HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-07-01, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1937 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FEVE. 8th GREAT ANNIVERSARY SALE July 12s*, 3mcl, &.15, :6 7th SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE 11/2s 3 TINS 25 c HILLCREST SHORTENING is 2 lbs. 25c P. & G. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP • 10 BARS 35c MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON 1/2s -Each 16c; 5 String Each 25 BROOMS, Rose Polished Handle 1531c TOMATOES, Choice Size m 25c 21/s2 -ins Kellogg's All Wheat, New Cereal, 2 pkg with Cereal Bowl for ......... 25c Su er Suds, Concentrated, with large trial pkg., all -tr.. 18c Libby' s- Pork & Beans, 22 oz. 2 tins 19c Royal York Tea, Mixed or Black 3/2 lb 28c Royal. York Coffee 1 tb, tin 39e Grape Nut Flake's 2 pkg.. .23c Del Maiz Niblets Corn, 12 oz 2 tins 27c Handy Ammonia per pkg. 5c Heinz Catsup, large bottle each 19e Manning's (ocoanut Finger Biscuits.- per 11). 17c Post's Bran Flakes ' 2 pkg, 25e . . Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 2 each -18c; CA each 39c • Spices in glass shakers. reg 10c how Sc "FOR YOUR PICNIC BASKET" Derby Cheese, spreads or slices, %s per pkg. 15c Olives, McLaren's Queen, 11 oz. bottle per btl. 25e Olives, Club House, Pimento Stuffed 8 oz. per btl. 25c King Oscar Sardines 2 tins 29c French's Prepared Mustard, 6 oz. per jar 10c 'Crunchie Sweet Pickles, 6% oz. Each 10c Kippered Snacks, Connor's per tin 5c Helmet or Clark's Corned Beef 2 tins 25c Wax Paper, Presto or Centre Pull Each 10c Wax Paper, Para Sani Each -15c; and 25c Paper :Napkins in Cello 80s per pkg. 13e 1 doz. 10c Each Sc Each Sc A. B. Gums, Small Assorted Fruit Flavors .. per lb. 17c Picnic Plates McCormick's Fruit Jelly Bar (New) Rowntree's Biscrisp Bar Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PH"E ?HONE 8 77 TOWN TOPICS Mrs. M. R. Rennie went to Toron- to' to attend the funeral on Wednes- day of Mrs. Waghonne, formerly. of • Walton. 'Miss Prances Brugger Left Wed- nesday for the girls' camp at Dorset, Muskoka District, Miss Audrey Walters of 'McKillop stayed with •Mrs, Bert Puidner, E‘g- mondville, while trying her 'En:bailee. Miss Edna Plant 'leaves Saturday to take a position in the Hamilton of- fice af the Toronto Evening Tele- gram. MSS Merle Keating entertain- ed in 'her honor •on 'Tuesday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. James •Riley and fam- ily spent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pudrier in Egandrudville. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley •ShObbrook of Clinton spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. Keen, ,Egmondvale. Miss Beckett of Walkerville and 'sk. Parnell of Windsor are Rending the week with 'kr. and Mrs, H. C. Box. :Mr, W. H. 'Golding, NI:F., Mr. Mex. Park and Mr. Neil 'Gillespie ware at .Staffa on Monday 'attending •the funeral of Mr, •Harry Sipetr who died 'Saturday in Toronto. Mr. Speir some years ago conducted a tailoring business in Seaforth .in partnership With Mr. P. 'Dia. His widow. former- ly Miss Page of Seaforth, and a son, I3ert, of Toronto, survive. Miss Adeline MdDougall left Wed- nesday for her home in Winnipeg af- ter a month's visit here. Mrs. P. Banbury of Winnipeg is visiting her father, Dr. F. J. Burrows. :Mr, C. Eckant enjoyed his ,first new potatoes, grown in his garden on „Nee lath, which shows the rapid growth this season. Misses Anna Dennis, Marion Ib- botson and Leonore Edier spent some holidays in Detroit. Mich., and Miss 'Geraldean and 'Clayton Dennis accompanied them hack for the two- numth vacation. A reunion of the Sproat familites and immediate relatives was held at the home of Mrs. Dale' and Mrs. Cro- zier on Tuesday, with honor guests as Mrs. R. Sykes of Washington state and Mrs. Vokes, of Detroit, and other attests from out-of-town from Ailsa Craig, and:Caigary, Alta, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box are in To- ronto and Niagara 'Falls this week, where Mr. Box is attending the On- tario Municipal Electric Association convention. Mrs. Wm. Ireland, who has spent the winter With Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hays, left T:hursday For Toronto to visit Mrs. Garden en route to her home in Climax. Sask. Mrs. W. C,' Govenlook returned from 'Toronto Saturday, after spend- ing the week in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Devereaux and family of Cincinnati, and •M•iss Helen Devereaux of Chicago are visitors this week at the home of Mr, and iMrs. James Devereaux. 