HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-05-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Champion Clydesdale Is Dead
• • 'Considered :by authorities who
know horses, as one of the hest
;five -year-olds in Canada, "Misty
Law," championship Clydesdale
stallion is dead at BrueefieId. Ro-
bert Murdoch, veteran horseman,
purchased the stallion Tone year ago,
:paying 62,000, imported. from Scot-
land in 1:11033, "Misty Law" has
achieved wide ,strecess :wherever
shown, Since- 1:933, he has :been a
consistent winner, being grand
champion at the Royal Winter 'Fair
at 'Guelph and at the C.N.E. in IM3:3
and 1.:934. Dining •the .past two
years he has been grand champion
at all district shows. He tOOk ill on
Sunday. Mr, Murdoch k expecting
another 'horse this Week. The above
picture was taken at the Spring
'Fair In Seaforth,
Snowdon Bros,. Publishers
Mrs. Harvey W. Hudie—
The community was saddened on
Tuesday, May difith, to learn of the
sodden passing of a highly esteemed
resident in the person of Mrs. Harvey
\V. Hudie. Mrs, tHudie apparently.
was in her usual good health when
she suffered a heart attack about two
o'cloele Tuesday morning, and passed
away almost immediately. Formerly
Mabel Alexander, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander,
she was horn 1512 years ago in Goder-
ich Twp., 7th concession, where she
resided until her marriage to lir.
Hudie on Nov, nth. MO. Since that
time she has lived on the Leadbury
line, MoKillop, where her eheerful,
kindly disposition won the respect
and friendship of all. Besides her be-
reaved husband. one brother, Mr.
'Harvey; Alexander. of Goderich Twp.,
survives. She was a member of St.
Thoma :4' Anglican Church, Seaforth.
The funeral will be held this (Thurs-
day) afternoon from her late home.
lath concession. to 'Maitland Bank
:Cemetery. Rev. K. MeCionn of Clin-
ton will officiate owing to the illness
of Canon Appieyard. Pallbearer,: will
be Bert Lawrence (Ritchener), Rob-
ert j. Cantelon (Stratford), Arthur
Henderson. 'Ross Driscoll, 'George
Emerson (Goderich Tp.), Richard
Hoy, (Walton).
Mrs. Wm. McCall, Morris.—
There passed away on Tuesday
morning, May ifith. Letitia MacAr-
thnr, wife of Mr. William McCall, 9th
line, ).lerris. Mrs. McCall aas ill
only a short time, having taken sick
on Saturday. Besides her bereaved
'husband she leaves to mourn her loss
timed daughters and three sons; Mrs.
Archie Young, Hullett: George and
Allen McCall at home: Jame:, attend-
ing Stratford Normal School; Clara.
teaching at S.S. No, I, Grey Twp,
and Hattie. a nurse, of Stratford.
Two sisters also survive, Mrs. Mary
lRoe, of Brussels; Mrs. Wm. Dotter.
of Huxley, Alta. Mrs, McCall's twin
sister, Mrs. Arthur St..Pirrie, of Spo-
kane, Wash., died four years ago.
Mrs. McCall was a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur,
and lived all her life on the McArthur
homestead, including her married life.
She was rnarried 32 years ago, this
June. The funeral will take place at 2
o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon.
Rev. Charles Cumming of Walton
United Church w'ill officiate. Pall-
bearers are Duncan McDonald of
Brussels; Robert McDonald. Colin
MeDonald, Peter .McDonald, of Hui -
lett and Peter McDonald and: Dan
McDonald of Holyrood. Interment in
!Brussels cemetery.
There passed away suddenly Tues-
day morning while sitting in the car
at :Arthur Henderson's. Mabel Alex-
ander, 'beloved wife of Mr. :Harvey
1112th 'con. McKillop, in her
Sl2Ind year, The funeral will take place
Thursday Afternoon from their resi-
'deuce to Maitlanclhank cemetery.
Mr. Arthur Hoy. licGaw, has dis-
posed of his '25 acre farm, 1114th con-
cession of MclKillop. to Thomas
Hackwell of the same concession.
Miss Edith {Ennis and Anna. of
Kitchener, spent the week end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred
Mr. Moody :Holland spent the
week end at Toronto.
Want and for Saleads. 3 wks. We.
Huron Deanery Laymen's banquet
held at Blyth was a successful func-
tion attracting a good representation
from every parish in the Deanery.
