The Seaforth News, 1937-02-25, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1937
To 'Talk on National Defence
What promise; to he a brilliant
series of lectures is that planned for
. Sunday night at 110100 pan.EST,
when the CB4C will present to nation-
al network listeners round table dis-
cus'sions on "Canadian Defence." The
,series will run for six 'weeks and will
bring to the microphone seven dis-
tlnu'0ishcd speakers limier the chair-
nnanxhip of :Vlr. Justice A. K. Dysart.
".Ilse •first talk scheduled for February
218, will be given by Dr, j. W, Dafoe,
editor of the Winnipeg Free .Press,
who will discus.. -Canada, Country.
and Condition's Peculiar to lt." Each
of the speakers w^ill present one par-
ticular approach •to Canadian defence
problems and foreign policy. ;He then
will he followed in the same broad -
east by other sPeakers who will cob-
eu'bmit questions on the .other points of
view,. Tit this way varied. shades of
opinion in Canada may be expressed
during tibe 'broadcast.
Noted Art Critic to Speak
Another interesting talk has been
arranged by the 0130 for presenta-
tion March Z. at nS,130 psis, }tS'r, over
the national! network. The speaker
will he :Eric' Newton, distinguished
mosaic artist, decorative painter and
art critic of the 1Manchester 'Guard-
ian, who is at ,present engaged in a
Canadian 'lecture tour. Su'btiect wi11
be Can Canada Paint?"
Bowman from Saint John Harbour
Rob Bowman's 'Night Shift" ser-
ies swings to Saint Johu, 'N.B., har-
bour for a broadcast February 215, at
9,310 pan, ,EST. The brilliant trontnnen-,
stator, who won his radio spurs with
Ole BBC in England, 111111 who has
'been making 'suich a remarkable ,ne-
•ceas of his new lob as CPC special
-events pian, plans to go clown into
the bowels of a South American
freighter unloading fruit from the
West Indies. That he will hare an in-
teresting story to tell is as certain as
to -morrow's weather. 'incidentally,
listeners are saying a lot of nice
things about the way in which he
handled the line break during his
broadcast from Cheimeto Head
Lighthouse. off Halifax. [lob was un-
der terrific handicap lit the time but
was aisle to mil 'through without da-
maging effects.
The Voice of British Columbia
Well, My Lards, Ladies, Gentle-
men, and Children of all Ages, (BC's
new transmitter and studios at CR -
(1V, Vancouver at last has been offi-
cially declared open, February 116': in-
augural ceremonies of two and a half
hours duration brought greetings
from all the nro,'inces, front England
and the united States, as Well .,OP. fi'oni•
cl•istingnishyd citizens, and CRCV was
'wished the best iin radio and Gorl-
sopc:4 in She service it it to offer
British Columbia and the rest of Can-
ada. :file renovated western, link is
;1•aay to a:rood start. Good luck to
you, CRCV !
r NI t.NNE
The Boy from Agincourt
'Jean )Haig, the gifted young Cana-
dian radio soprano, whose interest
brought Alexander 31 organ to the at-
tention of CRC program officials, trill'
be en -starred 1 "Strike lip The
'Band" With the new tenor tin•d 00
•\lnIliay, \ 1'c Geoffrey \1'nalding-
10n gave \l organ a national network
de'bu't On thispresentationseveral
weeks ' ago and he is •odk.-ing 'Jean
Haig as a talent scout by featuring
the boy from Aginennrl, tOtltario, on
the same program .with :his "discov-
erer." 'Miss Haig, Oita of the top-
ranking radio artists in Canada; re-
members iter own lucky ,break when
Edward, 3 Ok 0son, now 4) et-ropolit an
Opera head, selected her to sing with
hire in Toronto just 11 .few winter;
ago. She first became interested its
Morgan when the was a boy soprano
in the •church choir at Agincourt, a
pretty village a few miles from Tor-
ortn Alexander, .twenty-one, is a ria-•
(tt•ra1 and a comer,
Home Again
Canada's ,most restless radio star,
Frances 3nines, rt ha'c'k from 'her
weft 'coast tour, 'which by the way,
had one sad note. The handsome
brunette soprano ducked out of the
final rehearsal for her appearance
with the ,Vancouver Symphony and
made straight for bed' where "flu"
held her prisoner for marl, a week.