'Mrs. iRdbert Smallin of Port ,Thran cis, Mrs. E. C. McClelland and son Billy of 'Toronto spent a few days over the week end with Mrs. R. IS Hays. Misses Cresswell were visitors on Tuesday with Miss Florence Fowler at Bluevale. Mrs. E. 'Brigham of Owen Sound visited Mrs. W. W. Cowan for sever- al days this week. Kiss Lillian Whitfield, R.N., o Stratford, and Mis's !Helen Whitfield of Ridgetown are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Currie. 1 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING -arid-- E1VLBALMING Motor or Hoose Equipment W. J. WALKER, hoidei of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Important Notice! ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDG- MENTS COLLECTED Our Collecting Department is a result of Years of Successful Experience in collection local and out-of-town ac- counts. On March 216th we received a letter from a client: "'Thank you for ,prompt remittance and for good work re my collection.", Our Rates: NO COLLECTION, NO CHARGE • Mail your list of accounts today to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 11716) Head Office, SEAFORTH, ONT. Box 498 Good Equipment makes a Good Farmer Better FOR QUALITY & SERVICE BUY McCormick Deering Farm Machinery SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per bus, • • •,.,• 4129 Blarley, feed, per bus. „ !Bac Barley, malting, per bus. Oats, per bus, ..,...... .... Buckwheat, pet' bus .. ... ,..80c KIINTAIL CAMP lldirt,bail•Carop, the 'Presbyterian calrop of the Synod of Hamilton and London, is to be held during the month of July this year, at the same site halfway ,between Godedich and Kincardine. 10pening on the third of next month with a session for hays, three other camps will follow, the second for young people, the Blind fcir girls and the last for ministers. Every day will open and close with cheap chemicals -in water sand or a worship period,':the Morning will sawdust -in small places,' AND REPAIRS From Your Local Dealer JOHN BACH SEAFORTH Main St. Phone 17 .fealture lectures in church :problems and the remainder of the day wild be devoted to sports. • The boys will be under canvas. from July 3 to 12 and have as their regis- trar, Rev. William Young, of flensall. Bible Study, nature study arid organ- ized sports are to be the three phases bf camp life which will be stressed at this first session. :Rev. J. R. Grieg,: of Bluevale, who with a committee appointed by the Synod of ,Hamiltan and London, or- ganized the .camp, .be dean of the young people's summer school. Rev, Gordon R. Taylor, of Kincardine, will be the registrar. Leadership train- ing, Bible study, church history and missions will be the study topics. 'rhe girls will be in camp July 19 to 216 .and Iviiss Violet Tennant, of To- ronto, girls' work secretary for Can- ada, wilt .be dean, and Mr, Taylor reg- istrar. For ministerial study and fellow- ship ministers will meet at the spot July 26 and stay until July 3d. Mr. Grieg will again be registrar and dean. Members of 1937 Huron County Counci 1.•*.Xt'AY. ; Front row: Roland Grain (Turnberry), George McNall (Blyth), J. M. Roberts (County Clerk), T. R; Patterson (Co. Engineer), Warden J. M. Eckart ( McKillop), A. FI. Erskine (County treas- urer), R. J. Bowman, (Brussels), Mayor McEwen (Goderich), F. L. Davidson (Wingharn). Second mw: E. P1. Cardiff (Morris). Chester Mawhinney (Stephen), j. E. Huckins (dep., God- erich), Richard Johnston (Ashfield), George C. Feagan (Colborrie'f, W. D. Sanders 1 Exeter i, Thomas Lovell (dep., Howick), Thomas Wilson (dep., Grey), Geoi'ge Armstrong (Hay), Edward Lamport (dep., Stephen). Third row: Fred Livermore (Clinton), John A. Bryans (Howick), Henry Keyes (Grey), Gilbert Frayne Ashfield), Herbert Mogridge (Hul- lett), Wm. J. Stewart (W. Wawanosh), Wilmot Haacke (Goderich Twp.), Ernest Shaddick (Hen- sall), Wtn. R. Archibald (Tuckersmith). Back row : Peter W. Scott (E. Wawanosh), George Westcott (Usborne). R. E. Turner' (God - evict)), J. H. Scott (Seaforth), Webster Turner Stanley). George James. caretaker, and•Mr. As- quith, of Auburn, a visitor. 