The Seaforth News, 1937-05-27, Page 2PAGE TW
Try Sala'Ida Orange P koe lend
HURON NEWS William Doyle—
On Thursday, May 1113th, Mr. Wil-
liam Doyle, a well-known and highly
respected resident of 'Goderich,•passed
away suddenly at his home on Que-
bec street, in his seventy-eight year.
Mr. !Doyle was a native of St. Colum -
ban, where •for many years he was
sexton 'of the church and ciZt'as closely
identified with the late Very Rev.
Dean Murphy in assisting in every
,possible way to advance the glory of
God by giving a generous and whole-
hearted support to that wonthy priest
in the -early days when a large district
was served from Drishtown. Mr.
Doyle served mass in early childhood
and for over sixty -.five years his 'beau-
tiful voice was heard in the choirs of
Western Ontario. Many times he left
his work to assist in the choir at fun-
eral masses, and his singing softened
th•e sorrows and cheered the hearts
of those in trouble: His voice is stil-
led, but not forgotten. He gave free-
lr •of his talents for the glary of God
:mil was always active in mousy useful
ort charitable o rks fostered by the
Catholic {'httrrh. On r,uurdap Morn -
!ng Rear. 'Fabler Na2'r, rector of St.
Peter's church, offered the high utas.
.v r..q,tient uses.preached the funeral
number of yeses another arm John
sermon. while •Ret Father Fall
Larkworthy; looked after the it, el conducted the serviee a the 11''met ry.
Green house Sold—
Mr. Ernest 'S. Lewis, of Brampton,
has .purchased the 'Greenhouses and
florist business at Wingham formerly
operated ,by the late J. M. ]Graham
and will take possession Monday,
May 2.4ith, Mr. 'Lewis for the past 1115
years has been employed by the Dale
Estate at !Brampton and prior to that
was with the Robert 'W'arden Com-
pany, nursery and shrub growers,
South End on Sea, -England.
Old Hotel Is Sold—
George 'Edigthcffer, of :Mitchell, has
purchased the old Larkworthy hotel
property on the corner of Ontario
• and Blanshard' streets in Mitchell,
which he intends to use as a store-
house. Some righty years or more
ago this two-storey brick- bnililing
Was erected by the late 'William Lark-
worth4• in whi-cb lin carried ,an a' hotel
business foe quite a timber of year,.
William Larkworthy ,lied at the age
of about, fifty years and alter his
death the hotel business was condnct-
ed for .ante tears by his son, tite late
'George Larkworthy. Later, for a
for his mother but its doors were
closed many years ago as a hotel at -
ter which Mrs. l-arkworthy and fam-
ily continued to live privately in the
old hotel 'building. Mrs. Larkoorthy
livedto be more than eighty years
old and aiter her death her son :Al-
bttrt Larkworthy, 'became the owner
of this property. It only passed out
of his hands two years ago, \I r. and
Mrs. William Larkworthy, referred
to above, were early pioneers of Strat-
ford and from :that plats they went to
Kastnerv{'lle, ,ear Sebrn,viilc, where
they kept 'rose! for a time. They then
cameaastj to Jlltrhell in 1859 to cin- 'tui falls heir to an n.tate vtlu-1 at
-duct, a hotel business in a three -star- between five and six thousand dollars.
ey 'frame structure, whiolt some lust' 'The estate is that .1f his grandfather,
dater Lias cleattoyed by tire. After the tit"' late \\'ibiiant nark of \shford.
fire 3h•. Ldrktvortlty erect' i the I Kent, England. This e,ttte las
two storey brick hotel building , u die I ",and ti several year {,,m awl \Val -
same site, which is the one just per- ter s share has been held in trust on -
chased by Mr, 'Edighoffer. ti! be reached his majority.
