HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-03-11, Page 4• •
Snowdon Bros., Publishers,
'Mrs..9)ames Campbell • has teased
the apartments belonging to
Hoy iand is getting settled, having re-
ti.red from farming. -
A fire broke out in the 'ohimney
the stone house on the farm of Ro-
bert Shortreed, 9th con., 'Morris, • on
Tuesday at noon. Neighbors were
quickly celled on the phone, and
rushed to the farm with fire exting-
niShers and put 'out the ,blaze.
The Ladies Guild and WA, of St.
George's Church held their March
meeting at Mrs. .Humphries with
.Mns. Scarlett presiding. The meeting
opened with a hynut followed by
Scripture -reading by Mrs, -Smith.
The minutes were read and .approved
and some business was discussed, Af-
ter this twelve nice aprons were don-
ated to the apron sbower. These e ere
valued and some sold. the \V.A. then
held their 'meeting with MPS. Humph-
ries presidinoi'... A hymn was followed
by the W.A. prayer in unison. A
13.1easitng solo was sung by little Billie
Humphries and Miss Beth Shannon
also sang a solo, "Beautiful Garden
cif Prayer," which was appreciated.
- Both were accOmpaned by Miss Mary
Humphries. The -meeting was
brought to a close Alla 11.111411 was
party •on Tuesday .evening of this monia and heart trouble,
Week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The ladies of the United church are
Leo Watt and inviting the West end planning to hold a St. Patrick supper
group. A good time is expected. next week.
We are tend to know •that Mrs. Mir. A. Austin :gnat Sunday with
Wm, Pepper and litIle SOH of near his brother in Blyth, who is at .pres-
Brocesfield, who are in the Clinton ent very ill. Mrs, Fred MeOlymont
Hospital, are getting along .fine atoll and Miss Mangaret spent the week
wish to extend congratulations to Mr. end with friends in +lensed.
and 'Mrs, Pepper. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ap•pleby have
Old 1Dr. Stork presented Mr. and moved to their new home id the
\kni, Pepper of near Brocesfield
with a son in Clinton Hospital on
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Me -
Ewing visiting them on Sunday, We
wish to congratulate the .parents and
Mrs. Audrey iKnox and Mrs. Clif-
ford Shobbrook spent Wednesday of
last week with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Manning, near Walton.
Mr. Bert Beacom anti sisters, Miss
Kathleen (nurse in training) of Clin-
ton and M iss Edythe t. tea eh r in Wa-
wanossh.1 spent Saturday in Stratford.
Mrs. Thomas. Knox visited. at the
home af hor son, Mr, and rs.
Thomas Knox Jr„ one day last week.
Miss LYclia Bell spent Saturday
w ith her sistsr l ixe M ildred Bell at
the home of lir. Reece Ferris.
Boys from this neighborhood met
boys from Tuckersmith last Friday
night in Clinton and had a game of
hockey with a score of 8 for tach.
Mr. Harold Beacom spent Sunday
afternoon at the home f ,\ 1. and
Mrs. Isaac Ranson.
Mr. and NIrs. Isaac Rapson visited
on Tuesday of last week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings.
Mrs, Samuel Riddell who has been
very- poorly is able to be around again,
Miss Viola Clarke is visiting with
her aunt, Mrs. Cecil Oke, who is, we
.are glad to say, recovering from a re-
cent illness.
Mr. !Kenneth Terryberry of Leam-
ington visited over the week -end with
his old school chnm, Mr. Carman
Whitmore. -
The Y.P.S. of Turners Church ntet
on Tuesday evening under the direc-
tion of the Fellowship convener, Mr.
Erlin Whitmore, Mr, C. S. Hawke of
Clinton gave a very interesting ad-
dress on "The Essentials in Life De-
velopment," or "The Fourfold Life,"
and the following program was rend -
erect: A reading on 'Prayer by •Elor-
ence Whitmore; a duet by Mrs. E.
Crich and Miss Margaret Crich;
prayer by Mr. L. Tebbutt; scripture
desson by Mr. C. Whitmore; duet 'by
Mr. IE. Whitmore and Mr. IF. Town-
send, "A Crown of Thorns."
Mrs. Vern. Terryberry and son
!Kenneth icif Leamington are visiting
at the home of Mrs. Fred 'Pepper and
renewing old acquaintances in the vi-
Fire completely destroyed the farm
dwelling of Mr, Arthur Chapman of
the 4th concession of Stanley on !Sun-
day evening.
Be watching for Mr. 'Herbert Man-
ning's auction sale, farm stock, imple-
ments and some household effects, to
be held on the ,213rd of this month, at
his farm on the 114th of Hullett,
miles west of Walton, and a little
501.1t h. 011 townline, 'between Hullett
and Morris,
Miss Laura •Mattning of Kitchener.
who was holidaying for a few days
with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Herb.
Manning near Walton spent Wednes-
day of last week with her sister Mrs.
and Mr. Audrey Knox.
We were very sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. Thomas Cowan at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. and Mr.
Frank Robinson, and wish to extend
sincere sympathy to all the friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Little and Mrs,
•Rdbert Townshend will accompany
the remains to Thornhill. Man., his
former home. where he mill be laid to
Mr, A. W. Beacom received a tele-
gram last week of the dead' of his
sister-in-law, Mrs. Williani Beacom
(formerly- Miss Katie 'Hannah, and
niece of Mr. Thomas Neilans) of the
Soo. We wish to ex -tend sincere sym-
pathy to the friends.
Miss Leah Ranson of Stratford
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox spent
Sunday for dinner at the home of the
latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Man-
ning near Walton,
A number of the young people of
this neighborhood attended the dance
an Friday evening in the hall at Lon-
desboro and report a good time.
Mr, 'James Leiper has already this
winter purchased 6 hors'es and sold
He also delivered 10 head of fine
steers to Mr. John Watson on Satur-
Mr. IPeter Taylor purchased a cow
last week from Mr. Kellam! McVittie.
Mr. Charles Parsons of Stratford
called on some of his friends in this
vicinity last week. MT. Parsons ex-
perts to soon. be baolc to the !ferns
again for spring 'work. He spent a
couple of months this :winter with his
brother, Mr. Wm. ,Parsorts itt he
:States and says his brother is looking
* Mr. 'john Knox and Eileenof Lon-
desboro made a cal at the shome of
Mr. and MTS. Isaac Rapson 'Sunday
Mr. Isaac Rapson visited Sunday
afternoon at the home of Mr. and
'Mrs. Thos. knox.
The 'East end group of Ladies' Aid
are holding a progressive erokinole
On Wednesday evening of last
week the members of the :Kippen
East W.L -were hosts at a social ev-
ening for their families and invited
guests numbering 160 or more at
Watson's ---Hall ,.'Kiropen. . The first
part of the evening took the form of
a progrannue with Mr. Ross Mackay
fil ling the position of. chairman in his
usual capable way 11 r. Aethur
18n -
la yson and 'Keith She rpe delighted
all with old thne tunes, Ntl r, Benson
Stoneman played a piano solo. 1ii rs.
Hugh NI ethegor gave a reading and
NI iss E-thel 1 Jackson -Georgi
1 lis eemiereo pleasing solos. A song
"Styles of Other Days," sung by
members in old time -costume provok
ed lunch merriment. Mr. Ian Mc-
Leod, district rep, from ,Clinton, gaVe
a splendid address on Mineral Defic-
iency, outlining its rnatly aspects in
.clops 'old livestock and dealing parti-
cularly m ills its control and ultimate
prevention. This was followed by eu-
chre, the prizes going, to, gent's first,
r. -J. 1-1 av a consolation, Nelson Ri-
ley; ladies' 'first, Mrs. G. Hess, con-
solation, :\liss E. 'Jackson. At mid-
night a bounteous lunch was ser ved
and au old time dance, music sup-
plied 'by the Collins' orchestra, was
enjoyed by all -until the wee sma'
hours. The conunittee 111 change are
to be congratulated on the evening's
success. The March meeting of the
!Branch will be held nit Mrs. Wm.
Sinclair's home on Wed., the .1i7th,
The topie will be on Legislation, the
roll call being a traffic- lam, and the
motto, stop, look listen. Rev. Mr,
Chandler will be the guest speaker.
As it will be St. Patrick's Clay, .memb-
ers are requested to wear something
green in honor of the 00CaS i011. Will
the members please bring complete
layette articles?
Mrs. J. D. Stewart of -Ailsa Craig
was visiting with friendsln the neigh-
borhood -one day recently. •
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark and fa-
milywho have been laid up with the
flu are again enjoying their usual
good health.
Mrs. NN'tn. McLean is able to be
around again after her recent illness.
The many friends of Mrs. Hugh
M•oGregor tvill be sorry to know that
she has not been enjoying her usual
good health for the past few ,days,
•hut a speedy recovery is hoped for:
Robt. MdGregor is ivisitiog
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win,
Chapman for 'a few days, as the let,
ter is not enjoying very good health,
hut we home that she is iniproving.
Mr. Dan IMelick has accepted a
position on a faun.
The community was saddened by
death here on Thursday of Dr. A.
cLeod, heloVed physician. He was
both friend .and doctor to everyone
and won a high place in the affection
of all. He had 'been ill only a short
time, doctoring those taken with "fin"
until last week end. The deceased
doctor was horn in Cape Breton 1s-
Ilatid, and from there moved
with his parents to Bayfield, 'Ont.,
where he -spent his early Ife. He
taught .school dor several years before
deciding upon doctoring as his life
work. He graduated from McGill Un-
iversity twenty-three years ago an 1
spent almost a year doctoring in liar-
riston. .finally coming to Wroxeter
119115, He married Clara Koehler of
Zurich, and to them were horn tw )
children, !John and Margaret. both at
home. A private senvice took place at
the house Saturday afternoon f °Bow-
ed by a public one in Wroxeter Unit-
ed Church. 'Interment was in Piayfiell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock o'
Thames Road, Mr. A. C. Whitlock
and Miss Joy Whitlock of St. Thom-
as were Sunday visitors with 11 r.
Mrs. Ben, Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. !Joshua 'Johns an
Nliss Alma Johns moved to their
home in Exeter on Saturday last.
Mr. and Ifrs. John Herdman an
114 of -Strathroy and Mrs, Georg
Sect of Three .1-1111s. Alberta, visitec
with Nit% and Mrs. 'John Herdman ot
Annie Elford 'has -been confined to
her bed thi Mast week with the flu.
Mrs. Robert Dennison has return
ed to Mitchell after spending a week
with relatives in this vicinity. .
Miss Ettla Rierdman spent afes
days in Exeter visiting her ig.randiath
er, Mr. Henry .Squires.-
There passed away after a period of
illness at the home of his son, W
Hoy, in Clinton, William G. Hoy in
his 76th year. The late Mr. Hoy was
born in New York State but sons •
forty years ago came to Canada
where he farmed for many years on it
farm on the Morris and Hnilttt bout"
dary. east ot Blyth. !in 118118 he was
married to Sarah Dougan. wins pre
deceased him '23 years ago. To this
onion were born two children. Wil-
liam, of Clinton. and Mabel (deceas-
ed). The funeral was held on Satur-
day, March '6th, at 2 o'clock, to the
Union cemetery. Myth. The services
were conducted by Rev, D. Cosens o
Clinton.. The pallbearers were Messrs
Cook, H. Stecue, .8. Stevens, 1.
Carter of Clinton, and Wm. Mills
and Rdht. McDonald of Blyth.•
\Ve are sorry to learn Burt Mr.
Fisher is still its a critical condition,
since he sprained his ankle a couple
of months ago.
Rohn Leonhardt is still in a 'critical
condition, suffering with an infection
in his jaw.
Mr, and Mrs, Peter Eckert .have
returned to their home here from To-
ronto, where they enjoyed a well-
earned rest for th•e winter.
Mr. and Mrs, ;Joseph Eckart and
baby returned home from Scott
Memorial Hospital last Saturday,
Mr. Alfred Austin was called to
Londesboro on Sunday on account
of his brother's sudden illness and at
time of writing his condition appears
critical as he is suffering from pnen-
In All Makes of Used Cars
Seiberling Tires, Tubes, Hart Batteries
General Repairing on all Makes of Cars
New and Used Auto Parts, Flats Fixed
Cars Washed. Batteries Charged
Supertest Gas, Oil, Coal Oil, Fuel Oil
Valuable Premiums Given
All Repairs Strictly Cash. Wie Alin To 'Please
Mr. M. MdAdlister of Toronto is
visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. Ward Forrest and daughter,
Anna Grace. are spending a few days
with her parent:4. Mr. and Mrs. Gco.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Love visited
his mother. Mrs. Love and family.
Messrs. 'Harold sReichert, Earl
Love. Alfred Westgate and Clifford
\Veido, spent a day its London re
cen tly.
'Quilling bees are the order of the
day anion the women folk in this
Mr. Wesley Richardson, who very
successfully underwent an operation
in Clinton hospital last week is doing
as well as can ihe looked for. We wish
him a speedy- recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jar-
Mrs. Wesley Richardson is spend-
ing a bit- days in Clinton while her
husband is in the hospital.
Mt'. and Mrs, G. Olivaster of Lon-
don spent Sunday with the tatters
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeOlin-
chey of the Bronson line.
Mr. Donald Patterson of near
Strathroy was the guest of Mr. and
Mr:. 'Alfred Westlake over the week
lir. and Mrs. Clifford Scotchmer
off Chicago spent the past week -with
the former's .parents, Mr, and Mrs.
'Sohn Scotchmer.
Mr. Geo. Williams Of Strathroy
has been renewing old acquaintances
on the Btronson line,
Mr, .Affred Scotchmer of Goderich
Tp. spent Sunday with his .brother,
Mr. Will Scotchmer of Bronson line.
Mr. and Mrs. Witt Carnie of the
Bronson dine spent Tuesday of 'last
week with Me. and 'Mrs. , Robt.
Scotchmer a Bayfield.
alr, and Mos. D. Turner of Don -
don, accompanied by Mr. IGussie
Clank. !who is attending 'the Wester-
velt Commercial .School, spent the
week end with Mr, and 'Mrs. R. iN.
Dotsglas .and IMrs..Olark of Blake re-
Miss Jean C'arnie of 'Tockersmith
Markham, Jan. 26th: "Dear Sir -I would like to get my order to
you early enough this year. I am well pleased with the way these pul-
lets are doing that I got from you. I have had as high as 21 eggs
a day from the 25 birds. They are the best pullets I ever bought any-
where. Your truly, J. W. Forster."
Manv similar letters are :being received. This testifies to
the high quality of our stock and the complete Satisfaction of
our customers, We suggest that you place an order with us
this year, for better results. -
We invite you to visit our new 1 latehery. iincl inspect our
up-to-cl ate Eq u i pm en t.
White 'Leghorn and Parrecl Lock Baby Chicks, lour -week-old pul-
lets: also Sexed day-old 'pullets and .cockerels, at reasonable prices,
R. R. 3, Seaforth, Ont,
The General Died at
Oriental melodrama involving smugg-
ling in China
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Townsend accompanied
and Mrs. J. A. ?Cantle, of the Bran- the remains West.
son line.
Mr. H. D. Steekle has recently pur-
chased the Blake weigh scales and in-
tends to 'remove and install them on
his fat'm on the Bronson line.
The March meeting '81 the Wo-
men's ffnstitute was held in C 01111111111
ity hall on. March 4th with Mrs. E.
Adams presiding. Meeting ,opened by
singing opening ode and the Lord's
prayer in unison. ;Minutes were read
by the secretary, Mrs. Hall and roll
was called, after which business was
taken tip. It was decided to hold the
April meeting one week later than
usual, which will fall on Thursday,
April Eith. 'Mrs. Oster of Blyth, the
district president, W 4S present and af-
ter a few remarks. gave a paper on
"Peace." A trio .by Misso 13. INCitt,
Miss T. Scott, Miss E. Watson. was
sung with Mrs. J. P. Manning at the
piano. Mrs. F. Thompson gave a pa-
per on "Hard Knocks." Mrs, B.
Shobbrook and Mrs. E. Adams gave
readings. The hostesses, Mrs. B.
Sho'bbrook, Mrs. T. Roberton. Mrs.
W. 'Howatt, Mrs, C. Sundercook,
Mrs, L Sall, served a splendid sup-
per. Twenty-five were present.
We are sorry to report the illness
of Mr, Fred Austin,
Mr. T. Cowan, father of Mrs, F.
Little and Mrs. R. Townsend, died in
his 99th year at the home of his dau-
ghter, Mrs. Little, Sat., March
6th. Funeral took place an 'Monday.
Burial will take place at Thornhill.
Manitoba. Mr, and lira. Frank Little
Mon., Tues., Wed., Mar. 15-16-17
itiiss Phyllis Manning was chosen
Queen of the ice carnival at Seaforth
on Eriday night last. She was also
chosen Queen at the Clinton carnival
held recently,
Born. --an Clinton Community Ho-
spital, on March 4th, a son, to Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Weymouth, Hollett.
The death of Mr. Albert 13 Bruns -
don took place on Monday, March 1
at the home of his nephew in Londes-
boro. The deceased had not been in
good health for some time but" his
passing came AS a shock to all who
knew •him. side 'was born in Londes-
boro 64 years ago and was a son of
Mr, John Brunsdon. He resided in
the West for several years, served
overseas during the Great War, .con-
ducted a machinery sbusiness for a
few years and has ,been a resident of
Clinton 'for the past two years: iHe
leaves to mourn his •passing one
brother, Witham: one sister, M•rs. J.
C. Adams, of Londesboro, service be-
ing conducted by Rev. ivtr, Gardiner
of Londesboro, assisted by ace. K.
MeGoun, chaplain of the Clinton Le-
gion, members of which attended in
a body. Interment took place in the
Londesboro cemetery. Pallbearers
were Messrs. J. 0. Robertson, !Edgar
Lawson, Thos. Ritidelti, Harry Riley.
John Scott, Thos. Miller. The "Last
Post" and "Reveille" were sounded at
the grave by Mr. Morgan Agnew, a
member of the Legion.
,Miss Alice IFingland spent the week
end with Belgrave friends.
Mr. and 'Mrs. G. 'Cunningham and
Wedding Present
A comedy drama of two flighty
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat, Mar.18-19-20,
The Perfect Gentleman
with Cicely Courtneidge
Fun plus romance, romance plus
excitement, but comedy is king
Fred MacMurray, Gladys Swarthout
Champagne Waltz
family visited at the home of Mr. 5.
Yunghlutt on Sunday.
Miss Ethel Dexter of Constance
spent the week old at the name of
her uncle, Mr. T. Adams.
'Mr. IE. !Lawson, Mr. T. Riddel, Mr.
A. Robinson and Mr. E. Ball of Au-
burn attended the funeral. of the late
Mt',,'. Brunsdon.
Mr. Bruce Riles- who underwent an
operation in Clinton hospital has re-
turned to his home.
Mrs, H. Sprung's many friends will
he sorry to hear that she is quite ill
A number of the young people met
alt the home of Miss Thelfna Scott on
Friday evening to present Miss Ruth
Lyon 'with a powder and perfume set.
Miss Lyon is going to train for a
nurse in Stratford !General Hospital.
On the evening Of 'March 4th, about
fifty 01 1110 friends and neighbons ga-
thered together at the home of the
bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. !Frank
Way, to present them with a pair of
rocking chairs and the following ad-
dress was read:
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Way, -We,
yottr new friends and neighbors of
this community, have gathered here
tonight to welcome you to our neigh-
borhood and to present to you a
small token of goodwill and friend-
ship. We ask you to accept these
chairs not For their material value but
for the goodwill and 'friendship that
goes with them. While your stay
with us may not probably be exactly
permanent, we trust that whether it
be here or afar off when you are en-
joying the comfort of these chairs
your mind will sometimes wander
back with pleasant memories of this
occasion and your friends in this
aeighborhood," Mr. and Mrs. Way
both responded in a few suitable
words. The remainder of the evening
was spent in a social way after which
lunch was served.
Save Money By Prepaying
Taxpayers may purchase Tax Prepay=
ment Receipts for 1937 Taxes at
Favorable Discounts
AMOUNT March 1-15 March 16-31 April 1-15 April 16-30 May 1-15 May 16-31
$10.00 $ 9.78 $ 9.80 $ 9.82 $ 923 $ 9.85 $ 9.87
20.00 19.56 19,60 19.64 1926 19.70 19.74
50.00 48.90 49.00 49.10 49.15 4925 49.35
AMOUNT June 1-15 June 16-30 July 1-15 July 16-31 Aug. 1-15 Aug. 16-31
$10.00 $ 9.88 $ 9.90 $ 9.92 $ 9.93 $ 9.95 $ 9.97
20.00 19.76 19.80 19.84 19.86 19.90 19.94
50.00 49.40 49.50 49.60 49 65 ' 49.75 49.85
Prepayment Receipts must be endorsed and presented along with 1937 Tax Bills at Canadian Bank
of Commerce.
Purchase your Prepayment Receipts early and have your money earning 4 per cent. in-
If you cannot buy all now, budget your Taxes this year by purchasing a 'receipt each
month. up to Sept. 1st.
D. H. WILSON, Clerk & Treasurer