Frances, who is an enthusiastic win-
ter sports fan was doubly piqued( ov-
er this turn of Fite for she encount-
ered the first'real snow of the year at
Vancouver and could not stay up to
enjoy it,
Corporation Features Day by Day
(1:\ll '.)'idles Eastern Standard)
Tht.trstlay, February 11.5':
9.50 p.m. "Night Shirt" R. '1'. Bow-
man will describe a visit to the sea-
port of Saint John. ;From Saint 'joint,
1111;00 'pan. "By the Sea." 'Orchestra.
soloist, male quartet and the "Simile
SIeul lt,"
Friday, February 2116:
930 pm. "1'ironettes:' Orrhestla
and .oloitts, 'From Montreal,
10,00 p,111, "3) osie for '3( suit's
Sake." Ralph judge, tenor, with or-
ebestra ddrre(.1011 Isaac Mantott,
From Winnipeg.
Sa urday, February 27:
•5,011 ,111"['otters Stout day Night."
The Aiken fancily at Noire. From
Sunday, February 28:
7.00 p.m. "Professor Quiz and his
lac rinlhlisle's." International' ' -
teature trout New York,
1),0(1 11,111 Dramatic prodnetion:
From Toronto.
\)onlay, \larch 111
9114) p.m. "\lelodie String,." Or-
chestra. From 'Toronto,
11).31) p.m. Gilbert 1)arisse and Itis
Chateau Frmrtcnac Orchestra. From
1 ucstlay, lfarch 2:
230 pct "3lu•ical Tap$stry,"
11 R,N-CL( exchange From Detroit,
The W91.1,S met on 'Feb, 1 The
leader introduced the tu'bject "Jesus
the Pioneer of Life," January mal-
ate., were read and adopted. Miss
Clark of 'reeswater is to be asked to
address our Easter meeting, 'Mrs,
-onttu read a letter in connection
with the bale. 'Qni,lts, ,second-hand
clothing are needed by June !1. Mrs.
Kirkby was the leader o'f the group
dealing with the study chapter, "'Pio-
neering is not over," )Fifteen mem-
bers answered the roll call by a verse
of adoration. The \\'JA, inlet after,
The W.A. and \V,\i,S. 'held their
lrtnntih•ly meeting in basement of the
church, Friday, 'Feb. 12:th. The W. M.
S. opened the meeti'n'g, The Lord's
Day of 'Prayer was observed. iPro-
gramihle as in the Missionary Month-
ly ryas favoirre^d. IHynttn "flail to the
Lord's Anointed,". was sung. Quiet
music "Sweet Hoar of (Prayer" 0)411
,played while the leader -read the call
to ••worship: Short prayers were ioffer-
ed by 'Mrs, 'Lindsay, Mrs, IRobt.Law-
son fMrs. Britton and Mrs, C. Dexter.
,t short address on the purpose of
wnrld'.c day of prayer was given by
Mrs. Roy 'Lawson. The W..A, :then
took charge. The rnf•ntrtes were read
and adopted, and diusiness transact-
ed, The roll call was answerer(, The
roll tall next mouth i.. to .be answer-
ed by Haitll," Mfrs, Coutts then 'took
the •chair-. !HV•nm 3403 was sung fol-
lowed by prayer liy Mrs, Lindsay.
(Devotional leaflet rya's given by Ella
Dexter followed by an instrumental
by Mrs. IG. ,Addison. I:\ solo was giv-
en by Miss 'Chalmers. Study .boob
\ VILA given by Mrs. 9. Htrgill followed
by the presentation of an oceasiona•1
rhair to Mrs. Roy Lawson, The meet-
ing was closed by prayer. Lunen. rya's
A very successful 'Mother and
Daughter Banquet was held tinder
the auspices of the mission circle.
