HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-05-20, Page 85
THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937
Hensel Public School-
-Report for March and April. Room
1. Sr. IV: Harold. Koehler 115, Blanch
Thomson 712, Norris MeEwan 70,
Howard Love 70, George Sangster
67. Ronald Parker 06, Mary Good-
win 64, Stuart Dick 64, Cecil Kipfer
65, Jr. IV --Marion Drummond 811,
Rena Bell 77, Donald Joynt 711, June
saunarrcock 65, Robert Cameron .5,
Emily Hoskin 62, 'Margaret Sangster
81, Audrey Twitchell 59, Jack Shep-
rl 65. Robert Hess 65, Shirley
Twitchell 54, ROSS Greene 34, Robert
Songster 58. Laird Hudson 31, Carl
Daters 49, Iva Allen 29.
C. H. Illowes. 'reaeldr,
Sr. 111 — Ro Kennedy 'go, John
Beer 75. I,•,• \talks 72. Sothic Nicol
71, lo.is MaeLaren 71, Gord•m Caw,.
hell 70, Jimmie Clark td,, *Paymomi
ti•zgins 57, Shirley Fairbairn
111 --- Nlarion Nlael-ar,-n 71.1
*Mildred Brock 114 *Jimmie Sangst,r
6', Ronald Stephan (15, Donald Wil-
liar.I 59. Douglas Corbett 55. -Georem
Oth•rhein 54, *Elaine Ho,leins 47.
*Elton ,Fairburn. 'Sr. 11 --- Donald
Greet It
With a refreshing new Coiffure
(one of our Beauty's Salon's flat-
tering wiles), Have it firmly
founded on a 'soft, natural -looking
OF Permanent
Shampoo and style setting.
Complete 2.98
5.00 for
10.00 . . 5.00
Other Permanents 1.95 and up
BEAUTY SALON Phone 50 or 18
Shepherd 76, Shirley Hed,len 76, those from a distance who attended
Marion Sangster 75, Patsy MtDonell who attended the funeral were Mr.
75. *Norma Sangster 74. „lack Drys-- and iM-rs. E. J. 1Harris of Ailsa Craig,
dale 72. Ruth Hess Zr, ,Glorie Twitch- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and (laugh-
-ell 7(1, Marion Greene (.86, Alpine Mc- ter Miss Dorothy Wallace, of Buf-
Ewan 66, *Catherine Hamilton 66, (aio. Pall bearers were 'George Fee,
*Bobby Cook 64, AlvinSmale 60, william dree, William Dignan, 'David
*Mabel Fairbairn 314, (Missed exams Dignan, Wm, 'Forrest, Ernest diar-
1*]). M. A. IE3Iis. Teacher. ris, The .floral tributes were beautiful.
jr. II—Mervyn Stephan 84, Doug- St, ,Paurs Anglican Church, Hen -
las Cook 78, Shirley \Volff 77, Donna eau, will celebrate its 60th anniver-
MOE-wan 715, Sandy MacArthur 74, sary, by holding special services in
George Beer 74, Mina MeEwan 73, honor of the occasion on Sunday.
Helen Wolff 73, iBeverley ?m4eClinch- ;lune 6th. On Thursday, ;lune 110Th, a
ev 72. Sr. 1—Ronald Moir 811, Mary garden tea will 'be held, from 3 to 6
Hamilton 79, Ruth Young 76, Lila and at 8 o,m, an evensong. On Sun -
Moir 74, Junior 1-Iedden 712, •Ronald day morning the special speaker will
Fed•den 711, Poy Haden 68. Roes be Rev. W. 1-1, Snelgrove, B.A., and
pinks 63. Sr. Printer-31oyee Broder- in the evening Bishop Seager of Lon -
ick 88, ;Elaine Carlisle 117. June Ken- don. On Thursday evening, a former
riedy 85, 'Doris Buchanan 115. Billy rector, Rev. Herbert Naylor, of Lis -
Campbell 8.3, Freddie Robinson 80 towel, will speak. St. ,Paers Church
Billy Mickle 79, Dorothy NICNaugh- has had an interesting.career, and
'ton 76. Jr, Pritner--1Noema Greene 75 wos opened for worship on 'June 1101th,
Harold- Wolff 68, Laura Sangster 91$77. At -the morning service AD'ean
(absent). . Beryl Pfaff, 'reacher. B-oorper was the .prea-cher, in the
M.r. William Otterbein, who has ternoon, 'Rev. John -Gemmel and in
been in very poor health for some the evening, Rev, F. Ryan. During
'time, was taken to Victoria Hospital. the 60 years the incumbents of the
London, last week, for treatment, church have -been: UM to 1886, ,Rev.
• . NIrs. G. M. Drys -dale tory ,pleasant- F. Ryan and Rev, S. I,. Robinson;
by entertained the members of the W. 1886 to 91800, 'Rev, H, A. Bridgman:
if. S. of the United Chnrch in honor p8Od to .11891, key. \V, Brmsm Ser -
of Miss Verde Watson. bride -elect of man; 11849n to 1894, iRev. Edward Loft -
lune. The evening V,Vil'S ',pent I1 Lev ; 1894 to 1896. ,Ree. 11,ranklin E.
games. mucic and contests.' MI,* Dat- Ruy; '11896 to 11898, Pee, C.- L. Mills;
son was presented with a handsome 409t1 to 191116, Rev. W. J. Doherty;
silver tea service in appreciation of '9to19117, Rev. W. Harvey Moore:
her service hi the mission band and 11917 to 19211, Rev, A. R. E. Garrett:
W. M. S. The ad -dress was read by 192111 to 111927, Rev. Herbert Naylor:
Miss Mildred MoDonnell, the ores- 1.9127 to ;IAN, Rev, T. W. Jones; 11929
entation being made by Mrs. Cross, to 19.34, 'Rev. L. Al. B. Parker; 4935
:Ws. N. Cook and Mrs. E. McQueen. to ;11936, Rev. B, H. +Farr; present in -
Miss Watson, in a few fitting words 'moment, .Rev, M. A. Hunt, All are
expressed- her appreciation of the. invited to attend these services 00
apvelyt gift.. A dainty hutch was 'Julie 6 and 10, and especially former
serve -d. members of the church are requested
Miss Margaret McGregor has tale- to attend and take part.
en -a position in the Bell . Telephone on Monday e --ening a number of
office in dienSall. • the young people held a meeting in
Mr. Wm. Pfaff spent last week the - town hall to organize a tennis
with friends it Seaforth, club, Mr, S;n Ran Inc 'was elected
Mrs. William 1Otterbein and 50/1 president and Miss Sarah Manson
George Visited Mr, Otterbein on Sat- as sect.-treastirer. A meeting will be
urday ictoria hospital, London. • held in the council chamber Thursday
Annittersary services were held in evening, May 20th at 7:'310 to make
the (United ,Church on Sunday. Rev. further arrangements, and an who are
E. F. MeL. Smith of Toronto, a for- !uteri's's(' in tennis are invited.
mei; of the church, was the Mr. ;Ind. -sirs Geo. Beatty of 'Varna
sPeaker of the day and was 'greeted ;ailed 00 friends in town on Monday.
Aith large congregations, both morn- • Mr, 3. McAsh and sister, NI ios
ing and and evening. 'Special music was Ash- Of Saskatoon, Sask., have moved
given by the ch-oir. The anthem was to Henson. They are nicely Settled in
Open .0n- Eyes, the -special solo parts !he house on Smith Richmond St,
being taken by Mr. Sam Rennie. At that they recently rented from Mr.
the evening service the anthem was Harvey 'Jacobi. -
Hark, Hark. My Soul. - the special This is clean up Week in the village.
'Parts being taken .by Mrs, Geo. He
and Mrs. 'Maud II -redden. On 'Monday
evening 0 concert was given 'by the
choir, assisted by Edward V. tHeal,
harp soloist of St. Thomas, who was .y meeting fliursclay, May db. Mrs.
the guest artist' for the .eVening, The 1,3, Work-manpresided. Prayer by
prograM 'was under the direction of Mrs. Robert McLaren. Mrs. 'George
the choir leader, W. 'O. Goodwin, Walker read the 'Scripture lesson.
with Miss 'Eleanor Fisher, A.T.-C.111, me, 1, Dona gave a well prepay -
the organist, Rev. Mr. Smith gave a td topic on mission work in the 'Peace
very interesting address. The .ann•iver- River district. The -besiness part of
sary -collections and proceeds from the meeting was taken, with the .pres-
the concert amounted to over $200. 'dem, Mrs. Colin Hudson in the
Communion service was held in Mrs j. Paterson sang 0 beaeti-
• Carmel Presbyterian Chinch an Sun- fed solo, "Alone," aeconmanied-by
day morning. Rev. W. 'A. Young, the Mrs. A, Dougall. Mrs. W. A• Voting
pastor, was ih charge of the services gave a very 1111) and inteersting. re-
-both morning and evening. .\t in
t the lt of the ,Ontario Provincial - 171(01 -
morning service lb new meadierstigheld in London. Mrs. Basil Ed-
ited with the chorch. At die evening ,vardS led in prayer.
service. besides the anthem, Mrs. AV. The engagement is announced o:
A. McLaren sang a solo' Thon Mr, John B. Stea•cy, of Detroit, a for -
:Nigh. Ines well- know -n Hensall resident and
-A sale of home .cooking will be soli ei Mrs, Steacy and the late 'Sam -
held on Saturday evening, May 32nd, eel Steacy, and Miss Doris Ada
in the vacant store next to Twitch- Tick, R, eldest daughter of Mr.
ell's garage by the town group of the tad Mrs. E. W. Took of London. The
Ladies' Aid of Carmel 'Presbyterian •,vedding mm -ti) take -place the middle of
. 'Church. Jtme,
'Anniversary services will be 'held Mr. ,Arthur Perry of Clinton was
in Carmel ,Presbyterian Church on calling on friends in tercm Friday,
Sunday, May 30. .Rev. D. 3, Lane .of The Wohelo -Class of the . United
Gnderich will he the speaker for the Church spent a pleasant evening Fri-
day. Special music is 'being prepared day when 35 members. with their tea -
"by the choir on Monday evening, cher, Nliss EflIs, met at the • home of
May Mist. The St. Andrew's ,choir of Miss'Gladys 1.P.assmore. Crokinole
Stratford will assist iwith the anniver- was played. Kenneth Passmore won
sary entertainment in the church. first ,prize, winning 5 straight games.
Death of Victor Fee— and Miss Doreen Farquhar. A• sing
The death occurred on Wednesday s0.1114 was enjoyed and conducted by
afternoon, May -113th, at his late home, Mrs. Maud Redden, During the even -
Lot 213, Con. ,3. Hay township. of Vic-ing Miss Verda- Watson, bride -elect
tor 'Fee. a well known and highly re- of: June, and a valued member of the
spected farmer. Fee had 'been in ,loaem Nv 1 1 1-1
...ass, was presented with
poor health for some tiI11e, suffering some beautiful red loin white kitchen
from a cancer. In spite of the best utensids. arnesing a:hire-its was
medico} and ntirsing skill he suffered read by -Doreen Yam:Mar and pres-
great pain, and gradually sank, till entation made by 'Gladys Passmore,
death ended his suffering. He Was a After which Miss (Ireta tLannuie read
son of Mr. and -Mrs, W -alter Fee of another address and Mr. Alex. Filshie
Hensel, and was horn in Rapid City, presented Miss Watson with an end
Manitoba, -55 Years ago. He was a table from the 'A', '1'. S. of the United
'very successinl fernier. . having a Church. Miss Watson thanked both
beautiful 'farm and home jest west of the class and young people's society
Hensall. He -Nits e Conservative. in for. their kind remembrance and beau -
politics and a member of • St. 'Paul's tiful gifts; „A_ dainty 'ninth of sand-
Angli,can Church, 1H-ensall. He is sur- wiehes, cake, ice .-ream and candy
vii ed by his wife, formerly Miss Flo- ,vas screed. Nris-s Watson has been
retire Dignan, his father and mother, me of Hen-sall's most popular young
Great quantities of old junk are being
tainted out to the dump yard.
The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church held their regular month-
Alr. and Mrs. Walter Pee of Henson, ladies during the time she has been
-two 'brothers. Oliver Pee of Hay Tp., 1n Hensall and has made 'many
I' et. ort 'Hensall, and three sisters, friends, and 'has been rot active work -
Mrs. E. 'Baughman of IChicago, Mea. N. in all societies of the United
E. J. Harris of !Ansa Craig, and Mrn hureh. She has the best wishes of a
J. Wallace of Buffalo. The funeral, host of friends,
which was private, took place from Mr. George C. ;Petty and "Mr. Har -
his -late home Friday afternoon, inter- ry Alderich were in LOIld011 Tuesday
ment in Exeter 'Cemetery. Rev. M. A. and Wednesday attending the Synod,
Hunt. rector of St. Paul's Church, which is being held there this we
cnducted the fenerid service Among inf or ale Ads,, 1 week, 25c.
Rev. 33'. A. and Mrs. Y,,ting spe»1
Wednesday in tondoo.
Mrs, Emily Boyle and daughter
Miss 'Nellie Boyle, !RiN.. of Toronto,
are visiting with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert lBritton and
little daughter of !Dublin visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Hannah Workman.
Miss Martha Hunter of Exeter is
chiding relatives and friends' here.
The Ladies' Aid of -Carmel Presby-
terian Church held their •meeting in
the school room of the .church on
Tuesday evening with a splendid at-
tendance. Miss Hannah Murray pre-
sided. Psalm 36 and the Lord's pray-
er. Hymn '51119. Mrs. Manson's group
took charge of the programme. -An
instrumental •duet 'by Misses M'a'rg-
aret and Jean ,Love. ,Solo, When 1
Come to You, by -Mrs. 3, K. Hutton.
A dainty lunch was served.
The 'Hensel! Band will hold their
first :Open air concert nn Satorday
evening, June 5th.
Farm Bulletins
The following list of agricultural
bulletins is available to Ontario far-
mers, having been published by the
Department of -A-grit:111mm:
3315—The Strawberry in Ontario
tree. 19361.
342—I,ire Blight (1929)
354—The 'Pear (19340
365 --The Raspberry and Black-
berry (revs 1936)
,I56—Insects Attacking Fruit Trees
383—, Peach Yellows. and Little
Peach (1937)
General Farming
266—Birds of Ontario in Relation
to Agriculture (price 25 cents)
3/37-- 'Motor Transportation in Rn-
ral Ontario 111920)
2"46--1Sweet Clover (rev. 1928)
3126-1,arm Barns (89217)
33111-1Public Spea'king and Debate
3418—Amateur Dramatics (1929)
360—Farm Untlerdrainage 09300
361-1,arm Water Supply and Sew-
age Disposal ((1930)
364 — 'NI -a nu]. es and 'Fertilizers
670 • Testing, (*ream and
Dairy Ilysprodnets on the Farm and
in the Factory
37l —Mutt ermaking on the 'Farm
372—Soft Cheese Making and Farm
Dairy' Cheddar Cheese (1036)
374— Use More 'Ontario Honey
376—The Weeds of Ontario (1934)
385—Cheese Mites and Their Con-
trol (11907)
304—Infections „Abortion of Cattle
(rev. 99351
3t37 -Parasites Injurions to Sheep
.3344- 411)11 1111 311dging 0191309
350—The Warble Flies 01034)
367-4Pork on the Farm (1913)2i)
373—Dairy Cattle 019'33)
3178—Bot Flies and Their Control
380, -Parasites Injoribus to Swine
(rev. 1936)
31)15-4Diseases of Poultry 011913(2)
3631-IParasites Injurious to Poul-
try 0930
3 9—Farm Poultry (rev. 19315)
358—.1'11e !European Corn Borer
375—Ontario t ;mien Leaf Lettnee
384—Bee Diseases (rev. 19.37)
A copy of any bulletin (for which
there is no charge) will he sent free
to farmers residing in the Province of
Ontario and th Ontario Schools for
library purposes, hi no case, how'ev-
er, will more titan six .seporate publi-
cations be sent to any address at one
Appliration front teachers should
shew location of School Section in
township or otherwise,
BnIletins are NOT slit -MUM to pu-
pils free of charge, hut if desired 111aY
be obtained at 10 ,cents a copy..
A charge of 110 cents a single Mil -
Leda and 5 cents a copy for circulars
is made when forwarded to an address
outside the Province 'of Ontario.
The next a -fleeting of Huron Coun-
ty Council will he held in the council
chambers, Court House, .Goderich,
,Ontario, commencing Tuesday, lune
list. 1937, at e p.m.
All accounts, notices of deputa-
tions, applications and other 1h.usiness
requiring attention of Council should
be in the hands of the Clerk by May
J. NI, Roberts,
21 -County Clerk.
From Kippen itt N1 -ay )10th, large
Mack Collie ,10g• with heoivn and
white breast. Had strati and ring. ittl.
Nose has been broken, and answers
1,, name of 'robe. Finder call Thos.
Butt, 911 ring 22,
To Lot 30, Con, 3, Hibbert, some
time ago one -cattle beast. Owner
may have sante by paying expenses.
Albert Melady, R.R. 2. 22
Tomatoes, Cabbage, Celery, Gard-
en Hu-ckleberry, 'Peppers. A large as-
sortment of flower plants. One 'block
east of :Hospital. A. L. 1Porteris, 22
'Bee supplies of an kinds, for 1110
frame hives, including a wheelbarirow,
four basket extractor, uncapping box,
2 storage cans, and solar wax extrac-
tor. J. C. Laing, Seaforth. 210
A second hand range for sole, ,price
$5, cash, Mrs. H. Forsyth, Egmond-
vine, 20
Pony. six years old, quiet and re-
liable, for sale; also harness and bug-
gy. a number of purebred York suck',
ers. Phone 111414 r 4. ;Dale ;Nixon. 211
:Nine pigs, six weeks old. games
Landsborotigh, phone 150 r 16. 20
Service will be off, on Sunday, May
30, 19137, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. ex-
cepting from 112.30 to 1.30. Work
necessary on power line• to town.
'Public Utilities Commission,
A'nnlY to Mrs. Johnstone, X,
Main Street, 20
Tender:: will -be. received by the
undersigned up to the '311st May, .1937,
for the 'sale of Lot Number .30,. in the
11.2th Concession, and 'the South 50
acres of Lot Number .313, in the 13th
Calleet4Si011. TOWIlSiliP of Hffilett, in
either one nr two -parcels.
H. Shobbrook, Clinton, Ont.
1. Fine:land, Clinton, Ont.
A Conrt of •Rerision on the Assess-
ment 9,41 will be held in the Com-
munity Hall, Londesboro, for Hul-
led Township, on June 7th, at 2,30
p.m, Any one wishing, to appeal on
their assessment or have their dog
struck off intim: notify the Clerk in
writing by June 3th.
Jas. W, McCool, LondeSboro,
Clerk Hullett Twp.
Notice is hereby given pursuant :to
the statutes in that behalf that all
persons having ,claims against Susan
Harman, late of the village of Hen-
son, 1County of Huron, *Widow, who
died on the .15Ith day of September,
41936, are re'quired to send to the und-
ersigned 'Executors full ,particulars in
writing and verified 'by aff'ida'vit, of
their claims and the nature of the se-
curities, if any, held by them an or
before the '29-th day of May, 1119137, af-
ter which date the 'Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the
said' deceased, having regard only to
the claims of which they then shall
have had imtiee,
Davidson, I -Ten -sant Wil-
mot -Connor, Mimico, Executors.
Back To Broadway's Gay Night Life
An article in The .Anierican Week-
ly. with the Nfay 213 issue of The De-
troit Sunclay Times, relates how a
"pla•y-boy", who de-
serted nightclubs and showgirls for
the peaceful career of a gentleman
fernier, gave up his chickens and pigs
and returned to his former haunts.
1 lb Lipton's Tea and
Tea Pot ...... for 53c
Red Rose Tea ..... lb 49c
Blue Ribbon Tea .. lb 43c
Gold Medal Tea , lb 53c
Salada Tea lb 49c
Red Rose Coffee ib 36c
Morning Cheer Coffee lb 23c
Manitoba Flofir 98 lb 3-49
Pastry Flour, 24 lb 79c
Clear fine Salt, 100 lb 39c
Red Path Sugar, 100 lb. —5.69
Pure Lard, 2 lb .29c
Shortening, 2 lb, 27c
No. 4 Peas, 2 tins 19c
Crossed Fish, 2 tins 26c
First Grade Creamery Butter 2 lb, 47c
J. Finniga
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Middle-aged housekeeper for small
family on farm, five miles from Sea -
forth. No outdoor w•ork. Phone 4-261
For dining room. Apply at 'Com-
mercial Hotel, Seaforth, at once, 210
Rooms Ito rent, over Parson's 'bar-
ber shop. Light, town water, etc. Ap-
ply to E, 4- Box.2(1
Cottage, with small stable, good
garden. •centrally located in Seaforth,
cheap for -cash. Apply to Z. or W. 'G.
NreSpadclen, NicKillop, 22.
Chatham heavy team wagon, 1
Massey Harris wagon, ibath newly
painted, 1 new hay rack '8'x(65', newly
painted. :whip* trees, chains, neck -
yokes, shovels, etc, Joseph Storey,
Seaforth, two blocks east of Carnegie
Library, 20 .
Late 1927 Essex sedan in
shape. Small mileage. 9ack
Seaforth, near collegiate.
Court of Revision
Notice is hereby given that a
Court 61 Revision 011 the Assessment
for the Township -of Stanley will .be
held in. the Township Hall, 'Varna,
on Friday, May 28t -h, at 110:30 in the
forenoon, And take n-otice that ail the
appeals against the !Assessment Rolls
of the said Township must $e left
with the Clerk on or before the 22nd
of Nlay, 1907,
Dated at Varna, May 17, 19317.
Chas. -C. 'Pilgrim,
20 Clerk,
McKillop Twp:
The ,N-Ismicipalb Council of McKillop
will meet as a 'Court of 'Revision on
the Assessment Roll of 1937 at Win-
throp Hall on Monday, June 7th, at
10, o'clock a.m. 'Appeals against as-
sessment should be in the Clerk's
hands on or 'before May glist.
Interested parties should .govern
themselves accordingly.
John NIeNtiy, Clerk,
2)) PiR2, Seaforth.
Our Mixing- Station is still operat-
ing. We can supply splendid Fertil-
izers for the late crops at very rea-
sonable prices.
Prices have advanced '35 tents per
ton at the .inines for (June delivery.
10-ur Cash )arice, off the car in J-une
will ie $1L65 per bon to the farmers.
$12.25 delivered in town.
We can deliver 1Coal by truck to
farmers or rural schools, in 2 ton lots
or over, within a radius of 18 miles of
Seaforth, for 715 cents ,per ton.
Best .ctualjty Anthracite, stove or
mit size, is -a good -buy at the above
Let .us supply you with .good Win-
ter fuel.
The .price of Shingles is bound to
go up.
AVe have a carload of :Extra Qual-
ity No 1, 'Five X 11. C. Red 'Cedar
Shingles rolling from the Coast. AVM
arrive about J-une
Our Cash price off the -car is $1.30
per bunch.
4 'bunches to squa-re. 13e sore of a
first doss Roof at reasonable cost by
placing your order without delay.
Orders ,with our Manager or Secre-
tary will receive proper attention.
R. S. McKercher, President
Jake Broome, Manager
J. H. Scott, Secretary
E. C. Chamberlain
The purchase of the insurance busi-
ne$s of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of their comp,anies to our prev-
ious facilities enables us to give you
unexcelled services .in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 'p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
The home of the late -Mrs. Grace
Dorrance, Sperling St., Seafarth, five
rooms, cheap for .cpsick sale. Apply to
Mrs. W. J. S'hannon, R. R.
Or ea)) 3, on 240, Seafonth. 210
For June: ‘A'llite 'Leghorns, 6cts;
Rocks, lets; 13uff Minorcas, 7cts.
These chicks a -re from a 'good 'healthy
flock of hens that are 'laying 75 and
80 per tent. 1Harry •Kielme, R.R.
Bornbohn, Phone 53 r 23, Dublin
Thompson's Expert Shoe, 'Repair-
ing, workmanship guaranteed. 'Prices
reasonable. Beside the Seaforth
News office.
A quantity of Dooley -potatoes, ifor
sale. .Archie Young, Blyth, 'Ontario.
Phone 408. 21
Per Bag
while they last
Large $1.25
Medium 1.15
Small L00
Concrete Silos, Walls, and Floors,
Hydro Installation, and Painting
Contracts handled by experts. !Prices
right. 1937 will be- full of !business.
Get -your contract signed with us now
and hold your reserved seat.
Phone 34-616 or call at
For Particulars
Grass farm, lot 129, ,G oder ich town-
ship, NM acres, good water and
shade. Also a number of 3.0 doz. egg
crates for sale. George Beatty, Sr.,
Varna. 19
We have on hand full line of gov-
ernment tested grass seeds, profit
proven 1Pioneer ;chick feeds, and a
quantity of corn, middlings and
screenings, • also cedar posts and
Frost Fence supplies, D. E. Kyle,
New Viking Cream Separators, ten-
year guarantee. lAlso -used machines
and usecl parts. Also electric washers.
1-1. :Hartung, ,opposite 'Recreation.
A fa.rm of 100 acres on No. '4 High-
way, good clay loam soil, good build-
ings, with hydro throughout , them.
Lots of water. Fall ploughing d -one.
115 acres of fall wheat. For further
particulars apply to The News office. '
The, Han.dsome •Choice-ly Bred Clyde-
sdale Stallion,
iEnrolment No. 211126. 'Form 3'
:Monday noon will leave his own
stable, lot al, con, 5, Logan, and -pro-
reed to L. Malone's, lot 114, con.
4, -...11-aKillop, -for night. Tuesday, to
jos. 10Pourke's, lot 4, con. 6, Me-
Killap, for noon,. thence to Rock
Bros., 13roddiagen, "for night. Wed. to
'John Diet's, lot 18, coo. 10, McKillop
for noon, 'thenceto IGeo. Pennewies',
id 8, con. 1112, .for night.
Thursday to Amos !Wickie's, lot 29,
.con, 114, -Logan, far noon, thence to
'Lorne Smith's, lot 16, con. aV, Elmo,
for night. Friday, to Geo. H. 'Slemon's
lot 24, con. 1111, Logan, for noon and
night. Saturday to his own stable.
Tormg—PralKic due Feb, 1, 1191318.
Jacob Hignell, Prop. and Manager,