The Seaforth News, 1937-04-01, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS \ 'ma t b.tr 1M37 style is shnvu in :lt a'a vie , ieture taken on brblite last when W. I. Harvey. 'ii xpeil trucker, len. -:e'. ton load of ha) from the:arm of NIr. Mike \l rrey. Seaforth. rth to the Butt t ra1•tn at Ki : e . In the picture vita Mr. Hti ve;. are. r. \\ It+1tt, 1;.•', ilahrnzie awl \Ie'. Taylor. II11: Si \It)RI11 \F.\VS sao.eidir Bros., Publisher, WALTON. Cham. \McDonald.. \\also^. visit- ed his old home town Sunday H, report.. hi. brother Lewis is e ,[..tin eels to bed haying been tburneil in an acci- dent. While testing a fie•w car the gas tank explode l and hurtled .m, aim and ham!badly and went over o•her • parts of his, body. He was re -het! to the hospital. His condition was ser -1 ions but he is now on the mend but we are sorry to learn that it will take ! a year before he will be recovered. John Ritchie has purchased the farm belonging to Jas. Bishop. 17-th of Grey. Jas. Alderson who had it leased, will leave for -North Bay with wife and tefan Mack where he intends to make his home.- Walton ome,Walton hockey team played Brus- sels high school un Mar. 29th. it being the return game, Walton defeated Brussels 7 to -4, Brussels scored twice in the first period and the Walton boys were .unable to tally. In the se- cond period Walton scored two quick goals by 'Travis and Farquhar. Then McDonald scored for Brussels. Livingston and Marshall scored for Walton. In the third period Living - Ston and Farquharson scored for Walton and Low for Brussels. Fraz- er ended' the 'scoring •for Walton. Walton line up was forwards Herb Travis, Stan Lewington, Bill - Farqu-harson-; defense, B. Kirkby and 5. Humphries; J. Smaltdon, goal, subs, B. Marshall, [.len Frazer. •Mrs. Aaron Hulley Sr, had is her euests for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Hulley and family, '1feKillop, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Amin and Harvey 'Kistner, Os.. Me. and Mrs. Arthur :Munn and Mrs. Huiley`s two little great grand da.lghter Jean :e -d iaan 'M1111n all .,r h n ehe+n•r. The following i, tit report , U.S Xo. 7p2. Grey and Molt:Mop: . \ 1r. IV: Florence. \Vil'iants. 77. Sr. III: Viola \lct.aliunt 70: Roe- stel NIeCalituu tab,rntt. fit Roy \Willi:on: a 73. Jr. 11: Bobbie Dalton 72. I: Ina Williamson 81; 'Percy Dal- ton 66. Pr.: Jean Coutts. good. Gladys Coleman. 'reacher.- BAYFIELD Mr, L. Fctwlte of London spent the week end with his sisters, the Misses 'Fowlie, On Monday. March 29th. in Clinton Hospital. to Mr. and Mrs. L.Makins, the gift of a daughter. !Dr. anti Mrs. Lewis of 'Formate' spent the week end with Mr-. R. Woods. Margaret Ferguson of Windsor i spending the Easter vacation with her - parents. Mr. and Mrs.. W. 'Ferguson. The annual masquerade • carnival was held in the town hall Wednesday evening. The usual large crowd at- tended and all .report a good time \Mr:. C. -Butler and Mau-ghter. Ile:- er'ev and Mary of St. Catharine_. are =pending the week with her -sister, Mrs. Wm. Ferguson. Miss. Jessie Metcalf lent the Easter holid-a • her mother. Mr,. W. Nf et tali. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1937. BLYTH Women's Institute. - The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was 'held at the home of Mrs, 1V -m. Hamm on Thursday un- der the direction of the historical re- search committee and opened with singing the Institute ode followed by the Lords prayer, During the busin- ess part of tate meeting the president, Mrs. R. Richmond and Mrs. Phoebe Taylor ,were appointed to confer with the hail board. The roll call was an- swered by producing an antique, giv- ing its history or reading a sketch of a former resident. The display includ- ed shawls, china, tablecloths, glass- ware, shear.. A splendid paper on the significance of the Coronation was given by \Ir.. J. B. 'Watson.\ -read - it on ,Former Days was given by r;. R. Wight man; reading Mrs. J. Pitts: \ii s A. Gillespie readfrom a i,lytit patter printed in l9'l of the Blyth Agricultural Fair when over ,'nano attended. It .aa, moved by Mrs. Scrimgeour seconded lay ilrs. Col- clough, a vote 01 thanks be tendered \lis. Hamm for the nee o1her home andallalt k part to make the meeting a success. The national an - ,hem W:mug in closing. Dainty re- ireslinunf- 'A ere -served by the cont- 111111ee• in charge. William Charles- Grasby Passes. - William Charles •Grasby passed away ,m Wednesday evening at his house on ting street. He was born in Hulett township and teas in - itis 7801 year. He married Miss Maria Nude of Hallett, who survive:. '.Tiley lived on the highway for some time. Later they lived on the .farm now owned shy \1antiu Grasby before mov- ing to Blyth Harry and Martin Gras - by are nephews. He was the last re- maining member of his family. Thos. Grashy was - buried front his home a Reel. ago. Burial took place on Fri- day in t'he Union cemetery. The . pall- bearers were John Pelts, Herb Mc- Elroy, David 'Floods•; Thomas Tay- lor, \\'m, :Mills, Thomas •Noble, Mrs, J. R. Gardner of Wolseley, Sask.. is visiting her father. Mr. Wm Taylor. - Miss Lois Robinson of the teaching staff at Welland is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and :Mrs, R. H. Robinson. Mr. RegArgent of Welland is vis- iting his parents. 'Mr, and Mrs. Fred Argent. KIPPEN. Me,"yu t 'i t• returned t t hie home in the villa te after enilit e the past Poice month, - in Florida. arida. Mr. Clarence Niel..rau London ,pent the .week end with, mends in the •village. - itt Etta Jarr'tt of '1'a tome is ,,,ending -her vacation wish her ino- ther iii fl rillate' Syrup making is the order ,1f the the clay and is going very slow. Miss Olga Bei; of Aylmer spent Easter with her parents. \1i,s •Dorothy Blair • of Toronto - ,pent a fen days with her aunt,. Mrs. R. T Elsie and other friends, Mrs. J. -:1, Cooper has returned home from -a Seaforth hoSpi'tal where she spent the past two week, with a severe attack of appendicitis. :Miss Esther Daynuut Ms visiting friends in London, .Mr. Robt. MdNaughton of London i. pending •the holidays at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Webster iMoN'augh- tnn of Bothwell are holidaying at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. Mc:Naugh ,ton, Mrs.. James Chesney is riot in the best of health, we are sorry to state,• DUBLIN :Norman Hickey, R year old son of ittr.'and \It,. Joseph Hickey of Hul- lett stet with a most unfortunate ac- cident on. Thursday while helping his little brother to stake a slingshot, When the string broke the elastic. ,satin biro• pn(leti t, a con.tdt.rabte tension, hurled a ,harp er,,t h stick int;, thi b.,y', right eye: Ur. • Keith \Ictireg irs rendt•recl tirst aid and re- moved the {toy to Siraif,trd General Hospital where an operation was per- formed by Dr, 'Forrester. a any Dublin Yung people have Burned for the Easter .ea n The net includes -11r. 1 .coli Carienter. Chatham; Mr. Pat. McConnell, "1'o- froto: \!t', and \1r,. Ed. McGrath of llertien: \lt. Helen Cronin of Brantford, \Iry Dorothy \l ktr tux of Baden; Miss- Veronica Molyntactx. Drysdale: :Liss \largaret O'Rourke, Drysdale; 'Rev. lather ;Joseph •Feen- ey. London; Miss Cecilia Feeney- of London; [don; \Ir, Ralph Dill of Stratford: Nfiss Rose McConnell of Detroit: Miss Nora McGrath of-l,tican. Maple syrup and sugar nmkiitg is fit fud 1 swing these days on moat farms -near Staffs and Cromarty on an extensive .scale. 'Thousands of trees are contributing to the yield which is said to compare favorably with that of other years in regard is t It quality and qu ul itv. Th, pre ;mite for No. 1 ,rade 51.71 iter .,allow. • alms. Martin Klink -limner is home fr ar the 1, vital and• is improving fine. t Thr \'lir Society is ''ding a dept,. 141 evvni11.4. Mr. Dwnald Bellinger is spending the holiday, at hoot:. \lr. 1', ' Me r:i M:ls visiting ',i, • Mr. Mrs. Davi,' MONSTER AMATEUR CONTEST FRIDAY, APRIL I 61h AT 8:15 P.M. PRIZES; I st, 10.00; 2nd, 5.00; 3rd, 2.00; 4, 5, 6, 7th, $I.00; besides local and special prizes Admission 35c and 15c. Dance 25c Mail all entries to Elmer D. Bell, Sea'for 1. SEAFORTII ATHLETIC <ASSOCIATION GALLOP BROS.Garage . DEALERS In All Makes of Used Cars Seiberling Tires, Tubes, Hart Batteries General Repairing on all Makes of Cars New and Used Auto Parts. Cars Washed. Batteries Charged Supertest Gas; Oil, Coal Oil, Fuel Oil Valuable Premiums Given PHONE 179. - SEAFORTH All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please Fiats Fixed The following is the report of U.S.S. No, 112, Morris and Hallett, for the months of Jan.=\{arch: Sr. I\ : Donald McCool Till. Jr. IV: Iva McCool, 711,2: :Mildred Plowman, (1)11. - Sr. 111: Isobel McDonald, 81. I1-: :Milton Mc COOL 72311; Bobby (frown, 62. Sr. It Kenneth Brigham, 81.7: Billy gin: 12oy Young, 1)1, Sr. 'I'r.: Charlie Brigham, Rtnuta San,Ierson. Edythe Storey; Teacher, SUNN-YVALE R.0 P Baby Chicks BARRED ROCKS - WHITE LEGHORNS \l�,t Started Chicks, Pullets and Cockerels fr iii R3.1.1'. trap- nested Government .Ajtn•uveci and blood tested breeding .tuck. Reasonable prices and g•"rnl service. I•Iatihe.. if every mundat- and "1linrsda'. Visit our hatchery with new James - way all electric equipment .situate{ on north Main St„ IE - nt tictville. or call 160 r 3. - ANDREW A. MOORE, Seaforth, Ont, SPECIAL FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Leghorn Cockerels 2.00 per Hundred Barred Rock Cockerels 7.00 per Hundred at their homes: Miss Margaret Aik- enhead. Miss Irene Snider, Miss Ina Scott, Mr. Stewart Horton, the 'Misses Margaret and Janet "Watson, and :.Il..Robt. McNaughton of Lon- don;' Mr, and Mas, Austin Wheeler and Mr, and Mrs. 'Norman Wheeler of Detroit; Mr, L. Reid, :Ir. and 'Mrs. John Maintosh and daughter and Miss Hazel (Haugh of Toronto; Mn.•and Mrs. Webster McNaughton of Bot'hw•elt. BRUCEFIELD Miss lift Scott of London spent Good Friday at her {home here. \I1sse.s \Margaret - and (Lillian Alk enhead of London spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead. \(r, Melvin Snider of \Vingham •is spending the holidays at his home here. Nis. Louise Marshall is visiting at her home in London. - Mr, Lawrence 'Reid of Toronto vis- ited his father, Mr. C. Reid, over the holiday. \1 r. \Vol. NIcQueen of 'roronto spent Easter with his mother, Mrs, Jame; McQu ecu, Nlisses Margaret and Janet 'Watson of \\'r tern University. London, are spending the holiday at their hone Isere. - \It•. and \irs. Irvine Schilhe of Zurich pent Raster with Mr, and :Mrs. ileo, Swan.. - - Mr, Carlyle Cornish spent it few day, in :Mitchell. ND,- Betty an,l Jack Rattenbury of I f •1ni it n are visiting their grand- nn'.her. \i, \Vin Rattenbttry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson 1,1 De- troit visited 'with Mr, C. D. Simpson on Mntolay. \lis- dPeaty Moore of Egmondville is visiting N11,, Norma Collins. Mrs. \le.\s1i of London and and Mrs. \IoAsh of (Detroit visited Mrs. Margaret McKenzie on Sunday. \M r. Stuart Horten of Western Un- iversity. London is visiting at his home. \lr, and :Ir,. Jdhn :•Icln,tosh and little daughter of "Toronto spent Eas- ter with \f r. and Mrs. C. -Haugh. , 'Miss Irene Snider of London[ spent leaster at her house here. \i r. Lee Kipfer of 'London spent Sunday at his home here. \Ir. and Mrs. Norman ,Wheeler and l"ange and Mr. and Mrs. Austin \\"?teeter and Donald of Detroit visit- ed aith 1tr. and Mrs, T. H. \3iheeler. ai.s Ann Mfc:aughton attended the 1). E. A. in Toronto during the week. - 111.. f,illisu Aikenhead of London visited at rhe home of her uncle, Mr. Hu; h .1ikenhead and other friends. E.,ter week, Th. f aim: were Ea ler visitors HULLETT. The following is the result of t'he Easter exams for SS, INo. d\ H'uttett. :''hose marked (*) were absent for examinations. Sr. IV:.'M.erein Nott, 717%; Ander- son Bell, 7(1k Lawrence Jamieson, 70; Phyllis Corbett, 68; Josephine Dale, 53. Jr. III Elgin Dale, 63. Sr, h1: Mervin Glazier*. Jr. II: Bobby Irwin, 83; C'a :)ale, 66; Lenore McCowan'('. Printer; Thelma Glaziers', Jessie Smith, Teacher, TUCKERSMITH \lies Francis Houston cif Brant- ford Ls spending the Raster holidays with her brother, Mr, Andrew Hous- ton. -hiss Hazel McLachlan spent the week end visiting friends in Toronto. :les. \ugu' Murray of Exeter is spending -Easter with her son, :Ir. Cecil Murray, Miss Irene• \McKay spent Sunday with her parent., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MciKay. Syrup making is the order of the day. Quite a number of the farmers at- tended the spring show on Tuesday and report a good s,howfng of horses. The many friends of Mrs. Will Black will be pleased 40 know she is able to be around again after being confined to her roost for several days. • RE61NT THEATRE SEAFORTH . NOW PLAYING DOUBLE FEATURE BARBARA STANWYCK PRESTON FOSTER "THE PLOUGH AND THE STAR" -also ' Brian Donelevy Wallace Ford "ANOTHER FACE" Mon. Tues. Wed., Apr, 5-6.7 MARY BOLAND CHARLES RUGGLES In the funniest farce of their careers ' "WIVES NEVER KNOW" with Adolph Menjou NEWS CARTOON Mr, and Mrs. Will Charters spent the [reek end with their -daughter, Urs, Thompson of Lansing, Mich, \I r. Harlin Whitmore went to Stratford last Tuesday to have an op- eration on his eyes. His litany friends will be pleased to hear of a speedy re- covery. S.S. No, 5, Tuckersmith,- The following is the school report of the 'Easter examinations held in S.S. INo, 5. Tuckersntith. Those marked with an asterisk missed one or more examinations. Sr, IV,=H, McNaughton 83%, C. Haney 81'. J. Patrick 73, Jr: IrV; S. Oldfield 78, its, lianas 611'. Sr. Rice 80, R. Wallace 79. H. McNaughton 68. D. Wallace 66, M. Williams 56. Jr. Idd,-iE, Doig $1, D. Wallace 712, L. Haney 711. II, -J. Sproat 84, K. Doig 82, R. Macdonald 7t2, *E. McNaughton 63, *M. Cooper 6(1. I. -B. Doig 9. I'nmer-.R. Dole, W. Drager. X. Habkt, l.. Teacher. ter. Report of Easter tests heli S.S. No. 9, '1'ucker.ntith, during Mardi. Sr. IV: Bruce Hod;stert, 't.' . Sr. III: Janet Handley. 7 : Janet Hodgert, 68: Jackie Pinel{, Jr III: ,Douglas Love bet• Sr. 11: Shirley Lore, 81: Neil flod- gert, '57. Ptbnhtterl to Jr. II: Kathleen Pow- ell, 75.6; Grant Houston. 6i1. Promoted to Sr. I: Eleanor Elgie. 89: Ray Con itt 83, No. on roll, 111: average attendance, 10.6, Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher, HILLSGREEN Mrs. Robt. iMousseau and daugh- ter Marion of Exeter are visiting her sister, Mrs. Orville Smiths, Messrs. B. \Walker, F. Hagan. W. Weido, and O. Smith spent a day in Next Thur. Fri. Sat., Apr. 8-2-10 FRED McMURRAY JACK OAXIE -in- "TEXAS "RANGERS" with Lloyd Nolan Sturdy, Stirring Dram_ tis C3ed West Coming -"BUNKER BEAN" also -"WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE" London recently. hiss Margaret k+_ e itis! is ,end- ing a feu' days in Zurich. 'Mr. and NI,rs. Jas L r r r. Nir. and \la's. 'Eldon Jarrott and iMr,. \\'m. Jarrtt'tt and Annie visite,{ at tite home of Mr, and Mrs. 'D. B. Saunders and Mr, and iIr X j.sne, in Loddon. Mr. and NIte. Chas. Rtbut,on were - visited by relatives trout Mitchell. it'orn,---In Hay two. on 'March ?t2, to Mr. and Mrs. Ro s Richar eon, .e daughter. • WEST BRODHAGEN Mrs, Fred Koehler left on Saturday to visit her- daughter, Mrs. Mickel in \Fullarton. - 'Mr. and Mrs, Bert Heater and fam- ily of Morriston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie ,Eggert. Those who are making maple syr- up are not kept very busy these days as the wind is too cold for the sap to run: Mr. Clarence Regele +finished cutt- ing wood for Wm, Bennewies where lie cut 100 cords of hard wood. Mrs, Henry Dietz is having a quilting bee with neighbors ,to help. 11 we live till fall we will see if that old prophet is right when he says if it+xloes not winter it will not summer. The winter was very mild but we are looking for the best. ° DANCE KEN STEELE AND HIS ORCHESTRA. One of Canada's Fa.:rite Dance Bands FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND I. 0. 0, F. HALL, SEAFORTH ( former To be held under auspices of the Young Ladies' Sodality of St. James` Church, Admissi„i, 4o: PLAY entitled "THE KHAN'S TALISMAN" Presented by Staffa Y.P.U. Under Auspices of North Side Y.P.U. in the basement of North Side United Church. Seaforth WednesdayApr. 7 j p At 8115 p.m. ,Admission 25r and 15: Save Money By Prepaying TOWN of SEAFOBT3P 1937 TAXES Taxpayers may purchase Tax Prepay= ment Receipts for 1937 Taxes at Favorable Discounts FROM MARCH 1ST COST COST AMOUNT March 1-15 March 16-31 $10.00 $ 9.78 $ 9.80 20.00 - 19.56 19.60 50.00 48,90 49.00 COST April 1-15 $ 9,82 19.64 49.10 COST April 16-30 $ 9.83 19,66 49.15 COST May 1-15, $ 9.85 19,70 49.25 COST May 16-31 $ 9,87 19.74 49.35 COST AMOUNT June 1.15 $10.00 $ 9.88 20.00 19.76 50.00.. 49.40 COST June 16-30 $ 9.90 19.80 49.50 COST July 1-15 $ 9.92 19,84 49.60 COST July 16-31 $ 9.93 19,86 49:63 COST Aug. 1-15 $ 9.95 19.90 49.75 COST Aug, 16-31 $ 9.97 19,94 49.85 Prepayment Receipts must be endorsed and presented along with 1937 Tax Bills at Canadian Bank of Commerce. Purchase your Prepayment Receipts early and Itave your money earning 4 per cent. in- terest. I1 you cannot buy all now, budget your Tay:e, this year by purchasing a receipt each 1noltth, up to Sept. lst, - D. H. WILSON, Clerk .& Treasurer