The Seaforth News, 1937-01-28, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
W. M. S. Meeting
The .
fthe WM
January m�ecn g o
of Carmel Presbyterian Church was
held on Jan, Mist in the sohool root/
of the church,, The ,P'res'ident Mrs,
.Colin Hudson, .presided and Mrs. R.
•MoLaren and Mrs. D. (Park read tthe
Scripture. Mrs. W. A. Young gave a
Scripture meadin'g and ,Mrs. H. Arn-
old !led in prayer. After the 'batsiness
IM'rs, I. Manson and Mrs.' Geo. Walk-
er read Scripture passages and Miss
'McGregor led in prayer. Hymn 649
was sung and Mrs. Workman led in
prayer. Scripture was read by Mrs. C.
IHudsen and Mrs, lJ.:Paterson, 'Airs.
Logan led in prayer. Mrs. J. W. 'B'on-
thron sang a solo and a report of the
recent executive ,meeting in Clinton
was given by Mrs. Young.
Miss 'Margaret Dick of Strathroy is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Gno, Dick of :Hay township.
'Mr. Norman Sinclair of Toronto
spent the week end with his parents,
Rev. 'Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair.
Mrs. Chas. Jinks returned home on
Saturday after spending the past three
weeks in Windsor.
IMr, ',Harold Bonthron, who is at-
tending Pickering College, 'Newmar-
ket, spent' the week end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 9. W. Bonthron.
Mr. 'John (Farquhar and Mr, David
Kyle 'left last week for Chicago to
visit relatives.
Miss 'Joyce 'Scru,ton of Toronto vis-
ited over the week end at her home.
Mr. D'on'ald Walker is visiting rela-
tives and friends in Toronto.
M:r, and Mrs. Robert (Green and fa-
mily of Port Stanley, and fawner res-
idents of 'Hensall, visited 'with rela-
tives here over the week end.
'Mrs. 'John 'S'm'ith of Varna visited
'Mrs. Jas Dick on Friday last.
Mr. Chas. 'Middleton of Clinton was
,calling on friends in town.
Messrs. Orville Beaver, John Cald-
well and !Elgin Caldwell of Exeter
were calling on friends in town on
Mr. 'Re/ht. Higgins returned ',tome
on Saturday after spending two weeks
visiting his daughter, Mrs. 'Orville
Beaver of the Thames Road.
Carmel Church Free of Debt.
The anm,ual meeting of Cannel
(Presbyterian Church was held on
•1lionday evening in the church. In
'spite of precarious conditions of the
roads a large representation of the
congregation was present. The meet-
ing was preceded by a congregational
supper after which ,Rev, W. A, 'Young
led in a lively singsong. An impromp-
tu program followed. Being the anni-
versary of thebirthday of 'Robbie
Burns, the numbers were mostly
S'edtch. The following took part in the
program. The Love family orchestra,
Mrs. W. A. MadLaren and Mrs. M.
Dougall, Mrs. W. A. Young and Miss
Irene Hoggarth, Mrs. Andrew Doug-
all, (James Mustard's orchestra, Mr.
:Ross MacKay, ,Mrs. 'J. \V, Bonthron,
and tRev, W. 'A. Young. Following the
.program which was thoroughly en-
joyed by everyone, the annual meet-
ing was held. Devotional exercises
Were conducted by the minister, after
which the different repoilts were
heard. The treasurer's report was a
very encouraging one. ,It showed that
thanks to the efforts of .the Ladies'
Aid, who had raised x$0119.47. the
church was now absolutely free of
debt and the books showed a substan-
tial balance on which to begin a new
year. The ailment raised for all con-
.gregational purposes was $4,097:24,
an amount considerably in advance of
any previous year. Besides this the
Women \lissionary Society raised
12015.01, the Arnold Circle `$'80 and the
Mission Band 636.'31. Malc'o'lin Doug-
all far .the Sabbath school reported an
excellent year, with much increased
rnemberahip and a favourable balance
in the bank. It was a very happy fam-
ily that gathered in the church and
the congregation, now free of debt,
faces .the new year with read enthus-
iasm. A resolution of confidence in.
and appreciation of the work ni the
anin'ister, Res. Vv. A. Young and Mrs.
