HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-03-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
,Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Manning are
staying with their son-in-law and
daughter for a couple of months be-
fore taking a holiday trip to 'Hast-
ings, Mich., to visit Mrs. M anning'.s
sister, Mrs, Johtt Fogle, and also in
Detroit for a couple of months,
The W.M.S. met March •'1'Oth with
'Mrs. Bryaus presiding. "toy to the
World' was the -opening hymn. The
Scripture le diet was read by MI rs.
Lyddiatt. The study chapter was pre-
sented in an interesting manner by.
the Walton group with Mrs. \\'.
Haekwell as leader. Beth Shannon fu-
wored the Society with a solo. Eleven
olenibet responded to the roil call
which was a prayer of confession. ,A
pleasing feature of the Meeting was
when Mfrs. !Herb. Manning was ask-
ed to come forward. The following
address teas read and Mrs. Davidson
trade the presentation: "Dear Mrs.
Manning: Understanding you intend
leaving our .nii:.lst, we take titin op-
portunity to express our goodwill to
ward, you. For years you have been
a valued member of the Society, ever
ready and tvilliug to help, Your kind-
ly manner has made for you many
warm friends who are sorry to see
sever your connection with the 1t1-
ciety.As a token of our appreciation
we ask you to accept this hyntnary.
\Ve trust you may use your talents
in the same degree in the comiuuuity
to which you trove. Signed on behalf
of the \V. M. S. Mrs. j. :McDonald.
Mrs. W. Davidson, Mfrs, 'E, Bryans.
Mrs. Manning thanked the women in
a suitable reply.
The regular meeting of Mission
Band was held on Sunday morning at
the usual hour. Thirty-eight members
were present. Earl Coutts presided.
Meeting opened by singing "I think
when I read that sweet story of old:
Ross Bennett rave as Scripture read-
ing "The TenCommandments."
Prayer followed by the leader and the
Lord's prayer in unison. Minutes of
last meeting were read and approved.
Business was discussed re the Easter
concert being presented by .MB.
members on Monday evening, Apr. S.
A; good program is being prepared.
Dialogues, notion songs, pageants
promise to make this concert the best
yet. After singing "Work for elle
night is coming," the classes dispers-
ed totheir various rooms for the
study ;period. Meeting closed by sing-
ing- "Jesus bids us shine," and the
M'iapah benediction.
Communion will 'he observed in
Duff's United 'Church on Sunday.
March ;JIt Preparatory service ort
Thursday evening of this week.
Mr. H. B. Kirkby, Who is a mem-
ber of twenty-five years in Western
Star Oddfellows Lodge at Brussels,
was presented with the lodge's em-
blem and jewels last Thursday _even-
ing. We hope Mr. 'Kirkby lives to be
rewarded with the medal for fifty
years of membership,
Miss Laura M.anning of Kitchener
LA spending a couple of weeks with
her parents, Mr. and MIrs. I3. J.
(7LL P BROS.Garaage
In All Makes of Used Cars
Seiberling Tires, Tubes, Hart Batteries
General Repairing on all Makes of Cars
New and Used Auto Parts.
Cars Washed. Batteries Charged
Supertest Gas, Oil, Coal Oil,Fuel Oil
Valuable Premiums Given
All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please
Flats Fixed
SUNNYVALE R,O. P., Baby Chicks
.\Aso Started Chicks, Pullets and Cockerels from R,t 1.1', trap -
nested Government .\ pprtverl and blood tested breeding
stork. Reasonable prices and good ser ice,. F-Iatches c'ir every
11ondav and Thursday. Visit our hatchery with new James -
way all electric equipment situated on north :Main St,. Eg'-
niondv.ille, or call 160 r 3.
Mr. Orval 'Holmes of Fairbanks Alaska, who is visiting 'his old
home tit tit Borth has many interesting pictures of iAhlRIZa, In the
upper picti e is ;the main building of the'Unncuity• of\laska, which
Orval is attending. -The bluer picture a main street at Fairbanks
shows that ears are plentiful in :Mesita, -Fairbanks has a beautiful new
postotTiceand court house, of steel and concrete, somewhat resembling.
in style of :trchiteettrre the new federal building at London, Ont.
eserine ,Main. and the late Mrs. Main, I'he Young 'Peoplc,held their meet-
ing L•tst Wednesday everting. Mr.. V.
