HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-27, Page 5''THURSDAY, DE'CEMB'ER 27, 1434 • ur y�I� ).sTOREs . Wishes you A Nappy New Year! To you all, we extend our best wishes for Good Health and Happiness, for Better Business, for Prosperity and for Joy, Peace and Contentment. May the New Year crown your efforts with Suez cess, and we trust that our Stores may, by square dealing and good service, con tribute largely to that success. PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC, 27, 28, 29 iAN'D 31st CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP HILLCREST SHORTENING 2 TINS 15c 1s SODA BISCUITS, 1 1b, bag IDEAL SWEET PICKLES, large f m' a il r g Y ]a 1®c 2 LBS. 25c AC'ILMER CHOICE TOMATOES, 2/s 2 OZ 7 A 27Ci POPPING CORN TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT TIN 1 0 c PER LE. 15 c GREEN GAGE PLUMS ! S FOR 25c 2 TINS 19 c MIXED NUTS, ORANGES, LEMONS, .GRAPE'S, CANDIES, GINGER ALES, 'CTGARS, CIGARETTES, APPLES, VEGETABLES, !SQUASH. YES, EVERY- THING FOR NEW YEAR'S. oss J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. LVAILKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Season's Creeflngs to All A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. Sas, T!LL.-11'iltva Dinnin 69.4, Roger Venncr 65.1, Jd. 1TT,—Ro , Sararas 6x2.4, Jean Wright Cx1..3, 'Margaret Trellry 56.3, '31,—s)tan McDonald 58,7, Adcen Chambers 54, II.—Erna (Chambers 64.5, Shit"Icy. Redden 40.7, Fr.—Dorothy AfeDonald, Cather- ine'Creen, 'E. E, Gibbings, Teacher. ST, THOMAS. S.S. CONCERT St, Thomas Sunday School held their Christmas concert on Friday everting, the kiddies having their sup- per first, •about 6 o'clock, The 'con- cert started about 7,45, the rector, !Rev, Canon Ap:plcyard being chair - ma, i t or 1. the program.. o tent. g 1 Opening , chorus, h r g o u,, "Catch Sweetly Carol ' and "Hart,' the Herald An- gels sing," with Miss J. Edge as ac- companist. 2, Song (trio) Grade, Ro- bert and 'Nelson .Stead. 3, Recitation, Louise Case. .4, Piano solo, Doris Ferguson. rs l . Ult. g 5. Recitation, n Isabel i Case. 6.Song, John Oldfield, with Mfrs. R. !L. Nott as accompanist, 7. Song, Bethlehem, !DorisFerguson, 8, Pt ano duet, J. Oldfield and Shirley. 9. Letter drill, Good Will to Men, by 8 eh g , ,li), Recitation, Louise Case. ;I1 (Piano solo, Kathleen F'lolntes. h2, Recitation, Jim ,Brown. 113, .Dance, (Shirley and ,Arnold' Oldfield, Mrs. Nott accompanist, 114. Recitation by 3 boys, Some Future Citizens of our I own. M. Motion song, Merry Xmas 'Day, Miss J, iEdge accompanying, 16. uftar deut, Jean Dungey and Caro - e Holmes. 1i7, Dialogue, The Nas- ty -'!louse, by Miss J. Edge's class, Song, .Kathleen 'Holmes and aAlly- nne \bore. IG lin gh 20. HIBBERT., f va 1Sehool report of (Separate Schoo' No. 4, Hibbert. for the months o September to December. 'Tlhe naives are listed in order of merit; ISr, PV.—:Tani MfoItver, Clare Jor- dan, Mat Coyne. ISr. IIlIiL—V'ontty O'Connor, Rita Mayer, (Rita Coyne, Carl 1 ee'uoy, Peter Jordan, (Billy Morris, Frank O'Connor, jJn. I'iI.=Lorne Feeney, Tom Mor- ris, Cecelia Givlfn. (Si, TIL-1An:gela O'Reilly, Rose I,c Ivor Hairy 1O'Connolr- (1' LI,—Tom Feeney -,Torii Jordan. Mariner Ci•ass—(Jack .OSRei'1'ly, Ang- ela Morris, Martin• Feeney; Jimmy Feeney. R. M. O'Connor, Teacher V. Class--lTria TAeffry 70'141' per sent, Jr. LV—Norma Chambers 67.9; R•hye Chambers•^64,' Willner MCID'on- a'Pen Santa appeared, much to the de- g, a present Oanon 'A, Smith gave an adCbresS, followed by a carol, Hbly .Night, with Miss Edge accom- panying. 