HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-02-25, Page 1IN lakes so little to snake a sad,
)Inst a slighting woad or a cioultting
IJnst a scornful smile on some 4ip.s
• 'held clear,
\Anel our footsteps lag, though the
goal seemed bear,
A•nd we lose the courage and 'hope
-we had --
Se. little it take to .make laze sad.
It tykes so little to make us glad,
Just the cheering clasp- of a friendly
fast a Word fromone who can under-
And we .finish the task we long had
++',nd we lose the doubt and the fear
we had --
So little it takes to make us glad.
W1 OLE SERIES, VOL, 59, No, 8,
Phone 84.
$1 a ,year,
Those who have saved our
Coupons have received many
beautiful prizes;
2 'Tins 25c
4 tins 19c
Tails 2 tins 25c
KIPPERED SNACKS ..per tin 5c
per tin 20c
POWDER per tin 19c
IODIZED SALT 2 pack 13c
2 lbs. 25c
SUPER SUDS, per pack 10c
CARBOLIC SOAP .... per cake 5c
6 Pack. 25c
SULPHUR 6 lbs. 25c
EPSOM SALTS 6 lbs 25c
•GLAUBER SALTS .... 6 lbs. 25c
A. C. Routledge
'blue coa
The Lions Milk Fundi'
'first, because there are in Sca'torth
74 children, who, through no fault of
their own wonld be deprived of this
very necessary part of a child's daily
diet. As ut example of the need, the
committee visited a h<iinc which was
able to procure only two quarts of
milk per weds for the entire family of
three persons. l'his meant only slight-
ly r over half pint 'af milk per day (or
'three persons, two adults and one
ehiltl. The Child now receives a pint
of Milk per day from the Milk 'bund.
at is only one of the 74 who- thus re-
ceive such 'benefit from this fund.
The Lions organised this ?l11
Cenci because in the last 13 months.
their expenses for crippled children
have reached the sum of $,3,320.00
and their funds as a ,result are almost
depleted A Milk. 1kiid Seemed, the
logical solution and we hope through
the generosity q1 a sympathetic
people to ,provide a pint of milk per
-flay toeveryneedy childduring the
1100 clays of the difficult winter period,
Your help is urgently needed and a
bottle- of milk rfor • the needy child
costs only 01c, and the nickels, the
dimes and the quarters help wonder-
fully to make up this fuucl. We gladly
recei.e and acknowledge any amount.
Subscription list to date, February
Individual .]-ions . ,t.1............k'4-8:00
A d'rientl , . , ....., , .. 2:00
A Lioa ......................... 1100
:\. Lion supplies one pint of milk
to a child for 11100 days.,.,.. . 4:60
Leave your donation at the Expos-
itor- Office, The News .Office, The
(Provincial Bank, The Dominion. Bands
or The Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Northside United Church
Rev. 'l-.:\. Carmichael, \-)inister.
011 amt. "'Che Blau- \\-'tin Wanted to
7 p.m. "From Small to Great
S,5, at 2:31) pan,
First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth
N. C. Feast, Minister. Morning ser -
vire at 1)11; sermon. "The Authority of-
fthe Master." S.S. ;et 2.311'. Evuung
service at 7. Sermon, "Not all the
mysteries are in the Bible. -nut by
any means."
(Prayer meeting on 1'hnrsday even-
ing at 8,
St. Thomas' - Church Services
For the 'Third Sunday in Lent.
Feb. 29th. -
5.S and Bible Class 30 o'clock.
Morning service, 1111 o'clock. Ser-
mon topic, '°Probients. to -be (Faced
(Evening service, '7 o'clock, Sermon
thopic, "Pride and I1'ts Cure."
All welcome. Canon E. Alxpdeyard,
The short course classes which
have been in session at Seaforth for
the past three weeks under, the aus-
p•ices of the Ontario Depantme t of
t4'grieulture, will he brought to a
close on Friday night by a banquet
in the basement of the First Presby-
terian Chinch, beginning at 6:30.
:Presentation of prizes will bre
made by the instructors, which in -
elude a 'erop•hy far the high bay in
Livestock [judging, and 'four pieces of
siiverware will :be distributed among
the tFour ;prizes are being given
for the boys, including two hoolc
prizes in the written tests.
Mr. iR. S. Dunctiat, head of the Ag-
ricultural 'Represen'tative branch, To-
ronto, will be the !guest speaker,
On Tuesday afternoon of this Week
the boys judged Agricultural mares
and geldings and Leicester sheep at
the farm of Mr. \V]Iliant Charters,
" I'utkersniath also art David Mein--
cin-tos6 s for Agricultural light draft
-ones Turnbull, Federal Dept. of
Agriculture, Toronto ave a lecture
on swing marketing last Friday after-
On Wednesday afternoon a special
illustrated lecture was given by W. J
Stephens of the \\reed and Seetl
branch, Ont Dept, 'Agriculture, To-
ronto. His subject was the iterative-
tion and eradication of weeds.
The boys will have their, final writ-
ten examinations on Thursday af-
•A kind hearted gentleman dropped
into The 1 ioUnctal Bank and inquir-'
ed the length of thee the Lions Milk
Fund would be suPplying inn to the
",Kiddies." On bumg informed that it
would be for 11181) days and the cost
•l'!c per clay he pushed the money
through the wicket, saying, "'Here.
take it. l ant adopting one kiddie for
1)0) day;"
\\'ell, the Nil* C'onintittce • were
surprised when they heard of h. The
idea was new, ilii it gate US this idea
- Derhaps there are many sib would
like to adopt a child in this way, We
have just 73 left on the list,
The (Herald,. at Marntora, Ont., last
week reprinted 'with illustrations art
article about the i'cenitenn•ial of -the
!Rebellion .of 11191317 and the death of
Col. Van lEgma tet, front 'a recent i;5-
Thr NUMMI Chttrett service of the
dlurnn O14 Boys' of Toronto was
held at St. t'rit'e: Presbyterian
Church Sand ay evcning with the
teras -t attendhnre int . malty years,
Rev. R. C. 31 1)erntizl, formerly of
Gede'ich, preached an eloonent stir.
Mori, with Wolter \, Buchanan. res-
icli-nt of the Association reading,the
son and 5. M. Wickens also asst. t -
Mg' in the service 'Mrs. R. \I. Brook.
anti Mrs. tl)r. 3, 'G, iT r anon render-
ed solos,
After the service acvcrsil (hundred
gathered in 'the ;parlors of the church
where community singing and music-
al numbers were part of the program.
Walter A. Buchanan. President of the
Association, acted as chairman, and
:speeches were made by J. A. McLar-
en and 13. H. McCreath, representing
Goderich; E. Moody and John Moen
representing Clinton, H. M. Jackson
and Dr, tl-fodgins representing Sea-
forth, W. 1+:. Smith representing
\\'in'gham, and Fred Elliott, Presid-
ent of the Harron 'County Junior As-
sociation. - '
tR.efreshtnents were served iay the
Ladies' :\id cif the chatrch, which
'brought to a elo;se a most successful
sue .of The tSeafonfh INews. The :Her-
ald says:
"Mrs. fE. 1, Gale, -of Ofarntora, wife
of the I1;Ifl.gh 'School principal, is
great granddaughter of ,the celebrated
,repel. leader, Col. IAietliony V'an Eg
rrtontl, Mrs, iGale's mother ((deceased)
and: 'wife of the late 'Dr. Worth-
ington, 'of ,Clinton, was horn presum-
ably !before the ole) 1VandIgnioncl
manor house 'was .ready for occupa-
tion !as she was' three years older than
the 'Colonel's 'grandson referred to as
being the ,first chilcd 'born, in :the his-
toric hoarse." -
Mrs, Gale, of Mannnora, was form
erlyAhlie 'r Worthington', 'sister` of An-
nie ,Worthington shown in the fire-
place scene, and Mr, IGale is; a -nota of
Rev. R., 31. Gale, of Be.yfield'.
Ilse dell of ti well known and
respected resident cif Seaforth, 3lr,
Frederick John Kerslake, occurred, on
Sunday morning following a severe
stroke the previous evening Hi
passing- eattte as a shock as he had
been in his usual health. While patt-
ing on his overcoat on Saturday even-
ing, he snllered: the stroke, from
which he did not rally.
Frederick J. ,Kerslake was born at
Columbus, East \Vhl'tby, eluent son 01
the late Mr. and Mrs, William Kers-
lake. In (1)l388 he came with the family
'to Hibbert and to Staffa in 1'8x98
where he was married !thirty-seven
years ago to \I ins ;lana t Fell. For 19
years they resided on the farm there,
then retired to Sltetilo for three years
before conning to Setfarth. \1 r..liers-
latae r• .survived, by his wife ttnd one
daughter, 'Mrs 1D, 0. Hill of Lii.stbwel;.
also two brothers and two sisters:
\ iiiiam E. 'Kerslake, tSeaforth, i' ho
suffered a stroke three years ago and
has been an invalid ever since; Wal-
ton Kerslake, Cromarty; Mrs, H. W.
