HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-05-27, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1937.
J. silo
14 Ib pkg.
3 PKG.
22 oz.
Libby's.Catsup, 12 oz......... per btl..,15c
Quaker Puffed Wheat (Shirley Temple Cereal)per pkg 10c
Ovaltine, serve hot or cold Small
Each 38c
Each 58c
Each 98c
Johnson's Floor Wax, is Each 59t
Fancy Pink Salmon, Cascade Brand, /s 2 tins 17c
1s 2 tins 25c
Matches, Spot Lite 300s 3 boxes 25c
Ilencphill's Wheat lierries, 5 11), hags each 29c
Cowan's Cocoa, 1s each 25c
Peanut B1ttter, 10 oz, each 14c
18 oz, .,...... 1 each 25c
1.ux Flakes, large and 1 cake 1ifehuoy all for 24c
Rottitree's Making Chocolate, 'As per cake 17c
Chicken Haddie 2 Tins 25c
Per Jar 29c
each 25c
Crab Apple Jelly, 32 oz. jar
Crisco is
Tomato Juice, 10% oz. tins 2 Tins 10c
Crother's Soda Biscuits, 1 Ib. bags Each 15c
Patterson's Tiny Orange Slices per lb. 17c
2 in 1 Shpe Cleaner=White per btl. 15c
Shirriff's Fancy Free Dessert, Assorted 3 pkg, 25c
Aylmer Soup, Tomato and Vegetable 2 tins 19c
Clothes Pins 3 doz. 10c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Important Notice!
Our Collecting Department is a result
of Years of Successful Experience in
collection local and out-of-town ac-
On March 2611.1 we received a •letter
from a client: "Thank you for prompt
remittance and for good work re my
Mail your list of accounts today to
Burke's Collecting
(License 1176)
Head Office, SEAFORTH, ONT,
Box 498
Wheat, per 4i'ws.
tB'arley, feed, per bus. 80c
Barley, malting, per 'bus, 90c
Oats, per bus. s 6l5c
(Hogs, per cwt. $8•6
McKinley's Chicks
Rocks and Leg. Sc . , . after May 8th
Leg. 8c; Rocks 9c, after April 20th
Leg. 9c; Rocks 10c, after April 12th
Leg. 10c; Rock 11c, after April 4th
All Breeding Stock Gov't Ap-
proved and Bloodtested.
Started Chicks and Pullets for
sale. Conte and see them.
Phone 97r11, Hensall, ZURICH
Killing Friendly 'Insects
Am article in The American W'eek-
ly, with. The Detroit Sunday Times
of May 30, explains that in externals?,-
atinrg the pests which eat our food
supply, many of m'an's most useful
and needed helpers 'in field and gat' -
dens are destroyed.
Good Equipment 'Makes a Good
Farmer -Better
McCormick Deering
Farm Machinery
From Your Local Dealer
Alain St. Phone 17
Mt-. Michael Darling has opened up
his service station and is in full swing
to serve the public, night and day,
-lir. Dennis,,Benn),rgss ots,,T,,outstrtt5
is visiting with his mother, Mrs. M.
The dance in Loaby's hall on Fri-
day night was a real success.
Mr. Bob Murray and sister. Birdie
of Kitchener were 'Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mars. Alex. ,Darling.
Mr, Harry Kenney of Detroit with
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kenney.
The many friends of Mr, Wm. '0' -
,Rourke are ptleased to see him able to
be out and around after his long ill-
Miss Florence Smith of Rogers-
ville with Mr. an:d Mrs.,Frank Smith.
Me. and Mrs. John Darling visiting
friends in Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Beate of Stratford
with 'Mrs. C. Beale. -
Mr. Pat McConnell with Mr. and
Mrs. Dave McConnell.
•Mr. Frank Stapleton .of Toronto,
Miss R. Stapleton of London with
Mr, and stns, Wet, Stapleton.
Mrs. M. Benninger and son Hugh
visited friends in Toronto.
1•Idss Martha Seimoin was rushed to
Scott Memorial Hospital last week
where she was operated on for ap-
pendicitis. Her many friends are
pleased to learn that she is improving
as rapidly as can 'be expected,
,Seeding operations are completed
and if the old proverb comes true,
they wilt reap much'eorn and hay,
and will gladden the 'heatnts of many.
• Mr. Joe Manley has moved into his
new home, known as the late James
'O'Loughlin estate. 'Good buck, Joe.
(Planting potatoes and ,gettitug the
root .ground ready is the order of tine
day. •
Me. and ''Mrs. Waillam Somerville
of Woodstock attended the 'funeral of
his sister, Miss -Millen Somerville, on
li r. and Mrs. Art Sloane and Mr.
and Mrss Reg. Sloane and 'fancily of
Toronto spent the week end with
their mother, Mrs. Maude Sloane,
Mrs. J. F. Snowdon and family
spent theholiday •week etid in. New
Mayor and Mrs. McArthur and
Miss Mary .Kling of Woodstock were
holiday .guests with Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. 'Manson.
Miss •iM Dermid has returned to
her home on IGoderioh st. west alter
spending the winter in Hudiett at the
home of her (brother.
Dr. and ,Mrs, ,Chapman of ,Fort
Brie visited the -former's father, Mr.
W. E. Chapman during the week-
end. Mrs. (Herbert Whittaker and
baby accompanied them on their re-
turn to Fort ,Erie.
•Mr. and Mks. 'Bd. Kling at Elmira
were .guests .Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. 'Manson.
Mr. and Mrs. S. 5. Mackenzie and
son of Georgetown were holiday vis-
itors with Mrs. M'ackenzie's parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs, If. M..Cardino.
Miss Adeline McDougall of Rest -
ort, Man., is visiting the Misses Brine,
Miss Bessie Grieve, Chatham, spent
the holiday with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. T, Grieve,
Mr. and Mrs. 'J. IHotham accomp-
anied by Mr. and Mrs, C. Laithwaite
of .Goderich and Mr, R. J. Cooper Of
Kippen spent the week -end holiday in
Lansiing, Michigan.
Mr. W. Rowland of Sarnia and
Messrs. 'Ferdinand and Harvey Revell
of Hamilton were holiday visitors
with Mor. and Mrs, W. J. ;Finnigan.
Miss Dorothy Reinke of Hamilton
was a holiday visitor with her mother,
11iss Lillian Whitfield, R. N., of
Stratford. was a visitor at the hone
of Mfr, and \?t-. jack Currie over the
week end,
Miss Marguerite Black of Hamil-
ton spent the holiday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bleak.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Snaith and
son Gregory of rGraveuhurst were
holiday visitors with his father, Mr.
John Snaith.
11r. and Mrs, Lorne Hutchison and
Peter and Michael of Toronto, Miss
Dorothy Ilutchison and Mr. George
Rose of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mfrs.
George Hutchison and !Nancy Jane of
London spent the holiday week end
auith Mrs, 'F, D. Hutchison who re-
cently returned after spending the
winter in Mitchell
13r: Weaver andgranddaughter,
g ddaug ter,
Miss 'Pant Weaver, - of Kimberly
Ont„ called last week on a number of
friends in Egntondvi'tle, his birth-
place, and visited with his cousin,
Mrs. Elliott, of town.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel-
land 'visited his mother, Mrs. R. E.
Stark during the week end.
Mr. Hector Hays of Windsor vis-
ited his mother, Mrs. R. S. Hays,
during the week end.
Mr. George .tsrael of Kitchener was
a holiday visitor here.
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and
No children of Stratford were guests
of Mr, and lits, H. W. hart seec
the holiday.
Mrs. C. \ ouglt o Goderich
'ts,,aLisiiitg friends in Seaforth and
The station platform is being re-
surfaced with an asphalt top.
Mr, and Mrs, John MoIntosh and
daughter' Jean and Mrs . E'l'liott , of
Toronto, visited at the home of Me:
John MoC1oy,
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Chesney of
Toronto were gees-ts of the latter's
mother, Mrs. J. 'R. H'abkirk aver the
Mrs. Janes Johnston and daughter,
of Michigan, 'and Miss Annie John-
ston of Walton, visited their cousins,
Mr. J. M. !Robertson and Miss ,Rob-
ertson on Tuesday.
ietrs. C. IP. Sills and Mrs. Frani:
Sills have returned from iDebroit after
spending the 214th 'with their -many
friends in the •city, and. visiting -the
.fornter's sister, Mrs. Gordon Hays,
who is convalescing alter a recent op=
Misses ,Ann and Janet Govenlock
of Weston were guests of Miss Belle
Smith over the week -end.
Visitors at the hotne of 'Mr. and
Mrs, ,Alex Wallace Sunday last were:
Mrs, W. P. Dittos, • Mrs. Thomas
tD:utot and sons William and Leslie,
Mrs. (Gordon ,Peterson •and Mr, Rob-
ert Morris, all of 'Comber; Mr, and
Mrs. Wesley 'Roe of McKillop, Mt.
and Mrs, .Orville B'la'ke and 'family of
Colborne Tp., Mr. and 'Mrs. !N'orman
Walker and Bruce,Mr. 'Frank Wti-
son, •Mrs, 'Thomas Caldwell and sons
William and John, Mrs, Stanley
Dutot and Doris of Brucefieid.
Mr. -Robert Dundas of 'Toronto :vis-
ited his mother, Mrs. W. A. Dundas,
over the week end.
Mr. and 'Mrs. C. IA. (Harrigan and
Family of 'Chatham and the 'former's
mother, of 'Glencoe, were Monday
visitors with Mr. and 'Mtss. 'Alex,
Wallace, Tuolcersnaith.
Mrs. Begely of !Port Dover visited
Mks. W. A. !Dundas over the week
A collision occurred on Main street
on Saturday when 'Russell Gale, Mit-
chell, who was turning, collided with
a car driver by S, IP. 'Rayner, of Lon-
don. No one was injured.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodds of London
spent the week end with relatives.
Mr. H. Fisher of Toronto called
on friends in this vicinity during the
Mr. and Mrs, D. F. Anderson and
daughter .Pear[ are moving. to Varna
this week to :reside,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephenson of
Walkerton visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 'R. Stephenson.
'Miss Maty'Hagan of London spent
the week end 'with her sister and
Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtalble of Cen-
tralia visited 'her mother, Mrs,t.Love
and family.
An ,exempilary life came to a close
when Mrs. Matthew Lynch died at
her home here on Thursday morning,
May '401th, on the eve of her ninety-
second birthday, The deceased, whose
maiden name was 'Rose MoOardle, the
last member of a Family of eight, died
on the fare' to which shecame as a
bride sixty-nine years ago. Mrs.
Lynch was a faithful •titenrber of St.
Colutnban Church and her devout ex-
ample will tong be remembered. She
was a kind and loving mother, a
faithful. generous, good living woman
and was esteemed and loved 'by many
for her excellent qualities of character
and her fidelity to her religious duties
as was testifier) by the great nun -her
of spiritual and floral offerings re-
ceived and the lame number who at-
tended her funeral. \Irs. Lynch re-
ceived the last rites of her church
from her pastor, Rev. J. 'Datatzer.
Having the use of her faculties she
fully realized that the end was near
and as her useful life WAS a constant
preparation for death she passed
peacefully away surrounded by her
five daughters, Requiem High Mass
was sung by Rev, J. Dantzer and in-
terment took place in the fancily plot
in St, Colunrban cemetery beside the
remains of her late husband and son.
Timothy. She leaves to mourn the
loss of a most loving brother one son.
John of 'Unity. Sask.: tide daughters,
Mrs, Patrick Reynolds ,of Clinton:
Mrs. William Fortune and Miss \g -
nes Lynch, R.N., of -Detroit, and Miss
Annie and Miss Teresa at hone, who
have the sympathy of a wide circle of
friends in their sorrow firs. Lynch
is al o,survired by eleven grandchild-
ren and one great grandchild. The
pallbearers were: Thomas \i'oylan,
Denis 3, O'Reilly-, Joseph Ryan, John
Shea, William O'Reilly and Joseph
Kale, "phe •failow-ing relatives and
friends from Detroit attended the fu-
neral: lir, and Mrs, William Fortune
uul fancily, \irs. Louis Longcway,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reynolds, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Montrose, Mr, Fergus Rey-
nold. and Mi Rose Reynolds.
Miss Margaret .\ikeuhead asst Lon-
don spent the week end at her home
Visitors itors at the home of firs. Mar -
trivet' McKenzie were Mrs. Finney
and son of Detroit, iir. John Mc-
Kenzie of Windsor, lir. and Mrs, C.
McKenzie and family of London and
Mr, and' 11ts. Joseph 'Richardson of
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Doan and daugh-
ter Frances of Alvinston visited Mr,
and Mrs, Raba. Dawson. Mrs, G.
Doan, who has spent the -last week
here, returned home with them.
Hiss Goodie Marks is spending a
few clays on the i2nd line.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker of Lon-
don spent Sunday with Mr. and 11rs.
A, Patterson,
Mr. Carlyle Cornish spent a few
days in M'itohell.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Swan and family
of Hamilton visited his father, Mr.
James Swan.
Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Kemske and little
son of Toronto visited the tatter's fa-
ther, Mr. C. Reid.
Dr. and M.rs. Morrison and son of
London spent Monday at the .home
of Mr. Jas. 'Swan.
Mr. Lee Kipfer of London spent
the week end at Isis'lt.ome here.
Miss 'Ellen Soott of Lon•rion visited
at her home ,here.
Mr. it'. Snyder of W:itcghant visited
lois parents, Mr, and !Mrs. Jahn Sny-
der Mrs. John Grainger spent a few
days with her sister in 'Merton.
Mr, and Mrs J. R. Garnish and An-
na spent Sunday at Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Shouldice of Cred-
iton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
A. Paterson.
IHillebrecht —'In Scott nMemorial
Hospital, on Tuesday, May 23th, to
Mr. and ,NLrs. Irwin Hillelbrecht, Mit-
chell, a son.
Jamieson -4n Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Wednesday, May 1216th, to.
i41'r, and Mrs. 'Arnold J. 'Jamieson,
a daughter.
Come up to the Farm and, see the nice assortment of Day -
Old and Started Chicks, both breeds. Our last hatch for this
season comes off June 1st, so get your order in early and be
not disappointed. -
Baby Chicks
Baby Pullets
Rock Cockerels
$9,00 per 100
$18.00 per 100
$6.00 per 100
Early Chicks are always more Profitable
Scott's Poultry Farm
Harold Finnigan presided at the re-
gular meeting of bhe Egmondvi•lle Y.
P. S. The meeting opened with hymn
662 and prayer. An interesting, cur-
rent event period was conducted by
the president, The Scripture lesson
was read by Miss Grace Wallace and•
Mr. Harold Finnigan led in prayer.
Mrs. Wanless then told an interesting
story which everyone enjoyed. This
was followed by a game. The meet-
ing closed with the National- Anthem
and the Benediction.
Mrs: Geo. Woods and Mr. Chas.
Gerneinhard spent the week end in
11 ooretawn, •
lir. Ross of Kincardine, who has
the contract at the harbour, has ar-
rived and started work.
Dr. apd Mrs. Lewis are spending a
feta days with Mr. N. Woods.
lits; 14 Fisher of Waterloo spent
the holiday with her aunt, Mrs. F. A.
\Lr, and tars. J, P Ferguson :pent
the week end with Lits. 11. Ferguson.
13113'Iield and St. Colutnhatt played
their tirst game of football in Bayfield
nn Monday evening. St: Colutnban
winning 6 to 1,
\1'r, and firs, Clttrreliw•ard and fa-
mily spent the holiday at their cot-
ot-tage. -
\ir, and Mrs, fittest of London
have taken one of tine Pierson cot-
tages and expect to spend the stam-
mer here,
Miss Jean Getmntel: ,t Seaforth vis-
ited her cousin, Miss 17. Castle, on
11r. P. J. Thompson and Mrs, Mil-
hr of London were in the village on
Tuesday looking eve 'their cottages
at Deer Lotige Park.
Idr. L. towlie of London spent the
holiday with his sisters, the Muses
Fo wl te.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy have taken
an apartment • at 11 rs.T,tnis,
11r. and lits. truest and family o:
Toronto spurt the week end with
Mrs. Guests sister, Mrs, Malcolm
Margaret - ergtison of Tecumseh
and Miss Nora Fer.snsnn of Lott,hnt
spent the heli lay lith \Vm, Fergu-
We notice quite a few cottages on
the lake front are occupied the earli-
est for some time and there are more
looking for cottages this spring than
ever befatre.
Many in this locality will regret to
learn of the passing of Dr. iijohn
Thomson, of State of INebraska, 'U,S,
A. The late Dr. Thomson had been
in failing health for sometime abut
nevertheless his death came as a
shock to his many relatives and
friends. He was the son of the late
George and 'Hannah Thomson and
was horn on -the Third Concession of
Hay Twp. bt was quite a number of
years since 'he visited with his another
(who has since passed on), sisters and
brothers and relatives in this com-
nmnity,'Our sympathy is extended to
his •wife and 'family in Nebraska, to
his sister, 'Mars, iHannalt Workman,
Hensall, and 'brothers, ,Samuel of
B•ucefield, and Robert of this cons-
mttnity: The 'late William D. Thom-
son, who ,passed on last December,
cvas a 'brother.
The stores at Varna are closing at
7 o'cdoc'l. on Tuesday and Friday ev-
enings, beginning (June lst. ,
-Miss Helen liandey of St. Thomas
spent the week end at her home here.
Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Brown of
Hamilton called on 'friends here last
Master Ernie Ciardce of Seaforth
spent the holiday at his grandparents'
Mrs. S•telck has returned home af-
ter spending a few weeks in London.
Rev. .and Mrs. L. W. Diehl of '
Tliamesville and Rev. H. ,R. ,Diehl of
Grimsby spent the holiday at the
home of Mrs. ItcClymont.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pilgrim spent
the: week end with friends near Sar-
(Continued from Page One,)
employs a man to ,look after fit'
cheetah and her wolf hounds,.•and
desirous of ntovitig to another local-
ity rather than part with her strange
pet. .
The return trip was by Route 9 up
the Hudson river to Albany. For fifty
miles out of New York the newly -
opened Henry Hudson 'Parkway was
followed, No trucks are permitted on
this splendid drivewa+y which; avoids
all the numerous •small towns. v
The history of the Hudion River,
like the St, Lawrence, dates- baok ov-
er three hundred years to the early
explorers seeking a new way to the •
East, The well kept colonial estates,
blended with modern 'commerce and
industry gives a pleasant touch to the •
drive. At' Tarrytown is the Rtacke-
feller estate4w.heae tate holy .of John
D. Rockefel er was, brought :trot.'
Florida tlm - 1 a ew nia'les not°fih,
across - the river, is West Point. for
more •titan a ientury the United
States Military; \cadent' ,Vassar
College is at Poughkeepsie. Ten miles
above is Hyde Park, tate ancestral.
home of President 'Franklin - 0. -
Roosevelt; a stone ,fence enclosing 'ea
twenty -toot high spruce hedge is
broken only ,by an ` iron ,grill gate.
There is a rather new bronze sign on
the gate iOPositively No 'Admiittance."
The only place the Roosevelt name
appeared was in a nearby •tillage on a
billboard, a poster used in last year's
election: "Roosevelt Tor President-
Roosevelt Neighbors' Committee."
From Albany to near Buffalo the
highway route No. 20 was followed.
Some of this is a wide three lane road
skirting south of the larger cities, and
except afar a short detour and a little
new construction work, is mostly in
excellent condition.
Cooperstown, not far south of this
highway, was the birthplace of the
'game .of baseball in 11129. 11 was
here' also that James Fenimore :Coop-
er wrote his Leathers'tocking Tees.
Long steep hills are encountered
south of Syracuse, The Finger Lakes
Region is entered again, completing
the circle through the State. There
is a legend of tate Indians 'of long-
ongago that -the 'Almighty !put his hand
down on the area and left his finger-
prints there.
In many parts of the ;State about
half of the truck traffic encountered
were those long bridge -like affairs
carrying four or ,five new. automo-
biles. It is reported that four boat
goads daily leave Detroit taking -away
almost 15100 oars daily to Buffalo or
other 'points on the (Great Lakes 'for
distribution by these giant trucks.
Vegetation at :New York was very
little ahead of 'Ontario and seeding
was still in p.rogrc,ss on many farms.
The Spring had b-een wet and back-
ward, farmers -reported. Oak trees
are more numerous along streets and,
highways than here.
-Arrived at Stratford to find a
crowd •on the Alvan 'bridge watching
the exciting 'finish of the.the ninety-
mile Stratford to •Goderich and •back
bicycle race.- Led 'by motorcycle pol-
ice the 'four leaders 'finished close to-
gether. Stragglers were eftcountered.
beyond Mitchell. Such a long grind
seems gruelling. Maybe so. : But at -
ter •atbmcost'four days on the'r:oad 'from
daylight to dark, and enjoying every
minute, we have -nothing to say about
anyone else's idea of a holiday.
Send us the names of your ,visitors.