HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-03-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
M. and Mrs, William Simpson of
Detroit, spent the week end Stere,
ler. Lee Redden of London was
hone for the Week end.
• Me. and '.birs.'Alf. Hunking and
ullY of the Thames Road, spent Sun-
here with Mr. W. L. McLaren.
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'McLaren.
Premier Hep+batt it's announcement
in the Legislature last week of a sub-
sidy of one mill to each municipality
on their as essmeet will 'benefit' Hen -
ea about $4110, our assessment be-
ing about 5400,000,
Mr. ;Ben, Elder of 'Hensael was re-
elected secretary -treasurer of the On-
tario Brotherhood see Threshermen
at their annual meeting hell in Water-
loo 'last week.
The 'Meech meeting of the Wom-
en's 'Missionary Society of Carmel
(Presbyterian Church was held Thurs-
day afternoon in the basement of the
church. eirs._ Johit Dallas presided,
'Mrs. 'Peter Manson led in prayer. The
minutes were adopted. The roll was
called using "Trust" as the text word.
Mrs, 'Donald Park read the scripture
lesson. Mrs, !K. :Hutton sang 'a very
beautiful and appropriate solo, Trust
and Obey. The president, Mrs. Colin
Hudson, then took charge ed the 'bus-
iness +period. Mrs. john Dallas gave
an 'itrteresting address on "The B•hil
Mi•gsiont in 'India," Mrs. W. A. Young
ledin prayer. After the offering was
taken Iles. H. Arnold gave a reading
on "So Near and 'Yet so Far." !After
singing a hymn, the meeting closed' by
all repeating the ILord''s prayer in
,Mrs. iH, Little, 'Mrs,' Thomas Kyle,
M•rs. Byron Kyle, Mrs. Alexander and
.'Mr. !Peter MdNaughton were visiting
London one day last week.
.Miss .Mary Little left for London
Saturday where she has secured a
Wes, (Jas. Dick •received word on
Saturday that her eldest brother, Mr,
William Essay, of B',rookdale, Man.,
had suffered a stroke on M'arc'h 7th.
Mr. Essay had been in his usual
Stealth on his farm where he lived
alone, and hard prepared breakfast
when he was stricken. ,Neighbors dis-
covered lifnt shortly after and called
in medical assistance and WT. Essay's
brother, Thomas, who resides at Ing-
lewood, Man, Mr. ,Essay was later ta-
ken to a private hospital .in Carberry,
where it is hoped he will recover. Mr.
(Essay was a 'former well known resi-
dent of this district Who went West
some 25 years ago and was an exten-
sive farmer on the Carberry plains,
His many friends 'here 'wish him a
speedy .recovery.
;Miss Myrna 'Hudson of London vis-
ited here on Sunday 'with her parents,
dtir. and Mrs. Cdlin Hudson.
41r. T. C. joynt was in Toronto on
a business trip.
Death of Thomas Consist
I't is with deep regret we write this
week of the death of Mr. Thomas
Consitt, which occurred .at his home,
King street, Hensel!, on Thursday af-
ternoon. Mr. 'Consitt
f-ternoon.'Mr.'Consitt was in his usual
health on Wednesday, had gone down
town and on returning horse to get
ready to attend a ;funeral, suffered a
severe heart attack and was Found
lying on the floor, by his son Russel
who happened to come in. Everything
humanly possible was done but
he was too weak to rally and passed
away on Thursday. Mr. Consitt was a
son of the hate '\Ir. and Mrs. John
'Consitt and was born in Stanley twee
51' years ago, where he spent his early
life. After their marriage Mr. and
;Mer. Consitt lived for many years on
the Parr line, lot 37, 'Hay township,
where they had a beautiful farm home.
Later they moved to Seaforth where
they resided'for eve years, again mov-
ing back to the 'Parr line to the Con-
sitt homestead, lot 4, Stanley, where
they resided until they moved to Hee-
sail five years a:o. Ile was a very
• successful farmer, a man of the high-
est integrity, highly respected by all
who knew him, a splendid neighbor
and friend, a staunch Conservative in
politics, a member di the United
Church. Any community o'ulel suf-
fer a severe loss in +the death of a man
of the type of Thomas Consitt, On
Nov, 11001 last, Mr. and Mrs, Consitt
celebrated their golden wedding an-
niversary at their home. He is sur-
s-ived by his wife. formerly Miss Jan-
et Neiians Forsyth, one son. Russell
Consitt on the farts in Stanley, and
two daughters, Mrs. IR. 31c Ili.ter, of
Hillsgrcen, and Mrs. Clarence 'Parke
Blake. ake. Also one 'brother, Mr. Wil-
liam .Consitt of tHensal1, and two
sisters, \l rs. Coleman, and Miss 'An-
nie Consitt of Mensal!. 'There are also
six grandchildren. The enteral heik
place on 'Saturday afternoon from his
late residence, interment in B;tyfield
cemetery. The service was conducted
by his pastor Rev, 'Arthur Sinclair,
assisted by Rev. W. .e, Young. Dur-
ing the service Mrs. \Laude IHwiden
sang "Safe in the'Arms of Jesus."
The pallbearers were William •C'on-
sitt, Harry Chesney, Wes. ;Coleman,
Abe (Forsyth, ;Roy Consitt and Lean
Forsyth, all relatives of the deceased.
The funeral was largely attender) and
the many floral tributes were very
beautiful, Among those 'front a dist-
ance who attended the funeral were
Mr. and Mrs. W'a'lker and Mr. _And-
erson of Marlette, Mich„ and .Mrs.
Armstrong and \Mrs. Cockerline ref
Pilot Mound, Man.
Death of Mrs. Chas. Blackwell. -
The 'deati, occurred on Sunday ev-
ening at her late home, lot 23, con. ;5,
Hay township, of Mrs. Charles
Blackwell after a couple of Oweees'
illness from pneumonia, the immed-
iate cause of death 'being a •hea'trt at-
tack. She was a daughter of ,the la'le
Me. end 'M'rs. Wilson \fcSeerry and
was born ne the farms where she died,
59 years ago. After her marriage to
Mr. Blackwell they bought the 'farm.
She was of a 'bright ii:vposidos, took
part in social activities and was high-
ly respected and will he eerily missed,
STie is survived by her .hus'hand one
son, _Russell Blackwell; two ;daught-
ers, 'Pers. Louis Olark=;'YJ•r., of Tuck-
ersneith, and Miss 'Greta Blackwell,
late df 'Miami, Florida: The funeral
took place on Wednesday afternoon,'
interment taking 'place in IHillsgreett_
cemetery. The funeral was tconducted
by her pastor, Rev. 'Arthur Sinclair.
On receiving word of the serious con
for Easter
'lite kind cif Permanent you have always wanted. You will
marvel at the beautiful, natural leaking, long lasting waves
' and curls these Permanents produce.
10,00 .... for 7.50 3.50 .... ft,r 2.25
7,50 . , .. for 5.00
5.00 for 3.50
.. - Including Shampoo, Haircut and dtiagerware
2.5(1 .. , . for 1.95
only by
'13' Beauty Salah
No Machine
No Electricity
All Steam Wave
10:00 5,00
The height of ultra smartness in Fingerwaving and
-Mrs. Thomas Consitt . of 'Henea1S
anti family wish to express their sin-
cere thanks incl appreciation for the
many, acts of kindness and expres-
sions of sympathy shown (then dur-
t t'nt
u recentsfilen.
inthe loss of a loving husband end
father; also to the min'is'ters and eo'lo-
ist and to those •who centribti'ted
Mrs, Charles Deingey and family
acknowledge with grateful apprecia-
tion your 'kind expression's of sym-
pathy in their bereavement,
Automobile 1ilsurance, sunnier po-
licies, 8 months -r6; 12 months -49.
Windstorm insurance, no pre'm•ium
nett rates lowest in Province: Farm
dwellings --120 its. per trout., outbuild-
ings, 40 cts, per huh, (3 -year policies)
,the smallest loss adlj'usted, Farm
Fire lnsurauce; on \'loderat 3'letho'tis.
The Wawanesa Mutual lnsurance
Company, Canada's Most Progress-
ive Farm Mutual. IFull information
on •request. J. 'H. Scott, Phone 3316,
ditian of her mother, Miss 'Greta
Blackwell left Miami by plane for
Detroit and then .home by car, get-
ting here in time to be recognized
and have a last word with her ntoth-
er, The sympathy of the whole cont
smutty goes to Mr. Blackwell and
family. A sister, Mrs. Peter Murray
of the 2nd con. of Ida} is now the
only survivor of the 3lrSherry fa,ut-
The auditors report of the Village
of Hensall for the year 1925, made' by
Firstbrook, elonteith & Co., of Strat-
ford, has been dist•rib'uted. According
to the report everything was found
correct, the 'books in -good condition
and kept in -an able manner and all
the officials are ,riven credit. Some
recomntcnclations pare been made,
and another 'book or two secured.
The treasurer's report covers the
transactions of the municipality front
Nov. Ilerh to (Nov. 1151th. The treasure
er of •the Hydro does not issue a lilt
ancial ata•tement in detail, neither
do the :wheat ar `public 'library trees -
mere, There is a great cleal of expen-
diture which the ratepayers should
know about, given in 'bulk forth in-
stead of detail, Our opinion is that
each treasurer should issue a primed
annual financial statement or Ilse the
auditors should give a detailed state-
nlent of all expenditures, which has
not •been done this year. It was
thought adt'isalile this year to bring
in ,outside auditors to make the re-
port and we !hope the report will sat-
isfy -the ratepayers that the business
of the village is being welt looked
"Proxy Princess," A New Serial
Opening chapters of a gripping ro-
mance, revealing the exciting and
glamorous adventures of a girl who
re:sentbled a famous movie star. will
he Bound in The Americ-an Weekly:
that great educational and entertain-
ing weekly magazine, with the Mare'
2d ;sine of The Detroit Sunday
101 Farm Team and 'emplements.
\e'illiani Nairn, Auctioneer, has re-
ceived instrtu'tinnc .front the u nder-
-ined proprietor to :ell by public
auction on Lit :26• Concession
Grey 'Township, .an NI onrlay, \'larch
29th, 191.7, cemmcncing at d .p.m„ the
feith,w in;g:
11mplemen1- . Massey Hanes 'bind-
er. 1, loot cut, sheaf carrier and
truck; 31C('orntick hay rake; cieltiva-
tor; disc harrow; Deering .fertilizer
drill; el -hoe riding plow; wagon; set
of harrews: set of double harness.
Farm 'reaur-11 years and 110 years
old, arc being held at the south west
part Lot 115, Concession 1110, Cromarty.
the hrme of the Proprietor, and may
he sold privately at any time prior .to
Terra s -Cash.
!Positively no reserve as proprietor
is giving tip farming.
William ;Naini, Auctioneer; John
Scott, :Proprietor,
101 tltarnr Stock and implements at
of 7, Con. 6, :H]R:S., Tu'ekersntith,
eget miles south of Seaforthnd 1' mile
east, on. Wednesday, March 24th, at
1:30 P.M.
Horses--tll Brown gelding, '8 years,
417150 lbs.; 1 hey gelding, 7 years, 11600
Cattle -1 jersey cow, le years, due
Apr 215; 1' .Derham cow, 6 years, due
Apr, '115; +1' Jersey cow, 8 years, due
May 15. 1 sow clue March 27.
Implements -511 :Massey Harris bin-
der, 7 foot cut; 1 31'H, .1!3 -hoe drill
with grass seeder; ,Il M.H. harrow
cart; set 4 -sec. diarrows; '1' three-d.rtun
land roller; 1' ten -foot dump rake; 1
\lassey Harris 113 -tooth spring tooth
cultivator, nearly new; 1 walking
plow; 1 low wagon; hay rack, stock
rack, wagon box, tgravel box, set hoh-
sle•i,ghs. it tip buggy, 11 ,tone boat; I
.et hreecltin'g harness; 11 third set; 1
sit single driving harness; hay rope,
car, set sling,, sling chitins, Itay fork,
pulley; neckyoke, whi11'letrees, log-
ging chain and other articles.
Six dining .room chairs.
1 DeLacal cream separator;
75 .sap buckets and spilet.
Terms, cash.
el. Li. Elliott, Auctioneer; Nees, El-
len Wankel, Proprietress,
Farni Stock and 'Implements and
Household. Effects at Lot 1, Con, 14,
1Lnl•lett '1'wtp.,. an Tuesday, March
23rd. at 12:30 p.m., sharp:-
1-1orse -(Gini work ream; mere IL
years, supposed in foal; horse, 7 years
old. eboet 115010 lbs; three-year-old
m11; two-year-old colt; year-old colt;
driving mare, 9 years old. •
Cattle --(Fire cowswith, calves at•
foot; 2 cows to freshen time of sale:
cow supposed in calf; 4 Heifers 2 yrs.
old;'7 calves 1 year old; Dttrhau> Rue
13 months old.
Pig.: 42 pigs about 01)0 lbs.; 1 grew
with litter of 1112; sew .11ne to farrow
time of sate,
Poultry -1215 two-yc.'r old Leghorn
hens: 1 pair white ducks.
Implements -4M asset •11trris hinder,
7 ft. cut; cultivator; 31cC„rmick
Mower, 6 it. cut; Massey Barris hay
rake; lntern.atioeal hay loader; Mas-
set• Harris seed drill; 'I'ttdltnpe An-
derson mature spreader; 'Tudhope
riding plow; Tudho:pe walking plow;
'Massey d-Larris 2 -furrow plow; set
eve -section 'harrows; steel land roller;
stuffier; turnip drill coon cutting
box; gas engine 3;if 'horsepower;
Massey Harris turnip Diener; cutter;
wagon; set sleighs with flirt rack;
hayrack and stock rack; fanning mill;
stone boat; set double ;harness; gravel
box; set scalier 21500 She.; 1 'ladd.er; set
Plow harness; set single harness;
brooder stove and incubator; Melotte
MR, FARMER creast separator, 600 lb. cap,; hayfork
Some of these mornings. Spring will rope ear end slings.
have Domain and you will be all upset
psetQuantrity of hay, seed. grain and
Because you diel not order those ;New
Hampshire hatching eggs or chides mixed 'grain for feed; quantity of
before the rush. turnips:
Because you welter] that Cement
laid and 'failed .to arrange sooner:
'Maybe you want that house or barn
painted, os' Hydro installed.
,Oenr ;nen are schooled in every line
,we represent and work is guaranteed.
Write for price, or phone 34- 616,
HUGILL'S SlSecialty Farms
R. R. 2, Seaforth
P.S.-Since writing above ad, a livePerms- Cssh• Sale without reserve
wive farmer drove .5:0 miles to arrange ee owner has sold his farm•
for a new stable and a- silo on hi,' .Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer; H.' J.
farm 'He has inspected our wmrk and Manning, 1Pro'prietor,
knows his onions.
Clover and Timothy seed.
forks, hoes, chains and other
,Good cooking range; extension
table and chairs; 2 tables; 2 dressers;
L' beds with springs; single 'bed tvitlt
s'prin'gs; 1 couch; 'quantity of dishes,
kitchen ;utensils and other articles,
Of Farts Stook, Implements, Etc„
at Lot 51, 'Con. 4, IH'ul'lett hp, 3% miles
west of Seaforth and 1 d miles north,
on. Wed, 1M4arch 3111st, at a o'clock:
Horses - H•eavy draught mare,
good any place; 1 Heavy .Draught
Cattle-(Durha'm cow, 5' years old,
supposed to be in 'catlf; 'Holstein cow,
dere to freshen in July; 'Holstein cow,
due to 'freshet, iii April Holstein
cow, freshened •th•ree months; Dur-
ham heifer calif , four months old,
about 150 Leghorn hens, laying good;
'3 hogs about 90 lbs.
