HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-07-01, Page 4•
Snowdon Bros.. Publishers
Garden Party
Wed., July 7th
Supper Served 6 to 8.30
Admission 315e. and 20e
COME!. Rain or Shine
Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. N, Reid,
Tres. Sec,
The Walton T.P.S. of iDuf'; United
Church, held their closing meeting for
the summer months in the auditorium
of the church Sunday evening. Jane
t37Ith. The president, Betty Drager,
'presided and the meeting was opened
with the doxology and Lord's prayer
repeated in unison followed by the
singing of hymn 8S1. "Unto the hills
around do I lift up," The Scripture
was read by Stuart tBryans and the
male quartette, Messrs. George Ram-
say, John McDonald, George McAr-
thur and `Kenn'eth Ritchie, sang ,Al-
most (Persuaded." The treasurers re-
port w -as given by Herbert Travis,,
After the singing of hymn Me, "On-
ward Christian Soldiers", a report was
given by the secretary, Beth Shannon;
The offering was recyived and an an-
them, "Crown Hint'wag ,given by the
choir- Mies Margaret 'Cumming of-
ftred• prayer and Rev. Ite,,$osens of
Clinton gave a spleendid address an, the
"Moder,et YoutijZ vi i h was much
appreciated. -after a duet by -'Drs. Col-
in- F.iligfand and Miss Margaret Rah -
kirk of Winthrop, the hymn 301,
"Will Your Anchor Hold", was sung.
Rev. Mt. Cosens closed the meeting
with the benediction.
Mr, and. Mrs. S. J. Nichol, their
son Melvin, his wife and two children,
of Regina, Sask., who have been visi-
tors with lfr,vand Mrs, D. K. Living-
ston for some time, have; left on their
return trip. They motored over com-
ing by way of Sault Ste, 'Marie, spend-
ing some tine with . friends in North
Bay and calling to;.l asre. a kale at tint,
famous babies, returning?" htpugfi'
the States, visiting with.,teriendi errs'
route. They •etnjoyed' their stay here,
very much .'having met., many, "alde
4 'friends of long ago. It is allttost'tobty,
year since they. -Tent' westeso natur-
°t ',S9'ly°?e;4,.w+ere �ntanyrthey"iiiissect and
not ''Thany Chs : ,s ever +
yw Here, -Mrs.
NiclrOlsn Sri,' and ?vis. Li:ingston are
Mr. and Mrs. johouR. Stewart and
Mrs, Herr from near-, 1-11ensall called
,stn friends in Walton t Wednesday•
4/Mrs. ,Aslchie Mil] r
e a - e
�. ofa couple of $' s-witt'h
whorl last week:
saroS tEd Howe -:wily
oNS� t
� dJ'•.
Y•oun :
r " nnatt3�pspd A iit�Ry
with Mrs, laoel'e oteng a'hd uby.".„..
Ma -s. .Phemie • MdNicltsrl rec vt
• word last week that her bfother
rew had passed away suddettfly it
S'askatchewah, .
A very bekutzful church- tvaflln
was salem'nized at St, George's church
at 'Walton when Rev„ Jalin;,: Graham
united in marriage Gladys 'Eleanor,
only; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Lewtington and Cecil Meldrum„son of
Mr, and MTS. M. Smith, Woodstock,
The church was a bower of ebeautifui
flowers which made a picturesque set-
ting for the charming bolder . patty.
Mrs. R. Matthews officiated at the
,organ and played the bridal , chorus
from Lohengrin as the., jsarty entered
'the church. Tlwo ibrdthers of the
bride, Fred and Stanley Lewington
acted as ushers and preceded the
bridal party up the aisle, Little Fay
Matthews made a winsome 'flower
girl Wearing a Kate Greenway dress
of pale green net over taffeta and fin- Four BLYTH
ished with a palethe n !Kingston Penitent+ -
pink satin sash. On ary was the sentence meted alit Sat-
her hair she wore a pink .floral wreath urday by Judge Costello at Godericlt
and carried a very dainty basket of to Caswell Hackett, ,Luck
pansies and sunset roses. The (brides- for the robbery with violencesv man,
maid, ?Miss Bette Bsillantyne of eph Coulter, Blyth 'b, of Jo'-
Woodstock was charmingly gowned ril, The 'sentence 'bachelor. last .ap-
in palest point d'esprit 'floor rent with stent it to ver can cur-.
pink h a penitentiary term of two
length, trimmed with pale 'blue satin years .given Hackett at Walkerton
ribbons, Her hat was a large model three weeks ago for breaking. '
of pink straw and she 'carried an old tering. 3 t t me
Another eftsenof of threes
fashioned nosegay of cornflowers; Ta- months inn fisc theft of hides is also
lieman roses and fern. Silver sandals to run concurrent, After having chess
completed Iter costume. Miss Ruby en judge and jairy trial and being
Tucker of Woodstock was a graceful :ommitted, Hackett came up for elec-
ataid of honor gowned in a pretty tion, changed hisplea from "not
floor length dress of forget pie not ty” to guilt rail
blue silk net over taffeta with yo and foris counsel, Frank
trimmings, 'Peer hat was Of matching Thursday moved for sentence. Last
mohair and her:slippersg l Ho hold-up
accomplices in
were of sit- the. Coulter. bald -up •at Blyth, which
ver brocade. She also :carried an old netted $300, Frank, Cecil and Allan
fashioned nosegay. The pretty young Garniss, Toronto
'bride, escorted by her father, made a Sentenced to two'oyears lessea day.
lovely picture in her 'bridal,,gowir of They all referred to !Hackett as their
white silk net over taffeta. The ringleader, 'Hackett is 311 years of
sleeves were modishly puffed and her' age and hasa wife and four children
hong' [let was Ofpink carnations, lily. Living in ILuoknow. He comes of an
of the 'valley and brocaded. The beau- exceptionally good family with num
tiful bridal veil of hand embroidered
silk net was fastened with a coronet
of orange blossoms and fell in grace-
ful folds into a long 'train. The bride-
groom was attended by his .brother,
Mr. E. Smiths During the marriage
service the two wedding hymns, "The
Voice that Breathed 'O'er Eden," and
O Perfect Love," were sung. During
th • signing of the register Miss Myr-
tle \Vaterland of \Woodstock sang '11
lore you Truly." 'Miss 1Vatetland
,c,,rc• a bouffant dress of coronation
geld taffeta with matching net bolero
and white hat in halo effect, A wed-
ding reception followed at the home
of the bride's parents in Walton, for
forty guests, The 'bride's 'mother wore
a smart navy lb:lore gown with touches
of Russian embroidery, a navy hat
and a corsage of roses, The bride-
groom's mother wore a printed black
georgette dress add a black and white
hat, 'also wore a corsage ' -of roses.
The rector; Rev, 3, 'Grahams, propos-
ed the toast to the -bride, who made
a fitting reply. Mrs, Wallace Tucker.
and Miss Mabel Tuoker assisted in',
serving. fror travelling the 'bride wore',
a smart French model suit in navy
,yith red trimmings, a navy hat and
matching accessories. The couple left
on a wedding trip to points south and.
upon their return they will take up
residence in Woodstock. Among the
wedding guests was 'the 'bride's
grandmother, of Milton, now in her
enth year, Other guests were present
'ran ,Tilton, \Woodstock, and Camp
Uellville. s
The regular monthly meeting of
the Woman's in.tilete will be held in
Community hall. Thursday, July Sth,
mi is L hildrett's Day. Program by
the children. ,Conveners. Mrs. F.
Thompson, Mrs, 3. Armstrong. hiss
le Nott. Roll tall to be alaw'ered by
a Canadian of note and short sketch
of life,' •Hoste,eses; Mesdames G.
Moon, F, McGregor. G. lfeVittie, T.