'The benediction .was pronounced by Cation Appleyard. BORN Boaenyan.--4In Scott Memorial I-Iospi- tal, on Wednes.day, Dec. 26th, 1934,. to Mr. •and Airs. Prank B'owtman, Seafolith, daughter. Drives lAisiehrna Like Magic. The immediate helip from Dr. j. D. Kel- logg's lAstlisma lRetnedy seems :like magic. Nevertheless it is only a na- tural remedy. used in a natural way The smoke or vapor, reaching the most remote passage .of ehe affected a a. way ior fresh air to entet. It 4 .by , dealers throughout the la r THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS. Mr. and .Al:rs. Panes of Toronto returned A ter spending several da and Mrs, W. .f Walker. Mr. and Mrs,Armour London spent Cdtrishn. mother, Mrs. W. LA. Dem Mr. and Mrs. W. H. r Christmas at 'the home Mrs. A, Morrell, Lo Jack and Bill a'ccompani Mr. W. W, Stevens o Quebec,is spendingthe the 'home of 'his patents, Mr. H•dw.ard Carintcha ering College, Newdnl'arke't ing %vith his parents, Re T.A. Carmichael,' Mrs. H. Cudmore left to spend the winter with Mrs. John 'Snell of Exete Mr. and Mrs, J, E. Smit borough were guests on the latter's mother, M Beattie, 'Mr. Ronald Mfaclliay Ethel MacKlay of Toronto, and -Ale's. Mason of Blyath of Mrs. Hugh a,lad.Kay, 'Mr. and Mrs, C. E. ,Sn Christmas with his parents Mars, E. C. Smith, at !Blyth, Afi:ss Jeannette Finnigan Island is a holiday guest parents, Mf and Mrs. W. J. Mr, and Mrs, Herb. Cot family, Egimondville, spent in London, 1•fessrs. (Parry and ,lack of .Renfrew and Collingw spending the holiday ,vi mother, Mins. J, .D. Itinchley: Mfr, and Airs. Sant Hann Christmas Lay visitors with Mr \Veber at 1\`ondhant, Aline Betty ifalcolm of T, a holiday visitor with her Red. and Mrs C. A. \I'alcolt Ad e's Ria (duds of Toronto for the hol,dal•s, Miss 'Florence Laidlaw of spelt Christinas at her home, ?DI 1 . J. Burrows and Miss Burro'w's lett Saturday to Christmas to \1'innfpe;;-wit h M41 Banbury. \lr, and Mrs, •Peter Cald Cameron of St, Catharir,cs, Christmas with her parents, A Air_Adam Hays, s Jean Cluff, _X'akina, is 1 the Parental hone. 1Vill Pollard +,f Sebring• g his parents, Ala and Foliate!, Al ary •II rvs, Toronto, na, visitor with her p d Mrs, Adana (lays, Afar y Jackson, Toronto is holidaying with frier h and Afiivefton, Reid Falmunds returoe rd on Wednesday after at his home, Mr. Arthur if. Ilautflton also visited Mlargueiite Black of 1Tan ristnta. visitor with her r. and Mfrs, 'Vm, Black, Margaret Broadfoot of H mal, is spending the hol one nd Mrs. J. A, Brodie Toronto were Christmas h her parents, Mr. and Beatty. a s lir e Allan of Hamilton O❑ 3 o' I her parents, ent MI. r. les Allan. d Airs. L. E. Webster e are 1 isiting his pare Airs, John H. Webster. d Mrs. .• ani ' J tet Alla- n. Mfr gar S Allan and two child Louise Allan ,pent Cha• h.ittord at the hdlne ,oi f Airs. Allan Sr., Rev, urge Crich, Miss Gertr Mr, and Mrs, Earl Sts o were holiday visitors of .Mr. and Mrs. W. safe Grieve, Chatham, a Ttmnmy 'Grieve Winds Mr, and Mrs. T. Grim le. ses Eva and Ida Love e spending the holiday arent5 ibfrs. Love is nuc nd \'Lr. 