HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-04-01, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1937
':These Prices are good until...April 7
(with :$1d00) worth of other groceries) `✓0
ORANGE MARMALADE, St. Williams, 32 oz ....per jar 25 C+
2 TINS 25 c
2 TINS 23 c
TOMATOES, Choice 21/25
Each 20c
Maple Leaf Salmon, Red Sockeye, rias Each 35c
Each' 15c
Each 25c
Each 590
per pkg. 22c
3 cakes 25c
per tin 39c
2 pkg. 23c
2 pkg, 23c
Cowan's Cocoa, /s
Johnson's Floor Wax, is
Chipso, large pkg.
Lifebuoy Soap
Royal York Coffee, l's
Post's Bran Flakes
Grape Nut Flakes
Yellow Sugar
Snowdrift Cocuanttt
Swansdown Cake Flour.
Icing Sugar
Salt; Shaker, Plain or Iodized
Pepper, Pure Black Pepper
Superior Baking Powder,.: , ,8. oz. -14c;
4 lbs, 25c
1 11). 13c
per pkg. 35c
, . 2 lbs ltk.
per pkg. 7c
Yt tb. 10c
16 oz. 23c•
Choice Red Pitted Cherries, 2s squat 2 tins 29c
McCormick Soda •Biscuits, Blue 'pkg. 81/4 oz g rck pkg. 14c
Gold Soap Each 25c
Plum Jam, 32 oz. jar
Quaker Puffed Rice
Catsup Ideal, Large 26 oz. btl
Nuggett Shoe Polish
Reckitt's Bag Blue
Crother's Chocolate Peppermint Wafers, 16 oz
Zebra Stove Polish Liquid
Breakfast Bacon
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
2 pkg. 25c
per btl, 17c
per tin 20c
per tin 12c
per pkg. 7c
per box 29c
per btl, 18c
per lb. 15c
per lb. 29c
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, •holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Wheat, 'per bus. $12.5
90c -95c
Mrs.- Rob't 'Grimoldby and Miss
Olive 1Grint•oldhy spent Sunday with
Miss Jean 'McMichael.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Cameron McLean of
Staffa, also Mr. and 1vtrs. Colin \'fc-
Dougald of Fullerton spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
f -I arburn.
Mr. Midford Harkness and Miss
Orlean Halliday of Teeswater spent
Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs,
Robs. Grimold'by.
k[r. 'Charles Riley, Mr, and Mrs,
Adam 'Nicholson, -also Mr, Duncan Collegiate and .1r. G\Ilan 'Keys of
Oats, per bus.
Feed 'Barley, per bus.
Malting Barley, per bus
Hogs, per cwt
7!r. and Mrs. Fred wson: and
,on of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs,
James Medd on Sunday.
The tGoldcn Links Mission Band
held their Easter 1 hankolierinx
in the whorl room sof the church on
\Wetlne.day, March ,ii1e't. In the ab-
sence of the president, the leader,
Doneltla Adams, took the chair. 'The,
meeting opened with. quiet music
played by Miss Edith ,Britton, -follow-
ed by singing Tway in a Manger."
The Lord'''s prayer was repeated- in
unison, The Scripture lesson, taken
from Luke 21nd chapter, verses 3418,
was read by Norma Dexter. Sang
hymn 429. The worship story was
read hp \irs. Riley. A few minutes
w•ac spent in the transaction of busi-
ness after which the following .pro-
gram was given: 'A recitation by
Betty Addison, a quartette "Jesus
Loves- Me," by four little girds, Kay
-and Arva Britton, Grace Riley and
Beatty Addison; a reading by jean
Anderson entitled,: ''Had I Been
"Chere, The study hook was given by
Donelda .Adams.
Jar. Frank iFillingh'am of -,Northern
Ontario is visiting with- friends in
Mr. 'Richard Robinson -of Htdlett
Tp. spent a few days with his cousins.
'Chas. Robinson and \Trs, 111, lErra•tt.
The followingstucdents are home for
the Easter holidays, Misses Sybil
Keys and Isabel Robinson of Clinton
Collegiate; Gordon IK535 of Seaforth
Tudor of 'the village attended the fu-
neral of the late Mr. James Mann of
Miss Jean Wakefield is spending a
few Clays with friends in Clinton.
7Iiss Jessie Ferguson is spending
the Easter holidays at her house in
Clifford. -
Mr, and Mrs. Charles 'Dexter and
Ella and Mr, and Mrs. Austin 'Dex-
ter spent Saturday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, A. McCartney,
Mr. and J'.frs, Robert Williamson
of Rwsselldale and Mrs Norman
lessons of Mitchell were 'Easter
guests at the Norte of Mr, and Mrs.
Orville Dale. -
1+.r. Ross McGregor spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hall of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reikie of
London spent the wedk end at the
hone of Mr. and 'Mrs, W. Britton
Miss Jessie (Ferguson is spending
the holidays with her parents at Clif-
Rev. and .Mrs Oliflord Britton and
family of near' .Courtright are spend-
ing the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Britton.
ifr. Leslie Tasker had a very suc-
cessful sale on Wednesday.
'Mr. James ,Dale is at present on
the sic!. 'list and under the doctor's
,are. EL his friends hope to soon see
him around again.
The Club of IPeogress w^fll hotel
their monthly meeting on Friday ev-
ening In the schoolhouse.
Western l•nicersity, London.
Mr. and Mrs, (. Oliyastor of Lon-
don spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and \irs. Wert. McClin-
ol e,' on the Bronson line.
Miss Irene Scotohnter of London
spent Sunday with iter parents, Mr.
and \irs. William Scotchme-..
The following is the report of S.S.
No, 5, Stanley for March:
Jr. IV; Mae Smith, ,11%; Annie
Oesch, 718; t[Iughie •McBride, 77; An-
son McKinley. '7A5; Doreen M-Clin-
chey, 72*; .Kathleen •Oesch, TU*.
11d: Myrtle McGinley, 'SO; Mae
Oesch 70; .Kenneth Armstrong', 65;
Wesley McBride, f03 ; Ilia Boyce, 56*,
- Jr. IT: (Robbie MciKin•leg, :79; Ruth
MCChnchey, 77; Viola 13•oyce. 50a'.
I: IPhyllis McBride, 07; Leslie
Armstrong Harvey Boyce* 50,
!Pr.: Total narks, 3150. Leona An-
derson, 280; Floyd Armstrong, 265u,
'('hose marked (*) have missed one
or more exams. Aro, on roll, 19.
'Teacher. ,Elsie 'Ritchie.
Cinlayson. In Toronto, on Wed-
nesday, - March 3111,' "1119317, Margaret
Weiland, -wife of William J. Finlay-
son, in her 13!5tlt year.
The funeral will -take place from
the residence of her father, 'Henry
Weiland, 'Egutondvillt on 1Fudat',
\rortl 10,1117 at IMO p.10., to Maitland -
hank Cemetery.
• i14rs..J. G. Cameron, Toronto, Miss
•Mary Walker - Ottawa, and Mr. Sant,
Wiallker, Timmins, were home on Fri-
day for the wedding anniversary of
their parents, Mr. and iMrs. W. U.
Among those Who attended the
Odd Fellows 'Temple, Hamilton, on
Good !Friday were: John R'initowl, J.
A. Westc•ott, Thomas •Carter, Davit!
'McLean, Ed Mole, P D tG,M, A large
number from New Yotk State and
\'l'ichigan as well as a large repre-
sentation from this section of Ont-
ario, were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Purdy of
Toronto were faster visitors with
the tatter's parents. Mr. and Mrs, 1V.
E.' Kerslake,
'111. and lIr . Richards' and Maxine
of Stratford were •Easter guests of
Jlr and Mrs. john IA. ,Stewart.
Miss Anna Sutherland, Toren -to,
was to Easter visitor at her home.
Mise Florence Laidlaw -of Toron't'o
Spent faster at her home.
Ml s Muriel Beattie 'Toronto,..and
Jir Kenneth Beattie, Stratford,
'were 'Easter ter ti.itors at their home.
Nil's. V, C. Calder and son Cameron
were holiday visitors with her par
r•nt- N1r, and Mrs.',Adam Hays.
Nit Best and Barbara were holi-
day visitors at Brantford and
Miss Gladys '1'hontp-sort ofNiagara
Palls was a holiday --visitor - at her
honer -
\Ir lames Scott, Toronto, spent
Easter at his home.
'Dr, andMrs. Hodgins, Toronto,
t ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Neil for .Raster.
\1r, and Mrs. Warren i:\meat, De-
troit, and Il'. and Mrs, 'Arthur Am-
ent, Toronto, _ were -Easter visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Ament.
Miss Violet Scott, Toronto, spent
Easter at her ironic,
Miss Donna Mole is spending a
tew drys with friends in .Mitchell..
Mr. George Colc'lotug.h. Dinsmore,
Sask., was a guest •of his cousin, Mr.
Siam Hanna, -on Friday.
•Mrs. R, S. 'Mays, Mary and
George, Were 'E'a'st'er visitors in To-
ronto. Ann McClelland returned with
them to spend the holidays here.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney, To-
ronto, were ,visitors for Easter in
Mr. and Mrs. 5, B. Higgins have
returned to Sudbury.
Miss Margaret Tinkbeiner, Reg1N.,
of St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener,
spent the wedk end at the home of
her parents, 'Mr, and Mrs. Chas'.
Mr. and Mrs. James 'Barnett and
daughter 'Miss Shirley, of London,
were Easter week -end guests with
Mr, and Mrs. Fred R. Parsons,
Mrs. Nelson ,Keyes spent a few
days during the Easter week end
with her son, Mr.. Ruskin 0. KKeyes,
of Windsor,
Ret Harold A\'pfpleyard of Kerwood
was a visitor with his parents, Canon
and 7Irs. .\ppieyard at the Rectory
this week,
7!r. and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel-
land spent Easter tea' with the fornter's
mother, Mrs. i;\. E, Stark,
Miss Ethel McDougall of Detroit
visited 11r. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth
on Saturday.
\l r. Ross I.\Alen of Brantford is
.pending the holidays at the home of
his father, Mr. S. Allen. -
71r. and Mas.- \\'. E. Brownlee of
Toronto spent Easter -With the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, (George
1:3 ro wnlee.
Mr. Percy I-Ioag of Hagerssille is
a .holiday visitor at the 'hsnnte of his
mother, Mrs, W. 'D. Hoag.
Misses 1. ngela and Bessy 'Eckart
from A\trebdenide and Teeswater, and
Clara Eckart from .the Normal
School, Stratford, are spending their
Easter holidays under the parental
roof of Mr. and Mrs. 7. 71', Eckart.
'Mrs. W. C. Go-etlocek who has
been visiting 10 Toronto returned
Monte last week.
Miss Mary Murray, nurse in train-
ing in St, Joseph's Hospital; London,
visited 'tit the !tome of her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. MoCann,
Seaforth; last Sunday.
Mi., and Mrs. Lapslie Sntith.of To-
ronto spent Easter at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith.
Miss Beatrice Alberhart and Mr.
Robert Carter, Craighurst, and - Mr.
Robert lArberhant, Hillsdale: are
spending the 'Raster holidays with
Mr, and Mas, George AVberhart.
Dallas -tilt Scott IM-entorial Hospi-
tal, (Seaforth, on Thursday, March 2'5,
1937, to Mr, and Mts. Russell Dallas,
Brucefield, a sort:
Doig Tn St'ott Memorial Hospital;
Seaforth. on (Friday, March 216, '18317,
to Mr,' feria. 'Mrs. James !Doig, Sea -
forth, a :daughter ,(-still horn).
:De'LatFntrnier- In Scott Memorial
Hospital, .Seaforth, On Wednesday,
March .214, 191317, to !lir. and Jars. L.
D'elLaPranier, Seaforth, a son.
Harding --'At Richmond Hill, Mar.
39i1t,' 191317, to Mr. and lore. Elmore
S. fHlarthing 1(nee Bertha 'Grieve, of
Seaforth), a daughter, 1D'orothy Mae.
Under auspices of Ladies' Guild of
St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth
Tues., April 13
at 8 o'clock
Lecture by Rev. F. G. Light-
bourn, of Stratford, with 0 col-
oured slides, relative to coming
Coronation, spewing Corona-
tion vestments and ornaments;
also B-rit:ish Coronations ,back to
the sixth century.
Adults 25 cents; Children 10 cents
\Ir,: Sohn MoGrath, •of Dublin,
well known district horse dealer.
strapped by the candid camera while
watching- the judging at the Sea-
forth Spring Show on Tuesday.
Council Minutes,-
•l'he Council stet in the town hall.
Seaforth, ern Saturday. March 27th,
all members in attendance but Mr. D.
Gennnell, and the minutes of last
meeting were adopted.
A7 committee consisting of ,the
Reese, Councillors Whitmore and
Gemmell with the Road Supt.. wa's
appointed to meetthe- district 'mann.
er of the Bell Telephone Co, in re-
gard to change of position of poles on
lead line on the and con. H!R.S.
The tender of Wilson ,McOantney
for operating the stone crusher. with
power, etc„ was accepted at T135,
duties to be 'performed sante as .last
year. No action was taken in regard
to tender for trucking of gravel.
Complaint was served upon the
Council in regard .to need of repair of
the Tyndal Drain and the Clerk was
in trusted to notify the Engineer to
examine said drain and report there-
on at an cult- date A petition was
presented to the Council in regard to
'the (treillage of certain lands men-
tioned in the petition by \Wnt. Sin-
clair, \Vier, Doig and others; the clerk
was instructed to 'notify the engineer
to examine said arca and report there-
on, with platys, specifications and es-
timates, at as early a date as possible,
petition was also presented to
the council by Thoma. Mains, own-
er Lot 211, Con, II, 5-1 R,S., praying for
the constratction of a drain to drain a
certain arca described in the petition,
the council instructed the clerk to
notify tete engineer to examine said
area and report, with plans, specifica-
tions and estimates, at an early date.
The clerk was authorized to make ap-
plication to tate 1Vorlanen's Compen-
sation Board in connection with let-
ter received from H'iglnvay Depart-
ment. Motion was carried to pay
Law, Union and Rock [nsarance Co.
$11110.011 premium through their agent.
71r. M. A. Reid, for insurance of
workmen of the municipality.
The following were appointed: -
1Pouncil ee-pers: 'H. Jacobi. \V. -Bif-
chanan, J. S. Cluff, M. Patrick. '('hos.
Colwill, J. Hazelwood, Wm. Mc-
Gregor. Wm. Flannery. A. Matheson.
Wellington Crich, D. Fofheringhvu.
Live Stock Valuers --H. 1'T. Ches-
ney, J.Ft 171 es Smillie and Howard . rwt
Fence Viewers: .\lee. L t t t f, ,k.
Wm. Black, \\'m. Wallace. \Vit.
Workman and R. D. Bell. -
A delegation consisting of J. F.
Daly, Geo. D.. Fergttsolt and A. Me -
Lea -n. on .behalf of the Lions Club.
appealed to •Comnil for assistance in
the maintenance of the swimming
pool park, which is hecoinin increas-
ingly popular as a local health and
pleasure resort. The council deferred
any action until next meeting:
The relief officer was instructed to
diiecon.tinue issuing relief orders ex-
cept in such cases where the Welfare
Board recommended otherwise.
The council scrutinized a portion of
the arrears on the tax roll with inten-
tion of registering same with the
county treasurer. and will complete
sante at a' special meeting at an early
The fo:tlowing accounts were pass-
ed: Municipal accou•nfs $3+79.001; relief
-W. IJ, Finnigan, supplies, $710!58;
MdObna'id Bros., bread, $1.523411; A. C.
Routledge, supplies, $312.716; J. M.
Cardin), 'bread, S8100; Cook's store,
supplies, $81510; W. Ament, fuel, $9,66;
McLean 'Bros., print. add adv., $41.3.80,
R. Dalrymple, pay list 3, 9112.05e, 'Clin-
ton spring show grant, 512151; Seaforth
spring show, grant, .41215'; Henson.
spring show, grant, $215. Council ad-
journed to meet on Saturday, April
24tlt at -2 ,p. 10'
D, F, McGregor, clerk,
4)*e •
Barred Rock chicks
Are the result of years of intensive breeding work. Not
only high production of large eggs is taken into considera-
tion in our program, but also livability in chicks and parent
stock. Lack of vigor in stock, with steady mortality,eats into
the heart of profits.
An example of the outstanding inherited vigor of Scott's Barred
Rocks, was drawn to our attention by the Government Record of
Performance Department. Nineteen daughters of a 285 -egg, five-year-
old R.O.P, hen were trapnested last year, and all were living and had
high records at the end of the year, The dam of these birds, now six
years old, is in our Special Breeding Pena for 1937, along with her
When you buy Scott's Baby Chicks or Breeding Stock
you are achieving in one purchase what has taken 17 years to
Barred T.. ,,:k ,'lack order- ars z:; of ripply at wresent.
Now Tiatii hires clock- still t i >'b ash
SPECIAL; Barred Rock day old cockerels on March 30th only. at
87.00 per 100, New Hampshire six -week-old cockerels at
15c per lb.
Scott's Poultry Farm
Will be presented by the Bruce -
field Young Peoples Union at
Brucefield United Church on
Friday, April 9
8 o'clock
Adults .215c 'Children Iliac
Banquet, -
The schoolroom of the 'E'gmond-
ville Church was decorated in a
green and yellow colour scheme for
the very successful Easter banquet
sponsored by the Egtnontiville
'Cray banquets of daffodils and bright
candies centred the tables at which
about 4110 guests were seated. The
C G.1.'l'girls waited ori the tables in
a reryj charming manner during the
71 r. -Harold. Finnigan. the toast-
master, proposed the toast 4o the
King, after which al! sang Clod Save
the Kid.. The toast ,' Our Country
was proposed by \1t. Mister Ilroa -
foot and Mr. Edwin Chesney fittingly
replied. Miss Hazel 10cLachlan in a
few well chosen wards proposed the
toast to she church to which 7(r.
Shepherd replied. Mr. Gordon(Finni-
gan gave the toast to the ,guests after
which Miss Laura McMillan express-
ed the appreciation of the guests in
a very delightful way. Vocal solos
were rendered by Miss Margaret
Crich and :Mr, Evan Rennie ac:cont-
panie.d at the piano hr Miss Margaret
Smith. Mr. Warren Whitmore favor-
ed with at violin ,solo accompanied by
hiss Sarah Whitmore. A sing -song.
which was much enjoyed, •was con-
ducted by Mr, Edmonds The guest
speaker, het. Mr. Anderson of Wing. -
ham, 1,1:L, 11 't lin `d by \ir.. \ratt-
le:s. 1-1!s a!..e., proved to be highly
NEW 8'�,c
Corn 100
Peas 10c
Tomatoes, large can 1Oc
Tomato Juice, large cans
3 for 25c
JT. McASll
entertaining and was greatly apprec-
iated. At the close of the program Mr.
Shepherd offered a short prayer and
tete benediction.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Association of Fgntondsi'.le
'United Church was held on Thurs-
day, 25'th, at 2:30 o'clock in the ves-
try. There were 215 ladies present..
Mrs. H. Jackson, president, took
charge of the meeting. The meeting
opened by singing hymn 13170. The
minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted. Scripture lesson - was
taken by Mrs. McLachlan, 'Psalm
1103, .then Mrs. J. Allan led in prayer.
There was a short discussion .+n
patching quilts. Meeting closed 'hy a
hymn after which Mr. Shepherd led
in prayer. The remainder of the afte--
noon was spent in binding books aril
patching a quilt. A ten -cent tea was
served at the close.
Announcement to
\s we I1:'.'• purchased the retail Dairy business .'i the hewn
.1);Crj we will commence delivery on April 1st, and akin •
: ttstodiet's the salve pr •.:rpt and courteous sera, ice
11;1%. _ieitel in the past.
Modernize your old seed drill and save.
money. Merely by attaching an efficient
Preston Fertilator-you can make it a
combination seed and fertilizer drill.The
Fertilator is allsteel;andcanbeattached
easily to standard makes of seed drills.
It sows any grade of fertilizer, is positive
in action, and places the fertilizer down
the spouts with the grain!
Write for complete details. fij
It'sJameeway all. through. The
Jamesway Oil Burning Brooder
will save you money and time,.
gives you stronger, healthier
Eastern Steel Products -
^,; a (tuelrh Street -' ' i'R!. ' Factories arse an
P[eeYen, Ont. Ntoutreal&lbrouVI