HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-01-21, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1937. THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE mmoimonsmienammesmagamalsoeri 4 These prices good till Jany 07th. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, Is PER TIN 35 c HELMET CORNED 'BEEF, is 2 TINS 21. C Manning's CHOCOLATE MALL'OW BISCUIT:S.. per lb, 17c •CRUNOIi'IE'SWEET :MIXED (PICKLES, 27 oz., per jar 25 c 3 BOXES 23 c 5 .TINS 25c Each 10c per pkg. 23c 2 Tins 19c ' Ve lb, 28c MATCHES (Full Count) BRUNSWICK SARDINES, in Oil Happyvale Catsup, 12 oz. bottles Red River Cereal Aylmer Infant's Food Royal York Tea, Orange Pekoe Shirriff's Fancy Free Dessert ttersCranetch or Vanilla 3 pkg1 2 Tins 2 tins per pkg per pkg. Small Large Asparagus Tips, 12 oz, per tin Lux Toilet Soap 4 Cakes Gil'lett's Lye -.............................................per ........ tin Lawrason's Snowflake Ammonia 5 pkg. Lawrason's Flusho per tin Lawrason's Sinko per tin Hemphill's Mighty Nice •Wheat Berries, 5 ib. bag Tomato Juice Rhubarb Quaker Health lBran Honey, Pure Clover, 4Ves Polo Standard Golden Wax Beans Derby Cheese, Spreads or Slices, is Snowdrift Cocoanut Colgate's Tooth Paste Dixie Dainty Grape Fruit Juice, 2s Aylmer Choice Pie Cherries Keiffer Standard Pears Aylmer Crab Apple Jelly, 32 oz• jar Sair Pitted Dates Choice Tomatoes, 2=/s size Cascade Fancy Pink 'Salmon, Yes Is Brock's Bird Seed Brock's Bird Gravel Oxydol in gal. tins in gal. tins per pkg. Each per tin per pkg. 1b. per tube per tin 2 tins 2 tins Each 2 lbs. 2 tins Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 25c 17c 25c 15c 10c 10c 23c 23c 23c 12c 25c 19c 25c 29c 50c 40c 14c 45c 10c 14c 13c 19c 15c 25c 25c 29e 23c 25c TOWN TOPICS. The \\'onwan's Assn. of North Side United Church are serving a Valent- ine tea on February '5ith, Mr. James Manson of Bayfield is confined to the hospital with an at- tack of ,pnetrmon'ia. Mr, Manson's 27bh birthday Is on Jan. 24th. Me. and Mrs. Wm. Chanters enter- tained a large n'um'ber of friends at. their home, 'Mil'1 Road, Wednesday evening. 'Mr, and Mrs. J. R. tDtmlap and two children of 'Stratford were week end .guests of .Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Hart and Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Storey. Mrs. Maude Sloane has returned after an extended visit in 'Toronto. She was accompanied by her sons, Art and Reg. Sloane of Toronto, who spent the week end here. Canon E. Aipp'leyard attended the session cf county council on Wednes- day afternoon. giving a report of tilabters of interest to the county rel- ative to the senate of Western Uni versity. " Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 WINTHROP With .deepest regret we learned of the death of Mrs. D'orrance, who passed peacefully away at the ,home of her daughter, Mrs, J•a:m'es Shannon bf MdKillop an Thursday night (last. The funeral was held from the lPres- °byterian Church, Seaforth, on Satur- day afternoon and was largely attend- ed. (Rev. Mr. Morrow and Rev. Mr, 'Feast officiated. Interment was made in Maitland Bank cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs, !John Pryce, 'George Pryce, 'Robert Camlpbell.:Per- .cy Little, 'John' Shannon and Wilson Little. We •exten!d our, ]heartfelt symp- athy to those that are left to .tnourn. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Rising entertain- ed their friends to a euchre and dance in''the hall last Friday night. All re- port a good time. ID'on't forget the .E'udhre and Dance in the hall this (Friday night. iFerg. Bulladd has been re-en- gaged as lime man 'der MdKillop Tele- phone System. Congratulations IFerg. 'Wle also .congratulate Mr. Jdhn ,Eckant of 'being re-elected commis- sioner df the Telephone System. The J'anu'ary 'meeting ,of the Ladies' VASd 'and W.M.S. 'was held at the home of Mrs. Robert ;M,dFa'rlane with 'the. president, ''Mrs. IHiltett, .presiding, 'rhe ,m'eetin'g •was 'Opened; by singing' •'hymn 1517)11, dolll:owed 'with 'prayer. The mall call on missions showed a good •attendance,- During the 'business, •'plans were •m'a•de 'for the 'women's would day of 'prayer on ibhe math of 'We'brsary. 'Mrs. IJ'ohn .Boyd Sr., cap - taint of ,circle .41, ,then took ,charge. Hymn 21519 was ,suing. The !Scripture .'lesson 'taken .from 211s't chap. Revel- ations was read by Mrs, Andrew 1Patric'k, ,followed with prayer by iM'rs. IAllteit; +Ross. 'T'he Christian stew- ardship seer, 'Mrs, '.Robert McClu:re,. gave a very interesting reading en- titled, "Tiding the (Family Budget." The ,topic, Men 'and Wooten Idf the far 'horizons, 'was a'blp'dealt with by (Mrs, 'Jno. Boyd Jr. Sentence prayers were given, Edith rHillen, Mms. 'Lorne ',Elliott, A hyian was sung and the meeting ;closed by all repeating the Lord's ,prayer. The Young :People's Society held their ;annual ,tweeting in the church .out Betties presides. Miss ivlargaret IPethick,contributed a very pleasing piano solo. ,Roy, ti..E, Morrow con- ducted the election of officers for 193'7 --+Hon. 'Pres., Ret'. !G. E. Morrow: pros„ 'Stewart Dolmage; vice pres„ Elva ;Pryoe; treas., ;Olive 'Pryce; con- veners: citizenship, Harold Bolton; Christian ,Fellowship, Margaret ;Montgomery; missions, Thomas ,Blanchard; literary and social, Mar- ion Little; collector. :Allan Camp- bell, Leslie Dolmage: auditors for 7932, Stanley Hellen, Louis Biton; pianist, Kathleen Shannon. DIED. Hudson, John Herbert—Early on Monday morning, January .11SSt'h, at the honkie of hs son, A. D. Hudson, S Si', Leonards Crescent, Toronto, John :H'erbert Iludson, n his 710th year, hus'b'and of the late .Florence Mullen Hudson, and father df Albert ID., Theodore 'G,, and Herbert W. The ,service was in the cha'pe'l of A. W. Miles, .30 St, Clair Avenue West, on Wednesday afternoon at 3' o'clock, Interment at Riverside, California. Mr. Hudson was a brother-in-law of Mr, J, G. 'Mullen of Seaforth, who attended the funeral, ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of (First 1Pres- bytei'tan 'Church, Seaforth,'was held on Monday evening. IDr. iR. R. Ross was ;chairman. It was +decided to re- peat the joint services with North Church Side United hur•ch during July and August. 'Reports (front 'the board of management and treasurer expressed regret that the year 'lead closed with a ;deficit.(Total receipts, 1$4,'17320, with a deficit of $4187.616, and a total deficit of $11,0E41116. The Ladies' Aid Soeicty, 'w'i'th '46 .members, had raised a total df 1$513)71.1515. The society had worked towards a ;furnace Bund. The \W.l1.S., with 60 'members, had total receipts of 1$141014.0)7. The Barbara Kirkman IY,\V:A. las a nnem'bershfp of 70, and closed an active year. 4514 was raised in the year. The S. S. 'had an average attendance of 512 anti aver- age church attendance of Ll. DIED McLeod, 'Sarah J. --On Jan. 119th, at the residence of her son, Dr, Ali. J. Hodgins; 622 Pacific Avenue, Toronto, Sarah J. McLeod, of Lucan. Service at the funeral parlor of C. J. Murdy and Sons, Lucan, on Thurs- day, at 1.130 p.m, Mrs. McLeod was the mother Of Dr. Hodgins, a former well 'known resident of Seaforth. DIED IN CALIFORNIA Mrs, Thomas O''Loug+hlin has re- ceived word of ;the ;death of her bro- ther, •Mr. (Neil Prendergast, at his hone iu IBttrlinghante, California, on 'January 1Lv1th, Mr, IPrendergast visited his sisters here last Fadi and was 'in excellent health. His death cams yrs a 'distinct shock to his many friends herd. 'Prendergast is survived ;by ane soil, IDr. (Joseph Prendergast, of 'B'url- in'ghatne, Calif., and, 'two daughters. Miss Grace and Miss IFdorence, at home. His .wife pred'ecease'd him a few years ago. TWO WIN'S (Out (M'on'day night ,Seaforth Juniors won at IGoderich (5-1, in a. fast 'ga'm wh'ic'h received the con+grattnlations o Judge Costello dor the •clean (brand' d 'hockey. 'There were no penlaitfes the ' ,goal 'scorers were Van Bell' goals; Frank 'Silts 111, 'Le'pp'ard 11, Seafonfh N. W. '0, (H.'A. itutermedi rtes defeated IGodericlw 241, '�at t+h Seaforth rink. ,Goderich juniors are scheduled p .pl'ay at Seaforth 'Thursday night. e f • 3' e 0 Rev. H C. Feast :addressed,. a Burns might gathering at :Clinton. on BEAM SHOP SrECIALIZINC always in the betterquality per- manents, we can now of- ter G ter you the marvelous new style, beauty and comfort only possible with THERMIQUE The ffeaterlees Method of Permanent Waving. Sutherland Beauty Shop PHONE 152 losers, netting the mtvo goals. Second Came.—Dicklr ruin s boys superior uperior to the "Canadiens" in the next tilt. Rinitou'I score 3 .goals. Wigg two and the .other three count er 1 were by Quinlan, Scott and Jack 'Fraser; to make it eight 'for the win- ners. For StankGrieve's 'team Dave Grieve was good. with two goals. Tom McIver and •C, Case scored' the other two for a total of 4 goals, Th ird iGa m e.—Finn iga ti's Rangers polished off Angus M'cLea'n's ,Beavers to a tune of 'S-,'1'. 01Ne11 was the only scorer for the losers. Grant Finnigan got two goals, T. .Wilbee 2, and D McLean netted the other for the Eg- utondville squad. Rollie Stewart offic- iated in all three games, handing out two penalties. DUNCAN CUP HOCKEY The schedule will extend over a period of six weeks with the first four teams in the playoffs. The first and third and second and fourth team will play all in the semi-finals, The dinners will then play the ,final game in the evening, as the games are all played on 'Saturday mornings. The League consists of six 'teamscontposetl•of the following players: "Cyclones" R. Fruin \Manager; D.Woods, 5. \Wig„ 11, !Rintottl, S. T-Iabkirk, E. McIver. J. Quinlan, Aubrey Baker, 1-1, Scott, J. Kale, J, Fraser, R. Stead. "Canadiens" R. Grieve, Manager: W. Smith, Tont, McIver, 15. Moore, D. Box, C. ,Case, K. (Powell, F. Cutting, George Hildebrand, E. Montgomery, C. Ross, D. Grieve, G. Dupee, W. Wilbee. "Rangers" G. Finnigan, 'Manager: M. 'M.essen- ger, j. MclLean, D. McLean, Grant Finnigan, P. Chesney, F, Dale, W. Coombs, T. Wil:bee, S. Finnigan, H. Ainsboresugh, 'H. Nott. "Tigers" J. Purcell, Manager; H. Earle, P. Nigh, K. Coombs S. Hill, B. Mc- Lean. Joe, Smith, 4 Venus, K.. Bar- ry. J. O'Reilly, J. Elliott, R. Allen, Canter. "Wild Cats" F. Sills, Manager; iF. Golding, J. Southgate, ,F. Phillips, Alex. Baker J. Fortune, C. Haney. 1K, Doig, C. Westcott, R. Devereaux, L. Dike, N. ti Stead, Sumers,'Glen Hild'eb:rand. "Beavers" A. -McLean, Manager; K Reid, J'. 'Flannery, 7. Bannon, B. Wright, P. Bannon, E. !Doig, IJ, O'Neil, 5, Kerr, A. !Hoff, R. Eissler, 13. Boyce, J Cameron. 'Monday evening. tiesd'ay evening. Jan. 5ith, [lienneth • Schedules 'First Saturday, Jan. ,116—.Wildcats and Tigers; Canadiens and 'Cyclones; Rangers :vs. Beavers, Second Saturday, J'an..23—Beavers 'vs. Cyclones; 'Wldcats vs. Rangers;' Canadiens vs. Tigers. Third S'aturd'ay, Tian. 1310-4Ranger.s vs. Canadliens; Tigers 'vs. Beavers;' Cyclones vs. Wildcats. F,ou.nth Saturday, Feb. 6—Wildcats vs. Beavers; Tigers vs. Cydiones. 'Fifth Saturday, Feb; 13—Rangers vs. Tigers; Wildcats vs. Canadians. .Sixth 'Saturday, Feb. 1219—iCana'diens vs. .Beavers; Rangers vs. Cyclones. Saturday's ,Games 'The first Duncan .Cup hockey games were played! Saturday .cnorn- ing, ,Jan, 113, 'with a good turnout of players, about 601 (boys taking part. IFinst Game.—Sills' 'Wil'd-Cats were defeated by Joe. Purcel4's Tigers by a score of 342. IJoe.Smith scored 'two of the winning :goats:while ), Elliott accounted for the ;other. The game was close, the teams. 'being evenly matched. ,Phillips was the star of the ANNUAL MEETING The .annu'al meeting of the Mc- Killop Telephone Co. was held in •Fo- rester's Hall. Constance. on Monday afternoon. Mr. .1. M. Eckert was re- elected a commissioner for three years, The officers were all re-elected, chairman, Matt, Arms trong: secret- ary, Ross 1'lurdie; treasurer. 3. 31. Eckart. ACT. Andrew 'Petrie, a clarect- or of the ''l'uckeremith '1'ele,phone Co., was present and gave an ,address, Young Men Young Women THE HURON COUNTY BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTICTRE INVITES YOU TO ATTENP Short Courses —IN -- Agriculture and Home Economics TO. BE HELD IN SEAFORTH, FEB. 2ND TO FEB. 26TH, 1937 • For further information and a complete outline of these courses, write: Ian MacLeod,. Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ontario successful sale on Tuesday, Miss !Bessie 'Clutter spent last week with her sisters in London. The Varna !Library 'will 'hold their annual euchre and dance in the hall on, : Friday The 22nd. Come early and be sure to bring your friends, as a real good .time is expected. Lunch w iB be served. 'Mise Jean (Getntne'll called out friends in Varna Saturday. The January meeting of the Varna W.M.S. met on 'Thursday. Jan. 7th, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Stelck. There were 14 present. The ,president, Miss Bertha Diehl, took charge The open- ing hymn was "0 God our +help in ages past." The president led in pray- er after which all read a prayer unison. Mrs. Ben Rwthweld read the devotional leaflet The minutes were read and adopted. . The roll call was answered by a New Year's thought, it was deckled to send a letter of consolation to Miss A. J. Keyes. whose brother had passed away re- cently. Plans were made for the Day of Prater Fele l3fh, which is to be held in Anglican Chwrch this year. Mrs, Stelck and Mrs, A, McConnel'1 were .appointed to meet with .Angli- cans to make arrangements. Several , notes ofthanks were read from those who were remembered with cards and parcels of supplies at Christmas. Va tions reports were read and filled in for past year. There were '1(5 sub- scriptions .to Missionary Monthly. The society had 17 annual and 7 life member.,. Mrs. Fred Reid read the 'treasu'rer's report which showed $109.71 hail been raised. Mrs, 'Ralph S'tepheuson was appointed leader of Christian Stewardship, Miss Mabel Rothwell leader of the Baby Band, •s'tated that tine &shy Band WAS Off to a good start. Twenty-six ;gift boxes had been distributed. As there is no mission band children ,up to :7 or '8 hail .been included, 'A special collec- tion was taken to defray the deficit in expense account. 'Tice meeting closed with 'hymn 13516 and benedic- tion. The hostess served a dainty lunch after which a -vote of thanks was tendered her. 11r. and Mrs. Moulton ]illiott cele - bra ted elebrated their 313rd wedding annivers- ary thes week by entertaining several of their friends, 'Jimmie Dewar of Bayfield is visit- ing with his aunt, Mrs. Masson. The Anglican Church had a most enjoyable social in the township. hall out Thursday. Mr. Alex. McConnell has had Hy- dro Metalled in his 'home. Mt. and Mrs. Ed. Ohuter spent Sunday in London. The Varna Library Board is ar- ranging for a euchre and dance to .be given in the hall on Friday, January Stanley District L.O.L. met in the Orange hall last week with the fol- lowing officers elected: Dist. W,M, Louis Clarke: 'Dist. DN., Elmer Webster Dist. Chap., Chas. C. Pil- grim; Dist., Ree. Sec., Percy John- ston; 'Dist Fin, Sec., 0. C. Petty; Dist. Treas., Ban '(Rathwell Dist. Treas., Ben 'Ra'thwell; Dist, list, loch., Fred 3.GdClymont; Dist, 2nd leets W. J. McLeod; Dist. Marshall T. J. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Co'lema'n of Henson spent Tuesdayi'ast with, ;friends on the Parr line: The annuai congregational meeting Of the United. Church will .be held on Tuesday next, Jen. 264111, The .Royal Scarlet Chapter of Stain- s ley met in the Orange Hail on. Jana 11i4tth ,and elected the following offic- ens: W. C., Fred Watson; D. C., San. Y S. Petty; Chap„ A. E. Erwin; Scribe, s Chas. C. Pilgrim; 'Treas., Fred Me - d Cly!mont; 'Marshall. 'Flaro'Id Stinson; t 'I'st lett, W. J. McLeod; 2nd deet., L. a Y. P. U. The \' it'. Union of North Side Un- ited Church met on Tuesday evening, Jan. 19th. "Cite program etas under the Missionary Dept. by .11'tss Thompson. It opened by the minutes of the lust meeting, business was then discussed followed by a iuupeec'h by M4•r. Sam Scott, prayer by hiss Eve- lyn 'Carmidhael. Scripture taken from Matthew !215-19430 and John 16, 12, 116 by Miss i\•Iabel Hdhner, followed by a reading by Miss Thompson. A let- ter front a missionary in British Col- umbia was read by Helen Moffat. A very interesting topic, being friends with one's family, by Miss 'Tltomp- .son. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, EGMONDVILL'E W.M.S. M,. A. W1. Shep'her'd occupied the chair at the meeting of the W.M.S. Mrs. Jas, Allen had charge of ,the devotional period Mrs. McQuarri,c and it'[rs. M. Haney read Bible selec- tions and Mrs. N. Keys the devotion- al leaflet: Miss Lawrence gave a 'tall: illustrated by lantern slides. A social half hour teas spent, MISSION BAND The regular meeting of North Side Mission Band. was 'held 'in the school roost of the church on Tuesday after:- noon. fter-noon. The meeting opened by singing Hymn .4111. The secretary, Winnifred 'Russell, read the minutes .of. the 'prev- ious meeting. \Janie Moffat read the Scripture, ;Psalm 111119, 31340. This was followed by prayer by Miss Ferguson The offering was received and the meeting dosed by singing hymn 14,6 followed, by the Mizpah (benediction. Junior Farmer's Hockey League. Saturday night, Jan, 231: 41 gatn.e: Winthrop vs. 'E'gm'ond- vine. aid game: Kippen vs. Dublin. VARNA Mrs. 'Chu'ter is spending a few day with her daughters in .London, The WJA. of St. John's Church •held a social lin .the `'hall on Tlhursda night. A very ,pleasant evening' 'wet spent. Several contests Were enjoye and the ,principal 'feature of ;the evern .was the •d'ratving of tickets an a gull which was .won ,by little 'Miss Mon /Reid, SODALITE .Y Ni: In the Odd Fellow's Hall Formerly- SEAFORTH ormerlySEAFORTH Fri., Jan. 22nd Otto Henderson's Orchestra Admission 35c HILLSGREEN W. M. 5.=- The .—The \\%omens' Missionary Society held, .their first meeting of the New Year :in the 'home of Mrs. Robert Stephenson on Wednesday afternoon, January 413', with Mrs. W. Turner pre- siding. We opened our meebing by singing hymn 1517)11. Mrs. tR•. McAllister offered prayer, all responding in a a ,general thanksgiving prayer in uni- son. The scripture lesson was taken by .Mrs. W. Turner from St. Mark, 110:1113-415, and St. Luke 7:36-50 verses. The devotional leaflet, Jesus friend of women and children." was given by Miss Rena Stephenson. Hymn 605. The secretary and treasurer then gave their reports which were adopted. A letter on bale supplies asking for se- cond hand clothing and quilts was read. Material is being got and two quilts will be made. The .roll call was answered with 1114 ,pointsfor Mrs Turner's group and 10 points for IAm nie Jarrott's group. The presentation of a 1i'fe member certificate wait made to Mess R. M:cl,Adlister, a 'past presi- dent of the Society. She thanked the ladies in a few well chosen words. The study, 41A Conversation between Two !Doctors" add "The Sense of Usefulness" was given by Mrs. Robe Stephenson, The offering was than taken. The ;February meeting will be in the home of Mrs.. H. Turner, Sil- ent prayers were offered and then hymn 31516. We closed our ,meeting with prayer in .unison. The address to Mrs. R. McAllister was read by Mies Annie !Jarrott and the presentation 'by Mrs. Robt. 'Ste- phenson, "Dear Mrs. McAlli,eter,-- We, the members of this society wish to express bur appreciation of your faithful service in this most worthy cause. the spreading of the 'Gospel to all nations. While our members are few and there has often been cause for disappointment, you !have always by your .presence encouraged us to persevere and we are thankful to say we have been able to accomplish something worthwhile in this noble work. \Ve wish you to ,accept this certificate of life 'mem'bership anti trust we nt'ay all go forward to great- er endeavor with ,perfect trust and confidence in Him who has given the command, "Go ye into all the world and preach the 'Gospel to ev- ery.creature.' Signed on .•behalf of Hillsgreen W.M.S., Miss Edna Coch- rane, President" Mr. and Mrs. 'George Stephenson and son ;Bobby' of Walkerton spent a visit .with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Raba. Steplhenson recently. Miss Doreen 'Reichert visited her aunt and uncle in Zurich 'during the week. 'Some are suffering with colds and pink eye in .this vicinity, Mr. 'and' Mrs. Ward !Forrest and daughter visited the tatter's (parents, near Chiselhurst d•tiring the . week, Mr. Herbert Stephenson spent a day in Stratford during the. week. 'Mr. and Mas. (Alfred iReiohert gave .a surprise patty to.. a number of their friends on 'Ftidty evening, I the occa- sian of two birthdays 'beintg •celebsat-. ed. Messrs. lArtlnat Payne and Alf Westgate, IHlarry 'Aidii urs were .in I.bndon during the week-. 'Miss Ahnn;ie Cochrane of Clinton visited ',friends during 'the week. Mi' George Beauty Si:. had a very Clarke; tilt. Cond., G,: C, Pettty; 21nd, Elmer Webster; Herald,. T. J. Stin- son; Sentiheil, Robert Elliott.