HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-03-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
'The \V.M,S, of the United Church
net at the home of the president, Mrs.
W. B. CroSs an Wednesday evening
of this week, with a splendid attend-
ance of members present. Following
the opening hymn and prayer, the de-
votional was taken by Mrs. H. Hil-
liard. Prayer by Mrs, Cross, An inter-
eiting talk on Temperance by Miss
Jennie Murray. Piano solo, Miss God_
die Cross. Visiting. committee, Sirs E.
McQueen and Mrs. G. FoIlick, re-
ported having made 30 calls and
found two confined: to bed, 'The visiting committee for this month iv 111
be Mrs. Cross. The topic on "Men
and Women of Africa" was ably tak-
en by Mrs. R. J. Moore. A ohms) clo
was given In Miss Greta Lanunie. It
was moved 4 Miss Murray and sec-
onded by Mrs, Drysdale that a birth-
day party be held in the near future.
At the conclusion of the closing hymn
and prayer, a delicious lunch avers ser-
ved. '
Mrs. Peter Manson entertained her
group of the Ladies IA id of Carmel
Presbyterian Church at her home on
Friday afternoon.
Miss Jean .Bouthron of London
spent the week end at her home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Les; lie Knight and
;dhildren of Kitchener, accompanied
• by Miss Alice Higgins, spent the
week end at his home here.
• Mr. Robert 'Drysdale of London
spent the week end at his home here.
• Rev, W. A. and Mrs. Young enter-
• tained the choir df Carmel ,Presbyter-
s lin Church at their 'home on 'Thors-
: day evening.
Mrs. William Otterbein, NV110 has
been in a London hospital for several
weeks for treatment, is now recover-
ing nicely.
Miss Alice Pfaff emertained a num-
ber of her gir3 friends on Saturday
afternoon at her home here, the oc-
casion being her birthday.
Mr. W. L. McLaren and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Sunday vis-
iting With their cousin, Mr. W. E.
McLaren of Cromarty, who has been
;seriously ill for several weeks.
Mrs, Levi Rands spent a f ew days
last week visiting .friends in tondon.
Miss Mary Little was visiting
friends in -London over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Love. who
spent the winter months with rela-
tives in California, have returned
home to Hensall.
lir. Charles Bell has sold his hotel,
The New Commercial, to a Toronto
man, who will take possession on
March 15t11.
Miss Margaret McLaren, daughter
,of .Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren •of
the ILondon Road, was taken to Vic-
toria Hospital, London, on Thursday,
and operated on dor appeadicitis. She
is now doing as well as van he ex-
Mr. \6f, Month on Saturday sev-
ered Isis connection with the Cook
Rock Bottom Store here. where he
has been assisting since he sold out
to Mr. Cook several months ago. Mr.
Wuerth is now taking a few well
earned holidays.
Quite a number of hockey fans,
from !Neilsen and district, were in To-
ronto on Saturday night, taking in the
big hockey -match between Toronto
Maple Leafs and the Canaeliens of
On Friday ;evening abort fifty nei-
ghbors and friends gathered at the
house of Mr. and Nrrs. Fred Corbett
to spend the evening with them, the
occasion being Mr. Corbett's birth-
day. •A very pleasant evening was
spent in games and dancing..A dainty
lunch was served. Mr, Corbett is very
popular among his neighbors and
friends, and all wish him many more
Mr. Wesley Greene, who for some
time has ;conducted a milk business
here, has sold out to Mr. Oliver Row-
cliffe. i ho recently bought out the
milk business ;if his brother, Archie
Roweliffe. In a place the size of Hen.
all, there was hardly enough busin-
ess for two. Mr. Roweliffe has two
rigs now on the road delivering milk
and is giving good service.
The following is the Hensall public
school report for January and Feb-
ruary: Sr. 1,V. .Harold tse h ler 84,
*Norris MeEwan 70, Howard Love
63, Ronald Parker 63, Blanche Thom-
son 61, *!George Sangster (Ai, Mary
Goodwin 69, Cecil ;Kipfer 50. Jr. IV.
-Marton Drummond '81., R eta 'Bon
73, Robert Cameron 06, hole Saund-
ercock 63, Donald loynt 02, Emily
Hoskin 60, Audrey Twitchell 59, J;Shn
Shepherd 58 Laird tindson 55, Robt
Hess 54, 'Robert Sangster 53, Ross
Greene 92, *Margaret 'Sangster 50,
*Shirley Twitchell 48, Lan Deters 43,
Iva Allen .91. OD Missed examine -
tions. ---C. Illowes. Teacher.