The schoolroom of the 'church was
made 'gay 'w'ith hearts and streamers,
a very appropriate setting for the
tables at which nearly one 'hundred
guests were seated, 't'a'll white tapers
in :diver holders 'burned brightly
uric, 51-1) heart.: and streamers, The
waitresses were dainty and attractive
`to .valentine costume, The toast to the
dying was proposed) by .Mess 1)ary
I-ituston after which all sang God
Save the Ring. Mrs, Percy Manning
in 11 few well chosen words proposed
;the toast to the church to which Rev,
,A. t1'. Gardiner littiagly replied. The
!toast"To the Mothers" was given by
lliss.\heti Carter. Mrs. ;John Knox
in her reply, atter expressing the tap -
int -dation of the mothers, threw out
the challenge to the daughters to he
I all that mothers hoped for anti cx-
peeteil from the modern girl with her
privileges and opportunities. lIiss
Ruth Lyon nn proposed 'lite toast, t, tlu
youngersisters of the Circle, the
(Mission Land and llmby Band, to
9.00 p.m. To be announced,
'Wednesday, \larch 3:
9;110 pan, "Canadian Concert Hari!
of the Air." From Montreal.,
10,311 p.m. Lloyd Hlt1tic':y ami his
Mount Royal Mote) Dance Orchestral
From Montreal,
which Mrs. E. \Vctocl replied, The
toast to the mothers of the Circle.
rhe \\S\d,S. was proposed by Miss
Winona •Hes)k and Miss IL, Young in
her reply ,asked for the co-operation
of this oldest daughter of the society
from which will come the leaders of
the future. The toast to the daughters
VMS proposed by Mrs Lyon in a de-
lightful •poen, and Miss Olive Moon
responded. '31rs. W 'Hest proposed
the toast to the Mission Circle and
Miss Thelma Scott replied. A sing
song, which was greatly en'j'oyed by
all, was conduetett by Miss 'Dorothy
Little, The "travelogue," 'to which a111
had been looking forward. was given
by Misr' Depew^ of Clinton, 10 imag-
ination all travelled with the speak-
er 011 her tour to the Land of the
\didnight Sun. Vivid descriptions,
souvenirs and pictures made clear the
scenes of the northern countries of
itmope and the, Dives of those living
there, :\ hearty vote of 'thanks was
tendered the speaker by :Misses B-
een 1<nox and :Fern. Watton, Mrs,
Gardiner pronounced the benediction.
1i r, Frank Wood has had hydro
installed in his 'home, Mr, 'Thuel of
Blyth dict the wiri•n'g,
lsl r.
.uui \1 rs. Stanley 'J-yort and.
'fancily sipent Sunday at the home of
11r. \Van. (.yon,
The mild weather 011 'Friday last
was not so favourable for the ice
carnival; the ice being rather soft, brit
rtotw'itltttanding the drawbaak a fair
growl attended. 'The costlime4s of var-
ious designs were quite in'terestim:g
and well -worth seeing, The Rapson
family furnished the music for the
occasion and Mss •Clarice Lee was
crowned the queen of the carnival.
Various prizes were given for fancy
't\t•rs,,1l3re'ntner, who had .been holi-
daying with her sister, :Mrs. and Mr.
A. W. •Beacom; returned to her home
its Grey township, in company with
her nephew, \lr. 'Harold Beacons.
,A number from this neighborhood
attended the sale at the (tome of :\Ir.
(Glen •3fdKnigltt, south of Clinton.
We are very sorry to hear of the
sudden death of '11r. \\"m, Send-
ercock of Tillsonbtirg, who lived his
boyhood life in this neighborhood,
and wish to extend sincere sympathy
to the brothers and friends.
We are very sorry to report , 14r,
Will Logan is su)Fereing a severe at-
aok of ff)u, and we hope to hear of a
pearly recovery.
Miss Besse Clutter has returned
home Lifter' spending a few weeks
with her sisters in London.,
31r ,kepi Hartman has moved his
effects into the old Beatty home-
stead recently purchased of Mr.
