HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-03-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT,
Mr, FRobt, Drysdale of London
spent the week end at the home of his
Mr. !Howard Hemphill of London
visited over the week end with his
parents, Air. and Mrs, A. W. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McLaren and
little daughter of Clinton visited on
Sunday with :\1r, and Mrs, Roy -Mc-
1lr. and Mrs. Fred Brock of Exeter
were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Scott Welsh.
'Airs Harry .\-bray and baby of
London visited on Thursday last with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hud-
Mr. Casey Hudson attended the
Ford school in London last week.
Mrs, Roht. jarrott of London is
v'isi'ting with her .sister, Mrs, George
Mr. Harold Higgins visited for a
few days with his sister, Mrs, A. J.
•Sweitzer at the Beach -o -pines,
Miss Evelyn 'Hunldn of 'the Thames
(Road visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McLaren and Mr, W. L McLaren on
Mrs. !Orme MdKe'nzie and children
of Kincardine are visiting her parents,
.Mr: and Mrs. E. Drummond.
.Communion service will be held at
she morning service in the United
Church. Special Easter services and
the choir are preparing special music,
The preparatory service will Ibe held
in the :church on Friday evening, :Rev.
W, A. Young, pastor of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church giving 'the prepara-
tory address.,
Carmel 'Presbyterian Church will
hold their prepartory service on Fri-
day morning at 1111 o'clock, On Sun-
day special 'Easter . service and music
Mr. Alfred Huntkin of the'Thames
Road has purchased the barn on the
property of Mr, George 'Ferguson and
is taking it down and moving it to his
Farm to build a colony house. Mr.
'Ferguson has been makihvg some im-
provements to his property since 'he
purchased it and moved in.
Mrs. \Vnh, Otterbein returned from
spending several weeks in a London
hospital', undergoing an operation, and
is much improved' in health.
Mr. Harold Foster spent Saturday
in London.
The Canadian Seed- Growers' As-
sociation draws attention to a prac-
tice which is "very misleading to the
general public. In advertising, some
growers and agencies refer to bulked
unsealed seed from a' registered crop
as being registered seed This is not
correct and is very misleading to
purchasers of seed. Seed is not reg
istered unless it comes from a crap
which has been registered by the
C.S.G.A. and the seed is tagged and
sealed in proper containers by the
Dominion Seed Branch, Seed from a
registered erop, sold without being
graded, tagged and sealed by the Do-
minion Seed Broach, is not register-
ed seed, irrespective of whether it
cornea from a registered crop or not.
Registered s e ed growers should
stake every effort to prevent the int -
proper use of the terns "registered
see11 "
The sante applies to elite stock
seed. It is 1101 proper to call seed
'elite stock" unless the crop has
been covered by the C.S.G.A. with
elite -tock seed certificate and is tag-
ger' and sealed with the proper tags
and seals provided for this purpose.
Care of Farm Equipment
Agricultural implements and harn-
esses represent a capital investment
of from $8110.00 to :"2;50,1;(11] on many
'farms in Eastern Canada, To secure
the greatest amount of service from
this equipment it is very important
that it be kept in good state of repair.
IA little attention and a minim= an-
nual expenditure will be found well
worth while. As a rude. there is suffi-
cient time available during the ;vin --
ter to examine all agricultural hnple-
snents and put them in good order for
the spring and summer operations.
All temporary repairs should be gone
over to make a good and lasting re-
pair. Care should he taken to protect
all equipment by the liberal al use of
paint and oil for those pants that can-
not be painted. On the Harnham Ex-
perimental Station the old oil remov-
ed from the tractor and the automo-
bile is kept and the parts than; cannot
be painted. such as ploughshares, har-
row dt,ks,r-and cultivator shovels are
oiled. This. .layer ni oil .given with a
brush is an excellent protection ag-
ainst rust. -
,Every winter an examination is
made of the harness which is -wash-
ed. oiled and finally greased. .111 ,bro-
ken or sunewn parts are repaired. In
this way the harness is in order when
the spring work begins and there is
no loss of time.
If this -examination is made and the
implements- and harness -repaired, it
is surprisin,t what little cost is entail-
ed, and the impression will be given
that new equipment has been pur-
chaser'. During she rush periods of
the spring and snilm,er it will be
found handy to have the harness and
implements in good order and ready
to use,
Never ask for second portions.
Always show you are ,well bred,
You'll be known for gracious, nfan-
for Easter
The kind of Permanent you have always wanted. You will
marvel at the beautiful, natural looking, long lasting waves
and curls these Permanents produce.
10,00 , .. , for 7:50 3.50 .. , for2.25
7.50 ,.,, for 5.00
5.00 , , . , for 3.50 2.50 .. , . for 1.95
Including Shan -moo, (Haircut and •Fingerwave O
only by
'B' Beauty Salon
10:00 - 5.00
The height of ultra smartness in Fingerwaving and
No Machine
No Electricity
All Stearn Wave
Of Farm Team and Implements,
William Nairn, Auctioneer, has re-
ceived instructions from the under-
signed proprietor to sell by public
auction on Lot 26, Concession 1116,
Grey Township, and 'Monday, March
29th, 1937, commencing at 2 p.m., the
-1mplenents — Massey Harris :bind-
er, 6 foot cot. sheaf carrier and
truck; AloCorntick hay rake; cultiva-
tor; disc harrow; !Deering fertilizer
drill; Ll' -hoe riding plow; wagon; set
of harrows; set of double harness.
Farm Team -9 years and 111 years
old, are being held at the :south west
part Lot 115, Concession no, Cromarty,
the hone of the Proprietor, and "may
he .sold privately at any time prior to
Positively no reserve as proprietor
is giving tip farming.
William Nairn, Auctioneer: John
Scott, 'Proprietor.
\\ e- are very ,lorry Mr. 'rhos. Knox
has not been very well these last few
days, batt hope he will soon be feel-
ing stetter.
Mrs. A. W. Mc3 wing is spending
this week at the home of her daught-
er. \lr. and Mrs, Win, Pepper, near
11 r. and \Irs. \\barren Gibbings,
Jean and .Kenneth ;pent Monday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rap-
Alr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerson of
near Rruceefitld visited friends in this:
neighborhood on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert \Vatsan spent
me evening last week at the home of
\Ir, and \Irs, :Samuel Rutldell.
Mr.- John Leiper Was in Kitchener
and \\'aterloo last week.
The 1,adies Aid of Burn's Church
held their second progressive crokin-
ale ',arty 11111+ winter at the home of
\Ir. and Mrs. Leo \\'att ort Tuesday
run,n- : last . week with a very
,od attendance. The first part of
the evening Tieing spent 111 cr,tkninle
and the latter in enjoying a short
r'rogrann all'•• A dainty lnneli was
served which was provided by th
east—end group. Mr. Charles Parson
of Stratford and \Irs. \lr\eil (form
erly 3.1;ss .\lay Hamilton) were
guest; from a distance. Mr. 'Parsons
was the winner for most tante; by
the nom and Mrs. Nelson Lear for
Township of McKillop
Tenders for the operating of the
MelKillop Stone Crusher for the .sea-
son 11937 will be received by the un-
dersigned till Monday, April oth, 19137.
Tenders will be opened at .3 o'clock
p.nt, on above date at Carnegie Hall,
Seaforth, -
'Contractor to supply power, drive
belt .and oil: to oil crusher and to sup-
ply crusher with material ,from pit.
Township to supply drag line and
scrapers. Crasher speed to be from
280 to 299.0 revolutions per min, Coarse
material going over screen to be re-
ground. Tender to be by the cub. yd.
and to include moving and setting.
'Price per hour for repair work,
Roadway under chute to be built
and maintained to satisfy ]Road Super-
iititendeut. Sets to average 1000 cub.
yds. during contract term. Work to
commence on instructions from Road
Tenders will also be received for
trucking crushed material from
crusher by the yard mile. Trucks to
be front ala" to 418" and carry not.
more than two cubic yards.
Contractor or contractors will be
held liable for compensation and. to
foolish bonds for $200,00 each, and
also to 'furnish statement of labor,
Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
JOHN k[c,NAY, Clerk,
13 R. 2, Seaforth.
All person.: having claims against
the Estate of Jane Casey, late of the
Town of Seaforth; in the County of
Huron, Deceased, who died on or
about the first day of 'January, 3937,
are required to send particulars there-
of to the undersigned Solicitors be-
fore the ,lith day of April, 119137, after
which elate 1110 assets will be distrib-
uted to the parties entitled thereto.
