The Seaforth News, 1937-07-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe,
who for a nemeber of years has leen I
diving at 'Guelph where Mr. Smalla-
combe has been employed as a guard 1
at the Provincial prison farm, have
moved back to Hensel] and are now
nicely settled in the home they
recently rented front Mrs. :Robe Ea-
crett at the corner of Albert and Ox-
" ford treets.
Mrs Mary Little of London, 'pent
the reek end with her mother, Mrs.
f-1•olland Little,
Dr. and Mrs, Spellman and two
children, and the Dr's mother Mrs.
S,pelim7an of Kitchener, were visiting
;relatives and friends in Hensall and
. :dieeict on Sunday,
Mn. Geo. Ingram of Oregon, Mich.,
is 'ting here with his sister, Mrs,
Paterson, Sir, and ether rela-
titg ,
:e n id Mrs. Floyd Lee of Trent -
"?arts h,, were visiting' here „last
'th Mr. and Mrs. Fred Car -
i» other relatives.
het nd Mrs. William .lkiarding of
L•s spent Sunday here with. re -
lav,... Mr. Hardung's mother Who
hras' been visiting here for .. several
'weeks, returned to London with them.
s Joyce Scruton of Toronto,
spew the week end here with her
mother. Mr,, Alfred 'Sermon and,sis-
ter, Miss Mildred Senuton.
Mr. AV'm. McMartin of Detroit, is
visiti 1g here with his father, Mr..
Robt McMartin,
Mr. Kenneth Manns left on Wed-
nesday far Muskoka, where he has a
good position for the. summer months
at the 'Bigw,in Inn. die held the same
position very satisfactorily last snm-
Mr, Lorne .Elder of Drummondville,
Queibec, is .pending his vacation here
with his parents, MT. and Mrs. John
'Fipd ere
A quiet but pretty tvecding took
place on. Saturday afternoon at 1,39
at the home oF:alr. end Mrs, .Geo,
Dick, •'Hay, tow'iisi ip, when their sec-
ond youngest daughter;, J essie Lillian,
was united in marriage to John Ver-
beetn, eldest eon of \Jr, and Mrs.
Leonard Venbeern of Thamgsv31le,
Rev, W. A. Young, pastor of Gorfitel
Presbyterial) Church. 11eneall, per-
formed the ceremony, which took:
place under an arch of peonies, :The
;bride, .given in marriage by; her
father, looked- oltarming in a gown bb
white Chiffon: and eatried a'bou'quet
of .peonies. Tire hrideansaid wasMir
Sarah Harburn of C'romenty, who was
gowned;,intra `pink taffeta and carried
a barefoot of peonies, 'lhe`gro'oms-
eane was' Eds'in. Dick, brother of the.
`bride:' 'Only ,t eimmediate members
of the huffily were. present. After .he
ceremony, they all sue Blown to a wed-
ding dinner, the table .being decorated
with the '.bride's cake. The groom's
gift to the bridesmaid wee a perfuene
atomizer, acid to the best man a cig-
arette lighter. Later the sailne day
the young couple left on a motor trip'
to the States, the. bride travelling in a
pink crepe dress with white coat and
accessories to snatch. On their return
they will reside in Hay . townships:
Mr. and Mrs. Venbeern have the .best
wishes of their many friends:
The examinations at, 'the ,Iltejsall
Public anal Condonation sertoolsepoit
chided on Wednesday and the schools
closed for the sinnmer--holidays and
will re -op -en again on the let M Sept-
Mr. ;Neil MCNell,' who recently se -
.cured a good position ltene'witb Bon-
''thron anti Drysdale as tinemitaespent
the week etld with his tastily at
Mr. and Mr:. Fines of Clinton;
were visiting here last week with
Miss .F_chtaButt of .Toronto is visit-
in•r her relatives, 'Mrs Jahn Dinsdale,
Mrs. john Murdock and Mrs. Han-
nah Taylor.
Miss Marion Sinclair of Toronto
visited pear the week end: with her
parents, Rev_ 'A. and :Mrs. Sinclair.
\l r. adn Mrs. RasaPfaff and little
daeghter, Mrs. Piaff's mother, ;Mrs.
Brandy,•. t Delhi, visited on 'Stipday
with his ither'.Mrs..Alice Pfaff.
'Hensel']. juvenile baseball team de-
feated Exeter at 'E-a,-eter on Friday by
^ a .scare of 114 to 4: ce -
''\Jrs. Brazier of"Al'ondon is visiting
her daughter. Mrs,;(tDr.) Steer.
Sixteen students wrote the entrance
examinations here this week, Mr. It.
Moore; prict:cipel of.:#Ien'sall contitti -
tion school was •int ,cl,rge,
Airs Robt. J.'%Mo8'ts, principal and
Mss Irene Douglas •of the continua-
tion school, Mr. Cl'awt, Blowes, -Miss
Mattie Ellis and Miss $aryl Pfaff, of
the public school, have all been re-en-
gaged for next year, Our schools are
fortunate in having such a good •saaff
of teachers.
At a meeting held Thursday even-
ing of ...Huron Masonic Lodge 224,
Hensall, the following officers were
e'lec'ted for 19137: Wore Master, E. L.
Miokle; I P. Master,IR.' j. Cooper;
sen. 'War,, J. ,G., B'owey; Jun War,
E. D. Kyle; chap., Thos. Chapman;
treasurer, J. W. Bon'thron; secretary.
W. 0. 'Goodwin; Sen. Deacon, A. C.
Robertson; Jun. ]Deacon, ,A,,,H Hyde;
I Guard, J. G. Smillie; S. Steward, J.
H. Upwhall; J. Steward Geo, Thomp-
son; Tyler, 'James (Priest,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. C. 'Petty cele'b-
rated their sixtieth weddings anniver-
sary on Tuesday, spending most of
'the day with their daughter and her
husband, 'Dr, and .Mrs. Smith at St.
Marys. They received ,a great many
letters, cards, telephone and te'Iegrapih
messages of congteal-daltions' ': from
friends at a distance, and the warm
congratulations of their many friends
here. As they were honored at the
sixtieth Jubilee anniversary services of
St, Paul's Anglican Church recently,
they chose not to have any .farther
celebration as Mrs. Petty, who is 82
years of age, is not as well as usual.
Mrs, Petty 'before her marriage, was
Miss Hannah Dinsdale, daughter' of
the late Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Dinsdale
.of Stanley township, and was married.
to Mr. Petty on the 29th of June, 11181717
Iby Rev. 1'1r. Tyler of Kippen and
came to Hensall to reside. For sixty
years they have .been highly respected
citizen's. Mr. Petty wan engaged in the
meat business first on Queen 'street
and Mater built the Petty 'Mock on
Give Yourself
a Gift of
By enjoying one of these
Beauty Salon.
The Standard of Perfection
1Vhen there is any equipment
better we will have it.
All permanents include shampoo,
hair scut and finger wave.
`B' Beauty' Salon
Phone 50 or 18. Seaforth
King street. After disposing of his
meat business he becgane interested in
the grain and pre ce.bueiness. He
was Hent ells 'j; " reeve, serving in
thatesapacity for, a nu elle r of ;years
and cervedona't'year as1 a on'ounty
l'V'arden Fre retired from c
m in;icipal
life twig dt e tcfcs, age He was v ty ac-
tnJe in politics 'being ce'sl' ttt'tch Con-
kers ative and for years he was sec.-
ec:treas. of the South Huron Conserva-
tive :Association. 1 --le also took a great
interest m nfrat,ernal societies, Oddfel-
lows, 1'lason.% and Orangemen. Mr.
Petty was onenf the first members of
St. Ptiitl s`' Anglican Church here and
filled the position of Warden of the
church for many years and with Airs.
Petty has always been greatly inter-
ested; in the work of that church.
They had six daughters and one son.
!'heir son, 'Hanson Petty, lost his life
in the Great War; a daughter Gert -
nude served as a nurse overseas and
died -later through an illness caused
by `war service. ice. ZAnother daughter,
\lillicetit diecl5 a°rew years later. The
501rviring. 'mdltihtre of the family are
Mrs, Lorfe Scott of Toronto; Mrs.
Abbott, of. Detroit; Mrs, Kennedy of
11'innipeg,' and Airs. (Dr,) Ueorge
Smith of St. ' 3farys. Mr, Petty is one
of the. ljcrgest realestate owners fn the
Mage'+ rind is engaged most of the
thee in improving his properties, Fqr
(lis atev he ie1..very acttt ,;and till lately
,NtiefiAiletty hasshern ;:n ^e./1 health
ai\ty„iee;.earue:et wish of then• many
Mete e'r isethltt -They will both he spar-
ed ig•1-+ge1` pyet tri enjoy the fruits of
a well siapent life,
\Irs., leo Langltton and son Paul
of Toronto are visiting her parents.
\Ir,.gttil 'Mrs. Chas McDonnell.\lieanli,\1t•litci ut:Robinson and
yhilelieei re)t '1 Ist'ywel werrix timidity vi-
ittsrs. ;iris Mr. and :qrs. :qrs.ries
links. Y; ,
\Ir,, James Lerrv ,if Ti
visiting Here withMrs. Thos, Berg.
Messrs, Gladman nndf. Stanbury
have stored their lawl"officee across
the street to the. building belonging to
the Murdock estate Must, east ofc'ehe
itcheil garage. W.s ;irixlerstand 'the
building they have vacated will bel
usedby the Hensel! Utilities tont,
Mr. and airs. John Elder and son
Lorne left an Tuesday on a motor
trio to:Kingsville and other points,
• Mr. and Mrs, John Manson and son
Boyd of Galt: were visiting here with
Mrs„ William .Sangster,.
Moving pictures of the coropation in
sound and color were put on in the
United Church on Monday evening by
Mr. William Robertson n1 London,
The Wohelo Class of the United
Church held their annual picnic at
Bayfield on Wednesday last,
Death of, Mrs, Jas:' H. Morrison,—
There patsed 'away at her (tome in
leeKillop on. Sunday, Jame 20. Eliz-
abeth Hillevi, `beloved wife of Mr.
Jas. H. idarrisgre On the previous
Tuesday, llrs Morrison suffered a
severe stroke and despite the tender-
est love and care it soon became evi-
dent that she could not rally. Al-
though a semi -invalid for several
years, her illness borne with great
patience and Christian fortitude, she
was able to be around until the fatal
hour and her keen interest in iter
friends, her home and her church
continued unabated. Mrs. Morrison
the youngest daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. James H'illen, was born
nearly 64 years ago, 011 the same con-
cession on which she spent the great-
er part of her life. A graduate of the
Seaforth Collegiate, when 'the late
Mr, (Clarkson was principal, she
taught for some years in Culling-
wood, Niagara Falls and Lsican High
Schools, being married to her now
bereaved husband Jan, I'st. 1'900. She
was a loyal and faithful meni,ber of
Coven United Chtirch, Winthrop. and
a life memiber of the W.M:S,Besides
her husband, to whom out deepest
sympathy is extended, there remains
to mourn her loss two sisters, Mrs.
lames herr. Inc.aRobert Archibald.
of Seaforth and Mr, Calvin Hiller of
McKillop. The funeral service, con-)
ducted .by her pastor; Rev. Mr. Tor- li
row, was held from the.fancily resid-
ence on Wednesday afternoon to the:
Maitland Bank Centcl'ery. Mrs, J, M.
Goeenliok contributed ai touching
wlo, `''Phe' Beautiful Carden of Pray-
cr" 'Ube pall 'bearers were Messrs.
David Boyd, Robert MacFarlane,
Thomas Leeming, 31ort Elliott, Wm.
Johnston and Percy Little Some of
those who attended from a distance
were Mr, and \•Irs. J. J. Hillen, De-
troit; Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Weiland, To-
ronto; Mr, and Mrs. Roy M'onrisom,
Kitchener Mrs. J. H, Johnston,
and Mrs. George Johnston, Mr. and
Mrs, Alt, Johnston, Mr, and Mrs, M.
Elliott, Varna; Mr. and Mrs, W. Jelly
and daughter, Irs is
llr.:and Mrs. ivLorr
Jelly, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur White,
Shelburne; Mir. Jas, Elliott. Mrs
Alex • :Morrison, Mr. (Radcliffe, At-
wood; Mr. and Mrs, ;Priest, .31r. and
Mrs. M'dEwen, Mensal]; Messrs.
Peter and (Harold Dong, Mese .Ashton,
'Mos. 'Stewart, Fordwieh; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed -Morrison, Mrs. Wan, '•Ross,
Mrs, Jarvis, Clinton; 'ide, and .Mrs. j.
H. 'Galbraith, Mr, rancl Mrs. Muldoon,
Brussels; Mr. and ;Mrs, !Robert IJohm-
sbon, \'L'. and Mrs. 'Wythe 'Johnstone,
Blyth; Mr, angt`'M,rs..Eineer 'Mc'Dbug-.
all, l'lr. and 'Mars. 'Harry Yungibl•uitt,
Auburn; '215, Eel. Elliott M•itclieli;
s; 31dEa.chren, 'Mt,''Florest, The
dower bearers were 'Messrs. Stanley
Millen, Roy Patrick, Bert ('Renting
way, Earl Ross, 'Ohas, Woods, Her -
1111I 11 Axmtan, Geo, Johnston, Watson
Shaldice 'Ed, CGodiki'n, _Arthur "White,.
Morris Jelly, ;Reg. Little.
fOn June 22 a very enjoyable picnic
leas held by the teacher and pupils of
S.S. ;Afro. S, felc'Kiilop, Tine c)hiidren
very actively played two games of
dodge ball. T11e captains of the teams
were Robert Beuermann, Alvin 'E'llig-
son, Ralph 'Fisher and Stephan John-
son. The winners were Ruth 'Replete
Edward Scherbarbh, Teresa 'Eckert
and 'Rose .Bennewies, The results of
the races were as follows: girls'
straight race, Annie 'Eckert, 1Rtrby
Doerr; 'boys' straight race, Stephen
:Manley. ' Francis 3Furray, Jerome
Manley, Milton Roden; wheelbar-
row race, Thomas Murray, Francis
Murray; two -legged race, girls', Flor-
ence I.eothardt and •Annie Eckert;
boys', Jerome Manley and Francis
Murray; sack race, Joseph J.olutson;
girls' shoe race, Teresa 'Eckert; bays'
shoe race, :Thomas \l•urray; book
race, Annie Eckert; pencil race, Ste-
phen Manley; cookie race, Norman
Eggert; slow bicycle race, Thomas
Murray; fast bicycle race, ' Stephen
:Manley, 'E'veryone then adjourned to
the classroom where a seitabit' ,pro-
u'i•ammle was given by the pupils.
Lunch and sweets were then served.
after which snapshots were taken:
Fellnwing this the children retired to
their homes, tit'ecl in .hotly, but happy
in heart,
S.S. No. 8, McKillop.—
The following is the report of S.S
\a, 8, Aleliillop,for the Imre promo-
tion exautinations, Honours' 7'5 mc.
miss �fi1J p.c. Those nantes marked
with an asterisk hare not liven pro-
To Sr. 4—Mehl Iilligson 811, Mare.
;fret 1Eckert 711, Florence Leonhard;
69, Stephen Manley 62,
To Jr.l4.-3largaret Klebcr 85,
Mary McKay 84, Norman Eggert 715,
Ed,r`ard i13-enne vies 74, Harold Dietz
tR9? 4laniny Bennewies 66. '
To. Sr, 3t --Ruth .Rapien 80, Kenneth
Schmidt' 79, 'Edward Scltenbarth 76,
Cecelia Eckert 69, IReta Bennewies
e7, Francis 31tfrray 67.
1'n Jr. 3'--+Jr;eph MciKay 81, Jim-
mie Horan 80, Martin Bunek 79, llil-
ttnt -Dietz 76, Ordelia .Leonhardt. 75,
Ralph Fischer 73, Jerome Manley 69,
'1'Rose. Bennewies. 58, Stephen John-
'ntt 56, *Teresa Eckert '33.
To T. Sr.—Manny 'Koehler, Ken-
neth Betterment, Stella Johnson,
To I. Jr.--1Hezel Doerr (excellent),
Nita Beuenmann (excellent), Jackie
Horan (very 'good), Cecil McKay
(very ;good), 'Pearl Leondardt (good).
Pr. *Milton Repko, *Michael Eck-
ert. Number on roll 42. Average at-
tendance for the year 39e11h IPnipil at-
tending the most days during the
year, Margaret Kidber, `Best conduct
for the terns: Alvin Elligson, Flor-
ence Leonitanclt, 'Ruth Rlapien, Marg-
aret Eckert, Edward Bennewies, ,O;rd-
elia'Leonharcft, Hazel 'Doerr,
M. I,. Murray, Teacher., .
Union INo. 1, McKillop. ---
The ifol'lowing is bhe report of pro-
motion examinations held at Union
No. '1, llidKillop. ;Names are given in
order of merit.
Jr. T. to Sr. TV, --Mildred Olarence
Joseph Murray, James 'D'evereapx,
Mary Murray, Kenneth Murray.
Sr. SIIlI. to 'Jr. PV.--1Josepih Dever-
eaux, Evelyn• Murray, Patricia .Kale,
t5r. 1:19, to Sr. IIiI,LD'orothy Iluis-
Jr. i'T. to Sr, TIL—Jack ;Murray, Ar-
mand Boudreau
Sr, T. to Jr, 'Ti,—Thontas Hieknell;
Ceitdn Haiisser,
F. M. Givlin, Teacher,
Mr, Thos. Archibald of Walton
pent the tea hour with Mr, and :\irs.
Hugh MciGregdr,
lir. Peter Doig of Fccrdwich visit-
-(1 arch relatives in the neighborhood
luring the week.
lac loving memory of Robert A.
Campbell, who passed away on July
51th, II9!,36,
One precious to our hearts is gone,
The voice we loved is stilled,
One place made vacant in our home,
Can never more be filled.
—.Ever remembered by his Wife
and Family.
Mr, John C. Doig o'f Detroit was
the week -end guest 01 his mother and
sister,.Miss Janet.
Mr. \Vnc, McGregor made a batsi-
nese -trip to Toronto recently. While
there to visited w iti his sisters, com-
binng business with .pleasure
Mitis Elsie- Robbins of Exeter is
visiting• with i\dir. and. Mrs. Wino, Bell
and family. ' '
Mr. \1/in. Chapman visited with
\'Ir. and Mrs, Ro'bt: McGregor and
family one day recently. .
A -number of pigs 6 weeks old. Fred l
McClyinont, Varna. Rhone ;6212-214.
Ring Bug Killer
special 10 lb. 40e
20 lb. 75c
Certo, bottle 21c
Rose Brand Salmon -
tall tins 3 for 25c
Salada, Tea Morning Cheer Coffee
per pound ,49c pound 23c
SUN SET DYES , 2 pkges. 21c
W. Finnigan
E C chamberlan
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Bell -Murch—
An event of interest tools place on
Wednesday of least week at high noon
in Elimville church when Helen. Jean
Munch, eldest elaughter of l'Ir, and
Airs, Philip Murc'll was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Tiros, Harold E. Bell,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell, all of
Elintville, 'Rev. Penrose, pastor of the
churchperformed the ceremony. The
decorations were lovely being large
Ferns, white and pink peonies. The
seating capacity of elle building was
taken up by the large number who.
witnessed the ceremony. The' bride':,
was given away 'by ,her father and
was beautifully gowned in white satin
with net trimming and a i-on'g 1>eil,
her sister, Miss Bernice 'lurch,
wearing blue sheer with pink sash and
white fiat, was her attendant; her
bouquet Was pink roses and baby's
breath, while the bride carried aphel-
ia roses and baby's breath and fern,
Mr. Lloyd Bell, brother of the groom,
was best man, \Jeesrs, Jack Del
bridge and Kenneth Johns were ush-
ers. Mrs, Hy. herd played the wed-
ding starch acid accompanied lir.
Kenneth Johns who sang "I Love
you truly" enuring the signing of the
register. On leaving the church the
happy couple received the congratula-
tions cif many friends, About forty.
relatives and friends sat down to din -
tier at the bride's hone. Small tables
set in dining room and living roots
were centred with syringo, while the
hricle's table at which were seated the
bride and groom, bridesmaid and best
urn and their respective parents, was
spread with a lace rintlt and 8entred
with the bride's cake which had been
lee rntcd by 'Airs. Alvin Pym, aunt of
the hricle. The waiters were the ush-
ers and Mrs, Kenneth Jahns rail
Miss Marjorie Hunter, R.;N. The
bride and groom left shortly .after for
Detroit where they will spend their
honeymoon visiting the groom's; Mo-
ther, \Ir, and Mrs.' Wellington Bell
and others. The bri'de's travelling
Tress was pale blue crepe and wore
pink tongue and gloves. The g,roorn's
gift to the best man was a fountain
-pen. to the bride's maid silver salt and
pepper shakers, to the pianist and
Mrs. -\. Pym, ,china plates; to the
waiters, ';lass howls; to the ushers,
tie pin,. The :bride was the recipient
of many beautiful gifts. Her trousseau
had been on "display for several days
previous and many friends had called
to see her things. .3 telegram of con-
gratulations was received' during thi
afternoon from Miss Bessie Bell.
R.N.. of New York, sister of the
groom. Mr, and Mrs. 'Sam :H'annah.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bell, from Sea -
forth; :Mrs. Jean Jackson, of Toronto;.
Mr. and ltrs. Harry Murch of Lon-
don and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Millar of
Dashwood were guests front a di
tance. On their ` return front their
honeymoon, Mr. and 'Mrs.. Bell will
reside in the village.
\'Ir, and 'Mrs. W,ni. Johns and ;fam-
ily attended ;the 'MellDonabd' re-tinion
held at S'p•ringbank on 'Thursday of
last week.
A large crowd .gathered at the.
church last Wednesday to be present
at the ,Bell -Munch wedding. The wea-
ther .was 'perfeot for such an event. IIt
is twenty-two years since the last
wedding -wase solemnized there. "Op
that 'occasion it was the wedding of
Mr, and M'rs. !Harold Pym.
11,1x, and -'Mrs, :Everett ;Skinner and
farn'ily, ,Mr. and (Mrs, 'F'ran'klin 'Skin-
ner and Beverley, Mr, and Mrs. Mel-
ville Skinner and sons attended the
Skinner re -,union held in Stratford
last Saturday.
'Rev A, E. 'Johns, Martin and Ed-
ward, and ;Ruth visited with Mr, and.
Mrs. Wes. Johns -the beginning of the
week Ruth is staying for a visit,
Mrs. Harry 'Ford is visiting this'
week with her sister, Miss joy Whit-
lock, in St. 'T'homas,
'Mr, and ;Mrs. Wellington Skinner
and Mrs. James Heywood ,visited
with the latter's mother, ,:Mrs, 'Herb-
ert, who u :quite ill at her hone in
Lam'bert's S'aleyards, Strathroy,
Saturday afternoon," 'Daily 3rd. 350
Head Mixed 'Cattle, including. Stocker
Steers and Heifers, 'Gra's's: Cows,
Stock Calves, Choice 'Milkers and
Springers, and ;the usual run of Mix-
ed i1igs and Calves. Sale MOST
start at o'clock sharp. Trucks' to de
liver. Terms cask, A, 'G, 'McAlpine,
Auctioneer. 26
I.dt Hick's ,House cbarns, Mitchell,
every Friday at 2 p.111., of cows, feed-
er cattle, young calves, •pigs of all
ages. This week we will have fifty
feeder- cattle from 4150 to 800 lbs. Mc-
Neil & Nairn. Auctioneers. 26
11r. S, Carter is no 'iongsr handling
the .products of the company -he has
been dealing with in the past and FURNISHED COTTAGES
therefore all accounts must be paid , For rent from $3i0 to $1e5 per
'by Jiuly 7 es required 'by the comp- ntonth..Apply Mrs. Wm. 'Fee us n
any,.Fleaee remit to Mr. S. Carter,g o ,
Box 2312, Seaforth, Ont. Kindly .give 13os 1103; Baynfield. 27
your name and address m full when
remitting. 26
The purchase of the insurance 'busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and ;the ad-
dition of their companies to our prev-
ious facilities enables -05 to give you
unexcelled services in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours :—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
• 1 force pump and' pipe, 11)5 ft, long;
1 hay knife; 1 steelyard or !beans_
scales. Mrs. 'Janes Sproat, IEgmcond-
vil'le, Phone 111418 r 4. '(26)'
Eight rooms, good cellar, .bard and
soft Seater, electric lights, garage and
garden, James Barron, box 154, Sea -
forth. pp
Seven pigs, 5' weeks old; Stenon
Leybourne. Phone 11361 r 24. 26
Quantity of hay of the field. Alf.
Brown,' phone 2414 r 2. 26
Twenty acres of standing hay. Ap-
ply to '1. 1 Richardson. 2V
One Waterloo thresher with 'cut-
ter, 25 x 42; one Massey -Harris man-
ure spreader No. 4. J. A. Darling,
Dublin, phone 9, 28,
1111derwood. typewriter in good
shape. _Apply at the News Office. 21,
.A quantity of alfalfa hay, also a
quantity of mixed clover. Vl'ould sell
by the acre. 2frs, L. J. Doig, Kinpeu,
Ont:r or phone fiensall central 93-4,
'('enders for the purchase of House
and Lot owned by the 31nnicipality
in the 1•'illage of Egntondville, tend-
ers to be in the hands of the clerk n
or before July 24fth, Description end
location of property may 'be had by
applying to time Clerk.
D. F. 14aGregor, Clerk.
27 Township of Tuckersmitli.
:\li property owners in the ;Town-
ship are requested to cit all Ox-ey-
Daisy on the roads opposite their
property as 'soon as, possible to avoid
e plants ripening seed.
:'R, Dalrymple, Road. Supt.,
26 Township of Tarcket'smith
Some Pointers on Honey
FIotey varies in Dolour from water
white to almost 'bl'a'ck. The colour
has little or no effect ban its quality
as a food or as a sweetener. I•t does
appear, however, to be associated.
with flavour, for generally speaking,
the starker the colour of the honey
the stronger is its flavour. All Cana-
anadian honeys granulate or crystallize
sooner or later, but the granulation is
ndt caused 'by adding sugar to the
honey as many ,people seem to think.
Granulated honey can be brought
beak to its. liquid state by setting the
container in a ,b'owt of hot water for a.
short time. The water should not :be
Heated higher 'than 7601 to 1150' de-
grees, Fahrenheit.
Barredock and ndWhite
PHONE 160 r 3
'Several articles office 'furniture in-
cluding long standing desk and high
stool, ''lingcases, tables, pigeon
holes, couch, stove and pipes, cup-
board, 'two large blinds, one dozen
:fire extinguishers guaranteed to put
out gasoline on the spot, -few chairs
and sate, Apply to A. D. Sutherland,.
or Smith's Grocery Store,
Good soft body and limbwoocl for
sununer use, delivered in 154 cords .or
more, 112" long, Phone 138 r 2, 'Wm_
Doig, Kippeu R.R.3, 26
s quantity of hay of the field, Ap-
ply to William McSpadden, Seaforth,
Ont, 26
Bridge plank (rock elm), 3 in. thick,
14 and 16 ft. lengths; about .7,000 ft.,
at Walton Sawtni'll or phone 119r6
Brussels, 'Duncan Johnston, Walton
P10, 26
The Standard Bred Stallone
Will stand at nts owner's stable in
Egntonslville for the season of 1967.
Fee $1112, to insure, He is a beautiful
black (horse, stands .15.3, and weighs
1150. Has three year old race- record
of 2:01334, and reduced it to 2.1-1/ at
foure His- full brother, Egan . has a
4 yr. aid record 2:06 trotting, His
sire has a trotting record of 3:04/.
His tgrandsire was General Watts, 3
yr• old 2;0654, a futurity :winner, and
greal-great grand sire, the Great
Anapvorthy, 3 yr. old, 21:15.
His first dam, a great brood mare
by Peter the Great, whose stud fee
was $1000:0:0, and has over 6013 in the
list. 2nd dam .by Baron :Wilkes, 3rd
crane by Manibrino Patchen.
He is the sire of some very pronm-
ising colts and will sire a good wagon
horse when -bred to a heavy mare,•
and wagon 'horses are selling higher
than any other class of .horses,
It will pay breeders to look this
horse over. The late Dr. Wihitely
gave $11500 and another good horse
for 'him when he was rising' 3 yrs. old.
He is a• premium horse,
W. C. Gov.enlock, Owner,
The 'Handsome 'Choicely Bred Clyde-
Enrolment INo, 21226. Form 3
Monday noon will leave His own
stable, ;lot 23, con. 6, Logan, and pro-
ceed to John L. Malone's, lot 14; con,
4, MoKiil'lop, for night, Tatesday, "to
Jos, ,O"Rounke's, 'lot 4, con, 6, Mc-
Killop, for noon, thence to Rock
Bros., Brodihagen, dor night. Wed. to
John 'Dietz's, lot B, con, .10, McKillop
for noon, ;thence to Geo. 113ennewies',
lot 8, con. 11'2, ,MelKillop, for night.
T'hursd'ay to Amos W'icfcle's, lot 20,
con, 114, Logan, for noon, thence to
Lorne Sm'ith's, lot 16, con, 1117, Elma,
for might. (Friday, to Geo. H. Siemon's
lot 24, con, 1111, Logan, for noon and
night. Saturday to his own stable.
Terns 1299 ldue Feb. 1, ;119;38.
Jacob Hignell,, Prop. and Manager.