HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-01-14, Page 5eivifro\ THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1937, THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE. )011 These Prices Will 'Be in Effect till jag, Loth. Big Economy Sale JAMS, Raspberry & Strawberry, 32 oz. Jar EACH RINSO, LARGE PKG EACH AYI.MER CHIOICE'G, •B+ANTAM CORN 2s .,2 TINS CLARK'S COOKED SPAGHF/PITI, 16 oz. tins CHOICE PUMPKIN, Large 23/0 CLARKS PORK & BEANS, 22 oz. 2 TINS EACH 2 TINS LEMONS, Fresh and Waxy Each 20c per tin 39,c 2 tins 21c 2 pkg. 23c pkg. Manyflakes) ..... • . 21c 2 cakes 15c per pkg. 18c Each 24c Each 44c ,,, Each 14c Each 23c 2 lbs. 25c per btl. l5c 2 lbs. 27c All For 21c Each 25c 3 lbs. 25c 3 rolls 25c per lbl 20c 2 tins 19c per ib. 1Oc 2 tins 25c per tin 25c per lb. 29c PER DOZ 26c 19c 23c 19c 11c 23c 19c Kellogg's All Bran, large Royal York Coffee, ls Country Kist Peas, 17 oz. Kellogg's Rice Krispies Manyflowers Toilet Soap (4 cakes& 1 Lifebuoy Soap • • Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour Vi -Tone, Serve .Hot or Cold, 6 oz. 12 oz. Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz . ........ 16 oz. Sultana Raisins Extract Vanilla, large 8 oz. bottles Hillcrest Shortening Guest Ivory Soap, 4 cakes; Oxydol. 1 pkg. Old Hickory Sodas -100 to box Loose Soap Chips Hillcrest Toilet Paper Dried Peaches, Extra Choice Tomato Juice, large tins Ginger Snaps Blueberries, Beaver 2s squat Castle Floor Wax ls Breakfast Bacon Ross J. Sproat Miss N, Pryce PHONE PHONE 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 SEAFORTH MARKETS. , Wheat, per :bus. Oats, :per bus. Feed Barley, . per 'bus. Malting !Barley, per bus Buckwheat, per bus Hogs, per cwt. ' PARKING PROBLEM. (\V, G. 'T'restrain in London Free Press.) Parking has 'become a problem, in- creasing in magnitude with intensity of population. Tanking regulations in Western ,Ontario vary from place to place and provide an interesting side- light on the mental workings of ,pol- ice commissions, or whoever deter- mine positions of stop lights. stop sign, time limits and other driving hazards, Sea'forth and Mitchell are nearly a parker's paradise. In these two towns, as nowhere else in Canada it is said, one may park squarely in the •middle of the +main street. Centre parking in Seaforth is done +parallel to the street lines, in Mitchell at an angle. Seaforth citizens said they abolish- ed the centre parking this past sum- mer but with return of winter, visit. 'ors to town returned to former habits. Early in 191317 there were long lines of oars neatly 'parked down the main street centre line. Seeing it for " the ifirst time, one. would thinly it was a procession 'halted for a few minutes, Seaforth's centre parking has .been in effect for years, citizen's said. Just bow it started none were prepared to say. Farmers ,claimed that it wee much easier to (get out of .centre parte- Mg +places than away from the .oitaib, since pavements have a +fairly steep crown which ice and snow 'make it 'difficult to ascend. $1.'110 45c 65c BSc 60c -69c V8.10 BLYTH The funeral •of Wm: Taylor took •plane !Sunday afternoon at the home of 'Mrs. Neil 'Taylor, a sister-in-law. ',The service was In charge of Rev. R. A. Brook. The +p'alil-'bearers were James Laidlaw, fJ, Sims, R. D. Stalk- er, Mr. Anderson, T. Elliott, 'Harry Grasby; flower 'bearers, Dlr. J. C. (Ross, Will Cockerliee, Interment took ,)place lit Union Cemetery. JUNIOR INSTITUTE. The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Woman's .Institute was held at' the home of 'Miss jean Mc- Lean with a regular attendance, The meeting was opened by singing the institute 'Ode, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The - minutes were read and approved. The correspond- ence was read and discussed. It' was decided that we send the 916 remaining from the Christmas relief to the Can- adian Institute for the Blind. Helen Scott then thanked the institute for her wedding gift, and :Ruth (Gordon thanked the .girls for the card while Iter arni was sore. it was moved by Agnes (Eyre and Ruth Gordon that we hold our next meeting •on :the regular date but in the evening on account of the afternoon being devoted to the Short Coarse It will be at the home of Mrs. Dave McIntosh, Annie Laurie was sung, Mrs. Harold Jackson gave a very interesting 'demonstration on How To Make a (Mustard Plaster. Mrs. Moore delighted the girls with a solo. Mrs. Crosier took the topic, "'Our Nett- King," which proved very interesting. Little Brown Church in the Vale was sung and a contest was enjoyed. Lunch was served and a so- cial half hour spent. EGMONDVILLE The opening meeting of the :Neil Shaw Mission Circle nee heli! on Tuesday night at the church. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn, During the 'business period it was decided to hold the meetings the second Wednesday of each month. Jean .Gemmell and Isabel Forrest were appointed captains for a memb- ership campaign. The hymn, 'Standing at the Portal of the 'Opening Year, was sung. ,bean Wanless led in prayer and Isabel !Forrest read 'the Scripture lesson, (Jean 'Gemmell read a paper on the third chapter +of the study book. which was very interesting. After singing a' hymn the •meeting 'closed by repeating the Mizpaah benediction. The officers for the (present year are: Hon, (Pres., Mrs..QRev.) S•heoherd; President, Hazel 'McLachlan; 1st Vice, Jean 'Gemmell; Ord Vice, Mar- ion 'Wallace; 'Secretary, Peggy Ches- ney; Treasurer, Anna Love; Pianists. Bessie Rice, Laura Stewart; 'Social! Convener, Jean 'Wanless. The Eg'rnondville Mission Band met with the president, Betty lvioore, lit the chair. Scripture reading was •given by the class, and memory verse. Offertory prayer was •given by Dor- othy H'uieser. Minutes were read by the secretary, Shirley Wurin, and the story was told by the leader. TOWN TOPICS .lir. John Henderson has {teen re- Moved to the hospital in London to undergo an operation this week, Mrs. Henderson has returned hone after accompanying him to London. Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Sproat, Mr, Ross Sproat and Mrs. James Sproat attended the funeral of the 'ta'tter's sis- ter, Mrs. 'Paul Reed, of Luc:know, on Monday, . A large docket of nine cases 're-, ceived hearings in (D'i•vision court be- fore Judge 'Costello en Monday and Tuesday in the town hall. A number of judgment summons were also dis,s posed o'f. The court did not meet in December as the date was a public holiday in honor of the birthday of King George W. Consequently sever- al cases were laid over until January, 'One +case occupied a great deal of time on ttfonday morning, Judgment was given in favor of the ` plaintiff. The court adjourned for the afternoon and met again Tuesday morning, .All cases were disposed of. One case was dismissed. Mr. Edwin Norris has returned to 'Ri'tcltene.r after spending his holidays with his aunt, Mrs. E. B. "Goud•ie and Mr. 