HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-04-01, Page 1I'm never sure that spring has come 'Until 1 hear The robins in the orchard sing A word of cheer. Some tale as old, as earth they tell, Some merry thing ie Seafo HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWS PAPER That has to 40 with life and love Renewed each spring. The robins in the aplple trees Are gay with glee; Some day, 1 hope to learn just what The tale can bel WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 59, No. 13 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1937 Phone 84. $Ii a year. , BROOMS 5 -STRINGS 25c EACH LIBBY GRAPE FRUIT JUICE 19 oz. Tin 15c LIBBY ORANGE JUICE — Per Tin 15c OLD CHEESE, real sharp . , 24c 1'b. TAPDOCA 3 lb. for 25c PUFFED WHEAT ...... 10c pack. PEAS, small tin .. 2 for 15c CORN, small tin 2 for 13c AYLMER SOUP, small tin......Sc MANNA, delicious breakfast food Per Pack. 29c PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES - 2 large, 1 small package 27c CONCENTRATED SUPER SUD 1 Iarge, 1 small pack 19,c CAUSTIC SODA, loose 10c lb. COD LIVER OIL $1 per gal. Master's Hog Concentrate, $2.70 cwt. A. C.RoutiedgePHONE 166 'Mule co.`s, WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE • E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church IRev. T. A, Carmichael, Minister. till am subject Going 'Further," 7 p,m The W.M.S..Easter Thank - offering service. Alias Virgo of \'Vest Ohina will be the guest speaker, S.S. at 7:39. Egmondville United Church 11 an, —Mise 'Virgo, Missionary frcim West 'China; V.M.S. Malakoff - eying. '7 p.m.--'l'he Minister. St. Thomas' Church Services For Sunday, April 4th.-S.S. and tBible Class 710 a.ni. Morning -service ]Ili a.nt„ strtnott aopic, "The Three •Easter Meals." Evening service 7 o'clock, sermon topic. "Once. Again in the Upper Room." .A11 welcome, Canon E. Apple:yard, Rector. • First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth N. C. 'Feast, Minister. Morning warship at 11, ••\'hose Silent Days, Months, Years of the Man of 'Galilee —'let Winning the World!" S.S. at 12.310. Evening service at 7. The Rey. IA. A. Lowther, jhansi, India, succes- sor to ID'r. John 'Wilkie, one of the youngest of our Missionaries and of outstanding a'bi'lity. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8. ST. COLUMBAN Death of Mrs. Mary Krauskopf.— The death occurred of 'Mrs. l4ary Krauskapf at her home on Wednes- day, Mar. au 191317, in her Stith year. She had 'been 11''1 only a short time and her passing is a shock to her 'many friends. .She was a 'highly respected lady in her community and a devout member of St. Coluinban •Church where her funeral will be held at 9,W0 Friday Morning. IH'er husbantt pre- deceased her twenty'4lce years ago on 'April '411h. .She leaves to mourn her Loss eleven children: 'Albert, Nichol- as, ,Mrs. John .Baflge, and 'Mrs, Jas. (Nolan, MdKil op tawntship; Sr. 'M. Victo'rine, Mt. Hope, London;Sr. M. Clare, Monastery (Precious Blood, 'London; Mrs, 'H. LA.. -Keller, PPioneer, Ohio; Jos, and Aug. IKraus'lcopf of IM•orinville, Alberta; 'Mrs. Jas. M'c- Laulgh'lin,IVI'anville, Alberta, and Miss Clara at Rome: also one sister, \1rs. John .Zettle, of Kitchener, 'Omit., and •rine brother, !loth Foster of Zurich, (Ont. "Misty Law," sweepstake winner and first prize horse in 'Clydesdale aged stallion class at Seaforth SEAFORTH SPR'IN'G PAIR -\ vert 'large enit y list c uinprising about sixty horse~ ideal weather and a splendid crowd, combined to make Seaforth Spring Show oil Tuisday af- ternoon one elf the ntnat successful and interes':ing events in the history of the Society. The entries were even- ly divided antottg the classes. Fifteen horses in the Township Special was a splendid array. There were rive gen- eral purpose teams, four agricultural teams, friar- aged Clydesdale stallions and three 1'ercherons. The total num- ber of horses slightly exceeded last year's figure. The judging took until 6230 do complete, 'Ir. 