Room 2. -Sr, 111, -,Gordon CanIP-
bell 75, Lois MacLaren 72. Bobby
Nicol 72. John Beer 711i loe Marks
69. *Ross Kennedy 06, Raymond
.Higgins 59, 'Jimmie Clark 59, Shirley
Fairbairn 36,
fld.---.Marion McLaren 75, Do-
nald Williard 64, *Mildred Brock 61,
Jimmie Sangster 611,Ronald Stephan
61, tElaine Hoskins 58, George Otter-
bein Si, Douglas Corbett 51. Howard
Smale 30, 'Elton Fairbairn 21a. Sr. IT.
Redden 83, 'Donald Shep-
herd 717, Marion Sangster 77. Cather-
ine Hamilton 75, Jack Drysdale 714,
Patsy McDonell 712, Gloria. Twitth-
eiJ Alpine MeEwan 67, Ruth
Hess 65, Alvin Smale '63, *Bobby
Cook 60, *INorm,a Sangster 56, *Mar-
ion Green 34, 'Mabel ,Fairbairn 47,
Miss M. tA. Ellis, Teacher,
Jr, XII. -Mervyn Stephan 76, Helen
Wolff 715, Mina MdEwan 714, Douglas
Cook 69, George Beer .69, Donna
McEwen 68, 'Beverly McChnchey 64,
'F Shirley Wolff 20, Sandy McArthur
ah. Sr. 1.4 -Ronald Moir 78. Ruth
Young 77, Mary Hamilton '7141 junior
Holden 73, Lila Moir 168, Ronald
Redden 67, Ray Hedden 66, 'Ross
Jinks 615. Sr, Pr. --/Joyce Broderick
88, Elaine Carlisle 85, (tune Kennedy
85, Doris Buchanan 83, Freddie Rob-
ison 02, Billy 'Campbell 91, Dorothy
McNaughton ,715, Billy Mickle 74. Jc.
Pr.-I:Norma 1Greene 73, Harold
Wolff 67. ---Miss Beryl -Pfaff, Teacher,
Death of Miss Linn Ortwein.-
Miss Linn. 'Ortwein passed away on
Monday evening at the home of her
Parents, Mr. 'aad Mrs. J. W. On wein
after an illness of over six months.
for Easter
The kind of Permanent yin' have always wanted. You vill
marvel at the beautiful, natural looking; long lasting waves
and curls these Permanents Produce'
OIL WAVES by machine
Include Shampoo, Hair Cut and Fingerwave
only by
'B' Beauty Salon
No Machine
No Electricity
All Steam Wave
The height of ultra smartness in FingerwaVing and
Perm anent S
For several years she had been em-
ployed as a clerk in Northway's, To-
ronto. in iNovember she ,was taken to
the hospital in Toronto for treatment
where it was found she was suffering,
!from a cancer. She was brought to
the home of Inc parents where she
gradually sank, past;ing, away Mon-
day. Miss Ortwein grew Up. in Hen -
sail, clerking in her father's store,
and was very popular. 'Miss Ortwein
was a member of the alethodist choir
for a number of years. ,After her fath-
er retired:from business she went to
'Kitchener for several years, later go-
ing to .Toronto, She is survived by
her parents, four sisters, Mrs. Drell -
kali), !Kitchener; Mrs. dlessell, Alt-
oona, Pa., Mrs, james Paterson and
Mrs. Mark Drysdale, of 'Hensall, two
brothers, Alonzo Ortweiii of •Detroit,
and :Milton Ortwein London. The
funeral, which was private, took place
from the home of her parents, Mn,
and Mrs. j. \V. Thawein, King St. on
Wednesday after11901) to 'Heristell
ion cemetery. 'Rev. 'Arthur Sinclair;
pastor of the 11.7 n te d u reit, • had
charge of the funeral service.
,'s. Thomas Sherritt left last
'week on a trip to Florida to spend a
month with relatives and- friends.
On Friday last Mrs. George Fergu-
son received the congratulations of
her many friends on the occasion of
her 84th birthday. 21 r. and Mrs. Fer-
And every CO111111011 blitill- afire with
:from Usborne township: Mrs.
sail '4 is hale and hearty and her friends
wish her Many happy returns of the
day. Mr, and ,\I r'., Ferguson celebrat-
ed their golden wedding in Novem-
ber. They have always lived in Lis-
burne township.