Harold Blackstone, Goderich, presid-
ed. while an address of welcome was
hy Rev, Mr. llaloney of Blyth
Anglican Church. Mr. H. G. Meir of
Seaford) introduced 'the guest speak-
er, 'G. Harold Shannon. Listowel,
WhOSe Subject was "The King's Jus -
tier." In au informative address the
speaker traced the evolution of :Eng-
lish law from the medieval trial 'hy
ordeal down to modern judicial prac-
tice. Other speakers were C. G. Mid-
dleton, Clinton; james Morley. Exet-
er; :Rev. A. C. Calder, Goderich, and
Archdeacon Jones -Bateman, Goderich
Last Wednesday Ivat. observed as a
public 'holiday to do homage to the
coronation of Ring :George. The vil-
lage was decorated with flags and
bunting giving a very pleasing effect.
The band with the school teachers
and scholars marched to Memorial
Hall where a sacred serviee was held,
Rev. R. A. Brook delivered the ad-
dress, assisted by Rev. A. A . Malan-
es . An oak tree was planted by the
first president of the Horticultural
Society, T. J. Huckstep, :tt the south
side of the hall and dedicatedby Rev,
R. A. Brook,
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Association of the l'uited Church
was presided over by Mrs. J. W.
Mills, opening, trill) hymn Ito after
which the Cord's prayer was repeated
unison. 'During the business session
11 was decided t:: donate $10 to the
Red Cross in aid of flood sufferers at
London. .klso to donate 61650 to the
choir who give tin", tinted service to
the church. Mrs. C. Grasby reported
for Rower committee, sent out t 00
ht,XeS and ein.ht hntntlItn, to sick and
shut-ins during the mouth. Meeting
was brought to a close by singing
hynui 3t14.
Mrs, H. C. Johnston is visiting her
sister-in-law, lIrs. Alex. Fox, Tor-
Jessie Richmond is eonlined
to her home with mumps:
The regular meeting of the W.NI.S.
of the United Church was held on
Tuesday, :May ARM President. Mrs.
R. A. Brook, :presided. Meeting open-
ed by singing hymn 4138. Mrs. A.
Colclough offered prayer. The presi-
dent read the Scripture lesson. 'The
devotional leaflet, ...Jesus and Youth"
was taken :by. .\l re. 5. Cloucher, It
was decided to have a .quilting bee on
rhurs•daY. May 20th. Miss Isabel
Cutting sang a very pleasing solo.
Mrs. C. Grasby gave the report of
Christian :Stewardship. A splendid
report of the ;Presbyterial held at
43:Aerie!: was given by Mrs. J. W.
Tooic, Out- Responsibilities for
'Youth and Children %%IL, ably taken
by lirs, B. tHall, A vote of thanks
Inc tendered all who took :art in the
A letter has- been received by Mrs.
R. Wightmait from Dr, E. C.
ford, of (Menotti. \Vet China, WhiCh
came by the new air service from
Chengtu to Toronto itt just two
weeks. Four tveeks is the shortest
time in which letters have formerly
taken to reach Toronto. The letter
which was in reely to the cable sent
at the time of his intither's death in
Anti!: W aS. typed on Lite thinnest sta-
tionery as one sixth of au 011 '11 was
all that was allowed to he sent. Dr,
E. C. Wilford and family, also Miss
Clare McGowan a teacher, leave June
215th for their furlough, expecting to
reach here some time in •August.
The Young 1People's :Union of the
United Church met Monday evening
with the president, Margaret 'Hirons,
presiding, After :he onening hymn.
Friday, May 21
.:\ dtnission 35e. tax included
prayer was taken by Eileen :Robin-
son. Scripture was read by Mrs. 43.
D. Leith. Roll call was answered by
he If a hobby, linsic was fur-
nished hs the orchestra. The topic,
-11“%hil,." tiS taken hy Irene Tay-
lir. and lir,. Roy Winslow, of
Prince Rupert. B.C., H. Winsimv.
London. were guests of their cousins,
Mrs. Edith Bell and Mrs. Robert
Mrs,5.. K•echnie is visiting her
aunt in Tavistock,
lir, and Mrs. Archie Bender, Tor-
onto. visited the latter's mother, lirs.
Edith Bell.
Lawson -Cooper-*
A charming Spring wedding took
place on Saturday afternoon at 4
o'clock in IKippen .United 'Church,
twben Grace, daughter of Mrs. Wil-
liam \V. Cooper, of IKippen, became
the bride of Dr. William T... Lawson.
of Listowel, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Jame: :Lawson. of Exeter. Rev, lE,IP,
Chandler performed the ceremony,
for which Miss , Jean 'Nilson played
the e edding music, W. R. :Goulding,
of Exeter, sang 10 .Promise Me" in
line :voice during the signing of the
register -Spring :flowers massed in the
church mate effective decoration for
the May -title .ceremony. Members of
the congregation and other friends in
the community arranged the :decora-
tions and brought many flowers to
deck Me church for the ppular
young bride. White ribbons marked
the pews reserved for the guests. Giv-
en in marriage by her brother, Wil-
liam R. Cooper, the bride wore a
lovely gown of white taffeta on prin-
cess lines, with short tailored jacket
and small flared train of the taffeta, :\
Peter Van collar and long sleeves,
miffed high at The shoulder, were in-
teresting aeeents of the jaoket, Which
was :buttoned closely with "bullet"
buttons, ,Rows of cable cording adorn-
ed the skirt. The bride's •flowers were
a sheaf of exquisite calla lilies, Miss
Margaret Cooper, of Toronto, sister
of the bride, was her only attendant,
wearing a long gown of orchid chif-
fon designed with high, puffed sleeves
and worn with lace mitts itt the same
color, and a picture hat, also in or-
chid shade. Her flowers were yellow
roses and orchid sweet peas. Little
Lois 'Elaine Cooper. niece of the bride,
a dainty flower :girl, in her yellow
:taffeta frock, with wreath of yellow
roti -buds itt her hair, and a small
basket of lilies of the valley and sweet
peas, which she scattered in the aisle
before the bride. 'Robert Andrew, :of
Listoe el, was the best man, and the
ushers were Thomas J. Moffat. Lis-
towel, and •Brucc Medd, of Napanee.
.1. reception was held at the home of
the bride's :mother, where a buffet
supner w8'. served from a table de-
lightfully arranged with pink roses.
Mrs. Cooper wore a handsome gown
of black triple sheer with trimming
of sequins, The 'bridegroom's mother
eh,.' navy Chiffon. Dr, and Mrs.
Lawson left on a wedding trip to New
York. the bride traveling in. a light
gray tailored suit, with black :acces-
sories, black gabardine bag .and shoes
and smart felt hat, On their return
they will live in Listow•el. London
guests for the wedding included:: iMr.
and Mrs. Harold Fetteeley, Mr. and
Mrs. Wray M. Bell. ),Liss Marjorie
McMurray. Miss Marie Hodgins, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald T. Shipman, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Mae Callum, Miss Etta
Bell. Miss Margaret McIntyre, Miss
Emma MCDonagh. Other guests in-
cluded: Mr. ,and Mrs. Turville, of
Banditon; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mof-
fat. Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. Har-
per C. Rivers, Exeter; Dr. and Mrs.
F. A. Mora, Toronto; Dr. and :Wes.
J. H. Moyle, Brantford; Dr, and Mrs.
G. C. Hynd, Walkerton; James Mor-
ley, Exeter; R. J. Cooper, Klippen:
Mr. and Mrs. :John Vernon, Listowel;
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McLean,
Elect Officers—
The annual meeting of the Kipper
East \k'. T. was held at the home of
Mrs. Glen McLean on Coronation
Day, May .12. Theke was a .good at-
tendance land the meeting was opened
with singing. 'The roll call was an-
swered by the payment of fees. The
motto, "But the glory of the garden
glorifieth everyone," was given by
Miss liackay and 1Mies 'Gertrude
Martin gave the 'Bible reading. The
musical selections given by Misses
E. Clark and G. ;Martin were splendid
end very much enjoyed by everyone.
The reports given :by the •conveners
'of the different branches of our work
THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937
1937 Plymouth
De Luxe Sedan
PHONE 179.
All Repairs StritItly Cash.
We Aim To Please
Our new all -electric jamesway Incubator is giving us increased
hatches of highest quality Chicks, We are therefore prepared to share
dividends with our customers by supplying you with Chicks at un-
believably low prices for stock with such breeding.
Our hatches ,of high quality Barred Rocks and White Leghorns
come off Mondays and Thursdays.
If you wish to participate in profits sure to be reaped from higher
egg and poultry profits this Fall, order chicks NOW while you still
have the opportunity.
After May 10th, 8 cents straight for both Reeks and Leghorns at
our Hatchery, North Main St., Egmondville.
SPECIAL—Barred Rock Cockerels, $4.50 per hundred.
Leghorn 'Cockerels, $1 per hundred
Customers who have their orders booked 'will be given advantage of
these prices,
ANDREW A. MOORE, Seaforth Ont.
PHONE 160 r 3
111111MIN, SUMIt
showed Mat we had a very successful
year, which is very encouraging. The
secretary read a letter from the Red
Cross Society asking for a donation
for the flood victims and it was decid-
ed to send ten dollars.This closed OUT
activities for the year. The following
officers were then elected for the :com-
ing year: president, Mrs. Glen Mc-
Lean; tlist vice-pres., Mrs. Simpson;
2nd nice-pres., Mrs. H. Caldwell; see.-
treas., 'stirs, Rathbun; :assistant sec.-
treas., Miss :Grace Tremeer; pianist,
Mrs, j. McGregor; assistant, Miss '0.
Martin; directors, Miss 'S. Sinclair,
Mrs, Carl S:toneman, Mrs. Wen. :Cald-
well, Mrs. Wm. 'Martin; Sun 511in e
Com.. Mrs. A. IHoggarth, Mrs, Cole,
Mrs, D. Chappell and Miss Lama
Tremeer; 'branch director, Mrs. Simp-
son: relief coin., Mrs. Cole, Mrs, Sin-
clair, Mrs. Turnbull; standing com-
mittees, agriculture—Miss Grace Tre-
meer: health—Mrs. Broadfoot: home
ees.—Mrs. H. :Caldwell; ed.—Mrs. E.
Chappell; leg.---41rs. Doig; relief—
Mrs. Cole; his. res.—Miss Mackay:
pub.— 'Mrs, Stoneman; Peace ed. —
Mrs. Dinnen; auditoes—Mrs. Simp-
son, Mrs, 11-Ing,garth, Mrs. 'Wm. Mac-
Lean ; com tnn n ity night cam.-2rs.
Wm, MacLean, Mrs, Cooper, Mrs.
Jacobi, 'llrs. Parker and Mrs. Ed.
Chappell. The meeting closed by
singing the National .Anthem and the
hostesses, Mrs. :Sinclair. Mrs. :Doig,
Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Turnbull,
served a very enjoyalgle lunch.
Dr, and Mrs. Lawson are spending
their honeymoon in New York City.
'rhe anniversary on Sabbath last
was a real success and large crowds
turned out to hear Rev. Page morn-
ing and evening. •Mrs. Chesney con-
tinues quite poorly and her many
friends hope for improvement soon.
Miss Broadfoot spent a few days
visiting friends in Hamilton recently,
Miss Margaret Cooper has return-
ed to Toronto after attending the
wedding of her sister on Saturday,
There was a good attendance at
the play in Sit. Andrew's Church on
Monday evening. last.
Mr. John T. Reid of London called
on friends in the village recently
much improved in health after his re-
cent itIness.
Miss :Murray. of Gorrie is spending
a week with Iter many friends around
the village.
Crop Conditions
The .following summary on weather
and crap conditions at the beginning
of May has been compiled by the
Statistics Branch from reports of cor-
The weather during April was very
unfavorable for spring cultivation and
seeding. Cold wet weather 'prevented
operations on the 'land and at the end
01' the month less seeding of oats and
:barley was completed :than in any
year since 1922. lOnly 5 per cent. of
the intended oat acreage had been
planted and 3 per cent. of the :barley
acreage. Warm dry weather was
greatly needed for completion of the
sending of spring grains and for good
Precipitation in Ontario during the
five • month.s, November to March.
was praotically equal to the average
received during the ,past fiftysfive
years. It became quite excessive in
Southwestern Ontario, reaching flood
proportions in the London area, The
soil is well -supplied with moisture
and provided satisfactory 'growing
weather prevails from now on, the
yield of spring grains this ,season may I
be well up to the average.
Want snd for Sale Ads., 1 week2151c.
Mr, and lirs, C. Trott of Mt. Bryd-
ges visited recently at 'the .parsonage.
illr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien spent the
week -end with their son in Oweb
Mrs. ( Dr.) :Norris of Wyoming
spent a few days •with her parents.
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. 'Patrick,
Sunday visitors in the eortiniunity
were: Mr. and Mrs. M. 'Gray and
Millbank, :and Mr, and Mrs.
Jno, Whyte, :Stratford. with Mr. and
Mrs. J, Livings:WIT; Mr. and Mrs. :C.
Briggs, :Flint, :with Mr. and Mrs.
O'Brien; :Mr, and :Mrs, H. Hilton
and Mr. and :Mrs, C. Atwell, London,
with Miss J. Treffry: Miss Jean
Smale, Seaforth, with her parents;
Mr. and Mrs. IR. Miller. Logan. with
:Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller; Miss G.
