HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-01-21, Page 1A. small drop of ink, Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. —Byron, HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER This world that We're a'livin' in Is mighty hard to beat; You get a thorn with every rose, But ain't the roses sweet. 'WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 59, No. 3. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,' JANUARY 21, 1937. Phone 84. Sl a year, SEPOY FLOUR IS FULLY GUARANTEED PER CWT. 3.35 SODA BISUITS— 2 lbs. 25c !BAKING MOLASSES 10c tin MACARONI 3 lbs, for 14c SWEET CORN - 2 Tin 19c 'MINK SALMON, large tins CLARE'S SPFGHETTI- 2 cans ........... ISTRIN'G (BEANS IORNEGELATINE— 2 pack 25c 'MALTED CHEESE .. , , 2 pack. 25c COFFEE, our own 'biend- 23c 'half lb. PLUM JAM 32 oz. 25c Masters. Molastock Dairy Feed at @ $2,15 per cwt. 3 for 25c 19c 2 Tins 19c A: C. RoutIede PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. BOX P43 ANNUAL VESTRY !MEETING The annual vestry, and congrega- tional meeting of St. 1'110111as' Church, Se'aforth, 'was .11 Oki of Janu- iLr' nth at 13 p;m. in the parish hall, with a very large attendance. The meeting was opened with prayer by the rector, :Rev. Canon A4pleyard, who presided over the meeting. The •minutes Were adopted. Mr. R. C. Parke, ;People's Warden and Treasurer, .presented the Church \Varden;, report .for 10316, which Showed the •chureh to he in very good financial standing, with a •stibs'tantial balance in the bank alter all expenses had been paid. Also, the Mission 1311(1- get 3ttdget 'was paid up a 'hundred' per cent. There was. a modern and efficient steam heating system installed in the church during the year, which proves to be very satisfactory, A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Parke by all members present,' for his sp itnclid report. and for his in- terest and excellent work in having such an up-to-date heating system in, stalled in the church, :Election of officers for the year are as follows, lay 'delegates Ito Synod; Messrs, William LArch1bal'cl and Hen- ry Edge; .suibstitut&s to Synod, Messrs. IR, IC!Parke and. W. E, Southgate; rector's warden, Mr. Thos, 'Jackson; people's warden and treas- uer, Mr. R G.Parke; select vestry, Rector's, M1'es rs. Rob. Archibald, E. C Boswell, E. Pretty ansa William Oldfield; people's representatives on select vestry, Messrs. IS. Leyburne, W. E. Southgate, 'William IDeeni and Joseph Flart: ladies' representatives (Continued on Page 8.) DIAMOND WEDDING AT :SWIFT CURRENT The following is from the Swift Current paper: "Respected Old time residents of Swift Current, Mr. and Mr -s. Alonzo Fee celebrated their die - mond wedding anniversary cm Sint- day, Snitsday, Dee, 27th, narking silty years of happy wedded life. Their two sons, Arthur .lee, of Saskatoon, and A. 31. Fee, of Swift Current, together with their 'families were home for the hap - occasion. Many friends .of the couple tendered their personal con- gratulations during the day, They celebrated the anniversary at their hone on First avenue east. Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Fee, eighty - 'four and eighty-one years of age re- spectively, were married in Varna, -Ontario. on December 27th, 1076. Mr. Fee was born near Montreal, Que,hee, while 34rs. Fee first saw the dight of. day at Chin.gcnneey, Ontario. They moved from f-luron county, Ontario, to North Dakota in 118719, and came hack to Canada :in ;119016, coming from Mlilton, North Dakota to Swift Cur- rent and farmed southeast of the city until 1'9:10 when they took up resid- ence in the city. Mr, Fee, however, continued his fanning operations ever since and retains 1 retain. a yoitkhfnrl vigor des- pite his years. Mr, and Mrs, Fee 'have five grand children and ere great grandchild." Mr. Fee's only brother, Walter, fives at l'iensall. Mrs. M. A. Boyes of Egmandville, is a sister of Mrs. Fee. SeaForth Amateurs Talk All Over World PHONE YOUR 0 R FOR 'blue 'coal' NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH 51 a.nt., ''John, the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved." 7 pail„ "The Stone, the Robe and the Throne." S:S. at 2.30 p.m. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH Services for Sunday, Jan. 2f41th. S.S. and Bible Class, 310 am, Morning service, 113 a.nt. Sermon topic, "Zeal in A' Good Cause." Evening service. 4,35. Congregation loudly note the time. Sermon topic, "An Expression of Divine Activity." All welcome. Canon E. Aplileyaril. (Rector. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tn Seaforth. Harold C. least, Min- ister. Morning worship ,at 11. S.S. at 2.30. Evening service at 7. Morning serviu'uaI "1 Jt Me- moriam." Reading of the names of ail members and adherents and friends who have passed to the Homeland 'luring .119316„ Hyrtttl, "For All the Saints who from their Tabors Rest." (Evening sermon by the Minister "The Book of the Month ("Gone with the Wind')." Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W'. Shepherd. The Four Ages of •\Jan, Childhood, Youth, Maturity, sold Age. Sunday, 1!11 am., "Childhood," Jp.m.—lEvening service. In any and all weather burn "D&H" CONE CLEANED ANTHRACITE CITE You can depend upon this Famous Hard Coal N. Guff & Sons "Calling C -Q, any 715 metre phone; calling C -1Q; C -Q. '('his is station V'lGIZIR,—zero, radio, ---at Settforth, Ontario. Came in some- one, please." L1 as low-, quiet voice Ian Mac - 'ravish, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 'fcihn NacTavish, was speaking into the microphone. at his amateur short-wave 'broadcasting station at his home on IGoderich street the other evening:. There was a click of a swi•tch. and a 'loud speaker began to give out a variety of sounds as the •dial was slowly turned. Then cut of the air came: Calling VRINZR. 'Seaforth; VD... at \lintico, cllbintg VT :3i%IR at Seaforth, and standing 'by." Theswitch clicked again a pair of loge tubes at the bottom of the ,six -toot talo'broadcasting panels flickered :with a 'bine light, while 11,1 was on the air again, replying to the station at Mintico. The interested spectators 'felt a thrill closely akin that of a fisher- man casting This line and getting an immediate and vigorous pull on the hook. The most distant station that Ian has :talked with is in IAnastra-1ia, which is on :the other aside of the world, and about 10,005' miles away ---these contacts are by spoken word, not code signals. Distant amateur stations ex- change cards . through the mail, about the size of 'postcards, con- firming a talk over the air. taut has a large collection of .these acknowl- edgments, some of the .most inter- esting being from Czechoslovakia. Prance. Cuba, South :America, be- sides various ;parts of the United States and Canada. Besides distant ,stations, there are many •Ontario stations 'with which •frequent contacts .ale made, ,many becoming personal 'frien'ds. Se:north has two amateur sta- tions, the other one being operated by rEc. Daly, who has, also a very efficient equipment. ent I P Ruth young men have worked together Inc some years constantly experimenting and nn,pJov.irg their stations. Radio :broadcasting has a ,t•echnic- al language similar to the code; such as •C -Q is a general ,call to any station; signing off is '"73", etc. The above pictures were taken by The 'News, .At the tipper left, (Ian i\IecTavish at the microphone; at the right are the panels of the broadcasting set; below, is the con- tral .table showing switches', re- ceiver, bond speaker and micro- phone. The New Warden Warden John 3d, Eckert.has 1ad about eleven years' experience in township and county councils. As reeve he is beginning his sixth term representing :31 oi<rllop town- ship in the county council. Tile was, horn ,n \ltiRilloop township, eldest son of 31 r, and Mrs. Con. Eckert, now of Seaforth. and has 'lived practically all his life in that town ship. His home is on the 2nd con- cession of 33 Kil]op, '134 miles mirth of Seaforth. The new 'Ward- en has been treasurer of theMc- Ki1Lm Telephone System for 12 years, and in 31136 was appointed to this executive board of the Canadian ((((101)5(1 dell t Telephone Associa- tion. His wife was formerly Miss \'i'tiana O'Connor, of lllibbert. He has three sons and ;five daughters, Con, at home; 'Angela: teaching at 31iki,nay: l'a'ssie, teaching at Tees - water: Clare, at 'Stratford Normal Schonit Ji11111ie, a\Ildie and Edna, students at Seaforth Collegiate: and Teresa, attending Seaforth Separate School. I -le has seven sisters and one brn- thf•r living: Mrs. William Manley, MldKillop; ,Mrs, William McKay, :Seattle, Wash.; 31rs. Thomas Mc- Kay-. McKillop; Mrs, Lotus Bra, Detroit; Mrs.'Gordon Hays, De- troit Mrs Harm IDeshorough, De- trit; Mrs. Charles Sills, Seafnruh; ,1''50911 'Eckert, of (Hibbert. MAE LANE AUXILIARY Ch1 'January P11th i9 •Northside Un - ted Church, with '41 members and visitors present, the Mae Lane Auxil- iary held their regular meeting and tnnnal 'birthday. party, combined with .chat had been anm,ttnced as a pot - 'tick supper •provided by circles two and fats, the losing side it: the cont- rit, but which turned out to 'lie an .1u -to -the -minute banquet with pre' 'ily decorated table and Place -Cards designed by Mrs, Hogarth. showing i pietme of ca ch as the others see or don't sec) her. :Miss Beattie hak- il the birthday' cake: a delirious combination of good things surround- ed by pink rosebuds in a creast set- ting. Mrs. Close moved a vote of thanks to the losers and the 01 tion roan simultaneously seconded hy twenty winners. Mr. Carmichael conducted the ser - 'ice of installation of officers for 101i7, Ile asked that 'instead of consid- ering ahentsel(es the chosen one, they stress rather that those chosen were sent by jesus to do His work. 'Phis would stake the work easier and the results .wined he more satis- factory' to the One who had sent the 'corkers. After prayer by Mrs. Barber, "Dotal, Kindly Light," was 511.11g and then Airs. Close prayed. mentioning especially \dr. and Mrs. G. IF, Bruce of 3I'anchu7 tr a ,. The to score n ra MI,: :Fennell read the minutes of the exec- utive meeting ta'hich had been held at the home of Mrs. Close. At this meet- ing istiss (Fennell was appointed the I \ux,liai t a representative 1 e cn the e Ut-hu tl Board After a short Ibusiness discussion Mrs. Snell, the captain of 4. circle one, took charge, opening with a reading in which the little New Year declared his mission and ''qtr- Boas to teach that 'God'swill was love. "Standing. alt the portal." was sung: i then \2rs. Savauge prayed, including the petitionthat there should be n,. 1, failures in love because of misunder- j standings, Mfrs. Moffat • took tire; Scripture 'reading and, following • delightful solo by Mrs. Stewart, Mi.c• Lawrence showed` interetting laliter1 (Continued on Page Eight:) Winter Evenings at Home mean iei.sure, rest and comfort. Newspap- ors, magazines, books. our studies by the. %yarn' fireside mean so 11111(11 of life to us these lung evenings, provided we enjoy them with perfect vision. Failure to enjoy these to the fall is usually caused by .eye- strain. the result of defective vision. 1)o your eyes become weary with read- ing. or sewing or fide work? Consult us. We specialise in crmrecting defective vitiun. SAVAUGE'S OPTOMETRISTS & JEWELERS SEAFORTH Phone 194. J. HOTHAM HEADS P.S. BOARD The first meeting of the public school board for the. year was held on Wed. night. \1r. Jahn Hot'hatn was appointed chairman- of the board aild Mr. 34, McKellar was reappoint- ed .secretary -treasurer. The propenty committee -will be \Vat;. Wright, 1)r. Munn and J. Hotham. The supply committee was re -appointed. Messrs. 'Ross Savange, J. 'A. Westcdtt, 31. .34cKellar, Mrs, M. A. (Reid was ap- pointed as representative of the pub- lic sclii=nl hoard 00 1)11' Library• board and Mr, C, A. Barber was re-eppnina- ecl to the Collegiate Board, The following accounts were pass- ed' Waller Murray •V•315; Roht, tloynt, 815.75; Legion wreath $3.09, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY • The annual meeting of the Sea - forth .\ ricultura3 'Sooil'Itr was held an Friday afternoon. Reports of a successful year were given, showing that a 1)1111utce was carried over to 1'137, The last payment find been made on the mortgage taken lire years ago when the buildings and land at the Fair grounds were purch- ased the discharged mortgage was :;resented tit the meeting: 'Over 132,001) was expended in prize money. All 10136 officer., president, Ha inplirey Snell: vice pre-sidents, W. Beattie and \Villiatll Beattie: secremrc-treasurer, -Mrs. I. .\, Herr, and the hoard of di- rectors and auditors. were re-ap- pilntcd. The Society' wishes t:, thank the county council. the town of :Sea- ford', the townships of McKillap, Tuckersnlith and 1T-Tullett and the merchants and everybody 0110 in any way contributed to the success of our Spring and Fatl4 fairs, The Spring .how will he held on Tuesday, March 30. A Burns night is being 'held by the Lions Club on Jan. 215th in First .Presbyterian Church. The I.adlies .Aid of the church will cater to the ban FORMER RESIDENT DIES AT VANCOUVER The death of Mr. W'i'lliam Goven- lock, a former well known resident of Seafnrth, occurred in Vancouver, on, Sunday, Jan. 117th at '110 p,nt:, follow- ing a short illness. He had (been in good health until about a month ago, f1le suffered a .stroke the first of 'bite. year. About fifteen years ago Mr. and Mrs. Goverelock moved from Seaford' ;10 Vancouver. Mr. ,Govenlock was 'horn in lIcr'Killop near Seaforth, a son of the late Thomas and Susan IGovenlock, He was married to Sarah Armstrong, of Fergus, at that time a graduate doctor in the States, and wi dow of the Hon. Ainsley Gray - of 1 the Un'i'ted States. After their mar- riage they 'lived for eight years at 'Griswutel, Ilan„ where Mr. Goven- lock had a grain elevator and other interests. 'l'hey then lived at Seaforth Ifor a number of years, residing on N\: Main street, Besides his widow, he is survived, by one sister, Miss Susie Govenlock of Seaforbh, at pres- 1 cut in Florida, U.S.A. A, stepdaugh- ;ter Mrs. Frances Parker, a collegiate teacher, predeceased \Ir. Govenlock. "A grandson,( Gray '.Parker, resides in 1 Vancouver, A nephew, 31r. 'Bert Gov- enlock, of 'Eggtnofttiville, has resided i with Mr. and \Mrs. Govenlock the past four years, in Vancouver, where they have been 'living retired. Burial took place at 'Vancouver, INJURED IN COLLISION 'About four o'clock Wednesday afternoon, two cars .c•ol'lided as a re- sult of the icy -condition of the pave- ment at the corner a mile west of Seaforth near the cairn, involving a car from London, and Dr. :\3I;Mast er's car driven by 'his assistant, Dr. 1. 0, Ross ('formerly of Blyth). Dr. Ross and one cif the London men were removed to Scott Memorial Hospital for treatment of their in- juries, During the evening 'highway trucks were sprinkling sand on the icy turn. TATOES Wanted WE ARE PAYING $1.35 FOR No. 1 GRADE MUST BE GOOD, CLEAN POTATOES IN 91 -lb. BAGS WITH TAGS PROPERLY NAMED Phillips' Fruit Store PHONE 63 SEAFORTH .1 W