HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-01-14, Page 1'blue' coal.' 'When all the. World is young, gad. 1And all the trees are ;green; And every goose a.s'wan, lad. And every lass a queen; 'ben hey for boot and saddle, 'lad, , And 'round the world away; Yoinrg (blood. must have itscoarse, lad ;And every dog, its day. ea.forthNe HURON CO U N T Y'S LEADING NEWSPAPER When .0.'1 the w.orl'd..is old, lad, And al the trees cre'browit;; .And all the sport is stale, lad, And all the wheels ruin clown; Creep home,. and take yotir;,p'lace then, T'he spent asci snarled among; God grant you find one face there, Yiwi loved when all was young. -:-Charles ';Kingsley: !WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 59, No. 2. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1937. Phone 84,. a year. apse Leaf SOAP.. 'FLAKES Iii IS ONE .OF THE BEST Almost equal to. Lax 2 DES. FOR 25c LIED APPLES-- Good PPLES—(Good Quality • 4 lbs. 25c COOKING APhPLES— ,Domestics .... Large •Basket 25c SEEDED RA'IS'INS— Loose 2 lbs. 29c HEINTZE BABY SOUP Per Tin 10c HE1iNTZ MUSHROOM SOUP— Per Tin 15c CLARKE'S LAMB STEW Per Tin 19c CLARKE'S BOILED DINNER— 19c CAKES, FANCY SANDWICHES 2 lbs. 29c FLUSHO TOILET FLUSH— (Per Tin 19c TW'O-IN-ONE SHOE POLISH— Per Tin 10c TOILET PAPER ,,., ,, 8 rolls 25c When you feed Master's Red Head, your troubles in eggproduction are over,. Per Cwt„ $2,75. A. C. Routiedge PHONE 166 NONE YOUR 0 R FOR ORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Rev, T, A. Carmichael, Minister. fin a.m., "James, the Zealot." 7 p.m.. "\Vho is Near the King- dom?" S.S. at 2.30 p.m. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH Services for Sunday, Jan. 117. S. S. and Bible Class, .110 a.m. Morning prayer l'1, a.nt. Sermon topic, "The Guiding 'Principle of Our Life," 'Evening service, 4.30 n,nt. Sermon topic, "The Beginning of Signs." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ,Seaforth. \Earning service at 11: S.S. at 2.30: evening service at 7. Prayer meeting. 'Phttrday evening. at 8, .Morning .ernam by the minister, 'The Gospel '(riven by Matthew." Evening sermon by the minister; 'The U.nsearchable . Riches of the !Message, , BROTHERS REUNITED AFTER 431 YEAR'S St. Catharines, Ont., Jan, !S—+A•n ac- cident in which .George .\f,dDermid was severely injured resulted in !being r'euni'ted with a brother he had not ;aeon in 43 years. Knocked down by an Maio two weeks ago. MicDermid was Ibrou,ght to St. Catharines general hos- pital and his employer, 'Ellwood Arm- brust, tried to ;get in touch with red'a-' ti'ves. iKnowing he came from ,Seaforth !Mr. Armbrust addressed a letter "to relatives of 'George McDerinid, Sea - ,forth,. Ont." Today 'George MdDermid was united with his brother, Malcolm, • who is a resident of R. R. No. 4, Clinton, just outside Seaforth. Tvlr, 'George'.MeID'erntid hasbeen re- moved from St. Catharines to the home of his brother, Mr, Malcolm McDlerntid, Hullett, and Mi s, 'MleDer- assid. IH'is .sister, Miss iv9c1D'ertnid of Seaforth, is also spending the 'winter there, Mr. 'MdDermid suffered chiefly from shoek,as a resole of a 'blow on the head, 'blit 'fortunately he had no !bones !broken and is making gradual recovery, and is able to be around, STATUTORY MEETING The inaugural meeting off Seaforth municipal council •was held on Mon - lay, Jain, I1fl1th at 11111 a.m. in the town hall, when the 1191317 ;council. took the oath of office. The proceedings opened, with pray- er by 'Rev. Canon Appleyard, who also made a few coit'gratttlatory re- marks ta'the council on their ne-elec- don to office and besipoke .peace, hap- piness and goodwill' for their deeli'her- ations during the year. Al] members were present, Mayor Sutherland presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read by Clerk '3.A.. \Wilson, 3[ayor. Sutherland proposed that a striking committee be named, as in previous years, to arrange •the eon ntittees and report to council at night, Councillor Parke introduced a slop tion re -appointing all of Mast year's standing: committees, which was sec- undid by Councillor Cl'uff. TOWN CLERK RETIRES. Mr, John A. Wilson retires this veck "as Town Cleric of Seaforth, to he succeeded by his .son, Mr, Da- vid ' H. Wilson, who has assisted his father, Mr. John A. Wilson 'has serv- ed the town as clerk for thirty years, (raving succeeded 1 h e late William El- liott in 1904, Mr, \Nilsonis a for- mer Mayor of Seaforth, having been elected by acclamation in 1900 and 1901, His father, the late D. D, Wilson, was Mayor in 1693-4.. '('here have been many changes at the town hall during the thirty years. The ,public di'bra•ry was 'housed in it Conrteillor •Ho'lntes moved an am- at that time, 'The clerk's office