Beatty, Sr, We welcome Mr. Hart-
man to our community,
11r, and Mrs, M.'Elliott entertain-
ed a 'large moldier of young ,people
lltesday night,
Lenten service will be conducted
by Rev, Bunko-, 'I'htrrsdtty,
')'hc Word's' Dao of Prayer was oh-
'erted in jt, ;John's alt trdi Fr'd•ty,
111) arils to forty ladies pert• present
and every one seemed to rnjuy the
service, .11rs. Baglar of 1l3y'liel), ,pre-
sided, and dnrin the lifting of the of-
fering-\irs, Bratty very 1.14 .ally; a'
eck : ooks
We Are Selling Quality
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles,
Carbon Leaf and Black Back. 'Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere.
Get our Quotation on Your Next Order.
Seaforth V
The .following fetters are omitted
throughout; (;, 1, 0, Q.
Unlettered 1 -500 -Toronto,
1AI1 to 9991A9 -Toronto,
11131' to 0901BI9-Toronto.
1C1 to 9919C9 -Toronto.
1D111 10 21D5b104-T•oron•to,
12ID50(1 to 9D14)510 -+Weston:
9D4151) to 99909 --Hamilton,
11E11. oto 111E999 -Toronto
?E.), to 9E400 -Hamilton.
9E-t1JiI to 714 110,9 -Brantford,
76'F1 to 871E5101 -,Paris,
87(13) to 439E9 -Woodstock.
44011111 to 9i(9E9)J-•-London.
liF)I to ,36141.53 ---(London:
38.F(51) to 401F50 -Glencoe,
4181F511 to 159F9 -Chatham,
16911,11 to 329F9 -Tilbury.
334311) to 8399+9-Walkerville,
8'40011 to 999i1v9-••Wind';or.
111111r to 451H1510-\Vin'dsor,
.11511.15111 to 3149E9 -Oshawa.
35111F1111 to 5514)H'9-Bowmanville,
5515IHI1, to 7119'1'9 -:Port Hope,
7121H11 to 94141H9-Cabourg,
35451H1) to 999H)) --Belleville,
131) to 15009 -Belleville.
51,501 to 71318100-iPicton•
731801 to 141311)50-4Deserotto,
83111311 •to 11I21i919-•-4N'apanee,
131311 to 17013190 'Xirtg^stun,
78131), to 0213:99-1Gananogve,
83113)14 to 0014!l9 -Brockville,
2 )•5)111' to .414I0119-1Pres'cott.
4503)1 Ito 9914119.-•-1Cornwa11),
99151,1)) to ,91991 -11 -Tort Ririe,
1.K! to 1221K,999-;F.ort Erie,
.1(I1t to 48,X1300-Wel)a'nd,
51213011 to 119K.99- iDunnvillle.
19KI1' to 64K919-19imcoe,
611KI9 to 9161050-T'illsonburg,
96K01 to 2519Ii9-•'Aylmer.
Li60K1 to 71714)] 9-S4, 'Phomas,
77191211' to 9991219-1Leantiu'gton.
1.1114 to 011121,50 --Leamington,
11145111 to LiL<a99-1Kin. sviile.
3111 to;33L90k0-'\Vett Lorne.
3459011 to 161_15{i-\'\'(ngha•m,
(111511 to '711.27150 --Walkerton,
7117139 to '•Dl 1501-\\'alkcrton,
7127151h to 911A0 ---Hanover,
9.11511 to '14111504--11)n•rhant,
11)1.5111 to 71611}19 -'Guelph,
771)) to +1,311'-99.--51, 3larys.
91111 to 'S041_9 -Sarnia,
3051.1 1 tht0Y'19_Sts Catharines.
11.3111 to 5\111(511 St Catharines,
336115:) to 114115:0--\r,gars 9 ally,
1511511 to 111.1(115(1 ,.alt,
39\115111 to 0441\19--1<itehcner,
6453119 1,, '1)111119' -Stratford.
1Ni1. to 2N409 --Stratford.
3:\44(11 to 312999..._•31itrii 31.
4\'1 to td\17(5(1.--Clinton
3N7151 to 7\47.30.0-ttloderich,
7N7:51 tri 11111\99- 1111.1rriston.
1121N1 to 2dN150 )<dnctu•dfnv,
26iN1511 to 11)N150. 'Brampton
6(iN5)1 40 1)1131:99-._Or;mgerille.
