HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-01-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
'The Y.E.S. of the United Church 11
held their regular meeting on Monday
evening in the school room of ,the
Church with a splendid attendance,
'Miss Verda Watson presiding. Hymn
12312. Prayer by Dorothy McQueen,
ISlcripture lesson. Peter 3, (Nellie Fee.
Devotional reading, Edison 'Forest.
[Hymn '2715. Minutes of previous meet-
ing read, 'followed by a duet, Mrs,
Maude Redden and Mrs, Hess, ac-
companied by Gladys Luker, .Topic,
"The Lost Bool " by'Rev Mr, Sin-
clair, After singing hymn 11151e the
meeting closed with the Mizpttlt bene-
The \V.M,S, of the United Church
held their meeting on 'Thursday. Jat,
71th in the school room of the church
with •a splendid attendance :As this
was the first meeting of the year,
there Was an election of officers with
11rs. Cross, the president, 'presiding.
Officers, for 19'37: Ilion. President,
Mrs. C A. Mlacdonnell; President,
Mrs. Cross; !1'st Vice Pres„ Mrs, Sin-
clair: 2,nd Vice iPres., Mrs. ,Ballantyne;
Sec. Secty., Mrs IN, Cook; Asst. sec.,
Mrs ,Hilliard:Corr. sects Mrs, . Hem-
p'h'ill Treasurer, Mrs. C. Cook; Pian-
ist, Mrs. Drysdale; Asst. Pianist, Mrs.
Sinclair; Miss: Monthly Sects, Mrs.
'Manns; Press Sects., Miss H. Suther-
land; Christian Stewardship and Fin-
ance Sect., Mrs. Carlile and Miss
Moir: strangers' sect, Mrs. C. Cook.
Mrs, :Verner; Temperance Sect., Miss
Murray; mite . box Mrs. E. .Mc-
Queen, Mrs. Patterson, supply cont.,
Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs, 'Elder and Mrs,
IMerner. Flower com„ \Lrs Hess, Mrs.
McDonnell. Miss Circle Miss Doug-
las. Baby Band, Mirs. .Tickle and
Mrs. N. Cook.
The many friends of Mr, Roy
Todd, were pleased to see him able
,to :be up town one day last week af-
ter being confined to his home dor
several months suffering from rheum-
Council Meeting—
The inaugural meeting of the 1947
village council held on 1lnutlay, jar.
1111th, at 111 a.m, in the cleric's office,
with all members present. The cem-
bers of the Council have taken the
oath of allegiance and qualifications
df office before the clerk and after
considerable discussion of various
matters the following motion was
passed: Jones -Brock, that we now
adjourn to meet again at 'S p.m. this
The first reguar meeting of the
village council was held Monday ev-
ening at S p.m. in the Council Cham-
ber with all members present Min-
utes of previous meeting adopted as
read. Brock -Twitchell, that al unpaid
poll tax not paid before the '311th of
bruary be handed into 'court for col-
ollection, d", i(i. 113'onthron, tax collector,
reported re unpaid taxes, amounting
to $14308,00. 'Shepherd -Twitchell, that
we extend the tax roll for one month.
(Jones -Brock, that the clerk be in-
structed to write the Municipal
World asking for information in re-
gard to business tax. Correspondence
and accoonts totaling G11,01t4,95 were
passed. By4Law 1 of 7937 appointing
officers was passed.:Officials are las,
A. Paterson, clerk; :C. Cook, treasur-
er: F. G. Bonthrou, assessor and tax
collector; George Fee, constable;
Nelson Blatchford sanitary and weed
inspector: Dr. Smillie, medical offic-
ers George 1Follick and Harold (Hilli-
ard. members of the public library
board: George Walker, caretaker of
hall. also manager of hall and :the
park; 'Flr.thook and Monteith, audi-
tors: George Hodson, manager water
tank: Carl .Passmore, motor mechan-
ic, fire dept. Twitchell -Brock, that the
resolution as prepared by the Bank of
Montreal he adopted, Ry -Law 2, of
119317. borrowings $111(1'1,90, was passed.
Brock -Twitchell, that Jane. and
Shepherd he property committee.
}pones -Shepherd,' that Brock and
Twitchell be a road and street com-
mittee. Twitchell -Shepherd, that
Brock and Jones be a relief commit-
tee and that J. A. Paterson be relief
officer at a salary of 15215.1)1), Twitch-
ell -Brock, that we purchase 8 copies
of the Municipal World. Jone 'twit
shell. that we 'become a member of
the 'Ontario 4 ociation of Rural Mu-
nicipalities. Brack -Twitchell, that the
clerk be authorized to 'purchase suf-
ficient clog tags and assessors sup-
plies. Tones -Brock, that the clerk be
In -touted to prepare a bylaw pro -
hitting the erection or installation
of gasoline pumps or tanks within 50
fest of the street line on Ring ,t. --
los. :A, Paterson, Clerk.
Death of Mr. Robert Cole-
Robert 'Jeffery Colt a highly res-
pected resident of this district pass-
a s-
ed away on Friday morning, January
the Ath, after an illness at eight
week-, caused from heart trouble. He
gent his boyhood days in l ahorne
Township, and afterwards liver! in
Exeter. Woodstock, Hay and Trick-
ernotith, before coming to Wilbert.
where he has dived for the past 17
years, Mr. ('ole, who was in his MO
year. was married 513 years ago to
Eliza lane Horton, who survives him.
He is also servived by one son Wil-
liam. on the homestead, and ane
grandson 1El.gin, mfr. John Cole, of
Exeter, is his only 'brother, The .fun -
trot, which was largely attedned. was
held from his late residence on Mon-
day, January th 1111th, the services be-
ing conducted .by 'Rev. Arthur Sinc-
lair, pastor of Chiselhurst United
Church, of which the deceased was a
member. The hymns sung were "Je-
sus keep me near the Cross," and "Je-
sus lover of my Soul." Tnterment
took place in McTaggart's cemetery.
The pall -!bearers were Fred and A.r-
thtr :Cole, 'Hugh and Harry Norris,
John 'Glenn, and Lloyd Horton,
)Friends were present from Exeter,
lGaderic'h, Stratford, I'Lanclott, St.
-Marys, Ingersoll, Varna and 'Walton.
Card of Thanks,—
Mrs. Robert Cole and -fancily wish
to thank :the many Friends and .neigh-
abotirs for the sympathy and acts of
kindness shown during Mr. Cole's
illness and their 'bereavement. 'Special
thanks to Rev. A. ISinelair, .Mr. Geo.
T. Wren, 'a'nd, Mr, E. !Allen; also
those who loaned ,cars,
Beauty Salon
The Standard of Perfection
$1.95 and up
including Shampoo, Hair-
cut and Fingerwave.
'B' Beauty Salon
h[ain St., Seaforth
PHONE 50 or 113.
JTown Topics.
Thos. Pinkney is in 'London . this
week. — Malcolm M'cLeod's many
friends will 'be .glad to hear that he
is convalescing from his recent ill.
nese.-Mrs, Geo. E, :Henderson went
do Toronto on`'a visit with Mrs. Bea-
miss and other friends.—Melvin Col-
bert has come home to Egmondville,
from Saskatoon, and will visit with
his broths !for some 'time, -The
Shamrocks, under the ,management
of Samuel Maiden'berg, defeated the
IEgmondville school, 8 to 4, .1 Reg.
Reid played a star game,—Mrs. Fred
Prophy of Winnipeg arrived in town
this week on a visit with her parents,
Me. and 'Mrs, Ches. Soole. This is
Mrs, Brophy. !first visit to her old
home since her marriage. — 'Peter
Daley won 1st and end prizes on all
the Golden Wyandotte classes at the
Mitchell show. -74. H. and llrs. Reid
rn'.i i
were in Stratford yesterday afte ort
and evening where •they were guests
of Mr. and'Mrs. iFred Harris.—Mr.
Ed, Flannery, who has been visiting
the past inon'th with 'friends in town,
returns to his home in Yellow 'Grass,
Sask., soon, where he and Ed. 'Hold-
en, of Toronto, are going into the liv-
ery 'business. Mr. ,F1'annery has noth-
ing but praise for the 'Sask. town.
Previous to going to Yellow !Grass he
had livery barns in .Battleford and
Wilkie, and now starts with bright
prospects in Yellow Grass.-1Fideiity
Lodge, T,,O)O)F., visited Kincardine
lodge on Thursday night and ably
conferred the first and third degrees.
Grand Master S. IPopdestone, of
Blyth, complimented the degree team
on their excellent work. The follow-
ing gentlemen went tip: L, T. De -
Lacey, 1Jo•hn Archibald, H. R. Scott,
\\'m. Freeman, Wnt. Sproat, Ed,
Case, Thomas Scott, MIA 'MeRellar,
Ed. Mole4. A. Stewart, Dr. Harburn,
C.:Vberhart, 'Phomas Grieve,. j. Quail.
—Seaforth won honors in the On-
tario Tankard series at Stratford ,on
Tuesday night, defeating 'St. Marys
in the finals,—In the game played
here on Tuesday, Clinton Intermedi-
ates won out by the tally of 9 to 7, .
Mr. \Arlo. Lindsay ]las sold to his
neighbor, 11 r. Rohl, Lawson. Mr.
Lindsay intends going West,—,Mr.
Tudor of Bruce Cp„ is visiting his
spat Dunkin, who is post -master of
our burg,—Mr. -McIntosh, the mail
carrier 'between Seaforth and IHarlock,
was storm stayed for three clays.
B-onthron and Drysdale are moving
into their new store in the 'Ronnie
T look.
Peter Carr of Aberdeen, N.D., is
sending a few days in this vicinity.
rod hagen.
'Reuben Ische, who -pent three
weeks with itis mother in Berlin, has
returned to resume his duties here.—
:Master Alvin Rose, son of Ed, Rase,
had the misfortune to get one of itis
fingers in the horse power while in
motion, and got it badly lacerated.—
The weather, which was very stormy
during the week, has changed a little.
it was very sharp and frosty at times.
A little of last summers 'heat wotnid
do od no
Messrs. Frank Coleman and Morris
Weber of Zurich are 'busilly engaged
in rutting wood on the second line
this week. — lira, Wood of 'Maple
Creek, Sask., visited her sister, Mrs.
S. Bruadiont, and her hrother, Geo.
Towner. — Captain F„ i lie of Clevel-
and is visiting his sister, Mfrs, S.
The heavy frost gave the .people an
npporttntity to get in their ice for the
summer.—Mfr. and Mrs. F. Hays of
Moose fate are visitors in this vicin-
ity,—Mrs. John G. Frost underwent
treatment for her hand in Clinton hos-
pttal.--11r, and Mfrs. \\'nt, Cochrane
of North Dakota are visitors at the
former's parents.
About 6:311 Monday evening_ fire
broke ort in the office of the )lour
mills, Ethel, owned by I. V. Henley,
and in ess than half an hour the
whole building was in 'flames, 'The
loss is estimated at about $7,000, 'For-
tunately the wind was not very high
and the fire was confined to the one
:\ meeting of the (heads of the mu-
nicipalities that guaranteed the bonds
of the 1Ontario West Shore Railway
to the extent of $410I9,000, was held in
Goderich, Some time ago construction
work on the ,railway work ceased af-
ter the rails were laid from Goderich
north toveards Kincardine, about 35
utiles. The announcement was matte
that all the money :raised on the guar-
anteed 'bonds had been ,paid out by
the Toronto General Trusts Corpora-
tion,' Gh'en, a few days ago, each mun-
icipality :that guaranteed the bonds
received notice that it would he re-
quired to meet the .interests accumu-
lating pn the 'bonds. It was this a'p-
Mliss Margaret )Hobkirk, of Grosse
Ice .attended the funeral sof her aunt,
the late 'Mrs, George Hobkirk, on
Sun day.
Death of !Mrs. George Hobkirk—
There passed away at her home
early Friday morning one- of +Hen-
sall's most 'highly respected residents
in the person of Mrs. ,George Hob -
kirk, She 'gas formerly Miss Jessie
Anderson, a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Anderson,. and was
born in Usborne on :November 56,
1886. In 11892, she was muted in niar
riage to Geroge 'H'dbkirlc. They resid-
ed in Hibbert until about 1118 years
ago, they moved to tHensa'itl, where
Mfr. Hofbkirk died shortly after oom-
ing here. Mrs. IHobiicirk had been in
poor health for -several months, 'but
was only confined to her bed since
about Christmas time, She was a de
anted 'member ,of the United Church,
and took an active part in all church
work, especially the missionary soc-
iety. She is survived by one daughter,
Miss Margaret, at home. Two other
Children died when in infancy; 'two
sisters. Mrs. 1Geoege !Ferguson of Us -
borne, firs. Fred. Hunkin.ot'Exeter,
and one brother, Mn,Tames Ander-
son - .E
otxeter also survive. The fune-
ral, which wan private, took place
from her Polos an Sunday afternoon,
Rev, Arthur Sinclair, her pastor, hav-
ing ,charge of the. service. 'Interment
in 11eTagg rt Cemetery. 'During the
service Mr. Cross sang, "1'm r\ Pilg-
rim," a favorite hymn of Mrs. Hob -
kirk, The pallbearers were all neyph-
ews crf the deceased, Oliver Anderson,
Alfred Hunkin, Harvey Hyde, ;George
Hobkirk, (George Sntith,
The floral tributes were many and
very beautiful, showing the high es-
teem- in which Mrs. Hobkirk was
held, She will be greatly missed by a
large circle of friends and neighbors.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to .\[ Hobkirk in her loss,
!Among those who attended the fune-
ral 'from a distance were Miss .Alice.
1-Tobkirk and Mr, George Hobkirk of
Detroit: Mrs. Seatter .and Mr. :George
Snaith of H. tgersville,
Mr. Robert Higgins is visiting with
his daughter, Mrs. Orville Beaver, on
the "Thames 'Road,
Mr. W. Jarrott and daughter Annic
visited at the hone of Mr. D. Nichol
in iHensall,
Mrs; 11ina Love k visiting her
sister-in-law. Mfrs. Jarrott n 'Kippen.
ldiss Dolly Hagan visited friends in
Zurich during the week,
11r. and Mrs. Chas, Robinson were
t.. \litchell attending the funeral of a
friend on Saturday.
Messrs. Thos. iRichardson and \Vm,
'Taylor of TI'ensall, are engaged in
digging a well on the farm of MIr,
Truce Walker.
Mr, Arthur Ricker of the Blind lint
railed on friends on the Parr line.
Mr, and Mr.. W. Davidson were
i-itts1 by friends front - Winthrop.
\lr. and Mrs. Franks of Wanstead
ate visiting mends.
111•x. Lizzie Buffett 'of l'tvledn,
Ohir,, and her si-ter, railed on their
friends in the village, on their way to
•Ripley. It is 38 year, _,ince Miss Buf-
lett was in Dahlin and she sees Many
Mr, and 21rs. \Vm. Curtin are set-
tled in their new home on Matilda
street which they purchaser) from
Mfrs. Elizabeth Nagle,
The Ladies' 'Guild of St, Mary's
Church. Dublin, are holding their
monthly meeting this Thursday at the
home of Mr,. Gar. Smith. 'Everybody
Mr, John' Forbes returned home on
Friday from St. Mary's Hospital, Kit-
chener, where he tunderwent a very
serious operation, Mr. Forbes is very
much improved and his many friends
are pleased to see hien look so well.
\Ve are sorry to report that Mr.
Hugh 'Flynn is seriously i11, We wish
her a s.peedy recovery.
Through illness 'Mrs, Benninger is
still confined to her home.