was upstairs in those days and, being, so far front -the street, it was very lone- ly, Mr. \'Vilson recalls, The office is now on the ground floor; the police- man's roosts having 'been remodelled some years ago. en4ntent that the councilgo into committee of the whole and be strik- ing 'committee: Councillor Duff; "Thai is out of order," 'Councillor Parke: "I don't 'wish to rush anything through. If there is any amendment ,I will withdraw my motion." After some discussion as to whe- ther a striking committee of three be appointed or whole council act as striking committee, the following motion. was passed: (Holmes -S'cot't: "That the whole council be the strik- ing committee to strike the standing committees for the year, and report to the council," Committees For 1937, 'The report to the council upon ris- ing; from committee was as follows;. '1 1nance--'Reid, Keating, C'lulf. Streets—Holmes, Scott, Keating, Property --Sill., Cinff, Parke, Fire & Water—:Parke, Chaff, Reid, •Relief.-11fohnes, Scott, Sill.. Court of Revision—Mayor, Reeve, Parke, Cluff, ;Keating. IReicl.flolmes, that report of strik- ing committee be adopted. The Clerk read a letter from ' the Public Utilities Commission request- ing council, to defer appointing of- ficials until joint •platters could be (lisnus.ecl, Council requested Chair- man E. L. liox of the 'P.U,C, to at- tend before adjournment. Egmondville United Church. Rev. A. W. Shepherd, Minister, l0 a.m—Sunday !School, hl a,m —The Prodigal Son repented when he was youth;, \\'e will all re- pent same day, 7 p.tat.---'livening Service, E. L. BOX APPOINTED MANAGER OF P.U.C. .\t a meeting. of the 'Pablic Utilities Contutt cion on Wednesday after- noon lir, 'E, L. Sox was ttamecl chair- man and manager. David Wilson was appointed secretary -treasurer ,at $4,1.- oft and'Andrew Little, waterworks asst. and weigh scale olerk at $515.0( Per •month. It was decided to advert- ise for applicants for the position of stenographer for the P,1.'.C. and town, as recommended by the joint meeting of the town and commission. SIR JOHN AIRD RETIRES Sir John Aird, dean of Canadian banking. on Tuesday announced his retirement from the presidency of the Canadian Bank or Commerce, He will be succeeded by S. 1=I. Logan, •aeneral manager since 1926. Sir John started in the bank in 11578 as a steno- grapher. He w•as knighted in 1931.7 far his .services in war -bine financing. Many of the older residents of town recall when Sir John Aird was man a_er of the Flank of Commerce at Seaf rth, TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The annual congregational •meeting for the election of officers 'for the conning year and the hearing of re- ports of the .past year. will be held on :Monday. Jan, 118th, at 8 p.m. in the '.tarish hall of St. Thoma: church. Busy Budding 'Phe town hail was a very busy holding their inaugural meeting in building on Monday 'morning. 'Div- ision Court, with a lengthy list of cases, was sitting in the ycouncil chamber; S'ea'Sort'.h town council was firensen'sroost, and Tluckersmi h Township council was meeting 'n the auditorium. This was all in ad- dition to the usual activitiesat the municipal]' '(tuilding, TOWN COUNCIL Meet Monday and Tuesday Evenings to Deal with Many Matters, The adjourned meeting of counc was hold on Monday evening at, p.m., all present .except Mayor, i whose absence Reeve J. H. Scott wa appointed chairman. Council went int committee of the whole to discuss th proposition from the Public 1Utilitie Commission, Chairman E. L. Box the Utilities outlining the plan for co operation .in carrying out the alit work of the town and the P.'U.C., give the best service possible. Upo rising fronts, .committee, counlcijammedail jammed sntil Tuesday evening at pm., At the adjourned meeting on Jan 112th, on motion of Sills and Cluif Reeve Scott again occupied the chair :Messrs, F. S. Savauge,anct IP. j. 'Bois by were a cleputat,'Itn 'front the Lion on behalf of the nt•fund. Bylaw 3822 for ,purpose of appoint Mg town officials for'19i37"was passed D..11. Wilson was appointed •clerk a a salary of $3'00 and treasurer at a sal ary of $27130. !Mr, Wi'l'son succeeds hi father, John (i\. Wilson who Inas hel01 this position for a number of years Assessor WilliamWilliamtA'ment at a salar of $71150; Engineer, S. 'W._ Archibald Chief' Constable •H'elmar Snell, ''Fir Chief. E. J, Box, salary '$715; Town So licitor, !H. IG. Meir, salary $1i00; audi for Miss ,Hazel Reid and John Mac Tavish, salary $317.510.each; Collecto of,i)og Taxes, etc., Helmer Snell Pound 'Keeper and Scavenger, Thom as Storey, at a salary of $6'0 ',pe month with free hoose; Boarcl o ;Health, 'Dr. Harburn, A :'S.; Fence viewers, Sant •Hanna, 'Robert IS: