HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-01-28, Page 2PAGE TWO.
County Council' Tea
IJcrhn M. Eckert, reeve of Mcki'lop,
was elected warden for I1937 at the op-
ening session of Huron County coun-
cil on Tuesday afternoon.
ivlr, Eckert was chosen i n a cau-
cus of the nine Liberal members.
Close runners-up for the thonor were
•Reeve W. R. Archibald of Tucker -
smith and Reeve R. E. Turner of
!Goderich, both of whom sponsored
the motion for the election of Mr.
Eckert. The new warden was escorted
to the chair and introduced by 'last
year's warden, 'Robert Bowman.
Judge T. M. 'Costello administered the
oath •of allegiance to the new sover-
eign, ,king (George 'VI, to fourteen
reeves who had not taken it previous-
Warden Eckert, after expressing his
ap'prec'iation of the honor and his
thanks to Mr, Bowman and Judge
Costello, spoke of !the unique circtum-
staner which prevailed last year and
would not likely ever be repeated, that
of meeting in the reigns of three dif-
ferent sovereigns in one year,t"Let us
hope that the new King will •he as
peaceful and good as his father,
George V."
"'I hope, with your cit -operation, I
shall merit the confidence you have
given me today," continued Mr. Eck-
ert, "When I came here in !11931 the
,county ryas $300,,00 in debt and today
we ,hare :something like $6,000 over-
draft. Clouds of depression are being
dispensed and I can visualize our cit•
izens content and happy if we pay as
we go,"
The warden rdeplored the ose of the
word "capital" account. He thought
"current" would, the a better one. thus
creating an ideal situation. With the
provincial government taking over
Old Age !Pensions' costs of 07.000
and Mothers Allowances of $18,500,
he considered it an opportune time to
improve the county road system.
"\V% are paying tinterest on 1$612;000
four months a year. amounting to $1-
1l1 average for 116 years." Mr. ''Eckert
urged that the rate he not lowered
this year nor next and so effect an ad-
ditional saving for the improvement
of these roads
(Rev, D. 'J. Lane, B.A. offered the
prayers, after which the business of
council was ,proceeded with, The fol-
lowing were named as a striking coni-
tnittee:3Recves W. R. Archibald, G. R.
Westcott, W, Henke. George ttcINall,
W. J. Bryans.
Tenders for county auditors were
received from J. Monteith, Stratford,
and \VD. !Harper were referred to
Executive 'Committee.
'Tenders for coal, groceries milk
and meat' for the gaol referred to Ex-
ecutive Committee.
tResolutions from the County of
Grey re \Vorkmen'. Compensation
and another from the same county
asking appeal of present legislation
regarding in nlin to diabetics were re-
ferred to Legislative Committee.
.1 resolution front the County of
Lamhtcen regarding the maintenance
of indigents costs ibe reduced from
$1.50 to $1.,10. Legislative Committee.
From the village et ilutsalt pre-
senting hy'latt defining ',militaries of
the tillage of ifensali Legislative.
,Front ',13elgrave School Fair enclos-
ing. 'financial statement. Education.
II ruin Wentworth County enclos-
ing ccay of resoiution r• stealing, of
farm ani gardenproduce and a re-
solution re date of election of e rit-
:ils of local municipalities, Legisla-
'From rht ,Farmer \dvoeate re
county c ,nsrrvation in 1937. Tabled
From nt [lert A. slime. Detroit, re-
f'„nfn'enditi, Nortt tit Lt -ver as traf-
fic rti: ct', li,.e, tt1 Rn:ni..
aeadrd tenders Pres incl for prim-
ing. Executive.
R. 1 , Hays, .onniy sa1 efts. woofs ","nate!': $1710. The provincial
respecting the (lays anti Meir :u•rount '.•s''.'nay- arr,nnt1 .h,tue,l t•erei•,ts ,r
for:1lir In c,nuu•rtion tiitt tlP`. trial of $72,.)57 i, aIII I '11,:010,• „i 1'.87111,
infraction of the 1-iig', w m Act anri in- k'•e•vr 1'. \\. r, ..r•, chairm:rn e.f rue
or every Taste
SEA ,..
Infirm. Filed.
(Front the (Department of 'Public
Welfare •notifying the municipalities
re to be relieved of any 'further con-
tributions to Old Age !Pensions and
Mothers' IA4lowances, !Filed.
,From the Ontario Educational As-
sociation notifying aneeting to be held,
Notice of the .annual] convention
sent by the Department of Agricul-
ture and from the Ontario Good
Roads Association re notice of con-
n•ention, Agricultural and Good Roads
(From 'George C. 'Westlake, \\'rox-
eter, applying for position as con-
stable. Tabled.
Front Ross Johnston, Zurich, ap-
plying for position as Corn Borer In-
spector at -15c per hour "if you can't
see your way to giving me 50.c.'Execu-
Front East Huron Women's .Instit-
ute applying for a grant. Executive.
.Froin the Salvation ,.1rnty apply-
ing fur a grant. Executive. -
Wriest the Canadian National Insti-
tute for the Blind applying for a
grant. 'Executive.
From County of Huron libraries en-
closing statements of libraries. Exec-
At the Wednesday morning session
of 'Huron Comity Council the strik-
ing committe brought in the following
report. the first named being chair-
,Executive ---(Peter W. Scott, George
.\rntstrong, (Richard (Johnston, •John
Scott, R. L. Davidson.
Legislative 11. \logridge, R. (;rain.
It, li. Shaddiok, W. I). Saunders, J. A,
Finance --40, \\'estcott, •l, 11. Huck -
ins, G. ,ti .all, E. Lamport, Fred Liv-
saying that the crown attorney charg-
ed $10 for each charge. The increased
cost of the administration of justice
was also due in part tothis practice,
and .referred to existing 'friction be-
tween the highway and provincial po-
lice. There is no doulbt there is lack
of co-operation," :Ire said.
Reeve Bowman said that only 28 of
the 73 county constab'Ies on the list
were active in 919316 and that tit•cy were
:paid $30415,511.. 1 -le was not so • sure
that the policy advocated of reeves re-
contmendin, county constables was
a gond one. Some county constables
did not like certain reeves and vice
versa. He thought that in the appoint-
ment of constables the reeves of ad-
joining municipalities where territory -
overlapped should get together to
stake a recommendation.
It was decided on motion of ,Reeves
Cardiff and 'McINall that I3igh Con-
stable McCoy should meet tehis ,coun-
ty counoil in a committee of the whole
for the purpose of appointing county
constables in this county at four
o'clock Thursday afternoon, Jan. 215),
by appointment.
I- E. CardiiT-tR. E. 'Turner -That
tvt ask the -clerk to readthe finance
report of all a sedations receiving
grants and tinct they he dealt with as
read by a committee of the whole
council, anti that 11Bd7 grants be ad-
justed and passed only on reports re-
Peter W. Scott -1V. D. Saunders -
That the federal government be peti-
tioned to :give further consideration to
the injustices apparent in the Farmers'
Creditors .Act and that a reeoltttine to
this effect be drawn tip -Legislative.
R. Turner -'('hos. Lovell -That a
grant of $1130 be made •the Canadian
National institute for the Blind in
Thos. Lovell - \iogridge - That
Chester \l tis' binney be appointed to
Enervation .4\\'. R. .\rchibald, 1', C, the road committee to take 1. NI, h:cl:-
\\'ilsou, T. •I,ovell. G. Frayne, \V.
'Property --•1I. keys, 14•; Mogrirlgc,
1'. \V. Scott, John Scott. W. I). Satut-
der s.
CountyHome Contnuittee al. Nie
Nall, \V. Stewart, 1 I.. Davidson, T. derson at the township of \1,rris he
1 ,tell, R. i Bowman. re -appointed a trustee to the \Ving-
\gricultural --J. E. Huskies. It hast IIs h School hoard for a terns
(rant, (;. \\estcott, \V. Turner. John- of three years.
stem. 1lttckins 1 eagati I'h:u a ,.rant he
Children's Shelter -- 1. :\ I iyirm, made of $150 to the Salvation Army
\V. 'R. Archibald, for rescue work for 1110.111.--af.xecntive.
\\'ardeu Committee -R, I. pow. Davidson -J. N. Scott--=l'htt a ,grant
ratan. \V. 11 t ale, L E. Cardin, \\', J. of $800 each be paid this year to the
Stewart, R lnrner. Vexandrt Hospital, Code -rich. the
,.Good li ads -tic r r Fr tt:w, C. \\ i i1hant 'General 'Hospital, the Scott
\lasshinnev 1.. E. Cardiff. Memorial 'Hospital, Sea[orth, and the
Deficit of $6,040. Clinton Public II,pita!-Executive.
County Treasurer .\, 1 f. Erskine i't C'ardil1 T1,tnk e- That the warden
submitting his report said that in the and clerk ,he authorized to sign and
final analysis of revenue and expeteti- submit to the minister of public high -
tures, with all account, payable end \•tv, the prtitinn of the •county of Hu-
attounts receivable taken into to nsid- net. showing that there has been ex -
c atiun, the operating- deficit for the!fended during the year 103'6 the saran
ear is $htf40 No cittrge has been of 51112.715:50 on the county road sys-
tutdt to the county in 1tt5tt and they tete and reynesting the sttrtutory-
h e ve $2.300 in the bank to the end of grants de r rn, as provided by the
the year. a'he total receipt, in the ern- Iliellways improvement !Act.
,o -i! a'eonet for 193,6 \sere el7oa41.4h Brit; \i c rides -- That ',Robert F.
ant, rerrh•rrft Jan. 1st, a't.itt of 53,- Telmer he appointettt to the Criminal
w'. ire; mts in the t nurty highway Audit. --r twirl•
t a A 21'l,nsi}.tla. Thr hai:uut ---
auk i t•r..;'1 k $1412'115, Of the WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON
.1,r, . rn• iti,l the 1tt3ft st,hs•, y, Tor the first t tints it three t -ears the
:•r- •',r _a, r,>re•oate an," 'sal;sac, e-tereat' salary- lId t,t rural school
'n ti, - ,;tel: trill take earn of al' but trachea•, shorts an increase this
t car.
Rrral hoards are now pitying an aver-
age of .Sc22 iu this district as eon:-
-tared with 541.1 last year, according
to information given to the Htt-
forming, onuncit bii,,t the Rand ion- (emitted i t t I ;oar!, in reporting to roe ...nifty council at the \Vedttes,cav
arri*cion has power to att,p„iet whom 'cunei:, s,t die her ase o' t.er $:,- attt•t•no.,u ion by E. C. Beacom,
they wish a traffic oftierr Re'e•rre�l t-. Q°tit in the iti•ni r .,rttien of justice I.'s moor of Public Schools in \Vest
'Good Roads Contartission.. 'e as tine the tnntsuai n'enhcr o, Huron.
The Unemployment Relief Branch,' criminal ,,.es, He tho t!tht there. "Some eielneen new teacher, sever
Toronto, acknowledged resoled -ion r'e sit mid he e,enthuiity of ;,oliey in mak- t tl 10, -(tions in the district during the
the registration of unemployed people in„ an'tctiunneuts to the tl•imi'tal Au `Tar." said \(r. Beacom, -It is of in -
in their native municipality, the than- lit Board•
ieipa'liiy- to provide' them with the nr- "f feel that 1 ant (tetter qualified to
cessities of life or employment. Lee -is -lean -1: carry on because of the experience I
latire. Ihate liar as a member of counei' and
From. Deputy Minister of the De- 1 tlt io.cr't•'
ert's term for two years. ---Carried.
,1. A. Bryans-\V, J. Stets^•trt• -'('hat
George Feagttn be a member of the
Good Roads Commission for a three-
year fever Corned
•David on -(Gram (',hat Wm. Hen -
He said there was much
partment of Health acknowledging tutnecex.ary expense incttrre1 .end
.resolution regarding the Sick Child said in relation to a lady killed in an
. ren's •I•Lospntah 'Filers ; antcnn.?hilt accident at \\'inghh ct in
,Frain the !Gagne and Fisheries De - which there was no SLISPiCi011 o' Gaul
partmettt, Toronto, acknowledging re -t play, but purely accidental. Ilow•.ier,
solution re jack rabbit menace. 'Filed. the investigation at the inquest cost
From the :Department of Highways' the county 5300, 1'fr. Scott ;aid he
acknowledging resolution re public thought the county officials did n„t
service works and premising consid- use common sense,
erattnn. a i'(ed. 'Reeve Scott said he had found tett
!Front the Department of Highways that the enrntty had little t, sac altott
advising that the annual conference the appointment of county t•, emtables.
on road intprovetnena anri !meeting of ".if we pay the piper i -bink we .should
Ontario Good Roads Association will call for fifty per cent. of the tune."
he 'held 'Feb. 23rd oral 23rd, 143,7. Ili rx;terience .cit': rttttntr n.
(rood. !Roads, sta ties 'iatd: t r't 1'111 Illri ih,tt
1N,vtice cif the `rnntrntd,an ti St IA IC Lit .1i tea,: -.t t _ . t '•tion.
Gatherines and request for anent'• r. "i'T rrt.rt'z, fti
s'hijx fte of Home for the Agctl ern( `S'' t,
tere4 to note that a number of these
are teachers who had been ratable to
secure schools inr one, two and, in
so.tot! ca -es. for three years This in-
dicates the surplus of teachers is
slion'ing a substantial decrease,"
It is Mr, Beacont'.s opinion within
ttvo years the .present surplus of tea-
chers will. be absorbed and that even a
shortage may be evident, Only 112 tea-
chers are receiving tite .minimum of
$30o this year as compared. with 33
last year.
The average .;rant for rural schools
is based on the salary paid, The total
legislature and county grants amount-
ed to $16td43:7$.
Iat 2+t classes in the inspectorate ma-
sical instruction has been inaugurated.
The net cost to 'the section atnottn'ts
to 521 to $215. 'Mr. Beacom said he hop-
ed to putt ona musical festival in the
sprittn in Clinton to he competed in
he rural and urban scltool;.
lir. Beacom tendered the thanks of Committee +n Conservation.
the council for his address and an Canon Appleyard addressed coun-
swered severatll questions. cit on the teacher's course at \Veatern
Considerable .discussion on conser- University, on the senate of which he
ration and reforestration took place. represents Huron county, 1He advised
Lan McLeod, A'gricultu•ral Represent- that the department is asking for a
atit'e, described the meeting of the more extenei -e study of the teaching
Central Conservation Committee at- .of the English •language in the course
tended by himself and ex -Warden \1ebrin Tyndale of Coib'orne town -
Bowman in London, at which repre- ship addressed the council on the su'b-
sentation from each county was ask- jeer of feeder cattle being infected
ed for, with shipping fever *aiming from
This committee also asked co -oyer- Western stock tarda. He advocated
ation in conserving water which more strict inspection and• inoccula-
cpuld be done by reforestation. The tion. A recommendation (va•s end'ors-
plan'ting of trees was advocated on ed asking the Agricultural Advisory
hillsides and ravines and senve as a Council. to use all possible efforts to
.protection to buildings and hones have. all feeder cattle coming from
from winds. Trees on the roadsides Western stock yeards .properly ittoc-
should be ,spared and large areas tun- cnlated for theprevention of the dis-
sttitable for agric,ultu.re should 'be re-
ported to the 'department. All waste
land allong shanks of •nivers and ra-
vines should 'he planted, and 'thus
conservation of water and .prevention
of erosion could be brought about.
Legislation is in course of enactment.
to protect woodlots by exempting 1'0
acres in every 1100 as 'long as the rules
are complied with. The Forestry
Branch will supply ,trees, In the last
tiro years the farmers in this county
ordered )1160,'000 trees. representing an
average of es or 30 trees to each far -
Old Collar Maker
County Home
J. \f, Govenlock, Inspector of the
County 'Home, presented the follow-
ing report for the year ending (Dec.
3111 1956.
'Number of inmates admitted since
opening of the House, 788; Inmates
on .January Ili, 1191316, 912; Acbmitted for
the first time during year, 119; re -ad-
mitted after absence, 111; deaths dur-
ing the year, 1111: absconded duping
the year, 4; discharged during the
year, 4: inmates in House` on 'Dee-
mer, and this does not replace the an- ember 311, 111936, 92; males, 49; ;females.
near cutting of trees, lack of water 43,; clays' .hoard, instates, :313,8-110; clays'
and windbreak: protection. "The dif- 'board of keeper's family and help,
(iculty is to know where to start,"
said Mr. McLeod.
Fred 'Naftcl of 1Goderi•ch township
Was asked to address the council on
the subject. He said conservation is
the most important interest for many
years. \\'incl, water and erosion were
causes of waste. The county of Hnu-
on is unique in that the northwest
boundary is a slope of 11(10' feet and
great write is going on. Erosion by
a creep on his farm had deepened its
bed to the level of the lake. Storage
of waters in creeks can be accom-
plished by draining the waters. "Ln
conservation we have to look ahead,
the cutting clown of trees causes eva-
'Reeves Bowanam, Archibald, SRAM.
dere and Cardiff also spoke on the
21200; number of ,inmates during the
rear 912; average number with keep-
er's family incl help, 98.
Admitted during the year from sev-
eral municipalities as folloers:-
rHullctt, 1; Ashfield, 1: Goderich, 1:
I1otvick, It; Stephen. 2, Towns and
\'illages- iseter. 1'; Clinton, 6;
\Vinghant Il; Seaforth. 1: Asylum, 4,
dteceipts; Balance in bank. Jan, L,
$311b.015t .received from instates, 5696,-
0; received from estates of innnates,
$7.3(t(i,318; recait'ed from sale of 'hogs,
$5,269.35; received from sale of other
produce, $2014414; :Old Age Pensions,
$'6.711(212; Total $20,950,65,
Disbursements: 016 -Age Pensions
to Metates, $675.00; purchase of hogs
82,39(1.60: purchase of feed, 811334.82:
funerals and graves, 5.8400; salaries,
subject. A committee appointing Ian 43;540,00; exchange. $1112.44; other
McLeod, !Agricultural Representative; 'maintenance expenses, $310,0135.95: bal-
the chainmen of the Advisory council once in hank, D. 311, 1936. $2„3452.44:
and 'Reeve Bowman, were appointed Total, 0-1,95(145.
ns representatives on the Central At the morning session Reeve .11e -
Dedicated to Mr, Alex. MacKenzie,
of Auburn, Ottit., without his permis•-
sioit, For 'many years he made ham-
ness in Tippen, 1Hensal'1, and other
towns where he war especialilly fam-
ous for the excellent cellars turned
out of his workshop.
W. H. pO! liNSTON,
In the days that are past
'I have met many mea
And found in them friends not a
There were many !fine workmen
Batt few were as good.
As the old collar maker, I knew.
'For the finest of leather
In the market he bought
AVlith the strongest of thread it was
.And silver -green straw
From the rye-tieids of home
,Filled the very- .best collars, l',vc
\t'ithHis thesi grweatreest•fiofed care
And butted as smooth as a board,
Such .consummate patience
And unerring, skill
Have seldom in ,collars been stored,
The 'labor exhausting, .
I asked why it was
He made all his collars en true:
"\VIty, into toy collars
I want to put soul,"
Said the old collar maker, 1 knew,
Of us who are left
flay it sometime be said
When our days u:ton earth are but
That into our service
We always put soul, like
The old collar maker. I knew.
Exeter, 'Ontario, January. 1934.
(Nall raised an objection to a grant of
$100 to the manager of the County
Hone recommended in the report of
the committee of that institution; for
the expenses of his car. Mr. McN.aill
expresse<f the aninioe that Mr. Jacobs
(Continued on Page Three.)
ire eft a .4 eft ---- t ing.in' on
tracks, ` plugor wind en
men are guarding the talk Service
These routes. to maintain
threatened localities whenever sleet or snow the arranging alternate oper-
dangeral lineman, installers, P
under all y telephone
eles hone employee
-linernecal nCes their watch -
Like every telep engineers,
ators, s --'The call must gd through!" quality
of a
Word hon employees appreciaimportante the
imanay be . .
Telephone call , .. how vastly help
telephone rac speed, courtesy, of telephone service
need for accuracy, the high character per capita
Their concern for thing else fort heleadership
eco Essip o
in telephone usage. Telephone
accounts as much as any a of any of the
Dominion the usage appreciation U Canada exceed their app °f lives saved,
Users are continually voicing They tell us
service to s averted, workers.
°emergencies surmounted.
se S aVe=ted, appreciation is slo
T disaster public edp The long record. acknowledgewards of ate exacting
There is no service
which p zed
expressed, s one of the prized testimony is telephone workers of all
We pay this public tribute to our
ranks -everywhere.
°FCAta nut
M.1, Hakirk