Colguho:un \\'innilieg, and Mrs.
Montgomery Davis,Sea-forth also
three grandchildren, David, -Elmore
and Barbare x1.111,
The funeral eras held front his late
residence, \Vest street, on Tuesday
afte•noou, Feb. 213rd The service was
conducted by Rev. t', .A. Carmichael
of (North ;Side United Church, :A
du rrtetde selection was stung bythe
mixed quartette of the church during
the service. lnternunt took plate in
Maitland•bank cemetery. The pall-
bearers were Ralph Stephenson. 'A. L.
Pot -woos, Veil iLillespie, Wm, 3lorri
son, Sana Barna and :lames Hill. (Five
nephews acted xis 'Oowerbearers: Car-
ter Kerslake, !Everitt d erslake, Reg.
riserslaee, l\'nt, •,\Ir1 aehlan and :Fred
Colquhouo, Among those attending
'the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. L.
Rundell and Mrs,kt ndell.
Mrs.T. i un
Fred '
R. Marriott St.Marys, \Ir l r do1
quhotnt and \iTs. H, ward Purdy, of
i'oronto: mins Edna Well and Tho,,
hsil, Godericlt; Mr. and Mrs, D. 1.
4-111), 1:istowel. also friends' from
Stalin and Varna.
Sympathy is ex:tet<led to \Irs,
Golding, wife of W. 1I. Golding,
\I,P„ in the death of her mother,
Mrs. Kenchen, on Fob, 141th, at the
home of Mr. George lictshen, at
rouble. \Irs,
0 eart l
-`u from 1t ear nitron l
•Iicnehct tr a a f'elurnt visitor in
town and went. to 1latniltou from
here about .seven weeks ago. Born in
\lltithy 14) years ago her maiden
name was Matilda NI Bloom, She
spent practically all her life in Derby
township until lIOtI2, ellen she retire,)
of Owen Sound upon the Heath of her
husband. ti irviving are three son: and
three daughters, Percy, in Saskatche-
wan; (George, in Hamilton, Lloyd, in
Owen Sound; 31rs, Gen, Elson and
Mrs, Norman ince, of -Sa inaw, and
Mrs, \\'. I1, Guiding, Senforth. She
was predeceased by one daughter.
Mrs. Lambkin, cif Owen Sound, in
Payr. The fnncral was held at Owen
Sotttkl ircint \\'est Side 1'nited
Church. N1rs, W. 1-I, Golding. attend-
ed the funeral last week,
The death occurred Mom lay, Feb.
f2, at the Scott :Memorial Hospital of
\\'filiant NIuldrety, a former highly -
esteemed resident of this district, atttl
eldest. son or the late Mr. and Mrs,
John \lultlrew, Ile ,Vas eighty years
of age, and Inane i11 white visiting his
'brother-in-law..Robert Searlett, hcieg
removed to the hospital a week ago
last Sunday.
\I r. Milliken- was born in Blake,
Hay Township, and lived there ntitil
thefamily moved to Seaforth, :when
he went West. ;Returning, he located
in Hamilton alters he obtained a po-
sition with the Westinghouse Electric
Co., which he held for many years,
and for the past five years had been
living retired in Toronto,
ITfe wits predeceased by his wife in
40015. Two brothers survive: Rev.
(John 3duldrew of Vancouver, B.C.,
and Robert Muldrew of Brockville.
'rhe funeral took ,place on Wednes-
day afternoon front the residence of
his 'brother-in-law, .Robert Scarlett,
Church street. Rev. T. A. Carmichael
of Northside ,United Cherish, conduct-
ed the service. 7)uninrg the service the
church quartette rendered, "Safe in
the Arms of Jcsins," and 'i:\'bide with
Interment took .place in the fa-
mily plot in 13ayn6eld cemetery The
pallbearers were: J. IR. Scott, 3', 1d,
Scott, A. '.D', 'Scott,' James McAllister,
::\•clans Dodds, and :Robert Scarlett.
Attencliit;g the funeral frown a distance
were, Mr. W. Fee and Mies Mary
Pee, 1Hensall, Mts. W..13 Allister and
Mr, J. McAllister, I%iensall; Mfr, Ro-
bert \4uleirev, f rockville.
The meeting teas in charge of •th
Citizenship tDe4.t., with 'Miss Edo
tRoltfrietsh 'presiding. \Ve were ver:
fortunate in having Mr. Richmond
who is teaching the boys in the shor
courses, tr-Tis topic was '"Th:Arte o
Living," 'followed by a 'prayer by
Miss Ruth Thompson.A very pleas -
ing piano solo '-by Skliss Josephine
Edge, and the 'Scripture 'Mas taken
Ifiy Miss IDronna \doie.
h . very nice
duet entitled 'Since ,swas .came into
Amy hear -t," by 'Miss .Akdath Sproule
' anal Bliss 'Evelyn' Carmichael. The
atnectiing closed 'with the llfzpa'h there-.
Torrential rains and high winds
prevailed in this district an Sunday
afternoon and aright. The roofs of
many 'barna in the northeastern part
o .A1'bKildop were damaged, and oc-
casional trees were blown clown.
Messrs, M. \. Reid. 111. E. Smith,
C, Smith and D, 1T. Wilson attended
the executive meeting of the \'s'.t).H.
.\. at \Vttlkerton on 01ontlay night,
hrbt'nat'). 32nd. The protest of God-
erich was dealt with. Evan ]tennis
ens protested by tioderieh, Seaforth
defended Retutie'. .standing, The rul-
in;t of the executive which eliminated
Rennie front the Seaforth line-up also
removed goalie Doak front tinderic)t
rice -tip, both players having taken
part in .0111,\game.. The truth;, fin-
als between 1 flo,lerielf and Seto' with
were ordered rept n e t G,iclericln aii'
;clay at Seaforth on Thursday night.
February 2 -Silt, with the retort tame
Many from the vicinity attendee
the fnnera1 of Mrs. iAllan 31aeDo'tg-
all held in Fttllartott last Saturday,
We are sorry to report that \1 t.
\\'illiaau O'Rourke is not improving
its rapidly as expected.
Mini .Margaret Mc:aver, Seaforth,
visited with •\dins Genevieve Feeney
neer the week end.
\i r. and Mrs, Jitntes Hanley and
.nn, Toronto, visited with the fortn-
er's parents, Itr. and Mrs. \\'. 'Haute
ley, recently,
Mr. Ls J. ILoohy-has been confiner)
in his home unable to attend to his
dirties. \Vc (tope for a speedy recor-
Mr. and Mrs. Duret McCorntell re-
ceived :word athat David Dingman, of
!Detroit, their oldest grandson, had
the misfortune cif 'falling on his hea '
and receiving slight concussirnn of the
,Mr. Frank Stapleton, Toronto, vis-
ited with his parents, Mt. and Mrs,
\\'illiaan . Stapleton.
Otic, Ralph (Dill, Stratford, -visited
esters Ontario Hockey Association
Winter Evenings
at Home
mean leisure rest and comfort. Newspap-
ers, magazines, books, our studies by the
warm fireside mean so much of life to us
these long evenings, provided we enjoy'
them with perfect vision. - Failure to enjoy
these to the full is usually caused by eye-
strain, the result of defective Vision.
Do your eyes become weary with read-
ing, or setting or fine work? Consult us,
\'4'e specialise in correcting defective ,
Phone 194.
with Mr. and Mrs, 30111.-
\9r. tiortion Mowbray is spending
a fstc days in Stratford.
\Irs. J. Stapleton is quite ill id the
:Wit forth hospital.
Mrs, Charles Ftutnell and son spent
t o her,Alrs. (:
• days tcitlt hern 1
I 1.
twlira •.
31r. .\nthur Godden of Stratford is
working in 11-. Dillon's place as he is
still under the doctor's care.
Death of Mrs, A. Robinson-
The death ,ti Mrs, \tttlrew 'ROlrtlt-
son .orcnrretl at the home of her datt-
ghter, Mrs. 'Sol, J. Shannon, Hallett,
on Tuesday, Feb, 24, after -.being ti '
bedfast invalid for nine years, Mrs.
Robinson was itt her Both year, Form-
erly Mary ,lane Idingsutitl, the earlier
year- of Iter life were spent in the
Ohl Country. Cecil it few years after
their nnu'riaee Mr, and Mrs. 'Robin-
son lived in Ireland where four of
their chit:It-en were horn. They came
to this country 351 years ago and set-
tled at \\'inihrt+p later taking a faros
tut let 1177. con 14 \IeKillop, where
they lived untii retiring. \I r: and \Ir.
12ohinsnn Went to lice with ;heir dal -
a t-
in Ha ;lett :an 1 ten yar. ago
Alm, Robinson lied. Finn' daughters
and three sons survive: \ars. '1'hnnnit.