'Love, in his 54t oat Isis sight about tine is quite bright. y friends of Mrs. Georg eon street, are sorry t s ill again. e K•nec'hte'l of Kit bene • with her parents, Air Vdtldani fC�nec'htel, a McMillan of Toronto is taaren'ts, e[r, and Mrs. W. 1te rh'tizzartl visited this \Vednes'day, making travel o'ads impossible by car, 'Pala highways are m'oslhl y o'er .of cauls e went into the Paavin'cial highlway in storm, arhway, collision near tH'a- rilsltmas night when one e Ilnternational Limited G. Cameron U•ednes'day af- ys with bar. Dundas of 1a wi'th. his das. Stevens 'spent of Alr. and ndeebnrough, ed them, f•Norancl�a, hoijdaye at on James St, el of Pick- , is holiday - r. and Mrs. on1. Sunday her niece, r, h of Peter- christtllas of re. l;panes and Miss and Mr, are guests lith spent , Mr, and of Pelee with her +Irinu,igan., Con and Christmas 1lulchley nodi are th their a were Mr, and wento is parents, 11, is Here Toronto Eleanor. spend Mr, and er and spent ir. and toliday- vine is Mars. was a arents, 1)0 - ids in d to boli- Ed- his inion p'ar- amil- id -t S Y and { l s - Mrs. I and of n ts. and ren 1St- a and Gotta Mins ing at Aft vision Alias Christ] Mr, an Alise vers, ty, Seafort Dr, Bran tfo dayin.; monis Incther. Alt is a Ch ents, Af A l•i,s ton Nor of her l \'I r. a baby of irons twit R.obt. J, \lis I the gues Mfrs .. Jan •Afr, an Belchttil Air. and .Afr. an \i rs. Ed and Alias mat in S brother 0 Al r,, B.e11 Mlr, Ge Crich and of T'oront the .home Crich, `bliss Be nephew, are a.isituig Egotonclyrl The .Alis Toronto ar with their p improved a year, who I years ago, 'The man 13rown, Ihr lenow she i Mfiss Alec is holidaying nd bars, A Alias Latta visiting her F. McMillan ,An old tit drstriet-on on country though the n open. A num ditch out the the blinding The bad t Milton an Ch section of th ith at A. n cl or, t e, of s h • h e e r D Janies George Dillane and -hiss Thelma Ruth Johnstone, .whose engagement '{vas announced last week, are to be married in London, England, crashed into a holiday special kills f 1 fifteen persons and injuring Das the cause of much antic ly to those w^lio had friends a tives who might have been at trains, but fortunately there It no word of any local person act idenf. 'Miss 11a Kling, , lt.e in of Woodstock Hospital, spe ween en r1 at her home here. hiss Beulah ,Scott of Moron `a week -end visitor with her q Mr. and Urs, J. H. Scott, and Grace Scott of Mitchell is hon at her h tnc, Alisses Ada and Nellie t\'ha Toronto spent Christmas with sister, Mrs, \V, C.Barber. Mr, and Mrs, Reg, Reid an barn of Stratford, Mfr, and Frank Cudnlore and Nancy- of to, and Mr. Dawson Reid of 'pent Christmas with llrs. 5, F. Afr. John Frost', Sarnia, Mt', 'Airs. 'Jerold Prost and-datight thadell, and Airs, Ilowsarcl Ili and Howard jr., all 01 +lint, were Christmas visitors with Mf Mrs. R, Frost. st, \lis Verna MleGregor of To is visiting. her aunt,Mlrs, Ross, Ale, and Al's. Douglas Beattie Marjory of Toronto were Chris guests of his parents, Air. and John P,eattie, Altss .\nna Sutherland, Tor spent Christmas w•,ith her parents, and Airs. :\. D. Sutherland, Miss Mfargaret Thompson of lantow'n, Pa„ is spending the Ch nna,, holidays at her home here. Mr. Jack Daly of New Onrarf spending the holidays with his encs, '_lir. and -\Irs, J. F. Daly, .Afr. and Airs. Sctield and dao ter of Detroit are visiting her pare Mi't anti .Airs, J. A. Case. arks Evelyn Golding. who completed her nurse's course Brantford hospital, is visiting parent lir. anti Mrs, iV, II, IGoldi AIr,, Trethew} Miss A. Trethe and Afr. R. Tre' theft}' of Strtrtf visited Christmas tale with Mfr, a \ler I S. Sa{auge, Junior Farmers hockey games he held on Saturday night, Jan 5 Egmont! vill e vs. Winthrop, and 1 C, linin tbu 1 lu ,cl e•^ sn uth Mr. Percy I•Ioar, of %[agclsviJle spending the holidays with his cunt er, Mrs, W. D.Hoag and sister, Air Edith Hoag. Mfr Dorsey e a 3 [ i - • St rat', I rd , was Christmas Day visitor with his oro they and sister here. Mr. and Mors, William Patrick o Tomato were Christmas visitors a the hone of Airs. MacKenzie, Mr. J, A, Wilson and •MIr. and Mfrs Daviel Wilson and 'Gordon spelt Ohrict'mas at the 'house of _Ash's, C..12. Somerville; .London. Afr. Russell \\'alteits of :Brantford spent Christmtls with friends here. Mr. and -Mfrs Gordon W. Willis of Detroit hit. and Airs. Robert,Willis, Toronto, and Ml r. and Mrs. Harry L. Watston, Goderich, were Chri;,tmas visitors with AIr, and Mrs. .W; G. Winds, Miss Evelyn Cu•danore, R. N., of Toronto, arrived oft "A'ednesda3, to visit her father, Atlr, William Cud - more. Miss Sadie -McDonald of Hamilton spent Christmras with her father, Mr. Donald 2! (Donald Mr, and Mrs. George Love of To- ronto {isi'ted a1 the hone of her par- ents, 2 r and Mfrs, A. D. Scott. \Piss IGledys McPhee is spending the holidays with her parents, 'Mr• inti M'r M. 'McPhee. Miss 1'heln),a Johnstone, wife, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Jbllinstone, left on Wed, nesday morning .to sail foe England, where her marriage will take:place in Jtanu'a,ry to Dr,Dfilaae, Who +las beim in Landoll ,the •past 3 months, i\4'•ss Beatrice Seip and Mr, A. I . Clarli of London were guests of the , •t tttg canerstattet Mr. George Seip, Arr. Carl IF. Welsh, who has con. ducted the service station on Gode- rich st. 'west, has gone to ,Stratford. Miss Cooper, John street, is visiting' her sister, Mfrs, II'antbley, Staffa, many, ty local- nd rola- 1 these as been in the training ung nt the to w'a3 ra rclt Is, Miss idaying tton of their d Bar - Mrs. Toron Guelph Reit. and er Ru- ,rges Mfich, r. and rout() • and tunas Mfrs, Onto, MIr. .A.l- rist- 0, its par- gh- pts, has in her ng, w{- ord nd I th, St. is ss a f • • t EGMONDVILLE 'lrriday evening, Dec. 211, the Eg- tl on • a elt'f ,Ic •' Sun d. a School } It . I Ir . cid their . er Chrd:+lntas concert. Miss ..Margaret Grieve, teacher of the Egulondville school, opened .the program, The con- cert tool;the form of an oratoria broadcast. hiss 'Elinor Scoteluuere, teacher ,f Barna school, thiol gave her program, follotverl by' Mliss Norman dtabkir•k of Sproat'e school presenting hers. The Seaforth chil- dren who attend the F''mmndville S.S. were directed by \lis, Vera Buns„n they presented a short Play. Christmas carol., recitations, tilt logne,, made tip the sy„eulid pre - gram. :Santa Claus ca'n'e immediately at the to incl of the program and de- lighted the children by distributing stocking, of candies, oranges, nuts. The monthly meeting of the i;g- mondvidle United Church ALS. was hall \V'ednesdav afternoon at the home of MIr:. John Reinke, Sea fort it, ith an attendance of 133, Mfrs. M1. 1 fancy presided. 7 a ages m Script- ure referring to the birth 01 Christ were read by Ali,., Tones a•nd Mrs, McQttarrie. Short articles On the t,ap- n were read by Airs, 'Richardson, alt,. -1'nnt', Mrs. J. .Allan and Mir,. 5,Hroadroilt, Mrs. :Malcolm then took charge of tate 'program, •Darin„ the besines, period it was decided to present a life membership certificate 10 Miss Frances noes TIonstoll in mentor). of her mother. The treasurer, Atrs, AV, F. A cAfiltau, rep•arted• $t11t2,;:1 sent to tate Presbyterial treasurer: Mrs. A, Kirk read the devotional .leaf- let "Be of Good Cheer.” The topic, "Francis Xavier" from tate third chapter of the study book was taken by •Mfrs, R. MfclGonigle. The election of officers - er, r esnP ted as follows: 01 pre Mrs, D. Mlacihenzie;l ows Hon. C.A. Mialenhn; vice 'president, Airs. ,T. :Allan, AI•rs, 'MIr. R. \faGouii;le \fisc niter a Mfahel 'Caniernl. Mur \f. H'.anet res. Quit $ec, Mfrs. David McLean: car, sec., al of t Mir MI C ii seine' treas., Air: Al• - '\1 ln;, F. McMillan: assistant, Afr :\ Kirk; few da lit' 10nary- monthly, ifrs J. Stewart: -Mrs. G strangers' sec,Arr. T. G. :Shilling, Alis, law; temperance, Miss Toms; press. end w,i. Mil A. C.'Routledge; supply, Mrs, \\'e Jas. B, ell- {n Christian ,tetvardshin. -Archie .Airs Tlug•h Chesney: peace, Mrs, cent np •Isaac Mfnore; piannat \fes. II'ai••eyd y' sin - wish cerci \'[oars assi tent, Mirs. J, 13roadfoott Mir. a MY atop Hand Supt, ALTs, C. A. Mal- el 'with color; dRaby Band shpt„ Mlrs, J. / 1 - son P'at ran (arch conveners, Mfrs Richard- ata•. a son Mlrs. iR, MdGeoch, Mlrs, G. Cole- lie at h plan and 'iars: t\, .MlclDonald. Lunch wa •served b , be 17th y the ladies, ell (ting one wdsl GODERICH TOWNSHIP 1[r r\ 'Adis (Helen Cox and Irene 1Voods, parents 1 of Loa\cion, are spending the holidays \-ffsses at their hoanes ,here. 'Mrs. David IG'ib• holid'ayfn s.petiding tate holi ant- ds Isletroft li \Ir. an friends here. } easnn with C=vie son \!Crs T, Finglancl: Betties of rGoderich tam n- Ades. 1\ ship is spending Christmas a1 the Stratford bonne of her son a,t \b 1,throp. Misses Sit ses Elva and .Phyllis Elliott are are atter spending Christmas' at their hone ich are h stere. !Miss Esther 'tllreisan of ' clays. Is spendin Clinton S'S. No, g the holiday with her •sis- mac conte ter, Mfr;, Ernest Bell, did Ftrogra The wedding was solemn'fzeil on erawd ante Tuesday evening, Dec. 1'S'th at four \Liss 13e o'clock at the United 'Chturch pats- visiting he enrage, Baylfielel, 'tvihei Rev. E. Mi', mn Gale united in marriage, Mfary Ise- r. arry bel L g Mr. Harr eugra, second. ilau titer ofo \Cr. Siunday end \Irs George Llndsa3' of ;"oder- tel: ich low,ict,:„ .._ itis,. PAGE FIVE, reside in Goderitch township. We' all join in wishing alt 'and Mrs. Orr a long and happy married life. Wilmer (Harrison of Grace United; Church 1 �P.S, gave a ,very interesting talk on the world of the V. 11', S. in the 'London Conference in 'Kippen. on Sun.ila4' evening, 'Dee, 1MGtlt, CEFIELD; • The followi n ,are some of the hol- iday visitor Miss Irene Snider, Miss Margaret .'liken'hcad, Mr, Robt, Me - Naughton and Alis Rhea Rouatt, of London, \l Melvin Snider, 'Strat- ford: Mr, and Alt's. John McIntosh, Toronto, •AIr. Leonard B•oyce, Tees - water, Miss Violet Petrie. Sault Ste. Marie, and Webster McNau.yhton of Northern Ontario, The Aggressive 7. uckersnifh Club held their monthly meeting at the hone of AIr. and Airs. W. A, Haugh with an attendance of about seventy. Mfiss Erma Broadfaot gave an ex- ceilent report of the convention held in Toronto, when she told how the clip was won by the most efficient Club, also haw the various clubs con- ducted their meetings to make thein uteresting. Mr, Will :L'andsborough gave a very interesting account of. his rip out west, when he told of the many hardships the transients had to ncdure. He said many.organizations were sending resolutions to the gov- rnment to protect the boys from awing such easy access to the 'beer m lt.t, and nothing was done to Op the hundreds of boys (even in tele teen age) who without fault of 'mil. own and same well educ'ated,. ere driven to rule'rails. Many of ese boys have no homes and no lend • only those they make in their avcl The meeting %vas favored by mouth organ selection by Mr. Gov- un at rl is: Annie !Dapple, also via - selections by AIr. W. Pepper and r. 1\'. Whitmore, accompanied by ss Sarah 'Whitmore. Mr. Gordon Nott, convener of the recreational non tee, put on a social half hour felt was nntclt enjoyed at the close the meeting, after which an excel_ t lunch tea., server.. le{ and Yat Brenner and clatt- er ,pent Christmas in Si. Thomas, 1'he Christmas entertainment was o,,d success. Much credit is title to programme committee, also the her.; for the excellent programme n. The lantern slides on the life 'Foist were enjoyed. r. Hugh McGregor of Detroit is' fog at his home in the village. r. J, H. O'Neil of Flint visited els in Clition, Tuckers ith and amid. e many friends of Ale, John i will be glad to hear that he is improving in health after ,his ser- iltnra. sses Margaret and Janet Watson union are spending their holidays eir hone, and Alt's. Manson are visiting e latter's parents, Mfr, and Mrs. Thompson, and Ales, John McIntosh of to are spending. their holidays friends in the village and ricttt- t e a h td tl w th fr tr rl lin MI Ali Li rot h of lel 1 gh: the LONDESBORO Fred Thompson has returned short visit in Montreal. Kathleen Yungblutt spent a ys this week with her aunt, . Cunningham. Phyllis Aledd spent the %veek ch Miss Nona Hesla arc very pleased to see Mrs. !Webster home after her re - rid Airs. Harold .Sprung visit - the latter's brother, ..wr, Nel- terson an 'Tuesday. ome to their friends Deem - on date they are cel - their golden .wedding, Any - ling. to call %vill be welcomed. rethure r Lyon is visiting his jean an•d Maritsa Forbes are g at their home. and fa mily are visiting at 'illis Colin ta in visited with friends on Tuesday. Elva ancl Marion Snell who ding high sehool •Goder- orne for the Christmas holi- 10 hold their annual Christ - rt Thursday night. A splen- atrice feittle of London is r parents here. Mrs. Fred ,Anmstrong •and 'Moon of 1Grintsby spent t•he lsoine of Aft-, Joe Car - Mrs, Will. Tamblyn and Toronto visited this week prince's mother, Airs, John on.ly sott of Mr. Robert Orr of Bay- familY °f Party returned -to-) he home of the with the f (Irides parents, • ere a wedding Ta'irThrbSI'Y' 1:111;°' t,)1.itig. dinner was s eyed to the itnittle- diate relatives. Th young couple will watt af Auburn spent a few daYs las't week with her daughter, Mrs. P. Manning,