HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-05-20, Page 6PAGE SIX THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937 pgal vtthdt d.,:art 4141,' G+„7140:4.1.,6'V. Ile went back to the barn. and re- Ing them that we will make the el ild- sunted his pipe -playing with all his^en very comfortable here for tin wonted vigor --waking up the whole night; and if i07ly I cintlel get it sen thing, as it were; hut nothing could to Crask, everything would he ar induce hint to a'low one or other o. ranged. ,And do you think, now, you the lad to be his sith7titute, so ilia: could get one of the young fads tt he might go and choose a partner for take it to Cra5k if I gave hint a shit one of the reels. He would not dance: he said his husiness was to keep the merrymaking going. And be and they did keep it going, till between five and sit; in the morning when all hands were piped for the .singing of "Auld Lang Syne:" and -thereafter there was a general dispersal, candles going thk . way and that through the blackness like so many will-o'-the-wisps; and the good -night at length sank into a silence as profound and hushed as that which lay over the unseen heights of Clebrig and the dark and still lake below. CHAPTER 1X. iAt about eleven o'clock on the same morning hiss Douglas was standing at the window of her own little room, looking rather a'hsently at the famil- iar wintry scene without, and occa- sionally turning to a letter that she held in, her hand, and that ,she had ap- pareutly just) then written. Presently, however, her dace brightened. There vas a faint sound in the rlivtante as of .some one singing. Na domht. that Was Ronald; he would he Doming . along the road with the dogs; and if she were in any clifficnity he would he the one 70 ;u•',o: So she waited for a second or twit, hoping -to be able to signal to him to stop, and the next minute.. lie was- in sight, walking briskly with his Tong and steady stride, t'he small terrier at his heels, the other clogs—some handsome tier- it1n setter's, 0 brace of pointeas, and a big.brown retriever—ranging fur- ther afield. But why was it, she asked herself, that •whenever he drew near her fa- ther's cottage he invariably ceased 'his' singing? Elsewhere, as well she knew, he beguiled the tedium of these lone'} roads with an almost constant acct siogi of songs and snatches of songs; lint hen h0 invariably became nn\tr. And why did he not raise his eyes t' the window, where .he was waiting give him in friendly \aye of the hand, or ev ent incitation to stc,p. and :'mite within -doors 0r a • minute a tw .t i, on m went \vitli that long ski le of his, a ,ire ting at word now' and again to one or other of the deg,, and apparently thinking of nothing. else. So, as there 77.15 no- thing „r it 1111.0 11111 to 'o ". It glue! tercept hint on his return, site pro- ceeded to put on her n '.ter and •1 close-titting deerstalkers cap; x111 _thus fortified against the gusty nor^li wind that' was driving clinch and sunshine acro.s the loch and titin the 'lopes of Lithrig. she left the -cot- tage. and followed the road that he had taken: As it 'tuned out, she had not far to go; for she saw that he was now seated on the parapet of the little 1)01(1ge spanning the -Modal Water, and no doubt he was cutting tobacco for his pipe. When she drew near, lie ruse; when she drew nearer, he jiut. his pipe in his w•aisteiat pocket. "Good -Morning, IRonald!" site cried --and the. pretty 'fresh -tinted face smiled on hint, and the clear gray - blue Highland eyes regarded him in the most frank and friendly• \ay, and without any trace whatever of maid- en bashfulness. "Good.- morning, Miss Douglas," said he; he was far more shy than Ate was, "What a • stupid -thing happened this norninti," said- she. "When I heard that the American gentleman bras going south, T wanted to •tell the driver to bring the c'hiidren from Crask with him as he came hack in the evening; and 1 sent Elizabeth round to the inti to tell him that; and then --what do you tIlink1--t11cy start - ted away half an hour before there was any need. Bit now 1 have writ- ken- a letter to the Crask people, ask..? simply -Ronald—the Ronald that es- ing 'them to stop the wagonette as it ery"one knew and liked; who had a conies back in the afternoon, and