3T. COLUMBAN Melady-Murray.- Among 'the numerous June 'wedd- ings will be noted a very interesting one which occurred in St. Columhan Church on Saturday, 'June 26th, when Marie Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. john Murray of •McKillop be- came the bride of Joseph Francis Me - lady, son of Mr. .Frank Melady and the late Mrs. Mead!: of •Hibbert, Rev. Dantzer officiated. !Nuptial Mass was sung by Rev. j. M. Eckert, 10,P„ of Chicago, uncle of the bride, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes of :Dublin was present in the sanctuary. The altar was dec- orated with pink and yellow roses, along with white and red peonies. The bridal party, consisting of little Miss Lorraine 'Maloney, cousin of the bride, as 'flower girl and Master Ste- phen Maloney, nephew of the bride, as ring bearer, the bridesmaid. Miss Evelyn Melady, sister of the groom, and :the bride, accompanied by her father, was ,ushered to the altar bY Mr. Raymoricl Murray, nephew of the bride and Mr. Fergus Melady. 'broth- er of the groom. to the strains of Lo- hengrin's Bridal Chorus, played effh:- iently Iby Mrs. .Thomas Murray. They were met at the altar by the groom and the groomsman, •Mr Ste- phen Murray, brother of the bride. Assisting in the sanctuary during the ceremony ,were ;Thames Melady and Jack Cronin as acallytes. The 'bride was 'becomingly attired in a coral biege lace gown in princess style with a large picture mohair hat, daintily trimmed with !flowers and pink satin streamers with accessories to match. carrying a shower bouquet ,of Talis- man roses and thouvardia. The brides- maid was attractively gowned in each taffeta mohair hat trimmed with blue, and accessories to match, carrying a •bouquet of yellow roses. cornflowers and snapdragon. The flower girl, dressed daintily in peach organdie, .carried a 'colonial bouquet of :pink carnations and delphiaium. The ring bearer, in a yellow linen suit, carried a pillow of yellow roses. 14 • d tl e • McKILLOP Shannon -Wheatley- . The marriage took place quietly Saturday .afternoort of Miss Mildred Ethel Wheatley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Wlheatley, to Mr. S. Dhiv- id Slhannon, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sh•annon, of 'Seaforth. Rev. G. E. Morrow of ;Cavell United Church, •ciffiiciated.- The bride wore pale 'blue embroidered net over satin and carried delphinium and roses. In her hair were tiny white buds. Miss Ferne Wheatley was her sister's bridesmaid. The groomsrman was Mr, Williem.130x. After a wedding trip 'by inotor, for which the bride donned a white suit with white accessories, the couple will reside on the, groom's farm. and Mrs. James Planagans6Dublin, was united in marriage to Francis Maloney, son of Mrs. Maloney and the late Patrick Maloney, of Dublin. Roses andkyhite flovrers'decorated the altar where •nuptial Mass was sung ,by Looby, LouisArith, geog, 115 'Comp.): McCarthy, Joseph phys., zoo.. geo., lit, com,p, alg, OV,einor, Verontea-Lit, •comp, alg Fren •Ii (Latin). Dr. Ffoulkes, parish priest. ,Peesent in O'Reilly. Heten-Arith,. lit, camp; Growing Bumper Crops Without Any Soil An article, in The American Week- ly with the July 4 issue of The De- troit Sunday Times, :tells ,of the re- markable results of "dirtless :farm- ing", by which vegetables, ,flowers and even 'fruit can 'be raised with a few the sanctuary also were 'Rev. Father . Eckert of Hawthorne, N.Y,, Fr, 'Dantzer, St. Colunthan, and James O'lRourke, of St. Peter's Seminary, in London, Miss Mary Beale presided at the onran and the choir also took part Stapleton ''',Kathiptit ---Phy., lit comp, Lath?, •F'ken11.1.; (algebra) Those who wrote.: Lower'.:Scanal departmental subjects wilt obtain their results at the same time that -the in the service. Given in marriage by Eitrance results are pin:bashed. her father, the bride was charming in her bridal gown of white satin, the ' , , • upper part of the bodice fashioned in • ••'' BRUCEFIELD lace which also formed the stand-up • _ collar. The lower part of the sleeves Dr, and Mrs, Wm. Swan and fano, of the lace jacket were made' of satin, ay of Hamilton spent the week end tight fitting and extending in a point 'with his rather, mr„ Jas. swan. over the hands with tiny satin but - tone extending from the elbows to the wrists. Her lovely veil of embroi- dered net extended into a train and vrat caught to the head with a wreath of orange blossoms. She ware white STAFFA ,Master John McDonald, London, is holidaying with his grandparents at the parsonage. Miss Sylvia 'Tuffin is spending a ,few days M Seaforth. Mr. anti Mrs. D. Pea and family were Sunday visitors in Goderich. The open air service's of the United Church will be hebd on Sunday in Mr. F. Tuffin's orchard at a a.m., 2.319 and 7,30 p.nt. Mist Agnes Miller' is visiting with relatives in London. Rev. and Mrs. G. Gilmour have re- turned alter spending the week in Ot- tawa, uring the ilVtass whicho ovte ceremony the bride and groom used prayer ibooks .which were gifts of their uncle, /Rev. M. lEckert. Solos were .sung :by Miss Mary •Murray, niece of :the bride .and Miss Agnes Delaney, After the nuptial mass the wedding :party, consisting id the im- mediate friends and relatives. pro- ceeded to the Queen's 'Hotel. Sea - forth, where a sumptuous dinner was served. Following the dinner the par- ty repaired to the home of the bride's parents. A tasty supper was 'partaken of and a splendid evening spent in songs and gay repartee. The groom's. gift to the bride was a mantel clock, to the bridesmaid .silver salad forks, to the !groomsman .gold collar and tie clips. to the flower girl a silver brace- let, to the ringbearer a coronation ?in, to the ushers and altar boys gold tit holders. Mr. and Mrs. Melady will reside on the groom's farm in Rib - beet. On the Sunday afternoon prev- ious to the wedding the bride was the guest of 'honour at a miscellaneous shower arranged by Miss Beth Car- lin and Mrs. Joe 'HelLaughlin at the homs. af her :pa:rents. She was the re- cipient of a host of valuable and use- ful :gifts. • Mrs. N. Hannigan and family af Exeter spent 'Sunday 'With Mr. and Mrs. John Cr;inish. a 011... ..EINillaetstsrssp.eiRit. sDuatlicitayymp‘nleae ransdt. Gordon shoes and gloves itud came Her sister, Miss Anna Flanagan, a :arid'. S•taili eY Reid" of'ondan sp n e bridesmaid, was most . attractive in a, Nve.e.4",te..„,„. ' ,„.hs, 10‘• 41...7 •,.., . ue frock of pink net over pink satin with' • . ''' 11`75.,Rviif -. 7 '' at— et, --sr, C. high square neckline, .bands or . appearing on the skirt and fasItirth the jacket with its puffed sleeve"*4.1 standing collar. She wore a •Whitepie- cure hat and white accesseriet ane carried pink carnations and hhie.- eOrn- flowers. The groom Was suppoifftl.by his brother, Patrick Malone', and.The ushers were James ,Kratts4E Jr. arid William Flanagan Jr. Pink • I:Atte-and white were •used ie decora ing - the ilt rooms at the bride's home w ' ,xed-' cling breakfast was served around fifty guests fotlowing the ' ceremony. Later the hat41,- couple left on a hon- eymoon to Niagara Falls, the bride choosino. a frock af robin egg blue chiffon, white coat and white access ories for travelling. Upon their return .ant.' cisits with frien*.;in Toronto /Lad. 1..y e -ill -•-•"••1••• oe tne bride.groom .p*rset,' .. :met of white carnations and red rose4,17.1Aleser,st.,2LaW'rence Reid of Toronto • if,'Mt",1;',A,.,ePattS1-.sroto and: children. are figritink •P6rePts,TMr.itand Mrs. B. Sholdice ;(1'rVilitorr- A& Rev. :G. 1,7ileV. ofir:See • •"'-* preached jtkuc: mons here on Silky spert4.tik day ,..rs with Mr. and, MI., H. Aikenhead. - • tst•.• • ., Miss lElleric'S4trof London; spent • 'a few days; dt. her •home here.. •.- Mr. an'elOs. Irvin ich spe4'Sunclay with s SWaa.'i ;!1. , • ficlikr.4.