Young, was passed and the meeting
closed with the hearty singing of the
United Church Annual Meeting.—
The annual meeting of the United
Church was held nn Monday evening
in .the church with a splendid atten-
dance. The meeting was presided ov-
er by the pastor; Rev. ,Arthur Sin-
clair. At the early part of the meeting
an interesting prograan was given
with the following taking part: Verde
\\'atenh and Gladys 'Passmore: Dr.
Smillie and Sam Rennie, Mrs, Anna
Mapnn:ald, \ire. Maude 11 edam anti
Mrs. Hess, Mr. G. J. Sutherland gave
a reading entitled ''B,urn Epistle to
a Young Friend Leaving Horne."
which was very appropriate as the
meeting was on 'Burns birthday.
Among election of .officers were Thos.
Sherritt as steward, succeeding the
late !Tames 'Robinson, also three addi-
tional stewards, : G. M. 'Drysdale, A,
W. M. Hemphill and Dr. :Smillie. A
matter of discussion was the advisab-
ility of changing the pulpit from its
present position to that of in front of
the choir, which was. thought would
bring the pastor closer to the congre-
gation, It was decided to make the
change. Before the close of the tweet-
ing a' very hearty vote of thanks was
,tendered to the pastor and officials of
the church and organvatiols. The
pastor ,happily replied for himself and
on behalf of offioials. Owing to the
absence of Mr, A. W. E. Hemphill,
secretary, Mr. W. O. Goodwin acted
as secretary. 'Mr. ''M. Drysdale, the
treasurer and envelope secretary,
.gave the report of the financial anti
.general prosperity shown by the fin-
ancial standing of the congregation,
over. $51,000 being contributed for al'i
purposes. After the conclusion of the
business of the meeting:. a dainty
lunch was served by the YTP!S.
Miss Lottie 'Foster of London, nc-
oa4mpanied by her sister of 'Ed'mmn-
ton. are visiting at the 'hone of their
brother William of town.
The many ,friends of little 'Jack La-
vender are pleased to hear he is im-
proving after having a ,mastoid oper-
Beauty Salon
The Standard of Perfection
$1.95 and up
Including Shampoo, .13air-
cut and Fingerwave.
Mr. !Orval Stephenson of Marlette,HILLSGREEN
Mich„ ,called on friends here on 'Shin A surprise party was held on 'Tues-
day. He ;brought with 'flim his aunt,
day ,evening at the tante of Mr. and
:,tro �! � or
Mrs. ,dice IW1IQ n spent M. W Davidson .The occasion
Monad, mare, who has rhe past two 'birthdays was ce!leb:rated,
mMrsat Marlette..MIMlles ,Annie IJarratt •vfsiited tier aunt
\ors. Rdbt. M.:peck, who recently uncle, .Mr. and Mrs. 1D.'B. !Salm-
underwent an operation at 'Women's dand ens.
College IHlaspihai, Toronto, we are "en' George Stephenson of Walker
to say, is progressing favor-
ably, and eve hope she 'vvis soon ,be toll spent a few days with, his parents,
able to return ;to her homte. Mr, and Mrs. Ro+bt, Stephenson.
Mrs. Henry Hayter has returned Ur. Schultz has purchased ,the,
farm where Me, .and Mrs M. Tully
to 'her 'tame here atter spending t ,have been farming for the ,past few
'th visiting with friends in Flint
and Detroit.year, 'they intend leaving before,;
Mr. R'o'b't..MoClinchey is visiting Hong. We will ,be 'sorry to see them
with his sister, Mrs, W. H. Stephen go .as they have proved to Ibe rine
son of Marlette. neighbors during their ,stay is
BRUCEPIELD Mr, Lorne fItleischeanner, who leas
Young People's Union.— been engaged on the farm of Maes
The ,regular meeting of the Bruce- 'Stephan, has resigned, and has gone
field YIPJU. was held Monday even. to Zurich for the time being.
ing, :January 25Th, at 6,I115 p.m. with Mlies Dolly Hagan spent a few
Mise Eva Stackhouse ,presiding, 'Tire' days in Zunich this week with
meeting opened with a hymn. Scrip- friends
ture lesson found in Luke 4:1'-211; Mr. Fred, Brock is cutting wood
Matthew 6:15.154 read by Bob !Buck= near 'Klippen these days.
atian, followed with prayer by E've'iye The latest report is that Mrs,
Grainger The topic, "The Christian Lydia Troyer is improving now,
!Family at Worship," was very well which we are glad to know.
taken by Austin Zapfe. The presid-
ent then took the chair for an inter-
esting discess'ion. We then had the
different teams stand on eadh side
and our 'attendance has, been increas-
ed ,frons 20440 members sines Sept-
ember, A few games were enjoyed
by all after the meeting.
Mr. and MI's: M. Davis of Staffa
spent :Saturday with Mr. aind 'Mrs; T.
H. Wheeler,
1Mr. Stuart :Horton of Western Uni-
versity, London, spent the week end
with his parents, ,Mr, and Mrs. J.
Mrs. Mary McKenzie has returned
hone from Detroit where she visited
her son and family.
Misses Margaret and Janet Watson
of London :agent the 'week end at
their home, '
We are sorry .to report that Mr,
James Boyce of Goderich is ill with
memos, 'We hope he will 'soon be
Miss Louise :4farshadl :spent the
week end at her home in London,
\lis Evelyn ,Grainger spent Sun-
day in Seaforth,
Mr. and Mr'. J. Schillbe of Zurich
speatt Sunday with Mfr, and Mrs.
'George Swan,
The village was saddened Saturday
morning when it learned that its
grand old lady. Mrs, Margaret (Ross.
hsd passed .to her reward, :Grandma
'Ross, as she was known to old and
Voting, celebrated her 95Th birthday
on Nov. '5th. We extend 'our sincere
sympathy to the bereaved relatives.
.Miss Dora Addison is visiting rela-
tives in Blyth.
'Mr. and Mrs. Monteith and family
of London spent the week end at the
hoinc of :Niro Janet Ross,
\Irs. Alex., Ross passed away Sat-
urday, Jan. tMinsl, at her 'hone in the
village. She had enjoyed gond health
until Uro 11011/1/ ago she suffered a
B' Beauty Salon
Main St., Seaforth
PHONE 50 or 18.
Many are asking far a snow fall.
Heivsall Junior ,Institute met an
Wednesday eyvenitug at the home of
Mrs, W. A. Young with a good at-
tendance. The president, \J:iss Maud
McLean, presided. A violin solo was
given by Miss Greta .Lamnnie, accom-
panied by Miss Bella 'Smta;le on the
piano. This Vas foliowed by a short
business period. Miss :Olive Walker,
1R!N., gave a very interesting demon-
stration on the care and treatment of
mastoids. Miss Beryl Pfaff gave the
motto, "Early to bed, early 40 rise,
thic•li fitted in nicely with health
rules, the answer to roll call. Dr. Do-
nald Steer gave a .first aid table and
demonstration, The closing member
was a duet, "111 the Chapel in the
Moonlight," by Mrs. Maude Hedden
and Mrs. 'Geo, Hess, with Miss 'G a
ya Luker, accompanist.. Lunch was
served at the close.
.Mrs, William Ottet'befm, who :has
been seriously ill at her home here'
for some time, has been taken to St.
IJoseph's hospital, London.
The Chamber of Commerce is
putting on a dance Feb..3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. England and family
of Crediton visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Alf Weurth,
Mrs. Cameron, librarian of Henstel'1
public library is commencing a story
hour on 'Saturday afternoon, Jan, 30.
in the 'library room from 2 to 3 o'-
clock during the winter months. Aid
children from 5 to 12 years of age are
invited to attend, Mrs, Cameron held
these Saturday afternoon story hours
during the winter , for the past two
years and they are locked forward to
by the children,
Mr, IFioward 'Hemphill of' London
visited over the week end at his home
Mr, Thos. Hudson and .con, Jos.,
Mr. Melvin Hudson and son of Pon-
tiac, 'Mich., visited over the week end
with NIre. Joseph Hudson Sr. and
tether relatives in 'town.
The many friends of \1 re. NIanfmrd
Cnoper will be pleased to hear site is
semi -what improved in health.
She Sunday school of the United
Church will hold a concert in the
church on -.Friday evening, ,Feb. Sth.
A good programme is being prepared.
Miss Pearl Wood of Exeter and Mfr.
Harry lHotlman of Dashwood will be
the guest soloists,
The continuation and public school
intend 'bolding a commencement on
Friday evening, Feb, 12111 in the town
Mfr. \Ven. Frailer is quite i11 at his
haute. His many friends hope he will
soon he in good health again,
(News has just arrived of the pass-
ing of a one time resident of Blake in
the person of \!r. John Davidson,
who some forty years ago conducted
the hlaeksntithentg business at Blake
for a number of years, Moving from
here to \Vroxeter, then to (lett.,
where lie carried on b'lackemithing,
51111 finally to Saskatchewan where
he oleic up land and carried on farm-
ing and hlacksmitliing. The deceased.
wil,, bad been ailing for some time
passed away in his tante in Saskatch-
ewan on Wednesday hist; leaving to
,urn his lass Trois widow, formerly
\Liss Elsie Tough. youngest daught-
er of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Tough, Sr., of Stanley, and two dau-
ghters, both Married and located near
their parents' home in Saskatchewan.
Mr. J. A. Carrie paid a'husiness vi-
sit to St. Marys on Saturday last -
Mr, and Mrs. Donald 'Turner of
London spent the week end with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. N.
Douglas of Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baechier and
daughter Grace and, Mr. and \ins.
!Rabt. Scotchmeu• of Bayfield were the
guests of Nir. • and Mrs, Wm, Carrie
an Friday fast,
Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Hess of Hen-
saill paid a brief -visit to Mr. and tvl-rs:'
J, A. Carnie on Friday evening.
'Jack rabbit hunting appears to be
the favorite sport 'among the young
fellows at prevent. 'Hunters report a
scarcity of rabbits this season, due no
doubt to the .severe :weather condi-
flans of last winter.
Mr. and Mrs. G, ()Boaster of Lon-
don spent Sunday .with the `hatter's
parents. Mr. and loins. \Vnt, \Lc'Ci n -
:hey of itiie Branson :Line,
Miss IE4eamar Scotchmer was .15
able to return ,to 'her school in 'rock-
ersmtith, Where ,she is teaching; on ac
count of a bail cdit', on !Monday..
'Sorry to report that gra. McDoug-
Campbell's Spaghetti—
3 Tins 23c
Aylmer Soup
6 Tins
Peas 3 This
Campbell's Tomato Soup
3 Tins ,
Sockeye Salmon
2 Ile. Tins
First Grade Creamery
Butter .... ... per lb. 27c
Shortening 2 lb. 23c
29c Headcheese lb. 12lb. 12rAc
29c Bologna x .lb. 26c
Salads Tea /z
lb. 26c
27c Red Rose Tea /z
Morning Cheer Coffee —lb. 23c
55c Bulk Cocoa ib. 12c
LGE. PKGE, 19c
Office of Late F. Holmsted, K.C.
(Next A. D. Sutherland)
Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
Law Office
p. J. B:OLS'BY
Associate in Charge
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Etc.
Seaforth, Ont.- Telephone 715.
The regular ateeting of the Helping AUCTION SALE
'lin the
Of :FarnmStook and Implements at
Hand Mission !Ban¢: wasi'held
136, 1itcicemsmtith 'T'ownship, on
basement of :the church an Jan. 116,401 s Highway, 1t/ mules north of
The meeting opened with a hymn and B'rucefield, on \Wednesday, ,February
call to worship and the response after IIl'Oth at 'l1L31J p.rn , t onsis'tirng ri rhe
which all repeated the Mission Band folllowing:
prayer. The Scripture was taken by f3orses-4General purpose tea ri ,• h
dvathdeen 511tanmon after which the
and 17 years ,old; team of heavy draft
minutes of the previous meeting were Cattle—•C'ow, r5 year's did, wish oast
adopted, 'file treasurer's report was at Font; cow, G years all, calved two
read after which election .of officers months; cow, 4.years old, calved 2
for 11967' President, Betty Builard; 'months; cow, 4 years old, due to
vice pre
silent K'atlrleen Shannon;
secretary, Mfargaret Mfanlgontery; years okl, clue to 'freshen i•n March;
sec treas., Muriea Dunnage; pianist, 4 •;teens, 2 years old; R sheers 11134 Yrs.
Ruth Pethicic; assist. pianist, Kath- old; 3 heifers, 11, year old; 2 steers, tit
leen Shannon; captains, Mlarie 'Hol- y'e'ar old; 4 calves, B 'm'onths old; C
lve, 12' •months o14c1.
man and Berea Blanchard. Betty But- ca1K pigs weighing (160
lard then read a story after which a
hymn was sung. Meeting closed with
31izpah +benediction,
The Y.P.S. of Winthrop held a soc-
ial on Jen. 216th with Mr...Marrow act-
ing as chairman. After opening hyenn
Mn. '\'Io.rrow led in prayer. Commun-
ity songs were enjoyed. Duet by Elva
and lOdive Pryce, then a' reading by
Helen Elliott, instrumental by Helen
.Blaichard, sot by 'I-largaret Hab-
kirlr, then reading the Winthrop
news after which a duet was sung 'by
Kathleen Shannon and Rutli Pethicle.
Me play, '\lis•: Molly, was presented
by S.6. INo, 6, and enjoyed, WAS'
'Edith 1-Iillen. and S:tan'tey Millen and
Calera Pryce furnished music between
The euchre and dance held in the
hall last Friday night w'ai largely at-
tended. The prize :winners were: Lad-
ies most games, Mrs. O. Cuthill; Ione
hands, titer, Leslie Doinoatge. After
hunch a few hours were spent in danc-
ing, music supplied' by Mr, and files.
:Irwin Agar, Messrs. Joseph and 'Thus
'Broome, Mrs. James Hogg, Mr. Jos.
ITlogg and Mir. Stewart,
Winthrop hockey team was defeat-
ed by Eginondviile Saturday night.
the score 641, Not so ;good, boys. Bet-
ter luck next time,
iR.ien brothers have Moved into the
'house formerly occupied by Jake
The .slippery roads have made trav-
elling very dangernu.
\\'e 'welcome Mr, and Mrs. Moth-
ers who have moved in to our locality
freshen in lrebrara' 'coty, 4 years old
due �to freshen 'iu \Larch;. I? cows, 6
E. C. Chamberlain.
The purchase of the insurance 'busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of their contpanie's to our ;prev-
ious facilities enables us to. give you
unexcelled services in all Sines.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
Master (Ronald Coleman of the
(Parr Line spent the week end at the
'home of his grandparents, Mr. and
3duin. Frank Coleman.
'1"Iris means you. All accounts ow -
ng at the '33eechwood Store, .please
call and settle sante on .or before
1'eb. 110th, Bntyasac'k :Flour this werik-
endt only 1$3'50 per cwt. James IF,
Carli'i, 4
Lots 4 and 3 in the I8bh can. of
IGrey, for immediate sale. Would div-
ide to suit purchaser. Apply to Miss
Mary 'Smillie, Walton; or 'Joseph
Taylor, Science Hill, Out. S
igs_ lbs.; FOR SALE
pigs weighing From 510 to'1Lv15 lbs.; cow, :Dunham and ''erso
• w^ith,'litter B ,weeks old; sow due One o J y,
farrow February 1116th; sow, 'bred 7 due to !freshen 115th of .March. Also
eks; :hog, 18 months old, one calf 9 ,months old. James Day-
oultry--60 'barred rock pullets, ratan, 'Kipper. 4
anp'lements--M.4H, 'hinder, 7 f
slight strake and has 'peen gradually
daihng since, She was just confined
to her bed one week. She was the
oldest person in the village 'being in
her 06th year. Her husband, 'tf.•r, IAllex.