Int plenicnts.--Massey-IHarrie chilll,
llh-line; '1' good wagon, gravel box
nearly new, sett 'beach sleighs with
flat rack, nearly new hay rack, set
diemond harrows, 63 •section; nearly
new; set ,spring tooth harrows, Alas-
sey !Harris, new; Massey ,Harris disc
harrow; 1 Oliver \Riding Plow; walk-
ing plow, new 'Massey ,Harris cream
separator No, 7, new stone boat,
mheel 'barrow nearly new, hog crate,
cutter pole, wagon jack, set breech-
ing farm harness nearly new; third
horse set harness, new; set driving
harness; .3 horse collars, whif{letrees,
neck yokes, forks, sliavels, hoes and
ether articles. Maple syrup pan and
60 pails, nearly new; new hand sleigh,
3 poultry feed hoppers, ;2 drinking
tanks for liens; fattening crate, chick-
en coops, 6 eanesway eaethern chick-
en founts, 111 cement hog trough, i11
wooden hog trough, grain scoop,
quantity di bay and straw, 20 ,gal, oil
drum, Coleman Junior gas 'lantern,
Whippet Six coupe, 1.9229, in good
Household Effects -1 full (fining
room suite complete with ,chitty
ince, :toed solid oak, as good as newt solid
iron continuous 2 -int. tubing bed in
brown, with springs and mattress,
nal 'dresser, baby carriage like new.
piauo bench, kitchen range, ,Acute,
good heater and baker. dor woad, in
good shape; leneter Birown wagons
davenport and •rocker and arm chair
and emeritus other articles.
'Everythin'g 'to be sold as proprietor
has sold his farts, and giving up
farming owing to 01 health,
Terms cash,
Geo, ll. Elliott. 51101ion:er; John
Tasker, Prop.
Of Farm, Faun Implements and
household Effects,
Mr. George T -I. fEl.liott, Auctioneer,
has received inetru.ctians to sell by
public auction at Lot 122, Con. !10, Mc-
liiliop, 'an Thnrrsday, 'March 215, et 2
The Farm --There will be offered
for :ale at the same time and .place
the farm, consisting of 1255 acres,
about '10 acres bush, bank barn 100'x
30', and another small ,b'arn, garage,
windmill, good brick house, all in
grass. 'I'ernts on farm made known on
Clay of sale. If not sold, farm will be
rented for pasture. For further partic-
ulars apply to James H. Morrison or
etre. 13. .Hemingway, 'Executors.
• Implemen'ts-Spring tooth cultivat-
or; hoe drill; in -throw disc; set har-
rows; 3 -drum steel roller; 110-f'oot
steel rake; .31,11-1. •6=ft. mower; Inter-
national hay loader; Fleury No. 2;1
plow; set sleighs; two 'buggies; Port-
land. cutter; pea harvester; M'cCoran-
in c manure spreader; quantity lumb-
er; quantity small tile; sliding hay
rack;' 4 oak tongues; 2 sets double
ht' ness; car, rope and pulleys, fan-
ning mill; set scales; wagon; hay
rack; set df single harness; sap pan;,
pails and spites; scuffler, shovels, etc.
Quantity straw. 20 tons hay.
Household Effects,-Di•ning room
c,uite; .parlor sidle; .upright Dominion
grand piano; 2 white iron. beds; 3
tv'oodeut 'beds; bed springs; 2 dressers
And stands; mattress; linoleum &ell12
ft,; 2 rugs; heater and pipes; steel.
kitchen stove and pipes 'Puearly, new);
kitchen table; couch; barrel ,quern;
set Wilting frames, step ladder, 4
?amps, ciishes, cooking ,utensils; and
many other articles too numerou's to
'.Perms -Cash.
Estaite of William A. Morrison,
Proprietor; George 'Elliott, 'Auc-
At Hicks' .House
every Friday afternoo
3Torses, springee- co
tle, young calves and
133riatg anything yo,u
Icor ,full particulars,
Steinacker. Phone eel
barns, Mitchell,
ws, feeder cat -
pigs .of 111 ages.
have dor sale.
apply to Aaron
13'r3 Mitchell
We Save You Money
Five Roses . , , , ....per cwt 3,79 Morning Cheer Coffee .. ]b. 23c
;Prairie Rose per cwt, 3,49 Red Rose Coffee lb. 33c
Granulated Sugar Cowan's Cocoa lb. 25c
per cwt. 5,49. Rex Cocoa .... Ib. 15c
3 lb, Lard 43c Bulk Cocoa lb. 12c
2 lb. Shortening 25c Salada Tea es lb, 26c
2 1h, Creamery Butter ..... 51c Red Rose Tea ee Ib, 26c
2 lb, Peanut 'Butter 25c Neilson's Cocoa / ]b. 19c
10 11'> Sugar 'i ee
W. J. Finnigan.
ELMER D. BELL. B.A. E. C. chamberlain
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
The Sodela'ty 'Girls are having a
dance on .April 2nd, Ken S'teele's or-
'27 Chev. coach, 15; Studebaker
roadster, $521; 2e•weeel trailer, with li-
cense. •McLeen's Garage, •Eginond-
vulle, 1,0
Boy to .help on farm (for summer.
Robert AV, 'MdK'ay, ,Dahlin, R. R.2,
Phone 1117 r 24, Dublin central, ea
Two good work horses and a .Per-
cheran 4 years old. Apply to Bob.'
McLean, c -o W. J. Harvey, leippeu
phone 84r13111, Hensali central 111
Smart ambitious boy, 1115 to 118 years
of age, to work on .pou'l'try farm for
three months. Must be willing to
learn and have good tidbits. ,Andrew
A. 2loore, R. 3, Seaforth, 111
Fifty acres, lot 1116, fourth conces-
sion of iei'bbert, Two miles south of
Dublin. Apply to the News !Office.
The purchase of the insurance busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of their companies to our 'prev-
ious facilities enables us to give you
unexcelled services in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
Apply at The Seaforth \News.
To close at, Estate the executor of-
fers for sale Lot Nine (9), Conces-
sion Six 1(6) in the Township; of
Tu'c'ketsntith, Huron Road Sui•'vey,
comprising 100 acres, more or less, on,
which ame erected 5 room frame cot-
tage •with cellar, kitchen, 3 frame
barns with mud sills. (Farm 'all well
drained, cleared and wotika'ble. Spring
creek set rear en'd, (Priced: at 531000:00
cash 'for quick sale. Apply- to: Hays
& Meir, Seaforth and Heiis % Solici-
tors for _\f. Patrick, Executor, J'ohn',
Story :Estate. 1113
Three oil tanks, ]'00 -gallon sire and The following household effects:.
iron stands for sante. Mrs. Charles the property of Mr. Green: Two
Holmes, '112 stoves, several rugs, sideboard, tables,
washing" machine. cream 'separator,
clay bed and other articles, Apply et
\V»i. Govenloek's, Egtnondville. 11
Tire and riot found between \Vin-
thrap-and Seaforth, Apply to H. J.
Manning, Walton 'ill
For summer months, reliable farm
hand, Apply, stating wages, to The
News. office, ] 1
:\ quantity of Newmarket Oats,
suitable for seed, 'han'e tested 411. 'Carl
1-lotieton, R. R. '3, Bayfield, Phone
99x3, IH'ensa'll central, 111
Man fur Rawleigl• Route. Route
will :be permanent if you are a hust-
ler. For particulars write 'Raw'leigles,
Dept. M.L.3I64, ,\Mon'trea'l, 'Canada
One acre land, .with ;frame house, 1
roosts, furnace, cement foundation,
electric fixtures all complete; barn
Saxl.0, suitable for 4 horses; chicken
horse, all wired; hog pen; garage, 115
x30 feet; ,good roofs throughout;
storm windows, well and town' water.