`„t'uire'6 honye 1a, weelc Agar 4en„ days' pleas- : - . • f rm in c op.. ent at the wedding from,St. 11 051g4, m, gillGuests were pies; vornwereS:-eatnn_.and.„ fa:rtfilairrionyf 11-fleuf-t hiiit'ont-iaRtd with Mr. bS4Wan's fr,)ten.ds' ovez'ifge d dr tj,„ 'mustard alma. 'Saturday dr their summer cottaat 0.4r 1.1.-tron, where they will spend their supmer vtacatip. Mr. liohn Watson'''and faniilyat- • tended .'the Watson picnic at Spring - hank on 'Saturday. Miss teacther of No. 10, Staqiev, has resigned as she has' - Seaforth, Arthur, Dublin. St. CatraV ban and Kinkora. Previous to the rseddirig"imil'tr 1100 friends and neighbors of the bIsls ga- thered at her home to eXtend .rdbngrat- illations on her approaching marriage and 'to tangibly express theirgooaf wishes with a miscellaneous. aboweroi gifts. The daintily wrapped pat;..4-t-N were drawn into the living roonx,„,•ild,, two little :nieces of the bride,.Tarea, Eckert and Helen Flanagan, „A grit from the Sodality was alsotbsettied BORN 13ettles.-1Iin Scott Memorial ;Hosp- ital, Seaforfh, on Tuesday, June 29th, 10317, to Mr. and Mrs. Theron Betties,. MoKillop, twin sons (one stillOolin). • ' Send us the names of your visitors. 'JJr. at this tine, Miss Trenv mine y reading the address and Miss Marie Krauskopf making the Prepentatiod, School Report. - The following is the report o,f the June Lower Schaal examinations 'held in Dublin school. The subjects in •brackets are those in:which the ptipil did•not obtain a pass standing. 'Form III.-IArkinson. Genevieve- phys.'zoo, lit. comp, aig, geom, 'Dat, (French). Atkinson, Theresa-4Arith, phys. zoo, geo, comp. alg, georn, Fr. Carlin, Leo-Arith, phys, geog, lit, comp, alg, Lat. French. Curtin. James-1Phys., zoo, geog, lit. comp. ale-, French ,(Latin), /Donnelly, Camilla-4Phv., comp, al. geom, Fr, (Latin). Downey, Anne-,Arith, phys., zoo. geog, lit, comp, alg, Latin, :French, ,Evans, Mary-lArith, phys, zoo. lit, comp, alg geom, Latin. French. Feeney, Loretta-lArith, lit, 'camp, alg, Latin (geom. French). • iforsitsn, Clare -Phys., zoo., 11.1, comp., alg., Latin, French. Jordan, Mary -,Zoo., lit., comp. alg., (Krell ch). L:ooby, Loreen-Phys., zoo, gen, lit, comp, alg, geom, Latin, French. MdGrath, Lucille-lPhys., zoo, geo, obtained„h. position with the teachers staff in London. While we are sorry to lost Kiss „Marshall frown our midst we cong,ratulate her on her new posi- tion. Miss Anne Mc:Naughton, who has taught ip S.S. No, 4 (south) Stanley Inc a number of years, will teach hi her home school, No. 2, Tuckerstnith, alter the summer vacation. Misses Alice and Helen Davidson are visiting their mother, Mrs. IA. Davidson. There was a good 'attendance at the meeting of the U.IF.VV.10. on Wednes- day, June 23,rd, 'After singing "When You and Were Young, Maggie,” as the opening song, the creed offered and minutes of previous meeting tak- en and roll call answered with a pro- verb. Letters were read by Mrs, Clif- ton from our secretary, -141r. H. IL Hannam and from the president, Mrs. Hind, by Mrs. H. McLachlan June bulletin questions were answered by MTS. A. Wright, Mrs. J. Cairns, lyres. Douglas and 'Mrs. Hatig•li. The topic, B "eauties of June," was well taken 'by lit, comp, alg, geoin, French (.Lattn). Mrs. A. Davidson•and Mrs. W. Stack - 'Meagher, Anna-Arith, too, lit, house. Miss Elva Stackhouse also read orrop geoin, French, :(Latin). a piece on "June." During the social prograna A. Wright read a hum- orous piece and Mrs, J. Cairns also ' read a piece, "This House of Clay." After the closing song, lunch was served by Mrs. MUKenzie ahrl friends. The IJuly meeting 'vvill be held at the home of rMrs,.M.Knight, Brussels. • DUBLIN Maloney -Flanagan. - 'At nine o'clook, ort Tuesday ramm- ing St, Patrielc's March, Ditiblitt, was the -setting for a, lovely suintqer wed.. cling 'when Teresa daughter. of Mr Moore, Ruby-Arith, phys, zoo, geo lit, comp, alg, geom, Latin, •French, Murray, Dominic-Arith, phys, zoo, geog, lit, comp, alg„ geom, (French). Schanhack, Gnace-Arith, .physiog„ zoo., lit., catnip, alg, geom, Lat., F'r. • Form I.- • Feeney, Rose -Lit, ,comp„ Latin, French (alg.)