1)11011 gave an inter e ting talk on
tltt Life of D. I.. --Moody.
Mts. V. lerry'berry and son 'Ken-
neth of Leamington visited friends
here during the past week.
Mlr. and Mrs, \Vols Austin are
spending a fete days with hie form-
er s parents.
A number from here attended the
funeral of the rte bier, Thos. Consitt
on Saturday;
ler. and Mrs. 'J. Seeley and Mr.
and Mrs. Prank Warder of London
were Sunday visitors at the home of
1 r. and Mrs. (Alfred Austin.
.vhere she re -sided until -her marriage
in NM. when she tooted to Manitoba
with her imsbantd, making their hone
there until 119211, when the family
moved east taking up residence On
the 9th eon. of '1-1ullett where site had
lived Op until her death. She wets a
'tome -loving person and her interests
were ever centered around her home
and family. She lea.vs to mourn her
passing, her husband, two sons, Geo.
and 'Herbert, both at home, four dau-
ghters, Mrs, S. Appleby, L•llyth, Mrs.
R. josling, Londes'horo; Effie and
Elizabeth, cit home, RASO her father,
Mir George M•Iain, tN.etr Dundee; one
state, Mrs. idellah Struck, Preston;
three brothers, Charlie, Bert and Au-
stin, of Manitoba, and fotir grand-
children.'Interment took place in the
Clinton cemetery. .Pallbearer, were
Messrs. Lloyd, Mervyn and ,iohn
Pipe, 'Glen Fatirsertice, Thomas' Ste-
vens, Scott ;Fairservu•e, • nephews of
the. deceased.
On Monday, March ileth, the con-
gregation of Knox church. Bayfield.
met in the .basement to spend a social
evening with Dr. and MLrs. C. E.
Dougan, prior to .their leaving for
their new field of labor at Trenton.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leitch presented
their infant for 'baptism. Following
this all joined in singing 'favorite odd
songs. Mrs Armstrong and Mrs.
Westlake rendered a duet very ac-
ceptably ,attd a chorus of men's
voices sang two numbers. Mr. ',l. J.
Richardson, acting as chairman call-
ed on several of the audience for
short speeches. Mr. Lewis Thompson
asked Mr. George Dewar to come
forward when a beautiful reading
lamp was presented to the departing
minister and his wife. Both Dr. and
Mrs. Daugam in reply spoke of the
kindness they had always received
from the congregation. Since taking
over the work here there had been
perfect harmony and concord. A
'bountiful lunch was served by the
ladies. ,D7r. Dougan will preach -his
farewell on 'Sunday,, March Zhs.t.
Many friends of Miss 0, MacKen-
zie will be sonny to hear she is under
the doctor's care.
Miss Lucy Woods returned to the
village Sundayaftera few weeks hol-
idays in London and 'Dunnville.
lEarly in the season there was fear
of an. ice famine but the ice houses'
are all filled now and abundance for
The funeral of the late Mrs. iAddi
iFairservice, wife sof Mr. ;Wm, Fair
service, who passed away in St. 'Jos-
eph's IRospital, London, an March 11,
1937, was 'hdid . at her late residence
on the 9th concession of Hu,l'le.t't, on
Saturday, . March 113th, conducted by
Rev. Mr. Gardiner, pastor -oil 'Barns'
United 'Church. The deceased was
borne near New- Dundee, :Ont:, Sept.
119Th, 111882, and was 'a daughter .of Mr.
The Ladies' Aid and
Coven Church. Winthrop. held their
regular meeting on \larch ,ird at the
home of Mrs. 'Hiram Blanchard. The
president, .Mrs. ,Rifle+n, presided. 'Che
meeting opened with a (hymn .follow-
ed with silent prayer. The roll call
on Faith showed a gond attendance.
W't' discussed and hymn 56
eves sung. Scripture lesson taken
from Galatians was given by 1Irs.
Allan Ross. followed with pryer by
Mfrs. Resbt. Mlc:`Farlane. The Christian
Stewardship secretary, Mhrs. Rolterh
McClure, gave a very interesting
reading. Margaret Montgomery ;gave
the topic taken from the study book.
Sentence prayers were given by Mrs.
C. 'Doltitage and Mrs. 'Hiram Blan-
chard. Hymn 402 was sung and the
meeting closed by repeating the
Lord's prayer in unison.
