The Seaforth News, 1937-04-29, Page 1Rryond 'th-e sweeping meadows
7'be 4+,n nt;ng mc•nntains rise,
Like 'battlements of dreamland
Against the brooding skies.
In every wOralcd valley
The buds are 'hreakin'g through,
As though the heart of all things
No languor ever knew.
The gulden -wings and 'bluebirds
(','11 + their In' ver sir ,
pine,. are l'hi'd and drifted
smoke of. brushwood &es.
toy sister's /arden
breeze. run,
n cILIT,di''lies
—Bliss Carman.
W2'301E SERIES. VOL. 59, No. 17.
Phone 84.
S.1 a year.
Sepoy Flour
Per Cwt.
' for planting per lb. lc
2 lbs. for 35c
Certified Seed per pk. 45c
small size per bag 1.25
CORN •‘BEEF 2 Tins 25c
'TAPIOCA 3 lbs. 25c
One Post Bran Flakes, one Grape
Nuts Flakes, Mickey Mouse
All fer
Per Tin 10c
per tin 20c
EGG. ORATES, 12 doz. complete '
ea. 25c
'Masters Chick Starter is, one of the
best. Be sure to get Masters.
Per cwt. 3,35.
A. C. Routiedgo
E.LI.BOX 7111E
North Side United Church
'Rev, '1', \, Carmichael, Minister
11 ,:o., abject, Missions.
7 p.nt, Rev, ieleorge Kersey of Mit-
chell will preach.
S. S. c„. reed 'to '151 a, nt. for the
First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth
;Morning .v, r•hip at 111, S.S. at 2:31,
IEven est service at 7. :\ supply min-
ister at both services since lir 11 cast
will be away conducting anniversary
services, Prayer meeting this ' week
St. Thomas' Church. Services
Tar Sunday, lay 2. S,S. and Bible
Class, 1(1 o'clock. Holy Communion
Irl o' -clock, sermon by the Rector.
'Evening service 7 o'clock, sermon
by the ,Rectar. Ail welcome. Canon
E. Apytleyard, Rector.
The meeting was in charge of the
Citizenship Dept., conducted by Miss
Luella Kahle, 'followed by -a prayer
by Miss Edna Roh,fritsch. Scripture
• was taken by . Miss Edith Hoag. Miss
J. Edge gave a very pleasing piano
selection. .An interesting topic was
taken by Miss Margaret Wurin on
"Who Goes to Church and Why."
The meeting was closed with singing,
"Saviour like a shepherd lead us.".
On Saturday Mr,' Isaac Hudson
discovered that his produce store
had been entered during the night
and 'abort Shp in silver stolen. The
back window had been pryed open
with a crowbar and escape made by
Ithe front door, Provincial Constable
'McCoy investigated and recorded
,finger prints.
M'ciG'avin's grocery, next door, was
also entered but there was no cash in
the till and ,stock appeared untouched.
Mrs. Alex: Leitch is ctpite serious-
ly ill. Mrs. Will Johnson of ,Clinton
has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Miss Ivy •Sim -mots, Mrs, W. Brit -
'Lon, :attended the Harron Presbytrial
of the W.M.S. held in 'Worth st. Un-
ited Church, Goderich, on Tuesday.
Miss Simmons was the delegate from
Miss Elba Dexter spent a few days
with her aunt, Miss Lillie Adams, of
near ,Londesboro.
1011 account of the heavy rain in
'tihe 'past week seeding will }be,
delayed. -
Mr. Vt7idfred Scott has the contract
+for hauling the gravel from the Hid -
lett Township crusher.
Mr. Wilfred Scott and Mr. I1red
lElarbaurtt have purchased gravel
IMr. Norman Harburn of Cromarty
spent a couple of days with •his bro-
ther. M'r, Fred ,Harburn,
Mr. Medford Harkness and Miss
IOmlean Halliday of Teeswater, also
IMir. Witt, III'effron and Gerald and
'Margaret of Blyth, visited Mr. and
'Mrs. Robert Grianolciby on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mann and 'famn-
ily, and Me. Benj. Riley spent Soilday
with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Harburn.