'Goethe. The date for the Hospital Aid bridge has been changed froth Jan. 20 to jau, '19 at 8 p.m. in G. W. V. •A. 111 rs, !James 'Littlejohn of Galt is visiting her sister, Mrs. \\', H, S'hold- irt who is very ill. Mrs. ;James Ferguson, of Bayfield, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Geddes, this week. 11aster Mairray Nicholson, who has been seriously fB with pneumonia, is now out of danger and improving gra- dually, all are glad to know. Mr, and Mrs. William Somerville of Woodstock were visitors in town. Mrs, L. C. Jackson leaves this week for an extended visit with Mrs, Pang- mali in Toronto. :Mrs. Alex, ,Vivian of Stratford vis- ited Mrs. W. W. Cowan on Tuesday. The curlers were able to hold their +bonspie( on 'Wednesday afternoon, though outdoors there was a heavy rain, the weather having turned mild- er. The games were completed and supper wan served' in the rooms at the rims Miss Ethel McDougall, R.N., re- turned to' Detroit an Monday. Mrs. Fleury :Hoggarth is 'visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Atkinson in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. William /Elliott and Arthur \larshail, of Mitchell, Mr. John Steins and daughter, Mrs. Geo. Evans, of Brussels, were guests of Mr. J, al, and Miss Robertson. Mrs, E. C. McClelland of Toronto spent the week end with her mother. Mrs. R. S. Hays. Mr. W. H. Golding, al: P„ lift on Tuesday for Ottawa for the opening of parliament on Thursday. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Seaforth Horticultural 'Society was held in Carnegie 'Library hail on Wednesday evening, Jan. 11.ilth. The report of the treasurer, Mr. \Van. Hart, showed a favorable 'balance. The officers: Pres- ident, 'Miss Ethel Beattie; 1st Vice Pre, Miss Jean McLean; /2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. 'E, :\ppieyard; Sec•-Treas:, +E. C. Chamberlain; directors for two years, Mrs. T.' B. Russell, I. H. Weed - mark. 'Gordon Reynolds, Mrs. J. H. Scutt, Mrs. IW; J. Dickson; directors for one year, Hiss Alice Daly. Miss M. Henry, 'Miss E. M. Ferguson, W. C. Barber, Wm. Hart. Auditors, Miss Annie Ferguson, Miss I. Watson. FIRE BRIGADE ELECTS, Seaforth Fire Brigade held its an- nual meeting Tuesday evening in their 'room in the town halld. The 'of- ficers 'for 1191317 are, Chief, 'E. 3, Box; Foreman, A. \V. Dick; Asst, Fore- man, 'Allan 'Reid; Treasurer, Frank Sills; Secretary, John Cummings. 'Re- ports showed that there had been a number of fire alarms but that prop- erty loss had been very small. YOUNG •PEOPLE'S The Young People's Union of /Northside United Church was 'held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 113th. The meeting was in charge of the Christ- ian ,Fe'll'owship :Department led by .Miss' Luella iKaine. !Opened with hymn 191)3, :followed by ,prayer by Helen Crieh• Scripture was taken by Miss Myrtle Carter. A very interest- ing topic, "Courage and +Loyalty, was taken by 'Rev. M•r• Keine, which we all en'j'oyed very 'much. 'The roll can was taken by Miss 'Vera Molle, Business was then discussed, Mr.' Sam Scott, .our new president, led in song for about ten in'in'u'tes, The meeting closed with the Mizp•ah .bene- diction, BORN 'Kirkby. -In Scott Melmorial Hosp- ital, Seaforth, on Friday, Ian, 8th, 110317,. to Mr, and 'Mrs. Lew M. Kirk- by, Brussels. a daughter. Township Councils Appoint Officials at Initial Meetings TUCKERSMITH Council Minutes- The first meeting of the " Council was held in the .town 'hall, Seaforth, when each of the council took 'the declaration of office, after which Rev. Canon t 1p;pleyard, who very kindly attended the Board, implored Divine guidance to attend the +Coun- cil in their work and deliberations during the coining year, and that peace, amity and consideration, char- acterize all their business transac- tions, and that 'war and strife be con- fined to Europe. The minutes of last December meeting were read and passed. The following' officers *ere appointed: Auditors. Harold Crich and Artlurr Finlayson, at same sal- ary, $1212.50 each; Weed Inspector, Roland /Kennedy at 219c an hour; W. P. Thompson, •member Board of 1-!etclth, and Robert 'Dalrymple, Road Superintendent. The Clerk was auth- orized to secure dog statement books and assessors' guide. All appeals in regard to striking off of •dogs must be nttule at the 'Court of'Redision; no consideration to 'be given to any com- plaint otherwise. except in case of error (clerical). Bylaws 1 and 13, to authorize the borrowing of $1114,000 from the Canadian Bank of Com- merce and 3110,4100 from the Domin- ion hank respectively, .were passed, Bylaw INo..3, to ,provide for ex- penditure on township roads to the extent of $1.i1',000 was also ,passed, and copies forwarded to the '!Dept, of Highways, Toronto. The Clerk 'watt authorized to secure eight subscrip- tions to the Municipal 'World for use of Council and officials. 'I'Ite Treas- urer was 'authorized to secure the ne- cessary 'books, so that the accounting system of the municipality may meet the requirements of the •deputy mm- ister. The Collector was given an ex- tension of time until the next meet- ing of the Council to collect arrears, The accounts were passed as follows, E. P. Chesney, treasurer's statement, $I1)100; \\', Amen', fuel, $1296 J Selmer, fuel, $114.40; .\, C. Routledgt supplies, relief, $'6.183; W. ;I, Finnigan. supplies relief, 11118.73; Cook's store, supplies, relief, $.9.6); J. K. Cornish, hall, $4,00; 11. A. Reid. insurance, 31'; 'D. 'Ir. MoG•egor, reg. B., 1I, and D ilti.215 711111, World. subscriptions, $8: John Earle, transporting and o irking with sten. $7,80; IR. Dalrym- plc, pay list 'No. 111. $70.17e1; 'Camay of Horan, patient in hospital, 9)14.85, I he Council adjourned to meet Sat- urday, 'Jam !3flth, at 2 o'clock p.m.— The Council instructed the assessor to inspect all hush lots claming ex- emption previous to the Court of Rc vision in relation to acreage, density and other statutory requirements and each owner of bush lot claimingex- emption be required to sign an agree- ment to keep all livestock out of said bush lot and the assessor be ,paid 135c per hour whille he is doing the work, D. F. 1•IcGre•gor, Clerk. HIBBERT Council Meeting— The inaugural meeting of Hibbert Council was held on Monday, Janu- ary Ill, all members .present, the Reeve presiding. e1l1 members sub- scribed to the necessary Declaration of Office, and assumed 'their respon- sibilities. The following appnlntments were made: Clerk—Mrs. 'K. Feeney; Treasurer, IA. +A. Colquhonn; Assess- or, Joseph IP. !Roach; Auditor, P. Ile Bern; 71.0. H. --IDs, K. McGregor: Sanitary Inspector and, ntenther B.O. H., James Scent: engineers for D. & \V. Act. Roger and McGeorge; sheep valuers, )(dill G. Scott and Andrei' McLachlin; caretaker of hall, Henry I-Iarhttrn: school attendance oflicet•, Thos. 2) ly'nettx, weed inspector, ;Rus- sell Scott. The officials present and councillors subscribed to the Oath of .Allegiance to Ring George V1, By - Law No. 4413, 'confirming official ap- pointments and •13y -law iKo. 444, au- thorizing the reeve and treasurer to borrow from Canadian Bank of Com- ni.eree a sunt (not exceeding $1!0,0130) for current expenditure were ,passed. The following resolutions 'were .pas- sed: That a'll private parties be charg- ed $l:513 'for rent of 'Township Hall, and all ,parties where admission fec is charged, pay 913,150 for rent of hall. with the exception of Women's In- stitute and all church entertainments. 12. That the reeve and clerk be author- ized to sign and sulbmi't to the De- partment of Highways the report of the road superintendent requesting statutory grant 'as provided by On- tario H'igh'ways' Act. B. That !the time for return of collector's roll, 419136, be extended to May !1st, 1037, and the collector F. /O'Brien, be au- thorized to continue •c,lleotion of ar- rears for 19216. The ,following orders were issued: general +expense, SIS.; road expense, $'518.; direct relief, 929$6. The meeting adjourned until 'Monday, February- 1st at I11 gam—Kathleen" Feeney, Municipal Clerk, Dublin, n McKILLOP Council Meeting— The township council of McKi'itq'p held their statutary meeting nit Mon- day at the Carnegie Library, Seaforth, and Appointed +the +fallowing officials for 111937; Clerk, John 'M'dNay; Treas- urer, F. Bruce (Medd; Assessor, Jas. •O'Su'llivan;, Collector, George Mc- Kee; Auditors, Jas. B. (Hogg and (Alex. Dennis; '71.10.H., IF, J. Burrows, M.D.; Sanitary ,Inspector , George Eaton; School Attendance 'Officer, David ,Boyd; 'Drainage Inspector, Charles IRegele: Weed Inspector, irrank Storey. Patrolmen—Louis McGrath, Henry Klleber, John !Shea. 'George H. Leon- hardt, Joseph Murray, Calvin Hilleat, Thomas Scott, 'Roy Patrick, Alf. Brown, Russel Barrows, John Powell, Vincent Lane, A, (Harrison, Jno. Malone, Percy Smith, Finlay McKer- cher, Willliam 'Kerr, IP, McLaughlin, R. C. (Dodds, IEd. Davidson, William Somerville, J. R, Leeming, Joseph Cannp'bel!I. 'Pound 'Keepers: ;Johan Walsh. Jos- eph Carlin, Henry F. Beu'ermann, Wm, Anderson, Joseph Scott, Chas, 'Kleber, George McKee, Percy Tay- lor, 'Henry Beunew•ies. Fence 'Viewers: John 'Delaney, Wm. 'O'Reilly, /Robert Dougherty, • 'Peter .R'cicert, .Wm. J. Shannon, R. !1\, Campbell, Fred Scarlett, Thos. W. McMillan, Zack. '\leS•padden. Sheep Valluators — John McDowell, (John 'Shea, •P., C, Dodds, Henry \'i ieterson. Building, Inspect ors: (Robert Hogg. Charles Case; Wil- liam Somerville, TUCKERSMITH The 'Tuckersntith Ladies' Club met at the !tone of Mrs. Herman Crich on Wednesday. 'January . 6 with twenty- two ladies and live children •present The meeting was opened 'by repeat- ing the opetting ode, and roll call was responded to by offering helpful sug- gestions for the Club. The president, in her initial speech offered the foll- owing suggestions _ for consideration this year: 'fake some active part in the group which you are criticising. !Due't trait for some one to coax yott. ,hitt volun- teer occasionally, for this tends to turn the critical faculties into chan- nels of usefuhtc.s, 2. Attend oteetngs regularly. Even when not an this program committee be there. Your presence is a help. t3. 'Do not discuss the business of the group only with the person seat- ed next you. If yott have anything to say' (,*et op and say it out loud so the person in the farthest corner of the back row knows your view on. 'the subject. 4, Be an time. A few minutes of tardiness may throw a cordially plan- ned meeting completely- off its track. 5.'Ilake a study of the work of the society to we just where your partic- ular talents can he most useful. Then get 'busy using those talents to the best advantage. O. Talk about your society to others. It' possible brim: ailong a new mein - her. No ,group is ever sufficient unto itself. If it is going to develop it re- quires new blood. 7, Be enthusiastic and if you can't find out e lay. Try a word of praise for the officers once in a while for they need encouragement. Sweeten your complaints with a little tact and you'll get more results. 8. Don't measure you service or any other; by the amount of money given. Any society that places money :before service is headed for .oblivion. 9. Keep looking for plans that will prove uscfnl to your .roup. '10. Last of all he the kind of mem- ber c,nt would want :back of rnu if you were in the president's chair. Be willing, he gracious, be enthusiastic be thoughtful. .\ solo, "Some Day I'll Wander Back 'Again," was rendered by Miss 11. Crich. Piano solos Were given Iby 1)isses. Sara \Vhitmore and Viola Peper. A reading, ''How to feed and clothe Ten Children," was given by Mrs. Gill' Crich. It was decided to purchase new sottg hooks 'for the club, and to 'have lunch at 4.13)3 instead. of 5 •p,nt. The treasurers report was giv- en showing a. satisfactory stem on hand with Which to 'begin 111107, The 'February meeting will be held at the hoarse of (Mrs, lN'orris IS'ilicry :acid will 'be itt charge of Mrs. •Siliery, Mrs, Oke, Mrs. tA. Townsend, 'Mrs, Roy Pepper and /Mrs. !Garrett. (The soli! call is to lbe answered Iby the most beautiful titling 1 have .seen during the month. !Mrs. IGiff 'Crich :and Mrs. Mc - 'Gregor 'were chosen captains of group including all m'em'bers. Which- ever group has the highest number answering roll calls correctly (not 'by plain "present") for the year is to be (given a tea•'by tribe losing group. Mrs. Walter 'Pepper was made converter of the ;social +conunittee. Each member is requested to bring one-quarter Start the New Year W!t}l a PERMANENT Special 2.95 Other Prices • Sutherland Beauty Shop PHONE 152 Willafflar ®o® DANCING! DUDLUN Fri., Jan. 15th Tony Farr presents the Aristos —9 Piece Orchestra 'Pickets 35c (ta>; included) COMING To the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21st TWO BEAUTY CULTURE EXPERTS of the widely known Lucille Nichols Salon, Toronto, spe- cializing in, Permanent Waving Marcelling Hair Cutting and All Branches of Beau- ty Culture. PHONE 45 FOR APPOINT- MENT M. Collier. D. McGill. In the Odd Fellow's Hall !Formerly 'G.W,RT.A, SEAFORTH Fri., Jan. 22nd Otto Henderson's Orchestra 'Admission 136c yard of 'flannelette to the February meeting, also a Valentine gift for ex- change with another member, Mr. Vern Terryberry of Essex County visited with old •frien•ds and neighbors here last week, Mr, :A. Townsend is confined to Itis bed with a very had cold. MANLEY Word was received here Tuesday of the death of Mrs. Thos. 'Rawley of Flint, Mich., where she resided with her daughter, Claire. She was born 65 years ago in Logan Twp., half mile north of Dublift, daughter of the, late 'Mr. and Mfrs, John Kenny. Sti3 was married 4O ,years ago and resid- ed in Dublin where Mr. Rawley car- ried on a butcher business and later moved to Sea•forth. Twenty-eitnt years ago site moved to Port Huron where :he resided until hie years ago When. she moved to !Flint. Miclt, Her funeral will take place on Thursday in the family phot, Port Huron, being front Iter son's residence to the par- ish church where requiem high mass will be celebrated. She is survived by two sons, John and Joseph of Port Huron and two daughters. Mrs. Hord of Philadelphia and Miss Claire .>f Flint, Mielt„ and two brothers, Phil- ip and Frank Kenny of Dublin attd four sisters, .Miss Julia A. Kenny of London and 'Sister Claves, St. Jae• eph's Community, Toronto; Mrs. Jno. Shea, Dmituth, Minn., and Mrs. Con. !Eckert, Seaforth. She was .predeceas•- ed by her daughter Mary. who died when her car skidded into the Black iRiver at Port 'Huron sixteen years ago when a swing bridge was open for a boat; her son 'Albert was ticil'led in a car accident in ,Detroit five years 'ago. Her sister, Mrs. John Nolan, died a few months ago. Her brother, (Joe. Kenny, who sailed for South America 416 years ago, has never been heard ,from since, DIED. Neeli•e. !Frederi'c'k W.—At St. Mich- ael's Hospital, T'oron'to, on 'Tuesday, January 122, ,Firederiek W. ;Neelin, ibe- l'oved husband of Mary McBride, 08 Chamberlain (Avenue, Toronto, prop- erty valuator. Department of High- ways. Resting at IBroWn Bros: Fune- ral Home, Eglinton 'Avenue at Ouf 'crib 'Street, Funeral service 'on Thursday^ at 7 o'elOck. Interment Prospect Cemetery,