The wedding was solemnized at the
rectory in 'Exeter on Wednesday at
3 p.m. of Clare Gertrude Mae, second
youngest daughter of lir. and Mrs.
C. Wolff ;if Hensali, to Robert Var-
ies,. eldest son of Mrs. John Varley.
and the late John Varley, The bride
Was becomingly gowned in blue crepe
and ;the carried a bouquet of roses.
She wio. attended bv N1r5. Ed. Chap-
pel, while the groom was supported
by Clarence Volland. A wedding din-
ner was served at the home of Mrs.
Varies*. Air. and NIrs. Varley left for
a short wedding trip to Goderich, the
bride travelling in a navy -bine coat
,sith trimming,s af fur and accessor-
i7mt2 match. They will reside in G01-1-
,The YJP.I., .df the Cnited Church
on Monday 'evening entertained as
their guests the Young 'People's Sar -
("5 of Chiselburst United Church.
Miss Greta Lanimie presided over the
ins, part or the meeting. which con-
sisted of the opening hymn and pray-
er by tRev. .A. Sinclair. bible contest
on. the Book of Rath, resulting in
hiselhurst being the -winners. Miss
Beatrice DI.0 president of Chisel-
harst Society. .presided, the program
being provided by the visitors. Solo.
Miss Dorothy Watts; reading, Miss
Jean Veneer; piano selection, -Ben-
son Stoneman; month organ and gui-
tar seleethu, 'Gordon Hodgert and
Percy Wright; readings, 2lr, Martin
McTaggart. Following the closing
exercises -games and contests were
enjoyed, followed by lunch. On Mon-
day evening next. 21arch 1115th, a real
Irish night will Ile held onder the
:inspires of the Y.P.L, A splendid
program has been arranged by the
social .committee.
The Seaford) Farillers'
will be mixing Fertilizers Inc
its members again this season.
Prices can he obtained Iron)
any of the following Execut-
R. S. McKERCHER, President
Plume 249-4
KEN JACKSON, Vice President
• Phone 134-5
W. R. SCOTT, Phone233.3
T. W. McMILLAN, Ph. 244-21
R. S. 11ifeKercher,
Eighteen Ontario Horses at Cud-
more's Barn, Seaforth, 011 TUeSday,
M'arch 16th, 3930 pm. Terms cash,
W. Cudmore, Prop,; Fred Hoag
Auctioneer, Phone 109, Seaforth,
10/ Farm Stock -and I'mplements at
Lot 7, Con, 6, ;HMS., Tuckersmith,
30ri miles south of Seaforth and 1' nnls
east, on Wednesday, March 12466, at
1:30 P.M.
Horses -1a Brown gelding, 8 years,
11760 16s.; 1 bay gelding, 7 years, 11600
Cattle -1 jersey eow, 111 years, due
Apr .25; 1 Durham cow, 6 years, dc
.Apr, '115; 11 jersey cow, 8 years, due
2Jay 15;
I sow slue March 27.
Implements -24 Massey Harris thin -
der, 7 foot cut; a NISH. 13 -hoe drill
with grass seeder; II NCH, harrow
cart; set 4 -sec. harrows; 1 three -drum
land roller; .1' ten -foot dump rake; 1
Massey Harris 113 -tooth spring tooth
Cultivator, nearly new; 1 walking
plow; I low wagon; hay rack, stock
rack, wagon box, gravel box, set bob-
sleighs, 11 top buggy, It stone limo 1
set breeching harness; IS third set; 1
set single driving harness; hay rope,
car, set slings, sling chains, hay fork,
pulley ; n eckyoke, whiffletrcest log-
ging chain and other articles.
Six dining moil?, ehairs.
1 De Lan) cream separator,
76 sap buckets and spites.
Terms, cash.
11. H. Elliott, .Auctionver; Mrs. El-
len Wankel, Proprietress.
lent! enia n motoring to Moosejaw,
Sask., on or about March 17th, has
accommodation for two. Apply to
Geo, Coleman, Cromarty, or phone
1.34r25, Seaforth central. 10
Party wants $200 loan, for one year,
interest ig per Cent. Apply to Box 1311,
'Mensal]. 10.
'Man in lake ;,ver profitable RaW,-
leigli Route. Established c-ustomers.
N1:151 he satisfied with earnings of $30
a teeek to ;tett, Write Rawleigh's,
Dept .\l ,L..3&4, Montreal, Canada. 10
An electric. washing machine, 2 -way
wringer, all in perfect working order,
and stand :for two tubs. Also 3 oil
tanks, 180 -gallon AiZe, and iron stands
for same. Mrs. Charles Holmes, 12
Beginning gareh 115th and each
week following during the hatching
season. New electric incubator, Place
your order well in advance. 'Hatching
eggs and .haby chicks from good
stock at reasonable prices. Phone
2177W, Seaforth,
One grey gander, Apply to Ross
Broaclfoot, Phone 179r411, 1-tensall cen-
tral. 110.
House in 1Egniondville wanted
with about acre of land; would rent
or buy. Alpply to the News Ofifice.
'2,7 Chev. coach, $75; Studebaker
roacgter, $215: 2. -wheel trailer, with li-
cense.'McLean's 'Garage. figmond-
rille. 10
100 acres in Stanley .TownsItip.
good land, good, ,buildings, lots 'of
water supply. Dash.'Plowing all done
and a good stand of wheat. Hydro
available. :Alpply to Seaforth News.
The family of :the late 'Mr. 'Thomas
Cowan .wi-sh to thank the tfriends.and
neighbours for the many kindnesses
shoe,u, and sympathy expressed dur.
ing their recent stud bereavement,
Webster. -In 104Ving memory of
my dear mother, Mrs. iJohn Webster,
who passed away one year ago, .Nlar.
9, 1936.
-Sadly missed hy Mrs. Den. Rising
Ito loving memory of William Mc-
Laren Doig, who passed away March
10,th, 1933.
-Sadly missed hy Wife and Fam-
01 Farm, Farm I mplernents and
Household Effects,
Mr, George H. Elliott, 'Auctioneer,
has received instructions to sell by
public auction at Lot .1.212, Con. 00, Mc -
on. Thursday, ,March 215, let 2
The Farm -There will be offered
for sale at 'the same time and .place
the farm, consisting of 11215 acres,
about 10 acres bush, bank ;barn 100'x
36', and another small barn, garage,
windmill, good !brick house, alt in
grass. Terms on fanm made known on
day of sale. If not sold, farm will be
rented for pasture. For further partic-
ulars apply to James I -I, Morrison or
'Mrs. B. Hemingway, !Executors.
Implements -Spring tooth cultivat-
or, hoe drill; in -throw tlisc; set har-
rows; '31 -drum steel roller; 10 -foot
steel rake; M.H. 64ft. mower; Inter-
national hay loader; Fleury No, 211
plOw; set sleighs; two buggies; Port-
lancl cutter; pea harvester; McCorm-
iolc manure spreader; qua n tity lumb-
er; 'auaatity small tile; sliding hay
rack; 4 oak tongues; 2 sets doable
harness; car, rope and pulleys, fan-
ning !nil]; set scales; wagon; hay
rack; set Of single harness; sap pan,
pails and apiles; scuffler, shovels, etc.
;Quantity straw. 20 tons hay.
Household Effects - Dining room
suite; parlor mite; upright Dominion
grand piano; 2 white iron beds; 2
woodeu beds; bed springs; 2 dressers
and stands; mattress; linoleum 8s:dB
ft.; 2 rugs; heater and pipes; steel
kitchen stove and pipes (nearly new);
kitchen table; couch; barrel churn;
set quilting frathes, step . ladder, 4
lamps, dishes, cooking ;utensils, and
malty other articles too numerous to
Estate .of William .4, Morrison,
Proprietor; George H. ;Elliott, Auc-
01 Li re Stool:, Insolent 50 10. 'Furni-
ture and Seed Grain on Lot 29, Con-
cession 114. NleKillop, -2 miles east of
Walton, on Monday, March 1115th, at
I p,m,
Mores--(rey mare '5 year, old,
Grey horse 110 years old, grey horse
8 years old, good worker; gelding
rising 0 years old, 'broken; 3 colts
rising 2 years old; 1 filly slicker.
C'at'tle --'.3 Holstein cows, 5 and 6
years old, due in ,April; 'Islatok co'w 5
years old, floc in about two months;
2 grass rows.
3 Spring calves; a number of good
young calves.
Hogs ---110 ?ark -sows due on and
after time of sale; 2 sows due April
5111; f1.0 young sows bred 12 months:
10 Young SOWS 'bred one month; one
hog 3 years old; one young hog. A
good number of suckers and chunks.
all sizes. 3 goats, 2 collie imps.
implements - Success manure
spreader; Massey Harris 111-11oe seed
drill with grass seeder attachment, 2
section of spring tooth harrows, near-
ly new; 3 seotion diamond harrows
Fleury walking plow, potato hiller,
mall brooder store; steel -wheel wag-
on; pick plough; Illbrooder stove; 2
steel tub s; good ;cutter.
Vurnitures-IPerfection 4-hurner coal
oil stove with oven and new burners;
large Quebec heater, dresser stand
and bed; 1 phonograph; 00 doz. rec-
ords; gas lantern; 2 oil lanterns; Red
Star washing machine; wringer, near-
ly new; baby carriage; rocking chair;
folding day bed; single 'bed.
One .31114440 balloon tire MCI tube,
good shape,
'Grain -200 ,bus. :of seed oats.
.Numerous other articles,
George H. Ilialiott, Auctioneer; Mrs,
Car1.1)alton, Proprietress,
Of HOrses at -Cole's Livery Stables,
Erie Si, SiMatford, Ont., on Friday,
March 1211:11. .
35 !Ontario bred horses.
Black, brown, .grey some .mated
teams, Also some mares with foal,
Terms -Cash.
M. Roth, ,Anctioneer; J. C. °DOT
Proprietor. 10
At Hicks' House barns, Mitchell.
oery Friday afternoon.
Horses, springer cows, feeder cat-
tle, young calves and 'pigs of all ages.
Bring anything you 'have tfor sale.
IFor full particulars, apply to Aaron
(Steinacker. Phone 6113613,
We Save You Money
Tomato Juice
IA Gal, Tins 23c
Tomato Soup
5 Tins 25c
5 cup size
Green and Brown
Five Roses
per cwt.
Pure Lard
3 pound tin
Epsom Salts 7 lbs, 25c
Sulphur 7 lbs. 25c
29 c . Saltpetre 2 lbs. 25c
1 large Rinso
3.69 2 cakes Lifebuoy 27c
1 large Oxydol 19c
First Grade Creamery Butter 2 lbs. 51c
W. J. Finnigan
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
The Sodality 'Girls are, having a
dance on .April 20d. Ken Steele's or-
chestra. 08
Tuesday, March 111611t, at 8 p.m, in'
S.S. No. 2, .MaKilllop. 'Short -concert.
One 104201 • McCormick Deering
Tractor, in good sham.' Geo. H
Beatty, Varna, • 10
Man -or boy, seven months. Apply
News Office, 10
A quantity of Victory seed oats.
Phone 51502, DtiIhlin. Joseph, Jordan,
Dublin, Ont. 10
Several pure bred Hereford cows,
calves at side, Young bulls, various
ages. TWO incubators 2150 -egg, first
class shape, price reasonable. Fred H.
Culbert, Staffa. 10
E. C. Chamberlain
The purchase of the insurance 'busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of their companies to our prey -
isms facilities enables us to give you
unexcelled services 'in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
.Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m '
The following household effects,
the ;property of Mr. Green: T;vvo:,
stoves, several rugs, sideboard, tables,.
washing machine. cream 'separator,
day bed and -other articles. Apply at
Wm, Govenlock's, Egmondville. 3)1
House . and 'Property of the Alex.
Gordon Estate, Egtooncluillei for sale,
7 -roomed house, good cellar cistern,
never failing well at door, good gar-
den, large ;and small fruit; close to
church, school and store. -Prize reas-
onable. ,Apply on premises or to P.O.
box 511, Seaforth,
1Voman between 40 and '50, to take
full charge of house on farm. State
wages expected, Perimment home for
right person. ,I, 13, Greer, 9.9.1, Bay-
field. ' 1111
Frame. house, 8 rooms, cement
foundation, electric lights, etc., 'barn
and .ix lots adapted for market gard-
ening.. '17lic late Charles ;Hohlbein Es-
tate. Apply to Mrs. Richards, oppos-
ite the collegiate.
in the village of Walton, what is
known as the old Methodist chinch
property, consisting of a frame build-
ing 32x50 feet, horse shed 40s:60 feet
with corrugated roof on. Tenders
be accepted separately or for both
building's. The lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted, Tenders to
be 111 by March 29th, 19137, 'Address
tenders to George Jackson, chairman
of committee, Walton P.O. 112
The Conncil of the l'ownship of
Tuckersmith are asking for tenders
for operating the Stone Crusher for
1037 in two forms: -
11 ) Tender to state the price Inc
yard for material placed in the bin
The Township to furnish Crusher,
drag line in good repair, oil and re-
pairs for crusher and drag line.
The Contractor to furnish power,
belt, and necessary labor, move and
set no machinery in different pits, and
give competent care to Township ma-
Material must pass inspection of
the 'Rona Supt., no material to be paid
for if ;unsatisfactory. The Council
guarantees .to accept at least 11500
yards from each pit if satisfactory,
hut will require a bond for the faith -
fill performance of the contract,
(2) Tender to state price per hour.
Contractor to ;furnish power and belt
and assist in operating the drag line,
the Council to sootily oil Inc Crusher
and Dragline.
al -
'40 wanted, Contractor to state price
per ya-ed 013 For a haul op to two
mile limit ansl .over two Miles,
(2) Uniform price 'for all distaisces.
All work to be cOmpleted ;by Sept.
30th, 19137. The lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted, and all tend-
ers to he in the hands of the Clerk [by
March 120th, 1937,
10 D. IF, MdGREIGOR, Clerk.
Spring is not here, but it will come
Just the same, Think! Are you go-
ing to use fertilizer. If you do, we
will be pleased to supply you with
the best that is made. We are also
agents for the Preston Fertilator
which makes a complete fertilizer
drill out of your present grain drill.
Please hold your order for us, as
we will be around as soon as pos-
sible. We also have Murray's Min-
eral Food and Remedies, and Mot-
or Oil and Greases, Agricultural
Lime, DraM Tiles, Etc.
PHONE 136 r 2.
100 acres in the township of Mc-
Killop, good clay loam, in splendid
state of cultivation, welt fenced and
drained, neversfailing spring creek,
good well. All good buildings, hydro
fully installed, situated on good -coun-
ty road 6 miles north of Seaforth. For
terms and particulars apply on the
premises to D. G. MacEarlane, Wal-
ton P.O. Tel, 2418-3,
Lot 7, .Concession 8, Tuckersmith,
1100 acres, under cultivation. ;Brick
house, good hank barn; near school.
Half way ;between Hensall and Sea -
forth, 1Good water supply Apply to
\V. 9.. ,Free, Seaton)), 112
A farm of 1;30 acres on No. 4 High-
way, good clay loam soil, good build-
ings, with hydro throughout them.
;Lots af water. Pall ploughing done.
1115 acres of fall wheat. For further
particulars apply to The New' S office,
Township of Tuckersmith,
miles from Seaforah, 100 acres choice
dark clay loam suitable for any kind
of crop. Good roads in every direc-
tion. All necessary 'buildings. Well
fenced and drained, plentiful supply
of good water. This farm is in splen-
did condition. $110,000.00 was offered
Inc it in 11921. The price today with
possession on March •let, is $5,000.00.
With substantial down payment in
cash, terms wild be given for balance.
A. D. Sutherland,
100 acres, Lot 3, Con. 9, Hullett,
well drained and fenced, in a good
state of cultivation. Large bank barn,
cement stabling 1),rilled well, frame
house, garage. Possession given at
any time. Apply 'to Hugh Catmobell,
3 miles west ,of Winthrop.
Two grass farm, 715 acres, -SIA lot
10, con, 11, 3ioTCillop; mcI 150 acres,
SJ lot 1-9, con, 2, Hibbert, always
plenty of water. The late Charles and
.Margaret .1.71ohlbeiu estate. .Apply to;
Mrs. t:Richard, opposite Seaforth col-
Such well-known makes as 'Heintz -
man, uNordheimer, Mason &
Weber, and others; at .reasonable
prices and terms. Write 'I-Ieintzman
& Co„ 2112 tandas St, London, Ont.,
for further particulars, No obliga-
tions. 10 ,
tOne. hundred acres on the second
concession of the 'Township of Tuck-
ersinith in good state of ,oultivation.
Ten -acres of RA wheat. !Good 'brick
h -one with tfurnaice. Lange bank barn
46x90, Would sell stock and imple-
merits with lianm, Two. good wells,
one with 'Windmill. This fano, is loc-
ated one mile from No. 14 highway,
two .miles north of iBinucefieltl. Would
consider'wenting on shares if d'airin not
sold. 5'. Percy Cale, IR, R, Brucefield.