HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-27, Page 2PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DEC. 'l. 1934. HAPPY NEW YEAR Late Ephriam Brown, Clinton— Mr. Ephria.nt Brown, a highly es- teemed. resident of 'Clinton. passed away at his home on George st. Clin- ton, en Dec, a:4. Deceased who was in hi seceu1)-fifth year, had been in Mailing health for over a year,-11•ioa• to confine to Clinton to reside thir- teen years ago he lived on the 9th ,concession of Ilullett, in which town- ehip he was bort, being a son of the late 'Francis drown and his wife, Elizabeth Snell ,Brown. ,Ile is sur- vived by his wife, who maiden name was Annie ;Stevens, also four daugh- ters (Mallel), Mrs. Milliam Hoggart,. (I >icl Mrs. Ed. 1'ung'hlutt, • (lltta) Mrs. Wesley llriggart, all of 'Flullett, and (11,los.ie1 Mrs, Gordon Cutts of Forest. The pallbearer, were six nei- gltbnrs of his farm )tonic in Hallett: William Stevens. 'Darwin,Carter, Jos. Carter, 'l'heuuas Adams, Charles \\'aymoutlf and George Thompson. lliaternlcnt was made in Clinton ceme— tery. Little Girl Struck By Car— An unfortunate accident occurred in Ethel Village when little :Marjorie 'lint. olio, 'four-year-old daughter of :1r. an 1 \lr.. Cecil •Ilatemati, was t•nck by a Lar driven h/ :Ir. Ed- wa•' a lWittail of Kitchener; a traveler for the. William tot [melt Co. The child's right leg was broken between the knot and hip. Fire Destroys Barn at Brussels— 11 l7eils ,;t (13p<+el, were awaken- ed \ ken - td u y one morning by the ringing „f the tare alarm, nr ,ire had broken tint in the back of a .barn, 11., 'A owned by Jack 11ut'e t e, previously the pro- perty of Mrs. A. 4'. 'Backer. Smoke was smeiltil :mil the rue lint bserv- ed by \1, \\',11;., who gave the alarm. dt was !intimate that the roof, were covered wit?) tin'w, or there w'.111t1 probably have leen nnare lufhlinlgs consumed, For ;4 time it was feared the residence of Wilfred Cameron was. „42111(' h, 2111 prey tel the flames. l•nt inrtunalely it r'eape'd ,lritl1 a bad scorehiIl ( on one +1,14 o3 the :muse. Gilbert Hough— An interesting wedding to.>k place llecember kith at tile Baptist par - some,. e, ar-.tredve, Clio ton. 'oh7n \li . \1ailc1 !Ifongh, granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. John 1l:hlgh of Da.hw',,,,a. was ratite,' in marriage to John ;Frederick Ciiihert of Strut(ord. Rev, (i, \F. Sherman '3(3(4 (el. The bride was becomingly dressed in Bermuda blur crepe, :rearing a gold necklace (bIt her grandmother score at her wedding and - carrying 614(41 ItrArt h?.e.i and fern. Site was a(lol(d by Alis, Eth- el Wolper of (irand !Bend, attired in Jade green •mel carrying pink fma- tions and tern, The grionl was .tlp- ported by 1I r. Charles Carter of Stratford.. \iter the ceremony the bride and ,groom left for Stratford where a wedding dinner -was serve)[ at the 11e,lne ,;f the _groom's- parents, later lea \"if,, for a. Short hone)'rill,{n drip lit Toronto and other eastern points. On their return they will re- side at 133 Centre Street, Stratford. Francis Balfour, Grey Tp.— IFrancis Ila1t' nu', ;111 esteemed resid- ent of 'Grey Township for the past thirty -twit years, pa..c,l at\•ay sud- denly, after biting, in failing health for two years. at his home, on the first concession of grey. in his "70111 year. The late :(r, •(,:four was born in urnherry •I'own.itip, on June 20th, 11865, the son ,.f Mr and Mr .\n - drew lia'four. :\s a ynuug man, he spent tett years i11 service stint the ,Canadian 'Pacific ,Railway in the Rocky 1lottatafn district, bcfnrc marriage on 'February 1201(1, 1902, tAnnic, daughter of A1r, and Airs, J !Balfour of IHfbbert Township, ,who predeceased hint in 1:1113, To this', union ,were horn one son, 'William jeslt(1, on the home place, and one daughter, Airs. Geo. )[11(10 iso11 (Eva Katherine), of the »lith concession of Grey, wit 17 + u t1\e. .