The Seaforth News, 1937-01-28, Page 7THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1037.
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The Seaforth News
Phone 84
(Continued from Page Three,)
wishes .for the future in his well-earn-
ed rest. The motion was sponsored by
Reeves IR. Turner and Bowman,
W. IR. Archibald and W. D. 'Saun-
dors adding their eulogies of Dr.
(Field. Mr, Saunders 'was a member
of the council in +110111 which appointed
Dr, (Field. •
Salaries Come Under Review
The sal'aliies of officials came under
discussion launched 'by 'Reeve R, g.
Bowman after T, (Roy 'Patterson,
County engineer, had .given his report,
ending it by 'saying: "I have taken
much pleasure and pride in these ach-
ieveuments,'b:ut it is :rather beyond the
understanding of road engineers, who
have ,followed this Huron County
road .development with interest, and it
has ,been a grievous disappointment to
myself, that the county has reduced
my salary to an amount that is about
half that received by other county
engineers. Since these cuts have been
in effect, there has %been .expended un-
der my direction about 1$7510,000, and
it does not require much invagination
to realize that the vali.ue received from
this .expenditure might have been
considerably greater than the saving
on my salary had not my thoughts
lbeen distracted by unparalleled re-
ductions in pay. This is nota healthy
condition, though I have made every
effort to carry on and forget."
Reeve 'Bowman said there is a con-
dition in this county regarding niers
ice that does not exist in any other
county. -Officials' work should be re-
cognized and salaries do not compare
well, •FIe thought the reason was that
reeves do not stand up for the work
done in the county and the salaries
given when .addressing the electorate.
While expressing himself as satisfied
with •the schedti'le of pay to utettihers
of council,..Mr. •Boa�'nati asked,
"How is it members of 'Perth are
paid $5 a clay; are we not worth as
much"a:s they? ,\\,1e have sten in 'Hu-
ron County as officials who are sec-
eaand to none. 4 smolt increase will
pay, these men. They have saved over
the price of their sa'la'ries, Are they
'tot entii'tled .to some recompense for
the work they ere doing?"
Reeve McNeil recalled that one
council :had'made a 'gentleman's ags
reement" that they would not consid-
er a reduction in the engiteeer's salary
when he 'was offered another position
(Reeve IR. .Turner .said 'he realized the
county iofficials are 'good .but put in a'
pllea for 'the ordinary man on the
road who is only paid ant." whom he
c'lai'med should be .paled an adequate
wage, also truck drivers,
W. R. nArdhi'baid, ;Reeves J. Scott
of Seeforth''and J, E.:Hatckins, IGode-
rich, also favored additional remun-
eration but agreed that if of,ficialls' sal-
aries were increased, the wages of
laborers should also be raised,
IReeve 'Cardiff said that he had nev-
er been afraid to get up and say what
'he though at nom'maltions, "'I think
1 am ntot extravagant, We have come
through hard times when salaries
were .lowered, and I am .proud to say
we have come through on top. These
officials have served hard and d have
no objection to paying tribute Ito
them, He agreed with the other
speakers on the labor wages not be-
ing sufficient. The matter will prob-
ably be taken up at a later session.
Mr. Patterson s2sbm'itted the foi-
lowing report on the County Road
County Road Report
(During the year there was expend-
ed .a total of $102,'711(SJ5G which was
made up as follows: Road '32„ East
and West Wawan'osh, I mile, $4,378,-
410: )Road 4, Stephen, retaining wall
and stream diversion $1e5152...27; snots,
Fence, $11,8115,16: signs, '$4100.30; tree
p'anti'ng, .$711; legal fees re pit pur-
chase, $1110..415; rebates to Town of
'Goderich, $ih0516:05; rebates to Vil-
lage of .1-Iensall, S3241115; Bluevale
sidewalk replacement. $11116,85; total,
Machinery—nef. $1111138,70; repairs,
917,9116.98; totvl', ell9,0S5.'6S.
Superintendence, $432.217+5; .mainten-
ance-lbrushing and weeds, ,$4,0517.73:
ditching, +$111111.46; grading, $1,897,416;
dragging, $9;4173135; culverts, $7117.97:
'bridges. $39f16,116: resurfacing, $111..-
111:967.99: oiling. 1$2086:68: snow roads
$112;369,84. calcium chloride, $tO1047,92;
drains, $3,11215.34: guard 'fences, $443, -
.signs, '$37.74: salt, $60.611; total,
$6Dr842:38: county bridges, $543.74.
Total ,for subsidy, $95,347:318; traffic
officer and motorcycle, $2400.412; in-
surance premium, '$-11.24.:38; bight?, $50:
work and material for municipalities,
43,690,715: county boundaries. $777,70;
damage claims, $356,75: total, $llF1,-
"'Our rebate accounts with elle
towns and villages show as follows:.
t;odcrich '(bike ce due). $59.37; Sea -
forth, $533.45; Blyth, $16/45; 'Brus-
sels, $6725: Clinton ,(.due county),
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".ts pointed out in December, the
amount provided for highways was,
in 1936, insufficient to take care of all
the necessary maintenance, and at the
same time there is much work need-
ed for drainage, widening of narrow
roads, +bituminous surfacing recon-
struction of small bridges, while we
have many old steel bridges that were
designed tot a live (toad of 8 tons that
frequently have to carry (Goads of 25
" Wlhen I :became engineer for Hur-
on in 11191119, the practice was to haul
gravel in wagons, .dump it in a pile
in the centre of the road and leaveit
until next year. Since then many
changes 'have taken place in road
'buildii'g and 'maintenance practice,
and tivi's county has assumed leader-
ship in ,making improvements in
tnany .departments, which should be a
source of satisfaction to the county.
"This county has a reinforced con.
Crete arch bridge that at one time
was the longest itt the .province; we
have built a reinforced concrete beam
span that is the longest in this coun-
try; we were the first to build small
structures with this reinforced con-
crete walls, while the cross-section
for roads now used by the Depart-
ment of Highways was in arse 'in the
County of Huron several years 'earlier:
In order to have the, most suitable
type of road for the required Mee -
lion, we hate built nearly all classes
of pavement, penetration tar maca-
dam, double surface treated gravel,
and macadam road mixed bituminous
•concrete. Several examples of our
low cost bituminous roads have not
been excelled elsewhere. considering
original cost and type of construction.
In the field of stabilization, this min-
ty has done more work than anyoth-
er organization is this country, with
both salt and calcium chloride.
"'chis county was the ,first in this
country to use an underbody truck
scraper for maintenance, and the first
to motorize all bla.dingoperations
completely. We were 'pioneers in hav-
ing all road metal crushed to one -inch
ring specification, and to do this it
was necessary to remodel our crush-
ing plants, which was done in a man-
or copied by others. Since that time
another portable plant has been crea-
ted from an old one which type will
operate ata lower Cost than any other
known, \,1e also had built a pressure
distributor at a low cost. which 'has
saved as much as $2,200 in spraying
costs in one year.
"Slouch of the improvement in
township road methods is ,true to 'the
Object lesson provided by the county;
"Close co-operation with the De-
partment of Highw••eys has enabled us
to take advantage of all grants avail-
a'iile, and in 19314 ?32,I.t00 of extra work
was done without extra cost to the
"l'he sten employed on the road
system are generally of a very high
type. and much credit must be given
to them for carrying out the work in-
telligently and efficiently. Credit must
be given to the various road commit-
tees and members of the Council who
have helped with the work,"
Mr. Asquith, of Auburn. appeared
before council regardine the approach
of Dr. Dunlop's tomb and suggested
that a portrait of +Dunlop, who Was
the brat warden, 'be secured, 'Thomas
tPryde, former reeve of Exeter and
Ex -Warden Trewartha 'bridtly addres-
sed council offering felicitations.
Mrs. Oster of Blyth, president of
\Vest Huron District tsf \\'omen's
Institutes, explained the aims and ob-
jects of that organization and informs
council there were three district
orgailiLatiott•s in the instants:. .find sug-
gested 1 grant be given alternately
Messrs. T. McLean o. W-ingttani
:nd Ex -Warden Currie . erged dom.-
••l et the afternoon nessf,,:i a r•,n •..1
:hr advisability of hawitng a histor•,
of the county compiled. On motion of
` e•tsre. Davidson ani ' s,v,nan. Mr.
McLean was requested to meet t,.
Prop+rty Cotnnutte an't the latter
would report.
Council endorsed the r:: sntntettda-
tion of the 'Agricultural Committee
that W. Hawke represent council 0ti
the Agrioutturad .Advisory Board.
Six children were rooarted in the
•Shelter by the Children's Shelter
Committee. Sixty-seven children are
under the care of the Society. Every-
thing was in excellent conditidn,
IEndorsation ,vvas given the resolu-
tion front the County of Grey, seek-
ing to repeal legislation in which the
.ponovince ,pays .75 per cent. of the cost
of insulin if the municipality of which
the diabetic is a resident will pay 25
percent, but if the municipality re-
fuses the province wild not pay the
915 •percen+t; also the resldlu'tion from
IHensall rdquesti'ng bylaw - amend-
ment. Council took no action regard-
ing the resolution from Wentworth
County requesting. amendment tot the
act regarding theft of vegetables, etc..
also in the ,resolution from the Coun-
ty of !Grey 'regarding amondnn'ttc to
the Workmen's Conipensati,: i Act,
The motion requesting the •.>vern-
nent to consider the injustices of the
Val -niers' 'Creditors' Act was .tarried,
1 :\ lively 'debate isae launched when
the coalmine recommended that the
motion "that the l.ouuty Council of
!Huron retain (ire present alternate
system of political affiliations in the
selection of a warden but in the fut-
ure the whole council have a vote in
the selection of the ,head official."
'Reeve W. 'R. Archibald Who was
in the chair, said: 'This is an import-
ant .question. 'Conditions were dif-
ferent this year." He considered it un-
democratic that only nine menhave
power to elect the warden. Other
reeves 'favored the •tnotion. Finally on
motion of Reeves Bowman and Mc -
Nall the matter .was dropped on the
following division of 119 to 1110.
Council adjourned to meet in com-
mittee of the whole. The session. was
restuned on Friday morning.
At its concluding session yesterday
,Huron 'County Council refused to in-
crease elle salaries of County Engin-
eer T. R. .Patterson $200, Treasurer
A..H3 Erskine $.200, and County Clerk
J. M. Roberts, $1100,
(Reeves Bowman and Huokins
sponsored the motion for the increas-
es at a meeting held .after the ,council
adjourned the committee of the whole
on Thursday afternoon, • The notion
Was sent to the executive committee
millet, recommended that no action
be taken. Mr.• Bowman, warden last
year, asked for consideration that this
recommendation be struck out.
He reiterated his • comparisons of
the day before in urging that the •offi-
cials be paid salaries in keeping with
those of other counties. It had been
promised Mr. 'Erstaine that he would
receive an increase for his efficient
handling of county finances. He
warmly defended the motion. Reeve
•Huckins spoke to the motion which
he had seconded. It was finally refer-
red back to the: executive committee
for further consideration and the
recommendation was not altered.
J. W. Monteith, Stratford. was re-
appointed county auditor at a salary
of 8350: Ro.s Johnston received the
appointment of corn borer inspector
at tete rate of 45c a mile when on duty.
Council refused travelling' expenses
a 811)0 to $51) to W. 7acabs, manager.
and Inspector Gove:dock of the coun-
ty -home, respectively, 'rhe tenders
for supplies for the gaol of J. Calvin
Cott, groceries; W. R. Cleveland,
bread, and D. M. O'Brien, meat, and
that of the t;oderich Stir_ for printing
were accepted.
The recomutendation of the exec-
utive committee that a:grant of $315
be given the last Hurn' Women's
institute was t oriel on the f,allow•ing
Vias--,Archil,:d i. Armstrong. Bowe
man, 11rratls, Cardiff: Grain, Haake,
1-luckiu:, Johnston. Keyes, Lovell.
Livermore, Mu\itil, J: H. Scott. Shad -
dick, R. Turner, W. Turner, \\ilson.-
Nay. • -I-a:n•t,nt, Mawhinney, \1u-
.trid c. Sauudcr, 1'. W. Scott. W.
Stewart, \\•estcott-7. '
The following grants were given:
Salvation :Army. 61'51: Canadian in-
stittite for the tilittd, 61'511: each'r-
:ad iii •county, $70'tt :u library, R35:
central cin-ervali.n cotunuittee,. 835;
rowers ar•tno1 court house, 620: agri-
cultural office, 55:1:•rumor extension,
,t (5): each sck.,n1 fair. $15: e,c': agri-
cultural ,---ariatt ,..
.ass e'ati,n. agricultural alt
't•.or'. c:,); Clinton, Sea'ortli and
He• ?all ').r , van, SSn each: Hen -
steel -fain .: :'1. South Hemet Pio:v-
mele \ •'i t _..,81st,
R. H. , o•tert t:. .end J. M.
Ro'enee ,v,.. ,',ted to the Crim -
1,1411 .\ !it
,• . i•, tit, l,rt012t;
rt that tae attic -:r
:'1. -,- ,.. aas , ae .vit'.Y i.i,f
'paws• o",
, real. Ore traa:'' said
R .'etc is! -:ye.. chairman of the co;r.-
tn, Ir Reeves Cardiff
t•. ! Ji.:Na"' . ca- c•n;E ,.;d. lr.nti.-
n t 5111 c v Corin
u* t. rv, tt the
'e -a:y select
.0 , : 1 -,,rt tl• r •)au; r-, !Levine
put : _ :Ir..: