HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-07-22, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1937
Our Prices for One Week
MARMALADE, St. Williams Orange
32 ;oz, Per Jar 2 1 c
Sliced or Crushed 2 TINS °
Catelli's Cooked SPAGHETTI or MACARONI
16 oz. 2 TINS "
CORNED BEEF, Helmet Brand
2 TINS 2 S ciO
Tender Leaf Tea
per pkg, 27c
Jelly Powders
5 for 25c
Taylor's Homemade Peanut Butter, 10 oz. Each 140
18 oz. Each 25c
Cascade Fancy Pink Salmon, %s 2 tins 17c
is 2 tins 25c
Palmolive Soap 3 cakes 17c
Libby's Polly Prim Dill Pickles per jar 15c
Pastry Flour, 7s each 29c
24s each 89c
McCormick's Cheese Bix Biscuits per pkg. 10c
Heinz Baked Beans, med. size 2 tins 27c
Interlake 'Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 25c
King Oscar Sardines 2 tins 29c
Surprise Soap .. 3 cakes 17c
Royal York Orange Pekoe, zs each 28c
Crown Glass Jars, Small per doz. 1.04
Medium per, doz. 1.14
Certo, Jellies All Fruits per bt1. 27c
Rubber Rings, 1-Teavy 2 doz. 13c
Medium per doz. 5c
Parowax, is 2 ib 25c
Kkovah Jelly Maker 2 pkg. 29c
per doz. 23c
Zinc Jar'12ings, Heavy
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J: WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment di'p'loma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
A former well known resideni of
Seaforth, in the person of MTs. Har-
riet IL. 'Love, passed away on 'Friday
morning, (July 1116th, in her eightieth
year, at . the 'home cd her son, Mr.
George IA, ,Love, of 'Toronto. Mrs.
Lave ;had been 'seriously ill about a
month: The deceased had always liv-
ed in ISeaforth ,until going to live
with her Solt in Toronto albout 'twelve
years ago. Her maiden name was
Harriet 'Boole. Her husband, Mr.
James A. Love, predeceased' her'
about thirty-seven years 'ago.
Surviving !besides her son, Mr.
George A. 'Llove of the Maclean Pub-
lishing .Co., Toronto, are two sisters,
Misses iMary and Jenny S'oole, of
!Toronto, 'and one 'brother, Thos. G.
Boole, also of Toronto.
A service at the home 'of her son in
Toronto on Saturday was conducted
!by Rev. Mr. Hlunt of St. 'J'ohn's An-
glican IChnroh and ,the service at
Seaforth was conducted, in First
lPresthyterian Church on Sunday af-
fternoon' by Rev. OI. C. Feast. [Inter-
ment took place in the family phot in
Maitland 1Blan'k ICemethry beside her
husband and daughter. James T.
'S'co'tt rendered a solo. The pallbear-
ers were !three nephews, 'Llo'yd Sills,
!Judson Walker, john Farquhar, also
lJ. A. Case i(Sea'forth), and Walter
tflick and Albert Oke, both Of Gode-
rich. Relatives present from a dist-
ance were: Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Love,
Mr• and !Mrs. Thomas lSoole and
slaughter, Miss Dorothy Goole, Mr,
and 'Mrs, !Lloyd Sills, iH. R. 'Jackson,
+Mr. and Mrs. 'Judson Walker and
Hollis Walker, a'll of 'Toronto; also
Mr. and Mrs. J. Farquhar, from Re-
gina, Sas•k•; Miss ;Jessie M•oLeod, San
Jose, Calif.; ,Mrs. JSusy McLeod, Mr,
(Norman McLeod, 'Winnipeg., Man.
Good Equipment makes a Good
Farmer Better
McCormick Deering
Farm Machinery
From Your Local Dealer
Prices: Cash with order
650 ft. per lb. $10.50
600 ft. per Ib. 9.50
Prices: On or before Oct. 1st, 1937
650 ft. per 1b. ,..... $11.50.