\l:n surviving t•r 11 gl are two 'brothers, John and )William >I3al:oto• of 'Turnberry dTownship, and four sisters, Airs, Wm. Reid (Mary. Jane) and Nies Jars. 'Ca:semore (Itfag- gie) both of !Winghant; ':1rs. John 'Campbell ,('Sarah) and 'Mrs, Jas, I\V�dl- son '(Iliate) of (Saskatoon; one sister :(Liza) predeceased hin,, ,Jotermcnt rugs made. ill :foam /Pleasant cemet- ery, Ethel. The pallbearers Nsere 'Alex, I.A•IcIDonaId, !Robert McCute'heon, !Robert ATCIA1Ii;ter, Walter Savage, Dave AIIILean,an and + Jas. \'IcCutch- eon, all old neighbor's, } 1 trottt.:Aoti,t.t ((te- n e 11 ll3ltt Iiia gx -, l��� Vii• r, `, AT Y' f ;,c4Yat Fire At Monkton— ;Consirlerable excitement \\•a4 caused at the home of 1lr. and Mss. D. 13. \\'alt in 1lonkton when fire broke out in the furnace pipes. Unfortunately 11rs. Watt was alone at the time and she endeavored to quell the blaze un- til help could be abt tirl•e(1 and in so doing her chest and (back were sev- erely- burned, Citizens reapolnrding to the call for assistance used ;fire ex- tinguishers and :soon had the blaze ander control. Big Trade in Xmas Trees - 1.A neve industry has conte into pro minenee around Tara this year, the sale • of 'Christmas trees, 'T'his past few 'days has seen several large truck loads of trees being shipped from the farm of :Fred J, Scarrow in. Arran 00(1 5:.rdh of Whitton to !London, for dis' trihtltiou in that city and other points. We understand that )1r. 'Scarrow has sold several hundred trees, at a price of eight cents each, The cutting and getting of these 'tree; out to the toad entails ,a considerable amount of la- bor but it would appear to be a wind- fall for an owner y tet o.t a quantity of evergreen trees, -Tara Leaderr. Perth Cattle for Hepburn Fart,— ._\ccording to tote' Perth 'County 'Holstein ,B'reeders' Association, tw-eu- ty-two head of .Holstein heifers were shipped to the ,P•remier Hepburn Farm in 'Elgin County. Several head were purchased from 'Downie Township with one .head from 'George !Wallace of !Fullarton. To Place Halyard in Flagpole— where wild be no further climbing 'of the 'flagpole in Courthouse Park at l(loderich in an effort .to replace the broken halyard, authorities have de- creed, and a contract has accordingly been let to Wallace \iac)!ougall; bro- thr of the fathoms wres'tlet, "Scotty" \lacDougall, to lower The upper half' of the ,pole which is •to be painted and rot the halyard and thnoth and replace It This decision waa made after a nu1cl de ore resulted from the at- tempts of two :nen to climbthe pale and particularly after three at- tempts o.n the part of 11)111 !'Brush of Auburn faded. The pole was scaled many- years ago but !five efforts with- in the past 'few weeks ' ahve failed. ,Wingham Items.— Mr. Chas. 'A, Robertson, 'M. A was in ,Wingham 'bast week and ftp pears much improved in health.—Mr. !Alfred Carr has been apfp'ointed ;eat. 11 - cense issuer at Wingham, replacing Mr. David tMadD'a+aaid, who 'has held this position for some years. --11,1r. and Mrs, J. H. Crawford were in Cale- donia attending ,the funeral of 11oit brother-in-law, the late '.Hugh An- derson, John .Alexander Gray, Hibbert— !John Alexander Gray, a native of HIiIAberl "Pownship passed away at his home, :Idt 4, -concession -'5. Tor the past year the deceased uz,an shad been in 'failing 'health .and for three months he was conifin•ed to bed. ;Ho ,was ,horn in IHiblbert 111 10513 and had ,been life-long resident of the community. ;His parents were the late Mr. and Mrs, ihI'eatn'y !Gray. rphe remains were' .laid to rest in !Knox Pr.esbytetian ICC- mastery, t'he pallbearers .being,Afessrs. )George Martin,' Thomas !Wooel, John Martin, A. IGtiay,'John Balfour and Joseph 'Linton, Surviving are one da•r- 0 gitter, Mrs, Ralph Babb 01 Sl. Cath- arines tend one son, 'William Gray of inibbert, with whom be lived; one sister, Mrs, 4 —larry Jones of Grand Rapids, Mich„ and three brothers, :David of nib,bert, Thomas 0! Morris Township and 'Maxwell of 'Port Hu- ron, Mich. His wife, formerly (Eliza- beth IMllrtie, pa2se(1 a,\\•ay twelve years ago. Mitchell Items, !Wilfred ,Powell of 'lloronto bought the Ifinst ;1193152 license plates in Mitch- ell. Markers number from DIS -11 tc 'DIS-999,--lE, G. King, local plumber, has been etwanded the contract 'for three ,complete bathrooms to be in- stalled in en apartment house in To- ronto. -112. G. !Smith' tri Teeswatcr, who has owned the ll:ite•hell skating rink for several years, disposed of his interests to IMr. !Arnold IGloor >of 'lioruholnn, Wilfred McLeod has 1)4(211 appointed manager, --Mitchell utili- ties commission_ have sold a synchron- ous 1121) horse -power Motor to the the ,Stokes Rubber Company of 'Welland.. tuind $1,0'00 was realized front ,ale. New Post Office For Brussels— ArdL'tis+el; have ;1 new I't Of lice in the vet ne tr future. Specifica- tions ,u the pr1o4cd pito have been timed and pr'auise a very tine !mild- ing. which ,will be a credit to tae (111atre and community. 1t 14 t0 be a three storey structure, two upper and a basement. 1.18-111,4 quarters for a caretaker will oecupy the top of the* ',Miffing, wive the mai.; tissue will house the main nftice and rural mail nep,uttnent. the basement will be equipped with up -t., -c11412' heating al- t dances ter the whole, "fenders for the building have been 11.1ceil for, 'and one day the lately contractor; were la 'Brussel. estimming the cost of constrneti tn.. prior Iso t'.le snirltlilting of their cst'mates, Taylor -Gratton— •\ .pretty wedding 'o.,k place at 111e home of leer. Larne- 'McGi111'), when Trellis Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred 'Ciratlan of Grand ilenfd, became the bride of Lawrence Taylor. .,,nn of :[r, and Mrs. 'Robcr41, 1'arldr, ads... of Grand Bend. The hrtrle was chau•mina in a long (11(121 gown of royal blue silk crepe, with blue hat anti accessories to match cul carried a htnulucl- of talisman n,1es. The bride and groom were 1111- atecndcd. They will reside in {Grand ,Bend. Mrs. Brainiff Buried— The remains of ars, Martha ,Wright, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. 'John \Fright of Seaforth and wife of 13..hrainiff of Cleveland, Ohio, whose death occurred on Dec, 13 were brought 1,, Seaforth for ill- ternto01 in the llaitla•nd Rank Cenle- eery. Mrs. '13r701113, who was born in .IeKillop, was sixty-three years of age. She had been in ill health since last spring. Surviving are her hits - band, IE.-'Brainiff, Cleveland, Ohio; four sisters, 'Mrs. W. Trott, Seaforth; Mrs. I-1. Iht,wen and :Mrs. Phoebe 'Hughes, )Gaylord, Mich., and ,M:s. Jacob \V'hiring, Card:tuff', Basle, Must Stop— Pilfering from business places in the village has become so increas- ingly prevalent that merchants +feel forced to sound , winning against a continuance of t11is practice, which, if it continues can oi11y end in a di - agreeablc exposure of those concern- ed. lite merchants who have 'well- founded suspicions as to certain par- ties ,cloing this x14122-111tfag, trust that 11.14 warning will suffice.—Lticknow Sentinel, Woman Appointed Registrar at Goderlch— 'hiss 1,1111145 McPherson has been appointed county registrar at IGodler- ich' m I'furou County • y in place of A. [i.: eel), it was announced by Hon. A. \A'. Roebuck, Ontario slttorney general. hiss McPherson has been deputy registrar and deceived a sal- ary ;of $1;1303 a .year. Her salary will 1 increased to 0,4010', \1r, !Roebuck stated, and there ?will be no addition n the office staff. (Always keep Douglas' :Egyptian 'Liniment .alt hand, ready to bring linl- nediate relief to burns, sones and fel- ons. 'Stops bleeding at once: Prevents blood poisoning, ISlpleamdid 'for sore throat and quinsy. 1