The Seaforth News, 1937-02-25, Page 8?AGE EIGHT.
Celehrated her Slst
Mes. Leah Mulct of Zurich celeb-
rated her 811et birthday on Feb, 1Sth
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jake
Kiefer; a number of her friende and
eelatives spent the day with her. She
entertained Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Kip -
ler and family, air. and Mrs, lhoe.
'Kyle, Mr, and Mrs. Byron Kyle of
liensall, N.B. and Mrs. Lusome Des-
a.rdine and family ' of Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Cipgerich and fa-
mily ,Ade. and Mrs. Arnold NI erner
and Mise Fdna Kiefer of Zurich, The
home was nicely 'decorated for the oc-
casion. She had a beautiful birthday
cake decorated in pink and :white
with green eandles. There. were pre -
dent 2 eons. 4 daughters, 14 grand-
children and 4 great grandchildren.
Mrs Kipfer is hale and hearty, enjoy-
ing life, and her many friends wish
her many more happy birthdays.
LadiesAid Meeting.—
- • '
The :1-,ebruary retesting of the La-
dies' .kid the Carmel Pres-byterian
church. was held in the School roma
of thcharch on Thursday after-
noon at 4 o'clock with Miss Hannah
,Murray presiding. The meeting open-
ed by singing 'Psalm .1109 and all re-
peating the Lord's prayer. it was de-
cided to holdthe regular monthly
meeting the thircl Tuesday of each
month. Quite a number of important
!business matters Were taken up and
,discussed, The meeting closed by the
!Wept' Benediction.
Miss Mae McNaughton of Toronto
spent the week end here visiting with
her father. Mr. David McNaughton
and her brother, Mr. Peter Mc -
.Naughton. • -
Mt, Harold 'Bonthron ni Newmar-
Itet spent the week end at his home
W.M.S. Meeting.—
The February meeting of the Wo-
man's MissionarySociety of Carmel
iPresbyterian church, Hensall wa:"
held on 'Thursday afternoon in the
basement of the church, Mrs. R. Y.
McLaren: presided The meeting op-
ened by singing a hymn and prayer
led by Mrs. Arnold. The scripture
lesson was taken by Mrs. J. Dougall.
The minutes of theprevious meeting
were read by the secretary and aps
proved, The• -roll was called with
courage as the text word. The presi-
dent Ales. Colin Hudson took charge
of the business: period. .After singing
a hymn the offering was. taken. Aire.
W. A. Young favoured with a beauti-
ful and appropriate solo. Mrs, Re Y.
MeLaren gave an --excellent paper on
mission work in Manchuria, where
the Rev. Dr, Jonathan Goforth labor-
ed .Faithfully for so many years. The
meetine closed by singing a hymn
and -ae repeating the Lords Prayer.
rhe keno and dance held in the
town hall on 'Friday evening last un-
der the auspices of the Canadian Le-
gion, was„a decided success, the large
hall being filled to capacity. During
.the early part of the evening, keno
was nlayed, greet interest being tak-
en. Splendid prizes- were given such
as chickens. picnic hams and baskets
of groceriee. After lunch dancing was
indulged in till early hours of morn-
ing,. The meek was supplied by Mr.
H yde; Edward Little, Fred Beer with
.111.j., :Audrey Cochrane as the aecom-
paniSt e)n the piano. The net •proceeds
go to charity and the Legion intend
•to pnt ofl another keno and dance in
about two weeks.
Mr. Robe Drysdale who is attend-
ing Inrainese college at lemulon spent
the ace!: end. at his .110-tne here,
NI rs. 1.Dr.) Caw thorpe and eon ) oe
of Taelstock,' weee recent visitors
with eelatives in 1 1 ensall mid vicinity.
!,iretbroole Monteith & Co„ chart -
vete.' a ..T01111talleS- - 01 Stratford, were le -t- week auditing the municipal
Mrs. Fred Corbett Of Hay is
seending a iew lais 111 townwith her
dam:liter, Mrs. Roy McLaren.
While in Exeter on Friday evening
Mr, :Gorden Parker had his car bad-
ly damaged, while parked ou 'Mehl at.
Death of Mrs. David Shirry.—
le is with deep regret Wet we have
to write of the death in Mrs. ;David
Shirry, which ',centredat her late
borne on. Sunday morning. Mrs. Silk -
110, not been 111 geed lwelth for
acme tines and a couple of week, ago
She suffered a severe stroke from
which she failed to rally.11re. Shirry
was formerly :Mies Mary. .1. Crenhart
411f1 Wit,: born in Toronto 68 years
ago. For a number of years she was a
Milliner in J. A. Stewart'S store at
.Exeter and was very popular with the
prablie. Alr. and Mrs. Sbirry were
married 30 years ago 011(1 went to live
on the Shirry homestead fern), lot 15,
Hay township, and have resided there
since, as highly respected residents,
She was the last of the Urquhart fa-
mily, Besides her busbanB, she is stir,
vived by one eon, .Albert, at home,
The funeral took place from her late
home on Tuesday afternoon, inter-
ment taking place in the Hensall
Unica Cemetery. Rev. M. Hunt of
St. Paul's Anglican .Church and Rev.
W. A. Young of Carmel ,Presbyterian
Church officiated.
The YJP.L. of the :United Church
Met On' Monday with a splendid at-
tendance With Ian Eilehie presiding.
The pleasing feature of the evening
was the delightful address on first aid,
given by Dr. Donald Steer, which ev-
eryone preSent enjoyed and found int-
eresting and instructive. .A ,piano solo
by Al iss :Greta -.Lainanie, a solo by
Mrs. •Maude Hedden, with Miss Elea-
noe Fisher as accompanist, were
miteh enjoyed.
The Hensall Junior Institute held
theirmonthly meeting on Wednes-
day' evening at the home of Miss
.Beryl Pfaff. Miss 74aude McLean
presided. The molto, "Purpose is
What gives life its meaning." was giv-
en by Miss Hannah Murray; piano
solo, .?Ile • G lady s Luker; (I emo netre-
lion in kifieting. Miss :Lonise Drum -
Mond e topic, "Methods in using cot-
iton and woolens, Mrs, .A. ;fellable, The
judging by Miss Clark of articles
made from one yard of factory cot-:
ton, resulted in the fallowing prize
winners. •Firet, Ni is s Verde.. Watson;•
20d, Miss „Mande .11c.Leaeri; •Mrs
M. G. Drysdale. Lunch was ,Crvctl nlcIesejioIr. will :furnish the music.,
The Hensall Citizens 'Bend seren-'The Oastor, Rev. ,Arthter Sinclair, wilt
111 11 I
Talking Motion Pictures
Allis Chalmers Tractors
Famous All -Crop Harvester
Town Hall, Clinton
Thursday, March 4th
Town Hall, Brussels
Friday, March Sth
their home herr on Thursday evening
and presented them with a beautiful
electric lamp.
The mane friends of Me. Robert.
Parsons will be sorry to hear that he.
has been very poorly at his home for
several weeks.
The Youth Club of the
Caniel. Presbyterian Church held
their regular Weekly meeting an Mon-
day evening in the schoolroom of the
church with a splendid attendance,
Miss Beryl Pfaff preeided. The meet-
ing took - the form of authors' night.
Mr. R. Moore gave an introductory
address on "What to,Read and How
to Read .1t, NB., E. K. Hutton spoke
on Charles Dickens. Jean McQueen
and Mts. Robe Cameron Sp•oke on
Canadian authors; 51r. Young 011 the
life of Henry Deamniond; Mrs.
McLaren on 'Joseph •Conrad. The
mixed -quartette . of .RISV. and Mrs.
Young, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. NI e Laren
rendered several selections. The meet,
chieed with a hymn and the hem. -
quiet wedding was solemnized at
the United Charch: Stratford, on Sat-
urday afternoon, Feb, alth, at 3 te
clock, when Hazel Verne, third dau-
ghter of Air. end Airs. 11. C. Clarke
of 'Exeter, became the bride of Thom-
as Scott, only eon of Ale and 51 re.
wekh Heiken, Rev, tee
Re• s.ceft, formerly of kidgetown,. of-
ficiated, The bride was pretty in an
appliqued dress of Coronation blue
with acceseories to match. The rumple
true unattended. Al r. and Mrs.. Welsh
will make their home in 11 emeall.
They have now got nicely settled in
the Je,yut apartmenti.
rhe funeral oi the late airs. David
Shirray was held from her late re,1-
itell CV 011 1.1.1e,day a f tern oon at 2 p.m.
There IS ii a large funeral, conducted
"Rev. Al. A. Hint tj St. Paul's
:\ nglican Church. and Rev. W. .A.
Yining. of Carmel Presbyterian
linrch. The pane:were, Basil Ed -
a NI W. R. Douga 11, 6. •Arinetroeg,
rm Lang, Rohe NItinn and Ed.
5101). leiterthent in Hensel' Cnitin
cemetery. 'Friends from a distance at-
tending. were present front Toronto,
Loudon, Listowel and Exeter.
Death of Miss Esther Graybiel.,-.,
Mies Esther Graybiel, a highly es-
teemed and lifelong resident of the
•Dashwood district, passed away at
theleime of Mrs. Saundercock, :Hen -
mile on Tuesday evening. She came
here ,.,tine foie- week': ago to be
nursed by Mrs. Saundereock. She
was 75 years of age. The Graybiel
family farmed. near Dashwood'for a
great many years and after the death
of their parents, Misses Esther and.
Angeline, bought a home in Dash,
wood. Miss Graybiel was a frequent
visitor to Densall with her sister,
Mrs.- John Pope, and had many
friends here. She is survived by two
eieters Mrs. John .:Pope Hensall
and Mrs. Neil Ferguson, of Bay City,
Mich. There was one brother, John
Graybiel, who died at DaehwooCT, last
fall. There are also a number of ne-
phews and nieces. The remains were
taken to Dashwood to her late home
where a private hillere:1 Will he held,
followed' by a public funeral in the
Evangelical Church, on Thursday af-
ternoon at alio o'clock, ,Interment
will be made in the ZUrich Bronson
line cemetery.
NI,r. Win. Davie left last week for
Mount Forest Where he has eeeured
a. position.
The many friende of Mrs. fRo'bt.
Paterson will hesorryto hear. she
still continues quite poefelY.
Mr. Casey Hods.° treats returned to
Bruseels after spending a week at the
!TOM e his parents, Mr. and Mrs,•
Geo. Hudson.
Air, and 'Mrs.: Laird: •Miekle anl.
children visited over the week end
with relatives. in Ridgeown and
Sunday, Web, 215th will he Women's
• a:‘, at the linited .Oharele A
aded fr. and Airs. Stott Welsh att
have charge of the services.
At Carmel Church last Sunday, the
pester, Rev. W. A. Young, preached
at the morning service.:The quartette
•with Mrs. E. K. Hutton, Miss Irene
diograrth, Miss Mabel Workman and
NI:re. Wm. A. McLaren sang "One
Day Nearer Home." At the evening
service the solo parts in the anthem
were taken by Irene Hoggarth and
Mrs. E. K. ,Hutton.
I wish to extend my thanks to all
who so willingly helped me to win: my
premium. Mrs. McCallum, mother of
'Gilbert NI cCalltem, of mate)), thew
the lucky name ( Elaine) and won the
chest of silver.—Rosella 13urnee,
Ottawa, February 20111, 1118317, (we -
3111 ,Parliamentary Correspoedencel.
Thirty -live million dollars of de-,
fence estimates (wimple(' four days
debate 11 Parliament on 11 Walt
con•fidence amendment moved by
Grant MaONeil, member for Vali-
couver-INorth, 11,C., and NI.J.W. Cold -
well, member for 'Rosetown-Iliggar,
Sask. This appropriation is divided
roughly into $19000,000 for land for-
ces., $110,,000,000 for air forces arid $115,;
for the navy,
It wto; not the automat of money.
which is ineonsequential as defence
eetimatee presently go, but the dis-
tribution of it that :wrested the atten-
tion of a Howse of Commons from
I\lissonri when the Nlinister of Na-
tional Defence stated that it wa. de-
signed for purely Canadian demence,
t may possibly attack Canada?
Perchance jallan, involved in \Nat
with the United States, would at-
tempt to use ottr Pacific Coast ae
haee of submarine operations, in
nhich ease our sea and air ' forces
would be required 1,5 protert Our neu-
trality. Perhaps Germany or Italy, tir
both. involved in a war with the Ilri•
tili Empire, eould attack our eh 0-
eie ecaperts. cnnecivithly lenseht
-though this ie at the moment high-
ly imprebalele—might light the Un-
ited Suttee over her former territory.
cif Alaska, in any event. Canada's en-
emies when they cones will not be of
the Lilliputian variety, and as a pol-
icy intended for Canadian defence.
one emit() expect the figures in this
appropriation reverie) in order of
magnitude, giving to sea and air
equipment an importance which their
priority in line of defensive aatack
seems to justify.
The Nlinieter of National .Defence
promulgated a ,plan of reorganiza-
tion of land forces late in November
last, which provides for six infantry
'and one cavalry division, if this is
not clearly and definitely intended as
the skeleton of an exped,itiona,ry force,
it has no present nwaning in terms of
Furthermore, this: plan •publisked
by the Minister of National Defence
is one submitted to the late •Conaer-
vative Government. Did the late
Conseneative Government instruct the
General Staff to prepare for a pre -Or-
ientation of Canadian defence based
on purely Canadian defensive !leech?
The a115 aver 1 nb•viously '',No.'Them
ran anyone :believe that the General
Staff in consultation with a valtentaey
defence committee which met in Ot-
tawa front time to lime evolved, on
their awn initiative and pieced before
the Gevernment of that day a new'
plan of Canadian defence having re-
gard only to Canada? Clearly, such
a fundementa'l change in defence poi -
icy must originate :with the political
not the military authority and the
talk of the Moister of National De-
fence and the Prime Minister 011 the
Coates—in ever loving •memory of
a dear hueband and father, Robert
Ed wards Coates, whom the Heavenly
Father called Home. February 1f8.
eNothing can ever take 11 Way
The Inc a heart 11 01.CIS dear,
Fond memories huger •every day,
Remembrance keeps him dear."
—Wife and Sons,
1 ti loving memory of Timothy
Lynch, deer son and brother, •who
died one year ago, ;Feb, 211t 10016:
Dear loved one we have laid thee
In the ,peaceful tomb's embrace,
13et thy memory iee will •cherish
Till in 01 eaven we see thy 'face.
Though the hearts you left are aching
Since 'the reaper Death hath won,
Let us bow in meek submission,
While we say,. '•Thy Will 13e 'Done."
--Jkfra. M. Lynch 1111C1 111101 ili'.
At Ctalmore's Stables, Seaforth, on
Monday, Mar, tat, at 1.30 p.m., ewents,
Ontario Horses, mares •and geldings.
Terms e cash. Wm. ,Cudinore, Prop.;
Fred Heap', Auctioneer.
Office desk or typewriter desk:
also letter tiling cabinet, 'Apply at
The News office.
I will he calling on my customers
iit 4tineht the .„ext few weeks. Would
like if you would ha re .your orders
ready, Repair sewing machines. S.
Carter, N. Main St., Seaforth. Tele-
phone 2165W,
Escaped from my ranch night of
Feb. litith. Reward for information
leading to its recovery, D. G. Mac-
Farlane, pbone t34igr.3, Seaforth cent-
ral. 11
:Frame house, 8 rooms, cement
foundation, electric lights. etc., barn
and eix lots adapted for market gard-
ening. The late Charles 'Hohlbein RP,
tate. Apply to Mrs. Richards, oppos-
ite the collegiate.
Chicks & Hatching Eggs
Our stock \vas imported from
S. "A. last year. \\'e thought so much
of this Ibreed that 'we discarded all
Leigh:Jens, Barred and White 11.ocke
from the derentises,
\\'e have had them banded and
blood tested, and feel the public will
be pleased with a 'flock of this kind.
As high grain costs with low egg
prices make most •flock owners diss
couraged today, we would advise cull -
in': Your Present birds Iteael.' now.
and use the money derived for the
purchase of hatching eggs or chick,
now..\ s neat Fall is bound to see high
egg prices and cheap grains.
Hugill's Specialty Farms
On highway 8. Phone34-616
purely Canadian ;newel 01 the matter
was juet so much humbug, and the
whale trouble that beset the Govern-
ment in the early stages of the de-
bate was due to their lack of frank -
The following hem from an issue of
The Fergus News -Record last sum-
mer, is of interest because of the pre-
sent floods tin the Crand
Of course, Dundee is not the anly
town having trouble over the scarcity
of water, nor is it likely to be die only
0110. The scarcity of water in the soil
is the original cause, and it is wide-
epread. It is notwholly a result of the
scarcity of rain this year, for the
ground water has ,been dropping
down for years. This was known to
all ,wleo have studied the situation, it
only took the heat and the leek of
rain to ,rna•ke the results apparent.
Driving 'to Toronto the other day
we noticed that almost every river
and stream was dry. The few which
lied water ill them were covered with
green scum. The branch* of the Credit
which ,flows through. 'Norval (a small
streaim).. was the only except?an, The
Speed at Guelph had a trickle af wat-
er among the dirty, greasy stones. At
Rockwood, the Eramosa branch of
the 'Speed was cley•—the 'first time inc
have seen it that way. 'At matey places,
including 'George to wn and 11 orval
(ehlenge branech of the Credit) and
below 13,ranepton, the watereaurses
were di'rty, r of •green growths, and
smelled strongly.
11 doesn't lake much of a prophet to
predict ,that other Lowne are going to
have water shortages 'soon, and same
cities may be in the number as well,
We wonder how Brantford mewl Paris
are holding out right mow.
111 requires something startling
suell as the plight of :Dandas, to
arouse most people, and the majority
probably think that what lia,ppens to
Dundas .won't happen to other .places
teith ' well water.
We Save You Money
Superior Quality Tender
Leaf Tea .,. per pkge 25c
1 Large pkge. Rinso
1 cake Lifebuoy 21c
Red' Rose Coffee
1 lb. Tin 33c
Red Rose Tea pkge. 26c
Shortening , 2 lb. 26c
Pastry Flour 24 lb. 79c
Rose Brand Baking Powder 15c
Corn Flakes .. .. 3 pkges. 20c
Quaker Oats, Large Pkge,
with China., per pkg. 29c
Prairie Rose Flour
per cwt, 3,39
Alberta Rose Flour
per cwt. 3.29
We 1 Finni
Office of Late F. Holmsted, X.C.
(Neat A. D. Sutherland)
Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
Law Office
Associate in Charge
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Etc.
Seaforth, Ont. Telephone 715.
Of Pure I3red Jersey and Dairy
Ceetle, etc, at 1Bay,field on Thursday,
March 4th at 01 pen.
Cattle.-1Registered Bull, Ntfltan's
Laddie, .71815411, born June 2bst, 111934;
Registered !Jersey 'WM Poxy Ws Bid-
dy, 2nd, 700631, 'born June 3rd, 11,9311, to
,freshen April 2hul. Registered Jersey
cow, Cowslip Bright Star, 6i1i31715\ to
fi eshen 71 arch 14; 'jersey COW not re-
gistered, ,btwn !jelly, 119132, to fitehtn
"March 200; Grade Jersey cow bore
).une, 1930, to freshen March 27th.;
Glade Jersey cow born Sias. 19128, to
freshen May fist; :pure bred yearling
calf; grade yearling calf, •
iliarses.--Clyde mare, 12 years old.
Aliseellaneons.—Set light sleighs, 2
sets double, light harness; set pony
harness. .3 saddlee. 2 ,bridles, breast
collar, 2 •horse blankcte, electric horse
clippers, set light double harness.
closed cotter, 8 cow chains, 15 load.s
of hay, 3 steel milking. stools, 2 milk
pai6, 3 wafer intik, 3 shovels, 2,
W11 CP arr0 sr, ;Mall Vega cream sep-
arator, large refrigerator. oil burner
with S love. Daisy eh urn, butter bowl,
and ladle, number of milk and creast
bottles, 2 nrh:. 2 tables, rocking chair,
man', fur coal, robe, numerous other
Everything Inuit he sold let owner
is eelling out.
Terme.. Cash,
A. E, Brandon, Geo. H. Elliott,
Proprieter, Anetioneer.
Brisk house at R.oxitor(;, miles
from Seaforth; 7 ',minis, splendid cel-
lar, small barn, half acre of land. im-
mediate possession. ..5 poly to E. L.
110x, Seaforth. 11
T'o grass farms. 75 Imre.. S'.) lot
Re con. 11, NloKillopi :old 511 acres,
el 13 lot 10, eon, 2. Ilibbert, always
plenty of :water. The bite Charles and
Nlargaret 1 lohlbein eetate. I\ pply tu
Mrs. tele -hard., opposite Seaforth cols
Farmers' Coal. hest quality Penn-
sylvania Anthrecitte stove or nut,
thirteen dollars. Resedale Allwrta,
'-Ilan size, nine -eighty, Town deliv-
eries silty rents more. Strictly - cash
on: delivery. The Farmers' Co -Opera-
tive, J. H. Scott, Pleine 336,
11111 acres, 1.ot 3, Con, 9, ,ffullett,
well drained and- feteced, in a good
state of celtivation. ;Large hank barn,
cement stabling. .Drilled well, frame
house, garage. Possessioa given at
any time, Apply to Hugh Campbell,
3 miles west of Winthrop.
100 acres of land situated on the
Huron Road three miles .west of
Haysville and two concessions south
west of New Hamburg, This farm has
a modern barn, drilled well of :never
failing splendid water and twenty
acres of woodland, conducted under
modern reforestation ,methods. 'This
farm has splendid, grain and grass
land, It is situated opposite S. S. No,
5, Wilmot and west of St. James' An-
glican 'Church. It is adjacent to the
best markets in •Ontario, 'rhe -build-
ings are insured against fire and wind.
For particulars apply to .A. R.0.
Smith, Ness- Hamburg, 'Ont. Tele-
phone 1113w, N CNV liamtrurg.
E. C. Chamberlain
The purchase of the insurance busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of their companies to our prev-
ious facilities enables us to give yott
unexcelled services in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— 6
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
101 Farm Stack, diorees and Cattle,.
on Lot 14, Con. 1110, IMAKillop, on
Wednesday, March 110th, at 0100 p.m.
Geo. H. Elliott, :Auctioneer; Ecl-
muted Goelkin, Proprietor.
• Such well-known makes as Heintz -
man, ,Nordheimer, Nlits(in & Risch,
Weber, Auld others, itt reasonable
prices and terms. Write Heintzman
& Co., 242 Dundas St„ London, Ont.,
for further particulaes. No obliga-
tions. 10
A quantity of early Alaska seed
oats, Phone 9374, liensall ,centeeil.
One d19420 MeCorrraiek Deering
Tractor, in good ehape. Geo. 14
'Beatty, Varna. 10
House and 'Property of the Alex.
Gordon Id state, lEgraindville, for sale.
7 -roomed house, good cellar cistern,
never failing well at. door, good gar-
den, large and small fruit; close to
ehurch, (+nal and eaore. Price reas-
onable. .N•pply on premiers or to P.O.
box 511, Seaforth.
Eight room house, hard and soft
water. electric light, garage and gar-
den. James' Barron, Seaforth.
Seven roam house for sale, in Sea -
forth. TWO story frame. Large barn.
Vegetable garden. Electric lights.
Handy well.. Nlodern, convenient. Ce-
ment street. Addrees Nlise :Margaret
Robison, 10 Sperling Street.
Chinch open shed for sale. Timbers
suitable for driving. shed. • Will be
closed before March 1st. Apply to
Percy Smith, chairman 11(1. of Mau-
agers, Duff's Chterch, McKillop, Sea-:
'forth RA. 5., phone 33.9r02.
WOO acres in the township of Mc -
• good clay loam, in splendid
state of cultivation. Well fenced and
drained, neverafailing spring creek.
good well. All goad buildings, hydro
fully installed, situated on good coun-
ty road 6 miles north of Se'eforth. For
terms and paetieulars apply on the
premises to D. G. MaciFarlane,, Wal-
ton P.O. Tel. 21418-3.
100 acres in 'Stanley Townehip,
good land, good 'buildings, lots of
water supply. Bush. ,Plowing all done
and a good stand of wheat. Hydro
available. :A1poly to Seaforth News,
A farm of 100 acres on No. 4 High-
way, good clay loam .soil, good build-
ings, with 'hydro throughout them.
Lots of water. Fall ploughing done.
ms acres of fall wheat. For further
particulars apply to The 'News office.
Spring is not here, but it will come
just the same. Think! Are you go-
ing to use fertilizer. If you do, we
will be pleased to supply you with
the best that is made. We are also
agents for the Preston Fertilator
which makes a complete fertilizer
drill out of your present grain drill.
Please hold your order for us, as
we will be around as soon as pos-
sible. We also have Murray's Min-
eral Food and Remedies, and Mot-
or Oil and Greases, Agricultural
Lime, Drain Tiles, Etc.
PHONE 136 r 2,
T011,11 ship: of Tuckeremith, 31f4
miles from Seafonille, 300 acres choice
dark clay loam suitable for any kind
of crop. IGolod ;meads in every :direc-
tion. All. ,necessary bufidings. Weil
fenced and 'drained, plentiful suPPIY
of good •water. This f arm is in splen-
did condition. $1110,1000.00 was offered
for it in 11921. The price today with
possession on March •Ist, is $5.000.00.
With substantial •down :payment in
cash, terms will be given 'Inc •balence.
A. D. Sutherland,