Miss Olive Grimoldlby of Blyth
' spent Sunday at her home' -here.
Mr. 'Adam Nicholson has engaged
to w'o:nk for :MK, N..Armstrong.
To Build Memorial Church at Zion
:\bn •e is a sketcl of the front of
the proposed new Zion Clinrch to
beerected in place of the pld struc-
ture. recently razed in preparation
for rebuilding. The new church Will
be red brick, on a concrete founda-
lion. ,-Zinn Church is an Highway
No. 8, a utile and a tlitartet' east of
Dublin, and is on the S'taffa Cir-
cuit. Rev. George Gilmore of Stalfa
is the minister, A raised platform
at one end of the basement will ire
convertible for use as a kitchen or
stage. The building committee ' are
Messrs. James Malcolm, convener;
Ernest Annis, Geo. Pepper, Ebner
K+leuiffedd't, Albert 'Roney, 13rian
Banker, Norman Bmsbfield..
Condiment:: heats, rains on Sunday
and Monday caused •the worst Ifloods
ever seen in Western Ontario. Huron
county escaped ;the serious flood'
which occurred in London and other
districts along the Thames and
Grand River valleys. However all
day Monday low lands became
sheets of water, and there are ntatty
reports of flooded cellars and water
damage. Rev. Canon E.:\ppleyard, cif
Seaforth, with delegates to the \V. -A.
:1111111, motored into London
Monday afternoon, driving 'through
water on the highway at Centralia.
Medway Creek and Richmond street
north, Canon .\ppleyard i is 1111111/1C
to return home until 'foie day •after-
noit as. the bridges were closed to
traffic. Mr. and Mrs. -R, G. Parke and
Mrs, Oldfield were tither Seaforth
people who were at London 011
31a'iday; they had left the city shorts
iy before the road was dosed. Phil;
lips' fruit tru.:k had heen in London
Monday and got through with dif-
ficulty. - -
Miss. Lucy Burke of London spent
the week end at her home.
Quite a another around here had
their roots stripped with the - recent
wind starnt. •
:\ very successful quilting bee was
held at Mrs. Joe iEckert's for the
-C:\\'.+L. last Wednesday. - -
The. C 1\'.L. are holding a special
program and old time •social Tuesday
\May 4th.
jack 71urphy ni Georgetown spent
the week end with his mother,. Mrs.
Frank .1urplry. ,-
llr. Lou Gormley has sold cute of
his farms to 7 -Ir. James Doig.
11+is's Charlotte 'Ai'ketts now of
Detroit, a native of Logan Town-
ship, through whose 'generosity the
new Zion Church is lmade possible.
Miss Aileen was formerly a regis-
tered nurse; in recent years she has
been 'doing literary maid lecture
work. She is allso the author of well
known nurses' manuals. The pro-
ject for a now chtmaii grew from
an offer tv Miss Aikens to build - a
church hall in memory of her par-
eats' later a new church with a' frill
sized basement Was decided' argon,
the congregation to assist.
The subscription list for the Milk
Fund will' cease to the published reg-
ularly with this issue. However, any
who have funds for this purpose or
any who wish to contribute may
leave their donation at the office of
the. Tion Treasurer, Mr. Joseph Mc
\lillan 1t the !Provincial Savings
Bank where it will he most gratefully
roc eived. Also for your convenience,
in various shopping centers in the
10 11 little w•alttut hONTS, suitably
'111C.led, will be placed to receive any
contribution you may feel disposed
to make, Your spare change dropped
in these .ho er will help .tu ,fro irle
health and comfort fur the needy
and will be acknowledged periodical-
ly through the local pre s.
Previously acknowledged . , $2L16.73
Scotty - :311
-Ili Elizabeth Harvey passed
away on I''hursday,'I:\pril 22, in Scott
Memorial 'Hospital, following an ill-
ness of some months. Miss Harvey
had }been a resident of fEgntonclville
for twenty years, having resided with
her sister, -Mrs. Robert J. Beatty.
Born in Darlington, Miss Harvey
came from there to Stanley Township
with her 'parents 'when a yomig girl
and later 'lived in 'Mensal] -when •iter
father retired there. She fs survived
by one sister, Mrs. R. J. Beatty, d g-
ntnndvillle.:\ private.funerail was held
nn 'Saturday afternoon from 'the resi-
Hence of her brother -in -late, Mr. R.
J. Beatty. 'Rev. A. t\V. Shepherd of
Egutnndville United- ,Church cond•trct-
ed the services. Interment! took: iplace
in the (Exeter Cemetery, The pall -
hearers were six nephews, Gordon
Harvey and T, Harvey. Detroit; 41:
Jacobi, 'Hensel', J. A. 'Brodie, Toron-
to, ll 'Harvey, '.Kipper and James
\itnheso», MciKillop. .Relatives front
a 'distance attending the funeral were;
Mrs. 'V. Harvey, Mr.. and Gor-
don :Harvey and _1•fr, and t1rs. T.
Harvey, all of .Detroit, and Mr. and
Mrs. fj.:\. Brodie, Toronto.
The funeral of 'Miss Allen \'fcLen-
nap of London, a former resident of
Seaforth, took place on Monday to
the IHgntondvi'lle centejery, Canon
E. Appieyand conducted the service.
Miss McLennan died in :Parkwood
hospital, Londcrn, on Saturday • after
an extended illness. Born in Scotland.
:Miss , carte at an early age
with her parents, the late -Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander. McLennan, ,who liv-
ed at Woodstock Ont.,and later in
Seaforth where Mks. McLennan re-
sided for many years, 10,ne 'brother,
Malcalnt McLennan of Winnipeg,
survives. 7-1r. }Alex, A. •M,cLennvan,.
who died in 11036 and --Mr, John: :Mc-
Lennan who died the previous year,
were 'brothers of Ithe ,deceased
Mrs. \A r, .W, ,cooper, of Kippen,
wishes to'announce. the engagement
of iter daughter Grace to Dr. William
L. Lawson, son ,of 'Mr. ,anti •Mrs.
James Laws'on of ''Exeter, the mar-
riage to take place' quietly in' May,
The eleventh anneal meeting of
the Huron Presbyterial of the W. Al.
5. of 'the United Church of Canada
convened in lN'orth St. -Church, Corte -
rich, on Tuesday. There was a splen-
did attendance. Mt•s, \1', J, Greer.
Win.ghant, president, occupied the
chair and the Meeting' w`as opened by
singing one verse of ''just As 1 Am,"
as a prayer. Mrs.-l\'tn, Laidl'aw,
Blyth, andhtrs. Chas. Johns, Exeter,
led in the worship period, the former
reading the Scripture lesson from Ps.
123 and the latter speaking on the
n-nhjec't, "Be still and know that I am
Cod." Mrs. Chester :Johnston of 'God-
erich extended a hearty }w=elcome to
the delegates and members - present,
drs .\. Ne Garcliner made an ap-
proprtate reply.
A short time was given to business,.
The minutes of the last Presbyterial
were tatken as read and the minutes
of the 'Executive Meeting adopted.
Finance and Resolution committees
were appointed .A -n invitation was
received from W'in;gham for the 1939
meeting. one front !James' St., -Exeter.
h-avin•g been previously accepted -for-
19t8 Mrs, ,R. G. Nay called the roll
of Auxiliaries. There are 11036 annual
members and 6'317 life members, a to-
tal of 1'693. Mrs. 12. T3, McfKenzie of
F.gmonclville called the rol-1 of Even-
ing 'Auxiliaries anti reported an in-
crease in giviu-gs and a 14 per cent in-
crease in membership, One new Aux-
iliary was organized in Main St., .Ex-
eter. Mrs. W. P. Lane repotted a
membership of 201 in the Mission.
C'itcles, roger new circles had been
fornited and one diad .grachtated into
an evening aux. The members of the
Circles are very active and much
faithful work is 'being done.
Mrs. J. B. Townsend, Belgrave, re-
ported thirty mission 'hands. includ-
ing a 'new one. Three had advanced
to Mission 'Circles and two had dis-
banded. Ictal. membership is 679.
Mrs Mabel IBailic C G.1. T. Sec.,
sent it report which was read ibere
are 125 members in eleven affiliated
groups. There are three new groups.
Two others have closed, Mrs. R. J.
'Patterson, - Hensall, Sec of 'laity
Bands sent a very tnsoura::»t re-
port There are seven new Band an
increase ;n membership of 169 and as:
increase in Rtttns of 318,1,. Huron
Presbyterial Baby Maris rank secon:l
highest in the Confeence. Mrs, C t'-•
rls n•gh., n1 1 h Ih, Supply Secretary,
reported that bales weighing 4195 't,
and valued at $5388 linfl heen emit
from the different organizations. In
tli e were 264quilts is afghan-- and
sea hfatrlee rIid t'leiiliiu'g, ere.,
of a higher duality, asmorenew ma-
terial had -been used. '(laderich Even-
ing Aux.. had 101 exhibit of w hat
required in a layette. There was also
on display clttiltsmade lby the Evcn-
inr, Auxiliaries of \Vinghautt and
Goute, which were unique antd wor-
thy of being copied.
Mrs. \Vie. IPici arc', 'Cliutun :Miss-
ionary 7101tthly Sec„ reported •uli-
setiptions to the magazine as 3(011
mxl to the Worded Friends as 401, a
slight decrease in each. Some :\uxi1-'
iaries and Mission 'Bands order direct
from Toronto, making i't difficult to
present a correct report. -.A'01 organiz-
ations are strongly urged to sent'
su'b-scriptions to our Missionary
-Monthly. Secretary. Mrs. \\'. 71. Aik-
en. Clinton, Associate I-Tclpers' Sec.,'
reported• an increase in givings - and
in membership. Hensall is again lead-;
ing in .Associate T3lelpers.
\Lre. 3..G Gillespie, \Whitechurch, •
Temperance Sec., recommended more'
general use of the clip sheets ,which
are provided by the Literature Dept.'
at a nomiin-a! cost. Some Auxiliaries
still lack a Temperance Sec. More in-
,terest and 'labor is needed in this line',
as there is an increase in the use of ,
narcotics as well as in the u'se of in-;
toxicants, \driss IA. 'Ferguson, Sea -
forth, Press Sec., 'reported 49 Attxil-
iartee having 'Press Secretaries, and
made a request that outstanding ev-
ents be sent in 'for 'publication in the
magazine. 'Reports of the sectional
meetings, rally at IG'oderich, etc„ had
been published. -
The report of the Treasurer. bliss
31. G. Murdoch, Goderich, showed
total receipts of S18,701.37. and S113.-
667,64 se,011 to the Conference Branch
Treasurer. Mrs. W. Naftel, Goderich,
Literature Sec., reportecl 'an increase
in the tree of the Study Book and a
substantial in'c•rease in the antonnt of
literature sold. 'Che study book for
the year is Ifinislted 'hitt provision has
been made for the next four months'
meetings. 'Miss L. Young,' S.,andes-
boro, Christian •Stewardship Sec., :re -
COMM ended a pam'ph'let oil budget
planning. ,An allocation should not be
considered a tax hut rather as an ob-
ject. Lf we made a thorough study of
stewardship in all its phases. our fie -
(Continued an Page . Eight.)
Trade in your old
watch for a new
15 tewels
Canadian Clipper
17 Jewels
17 Jewels "'
Save money! The Bu lova
values today are the
greatest in our history.
In addition, we'II give
ANCE for that old watch
of yours — regardless
2975 of its condition. Bring
it in and select a stun-
ning new Bulova now!
17 lowe>
WASHINGTON i_ 0.... y AA* FA
17 Iowa's
diamonds ✓+ 425p . PRESIDENT
2t iawsis
One day last week Mr. Norman
,Holland. of Clinton, was driving on
'the -Parr line, south of Varna when.
the steering rod of his car broke,
cruising the ear to leave the road and
always a
Popular Fuel
Spring for $P n. .Use
N. luff & -o,
strike a hydro pole. The pole broke
in three pieces and badly damaged
the car. iFortunately the driver es-
caped injury. -
\'ir, and Mrs. Hartman, recently
wed, entertained a number of their
friends Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs.
Hartman are strangers in our com-
munity and cone highly •receimntend-
ed. We wish the young couple every
prosperity and 'happiness in their
new home.
Mrs. Al. Reid is in London attend-
ing the annual meeting of the WA.
The United Cherish will change the
hour - of service from 7 to 7.310 p.m.
Olt Sunday next and continue for the
summer months, -
A nimt+her from here attended the
'funeral of the late Mrs. Hudson of
Hensall i'tt Monday of this week.
Rev. 7Ir. Sma•ilgrove of Woodham
will occupy the pulpit in the united
Chinch next Sunday,
A \Iraher's Day and Coronation
trice will be held on May 9th in
c n t tion with the United Church
Stminy School,
Mrs. Stelck is spending a few days
in 1 ottdon:
M A. McLean of Goderich visit-
ed t the home of Miss !E. Logan on
friday Met. -
NI i s 'iath'leen 71cGregor spent
LItntdt'y with ]ler friend, Miss Gladys
jlarrntt of the village.
blrs. John \\'nrlctltan has returned
to her hone itt the - village, \\'e are
',pleased to see her.
With all the heavy rains Many cel-
lars had • a lot of water.
-Mrs. Mina Love has been visiting
with Mrs. Isaac Jarrott of the village.
Wedding 'hells are ringing in the
village, ,
.A large member in the vicinity at-
tended the funeral of 'the date Mrs.
Ann Hudson of Hensall.
Mr, lEdgar-McBride to the east of
.the village is raking softie itmprove-
mettts to his home.
('Patricia Meir)
I met a little maiden
One lovely April morn,
When crocuses were casting
Sly glances at the thorn,
A dainty, fair-haired maiden
With eyes of azure hue
And new spring suit to match them,
A symphony in blue.
N'o devotee of :fashion
Could ever prouder .be
Of gown or 'gorgeous outfit
Than this wee tot of three,
Expectantly she watched me
Lest I-shoulld fail .to note.
Then said in shy, sweet accents:
"Das purse is like my coat."
Death of Mrs. J. W. Little,
A highly esteemed resident of Me-
Kiillop township passed away ,on
Thursday. April BLtnd, in t'he .person
of Mary Ann 'Gordon, beloved wife
of John Wilson Little, in her 6Sith
year. Mrs. Little had been fll during
the last .four mouths but death came
unexpectedly. She had spent all her
life in McRi1'lop where she was 'born
on September 311th, 1872,• The de-
parted was married on May 110ith,
38913. to Mr, Little, Left to mourn
her los, are her husband and two
n. Iohn at home, and Gordon, of
Seafortin two grandsons. jack and
also three brothers, Angus
oedon,- cif Toronto; II•.Igthie and
John Gordon. or h!eKii-lop. The fu-
neral, which was one of the largest,
seen for years, tock place on Saturday
afternoon from her late residence on.
the fourth concession of -McKillop, to
3Maitlaitdlbank cemetery. 'Rev. G. E.
Morrow officiated, The pallbearers
were John Scott, Robt. Agar, Jos.
Scott, Robt. Hogg, T'itos. Dickson,
George . Dickson the flow erbearers
were Jos. Little, Wilson Little, . Ross
'Gordon, John Mclllroy, Adrian Hogg,
Harold .Agar. During 'the.SeTyioe -Mr,
John Scott and son Jamn#s t Sico'tt,
of Rox'boro,, and Mr. I. Henderson of
MclKillbop same two of her favorite
llyinns: Out -of town relatii,e's were
Present from London, Toronto,
Woodstock, Stratford; Brticefieid and