Birtson, Blake, with her parents; Dr.
and ,Mirs, iGihnore, 'Stratford, at the
parson -Am:.
lir. and MTS. W. 'NI itler and family
visited itt Exeter with the former's
parents. „
Mr. and Mrs. 15, M. Worden were
recent visitors in Exeter.
The WA. and W.M.S. held their
monthly :meeting in :the basement of
the •church, Thersday, ,May 1113th. The
meeting was ,opened with Mrs. Brit -
bin in the chair. Hymn 375 was sung,
folbbwed by the Scripture lesson on
"iiie Red Indian's Version of 2t3rd
Psalm," by Mrs. Britton. IA few mo-
ments' silent prayer was offered for
the sick. IHyton 354 was sung. -Mrs.
Addison tank :the :chair for the \V A.
Prayer inc offered by Mrs. Rogerson,
followed by the Lord's prayer in it
The roll call was answered by a
verse on "Mercy." The minutes were
read :and 'business :transacted. The ba-
zaar and home :cooking sale will be
held June 26th. •Mrs. IE. Lawson took
charge for •Group No. 1. Hymn 284
was sung, :foillowed by prayer by Mrs.
E. Adams. The leaflet on "Jesus and
Youth." wa-s given by -Mrs, ID liai-
son. The study book on Korea was
given by lElma Leitch, followed by a
duet by Helen and Edith Benton. A
very interesting report on the •conven-
tion was given: by Ivy Simmons.
Hymn 264 was sung. Mrs. Lindsay
closed w'ith prayer..Lonch was served,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy 'Cunningham and
children 'visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dexter on Sunday. -
Want and For Sale ads, t week 25c
Come And Get it
Joel McCrea Frances Farmer
See this great American epic of a
him b er baron who lived for power.
Mon, Tues. Wed., May 24-25-2i5
Reginald Owen Herman Bing
A new man takes the girl w Ito took
Mr. Deeds
'Mat. Mon., May 24, at 3 P.M.
Next Thurs, Fri. Sat., May 27.23-29
Jungle Princess
with Lynn Overman
Raised in the depths of a jungle—
She fell in love with the first white
man she met.
Waikiki Wedding
Cleaning Out Couch
The eradication of couch ,grass,
otherwise 'known as quack, twitch or
watch eras:, is one af the hardest
problems with which the fanner has
to deal. Few people realize the enor-
mous quantity of couch grass roots
which exist in infested soil. Tests con-
ducted by the Central Experimental
Farm at Ottawa, show weights af
roots ranging from t513111 to 6,997
pounds to the acre—as much an a
heavy crop of hay. NO wonder it is
herd to clean out when it spreads by
roots as well as seed. Thoroughly
cleaning out the toots is the one ef-
fective %l'ay of getting, rid of couch.
In small area; this may be done by
hand. In larger areas by shallow
plowing and working thoroughly with
the cultivator to keep the roots turn-
ed up to the sun lonr enou:gh for
them to "kill." Only as large an area
as can be thoroughly cleantoi up at
one time should he intiertakm, as
halfway measures are only lost time
and effort.
A. community :::oronation service
teas held on Weitie•elay night in
Knox United Church and was very
targets- attended.
.•1/4 tine service took olace in front
of the tire hall - Wednesday evening,
when the flag dont ted to the village
-by :W. 'I'. Riddell was dedicated. The
service was conducted by-IRQV. • Dr. J.
D. Barnett of tioderich, with Res.. H.
C. Wilson and Rev k b Maloney
assisting. Mr. Rldkil hoisted the
Mrs. j. Woods attended the Pres-
byterial in Chatham this week.
Mr, and Mrs. John Robertson :of
Goderich are visititv Miss S. Blair,
The May Meeting of :Knox :Pres-
byterian Church was • held on Thurs-
day. The time- was 'spent in :inning
far the missionary halg.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter of Au-
burn have just recently oh 4erved
their fifty-second wedding anni-
:Rev. :E. Loney of Wing:ham was in
the village one day this week.
Miss Ida Stalker of Myth was
w'ith Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Allen on
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen, nes
Icompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D.
'Stalker and Miss Ida Stalker of
Blyth visited :D. Geddes of Wingham
011 Th•ursday tight.
Having bought the Furniture Store building that we have occupied
for nearly 30 years, we find we have to recondition the whole store,
and we are
As we expect to lave to move out while this work is being done
Up to May 12 or 15, we are clearing out as much stock as
Right now is the time to make changes and take advant-
age of this opportunity to get some New Furniture, Mat-
tresses, and Springs. You have our wonderful New Spring
stock to choose from.
We Do NOT Close This Store Wednesday Afternoons