tells ling?" She took out her purse and select ed a .shilling from the very Mende store of coin0 there, "It is not much for so long a wa'ik,' she said, rather doubtfully. ''lsigh miles; is it enough, do you think?" "011, l'Il get the letter sent for ye Miss Douglas, easily enaigh," saic he—turd, indeed, he had already tak en it front iter hand. Then she offered lint the shilling; but with a gentle gesture he refused it. And then—for there -flashed upon her mind a sudden 71103101011 that per- haps he might choose to walk at that way himself just to please he (indeed, he had done things like that before)—she became ;grea!tly embar- rassed. - Give 010 the letter, Ronald," said She, "and - 1 will find some ime myself Yon are going away now with th dogs." "011 mo;" said he; "1 will see the the t t ask folk get your message." ".And the 'money to pay the lad?' said she, timidly, "Miura pother your head wi that,' he answered, "There's enough -neon 1'g• seattlred about 'the place just 'now the American gentleman was free handed this morning, .\y, and there': something 'I've .got for you," "Por me?" site said, with her eyes opening somewhat, "Well," said he .!nand very glad he was to have the letter 70fe and sound in his possession/, "1 was telling him about the cltfldrin's party to -mor- row night; and he', at friendly kind man, that; he said he would like 111 have been at it if he could have stay ell and I'm sure he 10ot11d have got 111 \\f' 711001 well enough, for hes a friendly kind o' main, as I say. \\'ell, then, I npddna tell hint the exact mtnth0r (1 the bairn,; but no Matter what number, each one u' them is to lied eeeu,pence,under the tea''fl1 • ;hent s a penny for each u:11 lie god. ,\t ire, a shrewd -headed fellow, ton; fort suYs he '1 d11ppo. e, no0, the o;d people will be for having the 01iitiren save up thesixpence; r at least they'll have the penny to 110111!': and he was curious even to tical out where the bairns in a place like this got I h'ir toys, or if ,wee11e, 11700 e7(1110 'heir way. 'it's -little tough to either tht011,' 1 said to him 'they see, ex - when \liss Douglas has been to I,rr9 or 't"ongrle': and hr was very •r.r�t a- h, make your acquaintance, 1 toy tell ye, but he ,aid he would wait r'1 his daughter came with him the ne.,t time, i 111 thinking the buns 1(i 1 be pleased to find a little packet of money in the saucers; and, its not too 11111011 for a num to pay for the tuck o' getting seven salmon in time middle of January—fur who could have expected that?" And then \tecnie lattghe5L "Its 11111e. you !crow, Ronald, what is in ;store for you to -morrow night. It -ill be the hardest night's work you ever nndcrtook in your life:. "I'm not afraid n't," he answered, simply. "Ant you do not know yet," She opened her ulster, turd frbm an inside pocket prodm'ed the formid- 01110 document that she had shown to R u,llil sister; and then site button •11 the long garment again, and con- tentedly sat hers,•? Blown an the io\y .,arapet, the programme in her hand, \n l now all trace of embarrassment aa- fled from her; and when site. .pole hn hint or 5111110d, those clear 'rank eyes 111 hers looked straight 111- •0 his, fearing nothing, but only 00- •)ectin9 a welcome. She did 001 (as Ile diel) conRinually remember- that she was hiss Douglas, the doctor's .laughter. anti - he merely a smart young deer -stalker. To her he was kind of masterful way thronghnut this neighborhood, and was arbiter in all Matters of public concern; )hut who, nevertheless, was of such amaz- ing good -nature that there. was no trouble he .could not undertake to gratify her slightest wish. And as he was so friendly and obliging toward her, site made no doubt lie was so to others and that would account 'or 111-; greatr,ularit>•, she 00)1 red: and she thought it 71:1(1 very 'ticky for tlli, remote litt:r '91111111 ;11.',1 it 'tt•'d '\ itlnln i, 11( a l o was ca - of proal an so in:1711 -good feel - 7n.,;', keeping the social 011)110' x•r s w tet stud 5onnl. \ for 1111, he met this perfect .. trl,hip of hers with a studied 00- \Iw'ays, if it A (7 on the one "Ronald," on :he other it was 1 ,.`rt_lu s• \\'1(v. 1100 \try , 7 00'mine a bar to more familiar re- !ati n,, \t this moment, a she 511 tot tae stone parapet of the bridge look- ing 'lawn al the document before her, and as lie •stood at ai li'tttle distance, timidly awaiting, what she had to say. it occurred to hint again, as• it had oc- curred before, .that no -matter what dress it was, each one seemed to be- c01e her )tetter than any other, What was there particular in a tight -fitting gray ulster and a deer -stal'ker's cap? •—mol yet there 101(1 a grace there, and style, and a nameless charm. 'hf ono of the lasses at the inn, now, were sent 'm an errand on one of these wilt) and blustering mornings, anti ,got her hair blown about, site .carve bac.k looking untidy; but if Miss Douglas had her hair blown •a'hout, 10 that bits and curls of it got free front the cap or the velvc •hat, anal hong lightly about her forehead dr her ears or her neck, it was a 'greater wittchery than ever. 'Then everything seemed to lit her so well and sat 0u14, 71114 to he so simple, and always leaving her- - hrrwever it was 10 nlaroaged—perfect freedom of 'movement, so that she could swing a child on 10her s'hottl- cler, or run after a truant, or leap from batik to bank of a burn, without disturbing in the least that constant symmetry and neatness, To Ronald - 1t was all a wonder; anti there was a still further wonder always - seeming to accompany her and surround iter, \Why \as it• that the bleakest \\'inter day, em these desolate Sutherland loots, suddenly grew tilled with light when he chanced 'to .see a well- known ligate away along the road -- the world changing into a joyful thing, 111 •ft the summer were already ;orale, and the. larks ,singing in the blue? And when she spoke to him, there was a kind of music in the air: and when she 'laughed, why, Chebrig, and lieu 1..oyal, attd the whispering Modal.Water seemed all to he listen- ing and all to be glad that site. w•as happy and pleased, She was the only one, tither than himself, than 'harry would fullow;,atnd he would go with her wherever she went, so long as she gave hint an occasional word 0; e110,m ragenumi, "Will 1 read yon 111' programme Ronald?" said she, with just a trace n1 111110hief in the gray -blue !'yes, "1'm sure port ought to hear what has to be !font', for you are to he. in the chair, You know." "\1c?" said he, in astonishment, "I never tried such a thing in my life," •50h yell" she said, cheerfully, ' 1 het• tt•Il me you are aiways at the head of the merry -makings, and is not this a simple thing? .1 ml -besides, 1 do not want any other gown peo- ple; 1 do not want lir, \lura(}; he is a very nice num, hat he w,nthl he making .joke, for -111 1.grown-up 9('o - ,le all the. tune, 1 want nobody but vim and . Maggie and myself besides the children, and we -will manage it very 77711,. 1 ant sure." or..so 'he, was rather bewildered, But he was not the .kind 'of mall to mis- construe frankness; he knew that was part of herself; she was too gener- ous, too much inclined to 'think well of everybody, and the main 'point to which he had to confine himself was this,, !lint if .site, out of her good -na- ture. could address of few words to 11)051' children --about him or any oth- er creature or 0141;07 in the world—it certainly behooved hint to do his .best ,a.!. ,al•hon9h he had never tried any- thing df the kind 'before, And then a sadden 'fold st•rnek hint, and his e'ye, bri'0:ite't(('(1 eagerly, s, ye.," he said; "l w'ili find something 1( say. 1 would make 0 had hard :. a 500111011, but the 'cornu I11(ve e•110nl'1 1' that at 1'111(117 1 dare` say well 'i,1 something for them 0' 01101 lite kind, and they'll no he "•10 is it's short. I'm thinking l cam 11111 something that'll please them,' And '0hat \\ as this that was in his head?---yvhat font the toast of the Atis- tressof the Feast! 'If \lemic had hitt known, she would doubtless have pro- tested against the introduction of any mutual admiration society into the 1110ul0st hamlet of Inver -Mud -al, hut at the moment she was still scanning the programme. "Now, you 'know, Ronald," she stud, "it is to be all quiet ,and private; and that i5 why the grown-up people are to he kept out 07(009t ourselves, Well, then, after 'they have hall raisins handed round, you arc 1.1 sing 'My 10+e iohe's boa a lassie yet'—that is a compliment to the little ones; and then 1 will read them something; and then you are to sing '0 dinna 04015 the 9000, Willie' --d have 1)01 down no songs that 1 have not heard ydu sing. .\ttd then if you w'oul'd play then!, 'Lord Breada'lhane's March' on the pipes—" She looked 111) again, with an air of apology. "'Do you think I ant ask- ing too much front you, 'Ronald?" she saic, '"Indeed not a hitt said he, p'rontpt- ly, "1 will play or sing for !'hem all the night long, if you want; and. I'm sure it's auuch 'better we s'hou1d do it all ourselves, instead o' having a lot o' gown -tip folk to 'make the bairns shy." "it is not the chairman, anyway, that will make (1(001 .shy, if what they say themselves 15 true," said \Icenit', very prettily; and she folded up her programme and put it in her pocket again. She rose; noel he whistled in the dogs, as if 110 would return to the vil- lage, "I thought you were taking therm For a rum" said she, "Oh, they have been scan(ULring a'hmut; 1 \ti ill go hack now:" Nor did it occur -to her for a mo- ment that she \could rather not walk baric to 71x' door 111 her mother's house with r 11110, Un the contrary, if -Ire would have ,gone down to the lit- tle garden gate, and had this clover= cation with hen) in view of all the window, if she wanted 111111 to do anything for her, she never thought twice ah ntt going along to his 001111ge and knocking at the dour; or she would, in the event of his not being there, gone on to the inn tont ask 1 any one had seen Ronald short„ .\n so on this occasion site event along the road with him in much good ha.. nun; praising - flit dogs, hoping.. the weather would continue line, and al- together in high .tris o � spirits t over her t l.m• for the morrow. 1110 -,\over theywere amt to part quite -o pleasantly. .\t the small :gar - .len gate, alnl 'cliently awaiting rheum, turd Nies. Douglas; and 11on1(ld uessnl that she W111 in no very good temper. -In 1011th, she seid'o11 was. There was a 1(111011 of 111(1171'y 111 the She w a , a dull -like (little woman rat- !irnpt\,all. Ther pretty, with cold, clear blue eye:, fresh -colored cheek1, and ituite etI- ver white hair, w'1ich waS carefully curled and braided --a pretty little old lady, and tine to he petted and made much of, if only she 'hart had as little more amiability of disposition, lint she was 'a .disappointed woman, Trier big !good -matured husband had never fulfilled the promise of his early year's, when, in a fit of romance, slto nnaa'rieal the penniless medical student whom she had stet in lEdinburgh. 1-1e 70111 1101 disappointed at all; his lifesuited hint well enough; he was excessively foald 01 his daughter \fee7lie, and wanted no other nonmpauion when .she was almtft; after rhe hail work of making a round of professional visits in Chat wild district, the quiet and comfort and neatness of time 'little cot- tage at lover-3lnd tl were alt that he required, iltl't. it was far otherwise with the once ambitious little wctutan who he married. The shadow of the llgnity 15r the Stuarts of '11lengask still (100)1 over her; and it vexed her that she had nothing with '\v'hiclt to 0vera10e 111 neighbors or to convince the passing stractgt'r of her import- ance. Perhaps if She had he•111) of 00mn11)11ding figure that might have helped her, however poor 'her circum- stances might be; as it was, 'being but live feet, two incites 1n height --and ra- ther 'to} like withal — everything seemed against her. It was but• iittle heeded evenin her own house, for "Indeed, yes," said he at ane '\\'e 1111 manage well enough, if ye wish it that .day," Very well, then,' said she, turning with a practical air to the program- me. "We begin with singing <)F(1 Hundred, and then the 171410•en will have tea and cake, and the sixpence and the penny. :\nd then There is to be an address by the .chairman -that's you, Ronald," "Bless ane, lassie?" he was startled into .urine;; and then he stammered an apology, and -.might safety in a ve- hement protest against the fancy that he cordal mak' a speech ----about any- thing whatever," "Well, that is strange," said lfeen- ie, looking at (tint, turd rather inclined to laugh at his perplexity. "1'1 is a strange thing if yon can not 111a1(0 a little speech to them, for 1 have to make one—at the end. See, Chore is my name," }Tc ,•rnrcely glanced at the pt•o- 0rantnlo, "And what have you 10 speak about Miss 1)omglas?'' She laughed. '1:\'bout: 70191." ".\ hoot me?" 'he said, rather aghast. "it is a vote of thanks to the. chair- man, and easy enough 11 will be, 1 am .wire; for T have only to say about •;nn ttha•t 1 hear every one say about you, .and that will be simple enough." The open sincerity of her friend- ship—and even 'of her liking for hint —was' so- apparent that. for a second both her husband and her daughter were persons of an easy .good -'!Humor, nd rather inclined to pet her in spite f herself. '!Good morning, airs,' Dotrg"las," Ronald ,said, respectfully, . and the raised his cap as they drew- near. "Good morning, Mt% Arnrstron.g," she said, with nnich precision, and scarcely glancing at him. She turned to \ieenie. "\V'illiamina, hove often have 11t01d run to .shut the gate after 'you when ;on go cul?'Ale .said, sharply. '1 -leve 10, the cow been in again:' "It can not do much harm at thi- time of 1111 year," \lee•nic said, lightly. "1 -unlit'.,. if I ask yon to :hut the .;ate, that i, 171111gh, Whore have you been? Idling, 1 0191(0se, Have pun written to Lady Stuart to thankher for the Birthday It seemed 10 Ronald ah,t wished to get anvay, but could scarcely leave without some civil word of parting) that site referred to 'Lady Stuart in an unmistakably clear tone. She appear- ed to take no notice of Ronald's pre- sence; but site allowed 'him to hear that there 1011; such a person as Lady Stuart in existence. "Why, mother, it only came yester- day, and I haven't looked over it yet," ) lee nle said. - "1 'think when her, •ladys'hip sends you a present," observed the little wonum wje1) severe dignity, "the leant yowl could do is to write and thank her at once, •There are Marty 1010 w•011101 be glad of the chance. Co in and write the letter 5010," "Very well, mother," said \scenic, 101111 perfect equanimity; then she called ''iGood-morning, Rona'ld'!" and went in -.doors, \''drat was he to pacify this imperi- ous little dame? :\s a game -keeper, he knew but the one way. "\Vou4d a hare or two, or a 9i'ace of ptarmigan, be of any use to you, Mrs. 1)ouglas?" said 'he. "indeed," site answered, with ouch dignity, "we have not had much ;game of any kind of late, for at a.ilengask they do not Shoot any deer after Christmas." This intimation that her cousin, Sir Alaxander, was the owner of a .icer forest might have succeeded with anybody else, But, alas( this young ratan was a keeper, and vt.tb well he knew thtl there w•as 00 forest at all at 'lilengask, 711(71101 occasionally in Octtrber they might conte across a stag that had been driven forth, nr they might lied two or three strayed hinds in the woods later on, while !1 'Mrs. )D'onglaas -had but even one haunch sent in the year _-sa). at Christmas ---he considered she got a very fair share o1 w•hatecci• venison was going at ticngask. Rut of course he said nothing of all this. "Oh, very well," said he, "I'm thinking ei getti119 two or three 0' the lads to go 7711 the hill for a hare -drive e 0' these clays. The hare,''' be the better 11: some shinning down -un one or two u' the far tops; and then (lain, \\1(11 \ce'ce got them it's no u -o :ending them south—they're no worth the carriage. do i1 ye will take a fete 0' them, 1'01 sure you're wel- come. 10(1(1 morning, ma'am." '4Gnor1 unnrning,'' said she, ae little stiffly, and she turned and walked to- ward the cottage, - \.s for him, he strode homeward with right, good will, for lleenie's let- ter 101( 111 lei, pocket, and he had forthwith to make his way to Crask, preferring not 111 Pia re 1111)' conutli"- ,ion of hers in alien -hands. ,He got the dogskennelled 113, all except the little terrier; he shun:; Itis telescope over his shoulder, and took a stick !n his laird. "Conn: along !Harry, lad; 171'')1 see Y111111. friends at Cr t k ere dinner -tithe, and if yc're well-behaved yell coins home in the wagonette along wi' the !nicht.," It was a brisk and breezy morning. The keen north wind \Vas fortunately behind him, and soon he was swing- ing along through the desolate soli- tudes of Strath "ferry, itis footfall on the road the only sound in the univer- sal stillness; and yet not the only s1111nd, for sometimes he conversed with ' tarry, and sometimes he sent his clear tenor •voice ringing 'over the wide moorland, 011d startling fere or there a sleep, the solitary occupant of these wilds; for no 'longer had he to propitiate that domineering little dune, .and the awful shadow of Glen- gask was as nothing to hint, The .