The Seaforth News, 1937-04-01, Page 2PAGE TWO.
Blew ,Brieks Off Chimney—
When 1it% R. Hamilton put some
turpentine in the stove at his store
on Pridity morning to hurry along a
fire that was tardy, he got a sudden
surprise, The Chimney apparently \Vila
partially blocked and the gas collect-
ed there exPlocied ,vhen the turpea-
" tine had been applied to the fire,
Some banks were knocked off the
chimney hut the back -fire of the ex-
plosion only raised the lid 011 the
stove. The report of the explosion
was quite loud and could be heard
wed (Lowe main street. Since it had a
shaking up he chimney has been
drawing wonderfully, ,omething it
did not do before.—Wingham Ad-
Richard Casemore, Wingham—
Th, death occurred Thursday of
Richard e•aseinore in his e9th year at
his home in Wingham. lie an a :on
of the late John l'asemorc and 1Na,,
:horn at Winghion Junction in 11876.
Before retiring, clue to ill health, he
had been employed as a section Mind
on the raileay and also, had been em-
ployed in the \\Ingham flax mill for a
number of years. Two brothers- and
two ,istere survive,
Goderich Papers Amalgamated.—
The Signal and The Star, Goder-
ich'e two weekly papers, have amal-
gamated, and will be issued as one
paper ,twice a week, it was announced
this week. The Signal, established ia
111848, was a Liberal paper. It was
owned by Vi', H. Robertson Who ran
as a !Liberal candidate in !the North
Huron !by-election of 119.19. Mr. Rob-
ertson will become the managing ed-
itor of the combined papers. The
proprietor of the merged publications
will be \V. Wilkes, who was owner
of the Star, an independent Coneerw-
ative !journal established in e18150. Mr.
Wilkes was the former owner of the
Midland Times. Both papers ;formerly
came out each Thursday. Under the
new set up, the Paper will be issued
on Wednesday and Saturday. All
printing will take place in the one
plant. The amalgamation takes effect
on 'A•pril
Buys Wroxeterr Pactice—
Dr. I. IP, Campbell of Fordwich
has !purchased the medical 'practice of
the late IDr. \lex, aleLeod of
Morris Council—
Morris Council net at the hall on
Xfarch 015. Oeing Ito sickness Cecil
Wheeler did not attend. A petition
for street lights from property own-
ers, hamlet of Belgrave, was accepted
and the clerk instructed to ,end the
petition ,to the :Hydro Electric lamer
Com. for an estimate of teed. .1e -
count, ptdd: II. !Erskine, taxes
Se:5.4ot Nelson Higgins, ,tamps, eele
73 Mac Ewan, telegram, .47; A.
Smith, relief, $5.33; C. H. Wade, re-
lief. $5; A. iMeKereleer, relief hills,
8113; Corporation Brits,e1,, $7.89;
Carl Otikley, relief, 810; R. Rich-
mond, repair, Well, Drain, 810; D.
MeTa!vide relief bill, rurvey, $6elb:
Rana, $11.47,
Residence Sold—
The handsome brink re,blenee -of
judge J. IG. 'Sunbury at Exeter has
been purchased by Mr. J,
Smith. Judge Ste:flurry has moved to
St. Catharines,
License Revoked—
At the council meeting M.wilay
thing the license of Mr. Nelson
Statue! e, operate a pool and billiard
an in Exeter was rev,:ked. For
several lk-ecks Mr. Statton has been
operating a pool and billiard room ami
the council were at sea as to whether
or not they had the pee er to refuse
a license a, Mr. Steam] had eon',
Plied 1‘ it'll the otto clpal by-law t..s-
111 11905 and paid the lirense fev.
The council have revoked the license
and the next move is mite up to Mr.
SU:amt.—Exeter Tinies-Adeoeute,
Died in Dashwood—
Mr. ilfrederiek Willem an esteemed
resident of Dashwood, died sudden-ly
last week at the age .of 78 years. Mr,
II,Villert had !been about town during
the day, He 'formerly lived on the
14th concession of Hay and about 11I4
years ago retired; to Dashwood, He
is survived by his ,bereaved widow
whose maiden name was Margaret
Walper, also six' daughters, Mrs.
Lotus ,Resterneyer, of Hay; ,Mrs.
Thos. -Hayes of !Tecumseh; Mrs. Ed-
mund :Kraft of IHay; Mrs. Ted Miller
of ,Dashwoocl; Mrs. G. Chesnau, of
Birmingham, Miele; Mrs, Tochler, of
Ft Wayne, End., and one son Irvine.
He is also survived !by one brother
[John, of Dashwood, and 30 grand-
children and 3 great-grandchildren.
The funeral was 'held :in ,Friday af-
ternoon at the Lutheran church. In-
terment in the IfltennsOn feu' eemet-
Canada's Fav
urite Tea
iletentlee For Last Week -Ottawa, March 19, If:Special lParlia-
mentary Correspondence).
Mrs, Kenneth Hicks tied little dau-
he chief ern of interest in this
ghter are visiting with .Mrs. Tk
mother at Parkhill. week's proceedings in !Parliament was
Mr. John Illeummond of Lietowel the decisive defeat in the Senate of
visited over the xeric e1111 1 tuvit. tile elovernmenth, Transport Bill.
r,. Janice II ogearth relented •rin.. in principle, has much to
home 'Monday from .rnto ehere
: cornmeud it. • rhe Minieter of Trans -
elle was called ot1ing to the sereme
Mice, of her little grandson, e ha has Port, an engineer by profession and a
had pneumonia, suceeeeful husines, man by training,
Quite a utullher "1 Niii,"ile , fl,•"',." is, a realist in politics as well as in
this di,u•ict visited with the St. eoun , .il .
ii;1 Ltdjohaon on sum ruha,
esdat. 1 ',mese, and no :.,ne can look at the
eeee realities of witty - sithation without
confined to her home for the tntet realizing that ,''vices of transport,
aeek suffering from a Severe VOW. hydro -electric potter, and the like,
The 1. 8).10. lie of Brucelield at- are reaehine the stage where they
tended the meeting of the tien:all ' ,
THE ESCORT BUSINESS first day of this month. It is a very
in New York for 418 hours," ancient custom, and according to
u-rred the young !widow; and a
kat want to sleep."
'That was easy for Tedl 'Peckham,
minder of the •Guide lEscont Bureau,
Whose !scores of personable youths
are at the disposal of unescorted wo-
men who wish to see the towe, 11
this case Peckham had three of his
boys work in relays. For 'two -days
and nights the widow didn'tatop
whirling on a continuous round of
gaiety. "'We solve the exera-ma,a
problem—the fourth at bridge and
that sort of thing," !Peckham 'said.
Recently .we furnished '50 stags for
one big society party. We !do a big
buSinees with steamship people for
short cruises. AVle even had a call for
boys from Claridge's in London."
!Peckham, the originator of a serv-
ice now being copied in mane cities, so on—every country- having its own
distinctive and appropriate term.
Charlemagne earned Apra the -Grass
montli", and who knowut but that in
so doing he was taking a ely- dig at
these poor unfortunates since none so
'green" as they!
It is strange that Pep , has no re-
ference in his immortal Nary to the
pleasant foolishness of this day. The
theervance of it must surely have
been Auspended at the titne. else such
a lively fellow as he - would never
have missedethis opportunity for a lit-
tle sportive wit at the expense of
saute of his numerous acquaintances.
But stay( Perhaps, after all, an entry
,tri the first of April of the year leen5
may intimate some sort cif observance
of the day. This is the -entry: "Dining
at Captain Cocke's, in Broad Streete,
1.0.C)11f. on Tuesday evening, put- nill'i I'd l'i'llject to controlled ninteop-
tine. it a -degree, Titer, wa, .„ go,„1 °lies. 'The hilt was- denuded, however,
,:tiendance of members -present alid a ef air line,. roads, 'almost everything
eery pleasant evening spent. but inland trarespontation, and the
aliss 3Iarg,aret Johnston has !e'en' Senate decided that it !should hot :be
confined to her home this tveek . ,
permitteo to nve in Its !grossly emee-
through illness. Her many friends
hope for a speedy recovery. l'OnsflittrtiOnal timita-
IN.Ir.: Lloyd Cook, manager of the tions in any event, made an effective'
Cook :Rock Bottom store, is having bill inoperative.
the interior of -his etore freshly deem -
'One of the greatest difficulties, be-
ated in white, which adds greittlY to
setting the present Parliament is that ts -line appearance.
thAn enjoyable Irish oratorical eon- if is travelling in a hinterland of ,cona'
cert eels held in the basement of Car- -stitutienal uncertainty, edentate; at
mel Presbyterian Church on Tueeality the order paper, one sees a measure
evening. under the auspices cif the
to he introduced by the Minister of
Young People with a. large number
in attendance. 'Rev. •W. ..,\. Young Finance to the effect that all foreign
presided, and the program arranged bond obligations -may be satisfied by
by Mrs. Mae iDougall folio -wing is the payinent of what amounts! to -legal-
eplendid program, ,each number much tender in this country. Insofar as
enjoyed, -and given. -Community
rt,_ provincial obligations are concertie-d,
song, Tipperary; 'poem especial
quest) iMrs, -kV. IA. aeoung; piano clearly this is- heart with .g.rave con-
sole, .aliss Alice 'Pfaff; oral number, etitutional doubt. Then we come to a
.Niiss Beryl !Pfaff; solo, NI -r• iR• measure introduced by the Mini:ter
alacLaren, Mr. ljainee 'Mustard; piano •
oLabour providif
ng or unempleey-
duet. MrS, 'Andrew- Dougall and dau-
ghter: Miss :\largaree; oral ntimeer, mem relief. !Another inetisitre by elui
alias •Mabel Worknian; solo, airs, ire Minister t• Finance is that of fixing
K. Hutton; music by Mr, :ROSS eonditious for payment of pensions
Kari reading. Mr.ou17111iui the blind at forty lf the judgment of
solo, Rev. W. 1A. Yng; oral. Mr.
H•arvey Hudson; comic dialogue by the Judieild """nillee of the irrivY
klolly and 'Paddlttrkd y The program ' ,mild! '
With all the chorti, of means what id •ay,,, these measure,
" 11'1.01 'blYea are Snlilillge" A are clearly ultra tares. The ,mini,ter
number of contests were enjoyed.
.1griculture is struggling 7.‘ ith a
etre. Ilorninti! and little son aro
itirs %deli 'Mrs, Balltinteme and Mk- to control and Jae:Male the
K. Scott. mportatiou apo
nd exrtation and oth-
ar e of feceline ettitT,. Since the
klarketing hy ,the elereide,
STANLEY ?hi, is tent:Mile open to doubt, Intt,
.iet. the Parl7ament of Canada at the
Itime1,1,:a For telei et'eek)
, m 1 moment merit,. the indictment
Next StlitilitY. Nlitketal let,,ter see-
ade lit the menden for Let -t Kota_
eiees with lea,tE:r tinteie held ,,
nay some te., week', azo that it iN
;it Geklien, Beak,. am! Varna Unitea nteei to";,,,e„. t'et.
Clenches. .\ t the collet:I-e'en of the „venue awl pa,vitteot rt,„,„it,
eupper !Air le o•oerved.
leese reeelit thensione eve,. the
",,"e"I' al,dieation 07 authority 77nd
d s, lit the•ollit,le, ,if rosin,jollny.
It u
tee accepted ,tatesmanship of the old
u'ott 1 y111 ent n m•
srvice, tit, etierainent of the 1..r(1, I
olc, ray tievill of the plihile semice.
Mi-lliiii•ley almice., is epriell- elio,,tx ,t ittg hieteo.c De„..
Mr. Edger Smith who eeent
alys an
tskver the petititm at..;-
he past tst., ,t ills iii• ;ill!. eriE•ted lie pointing to the 1),oninion
relunwil l" 1 ...mei\ hat ,huilar situation across
r,. Mar) I-1 hides, Pearitt 1-1"li,"1"•ttttttu 01 illtehility to do anything.
It,,. roused th'P
e rEablent
11'• "f ,t the lblited Suites to the mipreeed-
Parr Lane nee:emended he 31'. '''---''ti • •
aon ,ditioning power to
ocl“irline id Mound. Man..
sufficient Supreme Court
`.:11.11-1 Stitt&tY iitli Mr. al1,1 al re 1 „eh, te ‘t.haa eau, <liberal.,
\Hee !Helen Bandey spent ee:: ,.
irry Mit the 11610111e that NVitS
Peeve! Johti,t,:ii.
eine the t'eint" itt order !to let hltn
it ill, her friend, N11,, 'Grata' Ilim ;it tite List election. The ettees
ramolit and thi• States on
11,' "t llea'tY El1111171 7777i‘e hits 71,, potter in HIE, rnited
NI•.1:ri \ i,ited at Mr, ;old 11re. 41alcs, ha- hvl'e. to refer the
i,c•ncliiiiere's on Sdnday. -,,n.iitiitiondlity ti.asair:••• 1,, the
lean, at t ;ashen Line, Staiii,e, on *mire 1•11E•y 'mkt tind their ,,,le
e, Mr. and liere in the ordinary coitr,e
Xle :oil Mrs. Elmre oSteele:eon, tee, oo; tatralltd. The Ex -
411 1 .\ it Soil. - Illit in the the recent
_ I.:Wail:I. the il:xeeirtive did
them t,, the ,-otirt, it'd
LONDESBORO nine Prot inc:•, bydo-
I lic :it itpie ',Hal wider Ille all -
v eolltilleleti (heal hally, ;old
Of the 1,Voinan*s 111,titIlle 111i, counitry a coil.littilj,val
11;,11. -trilight-jaeket from which e,capti at
the moment seems rather ditrietilt
The supper tyas abtuidtint and pro -
train was line, put on bt loeal talent
11.1' \VaS fill -
:y enjoyed. -vitt, ero,t,d trap not a, !laming a lecture Professor fluxley
„tut) „,.;w4., t,t.tht. , -aid to a student, -Did you follow
,•heir being so many other attraction,
ilear tut hand, hollever, a tidy $11111 "les' str.wali the re°17Y. "u"'ePt
was added to tht„\\,, 1, trea,m.),, Allen yon were between me and the
tehieli tent be spent ;there most need- blackboard."
ed. The lucky prize whiner, were; "I always try to make ,myself
the indiati blanket to 'Phyllis Man- :lear," replied Huxley, "but I* can't
fling; the linen tnaderia pillowslips to make myself !transparent."
Mr. L. Ball: the haridsome piece of
:eatery to '.1 r,., 13, Roberteolt, \Vit- do you want such a hig
ton, -ink?" asked aIle plumber.
The wonnoc,, riNtnno.. will hold explained the man who
their regular monthly meeting in it building a new 'house, "when
11:1„11,'!'itursLa.,•\ ni.11 8, in,' wife leat,es !in the stnnmer, she's
Programme, subject, "l'ultlic 1 1 4elterally gone for a month."
braes," Airs, J. 1. Manning: roll call,
',Health Building Ilithit'; reading.
.Nott: duet. airs S. Carter and
Mrs. al. Ross; als,, exchang, of
or Mahe. hostesses \Vin. Al
:tin. Mrs j. C. Adam:, eir,. 1. '1'.
MiErniiree, kies. Aa". Tioeitt en, •\,1 r
softie researchers 'originated int the
Iiiracle pllays of the Middle Ages—
those in which Christ was shown as
being, at this season, sent from Annas
to Saipleas, acid from Pilate to Herod.
Others trace this custom to very early
times atnong t•he Hindus, %Vito, to this
day indulge in jokes similar to our
April It ones on the last day of
March, when is he-ld what is kllOWIl
11 the liedi Festival.
Be its origin what it may, the cue-
otn is widespread and shows no sign
of abating. Of Course, With us, the
term used to designate the untuoky
me is "April :Fool," In !France, the
person tricked is dubbed a "Silly
Fish", while the Scotsman who has
fallen into the snare set for him is
derisively hailed as a "tlowk". And
is 33 and industrious. Between
(-kisses at Western ;Resenve !Uaivers-
ity he ran a supper club in a -Cleve-
land hotel, wrote a society column,
bought and sold secondhand clothes,
and rented bicycles. Later, it was he
who persuaded the New II -I -even Rail-
road to put Len those week -end cycle
trains -with cycles, by Peckham.
\\*hen he came. to New York to
meke his ;fortune, various jobs with a
small salary was the best he could
do, Then one night, on 'Fifth :Avenue,
listening to the dance music in a hotel
and wishing he were inside, he got
ltis big idea—that \Witten' alone itta
great city need help itul <lee tile sight,
and night life. "I went to the leading
hotel, with the idea." Peckham said.
"They ate it up. One of their great-
est problems is tvomen guests who very merry. Anueng other tricks,
there did come a blind fiddler to the
door, and Sir G. Carteret slid go to
the door, and lead the [thud tiddler by
the hand in." "lAenong other tricks",
inarke you, says the inimitable Pepys,
sotve feel at liberty to imagine !him
as giving ,full play to his 'fancy tvith
the company present, and laughing so
uproariously that he was in danger of
,lielieveling his peri tiltg. Indeed, some-
thing like this must have happened,
for ,five days later he records that he
went to his :barber's, one named _Ter-
ns, for this very article of adornment.
"which was mending there."
,No -doubt during the stern and sol-
emn days of the Cromwell regime,
this April fooling business wits frown-
ed upon and fell into desuetude, but
it is incenceivable that the reign of
the \terry alonarch never witnessed
it, revival,
with more modern times,
the writ,•r ha, it on gaol autharitt
that there was ,tne,• a rural scribe,
Town ropics.
Miss Niorma Ilelartry was a Wood-
stock visitor aver Sunday.—'Mist A.
G. Clack left Thursday for her 'home
itt .B. Hodgson went
down to Georgetown for Sunday and
Monday.—tlanies ,Neville of Sarnia
spent Good Friday with his family in
Seafoeth,hitory„ntm.josfs !Lumeklby-
parente.—Mrs, Donald McIntyre re-
Livens of \Vindsar visited with her
visit in alitchell.--Ostar !Reid came
turned on Tuesdey front a -two weeks'
up from Parkhill and visited at the
Parental honie.—Mis, Pearl Tu n. tea-
cher at Broadfoot's echool, spent her
holidays at her home in Illyth.—W.
A, Wright of Coluinbu,, Ohio, k
hint; his itarents, ale and Mrs. 'Rich-
ard Wright.--•klise Bella Murdie of
Lucknow visited her attiet, Mre. Don-
ald Motere•gor.---Alr. and alre, Robert
Johnston visited their daughter, Mrs.
aliddlemost, in Chatham: -- ;Frank
Sills \vas in l',•routo en Monday at-
temling the annual meeting of the
Ontario Football Leathe.—Thomas
Daly has purchased a handsome ha -y
gelding, sired by altetlan, 2,08
j, Piper spent Easier itt Stout-1'1E01e,-
1ohn Rose, eNtlInc" 101,1 ee'egraph ag-
ent at (1 011. farnwrly of Bruce -
Reid, was in town on Tuesday. He has
Met returned from a, tria t., California
told British CottInbe. 'Pearson
Griete was a tioderich tkitor on
Monclay—Harold Deem of Wingluou
was a town visi tnr 0Ver Sunday.—
Ryerson •Hartry of Toronto was at
his hoine for the vacation,—Mise Flo-
rence Thompson of Golsple, spent
her vacation at be- home. --Mr. Jones
of the Dominion Bank etalT, was at
home in Windeor for the eeek-end,
eleesr,, 'William and George
Whitesides of ['Month spent !Good
Friday with Mrs. S. Boyd.—IMr. and
Mrs, George Smith and son Arthur,
of Dauphin, klan., who have prosper-
ed in the west, visited friends in
•Seaforth and vicinity the past week.—
Mr. and Mrs. Walley were in Wing -
ham on alonday attending, the funeral
of Mrs. \\*alley', brother, Simpson
Elliote, it it u lied it Beameville.--
Oscar \•attligniond of FIamilton vis -
feel relatives in Remo:ideate over
Sunday -The 1)4d Fellow: have let:
the contract of papering, teaming and
r,!-Eleeorating their hall and upholst-
Nage the furniture 11„,.. (1, sena,
ie, .1.,in,• WI' s, !Indere-end an
!,1,eretioe at the Nee Vale; Ho•mital,
:vant to go places but have nobody
to go with them. Thus, the Ouide Es-
cort Bureau tette started." Successful
business women, in New York once
t month or so, are among the Bur-
eau's most regular enstomere. Out-
of-town women of wealth and social
position are equally well represented:
and there are many local clients.
'alenerally speaking," Peckhaill
says, "the older a woman is, the later
sere keeps the boys up. Clients 18 to
35 years of age usually go to their
waiting families at a reasonable hour.
Those 415 to 70 want to stay out all
night, 1 try to bring congenial peo-
ple() together. 'A woman who plays
Midge or games naturally likes a
companion who can talk :those
eames. Then, too, some women have
very definite ideaabout the appear -
:owe of their escort seeming
to prefer Woad, by a tv, 1 oil,.
Peckham cleo,,,es Id, fair client's
e,r,age and ha, it delivered to her, wit‘e late in the month ,tf Nlerell sent
riainves fables at etet a letter to the editor of an !light eitths, makes theatre v'.,'l' vt tI 'Per ilf;"1111ilue that go '1 111111
lion, .1,1mithe emir, orouji,g-. Fur that lw wa, ,ending him a leek. .1
di'LYI: 11;11117 tlYIVI1Z.I:i1V. 111/1;1'll .111
Weal., tail., and an additional fee if he out to he one of the,e toy tiling-
sta, oni all night. Special mtee are made of hulia-eubber that elti1,1rot
quoted on summer ertike,. The client 111 ith iiu their bath. The editor
pes,til eximtet.e..te.e.eteett never said a word. but the folloeing
11„.pt'oft'-ittttt,.„1„,.„ attire!' ,ent a brief note to this rare!
shoppers, Who charge Slet for a full ee'll'e• It,, Ital `1101•11.)• before for -
day, live interpreter,. and it Inc child alit-dellpieeert,:afdef,,\,,"1.,,,.11,111,1,11.y
!Ili:list:1 rule, fol. e,cort: ;We; don': :eivvtl. \\litl be sending a check next
ght, alTectionate, or confident- month." Naturally. the scribe, rejoiced
ially loq 'mei:me. The boys get itt tlteppketiit
rei,eiret vi,ofr,„1:eebei
eeekly salary and bonne, latter
depeo,ung, on non long tnr), work.. chagrin when, promptly on the first
of .\pril, that -check" came to hand
alosa of them have Elaytime jobs and
ean't stand more than elirce nighte• end proved to he nothing more nego-
tiable than an old cloak -room check
escorting a week. Many of them get
that the editor had grimly bethought
present, from ettetontere; gifts have
ranged from radios and chow dogs to him 1'. " quid Pro Wm!, Ell-
a farm in New Ilamp,hire. "BlIt itOVS long 1110111011es.
lire not running 0 gigolo bu,inesse. There was also at the time of the
Pecklumi stated firmly, ef)nr by,. "re"' " "f tu
nest he good dancers but they must rkiu timuulit it 41.`""1
in, ,,ith ow fun to make an .\ pril fool ,,1 hi, +IT-
S.taittling. and eltaraeter tire _team -major. 1tt1 he not only thought
I through it thorough sehoolille, a tiling, hilt he uttt hi. ;flail
They tutiet interesting roat,,,,,,,ar :a:centime Attu.. fttII details of this
tionaliste, notice their companion's tui busines, ;we not for publicatime
bttt thie much may be saiEl: lUtrina
the rest of his service under the et e
not drink to exeess. Peckham ha, ;If Oen ,ergeant-niajor this 3 -iv roak-
sriptiltht,te:rsii. c‘u\l'.'tl'atan sna.:1111.7
,miled again."
I't' out again tinder the Peehhaill
hanllee. A Peekham escort tttnnt
j‘sVtlise1 ,',111Js‘.rli,1:er 1ef:•
ne-er enter Ili, client's apertment or ",u11111'',It
hotel room, never be in any room rivt,t_l the rt"t urn he
with her nnlese ahere are three ethers aratiedic
present. If the client gets drunk the
escort must call the headevaiter, place echoolfel.lows. Sometimes. ets did the
his partner in the care of the restatir-
11)0°c)arimilitnit7eilleellhearbc:t't"icei ilbeig;er" cIa vel
ant 'staff, and leave. Peckham's
men those placed in authority river him.
may nod to friends when on
hat never ntro
iduce their friends to
'thitY The results in these cases weren't al -
'Arranging for the service is sintple,
tips were strangely devoid of a sense
ways pleasant, and the convieti n
gradually grew upon 111111 that .grown -
After ascertaining where the client
ot humor. This made hint averse to
would like to go and what type of
growing up himself, since his ability
man she wants. 1Peckliam reads his
to. see the funny side of things con-
listiog until she pielts her choice.
etituted hall the joy of his life. 01
The meethue of client and escort is
eourse he. in common with all his
easy, Informal. rhe escort merely an -
not -woes hinisetf at her address anti schoolfellows, observed the rule that
viten she appears they shake halide.
While daxiing to their fust stop, site
hands him two envelopes containing
his fee and expense money.
. Many theories have 'been advanced
ttn account for the custom of making!
an "TA,pril fool" of a !person on the
one could not make an April fool of
anyone after '112, noon. If one tried to
lo so the joker automatically became
the fool himself! to he jeeriagly told
00 in these words:
"Since it's 113 o'clock and past,
You're the biggest fool at bit,'
(Continued on Page 7)
Want and For Sale ads, $ tvk, 30e.
Ned \ewe, miss vv...„,,71'., bit nI
friend, eeet1, hear that her
comlition El \Veld, of
rormito spent re bit bit
imehee-31,— • es ai al't'-- Hall
tisated eith le- siste. air,. Pang -
nem ;et l'onrta.. \I -e. George I(ie•
souetee Gad:•rlell, ass the guest of
ItgittttIire friend.,
Itashet 0011,
11 vele, Innell'as if tide sec-
tion of Ilitroe Comity is about to go
into ;Retell ete,:eine: ter) exten,ively.
almost etele orchard there is ,me
tree, but this has hvell enough tit es-
tabii,lt the feet the,; fruit can be
groen. The s,tiI itt this. vicinity is in-
clined to be sandy which is consider-
ed best for fruit farming. The winters
thongh severe are not ae hard on the
trees as might I,t• supposed for The
roots are ttell pnifecte-1 by- the snow
and the trees are hardy and able to
withstand the frost. .k salesman has
been in this :section for the past few
meek, unci has hooker' orders for
1,10,1 peach trees for spring delivery
aneleg a dozen tart It
that thiN i• only ;the :le..tinning.
NIrs, l'osse. and :amity of Mil-
%emelt ,pent Ea,tee n•r-, —31r. and
Mrs. I.. leedet ',twat ;in evening
tvith Mr. and Mrs 11. Leitch, Seb-
ringvilie. -kir,. james Redmond and
ails, alarearta. Evans spent Saturday .
evetiing llith inieiL ia Stratford. ---
elle and Mrs. Molt matte spent East-
er in Goderich.— et, laersey of Sea -
fele!: visited here ,,it Itteeday.
Sidney Ifairbairti of Minnetlosa,
Man., a timelier resident of Exeter,
died at Portland. Oregon while
his way home from California. Mr.
Fairbairn left Exeter about 2E3 years
ago. He was a marksman of consid-
erable note and was the provin•cial
clia,mpion wing shot of Manitoba far
several years, He was a Fancier of
'horses and owned some fast ones in
his time. Fie was one time councillor
anti later mayor Of Minnedosa. He
was in the furniture 'business.
When You Have A
Phone or write to