99N11- tt' , o1/1129.-4Newmau•ket,
$701N111 to 8(11yts-•l'arrit•,
'2lttkNI'L to v916t1)-.,ttriilia.
3)31 to :)''1'51,-Chiliia.
21111511 to 211'.110-alrttvetilvir-i.
x118'11 to ,31;1013--Bracebrid_ic,
,;11'801 to 4.11800 -ilnnfscillr:
41's 1 to :1'75 rAntherstburt
5)17.511 to 7111a0- Ridgetosn.
71i1111 to 3) 2"(t-,l)n'sden,
101'411 to .5411,99 \\;dlacehnrg.
:131'0: to -1131115t 5tr,ihroy,
43P51 h1 •541P50....lictowrh
7151111 1 91tI tl - 11 ilton,
9(1.1'51 to 47'61'9.. -O.wen Sound,
48111'11: 11, :5499111)- -11 ea ford. •
610513'1 to 'P1IMMP97'Cotlira;gw-ooc,
415011 In 9416019 .\\'oo bridge.
9t9:2 in ')9cnl 9.-'\tarkliani.
- R
5) 41: to 2R'4501-Marklinni,
2112451 to 71R1300 -Lindsay,
72110:1' to 441R919-Reterborough,
4551121 to 47P99--.14arntora.
40R.1 to 6(299 --!Perth,
69R1f 741R601-'W4est (Port,
7483111 to. 1/611.41510-•--!S'mtth'•s ,(tolls,
96R5111 to 121IW)R9 1Arnprior,
400RI1 to 61141.12.11-iRcnfrew.
hl; Rd1 to 91341.8120--I1?ant broke.
921510411' to 9953319-..Canlbe)lforcl.
15111 •to 159001--Cantpielbfo'd;
12,901 to 12S159-1Kcewiatin.
2691 to 11S050f -1]<cnora.
219181511 to 318,311.0-11)ny ]en,
1315135'1 to a4S13)f,-1Fort 'Francis.
419315I1 to 79315O1•-1bort 'William.
71SI35111 to 1105019-(1ptort IArtlttir,
11115)) to 1111599 -Schreiber,
14)811 to IRS99-Cochrane,
10151 ito 345()50 Ausonville
24,215111 to .58009 --Timmins,
0511 to 824Sl50--rhol land 1 ake.
14218(5) to 9L099-NNew Liskeard.
011:111 to 99S99 --Cobalt.
11tI0S1 to 41501S9 --Sault Ste, Marie,
=1611511 to 4613519 -Brice )ld.ieatt
41015241 to 5110S9-Thcssalon.
50315111 1,, 5111-0519--13ilind 'River,
4414S11 to 'd64S'9 Richard's (Latndin;g,
'5165$111 to 1609150:Gore 93ay,
'010S11 to 62,19'S91 --Little Current.
633151 to 041959_M4ndenloya,
6561S41 to '669591 \1•a nhtowaning:
1137015') to 7019S9--1Espanolla,
71108)1 to 7111959--C'ha'pleau,
700541 to 19119'S9-IS'ltdbury.
19'))) to 431T9419-5trrhliirry,
'41'1 to 411151310 -Sturgeon (Falls.
41'5151 to 6T.5510 -North Bay.
3T1511! to 7(11600-Powastan,
'78,601 to ,&1'41510 -Parry Sound.
81'491 to 911111510-13orke s Fa11s,
9119511 to illTD90--Wia'rton, '
1111'1'111 to 116153--IPort Rowan.
'113'I'4SiI to ,3151.1`917-_34'irllaal
M6T%1 40 4191'150--4fanklee'k IH'ial,
41117151 to '551'1'%510-IA4ex•andria.
51511'5) to 161311'90-Casselman.
643'J to 186,1501 --(Vin ch ester.
8575'1 to '9151T50-11<empitvil'le,
941T5I1 to 11314Ti9-Bothwell.
1(3)51111 to 19141T9 -Tamworth. •
101517'11 to 2?4T9--')'weed. •
273'T1 to 37141T0 -Bancroft.
37571 to 449119 -•,Halliburton,
5120111 to 511.9,'9 --Beaverton
6301TO to 7114'1'9=S•wfiton West,
7,11511'11 to !7169T9-Kapus'ka4sing,
7or,t to 811141T9 -,Rainy (River.
SI5,'i to SG4T9-'F_nglehatrt.
:4'65:7111 to .909T9 -Toronto.
111U11) to 9!U)200 -Toronto.
9011011• to 2.21)99 -Lakeview,
2131Ud to 3'41109• --Blenheim.
3151111 to (5111519'-,Kr'kab'eka Falls.
371011 to 15171UI501- 1stgersoll,'
157101511 to :951U!99--IN'e'wr 'T'oron'to,
91610)9 to 3)101191 -Trenton,
•,"Ii.21d;J111 iso 4I14IU9-Nradoc.
4)1))511111 to 674119 -Dundas.
6751LT1 to 914I4U9-,Bdlfton.
74)5!1'1 to 1814141U9-Chealey.
584151111 to 9144119-tUxlbrid'ge,
9845171 to 9.9919 -,Exeter, '
1V1 to 21V9 -,Exeter,
3IV(1 to 4)V1309, -,New• Hamburg.
41111310111 to 4V12100-Riclant'ond Hill,
)V120111 to 19V10.0-,00,kvilIe.
18V)14311 to SV91015-Schomberg.
5V901 to 11111V99 -Forest,
I1I1V1 to '161V99 -Wheatley.
1717IViL to 40V919-Hagersviile,
WIINUI to 5131V50I-lnionvil'le,
153V(511) to 5151V150-Flinton
951V511 to 411)V99 -Verona,
65V7 to 1646V50 -Sioux Lookout,
64,V1511. 'to 701V50 -Thornbury.
7iIV15'1 to 794V99 Hawkesb'ury.
69V5111 to )111141V9 Alliston,
1i115V1 to 17'41V9-Thamesville.
17tal4111 to I2091V9-1Haveloc•k,
111037)14 to 999V9 ---Toronto,
'L\\l] to 699•\ -\9 -Ottawa,
'700\V11 to 999\\'9 -In 'Reserve.
1341 to 73)3450-'rono 'id.
75'51 to 80X00-111 Reserve,
Miss 1-nne ;Ryan ,;pent the week
end in Goderiek at the home of her
sinter, Mrs. ,John Evans,
Mr, John Turner .of Clinton called
on Duplin friends Sunday..
Sorry to hear Miss )Ann Carpenter
is in a serions condition.
A number of men Am Dublin tools
part in a )matt for one of 'lir. Ben»-
iger's foxes on Tuesday.
The F.g•moudville \l•ission L'ancl
held their meeting on Wednesday
last. The program was: Hymn 51)1,;
the Lord's prayer; scripture reading,
lxodtts 20, 1.-21. by 40011 Strong:
player and hymn 91)): memory Verse:
ttkirship story by Marie Ainshorough,
offering, Margaret \{Dare; offertory
prayer, Sean Powell nursery rhymes;
minutes, Shirley \\'tum, itory thy the
leader. Games and lunch followed the
The Poultry Market
!Prices of (poultry in 'the Canadian
domestic market in 11191316 were )ower
than in 1111315. The poultry crop of
191315 was marketed by producers at
prices which represented a 'su'bstantial
increase over those of the years im-
mediately preceding. Subsequent de
veloprmenrts proved that the farm sell-
ing price of this po'ul'try was too great
in relation to the domestic' or to •tire
export market 'prices. This experience
showed that there is a 4price 'limit `for
poultry, in comparison with the rela-
tive •prises of other meats, beyond
which the 'consumer wftl not give ac-
tive support to the market.
'there i,; every reason toexpect a
satisfactory movement of the 1191315
poultry crop both in Canada and in
export trade. This should have a
strengthening' influence cm the situa-
tion during the marketing season of
1937, although an early return to the
prices which prevailed in 19315 is not
normally to be expected. The canning
01 ,ipoul'try .meats in'•Eastern Canada'
has increased considerably •'in recent
year; 'through the development of 'an
export trade in this product.
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25e,