Act of Cruelty— (Stone Thrown Through Window
and Windshield—
tin \Vednesday last it remained for ` .\ Parte stone was thrown thr:,ttgit
a couple a?f scampa or archins to de-' -t wi,i,i , v in lir. Frank Taylor's aar-
.truy the family life of two pump-o!age on Moniay night. It ileo went
hantite birds on the river its town,' through the n1 i tiiel,i d his car
NKr the 9501 eight or nine years tie ef- t int( :, ler, 'tole i h
two birds, 1 male and female. have found the neat nail•: !_ e' front
flown hero from the south every 1 seas of Ism cies
gurus* scot Intl, their hoose at the Clinton's Coronation Bab
rase ( on the pond: Thee were a: y—
m- 1,01r, t`,• .1 ire r as tit- ordinary barnyard lett
hitt rest"i n', f \Ir .t❑ 1 \ . 11 t,I.
di.htrrt.t e n,r do ,
n .ell.. 'an!! � , ' date.
troc,d °tnyituly'. ,;tel derttng
\l tot storrowin.4 friends est tt at
tits services. Ill. Doyle i- survived by
Itis wife t t atheritty Dttvtcy 1, one
a.m. John of Detroit, an 1 three
daughters: lir.. Victor J. d)t ut of
Buffalo. Jlr.. \V. F. 'Hinchey of
Windsor. and 21rs M. J. 21eraw of
Smith's Fall \V, J. Duncan of Sea -
forth and. I W. Duncan of London
are nephews .---'Goderich Signal.
Will Receive Legacy -
21 \\':Qtet• Davis, Exe titson
of the laic \rth u• S. Davis, e111 'flims-
ily last attained his 21Ist birthday
r, at, v ,y
tlu•tr living. entirely from fish. t r ,
1-, i.,,
, 1:11. fie non -
and other water inh rhitattt- 1 it
'r,rt 1•t h„lis,, lir.. \''i
year they -built their ne-t a. nolo: . ,t •` `''
the island and were already ne s t,n4. - h.hza tell,.
Twn boys,- who are ol,l 'ton;get t) Sword Fish's Weapon—
know better, but perhaps having the
minds of infants, not yet folly dews- Mr. W. 1). Fair's to i•t 1„w; :Clin-
oped, visited the island on the day in:-” displaying fishing- t trkie is a
question and. both wantonly and braz-',.%•:•I. of a simir,t fish. This .word.
only killed one of the water fowl "!sick i, of solid bone, w;tn taken
leaving its mate- to mother and rear butt a tufo hundred aunt ditty ,pottnil
the young as best it can. Such an act -word fish at Louisburg, Nota Scotia,
on the part of these two 'lads it in- i.f.t .\ugust, It aneasures thirty-one
excusable, and had one of the men 'ttclies in length and is the property of
resident, of that section of the town •
seen them instead of a lady a few
warm ears or the hinder .parts of the Truck Breaks Dog's Tail—
lads blistered a bit might have been The most forlorn dog in Goderich,
their experience. The two .birds had if one may judge by tail wag:a'ittg, or
,became familiar sights and their visit •; m
Eek of it, is a .German Shepherd dog
in 'Mitchell every spring was looked ,timed by Doti McKay. stellar de -
for. --;Mitchell Advocate, fence man with the Clinton Colts last
Magistrate Fines— .y'e•tr. The huge dog. whose pet name
is itl\uisance," is not larking in feel -
Fines 'collected in the Magistrate's in.g, but is merely unable to wag his
Court in (Goderich in the month of tail, which was 'broken_ when a six -
21r. tinrdntr Cuttinghante.
April this year totalled S 018, as com-
pared 'with 411'S2 in the same month
last year. Since the 'first of April,
when a rigid check was placed on
trucks in an •effort to stamp out over-
loading and protect the roads, ten of-
fenders apprehended by County Traf-
fic iO'fifi'cer Lever have Raid fines into
court. These :fines totalled :'ISO.
Has Operation—
:Accompanying his sister Norah
from Toronto on what was to he an
over -night visit to their home, Terry
Costello, son of 'Judge T. M. 'Costello
and Mrs. Costello, was stricken by
ap'pendi'citis on Sunday night and un-
derwent an operation .on Monday af-
ternoon, The two children of (Judge
and Mrs, .Costello 'have 'been attend-
ing school at Toronto. Terry is 're -
,covering nicely.
ton truck ran over it as the dog bask -
td in the sun at the dock. The broken
means of expression is mending with-
out the aid of splints.—Clinton News -
Presentation Made to
Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Warwick—
The neselytteda, Mer. and Mrs. R.
5, Warwick were made the recipien'ts
of a pair of 'beautiful 'chairs by a num-
ber of friends who gathered at their
home on -the wetting of .Friday last,
Reeve Robt, Bowman read an ad-
dress, while Harry Bowman 'tirade the
presentation, Mr, Warwick made a
suitable reply, on behalf of himself
soul his wife for the gifts. An enjoy-
able evening was spent in playing
cards at the close of which the hos-
tess serves!. refreshments. -- Brussels
l'bc s.•hedule i :as f ilutys:
21-ty 24 ---Zurich at 'Goderich
May S•3—Mitchell at Zurich.
311 --Crediton at Exeter
\lay ,flt_.Zttriclt at 'Mitchell
June 11,--tGoderich at. Clinton
June 4 ---Clinton at Goderich
,lune t— Mitchell at Crediton --
June 4—Exeter at Seaforth
June 7—Seaforth at Exeter
June 7—Goderich at 'Mitchell
June d—Clinton, at Crediton
June 10—Clinton at Zurich
June ill --Crediton at Goderich
June i-t—Zurieli at (Exeter
June 1S—Mitchell at Seaforth
June 17 -.Exeter at -Clinton
June 17—Seaforth at 'Goderich
Juste 1115—Crediton alt Mitrhedl
June 2111--'1Goderich at Exeter
June 21—Seaforth at Mitchell
Jule 211—Zurich at Crediton
June 2151--tCrediton at Clinton
June 25—Mitchell at Goderich
June 25—Seaforth at Zurich
Juste 22—Mitchell at (Exeter
June 2:9---Goderich alt Crediton
July 1—Zurich at Seaforth
,July 1— iitehell at Clinton
July 5—Goderich at Seaforth
July ti --Clinton at Exeter
July 9 --Exeter at Goderich
July 9 ---Clinton at Mitchell
lily 5' Crediton its .Zurich
July '1i3--h:xt•.tor at Crediton
;My 14 ---Zurich at Clinton
July 15--I?xeter at Mitchell ,
July 16—Crediton at Seaforth
3 sly Its—Golericlt at Zurich
July 20—Seaforth at Clinton
llily ,72 ---Exeter at %oriel)
July 23—Seaforth at Crediton
July 27—Clinton at Seaforth
Engagement Announeement—
\i ur 1 Mr.. -Jolla McNair Bros -
se!.. wish to assn un.c tilt et ag'-
utent of their daughter ],aura K., t••
Janata Cecil, eldest son of -Mr.. and
21ts, Richard Robinson.
Engagement Announced-
- Mr. and Mrs._ J A. Tox, of \Vitig-
ltant announce the engagement of
their daughter. Vesta Doris, t, Mr.
William Ed—win 11 duple son of 'Mrs.
lerawley int the late W. E. Htawley,
the marriage to take place In June.
Pitblado-Webb— -
The wcddtn, teas quietly oltnutiz-
ed at St Peter', church, t,oder:nit.
this t\Vedue dayt moaning of Miss
Claire ilci•nice %Vebb. daughter of
\I'•. and \Ir., John \Vebh of almier-
i h, t i \1r, Leslie \\'illiant Pithlarh.
t obscene township. Rev. Father
If. 1'. Fallon ofticiated, The bride,
who was given in marriage by her fa-
ther, cva- charmingly gere•nerl in blue
1:,Bets, ,ilk with rose-colored
The bridesmaid. Ilk. 1)orothv i'it-
lalo, stater ,d the groom Wore a
;,ink ,•:1•4.11thl . The groont'ntan wets
\Yee t \Vebh brother o1 the
er. During the signing of the reg-
i -ter \irs. 'roily \Ve•isser sang 'Ave
Mario." accompanied by \li,'. \1,
,\:ter the ccrentmny unit,reli-
r lativr s attended the .vel ling
tk t.; at the Imola of the bull'.
,a—rota. The couple wilt live in Gode-
A Feathered Quadruped--
uadruped—\ t •tri, ge,l chick was hatched
t tet at the barn on \Vi,ltter
tot •t, ';ol riel. rotted by John Mor -
gold Fite 21 organ property will soon
-'r, v�• a name a, the hontc of the ttn-
s'.ti. :\ few week, ago twin calves
ere 'sliest 1m a ,1 cr-ri roti awned 'by'
JIr. b -(organ.
Potatoes Up—
Sometvhat of a record its .gardening
goes to Rev. E. \l. Loney, \Vlnigha'nt,
rho has potatoes up in his garden. In
tacit, they were peeping through the
ground on Thursday last week.
Closing Extra School Room-
71ovr,nents are utulcr tvay to make
some changes in the Zurich Public
School for the 'school year after the
suninter holidays. We have been ad-
vised that owing to the 'decreased
attendance, -for the 'present, one of
the roosts will be closed, and what
•.vas called the Continuation Sch.00i
will he closed, and that the room
teaching the Entrance class will also
take sup the High School words :that
has been done in the Continuation
school. Lt is stated that the two bother
rooms can take care of the lower
'lasses op to the 'Entrance class; This
will greatly lower the expenditures
and , wi•11 'be good news to the taa
sayers, who -Tied that taxes are just
t little higher in the section than in
other sections of the township, We
have 'been advised that 'Mre. G.
:oc•hder aii'd Mrs. M, 'Oeseh, who
have bods given good service on the
teaching stall fpr some years, have
igited. This change •has conte
,!emit through the recommendation
•1 the In;,peertor,--Zurich Herald.
Want and For Salle Ads., 1 week, 251c.
u �
5/1 flower
fbdng a wire over a lady's fiowso r
"One days ass Gall I ingsshe said 'Thanks for being
garden. As I was leaving
of my chrysanthemums' 'that's part of my job to be
ma'am,' I said; so I know
c e!t1L Besides,iit,got a garden at. home myself,
how you feel about it: art of town for fifteen
"I've been doing telephone work in this p
Most everybody knows I'm the telephone mahpe
years. they can trust me to be careful of their property."
they kn Ecol of telephone employees.
This kind of personal interest is typical period of years, onexnpl make
over a p that. to use.
your the phneattitude ry buicelt audependable, and a pleasure
telephone service efficient, p �t FPtto,.,
Iii -ale°
Recent rate reductions saving telephone
users $600,000 yearly mean wider use
and greater value to each subscriber. Q'rcANAOt' Manager
77. J. HABIL:RE,
Lem t'hi..hahu of Goderich spent
Sunday in town with friends. --41.
linrriti spent the week end at ht:
I1,nx• itt 7'orontu. Alis. ,\lary Dug,ut
r Go:icrirh spelt Sunday - at her
home Lyre.—Joe Brown is spending a
two weeks' holiday with Detroit
friends.—Miss Iva Dodd, tta, a -„-
nett,, visitor. --I- !droll ltroadfool
luront° visited his •mother. Mrs. !I.
11 Bro•ulfoot over the holiday, l'he•
ration Sunday School excursion to
Goderich will he 'held on July 9tlt,—
\Ir . ,Porter and Miss ;Porter. J1arket
street, are visiting in Lonilion,-- R. A.
Brett and daughter \fisc 'Ruth of
5trathroy spent the 2-lth in town with
friends—Miss 'Aileen Scott having
spent the holidays with her parents.
returned - to Toeonto on Monday,
where :he has accepted a good posi-
tion—Mr. and J'drs. \Vnt. ?IcLeod
are moving to their new home in Col-
lingwood, after spending the winter
here --+A meeting of the ladies' howl-
ing chub will be held at the -green on
Saturday afternoon of this weelc, at
130 o'clock.--•i\lrs. Laidlaw carte • up
from Detroit on Thursday ,and visited
her sister, Mrs, Whitely. Both ladies
went to Detroit on 'Monday.—Mrs. F.
H. Larkin left on Saturday 'For 'Van-
couver, where site will attend the an-
nual meeting of the \Vomen's Farei'gn
Mission 'Society.—idterey Rolf was in
London last week. --Miss (Grace Ste-
phens is a 'Detroit visitor.—,\Miss
\\'•ilia 'Phillips of Stratford is visit-
ing her friend, Mics Gladys Thom'p-
sott,--v)ohn Rudolph 'of 'Toronto has
been renewing old acquaintances
around town tete past week, Messrs..
Alex. Mair and Frank Murray have
gone to II'Lespe'ler where they have 'it I o the horse's
secured good positions in the furnit-
ture factory.—Wm. Stobie of 'Edlnion-
ton is in town visiting his fatliea', t'bex
Stobie, Goderich street. Mr. 'Stobie is
in the real estate business.--1Rev. D.
Carswell .will 'leave for Edmonton,
Alta„ where' h ewill attend, the 'Pres-
byterian 'Assenbdy. He goes via ,boat
front Owensou ct bo 1P'ort •A'rthur.—
Messrs. 'Richardson and Scott wish
bo etctend thanks to the many patrons
of 'their store. and to solicit :for the
ucty business head. H. R. Seott, a isork prior 11 stir'—a; . sgultr prate -
continuance of the saute support.-- tier \\ lliam \\ ' h, .th) Ila: been in
The following traveller, left here on Torontofar .m . t •t,;1,ge.l in ,�
't'tiesday, G.T.R.vies Chicago. \Vii- erectingt t,..c o let -., s (tame for
!lout and lira. Dottttla., Blake. t', a few Pty.
Edmonton, A. I); and 21 r.. Sadler
villi- to \Vatriu., Sask., Iles. Parke.. - USING THE BASEMENP
of Brtcetiel'd to .\sgnatti Sask.. \Ir. ' -\ , t if. ••. .,.. -t r.) 1111 that
12. South 1, \\•itntipeg, blot SKr ,t; the tut b t 1 e'ti.,y tnd
to Edntontott, Principal aunt 71r-. t.,.:; t,. 1 :a on the fill -
Naylor, John st- had as their cicst- nice f .h' ic,nta-'1"ner
\I r.. Chit,. Seel. Cranbreiok, 71r. and tt La Orr tto l a t •u i r tit,• -truer of
Jirs. Geo. t'. Naylor. Fordyce,
\!t,- his cellar. I.1.-• 1 .id•I t mo- the mat -
Ethel \lu,er;eve, daughter of -A, il. trials ;;t Mold arta jr, iu_,• t simple
Musgrove, 21.1 :1'., of \\ ntgh,tm, and raon..
Miss 2l inn ie Kerr ...If the Clinton pub- The cit o tttr it,ru itt•I been re-
lic school stall' \Piss-\lrt.'urdv of papered ani repainted. Thi part of
Kirkton is the guest of alias Rena the basement tbiat ,vas ;being mole in-
Hoinuut. \\'nt. Charleswvorth has ars t'm the ro.,tu was :painted ivory with
rived home iron Saskatoon. —Mr, I. some .1f the paint remaining from
Beattie of Toronto is the fittest of \I r. work clone on another part of the
and \lrs. Tinos. Shilliiglaty.—Jolts house.
Haetir and \'lie. Agnes 'Hastir huge A conbpositian floor ,vas Mid over
returned to 'Detroit, having diapusecl the concrete base and a rug was laid
of their household effect,. over this. With this steeple back -
Zurich ground. a conrbina;tion of old and
A terrible accident happened at the new
furniture was used. The only
home -of William Lamont, a farmer other work that had to be done before
living near here, an Tuesday, when tate room was furnished, was the in»
teds wife in some way fell through the stallation of electric .outlets, :to pro
ceiling of the kitchen, which was be- dile proper 'lighting.
Eng repaired, and fell to the floor 'be-
neath. When picked tip she was ua- once been used in the living coon,:
conscious and expired about 341 ntin- Flanked one wall of the new ,room, and
ores after the accident.—Carpenters a oombtnatiott 'bookcase and desk was
have started leariitg down the
scold placed under a cellar windrow. IA few
schoolhouse. IA new one will be erect- old occasional tables and a, magazine
ed this summer to cost in the neigh_ rack that were no longer needed, in
.boyhood o8 S7,000.—The ,police trus-
tees have :purchased a .carload of ce- were ,put in the den, iA new, modern
rnent and will put down cement walk, 'bridge set and a matching settee, up-
on many streets in the tillage.—Three holstered in 'bright red leather were
-neww autos are now owned in bhc purchased.
village, 'Messrs. J. Riokbetl, F: ,V The ehtldren of the fanihy used
Hess and J. 'Pretter have received
the roost as a study and a 'large malt
their !cord touri:ib cars, of North America made a colourful
Loadcoboro wail decoration. A aguobe 'of the wnorl'rl
1A's Wnt. Longman was untying Ids carried out lite 'co'lo'ur scheme and
arse a cat leaped out to was used by' the students in their
studies as well,
'Fonds for retnodelling and 'modern-
iziisg the :home are now availolble un-
der :the ,Home Improvement 'P'fa:n,— -
\Natioual Employment 'Commission.
back and frightened the animal. in
making a quick tarn it threw 71 re.
Loaginart and the three :children from
the rig. .A.11 escaped injury except
Masa Longman, wthose limb was frac-
tured in ttvo places at the ankle,
Mr, 'Harry S'eldon has made great
improvement to his ,planing mill and
is ,putting in a big stock of'lumber.—
Dr. Satnuel Coulter has ,gone to To-
Ledo, 'Ohio, to take a year at ho -spiral