'Mrs. T. 3. Molyneaux is visiting
her sister, Mims. O'Reilly in 'Detroit,
Mrs, !Naglereceived many gifts be-
fore she left for Dearborn,, Mich., and
London, Ohio, to spend 'the winter.
Want and For, Saleads, .1 week 25e.
W anted
Stenographer, typist and fil-
ing clerk to assist in general
office work of Town and P.
Commission. Apply in
own handwriting. Duties to •
commence at once. Applica-
tions to be in by Jan, 18th,
and mailed to
Chairman of Public Utilities
Commission '
parently serious condition of affairs
that brought the meeting together.
An annoautcenten't which had a tend-
ency to ease the minds of the dele-
gates was to the effect that 3..,'W.
Moyes, president of the railway .com-
pany, had negotiations under way
whereby the municipalities would not
have to tneet'tlie payments of interest,
and the railway eventually would be
!finishedoperation within a
and in o crit o �
.reasonable period. The total amount
of bonds guaranteed is 4$40001019 made
up as follows: lGod:erich '$1150,090;
Ashfield, $1125,000; )Hurons Township,
$7133,000; Kincardine $50;'800 In addi-
tion, it is :presumed that '$20'0,000' ad-
ditional, as required by agreement,
has been spent by the company, mak-
ing a total expenditure of $6001500,
and 'only about 017 miles completed.
The road cenat.ects with the'G,T„R. at
Meneset, across the .river from 'Godes
rich, and it is persistently rumored
that the C,IP.IR. is .to acquire it.
We were very sldrry to hear of the
sudden passing of the late Miss Bela
Scott of near Londesboro one day
last week and extend sincere symp-
athy to the family and !friends.
We also wish to extend sympathy
to Mrs. Jahn Melville and friends.
The former's husband, the late Mr.
J'o'hn MVellville passed away Monday..
of this week,
We are very sorry to hear that
"Mrs. Robert (.Ferris is at present very
ill, but glad to know on Tuesday of
this week .seems somewhat better. A
doctor from Seaforth and Nurse Mc-
Call of near Walton are in change,
along with the three slaughters, llrs,
Bell, Mlrs, Bewley, Mrs, Albert Vod- I
den and son Reece (Ferris,,\Ve hope,
Mrs, Ferris will soon be better and
able to be around, again.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'Oke of near
Brucefield, accompanied by .Af.r. and
Mfrs, Wm. (Pepper, also of near ,Bruce -
field, motored on Sunday, the former
couple spending the day at the 'bonze
of Mr. and 'Mrs, John Mills; the lat-
ter at the,'bonne Of ,Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. ,MelEwi,ng•
Mrs, A. W. Beacons ,recently holi
Bayed for.a few days, at the home of
ter sister, Mrs. and Mr. Vipond, 'near
bir. and Mrs. !.fanning of near :W'al-
ton visited Friday of last week at the
tome of their dau»hter. MIrs, and Mr.
.Audrey Kt)cx,
14r. John T. 'Knox visited on Fri-
day 'forenoon of last week at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbeil iof
near 'Walton spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and 'Mrs..A. W. Mc -
Mtr. Bert Beacom was in Toronto
11inn•day of last week, having accomp-
anied Mr, Leslie Reid.
Mfr. Willie Taylor has been holiday-
ing, 'for a few days in Toronto with
his mncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'Taylor,
Mr. Watson !Reid was holidaying
last week at the home of his sister,
Mrs. and 11t. \Vnt. Rogerson, near
Br ucetield.
Mrs. Thomas Colson has been holi-
daying at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, and Mr, Harry 'Sturdy and ne-
ther, Mrs, George Sturdy, near Au-
Miss Edythe Beacon spent Sunday
afternoon t..t the home of kir, and
lfr- 'A wires Knox.
11r. John T. Knox and Mr. Isaac
Rapson made short calls Thursday af-
ternoon of last week at the hone of
.Air, Reece Ferris and Mr, and Mrs.
A. W. MicEwing,
Mr. John T. Knox, who was assist-
s.isting lir. Isaac Rapson cut wood a cou-
ple of days last week, returned to
Lond.eshoro Friday.
The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. Janu-
ary meetings of Blurbs' Church were
held Wednesday afternoon of last
week at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Norman 'Shepherd with a ;good at-
Mr, and bit's. Simon McVittie re-
turned home the middle of last week
after holidaying since Christmas with
Toronto friends.
Peanut Butter Puffed Wheat”
2 pounds 21c per pkge. .......
Five Roses Flour
per cwt. 4.00
Red Rose Tea
per pound 49c
Pastry Flour •Red Rose Coffee
24 pounds 69c per pound
W.J. Finnigan
Office of Late F. Holmsted, K.C.
(Next A. D. Sutherland)
Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
Law Office
Associate in Charge
Barristers; Solicitors, Notaries, Etc.
Seaforth, Ont. Telephone 78.
Assistant Constable
Applications will be received at the
Town Clerk's office up to six o'olook
p.m„ Monday, Jany. ,25, 11939, for the
position of A'ssist'ant iConstable, Street
Superintendent, etc., for the Town of
By order of the Council,
2 Town Clerk
At Lot S, Con. bit Hibbert Twp.,
two miles East of. Cromarty, Mon-
day, Jan. !path, at 2 o'clock. 'Twenty-
five horses, from suckers up to ten
years. All Ontario horses.
0, C. Gardiner, (Proprietor. Nairn
,g. McNeil; Auctioneers,
Driving horse, works single or dou-
ble; also two work horses, Harold
Jackson, Phone 111344 r 23, Seaforth.
A iPersian cat, very dark brown,
with light !brown Gmarkings. Answers
to the name of Mickey. Any informa-
tion very much appreciated. Mrs,
Miller Adams, phone )15r2)2.
!.Pandora range in good condition.
J'wo single beds with new mattresses.
Three • 7160 -egg incubators, one 500 -
capacity brooder stove. 5 -tube 'batt-
ery radio. Mrs. 'Roy•Laws'on, Clinton.
Ont, Phone 3111-12411. 2 .
Jersey cow, due immediately. W.
Glenn, Hensall. 'Phone 713,13, 2.
Lot 5, Con, 4, Hulett, 1115 acres.
New 'barn, 301150, hay Shed 20x7/15. 'On
county road, half mile from school,
and '1111/z miles from store, Fall plow-
in,g:clone and 4 acres of wheat. Terms
to suit npurc'haser. Farm •m,ust be sold
owing to .poor health, J. L. Tasker,
Seaforth,'R.IR. 2.
Heintaman piano in first class
dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at
News Office, 2
col -
Livesfock Meetings
Dates for annual meetings In Tor-
onto of Canadian and' Ontario live-
stock associations have ,been anou•n-
ced thy L. E. O'Neil, of the livestock
branch, 'Ontarib Departnie,nt of Ag-
Ontario Swine Breeders' Associa-
tion will ihald their :annual meeting
February '1 and the Canadian !Swine
Breeders' Association ,the following
day, /Ontario' Large Yorkshire 1C10b,
Fifty acres, twenty-five summer
followed, lot 1116, :fourth concession of
Hibbert Apply to The News office,
'Eight pigs around 40 lbs. Bill Foth-
erht_ham, phone 111312112. 2
Ontario Berkshire ' Club, :Ontario
Tamworth Club and dual purpose
!Shorthorn chubs vs'ill also hold nteet-
iitg. February 1.
Fein•nary 2. the following anneal
meetings will be held. Canadian Jer-
sey Cattle Cluh, Canadian Shorthorn
Association, Canadian Hackney
Horse :Association, Canadian Pony
Association, and the Canadian Aber-
deen -Angus Breeders' .Association.