\\*heatiey and \firs. George Little o'
3leliillnp, Mrs. 5, J. Shannon of l)t1-
1ett, \1rs. ,loin 'i'aylor 01 Morris;
\Vnt. H. Robinson of London, Thom-
as Robinson of Stratford and Roller:
J. Robinson of Reginau a sun, Sam-
uel of 3'cirolia died in lt)33, I. .private
funeral \till take place ott Thttrsdcty
afternoon ant o'clock from the resi-
dence of her son-in-)ayc,• S_ at Shan-
non, -lot et, inn dill, tHullett, Rev. 'A. W.
Gardiner of d.ontdleshorn officiating.
Interment will take place ie llaittantl
Bands Cemetery, the :pallbearers being
six grandson. James and 'William
Robinson '1•Lonc4nnl, Joitn Robinson
(Stratford) 7oseph and \Vilson Little
old Dyke \Wheatley (_\icii'iliop),
\Li:.S .\nuts •Anlihy and Mr. 'Franc
\\'ay wish to announce their engage-
ment, wedding to take place Saturday,
Feb. 2)7111, at high noon at the Home
of Mr. and Mrs Benj. 'Snell,
Mr, 12obcrt Smell of New 'York
State, is visiting at the homes of Mr,
and: Mrs. Andrew Snell and 3dr. and
Mrs, Benj. Sttell
The tlileatters Class met at the
ilomc :of their teacher, .3t'rs. \V. Brit-
ton on Seittrrday, The class trade a
presentation to 3f- an'i'on Lawson. The
address ares read by 'Teta Medd and
presented by Viola Dexter. The ad-
dress: "Dear Marion, -We have stet
herethisafternoon 'as members of
the [Gleaner's Class, to enjoy, a hst y
social time together before you- leave
otir collumttity. Von have (been
faithful member of the class and has
'recon very regular 'i•1 }'ctit attendance
0 ch. Sunday Sichoul tanti church,
roup u Finals
Group finals to be re -played as
ordered by Western Ont. Hock-
ey.Assn. Exec: Goals to count.
Admission 1251c ,and
\\'e only hope that you will continue
to be so in yottr association with .an-
other church, remembering Jesus'
words, "T -le that honnyreth .me. -hint
will I honor." Even though the do not
see ;you very often we will not forget
remembrance ice fr nt the
an as a emet brat o
you d
.c'las's, t o present you with t ; n this tray.
Signed on behalf of the Gleaners'
Friends and neighbors met et the
Monte of Mr. and Mrs."=Ben'j, Snell on -
Monday afternoon to give a shower
to Miss Annie Ashby and spend a so-
cial afternoon. Before the presenta-
tion the ladies were each ;given a slip
of paper and wrote sonic word of ad-
vice on how to begin married life.
Annie was asked to take a chair and
the advice was react by -Mrs. Ernest
-Adarts and ,Mrs. Earl Lawson. tLuttch'
was then served. When lunch was
over a 'huge three storey cake Was
carried in aid placed on the table,
and an address was read by Mrs. 'Ro-
bert R •crson. The bride to be was
than asked to cut the cake. On liking
i the first storey there stood a little
man with howler hat in hand. The
-e:otd and third storey were well
fillet) with every kind of kitchen uten-
sil. She also received a pair of Ilan
nellette blankets, tt set of dishes and
many other useful and beautiful gifts.
The address is as follow: "Dear An-
nie. --We, your friends an neighbours,
could not let such an opportunity of
shoving our respect and affection for
you pass without making the anean-
ion a Pleasant memory to us all. We
are happy to know you are starting :
a new life, although we regret it is
not in our community. Your help and
constant interest will be missed, not
only by yourfriends of • the church,
Mit also bythe members of the vagi
ons organizations -to mention ,partic-
itlanly your contribution to the 'floral
decorations of the church. This ,gath-
ering is our way of expressing to you
our good wishes and our hope you
may enjoy health, ha•ppincss and
!prosperity in your new home. As a
token of our -good .will we ask you to
accept these -gifts. Signed on behalf
of your friends and neighbours."
00r. Charles Riley motored to Lon-
don last ilariday morning and is at
present staying with -friends there,
Mrs. Riley who is .in ;the Victoria-
'Hospital has not been as well as her
many friends would like to hear.
14••r. and bErs. Leo Stephenson and
family spent Sunday at \Blyth
Nits. Tl Pollard is visiting
ft. Thomas omas g
\vitlt her sister,. Mrs. !Adam Glazier of'
'Miss Stella Armstrong :spent the
week end with her grandp•aretnts, Mr.
and \Irs, Wm. Clarke,
Mr. Medford I-T'artatess and Miss
Aniene Halliday of Teeswater . spent
Sunday with 31r, and Mrs. Robert
Don't forget the euchre and dance
e which will be held in the 'Fonrestes'
hall on Friday of this week,