Dated at \Vimdsor, Ontario, this
'lath day of March, 1937.
\-icK•EiO+9 & KNOX
(Rank of Commerce Building,
Windsor, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executor. Thomas
S, Alelady, 14
Eight pigs 5 weeks old. .Alex,
'Irvine, Phone !1I3d1-.3.i3, 12.
Some of these mornings Spring will
Moe Unnntin and you will be all 1ipset
Because yon did not ,trier those New
Hampshire hatching eggs „r chicks
before the rush.
Because you w'ante'd that t',-nient
c SILO, WALL, CISTERN, or floor
laid and 'failed to arrange sooner.
Maybe you want that house or barn
- painted, or Heck() installed,
Our non are schooled in every line
to represent and work is guaranteed.
Write for prices or phone 34-616.
HUGILL'S Specialty Farms
R. R. 2, Seaforth
P.S,—Since writing above ad, alive
wire farmer drove 30 miles to arrange
for a new stable and a silo on his
farm. He has inspected our work, and
knows his onions.
the 1 tdies. A very eninyahte evening
was spent.
We are sorry that \Ir. ,lames Leip-
er has been laid up for the last fete
days, bet glad he is improving at
time of writing and - hope lie will
soon be about again.
Mr. !George Dale was a visitor
Sunday evening ars the home of 1r.
and Mrs, Thos. and Mr, and Mrs.
\whey Knox,
.We were very sorry to hear that
Air,'Audrey Knox had the misfortune
to.. lose 'a -pare Guernsey cow which.
he purchased in the early winter,
Unblushing Confessions of
A Famous "Gold Digger"
in The Atneric'an Weekly, with
The Detroit Sunday Times of March
28, appears the fl °t of a series of ar-
ticles by a fomter stage queen, who
reveals with astonishing 'frankness
But you'll :never be 'well fed. I how she made her richadmirers pay
i for Iter favors and then foolishly tot -
Want and For Sale ads, '1' week 25eliaed away her riches,
Me. and. Mrs. R. Al, Scutt were at
Cur.rie's •Cro;sins on Wednesday at-
tending the Snaith-3.1cCowan wett-
You have tried the rest
Now try the Best
For Sale Hy
Of 'rain Stook and. Implements, , at
Lot 52, Con. 115, 'Grey Twp., 2;4 miles
east of Walton, On Monday, March
129t1, alt 11 pm, sharp:
Horses—'1 Heavy Draught horse ,6
years old, 11 General Purpose horse
!10i- years old.
Cattle -4 cows freshened 3 weeks,
'2 !Durham heifers, date time of sale, 1
heifer 2 years old, 11 heifer it year
old, 11• thoroughbred :Durham 'bull, 2
years old; 4 calves,, -
1Pigs—,1 thoroughbred York sow
with litter at foot, 4 chunks. 3 'Tou-
louse 'geese,
Tnnplentents.—+1 McCormick 'binder,
6 ft, 1 Massey -Harris mower, 6 ft.,
heavy clety set of sleighs 'with Fiat
rack, Z wagons and 11 hay rack, ivfas-,
sey-H'arria walking plow, Perrin rid-
ing plow, Massey -Harris cultivator, 6
ft., Massey -Harris 4 -section harrows,
Overland coach in :good condition,
Ford coupe, 5 h.p. gasoline engine,
254 h.p. 'gasoline engine with pump'
jack, pipes mid steel tank, '1. cream
separator, ropes, pulleys, and num-
erous other articles.
Terms cash.
James :Alderson, Prop.; W. Holman,
Of Household 'Effects.—Mr. Har-
old 'Dale has been instructed to sell
by, public auction, at the residence of
Mrs. M. Haggard, Seafonth, on Sat-
urday, .April 3rd, the following; kit-
chen cabinet, kitchen 'table, 6 chairs
all to match, 'brass bed and. springs,
Hotpoint electric stove, .good as new,
rocking chairs, 1 fancy •chair, Victrola
and records, large floor lamp, mah-
ogany wardrobe, large dresser, lib-
rary table, hall seat, carpet. linol-
eum's, pictures, lace panel curtains,
bedroom curtains, ,boo'les, lawn mow-
er, reed and long .garden hose, tools,
dishes, fruit jars, large extension
table, small table, curtain rods, sec-
tional book cases, and many articles
too numerous to mention, 'Sale to
Commence - at U; p.m. Terms cash,
Mrs. 11. !H•uggard, Proprietress; Har-
old Dale, 'Auctioneer.
Of Farm Stook, Implements, Etc.,
at Lot 5, 'Con, 4, 'Hallett tp., 3; miles
west of Seaforth and 1% miles north,
on Wed., March 3111st, at d .o'clock:
Horses — Heavy draught.. mare,
good any place; 1 Heavy Draught
gei'di ug.
.Cattle—Dnrha'ni cow-, o years o'ld,
supposed to be in tcdlb; Holstein cow,
due to freshen in July; !Holstein cow,
date to 'freshen in April; holstein
cow, freshened three months; Dur-
ham heifer calf , four months old,
about 50 Leghorn hetts, laying 'good;
3 hogs abort 90 lbs.
Dmplements.- ..1'assey•1Harais drill,
7th -hoe; ,1 good wagon, gravel box
nearly new, set bench sleighs with
flat rack, nearly new hay rack, set
diamond harrows, 3 •se'ction, nearly
new; set spring tooth harrows, Mas-
sey lI-Iarris, new; Massey .Harris disc
harrow; 1 Oliver 'Riding Plow: walk-
ing plow, new '\fassey il-Iarris cream
separator No. 7, stew stone boat,
wheel barrow nearly new, hog crate,
cutter pole, wagon jack, .set breech-
ing farm ]harness nearly new; third
horse set harness, new; set driving
harness; 3 horse collars, whiffletrees,
neck yokes, forks, shovels, hoes and
other articles. Maple syrup pan and
60 pails, nearly new; new hand sleigh,
3 poultry feed hoppers, 2 drinking
tanks for hens; fattening crate, chick-
en coops, 6 Jamesway earthern chick-
en founts, 11' cement hog trough, t1
wooden hog trough, - grain scoop,
quantity of hay and straw, 50 gal. oil
srlrlhape.tun, Coleman Junior gas 'lantern,
Whippet Six coupe, -1929, in good
Household Effects -1 fon dining
room suite complete with :china cab-
inet, solid oak, as good as new; solid
iron continuous 2 -in. tubing heti in
brown. with springs and mattress,
oak 'dresser, baby carriage like new,
piano bench, kitchen range, Acnie.
_good heater and baker, for wood, in
good shape; Burster Brown wagon`
davenport anal 'rocker an'darm chair
and ,numerous other articles.
'Everything 'to be sold as proprietor
has sold his farm, ' and giving up
farming owing to ill health.
Terms cash.
Geo. II. Elliott, Auctioneer; John L.
Ta.sicer, Prop,
01 Household Effects. There will
he sold by public auction on Friday,
April 2nd, at 2 p.m., ane block west
of creamery, on R'ailwa:y Street, the
following: 1. Qrehec cook stove;
Quebec heater, three -burner coal oil
stove, '2 beds. springs and mattresses,
3 wash stands, dressing table, 6 kit-
chen chairs, 111 sideboard, 3' electric
lamps, 5 small tables, 2 footstools,
couch, Raymond sewing machine,
(with drop head) Fernery, co'atstand,
5 rocking chairs, mirror, 2 hat tracks,
2 kitchen tables, 12 side tables, cup-
board, rug 9'x1113", 3 pieces linoleum,
clock, electric radio. Beatty electric
washer, tub and stand copper boiler,
electric iron, a' pairs cunitai ns nearly
new, pillow cases, blankets, .guilts
and lined, 3'cus)rions, 6 mats, '2 -:coal
oil lamps, number of pictures, lawn
bench, lawn plower, wheel barrow,
bucksaw, 2 crowbars, sawhorse,
set China dishes and other cashes,
numerous other articles. Terms cash.
Thelma Young, Proprietress, Harold
])ale, Auctioneer.
At Hicks' House barns, Mitchell,
I et cry Friday afternoon.
Horses, springer cows, -feeder cat-
tle, young calves and pigs of all ages,
Bring anything you have :for sale.
For full,particulars, apply to Aaron
1 Steinacker. Phone 611311-3, )fitcheli.
C. O. D. Specials
Five Roses ....... per cwt. 3.79
Prairie Rose , , per cwt, 3.59
Granulated Sugar..per cwt 5.49
2 pounds Shortening, 27c
2 pounds Lard 27c
Sure Gain Hog Concentrate
per cwt. 3,25
Cattle Mineral .....per cwt. $3
Fine Salt .. .., per cwt, 43c
Iodized Salt per pkge. 5c
Roman Meal _Large Large Pkge. 30c
Quaker Oats with china
Large Pkge, 28c
5 Cakes 23-c
W. J. Finnigan
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
'Come ,to !Clinton on 'Coron'ation
Day, A,Lay 112!th. 1D'an:ce and card ,parity
in the evening. 1Hende'rson's !Orches-
tra from .Stratford, !Auspices of the
Clinton IHtospitad Aid, 1113
4 -section harrow in good
Basil 'OiRoutike, Brucdfield.
01'8 r21,11, Clinton central,
Boy to help on farm for summer.
Robert \IIT. 'MdKay, :Dublin, R. R.3,
P'h'one I1f7 r 2141, D\rblin. central. 112
:.For lR'a'wilei•gh 'R'oute. Real oppor-
tunity'for right ratan. 'We help you get
started. Write IRawieigh's, 'Dept, .ALL.
384, 'Alon'treal, Can. :112
Yellow dog strayed from home this
week. Finder please notify Roy
Lawson, (Phone 117951'6, 112.
A quantity of 'O.A.C. 211' Seed Bar
ley for sole. 'john IHillcbreclrt, phn,te
144 r 111, Seaforth. - - 112
Seven roomed eltueco house, hath
furnace, stable Furbished or unfurn—
ished. Mrs. Alice :7:yerntan, 'Sparlin;q
St., Seaforth. 14
'Ford 'A, 1920, coupe, in good condi-
tion. !Phone 1144 r 23, Seaforth. 112
Several bushels of alfalfa seed, also
Soya Beans, of the long straw heavy
yielding variety. T. W. McMillan,
R.R. No. C, Seaforth, '1'ltote 2111 on
:14!4, 114
Prices reas'ona:hle Emerson 11. Rit-
chie, c -o Scott's (Poultry 'Farm.
Lot 32 and 33, Cott, 14, Grey, Fred
Tack's farm.- 200- acres of land -176
acres cleared; ?15 acres iaood hand; 19
acres of fall wheat; 80 acres plough-
ed. Good house and new barn with
water in the stables. Can be bought
for 30,000.00 cash, balance may be
left in the 'farm. (Apply, "Ir. Elmer D.
Bell, Barrister, • Solicitor, &c., Sea -
forth, Ontario.
Work on farm by middle-aged ratan,
in good home, small. wage. Apply at
The News. . 112,
For sale or rent, an excellent dwell-
ing, centrally located, containing 8
rooms and. bath, hot air heating, all
modern conveniences, all roost, not
too large. Spacious lawns and garden
T will be in town. on the 30th and can
be interviewed by any who are int-
erested in this property'. to either buy,
or rent yearly. Mrs. Mitotic liuggard.
One 'bronze gobbler 1 year old, 2
Holstein, 1 Durham and 2 jersey
springers also some fresh milkers,
Dale Nixon. 'Phone lli414r4 Seaforth.
111 -
Frame hoose, 8 rooms. cement
foundation, electric lights, etc., barn
and .six lots adapted for market gard-
ening. The late Charles H,ohlbein F. -
tate. Apply to Mrs. Richards, oppos-
ite the collegiate.
In the village of 'Vi1alton, what is
kncnvn as the old 'Methodist church
property, eon'sistinig of a frame build-
ing 32x50 feet, horse shed 4:0x60 feet,
with corrugated roof on. Tenders will
be a.c:cepted separately or for both
buildings The lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted. Tender, to
be in by 11arch 29th, 1937, Address
tenders to George Jackson, chairman
of committee. \\Talton P.O. 112
Spring is not here, but it will come
just the same. Think! Are you go -
mg to use fertilizer, If you do, we
will be pleased to supply you with
the best that is made. We are also
agents for the Preston Fertilator
which makes a complete fertilizer
drill out of your present grain drill.
Please hold your order for us, as
we will be around as soon as pos-
sible. We also have Murray's Min-
eral Food and Remedies, and Mot-
or 011 and Greases, Agricultural
Lime, Drain Tiles, Etc. -
PHONE 136 r 2. -
E. C. Chamberlain
The purchase of the insurance 'busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of theiq companies to our prev-
ious facilities enaibies us to give you
unexcelled services in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in. the Dominion Bank Build -
mg, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p,m. to 5 p.m. t Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
Automobile Insurance, stfnamer po-
licies, 8 month —+$
s—'$6; 13 months -49.
Windstorm Insurance, no premiumnote, rates lowest in Province: Farm
dwellings -120 e'ts, per lion,; outbuild-
ings, 40 Ms. per loin. (3 -year policies)
-,the smallest loss ad'jus'ted. Farm
Fire Insurance; on Modern -Methods.
The \VttWan esa Mutual Insurance
Company, Canada's Most Progress-
ive Form Mutual. ll till information
on request, J, H. Scott, Phone 3316,
'three oil tanks, 1'00 -gallon size andtir
iron stands for sae. Mrs, 'Charles
One acre land, with frame honse,.d
roosts, furnace, cement foundation,
fixtures all complete; barns
d1x39 suitable for 4 horses; chicken.
house, all wired; hog- pen; garage, 15
x30 feet; .good roofs tltrougheatt;
;torn 1,incloes, well and town water.
Yon can mance a good living on this
place. \Will .;ell at a great sacrifice.
Apply to W. J. Walker, Seaforth,
!Fifty acres, lot 1116, 'fourth conces-
;inn of llibbert. Two mile 0011111 of
Dublin. Apply to the News 'O'iifice.
To close an ]',state the executor of-
fers for sale Lot Nine (9), Conces-
sion Six .(6) in the Township of
Ttickersmith, Henan Road Survey,
comprising 100 acres, more or less, on
which are erected 5 roost frame cot-
tage with cellar, kitchen, 3 frame
barns with mud sills, 'Farm all well
drained, cleared and workable. Spring
creek tat rear end, 'Priced at $3000.00
cash 'for quick sale. Apply to: Hays
Sr \leir, Seaforth and Hensall, Solici-
tors for M. Patrick, Executor, John
Ston Estate, 413
Lot 7, Concession 5, 'Tuckersmith,
100 acres, under cultivation. 'Brick
house, good 'bank barn; near school.
H'alf way 'between :Hensall and Sea -
forth, Good water supply. Apply to
\A'. 3. Free, Seaforth. 12
A farm of 190 acres on No. 4 High-
way, good clay loam soil, good build-
ings, with hydro throughout them.
Lots of water. Pall ploughing done.
115 acres of fall wheat. For further
particulars apply to The News office,
100 acres in Stanley Township,
good land, good buildings, lots of
water supply, Bush, 'Plowing all done
and a good stand of wheat.- Hydro
available. Apply to Seaforth News.
100 acres, Lot 3, Con. 9, Hallett,
well drained and fenced, in a good
state of cultivation. Large :hank barn,
cement stabling. Drilled well, frame
house, garage. Possession given alt
any time. Apply 'to Hugh - Campbell,.3 miles west of Winthrop,
Two grass farms, 75 acres, .S.5.4 lot
10, colt, 11, McKillop; anal 150 acres,
St.n lot 19. con 2,Hibbert, always
plenty of water. The late Charles and
\fare fret 14oltlbein estate. Apply to
Mrs. .Richards, opposite Seaforth col -
le giate.
;House and Property ,of tlhe Alex.Gordon Estate,Egm•onukville, for sale.
7-rooned house,. good cellar cistern,
never failing well alt :door, ,good gar -
es, large and sma!il fruit; Iclose to
church, school and store. .Price reas-
nable, Apply on premises or to 'P.0•
box 6111, Seaforth, If not ,sold will be.
reeked, 74