600 ft. per lb.
Main St. Phone 17
Mrs. Charles Treleaven .(nee Nellie
Bloomer) of Chioago, has just return-
ed home from the hospital after an
operation For appendicitis, according
to word received by .friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. 41. H. Hoover and
boys of 'Listowel visited 'Mrs. Hoov-
er's 'father, Mr. W. H. S'holdice, on
Miss Adelaide 'Mtarray returnid. to
Toronto on ,Monday after spending
the week end with her parents, Mr,
and lfrs. James Murray, McKillop
also visiting her sister, Mrs. 'Basil
Kelly, tKinkora.
CMr. and Mrs, Thomas .McCrea,
°formerly (Miss. 'Gertie Iiaidlaw of
Seafarth) of Kansas City, visited Mr,
and 'Mrs, Oscar (Neil.
Mr. and Mrs, iGundy of Toronto
spent several days with Mfrs. L. T.
Mr, and Mfrs. Take Sproat and
small son 'James, of Tetnagami spent
a couple of days with his mother,
'Mrs. James Sproat. They leave
Thursday, accompanied by their son
Mr. IRo'bt. Boles- of -Niagara Falls,
N.Y., is spending some of his holi-
days with !Mr. Thos..Seale and Mr:-
lFrandc S'male, !Centre street,
The ladies of St, Thomas' Church
will hold a garden tea and tea cup
reading at the home of Mrs. Ada
Reid, Goderich street, on July 29.
_lit and Mrs. Basil Kelly of Kin -
kora and Miss Florence Kelly and
Miss Marie 'Dunn of Toronto visited
with iMr, and Mrs. James Murray,
McKillop, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLellan of
Regina visited 'his uncle, Mr, John
'Mr. Jaok Arnold was a visitor in
Detroit, •
Mrs. Catherine U'bbrioht .of Toron-
to is visiting her sister, 'Mrs. 'Apple -
yard, at 'the Rectory.
Miss Alice Archibald has been en-
gaged on the teaching staff of 'Wrox-
eter Continuation School for the
coming term.
Miss Mary Broil from Detroit,
.Mich., is spending her holidays with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Mr. and Mrs. !Al Spizzini returned
to their home in Chicago last Wed-
nesday. Mrs. 'S'pivzini was .formerly
iEiss ,Plorerce 'McMann,
Mr. and Mirs. Dick Tate and Mas-
ter Dick returned to their home in
(Dearborn, !Mich., last Wednesday.
Mrs. Tate was formerly Miss Helen
Mr. Russell Sproat of Toronto is
visiting his mother, Mrs. James
Slproat,•in Egmondville,
Miss Clara He'kart has accepted a
position as teacher in S.S.S. No. 4
Miss Betty Scott, who has been
spending her holidays with her
grandparents, tMr. and Mrs. T. G.
Scott, returned on 'Wed'nesd'ay to
her home in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg 'Reid and two
children, Barbara 'Ann and 'John
Douglas Hays, of Stratford, were
calling on friends in town Saturday.
Mrs. Victor 'Nimmo and sons Dun-
can and !Allen, of Toronto, visited a.
couple of weeks with relatives, Mr.
Duncan MoCowan, Mr, and Mrs.
Peter McCowan of Roxboro, Mr. and
Mrs. !John McCowan, Hullett, Mr.
and Mrs. lAllex S'mi'th, 'Huron Road
east, Tuokersm ith.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ireland of
T'dronto spent the' week end with
their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Govenlock.
Mrs. Wilfrid 'Morrow and daugh-
ter Lois of Calgary, Alta., who spent
some months at her home in Eg-
mondville, left Saturday for Toronto
to visit her 'brother, en route for their
home in Calgary.
Miss Agnes Hartman of Wallace
(burg spent a eon* of days aft the
home of her .parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hartman.
Mr. John Connell of Clinton was
visiting his nephew, Roy Connell, in
Tuckerstnibh, and friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton of
Lawrence, Kansas, are s'pendi'ng their
holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Arnold
Case en route to their .cottage at
Mrs, John Hartman returned dur-
ing the .week end after a two weeks'
visit with her daughter at 'Wallace -
burg. '
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Baisley, who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. L.
Webster and friends, have returned
home. Mrs. L. Webster accompanied
theta to Danbury and New York,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Affelstine and
daughter of 'Timmins, and Mrs. J. 0.
Rose of Guelph were week -end visit-
ors with Mr, and Mrs, John Beattie.
Mr. Stewart Geddes was holiday-
ing at Bayfield for a few days this
Mrs. W. C. Govenlock spent a few
days in Bayfield Jest: week.
Mrs. 'Edward Mole and fancily vis-
ited friends in London on Sunday.
The Coautty Council held •their an-
tt4l picnic an Wednesday, ' '
Mrs C. Thiel and Miss ' Rosaline
Thiel and Misses Mabel and 'Stella
Hildebrand, Mr, Les Howie and Mr.
Dal. 'Kitchener,
1 of
.Knightley, hilt al
Dal. t
g Y
were week -end visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs..Louis H•iidabrand. -
MT. . and Mrs. Thos. G. ' Soole and
daughter, Miss Dorothy, of Toronto,
and Misses Mary and :Jennie Swale,
of Toronto, were here on Sunday at-
tending the funeral of the late Mrs.
Harriet Love.
The Hodgert family 'reunion picnic
field in Queen's Park, Stratford, was
again a decided success, over ninety
being in attendance, including memb-
ers • from Detroit, London, New 'To-
ronto, Port Hope, Exeter, Seaforth,
lRusseldia•le, Fullarton, Farquhar,
Chiselhurst, Munro and 'other paints.
The "ldocigert" tradition for good
food in large q'u'antities 'was amply
demonstrated at the noon -day and
evening' !heals. The newly -elected of-
ficers are, Pres., Will Hodgert, Ex-
eter; sec., Miss Lillie Francis, Lan-
don; treas., Milton Hodgert, London;
sports committee, George Foster
Bray, New Toronto, 'Kern Hodgert,
Port Hope; refreshment committee,
Mrs. Herald Lawrence, Seaforth
(convener), Miss Pearl Duncan, Far -
viler, Mrs. Edith 'Bray, New Toron-
to, Mrs. Elsie Colquhoun, Munro,
Percy Duncan, Farquhar, J. Hogarth,,
Scott --Ryan Wedding
Mr. and Mrs, Melvin E. Scott (nee Aileen F. Ryan) and their attendants, Gordon and
Florence E. Ryan, brother and sister of the bride, The picture was taken shortly after
the wedding last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Scott will reside in Moorehead, Minnesota.
Under auspices of junior Women's
Sat., July 24
3 P.M.
In store next to Routledge's Grocery,
The Associate Helpers' Secretaries,
Mrs. Brock and Miss M. Swan, had
charge of the W.M,S. meeting last
Wednesday, Mrs. Brook opened the
meeting with the call to worship; af-
ter singing hymn ."0'er the trackless
occan guided," the responsive reading,
'Elco!. 40, was lead by Miss M. Swan,
Following read the Scripture read-
ings, Miss Swan, John 150247, Who
are the Friend's of Jesus in. Canada?;
Miss M. Watson, Matt 5': 0-48; Luke
10:25-26, What are the narks of a
(Friend of Jesus?; Miss J. Watson,
Luke 110:29-S5, Who is My Neigh-
bor?; Mrs, j. McIntosh, Matt 25u3!I
40, What does Jesus demand of His
friends. Mrs, J. Cairns then sang a
solo, "I would be true." The devotion-
al leaflet, The Friend of Jesus in
Canada," was read by Mrs. 'R. Daw
son. Miss 151. Marks read the leaflet
on "Newcomers," • "Non -Anglo-Sax-
ons," "New Canadians". Prayeus were
offered for these by Mrs. J. McQueen,
Mrs, C. Haugh and Mrs. C. Brock.
Mrs. taint. -Carnie of Blake congrega-
tion who attended- the W.M.S. Con-
ference at Chatham, was present and
gave an excellent report of Confer-
ence. We were also favored by an ex-
cellent report of thegeneral Confer-
ence held in Toronto iby 'My;,:.Moore•
of Lock Port, Afgosntdip'wps lay
delegate to that Con fere rice, tAfter 12r. still Mfrs, Ed. lRegele called on
singing `lFtmit ocean unto, '; ocean," Mr. and. Mrs. 'Emmerson Dennis of
Miss Swan closed the meeiiing with
Biyth one 'a'fternoon oast week.
the benediobion,
Mrs, A. J. McDonald and grand-.-
daughter- Marguerite Manson, who dBerry piolcing Is the order of the
have been visiting friends for the
past two weeks, returned to their
home in Dundas on Saturday.
'Mrs. M. Harvey and Mrs, A, Lo-
gan of Hensel! spent a few days the
first of .the week with their sister, .here are taking courses at London
Mrs, W. 'Douglas. and 'Guelph.The annual Sunday School and Mr. and Mrs. Horn Morris of To -
will be held at
congregational t c
t f'Mrs,'
p h home o
mento visited a
t the J •
Bayfield Friday afternoon, the 23'rd. Manning.
Mr. and Mrs. +J. K. Cornish spent Miss dlleen Knox.entertained the
;Band Friday.
;girls of the Mission Band last y
A number of the girls around are
camping at Bayfield.
Miss Betty Bru•nsdpp spent a few
days this week at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. R. Vodden.
Miss 'Bina Kirk is visiting at the
home .of her sister, Mrs. Wan, Lyon.
The following pupils of Miss
Gladys Mountain of Londestboro were
successful in attaining excellent
standing in the .recent Toronto 'Con-
servatory of Music examinations held
in ,Blyth !Phyllis - McCool, Betty
yon amts seen Sunday with s Brtntsdon, Grade II; 'Edna Archam-
Margaret Pattie, 'harsh, Margaret Crawford, Maureen
Mrcs, Alex. Patterson and Ronnie Lovett, !Emla Muir, Grade 3.
spent a few days iii'London, Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin Dexter 'ane!
Mrs. John Snyder has returned family of Constance spent Sunday at
home from Kincardine, tinme of 'Mr. 3..Yanugblutt,
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt, Hill has return -1'01e lir. and Llys, 'George Barr enter-
ed home from visiting in Detroit;tainted a few of their Friends, one day
BEECHWOOD last week.
Mr, and ,Mrs. John Walsh spent fls: Mary Houston's entrance pu-
ttee week end with friends in king_pits were very succe nil: Erma Mair,
Ston, D Id Gibbs and Phyllis
Russ C IG TON and His
Canadian Mountaineers
date of Station CF1t i, Toronto
FLOOR SHOW, featuring
"WEE" JACKIE PERKINS—the 4 year old singing
"LITTLE" SHIRLEY SMITH—Radio's greatest Juvenile
Tap Dancers
Songs, Duets, Tap'Dhncing Exhibitions—Instrumental and Novelty
Numbers -Five Old -Time Fiddlers—Best of Modern Dance Music
West St. Rink, Goderich, Monday, ,July 26
under auspices of the :Clinton Old -Time Dance•.CW1)
A brand new dance floor of over 3000 square feet has been installed
in West St., rink, giving ample accommodation for both dancers and
spectators. The entire concert and musical program will be amplified
throughout the rink 'through a first class loud speaker system.
Russ and his Band are returning that morning from a week's engage-
ment on the S, S, Manitoulin out of Owen Sound. and will be refreshed
by the lake breezes and rarin' to go. They have been playing to capac-
ity crowds wherever they have appeared and this will be no exception.
You have heard these popular entertainers on the radio; here
is your chance to see and hear them in person.
Concert _2 Floor Show at 9 p.m. sharp !Dancing until a a.m.
Admission: (Adults ,50c. tOhildren .ldSc
Note—The Canadian Mountaineers from St. Thomas, who played 'for
a dance in Seaforth on 'Coronation night, have no connection.
whatever with Russ Creighton's band. -
Mr. and Mrs. C,karenee Regele and
family called on Mr, and Mrs. Ed.
Regele one evening last week.
Miss, ;Anne Kiistner of Waterloo has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph
rh'or ,tnn.
\'[r, John !Reid has engaged Mr,
Joseph Thornton to run his dredging
machine for hint up at Orangeville,
Messrs. JohT1. Munn and John iSiemon
are also 4tiling for Mr. Reid.
Mrs 3oyce of"i1eeswater is spend -
ti a few days with her father, 73e.
James Cartwright:
Several of the teachers from around
the week end at Welland.
•'Mr, and •Mrs. C. Halstead and
Floyd of 'Stratford spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
O'Brien during the week were Mrs,.
Fred Holly and son and daughter of
Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of
Exeter, Mr. Freeman Johnston,
Wash i ngton.
'iMrs, Wan. Smith of Exeter spent
a few clays with her sister, Irs. !A.
Mr. 'John ;Kitchen of Drayton and
J t S d Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. O'Rourke visit-
ed friends m 'Kitchener on Tuesday,
Honours; ! ana
Manning both getting passes.
Mrs. F. Thompson's Sunday school
class of boys entertained Miss Arn-
Maitland where a very enjoyable
time was spent. The following pro-
gram was given: .first came the weie-
er roast, to which all did justice.
This teas folltswed by a singsong.
SAM' and swimming were in or-
der. The concert commenced by sing-
ing 0 Canada around the bonfire.
Reading, A. Vodden; Peanut Song,
by the boys; duet, by Alma Hag-
wart and Eileen Knox, accompanied
by guitar; recitation, Clifford Seaatd-
ercock. "There's a Hole itt.,the .Bot-
tom of the Sea," by all: vLunch was
served by Mrs. Thompson and the
boys. Alt returned home tired bat
happy .
Miss A. Townsend of Toronto,
who has been visiting friends here
for a time, returned to the city on
Mr. Harry Moon of Grimsby has
been .visiting friends here lately..
Mrs. and Mrs. W. E. Manning visit-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Hill near Whitechurch, Culross tp.,
on Sunday.
noirsOsie Tlam'bl n spent a < J yfew
days at the home of her brother,
Wnt. Hiles, Clinton, recenitly.
Mrs. M. R n
Ross and Mr.Jia :nes Rud
dell have returned after spending the y
past month visiting friends at Winta-i
:peg and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Morris, Toronto,
spent the week end with.Mr. and Mrs
J. P. Manning.
Rev. A. W. Gardiner exchanged
pulpits with the Port Albert .pastor
nn Sunday. .
Mr, Elisha Townsend of Montreal"
spent the week end at the home o•f.
his. brother, Mr. Robert Townsend.
How Playboy Threw Away a Killion
,An article, in The .American Week-
ly with the July 25 issue of The De-
troit Sunday 'Tlimes,-tells of a man,
who. reduced from a $60,10'0101 house
and 'palatial 'steamer suites to board-
ing houses and 'busses, had to go to
jail with his third wife because- they
could not pay a $30 fine—hut Ile cer-
tainly had his ,mo.ney's wwth .of ex-
citement. -
Wheat, per ,bins. ...........12i5
arle feed er .bus.
Misses Bernadette and Joan Flan-
ott's class of girls Tbanrsday evening y p
agars are .visiting friends in Kenil, Barley, malting, per bus 95c
worth. to a weuicr roast beside the riverOats, per bus. :i.I5i5'c