Millar. B. Brunsdon, J. Tatnblyn and
\li ees Mary Caldwell, Hazel bee.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Stevens and fam-
ily. Seaforth, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 3, Nott.
\liss P. Reid entertained several
Toronto friends on Sunday.
Mrs. Archie Webster and Jack
spent Saturday hi Landon.
Mr. Milton Crawford, Mrs and Mrs.
Philips (nee Marion Kenkel) of Nia-
gara Falls, spent the week end with
their grandmother, Mrs. E. Crawford.
.Hiss 'Phyllis Manning underwent
an operation 'for removal of tonsil's on
'nesday of this week in the Clinton
'ospital, \Ve wish her a speedy re-
l succe •.ful missionary tea was'
hetet on Wednesday afternoon at the
thisginaf Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mrs.
Hall, Readings were given by Miss
L. 'Xining, Mrs, T. Taniblyn, Mrs.
\\'m. Lyon. K•nibting was also in
order Hostesses for the tea were
Mrs. J: Tannblyn, Mrs, Hall, Mrs. H.
Lyon, Mrs. C. Sundercock, Mrs. J. T.
Manning,. Mrs.. T. Faitseratice,
Mrss' •\;1 . Lyon is at -present laid up,
lire. PIs'
e k is in
Mr, and Mrs. John Fingland have
returned edrr
tis+ t
their eau, Rev.
Wm. Fingland, Niagara dralis, We are
sorry that Mrs. ,Fingland is not at all
3vell and is in bed moat of the time,
v�at frs,'Bert l.'runsdon opened her
'-•• on IFriclay- afternoon to a group
of ditlaefiemery ladies, with 2S present,
\ d1 arty' tea was served at the close
y +blieiostesses, Mrs, A. \V, Gard -
,mer \Irs. Bert 'Brunsdon, 'Mrs. M.
•Inning, Mrs,' C. Ruddefl, Mrs, E.
.jlAei excellent entertainment and
540,a was held at the comm•ttnity
hall 'by -the united Church S.S, on
Monday, evening, when about 600 as-
sembled: 'the supper tables were lad-
en h-itli strawberries and every other
dainties. The program was put on by
tlr`e. Happy Cousins concert party ,of
Elmira, who are real entertainers.
Supper was sei-sgd in the community
hall dining room's and the program
was given outside on the grounds.
1937. Plymouth
De Luxe Sedan
PHONE 179.
All Repairs Strictly Cash.
We Aim To Please
emus connections in Bruce and Ha-
ron counties. He has a long record of
petty thievery and 'break -urs and his
four -year -terns at Kingston is the cli-
max of more than 'five years of inter-
mittent court appearance and jail
terms, and as was said in court, "the
people of North Huron will Row
breathe easier."
The funeral 01 the late Stanley
•Dougherty, who was a victim 01 the
sad truck accident that occurred at
Kinlaug'h, eight miles north of.Luek-
ttow, was held on Saturday, Jane- 216;
from his hone- on Drummond street,
Blyth, and was largely attended. The
deceased was born in McKillop and
was the son of Mrs, .Margaret Dough-
erty and the late John Dougherty and
was in his 35th year, He was married
ix years to \It�s ,ao•
:Edna a Smi. •: '
Listowel and was highly esteemed by
alt who knew him. Those 'left to
mourn are Itis wife and mother, three
brothers, Lyle, of London; How•iard.
of Cranbrook; Russel of Blyth, Rev.
de. A; -Brnok had charge of the ser-
vice. Mrs. Harold Philps sang, "The
Old Rugged Cross." Burial took place
in the Brussels cemetery. The, pall-
bearer, were Norval Stimore, Elwin
Stimore, John Bruce, Albert \\'•rebeti,
Aaron \Vreben and David ICirconnef,
The flowerbearers were Dan H•alla-
lui, 'Dennis Hallaltan, William Sear-
ef, Francis Smith, William Cardiff,
Lorne Fulton, James Fulton, The
tlawe re were many and beautiful
showing the high esteem in which
the deceased was held. The friends
have the sympathy. of all in their sad
Tire strawberry festival held on the
United Church lawn Wednesday ev-
ening was a success, The weather was
ideal and a splendid crowd was pres-
ent, The ntearbers ai the \Woman's
Association provided an ideal sapper
and'the management of the cinirch
provided the program. The artiets of
the es -ening were Miss Jessie McGre-
gor of London, pianist and director;
\Its MdGee, reader; Miss Moon, . of
Hamilton, soloist, and Harold Lloyd,
Toronto, comedian, The C.1G:Iar.
Girls of the United Church contribut-
ed a quartette with guitar accompani-
ment that was much enjoyed. The
proceeds amounted to about $94.
Rev, R. A. Brook was chairman for
the evening,
lir. Irvine Wallace is confined to
his home with an attack of mumps.
Mts. John E. \LoEw•eu of Hensall
visited at the home of her brother,
Mr. Ross -Love and family.
lir. and Mrs,' G. Dalrymple of Otis-
elhnret visited with their daughter,
Mrs. W. Forrest.
lir, Joseph Hagan of Hensall and
sister, of .Detroit, called in the vicinity
during the week.
Mrs, M. Love visited at the home
of her son.
Mr. and Mrs. James Jarrott and Mr.
and Mrs, E. Jarrott visited relatives
at Smithsville on Sunday.
Mr. Robert Passmore of Hensall
conducted the service at the Hilts -
green church on Sunday,
;The strawberry supper and play
were a wonderful success 011. Thur,,-,
day evening at the Hillsgreen church,
Some have started haying in this
Vivian Strau.ghan and Reid Slice -
pard have been successful in passing
their 'Entrance Examination an their
year's work.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neilson, Mrs.
Jessie Darling and son. Jack, of ,S'trat-
ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W,
Carter, of Auburn, and :Mr. and Mrs,
Nelson Hill, of Goclerich, on Wed-
Isabel 'Rollinson. Rath Wilson and
Arnold 'Phillips. pupil: of Miss M.
Redmond, tried their Elimentary Ex-
amination in music at Ltecknow on
1 very successful strawberry social
aa, helm in connection with Knox
United Church on Friday evening. An
cellenC play was presented by the
Young People of Wesley Willis U'ti-
-terl Church, Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cannell and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Connell of Varna
:neat Sunday with Mra and MTS. Will
Herbison of Clinton,
Mr, and Mss Leo Stephenson spent
-he •week end with friends in Guelph, 1
Mr. and Mrs. James Butson; Miss
'hcrothv, Ar:mout' and Mr, red Chant -
ton of London visited Mr. and Mrs.
Bennett --In loving memory of Eil-
een Bennett of Walton who passed
away Jody 3rd, 1+93s.
In our home she is .fondly remem-
Sweet memories cling to her name,
Those who loved her nt life sincerely
Still love her in death the same.
--'Ever remembered. by Mrs. Eaton.
E. Adant•s on Sunday,
'Misr. and Mrs, ,Bert Wiggins and
daughter, Valerie, of Brantford, and
Mr. and Ma's. Oliver Ferguson of To-
ronto, were recent visitors at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sltaphensgm at-
tended the GorwillaRoss wedding on
`Rev. Mr. Cesvnend of Belgrave was
in charge of the service on Sunday in
the absence of the pastor, Rev, Mr.
LlO"L. 11033 will told their annual
church service in the United Church
on Sunday, July Lith at 7.130 p.m.
Mr. Elliott Chu'ter of Sudbury spent
the week end at his home here.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Chuter and family
spent Sunday last with ttt'iende in
The ;initiation of Res. J. R, Peters
will take place in the United Church
on Friday evening of this week.
-:1 large number from here attended
the strawberry social at Hillsgreeti on
Thursday last.
air. and Mrs. Geo. •Caimpbell of the
Bronson Line motored to`Goderich to
visit friends on Sunday afternoon,
IMr, 'Geo, Hess and family of -'Hen-
sall spent Sunday evening with \ir.
and Mrs. J. A, Carnie.
Mrs. W. T•Ieard and son Russel, of
Bayfield, called on Bronson Line
friends on Sunday afternoon
Mrs. J. le Tooth of :'Bayifield spent
the week end at the homes of her
brothers, the Messrs, J. A. and Will
Mrs. Geo, 'Cam'pbell, who has been
visiting her mother and sister of Port
Elgin, who hare both 'been sediausly
ill, returned 'home on Wednesday last,
reporting that tb.oth patients are mak-
ing satisfactory .progress toward re-
Mr. and •firs, Percy Johnston,
and Mrs. DI.ntore Stephenson and Mr
Lee McConnell spent the week
with. friends at Marlette and 'Det
'Rev. H. G. and Mrs, Bander
n Monday for their new charge
Wheatley. They have been '3 year
''area Rev, lir. Peters, the
linister for Varna, mored in with
(amity on Tuesday. His induction
tak T
e place area t
1 t\ Varna
United d Cht
t t cl
Friday evening.
,S, No. 3, Stanley.
The following Ilo r'
s mg report of S .S. \.o
aniey, represents the standing of
upils in their final examinations
le class they will enter for the t
-Ir. V.. -Lloyd Heard -
'Sr, PV.--tGlifford McClinchey. fe
a lie
Sr, IIT.IS, Doris Clarke, Doris -He
Jr, Zia -Minnie Penhale, D.
Sr, I.—Phyllis MoClinchey,
C. A, Trott, Teacher
Denomme-0 Rourke—
On Monday morning at ten o'clock
in St Patrick's Church. Du'btin,- a
very pretty wedding was solemnized
by Rev. Dr. 'l7foitdkes, when Margaret
O'Rourke- daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas 'O`Rourke, 'became the bride,
of Gus D'enom me, son of lir, and
'\ire. Frank llenomme, Zurich. Jos-
eph O""Rourke, cousin of the bride,
aces also present in the sancutary.
The altar was banked with .pink and
white peonies. The :bride, given away
by her father, looked charming in tier
floor length gown of Venetian lace
over white .satin with short lace jack-
et, She wore a count veil caught with
a high coronet of orange +blossoms,
long ifingerhrs gloves and white
.pa•mps and carried a bouquet of white
rases 'and boutardia. Site 'was assist-
ed 'by her sister, Kathryn, dressed in
pale blue chiffon with 'jacket and
matching accessories, carrying a bou-
quet of blue cortiRowers. The bride -
gleam was assisted by his brother
'Dennis. The ushers were Adrian De
cmonmre and Billie O'Rourke "Ave
Maria," was sung beautifully by 'Mrs.
tJ'oseph lfeliely. a recent June 'bride,
At one o'clock dinner was sersed to
30 guests in the Queen's Hate!, Sea-
fon th, 'Phe tables .were beautifully de-
corated with pink and white peonies,
and centred by a five story wedding
cake. Later in the afternoon Mr. and
Mrs. Denommme left for a honeymoon
in Montreal, the bride traveling in a
flowered 'bilue chiffon dress with white
coat and white accessories. The hap-
py couple will reside in Zurich,
Mr.Dave 'Millman n '
is not as well as
his friends would like to hear.
Mll s Olive Grimoldby of Seaforth
spent the week end at her home here,
tl•Ir. and Mrs. Fred 'Harburn spent
the week end with friends at Lucan,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Riley spent
Sunday at Grant! Bend and Baylel.cl.
Our school heli has stopped its ring-
To give somebody else a chance.
And to the Wedding. Bell starts its
-And to therm we'll gaily dance.
Mr. Lewis Tebbutt and Mr, Alex,
Broadfoot spent the week end in
Totem to.
