatting together
contentedly enough; and Ronald ev-
en staking bold enough to light his
e. A
pipe. very friendly little .grout'
this was—'away fiy themselves- in
these wintry solit,odes—with :the wide
.blue Waters o'f the lake in front of
then!, and the snows of CleIbrig white
against the sky. And if he were to go
away from these familiar scenes,
might he not Dome hack again, in the
after days? .And with the splendid
power of remaining or going, just as
be pleased?--li,ust as these friendly
folk could, :who spoke so lightly of
choosing this or that quarter of the
gio'be 'for their temporary habita-
tion? Yes, there were many things
that money could do: these two
etra.ngers, naw, could linger here at
'liver-1'Iud+al just as longus the sal-
mon fishing continued ,to amuse thein
or they could cross over to Paris and
see the wonders there; or they could
go away back to the great cities -.and
harbors and lakes and huge hotels
that they spoke so much ahnet. ITe
listened with intense interest, awl
keen imagination. And was This part
of the shore around thein—with its
-rusks and bresls and and clear'ty,c;er
—really like the :.hires of Lake
r ;rrgr ';ere she n•as afraid
1 ra tlesn tke,? She said she ,no ,til
And meanwhile this thing that was
overtaking them? The bright, windy,
changeable day—with i•ts gleaming
snow -stapes, and sunlit straths and
woods darkened by passing shadows
—seemed to be 'slowly receding from
then, and around them tante a kind
of hushed and stealthy gloom. And
then the wind stirred again; ;he gusts
tame sharper and colder; here and
there a wet particle stung the cheek
or the back .of the hand. Of course,
she was in a •death=struggle with a
salmon; she could not heed. ,And pre-
sently the gathering :b'lacknes's all
around seemed to ,break into a soft
;bewilderment of snow; large, soft,
woolly flakes carte driving along be-
fore the 'wind; all the world was
shut out from them; they could see
nothing +but a short , space of livid
dark water, and feel nothing bet this
choking silent thing in the air, And
then again, with a magical rapidity,
the heavens and the earth seemed to
open above and around them; the
cllouds swept on; there was a great
deep of dazzling 'blue suddenly re-
vealed in the sky overhead; and all
the dancing waters of the lake, .from
the boat to the farthest shores, ,were
one !flashing and lapping mass of
,'keen, pure cobalt, absolutely 'bewild-
ering to the eyes. 'The joy of that
radiant colon after the mystery,,,,, and
the darknessl :And along his mighty
shoulders; and Ben Loyal's suow-
slopes were white against the bril-
liant !blue; and it seemed as if the
fairest of soft summer skies were
shining over ;Bonnie Strath-Naver.
To her it 'meant that she could see
a little more clearly, She shook the
snowJflakes from her •hair, •
'!Ronald, you are sure it is not a
'Indeed I am. There's nothing of
the kelt about that one.'
'3f it is,' said she, 'I'll go home and
tell my ma. I don't want to be given
away twice in one morning,"
:She was clearly ,feeling a little
more secure about this one, though
he could make nothing of her recon-
dite sayings, And she did capture the
creature hi the end, though it was af-
ter a long and arduops struggle. For
he was a strong 'fish fresh run up
` from the sea, and heavy for his size;
and again and again, and a 'dozen
times repeated, he .would make rush-
" es away ;from the boat !just as they
thought he was ,finally allowing the
white feather. lit was the toughest
fight she had had; but practice was
hardening her muscles a little; and
she had acquired a little dexterity in
altering her position and shifting the
strain. By this time the other boat
was ,coming round.
'Stick to him, Carry? her .father
cried. 'No Seces'h tactics allowed:
hold on to him!'
Rut the next moment lRonald hard
settled all that by a smart scoop of
The clip; and there in the 'bottom lay
a ,small headed deep -shouldered fish
bf joust over sixteen •potutds--JRoiald
pinning him down to get the min-
now oast of his jaw, and the lad John-
nie :grinning all over his ruddy face
with delight,
''We're ahead now, ,Ronald,' said
he, in an undertone, 'in spite 0' the
one that i;roke away.'
Ifie'e a fine 'fish this one, -Miss
Hodson,' 'Ronald said. 'Fie is not a
couple o' days in the l+nch. And well
ye worked hiui—well ye worked hits
—,i will say that.'
But the stiffest struggle Miss Car-
ry ever had with any salmon was
stere child's play compared with the
fight she had with Ronald himself
over this matter. At first he wars ex-
ceedingly angry that she should have
been told; but then he laughed and
said to her there were plenty of folk
in :Scotland as elsewhere who wrote
idle verses, ,but that they had the
common sense to say nothing about
it. If she wanted a memento of her
stay in the Highlands to take back
with her to America, he would give
her her choice of the deer -skins he
had in the shed; that would be ap-
sang of her—was not for alien eyes.
But at last he lit upon some verses
supposed to convey the sentinteits of
certain exiles met together on New
Year's Night in Nova Scotia; and lie
thought it was a simple kind of
thing; at all events it would get him
out of a .grievous difficulty. 'So—for
the lines had been written many a
day ago, and came upon hint now•
with a new aspect -41e altered a
phrase here or there, by way of pass-
ing the'time; and finally he made a
fair copy. The next morning, .being a
Sunday, he espied Miss Carry walk-
ing down towards the river; and he
overtook her and ,gave her this little
piece lb redeem his pledge. '
'I't's not worth much,' said he, '!but
you'll understand what it is about.
Burn it when you've read it—that's
ail I ask of ye'—then on he went,
glad not to be cross-questioned, 'the
faithful Harry trotting at his heels.
So she sat down on the stone ipara-
pet of the little bnidge—on this hush-
est, still, shining morning tlfat was
(Nile s511100e1"-like in its cabin—and
opened the paper with not a little
curiosity. And well enough she und-
erstood the meaning' of the litter
piece: she knew that the Mackay,
used to live about here; and was not
Strath-.Navcr but a few miles off:
new.e er office en 11'i+;h ,Avenue and this the very Medal river teen-
ee nChic i , 111, in tmckrnrath the bridge `on ittsicl
she was sitting? 'B'ut here are the
verses she read—and he had entitled
n Nova Scotia's clime they've met
Do keep .the New Year's night;
'Phe merry lads and lasses crowd
Around the blazing light,
But •Pother and another sit withdrawn,
1'b let their fancies floe
To the old, old time, and the old, old
That's far across the sea.
And what strange sights and ,scenes
are these
That sadden their shaded eyes?
is it only thus they can see again
The 'land of ,the Mvac'kays?
0 there the red deer roam at will;
And the grouse whirr on the wing;
And the curlew call, and 'the ptarmi-
Drink at the mountain spring:
And the hares lie snug on the hillside,
And the -lusty black -cock crows;
But the river the children used to
'.Through an empty valley flow's.
Do they see again a young lad wait
To shelter with his plaid,
When she steals to hint ,in the gath-
ering dusk,
His gentle Highland plaid?
Do they 'hear the pipes at the wed-
Or the low, sad 'funeral wail
As the boat goes out to the island,
And the pibroch tells its tale?
O fair is Naver's strath, and fair
The Strath Chat Medal laves:
And dear the haunts of our childlsobd
And dear the old folks' gravers;
And the parting from one's native
Is a sorrow hard to free:
God's forgiveness to them that sent
'So far across the seal
And is Bonnie Strath=Ntaver shining,
As it shone in the bygone years?---
ears?—As it shines dor urs 'tow—ay, ever --
Though our eyes are .blind with tears!
Well, her own eyes were moist --
though that was but for a moment;
for when she proceeded to walk
slowly and meditatively back to the
inn, her mind was busy with many
things; and she began to think that
sire had not got any way near to un-
derstanding this 'man, who's she had
treated in so familiar a fashion, as
boatman, and companion, turd girlie--
almest as valet What lay +behind
those eyes of his—that glowed with
so strange a light at tines, and seem-
ed capable of reading her through
only that the slightly erennulous eye-
lids came down and veiled then', or
that he turned away his head? And
why this strain of pathos in a nature
that seemed essentially joyous and
glace and careless? Nat only that, but
in the several discussions with her
father—.occasionally 'becoming rath-
er warts, indeed—IR•onaid had 'been
invariably on the side of the land-
lord, as was naturally to be expected.
had insisted that the great bulk
of the land given over to deer was of
no possible use to tiny other living
creature; he had utaifstained the right
of the landlord to clear any portion
of his property of sheep, 'and forest
it. if by so doing he could gain an in-
crease of rental; he had even main-
tained the rig'lit of the landlord to
eject non-paying tena.ts from hold-
ings clearly not capable of supporting
the ever-increasing families; and so
forth. But was his, feeling, after a!!,
with the people—he himself being
one of the people? His stout •chamnp-
ionship of the claims and privileges
of Lord A.iline—that was not incom-
patible with a deeper sense o1 the
cruelty of driving the 'poor people
away from the land of their !birth and
tine home of their childhood? His na-
tural sentiment as a Mann was not to
be overborne 'by ,the fact that he was
Q. dependent on :Lord Milne?
These and a good many other curious
problems concerning him=and .con-
eerning his possible future—occupied
her until she got back to 'the snug
little parlor; and there, as she found
her •father seated in front of the blaz-
ing fire, and engaged in getting
through the. mighty pile of newspap-
ers and illustrated jourealls and mag -
a ines that had coarse by .the previous
day's mail, she thought she might as
well sit clown and write a long letter
to her boson friend ,in Chicago,
•hrough whose intermediation .these
verses might discreetly he '.hronglst to.
the notice of Mr. Huyeren. She had
reason for not asking any favor din-
fTo Be Continued)
Make the Meadows Pay
Ontario usually has ahont four anid
one-half million acres of hay crops
tach year. In passing across tie. ;,ro-
vinc'e dust rbef6re haying one cannot*i
1DR, E. A. McMSASTiER—Graduate
cif the Faculty of Medicine, Univers-
ity of Toronto, and of the New York
Post 'Graduate ,School and Hospital.
Member of the College ,of Physicians
and 'Surgeons •of 'Ontario. Office on
High street, Phone 217. Office fully
equipped for x-ray diagnosis and for
ultra ,sthort wave electric treatment,
ultra violet isuat lamp ,treatment and
infra ,red electric treatment. Nurse in
Graduate of 'Faculty of Medicine, Un-
iversity of Western Ontario, 'Memiber
of College of Physicians and'Surgeons
of Ontario. 'Office 40 Goderich street
west. Phone 317. Sours 2-4.30 pan.,
7.301.9 p.m. Other 'flours by appointt-
ment. Successor to Dr. Chats. +Mackay;
DR. H. HUGH 'ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon Late of Landon Hos-
pital, London, England. Special at-
tention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and residence
behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone
No. 5; Residence Phone '104,
DIR. F. J. BURROWS, ,Seaforth.
Office and residence, 'Goderich street,
east of the United Church. Coroner
for ,the County of Huron. Telephone
No, 416.
D.R., F. J. R. F'ORSTE'R- Eye
Ear, Nose and Throat. :Graduate in
Medicine, University of Toronto 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moore+field's
Eye, and 'Golden Square throat hospi-
tals, London, At Commercial Hotel,
Seaforth, third Wednesday in each
month from 1.30 p,m. to '5 p.m.
Physician - Surgeon
Phone 90-W,t Office John .St. Seafortt
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made 'for Sale
Date at The Seaforth, News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
F. W. AHRENS, Licensed. Auction-
eer for Perth and Huron Counties.
Sales Solicited, Terms on Application.
Farm Stock, chattels and real estate
property: R. R, No. 4, Mitchell.
Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office.
(Successors to James ,Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire usaran�a C
President—Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth;
Vice -President, John E. Pepper,
Brucefield; Secretary - Treasurer,
M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. .Pepper, (URIs Brucefieid; E. R. G.
Jarmou.th, Brodlhagea; .James Watt,
Blyth; C. F. 'Hewitt Kincardine;
Wm. Yeo, Holmesville.
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No, 3;
James Slsoldice, Walton; Wm. Knox,
Londesboro; George Leonh•ardt„
Bornholm No. I; John Pepper, Bruce -
field; Jam es Connolly, Goderich;
Alex, McEwing, Blyth No, 1; Thom-
as Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; Wm. R.
Archibald, Seaforth No. 4.
Parties .desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post -
help feeling that .many, of these acres
are not paying'lthe taxes and the cost
of handling the crop, 'Statistical re-
ports indicate an average yield of
oily one a,nd one-half tons to the
acre and this can certainly .he much
improved upon. For the meadows,
good drainage and sweet soil are very
important. Roots of grasses and clo-
vers are slow to pcnotrtute wet soils
and wherever there is a surplus of
water on the soil, air is shut out and
hence the bacterial life is either wea-
kened or 'killed. Another point in
meadow improvement is the arse of
high quality seed. If poor - seed is
lased 'the meadow starts out with a
handicap, Good 'drainage, good seed,
Incl a liberal stipple of suitable fertil-
iser make. profitable 'meadows.
Want and For Sale ads„ 3 wks. Sae.