Meetings scheduled for February
3,. are: 1Holsteitt-]Friesian A:ssscxcia-
tion of Canada, !Canadian National
Poultry Record A•sssociation, Cana-
dian Standard Bred .'Horse Society,
Ontario Hereford 'Breeders' 'Associa-
tion, Onitario Sheep Breeder,' Associ-
ation. Ontario Olydesdale Club, Cana-
dian 'Thoroughbred Horse Society
alt) Canadian Sheep Breeders' Asso-
How Love Brings Out the
•Craziness in People
T:n an article in The :American
Weekly with Sunday's Detroit Times,
Professor Donald A. Laird,"director
of •Colgate 'University's ,Psychologic-
al Laboratories, discloses science's ex-
planation that tells why "supprelssed
desire" stirs otherwise normal men
and women to actions worthy of an
insane asylum patient.;
E. C, Chamberlain
The purchase of the insurance busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and .the ad-
dition of their companies to our ,prev-
ious facilities enables us to give you
unexcelled services 'fn all lines.
• Seaforth, Ont.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:--
ours:—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m
For 12 cords of hard maple, body
wood, 1114 inches long, to be delivered
at school house, No, 10, MclKillop,
,before the first day of 'April. Tenders
to be in by 'the 20th of January. R.
Pethick, Sect.-Treas., dt!R, No, 1$, .Sea -
forth, 2,
Tenders' will be received ,ug to -Jan.
23rd for delivery of 10 cords of hard-
wood, maple and beach, 1114 inches
Song, at sellout section 'a No. 9, Tu'clker-
smit'h, on or before April 1st, 1931 .
Ivan Forsyth, Sect-T;reasurer. 3.
Tenders will be :received until Jan.
25th for ten cords • of beech aod:
maple, two feet long; to be delivered
at school section No. 5, " uc'kerstnith.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. David :Gemmell, Sec., Sea-
forth R.R.4. o.
!Sealed tenders for 110 cords of hard
wood, 20 inches long, 'half maple, r
half !beech, for U.S.S.')No, 11, MaKilil
op. Tenders to be in by 'Jan, 213'rd. To
be delivered by March 1x1, ,Apply to
John Baldge, See„-Treas.,R.4, Sea
forth. 13
rreitders for S cords of 114 -inch
beech and staple "body wood, to be
delivered at S.S. No, 7, Tuckerst ith,
about March ;list, will .be received un-
til Jan. 20th by the undersigned treas-
urer. Wm, Cameron, Treasurer, Sea -
forth, 'R3R.4.
'For 20 cords of hardwood, maple
and Keech, sixteen inches long, to 'be
delivered at Given 'Church, Winthrop;
also tenders for caretaker. Tenders
close Jan. 120,th. 1\'t IR. 'Somerville,
Sec. R.R.4, Walton. 13
The next meeting .of Huron County
Council will'be held in the Council
Chambers, Count House, 'Goderich,
commencing Tuesday, ;January 1119th,
1937, .at 2 p.m. Tenders, all accounts,
notices of deputations, applications
and other 'business requiring attention
of Council should be in the hands of
the County Clerk by January 16th.
J. M. Roberts,
County Clerk.
A farm of 109 acres nn No. 4 High-
way, good clay loam soil, good build-
ings, with hydro throughout them.
Lots of water. Fall ploughing done.
.115 acres of fall wheat. 'Far further
particulars apply to The News office.
Township! 09 'I'ecl:ers•mith, 31%
miles from. Scafonels 1100 acres choice
dark clay loam suitable for aoy kind
of crop. Good roads in every direc-
tion. All necessary buildings. Well
fenced and drained, plentiful supply
of good water. This farts• is in splen-
did condition, $9)l0,000.019 was offered
far it in 719t211, The'pride today with
possession on 'Marc) (list, is $54000.00.
\•Vifh sulbsflanti,a'l tloiwn ,payment in
.cash; terms will be given ,for balance..
A..D. S.utherlanrt,..
The Seaforth Agricultural Society
will hold their aitmual'Imeelting in the
Carnegie Library on Fr9day, Jan. 115,
71197317, at 2 pan, Financial 's'ta'tement,
election . a l .officers, etc. •I-iunnp!luey
Snell, Pres.; Mrs. J. A. -Kerr, ISecty.