Yon can make a good living on this
place. \\''i11 sell • et a great sacrifice,
Apply to W. J. \Wal'ker, Seaforth.
Woman between 40 and 50, to take
;till charge of ]rouse on farm. State
wages expected, Permanent home for
right person. J. P. Greer, R.'R.3, Bay-
field. .1111
Frame house, 8 roosts, cement
foundation, electric light•. etc„ barn
and six lots adapted for market ;gard-
ening. The late Charles 'Hohlbein Es-
tate. Apply to Mrs. Richards, oppos-
ite the collegiate.
T 1 the village of 'Wbl:ton, what is
known as the old Methodist church
property, consisting of a frame build-
ing 312x150 feet, horse shed' 4.0x60 feet,
with corrugated roof on. Tenders will
,he accepted separately or for both
buildings. The lowest or any tender
not necessarily excepted. Tenders to
•be'in by 'March'2'9th, 19137. 'Address
tenders to George Jackson, chairman
of .comm;•}tee, Welton P.O. 12
Spring is not here, but, it will come
just the sante. Think! Are you go-
ing to use fertilizer. If you do, we
will be pleased to supply you with
the best that is made. We are also
agents for the Preston. Fertilator
which makes a complete fertilizer
drill out of your present grain drill.
Please hold your order for us, as
we will be around as soon as'_pos-
sible. We also have Murray's Min-
eral Food and Remedies, and Mot-
or Oil and Greases, Agricultural
Lime, Drain Tiles, Etc,
PHONE 136 r 2,
TTouse and 'Property of the Alex.
GordonEstate, 'Egmondville, for sale.
7 -roomed house, good cellar cistern,
never failing well at floor, good gar-
den, large :and small irhit; close to
church, school and store. 'Price reas-
onable, Apply on premises or to P.O.
box 5e, Seaforth,
100 acres in the township of Me -
good clay loam, in splendid
state of cultivation, well fenced and
drained, never»failing spring creek,
good well. All good •b'uil•dings, hydro
fully installed, situated on good coun-
ty road 6 asides north of Seaforth, For
terms and particulars apply on the
premises to D. G. MacFarlane, Wal-
ton 'P.O. Tel. 2418-3.
Lot 7, Concession e, 'Tuckersntith,
1:00 acres,.. under cultivation. Brick
house, good 'bank barn; near school
Half way between 'Hensall and Sea -
forth, :Gnod 'vuvter supply Apply to
W..). Free, 'Seaforth. 92
A farm of 100 acres on No. 4 High-
way, good clay loam soil, good build-
ings, with hydro throughout them.
Lots of water. "Fall ploughing Bane.
PS acres of fall wheat. For further
particulars apply to The News office,
100 acres in Stanley Tow'ns'hip.
good land, good 'buildings, !lots of
water supply. Bersle Mowing all done
and a good stand of wheat. Hydro
available, Apply bo Seaforth News.
100 acres, Lot 3, Con. 9, 'Hullett,
well drained and fenced, in a good
state of cultiv'a'tion. ,Large 'bank barn,
cement stabling. Drilled well, frame
house, garage. Possession given alt
any time. Apply 'to 'Hugh •Camp+bell,
3 miles west of Winthrop.
Two grass farms, 715 acres, .SIA lot•
10, con. 11, McKillop; and 50 acres,
SA lot 19, con. 2, Hibbert; always
plenty of water. 'The late Charles; and
:Margaret lHohl'bein estate. Apply to
Mrs, •Richards, opposite Seaforth edl-
One hundred acres on the 'second
concession of the 'T'ow'neei:p of 'Took-
crsmi'th in good -state of •cultiva'tion.
Ten acres of Fail whealt, IGaocl brick
house with furnaice, Large bank barn
416x90. Wo'ul'd' sell stock and imple-
ments with :farm. Two good wells,
one t'it1i 'wim,thnill. This farm- is loc-
ated one mule from No. 4 highway,
two miles north of 'Bnucefie'ltd, Would
coneiler:renting on shares if farm not
sold. J. Percy Cole, R. R. Brucefield.