Mrs, T•hontae Coleman, who .pent
the last two weeks visiting relatives
in Ingersoll and Tilisonburg, returned
home last Saturday.
Mr, and ,Mrs. H. L. Troyer and
'Joyce and Stanley of Toronto spent
the week end with Mr, anti Mrs, Rus-
sell Coleman.
-\\Tacit and For Sale ads, 3 wks, 5iic
Arnold IHsb'kirk of the post office
staff, is in Hagersville this 'week.—
Miss Greta 'Watson ltas arrived here
from Moose Jaws --'Miss +Ee ma Pear -
son of Calumet, +Mich„ is visiting its
end in town.—,\+fiss tGracey ,of 'Wingham
roit.ispent a -few days the past week the
left!guest of Mr if, L, Naylor,—\glans
at ' M•olcay, 'Thos, MdN.titght and Dr. 1.
1 an l[ a
e dow•s. of Toronto, are spending
the week in !Bayfield . --Miss Susie
3, Frost of Stratford and Miss Carrie
Frost r,.t
f St i
h t tdri
to ile
are e visiting in
and ' tnw^n: •-t\•fr. and 'Mrs. A. P. Joynt and
tit daughter went to Lucknow on Tees -
)day to attend the tnarriage of their
tit„ !niece, Miss .Ida Fulford 1Joynt, daugh-
ter of lir. and Mrs. 'John J'oynt,
and ' which took ,place to William Stanley
oris McLeod, --Mr, and Mrs. (Thos. Geary
'entertained relatives from Springfield,
, +Oh:io, this week, Mrs. Geary formerly
'lived in !Ohio and her cousins, Mr,
and Mrs. Chas. Welsh, who were re -
of censtly married, came here on their
lar ;wedding trip.—Mrs. W. 'ti. Boyd and
on, children, of !Chico, +California, are
m. I visiting at the 'home of their mother.
ed IMrs. Andrew Calder, 'James st.--lAt a
he);banquet at the Commercial hotel
Wednesday es -ening, IJuly 3trd, given
es (by the local 'bowling club, in honor of
H. MelFaul of +Toronto spent a fess'
days in tow n -•• Illise 'Ruth VanE.e-
niond and her west, -hiss '\leriel
The Ladles' Aid and WiM.S,
Ca Church 'will bold their regu
eting on Wednesday afterno
y 7'th, at the home of .Mrs. W
dds, the roll call 'to ;be answer
tit a verse on Obedience.
erry pickling and haying are t
er of the day.
cheat closed Tuesday, The kiddy
1 make "bey, hey" now. The to
will also enjoy •a few holidays.
he garden party held+ at Gaven
tench last Friday night was well'
nded. The prog'ra'm was enjoyed.
1 hersdaught daupent ghter, Wew-Eldays
he road will soon be paved to
forth. lit will ,he a great improve-
L. 13
i n z,
sihors: Mrs, Louise Hillebreclit
Levin Bennewies of Monkto,
M'r, and Mrs, W. L. Queren-
iss Doris Melville of ,itonkton,
and Mrs. B. O'Callaghan of
tford with Mr and 'Mrs. Harold!
. Darwin Kersey of Mitchell
Howard Qat erengesser.
. and Mrs. 'Fred Scherbarth and
of Detroit with Mr, and Mrs. J.
and Mrs, Harry Sche�fenberger
of her
we me
o'f it."
iinrton with Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Geonge Riegel is visiting her
ter, Mrs. George Young, in
mat," asked the teacher of one
pupils, "do we mean by the
1—"By theplural of a 'word
an the same thing, only more
t and For3
w ks, 50e
their ,president, ,James McMichael,
one of the.pieasantfeatures of the af-
fair was the presentation to 'hie guest
of honor -of a handsoine signet ring—
a gift from the lady 'bowlers.
The nice rains of 'the last Frew days
have done a vast amount of good to
growing crops.—Genuine sorrow svgs
manifested in this section upon hear-
ing of the death of Mrs. W. T. Mc-
Donald, who lost her life during 'the
tempest w111511 swept +Regina, She CLUB
formerly lived in McKillop'` -George R. S. McKercher,' Jake Broome,
Man of Affairs
The Great Arllss as a lovable .black
sheep and a polished diplomat
Mon. 'Tues, Wed., July 5-6-7
1 met him in Paris
Robert Young Mona Barrie
A romantic comedy drama
'Next Thur, Fri, Sat., July 8-9-10
When's Your Birthday
Edgar Kennedy Fred Keating
Lloyds of London
Thornton, who is in his 112th year,
utet with a painful accident, fractur-
ing one of his hips, Mr. Thornton has
been a wond rft Iy
I active man
stilt enjoys relating stories or •pioneer
life in 'Oniari",—iii. s L. \\ issenburg
and her ..deter were guests at the
home of Mr, and \lrs. Henry Weiter-
5011 011 Sunday.
The- followdn ;' were visitors here,
Mtn ;Reck of London, at Mr. Beat-
ty s: Messrs, Janie. H. and 3, 3.
Copeland, of.Toronto, and Mr. W. O.
Telfer, of l-ldertan, at the manse.—
anse—Haying is now the order of the day.
The crop': will be fair. tRairt is much
needed.—. \lany citizens are epending
Doininion'_ Day enjoying the cool,
fresh ,breezes of Lake Huron at Bay-
ayfield. Bayfield has become quite a fav-
orite tttinmer resort,---
\Its+ (ioliglttly of .11onktott is vis-
iting. Mr. and 'Mrs, A. Darlinee-Mr.
and Mrs, Doig and son Gerald, of
Minnesota, motored .from there to
Dublin. They have been touring since
the -itis of Jnrne.--Mr. Harold Pierce
of Detroit is spending a Creek here.
Farmers Attention.
IOur mixing station has concluded
a very successful season. Fertilized
crops are showing • wonderful. prom-
ise in this district. We will be in the
game again wins (Fertilizers for the
'Nall \'Vheat.
We still have a quantity of Extra
Red Cedar Shingles;
which we are. selling at a cash price.
of $130 per bunch; 4 'bunches to
We \ e dee'
tri to express our apprecia-
tion to all our Customers, who secur-
ed their Winter supply of {First Class
Coal during May and June at the
lowest 0055 in years,
Our -Co-operative Company abso-
lutely guarantee'teh quality of this
Cowl, and it is 'bound to give supreme
satisfaction when winds blow Cold,
I't is the intention of our Company
to offer first class Coal at the lowest
possible 'Cash price, to the consumers
of this district, fraud month to month
as the season advances.' Our price for
July 'delivery and while our supply
lasts, 'w=ill the X1(1:$p per ton to 'Farm-
ers hauling their own 'and 41112,40 de-
livered in 'Seaforth or its subunbs,
We have a carload of aur '1Blue
Bell" 'Binder 'Twine at our warehouse
in ,Seaforth, Our 'Company have sav-
ed the Verniers -of Ontario thousands
of dollars in Twine purchases in re-
cent years and have 'built .up 'a vol-
ume of trade that gives us real Bar-
gaining Tower ,in securing supplies.
Your order placed with our Club
means that low Twine prices can be
continued, We ;guarantee our prices,
when announced, to be as low or
lower than others,
Decide to use "The il,lk', 0, Blue
Bell Irish Twine," for 'the coming
Harvest. -Our 'Twine +Salesman, Mr,
Jake Broome, will the in a position •to
announce the price very, very soon.
Orders platted -with him will receive
proper attention,
Come In and
Visit Us
Holding Open House Friday and Saturday
With an entire New Stock of Home Furnishings we invi
your inspection. g to
See and hear the new S'.terlock-Manning Pianos. Look
over our new assortment of home furnishin
you could ask for in Modern Furniture, gs— everything
• R