Ross, passed away' 26 years ago. She
was 'horn in Nova Scotia and :came
to 'Brucefiede] when.thirteen years of
age, 82 years ago. Her father, tfr.
MfcMidd�an biui'lt the house on the cor-
ner as a store,• which is ,now oveaed
illy Mir: Jfohii ,Cornish, Of her family
of six sons, Suet two of them survive,
John. in :Saskatchewan, and Neil, at
Niue coast, ten grandchmldren and nine
great grandchildren, She has dived - iia,
the village and com'mnanity ever since
she cane. She was a good neighilibr
and will the missed greatly by her
Manly friend's. She was a member of
the 'United Oh;urah. The ,fuuerat '*as
held on ;Monday. Jan, 214111, her past-
or, Rev. W. 'A. 'B,reniner, officiating,
and was largely attended. Interment
111 'Baird'ss Cemetery. Tlhe :pallbearers
were Mr. High •Gilmour, Mr. Thosi'as
Baird, lir. 1. Bi Baird, iMr, A. Nich-,
all has 'been, very ill at the home of raison, loin, .5 McIntosh, ,Mr. W. MTe-
her d'arghter; Mrs. Fred Watson. Intos'h.
M[, H.-haydloader; l'1.4H. 13 disc
11; I{,, -H. cultivator (new) 113
th; 21 cCormicksDeering mower,
oat cut; Deering' side delivery rake;
disc harrows; Mi, -11, dump rake,
ler, manure spreader, "2 Verity
:king :plows; Na. 21' gang plow;
FL cutting 'bas; Is section har-
vs; '•horse scuffler; wagon, ruib'ber
ed ,b.nggy, cutter, cutter tongue,
y rack, wagon box, and stock rack,
nrbined; set ,scales, 2000 db. tepee-.
Clinton Fanning mill, 'bag truck,
gal. gas drum, set bobsleighs, set
breeching 'harness, set of back
nd 'harness; set of single harness
corse collars, ,,gram Bags, '115 tons
y, 400 bus, orbs and some seed
cicw•heat; McCormick cream separ-
or, No. h; '12 set •doub'lebrees, need:
hes, forks, shovels, w'hee'lbarrow',
tuber, chains, colony house, lamps
tterns, 2 'bed springs and mattress
airs, 'Daisy chum, No. 12; coal oil
ove with oven, washing machine.
ood range, 'and 'other articles ,ton no -
coatis to mention, •
Terris: Cash.
iEveryt'hing •to Ibe cold as proprietor
as disposed of his farm.
Glen 2Ic11tnight, Proprietor; 1Geo,•
:\t Galbraith 'Sale Stable Brussels,
nesday, �Fe'h, laid, 11,30. p,nl., the (in -
awing: 26 horses, one gray team of
fares; 1 gray team 01 geldings, a
tares in foal, •3 knr-year dkla, -1
lydesdale mares, 4 gelding„ 2 gee-
ral purpose mares, 2 2 -year-old
litre:., 2 wagon horses, 4 good 'wi+vrk
arses. 'ferns matte known on day of
ale, S. IN, .Kemp, Auctioneer; J,
a'ibraith, Prop.
:\Ir, 'Fred 'Eckert has returned from
Detroit after an extended visit. He
took in many sight-seeing events and
reports apparently no hard times can
he .seen while travelling through the
busy streets,
Mr, -(Pett, !Eckert, from Toronto,
was here last week after shipping
two 'trucl. 'loads of stockers to his
.on, 'Joe. !Eckert.' On his return he
had two horses and a few butcher
cattle transferred to Toronto by Mr.
'Ghost Purcell's 'truck, driven 'by Mr,
Joe. .Matthews.
We are pleased to learn that Mr.
and Mrs. lJerry Doenr's twin baby girl
Stine has recovered from an attack of
inllnenza. its mate died several weeks
Last Sunday's rain and sleet storm
has made the roads 'hazardous to
travel and every precaution s+hnniid
be taken to avoid accidents.
100 acres in Stanley Township,•
good land, good buildings, lots of
waiter :supply, Bush, ;Plowing all done
and a good stand of wheat. Hydro
available. Apply :to Seaforth 'Net's,
Silver black fox dost. 'Phone either
1134433 or 01-5, 'Seaforth. 'Reward.
choice pigs ,really to wean,
:Donnie, :Phone ;2413r12, Sea -
iIleintamnan piano in ,first class con-
dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at The
'News 'Office 4
.1 quantity of mixed alfalfa and ti-
mothy hay. George ',Beatty Sr„ Varna
We are sorry to iknow ,M>r. , Louis
Coyne underwent an .operation :for
appendicitis at Scott 'Memorial Hos-
pital on 'Monday. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
Mr, and Mrs, Joseph !Atkinson
spent 'Sunday with her mother, Mrs.,
Jos. iEvans.
Mir, T. 1F. 'Ryan is !busy cutting
wood with ,Mr; 'Jas, Sloan.
Mr, aural' Mfrs. Wilfred O'Rourke
spentthe week end in Toronto.
Send' es the :names of your visitors
On farm, able to help With milking.
:Apply at The News, 4
Two ,boarders or ratgners. Conven-
ient to Main St, Apply to The News
'Office. 4
Dr. Fowler of •Lncknow was in the
village last Friday.
Miss M. Sterling, who !has been vis-
iting friends in 'Hamilton and Toron-
to, returned Home this week,
Mr. Jas. Reid itas been confined to
his home. this .week with a severe CACI.
Rev. W. A. 'Young of Hensall oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday.
'rhe !Guild of Trinity Olturdh held a.
very successful hot supper int Mrs, H,
Macl ay's on Wled.nesday evening.
Rev. 11. Crosby of 13olton Landing,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard last week.
The young people are enjoying fine
skating on the river this week, 'It is
to be hoped the cold weather oo» tin-
uee so the fishermen will. he able to
secure their supply of ice for next
Mrs. Geo. Elliott a.mdl son 'Billie
were in Clinton on ..Suesday.
A building suitable for 'drive shed
and some used lumber. George Jack-
son, Walton, Phone 49-213, Brussels.
Fifty acres, twenty -live summer
fallaw•ed, lot 1116. 'fourth concession. of
I-fibbert, Apply to The News office.
Lot 5, Con. -t, Hull'iett, 1+115 acres.
New barn, 3a,so, hay shed 20x1715.. On
county road, half anile from school,
and '1111/z miles from store, Fall plow-
ing donne and 4 acres of wheat. Terms
to suit purchaser. "arm •m,ust be sold
owing to poor health. J. L. Tasker,
Seaforth, R.R. 2.
Date of Meeting Changed—
'C•he IKip'pen East Women's, insti-
tute .win hold (their next meeting on
'Friday afternoaii, :February 5, at the
home of Mrs, Frank IRathVburn. The
roll call 'win be answered by "My'Fa-
vorite Breakfast Dish, A short p'lay-
ette is to be given on ,table service
entitled "Manner's Club Lunidlreon•"
Want and For Sale acts., 1 week 25e..
A farm of 100 acres on No. 4 High-
way, good clay `loam soil, good 'build-
ings, with hydro throughout 'them.
Lots of water. Fall ploughing done.
iG acres of fall wheat. For further
particulars apply to The News .office.
Township ,of Tockersmith, 31T/•
miles from Sea'fontlh, 11100 acres choice
dark clay loath seitalblle 'for any kind
Of crop. !Good roads in every direc-
tion. All necessary 'buildings. Well
fenced arid .drained, plentiful supply
of good water. This farm is in splen-
did condition. $1110,00,010 Was offered
:for .it in '1921l. The price 'today with
possession on ...March dist, is ,4151000:00.
With substantial dower payment in
,cash, terms wild be given for 'balance:.
A. D. Sutherland: