HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-04-29, Page 4PAGE FOTJR. ^7. - 4•010,1100010•001001100004010000.000=10.0. THE SEAFORTH, NEWS HIBBERT Snowdon Bros, Publishers: A rePIY ta 'Ace of Club by "Mone In Diamonds"; In order at yo e get the' drift or the following story, the VVALTON. I writer gives you a few tips. The us - The amateur contest held in the Ina! regulations which .govern the Gi- A.O.U.W. Hall under the 'auspices of la I t t$ VS. Tigers euchre club was that the Ladies.Guild of St. Georges the .winners of the first ten games Church was a decided success. 'Mr, leach evening were champs .f,or that Silas Johnston 'acted as 'Major Bowes night. Al this particular game, the in his awn efficient 'manner, There Giants scored the first and only ten were thirty entries on the program. games,, while the Tigers' talky was but 'only l3.2 were able to be present. still a blank. The Tigers think it is It was left to the audience to decide too old ,fashioned to use the regular the winners, voting being done by expression, "I'll play it alone," They ballot with the following results: like to be kind of smooth, and so Senior class -Mr. Ross Cardiff, they have adopted this little ejacula- Brussels, accordion; second -Walton tion, "Ill go to town." girls' guitar quartette, consisting of So stand by and listen while your Misses Humphries, Shannon, Sellars announcer steps up to the micro - and Shaw; third -Misses McKellar phone: and Holmes, Seaforth, singing and tap dancing. Junior Class - first: "Good afternoon everybody. Hellen and Leona Johnson, Walton, "I am Alone in Diamonds." singing; second -Ruth ;Dennis. sing- ing; third -Mary, Katherine and Lor- raine Rowland, singing. Special thanks and appreciation is extended to those who helped on the last part of the program when the votes were being counted, and also those who helped in any other way. The pro- ceeds amounted to over The W.M.S. met on lApril fill with Mrs. Bryans presiding. Seventeen ladies responded to the roll tall. The next meeting will be on the third 'Wednesday of MaY when there will he a •plant exchange. Mrs. Cumming and Mis:.; Simpson were appointed delegates to the Presbyterial held in 'Cloderich April 27. It was lecided that each .group help in making a layette to he sent in the bale. The MoKillop ladies with Mrs. L Leem- lug as leader had charge of the' study This Spring is rather 'backward, With very Tittle done; But if you read last week's paper You'll surely be convinced, the Tigers won. The three young champs are plucky, They started on poor ice, They watched the stalwart Giants, Like one cat would watch three mice. Lou said. °We are improving. And we must admit our fame, \Va, brought about by what' we learnt, Itt that 'ten to nothing gatne'." illtitrednight will long he remem- When Mike thought try- it book. Miss Smillie closed the meet- I alone, Mg with prayer, The W.A. meeting Lou said. "You better he careful," followed. Ind l';'er..g •gave his usual .groan. Miss Jean Drager, Mr, Jack Drag- er and Mr. Donald Gray spent the John dealt and turned up a di - week end with the former's mother, amorel. . Mrs. Chas, Drager, Mike said. "I'll take them to town." Mrs. Will 'Humphries was in Tor- Willie led and called out trump ,,onto last week. boys, Bred Rutledge spent the week And Ferg gave another hig frown. end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Rutledge. Lou 'O'Reilly threw on the "right Wednesday evening last was the bower," 'Which drew out Mike's next big scene of a large crowd gathered in the Al0.111.VV. hall in honor of Mr. bc`ne; and Mrs, Wm, Dennis. The party But John slammed att old was arranged by the Walton football ''Smoothey" 'And swept the trick .right home. team and neighbors. ,Contributions had been made previously and a day - He then led back the "left bower." enport and chair to match were pur- My gosh, how Mike's eyes did roll! chased and presented to the couple. He said, "1 guess I'm up a tree, The evening was spent in dancing. Lord! have mercy, on my soul!" During intermission the presentation was made to the guests of honor by John then threw out an old ragged Gordon MdGavin and John Buchanan suit. 1:Nfr. R. W. Hay and son Earl and\Vbhiie slammed on the ''Ace." Harold Bolger motored to Toronto I never saw such a pitiful look, on Tuesday, returning Wednesday. As there was on the Tigers' .face. Mr. Robert Reid had the misfort- une to cut this wrist last week while working at the saw millbut he is getting along as 'well as can be ex- pected, this Friends are pleased to learn. Mrs. Janet 'Ramsay has been Moved to Seaforth hospital for treatment, following a paralytic stroke rriday evening. Mrs. Pearl Shaw had the misfor- tune to break her ankle while assist- ing at the barn of Mr. 'Wm. MelFed- 'clen's farm, Nth con. Grey. on Wed- ' hesday last, She was taken to 'Clinton hospital. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. John Darling spent the week end wibh 'friends in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. IvIershall of Moose Jaw, 'Sask., are calling on friends. Mrs. M. Murray 'visited a 'few days with her daughter, Mrs. Toe Maloney. Mrs. Alex !Darling and Mr. Alex Gordon attended the funeral of their cousin, 'Mrs. :John Little in Seaforth on Saturday. The people of Dublin were shocked to hear of the death of 'Mr. IRobert 'Maidens in 'London. The sympathy of the community goes to 'his wife who was Miss Anne Hodgson of 'Mitchell, Who taught in the 'Dublin public school a few years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss his 'wife and three daughters and one son, 'to mourn the loss of a loving, husband and a kind father. Mrs. J, IHtititer 'has returned to To- ronto after a two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. C. Beale. bIt,'Ilanty (Kenny of 'Detroit was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip 'Kenny. We are sorry to report that Mr. John !Redmond is in Scott Memorial Hospital. We :hope to hear of his speedy recovery. 'Mrs. Wm. /Hills of Ottawa is call- ing on friends in the village. Straw as an Absorbent Straw when used as bedding for live stook wlli albsoth from two to three times its weight of liquid and if finely cut will soak up about three times as much liquid as uncut. (Fur- ther, the absorptive capacity of dry sawdlist and 'fine shavings is from two to four times that of ordinary straw. That night as they plodded home- ward, They didn't make even a sound: Peg • whispered, "They wouldnt have laughed so much, fff Mike hadn't tried to take them to town. ..A1111 this game i$ just what they needed, But still they had lots of fun, But you never hear them mention The game that was tett to none. This Mike is a jolly good fellow, Honest, and upright, and true, But there is nothing that gets his goat, Like the laughs of his 'Uncle Lou. • Lou Morris is very good looking: Square shouldered and ,well built ,from the toe. And now since he bought the Back to its former home Lou will go. Fergus is really a dandy lad, Who never takes more than one glass, He says when he gets the Ford rigged , righi t, She will never run out of gas. Well "Congratulations, young Tigers." 'You three are the Champs, we know. But the Giants will take you on again When next Whiten winds do itlow ROXBORO. The Following is the result of the April examinations for S. S. No, 119, Sr. IV. - Rosamond Appleby 71.7 p.c.; :Mildred Aitcbeson 617.3, Spencer 13 room e Jr. EV -Keith Harrison 67.5; Gor- don McGill MI5, Sr. III -Marian Appleby 644, Jr. I/II-Lois Harrison 66.9; Ilene Broome 96;9. If.-ifean Agar 712.6, Dorothy Agar 5632. I. -.Promoted to jr. II: Betty Teb- butt 64. Pr. -Promoted to 1; Jack Agar 75.3. Be ginn er--A n Dv. LaFranier. S. M. ,Richtnond, Teachee THE SEAFORTH NEWS • MANLEY Your correspondent must excuse hiinself for rushing the season last Wednesday, the 21st instant. The windstorm on Wednesday, 211st inst., with rain caused much damage and while the weather since has ibeen cool and windy, it hindered repairing of roofs. The torrential rain Sunday night caused Much damage to feed that was uncovered' and ,the floods have delayed seeding 'operations, dos' the time being. All Inlay be well yet as last year some did not start seed- ing until May illath and the crop was better than the early seeding, Only the weather .turned so hot that many horses died, so we want to be careful and watch the weather and act ac- cordingly, Our daylight savers are again causing much inconvenience in the radio broadcasting as so many sta- tions come on at the same time with those who stayed on the' standard time. They tell us we can enjoy more sunlight but if we want to en- joy sunlight re can get up early en- ough. without changing the clocks. We can't see sohy some wiseacres want to change nature and cause so much inconvenience. ..Miss Mary Murphy spent the week end at her home. iss Veronica Molyneaux spent the week end with Beth Carlin, Miss Mary O'Connor spent' the week end at her home. Ills, Martha Flan 11 ery and Bert Bares- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. T. Moylan spent Sunday with Mr. and ;1,4rs. Dalton. Mr, and Mrs. Mike spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Johnston, We are sorry to report that Mr. John MacKay has rented his farm and is moving to Stratford, Hibbert's loss is Stratford's gain. We are glad to report that Miss .Katherine , Williams is recovering from her operation. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray were in London on Wednes,day, Mrs, Gerald DOyle is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Wm. Devereaux. The windstorm on Wednesday did a great deal of damage. Mr. Joseph O'Connor is wearing a smile. It's a boy. WINTHROP A very severe windstorm swept ac- ross the township 'last Wednesday and did damage to barns and houses, Nearly everyone had shingles blown off either barn or house, some both. The heavy rains will do a lot of damage to hay and grain as it has been impossible to shingle as it has been wet and windy every day since. The rains have caused a lot of floods. The water has been over the roads several places around the vil- lage. Mr. Thomas 'Pethick of London visited his brothers, Messrs, John and Samuel Pethick here, also his sister, Mrs. Millar of Seaforth. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mts. John Little lash Saturday. We extend our sympathy to those who are left to mourn the loss of a loving wife. mother and 'sis- ter. Don't forget the euchre and dance this Friday night. The Sunshine Club held its second meeting on Thursday, /April 22nd, at the home of Miss Edith }Mien. The roll 'call was answered by ten mem- bers. The minutes of the last meeting were read. A demonstration of flour paste was given by Annie and Roth Pethiek: Cutworms are ,usually active and Feeding before 'most crops are even in the ground. Hence it is most im portant to be prepared for their at- tack at the 'very 'first of .the season. Bran bait has given the most effec- tive control For many Years, and is made up with the following ingredi- ents=bran, 2.0' pounds; ;molasses, erne quart; Paris green, one -hall pound., and water, about two and a half gallons. in making the bait the dry ingredi- ents should first be thoroughly mix- ed. The molasses is then stirred into the water and added to the bran :and Paris green. In mixing the bait, only enough water anon I d the added' to make the material the consistency of wet sawdust. It must not be made sloppy but should ,be in the condi- tion of crumbling in the hands and slipping easily tit rough th e. fingers. Land hat was heavily infested the year 'before should be treated prior to the 'plants being set out. This is done by ;broadcasting the bait at 'the rate of mat pottrilds per acre a few nights 'before transplanting. One ap- plication should be sufficient but, if the cutwerms are numerous, a sec- ond should be made two or three days after the ,qrst. The bait shotild always be spread in the evening just a, 11 ifbepo5shsoibs'ertle, aforwairhtiel hvork Want and 'For Sale Ads., 1 week, 215c, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937. GALLOP BROS.Garage COME IN AND SEE THE NEW 1937 Plymouth De Luxe Sedan PHONE 179, SEAFORTH All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aitu To Please SUNNYVALE R.O.P. Baby Chicks BARRED ROCKS - WHITE LEGHORNS Also Started Chicks, Pullets and Cockerels from R.O.P. trap - nested Government Ahyproved and blood tested breeding stock. Reasonable price 3 ancl good service. Hatches off every Monday and Thursday. Visit our hatchery with new James- • way all electric equipment situated on north Main, St., Eg- inond'ille. or call 160 r 3. ANDREW A. MOORE, Seaforth, Ont, SPECIAL FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Leghorn Cockerels 2.00 per Hundred Barred Rock Cockerels 7.00 per Hundred The Ladies' Aid and W.,M. S, held: their 'Easter thank offering meeting on April at the home of Mrs, Irwin Trewartha. The president, Mrs. Millen, presided. The meeting open- ed by singing hymn On, Followed by silent prayer for men and women of foreign 'fields. Roll 'call was answered with a verse on Christian service, During the business, Mrs. Ferg. Bul- lard and Mrs. A. Cuthill were ap- pointed delegates to attend the Pres- byterial at Goderich. Mrs, Irwin Tre- warthe, captain of Circle No. 3 took charge. After singing a hymn, MTS. Russell Bolton led in Prayer. Sciip- tare taken from Luke was read by Miss Olive ,Pryce. This was 'followed by a very pleasing piano solo by 'Mrs Joseph 'Little. A very interesting ad- dress was 'given by our guest speaker, Mrs. Shepherd of Egmondville, Who chose as her subject, "Stewardship." After singing a hymn meeting closed with the Lord's prayer,• The Ladies' Aid and W..IvLS. of Owen Church will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday afternoon, May 5th, at the home of Mrs. John Boyd. The roll call is to he answered with a verse on "Peace," AUBURN ,Ross of 'Beaverton is Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Mrs. Shrausser of Sebringville was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. ID. COMIC PLAY "The Strike of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church Friday, May 7th at 8 p,m. IN THE PARISH HALL Admission: Adults R5c, Children 1115o. bit nro. R. Adams of Toronto is at the Au- burn House at present. Mr, and Mrs. 'Joseph Carter and Reggie of Port .Eigin spent the week end with :NIT. and Mrs. James \V. Carter. Mrs. D. Brachlock of Goderich vis- ited her son 'Wesley, A dance in aid of the Library Beard was held in the iForesters Hall on 1Priday night. Mr. and Mrs, M. Iffoltzhatier have left their farm on the .Londesboro road and have gone to live in Blyth. 'Mrs. A. Y. Henderson and fAllexan- der Young have returned to their home in Colborne after spending the winter with*Miss S. Blair, Miss Josephine \Weir spent the week .end in Strathroy. DUBLIN Mr. and :Mrs. Frank 'Hutchings of Toronto Spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. P. Ryan. Mr. and !Mrs. LIayd TllljotI have moved to their new 'home near !Dublin, Mr. Hugh 'Benninger attended the Amaral of his cousin, Mary Scher- harth of Kiversdale on Monday who was killed in a car accidejtt while re- turning .from Toronto. Misses INora McGrath and Mary '0"Connor of Lucan were home .over the week 'end. Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Burn and fam- ily intend moving bo Toronto this week. 'jean ,and Albert Donnelly of Strat- ford spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. ad Mrs. 'Frank Donnelly. The 'card party held by the Sodal- ity members on Tuesday was a de- cided success. The prizes were won by Tames 1Krauslcopf and Mrs. P. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Claudette Colbert °Fred Mac Murray "MAID OF SALEM" Edward Ellis Louise Dresser Virginia Weidler A little Minx of a IGirl creates a witch hysteria Mon. Tues. Wed., May 3-4-5 WARREN WILLIAM KAREN MARLEY "OUTCAST" Lewis Stone Jackie 'IVIaran. When gossip leads the man hunt, there is no escape except in the love of a courageous woman NEWS CARTOON Next Thurs. Fri, Sat., May 6-7-8 CAROLE LOMBARD FRED MacTeURRAY" ."SWING HIGH, SWING LOW" with Charles Butterworth Jean 'Dixon. Comedy, Music, Romance McKILLOP The April 'meeting of the MdKlikm Branch of the W.M.S. of the !Presby- terian Church was 'held at the home of Mrs, J. M. 'Ciovenlock, Thursday afternoon, April 21.Znd, with 212 ladies 'present. The president Mrs. Bell pre- sided and the meeting opened with hymn ,7i6183 The Scripture lesson was taken by Miss Jean Scott. Prayer by Mrs, Bell, Short 'readings were given by Mrs. Bell and Mrs. W. Hogg. Mrs. Liadsay of 'Constance favored with a solo. After singing hymn..049; Mrs, I....McMillan closed the meeting W th INc Glad Tidings prayer. EGMONDVILLE The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Association of Egmondyille United Church was held on Thursday iApril von& at 2,30 in the basement, with '35 ladies in attendance, Mrs. H. Jackson took charge of the 'business part. 'Meeting apened with a hymn, Mrs. IHaney read the Scripture les- son and Mr. Shepherd led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read anld adopted. It was decided to have a home cooking sale on Sat., May 15th, at a o'clock in Mr. (Rout - ledge's vacant store. The rest of the afternoon was spent in patching quilts and binding books. The ladies served a ten cent tea. TUCKERSMITH miss IDessie MclKay has returned home after spending .a few weeks vis- iting 'friends in 'Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McLean spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrd. H. Jack-. son. Mr. !Jim Doig has purchased the farm of Mr. Louis 'Gormely on the 6th concession. Mr. 'Gormley intends moving to 'Dublin. A Full Page Portrait of King George VI in His Coronation Robes. The Detroit Sunday Times, issue of May 2, will .contain a page portrait of King George VII, printed in Full Color. This picture, an excellent like- ness of the new .British monarch, you doubtless will want to keep as a souvenir. Save Money By Prepaying TOWN of SEAFORTH 1937 TAXES • Taxpayers may purchase Tax Prepay,- ment Receipts for 1937 Taxes at Favorable Discounts FROM MARCH 1ST COST COST COST COST COST COST AMOUNT March 1-15 March 16-31 April 1-15 April 16-30 May 1-15 May 16-31 $10.00 $ 9.78 $ 9.80 $ 9.82 $ 983 $ 9.83 $ 9.87 20.00 19.56 19.60 19.64 19.66 19.70 19.74 , 50.00 48:90 49.00 49.10 49.15 4925 49.35 COST COST COST COST (Goer COST AMOUNT June 1-15 June 16-39 July 1-15 July 16-31 Aug. 1-15 Aug, 16-31 $10.00 $ 9.88 $ 9.90 $ 9.92 $ 9.93 $ 9,95 $ 9.97 20,00 19.76 19.80 19.84 19.86 19.90 19.94 50.00 49 40 49.50 49.60 49.65 49.75 ' 49.85 Prepayment 'Receipts must be endorsed and presented along with 1937 Tax Bills at Canadian Bank of Commerce. Purchase your Prepayment Receipts early and have, your money earning 4 per cent. interest, If you cannot buy all now, budget your Taxes this year by purchasing a receipt each month, up to Sept. 1st. D. H. WILSON, Clerk & Treasurer