\nl- erlcan, with his unsettling notions, hacl departed. TIcre he was 111 home, his 01011 111ast1'i' free in 11110(1, and with the hest of all companions trotting placidly al his heel.. No wonder Tiis voice rang. 'loud and clear and con- tented: ""'Lis not beneath the bnr,4•onet, Nor yet beneath the crown; -HS not on 017(011 of velvet, - Nor yet on bed of down,' ' 'Tarry, lad, do you see that Moodie? \Vas there ever such impudence? 1 First Student: ` I .woofer Would malst'10111 Mtn with a stone. Btit Miss 'Jones is." how old I'll come along and pay a visit to the Second Student: " •trite Q oft, I ' inr- ge•ntleman ere the omni!'s much 1)1(1- agine; they say she used to teach er, :Caesar.,, PROFESSIONAL ,CARDS Medical DR. E. A. McM.A'ST'ER—(Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Univers- ity of Toronto, and of the New York Post Graduate School and Hospital, Member of the College of Physicians and lSurgeons of Ontario. Office on High street. Phone 27. Office fully equipped for - x-ray diagnosis and for ultra short wave electric' treatment, ultra violet sun lamp treatment and infra red electric treatment. Nurse in attendance, 1)R. GILBERT C. JARROTT — Gradnate of Faculty of Medicine, Un- iversity o1 Western Ontario. Member of College of - Physicians and Satrgeone'' of Ontario. Office 43 Goderich street west. Phone 37, Hours 2-4,30 pan,, 7.3(1-9 p.m. 'Other hours by appoint- ment, Successor to Dr. Chas. Mackay DR. H. IIUGIH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon Late of London Hos- pital, London, England. Special at- tention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, Office and residence behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone No 5; 'Residence Phone 104. DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, 'Goderich street, east of the United Church, Coroner for the County of Huron. Telephone No, 46, DP.. F. J. R. FO'RSTER— Eye Ear, Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto 11897, Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospi- tals, London. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday' in each month from 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. DR. W. C. SPROAT Physician - Surgeon Phone 90-W. Office John St. Seaforth. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction- eer for Perth and Huron Counties, Sales Solicited. Terms on Application, Farm Stock, chattels and real estate property, R. R. No. 4, Mitchell. Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office, WATSON & REID REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST, SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. THE McKkALL P mutuaI Fre Ins • 'uranue �1. � HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont, OFFICERS President -Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Vice -President, John E. Pepper, Brucefield; Secretary - Treasurer, M. A, Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. Mcltercher, R,R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, .R.R.1, Brucefield; E. R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; Jam -es Watt, Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, ICincardine; Wm. Yeo, Holmesvil.le. DIRECTORS Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth No. 3; ,fames Shotdice, Walton; \Vm. Knox, Londesboro; George Leon•hardt, Bornholm No.1; John Pepper, Bruce - field; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex, McEwing, Blyth No, 1; Thom- as 'Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforth 'No, 4. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their -respective post - offices, 'beneath the spreading birch, :in the dell Without a mole, \\"f' a bonnie, boninie lassie, \\thea the 'kye come !ante,' \Vhal 'think ye o' that, now? for we'll have to do our .best to -morrow night to please the 'bairns. Ah, you 1'1-511 7Ve0 deevflTcatch you 51ink!ng out o' a pn uric 101(111 ye :see any running wa- ter near! '\'1'1en the kye come 1)11010 ,when the kye 00111e haute, "I'7cixt the gloaming and the mirk, w+hen the kye: come haute,'" (To Be Continued)