'J. M. Gard- house ni Weston was judge. The (boys'. judging competition, in charge of Mn', lan McLeod, Agricultural Re- preseiitativc of Huron county, had 1115 entrants who judged the 'Agricultural brood mane class, The .prize winners: Clyclesdrle—Stallion, any age, R. Spring S'h'ow 'on Tuesday, owned lhirdoch, C. 'G dibalt, IR. Burchill; Iby Robert Murdoch, Brucefield, stallnsn over d year and under '3, T. and was shown by Mr, John McMichael, R, .PricIhatn:; sweepstake, Cairns, R. .\Jaiidoch, PRESENTATION A surprise party and presendatio for 11r, and Mrs. Alex, Smith, newly wed,, Was held Thursday evening a their home on the highway two mile cast of Seaforth A'bou't one Jnntdre friends were present. IA social evenin of da:neing and cards was enjoy ec During the evening an address wit read by Mr. ivy Henderson and the presentation of beautiful silverware was made by \1e •ars :\'1'bert-'Harri- son and i-ls uvey \Mohhvain. Mr. Smith suitably replied. Several songs for ,the occasion were sung by 'Mr. Ivy Henderson. After lunch dancing continued to the small hours, f^ollnw- in'g is the address: "Deal- Alex. and Mary: 'As we ga- ther -tonight in this 'home, Mary, We think of the day • that have'gone, Of the many cold nights the •past winter, That Ales. h t lived 'here alone, No wonder with this cold March weather, And a fanner with so much to do. He cannot 'take time for his own cooking And that job he now hands to you. Si as neighbors and friends met to- gether tonight, \Ve have planned .for a little surprise. And are asking you to accept this gift which .both of you alight prize, And with our gift we all give our best wishes and hope that both of you will find married life Bruch better than paddling your own canoe." LIONS MILK FUND A new day has arrived for the children. Time was when the child w•as lust a brat" and a nuisance, and forced to forage for himself (0 a con- siderable extent, Girls were undesir- able. If twin boys arrived the weaker %VI'S. neglected till death mercifully re- moved the little sufferer. tf triplets arrived they were immediately killed along with Me mother (there were no Quints of course). But today Quints. are government wards, sur- rounded with every scientific aid to ensure health and life. Triplets are bright news, (twins are welcome, and every child a treasure. The child, who through unfortunate circuanatances is not well nourished is no longer neg- lected lint becomes the ward of snmc• benevolent organization. A new day has arrived .for the children. 1'n Seaforth your Lions Club with your help is sponsoring this new day through its milk fund Previously acknowledged '..,,,$1166.93 E. I. t ' 1 2100 Friend .. ..... ...., :50 T. R.R................................25 Stag euchre 7.815 H.O.B. SOCIAL 11 The Huron 101d(Boys' Association a - I of Torotnto are holding a Social an t Friday Evening, ,April Stit, at \Ves't- s. End Y'iC,iA., College and Dover - d court Road Toronto, '.there will be g special prizes for euchre and bridge. 1. '1 he usual old-tynte Huron lunch will s be served. All Huronites' of 'I'orontu',1 will he made welcome, (Perchenon—.Stallion, any age. list id 2nd, 1', Robb. Roadster Stallion—Standard Tired Trotting or !facing, In harness, Leo Stephenson, 1Rcudater !Horse in 'harness, W. keys. NI. 'E'lliott; eanriage horse in harness, P. Charters, john Carter, Agricultural—IR-rood snare in foal, Roney, W. Brock, H. A. iReihl; filly or gelding, any age, Wm, 'Ham- ilton, ilio, 'G. IH'o(gatrth and 3rd; ,filly or 'geld'ing, 3 years, 1R. \Vlright, R. Scott, '\V. I-Lamilton; 'Lilly or 'gelding, foal of 09315. \\'nt. 'Hamilton, Gus Fi:Mack, \V. 0, ,Knox; colt, foal of 936, F. :Roney, Agricultural—Team in harness, \\'. •Iautilton, I. G. 'Hoggartii, 'Russell cot t. Sweepsltadces, \Vet. Urtamilton, ITeavy 1l)raft--•T3rood stare in tasks r. ll e11khaei, ;\, Colgnitoun, R, colt; filly or 'gelding, any age, list aid and .3rd, las, Scott; Lilly or geld - ng, '3 years, R. Wright, Win. Dale: fly or gelding, foal of 119136, jas, :Roy, 3111 ichaei; team in harness, 1st sol .2nd, las, Scott; sweepstakes, Sas, cots. General Purpose—Filly or gelding, ty age, W. Decker, M. [Hooper, C. oltiitson 'filly or gelding, foal of 1.35, M. Hooper, F. !Roney, H. C, ox; colt, foal of 10316, 'W..E, Keys, I Hooper; team in harness, s, W. ecker, 'C. Robinson, 1•T. Hooper; veep takes, W. Decker. Township Special—Best 3 hordes tont one 'township, Scott. TI'ibbert \Vright, Hallett; 4 -Hamilton, Hibbert. Total Thank you. AMATEUR HOUR—APRIL 16 .4 night of fun, frolic and enter- tainmentis promised to Seaforth for April when 'S'eafnrth's jurat amat- eur contest will be staged Eby the Amateur Athletic 1\ ssociation here. 1 Already entries are pouring sat to ',li- nter D. held, who is receiving all en- tries, liberal prizes .from 1910 down 1 are being given and this is attract- S plenty of .talent Major13aw•es, who: ix unable to he present, has. • Dalton Reid, asking hint to substi- tute and IDnt has consented to do so S for the evening. • 2 Several ntereltauts have requested i that they be allowed to aponsnr see- li tial nttnrbers ,and .to ;give prize, frit• .1 local talent 3413' such requests. will -receive the attention of the rotttlllit- •t tee and the prizes so offered will be S acksovledged front the stage, -\l1 in all, C'erdnos 'T -Mall is going -to at SO a crowd vvlticlt will tax its eapac- sty, Don't forget, entrants, address Il your entries. to Elmer (1), (Bell, Sea - forth, :Oast. BIRDS CAUGHT BY COLD D The frozen body of a shy little a bluebird -that had answered the call .11 the mild early \larch weather to f venture north to their stint -tiler home only to find that the w• ea lhc ratan had Boys' judging competition, Eldon forgotten about them and sent ser' Crich 35i points; Leslie Dohuage 93, Stewart 31cili:men 912, tKetineth Betties 90, Frank 'Moylan 89. temperatures, reveals its sad fate. These dazzling blue coated birds with a slightly tawny breast were much loved by the pioneers, as their flashing wing:) brought tidings of Spring. The 'bluebird usually sought the shelter of the woods 'but also fre- quently built their nests in the trunks of old trees and in the log fences, "Over in the meadow in a hole in a tree Lived a mother bluebird and her little birdies three; 'Sing,' said the another. '"We sing,' said the three, So they . sang and were glad in the hole in tite tree." Song' sparrows are trilling their cheery notes this week, ROE-WALLACE The Rgntondville United. manse was the scene of a quiet wedding at 9.30 on Saturday morning, March 37, when Selina May, eldest daughter of Mr, and 'M'rs, Alexander Wallace, of $177. V3 Cuckersniikh, was limited in marriage to Wesley Holland Roe, son of Mr, and 3 r , Egerton Roe. McKillop. I Rey, A, W. Shepherd officiated, The bride .who wore a smart suit of triple crepe, navy straw hat, nose veil and matching accessories, ies, was attended by her sister, Miss Marian Wallace. and t•he groom by Norman (Walker, broth - friends, er-in-law of the bride, STAG EUCHRE The Seaforth Euchre Club is holding a stag euchre in their club rooms on Monday night, April 5, starting at 8:30 . .A's this is the A last one this Club is having .this sea- son, everybody conte and 'bring your Home Improvement Scheme 71C We are prepared to co-operate in every way with the committee in charge of Horne improvement Planning No CLUFF OF SONS HARRISON-SCOTT .4 quiet .hut pretty wedding took place at 'Dnff''s Church Mlanse, '4Tc- Killop, on Wednesday, March lit at high noon Mien Wilma (Ruth, only daughter of 31 r, and Urs, \\'flntnre Scott, became the bride of ,Kenneth ,A:lbert, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Harrison, all of \McKillon. The ceremony was performed by Rev, G. E. Morrow. The bride was beautifully dressed in white satin with lace trimmings made on princess lines and wore a bandeau of white ornamental flowers in her hair. She also carried a bouquet of mixed Spring 'flowens. The bridesmaid was Miss (Kathleen Scotcltmer, cousin of the ;groom, who was dressed in yel- low georgette and Wore rose+bnda in her hair, acid carried Spring ,flowers. The .groom was supported by Mfr. Elmer Scott, (brother of .the bride. Af- ter 'the ceremony a w'eddi'ng dinner w•as served at the home of the bride's parents with immediate relatives pre- sent. 'The 'waiters were Mrs. Arnold Scott, 'Miss Fssie IDorrance, Miss Blanche IHlarrison, Miss Ada. Speare, The dining room 'was decorated in pink and white. Mr, and Mils. Har- rison left on a honeymoon trip to '1-Temilton and Peterborough , the Bride traveling in a Coronation blue :oat and hat with accessories to match. On their return they will re- side near (Becton. WARM Mr. Douglas Ennis, Walton merch- ant, reports that a commercial travel- ler apparently has been celebrating " tril 1,at all this week, by treating Mus friends to red pepper chocolates and the like. Mr. Ennis is hat saying much, but we think the traveller may expect a hot time himself peal 'trip. "The new Canadian lc, 2c, and 3c King George VT :stamps are placed o1 sale today t 1''hursday) at the Sea - forth trnstotfice. This is the 'first issue fr British Empire for the new Kling. Trade in your old watch for a new BULOV kAPIGER IS jewels 2475 The Canadian Clipper GODDESS OF TIME 17 jewels 05111014 24'5 Save money! The Bulova values today are the greatest in our history. In addition, we'll give you a LIBERAL ALLOW- ANCE for that old watch of yours — regardless 2975 of its condition. Bring it in and select a stun- ning new Bulova now! PHANTO. 57 jewels 3975 MARTHA WASHINGTON 17 Jewels .: diamonds 4250 'PRESIDENT 21 jewels SAVAUGL'S 4950 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announcer) \Mary .\, nes, daughter of Mr. an Mfrs. Janes J, O Reilly, to Francs Thompson, soul of Mrs. Tltont'pso and the lade Phomas Thompson, 'l'c ledo, '0100. The marriage will tak place quietly in Tried)) early in Apri W. M. S. rf The social work meeting of the d W.M.S. of Northside United Church was held in the basement of .the n church on Tuesday, March 233: The 1- 'first part of- the meeting was spent in e making strap books to send to the 1. missionaries in charge of the mission fields. Mrs. Hay' then presided over T the devotional part of the meeting. The hynui 'Blessed 'Assurance, Jes- t us is Mine," was sung and Mrs. ,Arch - r • ibald led in prayer. The scripture reading was taken by Miss .A, Fer- guson, A sola, "'When the Harvest Days are 'Past," by Mrs. IN. Carter accompanied on the piano by \Irs. C. Barber, was .Mach enjoyed. Then Miss A. \Wallace told .a very interest- ing, story of a poor African boy who 'became a devout Christian and did a great deal of gond in the world. The ;hymn, "TIte Great Physician now is Here,". was sung and the collection was taken. Lunch was served by Cir- cle 5, with, MTS. .4. Reid as captain. Miss Virgo, a returned missionary from West China, will .he the gues4 • speaker at the Raster Thank Offering Service on Sunday • evening, :April 4. \,cordial invitation is extended to all to attend this service. GODERICH BRIDAL PARTY UNDAUNTED BY ACCIDEN On Saturday, March 2711, indent at eloping to Seafcrnth without thei Gnderich mends' knowledge, 31r. R. 0. Sic\Vllinney and Miss Teaitette L. Pitbltulu, both of (,oderich wears parried by their attendants, Ur. and llrs. Robt. Turner of .-9uburn, nar- rowly escaped death ychen lit al"r- ing rod of the ear which Mr. Mc- Whinney era. driviii . broke and headed the car towards the ditch. The groom suffered severed arter- ies nn itis wrist and braises requiring seven stitches to close tite gash. :31r. Turner ret'i'ed a split knee- cap aml scratches while his wife suf- fered an injured ankle. The hride-to- be escaped without injuries. Replacing 'their damaged car the undaunted bridal panty resumed their interrapted journey to the residence of the Rev: T. A. Carmichael. Sea - forth, where the delayed wedding eeretnon3 was .performed to the sat - faction of all concerned. After the Crash Toronto t'e'legram: "Commendable spirit wa shown by that wedding warty cif Goderich in staging ,the cer- emony under difliicttltieswhich would have given .pause to people of lesser e c llage. \\'s' read that Roy '\1 c•- \\ homes. his pride -to -be, with the bridesmaid 1418 'hest 'trans \vc.'' 511 the parson's home at Sea - 'ors)) when their car eril'iiderl 'head-on with telephone !tole, \\'hen 'their tn'jnries Ina( been treated they con - finned to Seaforth in a borrowed ear and the ceretimny tool. place as sett dulel, ilbservcrs said it WAS one of the season's s smartest stuck-up affairs. Accidents before weddings are by 110 means uncommon, we, believe. \s tic old mud has said. the course of trite 'rice neveryetran .smooth.. :911. that remains for the leader of the n to do. after hitting a telephone ',oh., is In count the guesls ht utark'. ore h, has the right number—and rarry .:11cheerful as -you nitase. it's the party to he ,hocked by -u l',m imrn•arancc of a hole at the ifir. than by failure p the sit aro tip at the right time 1 dl, 1 wedding •uti'rcoli; nut nearly ,osensational as a roll: -seri." WINTHROP Bing-Blanchard— The manse, 14cKiilnp, was the scene of an Tatter wedding on Satur- day when Bessie, daughter of Melvin J„and the 'late Mrs. Blanchard, be- came the bride of Stanley H, (King, son of 3' rs. Annie King and the late Edwin King, Stratford, Rev. G. E. 'Morrow officiated. "'1'1te bride was dressed 1n coronation blue dress with grey coat anel navy hat and accessor- ies and carried an old fashioned nose gay of roses and fern, The groom was supported by his bother, Don- ald,'Miss Helen Blanchard, niece of the bride, was bridesmaid and ware green figured dress with •.1iie coat and hat After the wedding dinner at. the home Of the bride's brother, Mr. H. T. Blanchard, the bride and groom left amid showers of good wishes for points east. They will he at home to their jaientls at 1196 William S't„ Strat- ford, after Aitril lat. VARNA Mfr, and \Mrs, Geo, Connell Mr. and Mr-. Handl C oncll of Varna spent ism lay with 1lr. and Mrs R. Grigg n+l fsunt'',of lioderich tttvp.