Mir, R. J. Cooper spent a ,lea 'days
in Toronto recently Mfsitin;g with his
sisters. •
\L Dorothy McLean df Kirkland
Lake was calling on her .many blends
around the tillage this week and all
wee glad to see'ser.
\Ir. John 11eNaughtou and Mrs.
Chesney sney continue to keep quite poor-
.\ large number from these parts
attended the tit. Patrick's euchre. and
dance in 'Hensall on the 17.1-1 and all
t epurt a real trate.
Mfrs. J. M. Ci per is in Seafo•th
hospital and tier many friencis all
(tope for a speedy -recovery.
'Mfr. and Mrs,'John Jarrett of the
village entertained a large number of
their friends to a social evening re-
cently and all enjoyed it. eery mach.
W.M.S.-The Women's Missionary
Society was held at the 'home of Mrs.
Chas. Stephenson on Wednesday af-
ternoon, MMarch 110 with Miss '.Annie
i.larrott presiding in The absence of
Mfrs. TR..Mc1.Atlister. The meeting op-
ened by singing i'Iynvn 1416. (Prayer in
unison. Devotional reading by Mrs,
kobt, Stephenson. •Hymn 402. The
Secretary then gave her report. The
roll was called and answered by 10
points for Mrs. Turner's ,group and 6
points for Annie rtfarrott's group. The
offering and business was then taken,
An iteral on Mrs, G. E. Forbes (,Pres-
ident of the Dominion Board) on her
flight by aeroplane to 'West China
was taken for the study. 7Hymn 568
was sung, We closed the meeting by
the M1irpah Benediction. A 'dainty
hunch was sert•ed by the hostess.
The friends and relatives in this
community were grieved. to know
when the sudden death of 'Mr. Tho-
mas Consitt occurred tn'Hensall on
Thursday last. For many years :MM:.r.
Consitt resided in this community
and was highly esteemed in every
respect. The heartfelt sympathy is
extender] to his sorrowing wife and
the family circle who etourn 'his loss.
A number attended his funeral on
Saturday from his home in Hensel'.
Mr. and Mrs, :Percy Campbell and
family .visited at the hoarse of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love.
Mor. Won. Love of 'Hensall was a
recent visitor to this community.
Mrs. JohnBaker is on the sick list.
\\'e wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. \V'eide)have been
ut attendance to their fathers' illness,
h 1'
11 r .J oh cJohn
De her and � oho
\\Tido at Zurich.
Miss Greta ,Blackwell was called
to her home during her mother's ill-
ness and death. 'from Florida she
came by way of aeroplane to Detroit.
Mfrs. \Vestey .Richardson returned
to her home after spending several
days with her hatband at 'Clinton
Hospital where he is doing nicely
after his operation.
Mr, and Mrs. _Lasa Watson have ta-
ken - a .position with Mr. Alan Coch-
rane and are getting settled this
After a few weeks' illness from a
heart attack at her home, 'Jane Ide-
Sherry, n'ife of Charles Blackwell.
passed away on Sunday evening,
:March 11(4, in her 59th year. She was
born an the farm where she has lived
during her lifetime on the '5th tGon-
cession of Hay 'Township, Mrs.
Blackwell has been a highly esteems
ed resident df this .community and
will be missed by a large circle of
friends. as 'veil as her husband and
two daughters. Mrs. Lou Cilan'ke and
Greta, and one son .Russe'Ul, and one
The W.A. .are .giving their play, sister; Mrs, Murray, who mourn her
"The Woman yin The Fur - Coat," in loss. 'The funeral took place from her
late home .an
this church .on Wednesday night of . Wednesday, March h7,
at 200 gip. sn, conducted by Rens. 'A.
this week. Sinclair of 'H'ensall United Church.
Interment in the 'HiiIlsgreen :Cemet-
ery. The heartfelt sympathy is ex-
tended to the sorrowing ones in their
loss of a loved one.
Mr. and Mrs, \\'rat. Bradshaw and.
David, Mrs. 'John Herdman .incl Eula
were visitors in Strathrn_v on Satur-
Miss Hazel Heywood of `Petrodia is
visiting this week at her home stere.
The remains of the date John Clem-
ents were interred in this .vicinity on
Sunday afternoon last.
Miss .Gerta 'Hunter of ,London spen:
Sunday at her home.
ANDREW A, MOORE, Seaforth, Ont,
Leghorn Cockerels 2.00 per Hundred
Barred Rock Cockerels 7.00 per Hundred
Mrs. S. 0. Leslie of Blyth, wishes
to announce the engagement of her
eldest daughter, Hazel Leona, Reg.
N., to 'Mr, Benjamin John Timms, of
Ingersoll, son of .Mr. and Mrs.' E.
Timms, London, the marriage to take
place quietly the end of March.
iMfiss I -da IOhuter has returned- home
after spending a .few weeks with
friends in !Flint.
Miss Muriel Elliott is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Herd, in Goderieh.
Mr. 'Victor Lee, who has been em-
ployed with Mr. George Beatty, Sr.,
for nearly three years, has engaged
with Mr. McIntosh near- Seafarth.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin of Sea -
forth - are on their honeymoon. \'Are
wish thembots voyage through life,
Miss Lillian Elliott is assisting in
Mossap's store.
McCullough - In Scott Memorial
Hospiital, Seaiforth, ' :on' Sunday,
March 14, 1937, to " Mr. and :Mrs:
Roy McCullough, iGromarty, a
Lilliao-In Scott Memorial Hospital,
Sea1orth, on 'Tuesday, - March 1(16,
11(9317, o Mr. and Mirs, -Alex. Lill'ico,
'Egmontlrvill'e, a daughter,
A joint meeting of the W.A. and
W.M.S. was held in the basement al
the -church Thursday, March 110 The
meeting was 'opened by singing hymn
360. 'Prayer was offered by .Mrs. W.
Britton +fallowed by the Lord's pray-
er in unison. The roll call on "Faith"
was answered. Minutes were read and
adopted and the business transacted.
Mrs. Snell took the chair for group
iNo. 3. 'Hymn 1135 was sung, followed
by prayer by 'Mrs. E. Adams. The
leaflet was given 'by 'Miss Ivy Sim-
mons. IA solo was given by Mrs.
Lindsay accompanied by Mrs. Roger-
son, tiers, Gardiner gave an interest-
ing talk on the crucifixion of 'Christ.
Hymn 197 was sung and Mrs. Gardin-
er closed the meeting. Lunch was
Tice W.M.S, will hold their Easter
Thankoffering meeting on 'Easter
Sunday evening, March '_13th at 7:30.
The pastor, Rev. W. A. Gardiner, will
-be in charge of the service. There
will be special music by the choir.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Snell and Mr.
W. Button attended the funeral of
the late Miss Moore of .01111 pn. The
body was taken to Murano for burial.
Miss Chalmers spent the week end
with 'Cromarty friends.
'The .Foresters will hold a dance in
'Forester's hall on Thursday, March
215. Please note the change of date.
Mr. ,Leslie Tasker sold his farm
last week.
'The farm lately vacated by Mr.
'Percy McMichael has been sold, to
Mr. 'Wayne of near Bayfield:
Mr. and Mrs. Wiil Webster and
son 'George of St:Helens visited Mrs.
Webster's mother. Mrs. Henry Tay-
lor, on Sunday.
Frank'Morgan Cecily Courtneidge
The Perfect Gentleman
:Mr. and Mrs, Schroeder of Grand
Send spent 'Sunday visiting Mfr. and
Urs, Montgomery. -
Mis Chas. Riley returned 'frons
Victoria Hospital, London, on .Wed-
nesday of this week and is progress-
ing nicely.
The screen's newest, and greatest'
comedy team
Mon. Tues, Wed., Mar. 22-23-24
Fred MacMurray, Gladys Swarthout
Champagne Waltz
The dancers, Veloz and Yolanda
A charming and melodic love story
of modern Vienna
Nova Pilbeam
Mfrs. Martin Murray of Dublin
spent a few days at the hone of her
daughter, Mrs. ;Toe Maloney.
Mfr. Denis Nolan has engaged with
Mr. Wilfrid O'Rourke.
Quite a number ,from here attend-
ed the St. Patrick's concert in Dublin
on Wednesday evening and enjoyed
it very much.
.Miss Marie Murray spent Sunday
at the 'hone of her sister, Mrs. Wil-
frid 'Maloney.
iThe flu epidemic is raging around
here at present.
The wintry weather and the 'March
winds have made it possible to- finish
harvesting the pine roots but it will
not be long before the crop will be
exhausted after which we will bare 10
resort to :the peat bogs in the pine
\\'e are pleased to learn that Mirs.
Patrick McLoughlin Inas lived to cel-
ebrate another St. Patrick's day and
her many friends wish her to see
many more.
The we'dditig chitnes are 'beginning
to ring in our burg.
Joseph P. Dentzer, :well known re-
sident of St. Coitus -than, died Monday
at the home of his brother, Rev, Fr.
John 'Dantzer. Born in McKillop' 'tp.
on March 7, 11891, he had spent the
greater part of his life there. He was
a member of the Roman Catholic
Church. Another brother, .Andrew`
Da :tzar, of near Dublin, survives
also. The funeral takes place at St.
Coltmrhan Church Thursday morn-
ing, March 18. at 141 o'clock.
The Man Who Knew
Too r8u'ch
Melodrama that will keep you hang-•
ing on your chair every minute
FRI, SAT. NITES only Mar. 26-27
A Fable by Mar. Connelly
The Green Pastures
Spec. Mat. Good Friday at 3 P. M.
Mr, J. L. Tasker sker ha .old his farm
in Hnilett the fnrntec \\1u. Rion
farm to Mr, 1)1011, from the West.
Mr. Lasker is havins an suction 'sale
on March 31.
Mfr. and Mrs, Joe McClelland and
,Master tKenneth of 'Figtnandville
:were recent guests of \4r, and Mfrs.
Hugh MrtG'e •or.
Mrs. Cole •of Ch•iselhurst eves the
fiattestfew of
days'. Mrs. and rs. Wm. Belt .for
The many friends of Mrs. 'Mat.
Clark will be pleased to know that
site is recovering nicely after her ser-
ious illness in a London hospital.
Messrs. lDavid Kyle and jack Tin -
nay spent a fete days in London.
'Mr, and Mors. Roy MdLeren visited
in London on Monday with ;Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. M, Drysdale spent
Monday in London.
'Rev, W. A. Young is in Toronto
this week attending a committee
meeting of the Sabbath schools and
Y. 1P. S,
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Bell and son
Bobby and Mrs. Rcbt. Bell visited in
London on Monday.
The Mission Circle of the United
Church held its first meeting at the
home of Miss 4nildie Cross on cFri-
day, March 113, from 6 to S p.m. A
dainty supper was served, after which
a meeting was held. Following the
devotional period the officers were
elected: • ?President. 'Dorothy 'Mc-
Queen; Vice President, .Marion Dou-
gall; Secretary. .Goldie Cross; Treas.,
'Norma Cook: :Pianist, Elva Mc-
Queen and (Pear] Harpole. The :meet-
ing was closed •hy singing "Breathe
au ase 'breath of God," followed by
repeating the Lord's prayer in utti-
son. The next meeting 'will be held
on April 9th at the home of Miss
Pearl 'TLarpole.
11 r..and 'Mrs. 'James Paterson spent
a few days in Toronto this week
'Misses Elizabeth .and Margaret
Slavin are spending a week with
friends in (Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett and son
Ross visited in London on Saturday.
Save Money By Prepaying
Taxpayers. may purchase Tax Prepay=
ment Receipts for 1937 Taxes at
Favorable Discounts
AMOUNT March 1-15 March 16-31 April 1-15
$10,00 $ 9.78 $ 9.80 'S 9.82
20.00 19.56 19.60 19.64
50.00 48.90 49.00 49.10
April 16-30
$ 9.83
May 1-15 May 16-31
$ 9.85 $ 9.87
19,70 19.74 -
49 25 49.35
AMOUINT June 1-15 June 16-30
$10.00. $ 9.88 $ 9.90
20.00 - 19.76 19.80
50:00 49.40 49.50
July 1-15
$ 9.92
July 16.31
Aug. 1-15
$ 9.95
Aug. 16-31
$ 9.97
Prepayment Receipts must be endorsed and presented along ' with 1937 Tax Bills at Canadian Bank
of Commerce.
Purchase your Prepayment Receipts early and have youe" money
earhing 4 per cent. in-
If you cannot buy all now, budget your Taxes this year by purchasing a receipt each
month, up to Sept. lst. n
D. H. WILSON, Clerk & Treasurer"