HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-27, Page 1e are but minutes -little things {, ch one furnished with sixty wings, ith which we fly on our unseen track, d not a minute ever comes back, HOLE SERIES, VOL. 56, No. 52 eaforthNe HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DRCEMBER 27, 1934 Phone 84, We are but minutes -use us well, For how we are used we must one day tell. Who uses minutes, has hours to use-•- Who loses minutes, whole years must lose. $1 a year. Season's Greetings s Cut Rock e lbs, for 25•c (Fancy Satins . , . 2 lbs. for 26c Fancy Satin Crunch ]b. '16c Caramels and Chocolates ,Mixed lb. 26c Special Xmas Mixed ib. 116c All kinds fancy boxes .....a'c and up Moir's t.Slpecial 50c Candy Canes ,. :„2' for 6c, and tip The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant SEW YEAR'S GREETINGS A PERSONAL AND FRIENDLY WAY. AT THIS NEW YEAR'S TIME, WE WISH YOU JOY IN THE PRESENT, (HAPPINESS AND CON- ' PENTMENT 'IN THE DAYS TO COME. . C. Routledge PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. B O X P43 E BRIT,TON - WORKMAN lA quiet but pretty !Christmas wed- ding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Hannah 'Workman, Hensall, at four • o'clock Christmas afternoon, when Rev. W. A. Young united in marriage Hannah ,Olive, eldest daugh- ter of Mrs. Workman •of Hensel], and the late Mr. Workman, to Herbert John Britton, son of Mr. and -Mrs. J. W. Britton, of Dublin! 'The bride looked .charming in a velvet gown, with white velvet flowers. She carr- ied chrysanthemums. Immediately af- ter the ceremony a wedding dialler was served at the bride's home with only immediate relatives of the con- trac'tin'g parties present. Mr. and Mrs. Eaitton deft 'on an extended trip to Detroit, the bride travelling in a black crepe gown with satin trimmings and a Hudson seal coat. On their return they will reside in Dublin. NORTH'SIDE UNITED CHURCH Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Minister. At 111 a. sn. - "The Imparting Christ." lilt 7 p.m, -"What D'oest Time Here ?" ST. JAMES' ENTERTAINMENT. !St. James' Chrisltin'as entertainment (was held in the parish hall on Thursday evening, Dec, 20. The program included opening c'hor- aIs by the school, class recitatioln• by the junior pupils, comic song by the senior boys, and the Nativity Play. The personnel of the play was: The Christ Child (Ronald Sills); The An- gel 'Gabriel' ngel'Galbriel' (1Jean Stewart); The /Blessed Virgin (Catherine Flannery); St. Joseph ,(James Eckert); St. Ells - abet (Helen Finlubeiner); King Her- od .(David ,Bolton); High Priest, I(Lotris Lame) The Magi ( Friel Ste- wart, ,Francis Phillips,, ,Al die Eck- ert); The Shepherds (Glenny H ide- brand, James Quinlan, Peter'Nigh); ( Page of the, King ('D'onald (Stewart); Dante (Junior Girls). The orchestra ,was directed, by.,, Mrs, Frank Dev el'e.ailx, ST. THOMAS' CHURCH Services for Sunday, Dec, !30th. 5.S. and Bible Class, .110 o'clock, 10 o'- clock, morning service; sermon topic, -The 'Changing and the Permanent." Evening service, 7 Pm., sermon topic, "A Light in !Dismal Days.". Short Watch Night 'Service Monday next, Dec, 311st at 11d:40 p.m. All welcome. Canon E. Appleyard, Rector. EGMON,DVILLE CHURCH Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.A.,B.D. Sunday, Dec. 30th. -10 a.m., S.S. and (Bible !Study, "The Tests of a Christian." ']d a.m., On the thresh- old of a New Year, "Be still and knows• • • •.• ..Gof." 7 .p.m. -Entering a new era, "Jacob at the ford of the Jabbok." CHRISTMAS EXAIMINATION RESUL'.TS AT COLLEGIATE Form I.-, !Highest pupil, A. Sproule 81 per cent. (Passed on ail subjects:, A. Sproule 8114 C. Dickson 30, H. Chamberlain 80, D. MacTa'vfsh 76, A. Wigg 75, M. Habkirk 7115 E. Messenger 70, M. Watson 66, W. McMillan 05, S. Pret- ty 64, H. Free. 03, 0. MacTav'is.h dOt 3. Dale 60. Failed in one subject: J. Anderson 77, H. Cheoros 76, \, (Eckert 74, E. Britton 72, H, Earle 68, R. Shinen 67, S. Love 64, R. Ross 64, H. Chutt- er 63, L. Lane 59, D. Grieve 56. (Failed in ,two subjects: H. Carroll 61, N. Nesbitt 60, J, Ba- ker 59, D. Mole 5e, J. Dunlop 49. 'Failed in three spbjects M, Hud- son 02,1A. Leyburne 577 J. Dixon 51. Failed in four subjects: E. Liam - strong 55, G. Pinder 511, D. Bolton BOLGER-JORDAN • St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, Was the scene of a pretty ‘wedding on Wednesday morning, December 26th, at '9 a.m., Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes officiat- ing, 'when Miss Margaret Jordan, daughter 01 Mr. games Jordan of Dublin, was united in marriage with Mr. Leo Bolger, of Detroit, son of Mr, and MIrs.'John R. Bolger of Ren- frew, The bridesmaid wan Miss 'Hen- rietta Buegly of Wrnd,sor, and the groomsman was Mr, Stan. Bolger of Detroit, The bride wore a beautiful dress of russett velvet with cream ac- cessories, and carried a corsage bou- quet of roses, 'lily of the valley and baby's breath. .The bridesmaid wore brown crepe with gold accessories and her corsage bouquet was also of roses, Solemn High Mass was sol- emnized: Mrs. Leo Fortune sang Mil - lard's "Ave 'Maria," assisted by Mrs. FrankDevereaux at the organ. The wedd'in'g march was played by Miss Mary Beale , organist. The ushers were Mr. Patrick Scully Of Detroit; Mr.Gerald Jordan of Toronto, broth- er of the bride. The bride's going away dress was blue and she wore a Hudson _weal coat, the gift of the groom. Following the ceremony the wedding party cadre to Seaforth for a wedding dinner at the Queenly Ho- tel, The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Scully of Detroit, Mr. and Mts. William Burns of Detroit, Miss Shan- ahan, Mr. and Mrs. Moylan, Miss Grace Moylan and Mr. Jack Moylan, Mr. and Mfrs. Lee 'Fortune, Jack, Frances and .'Madeline; Messrs. John and Joseph Kenny of Dublin, The happy couple ]eft for a week's honey- moon before going to their home at Edinger A'partmen'ts, Oak Avenue, Wyandotte, :Mich. lA miscellaneous shower was given on !Saturday afternoon by a nu'm'ber of girl friends of the bride from 1J'ubl'in, Windsor and Detroit, when _Miss Veronica DC entertained in her honor at the hone of her p'aren'ts,: Mr, ,and Mrs. Peter !Dill, Dublin. The. bride was the recipient of many beautiful ,gifts and a pleasant social time was spent !with card's and lunch eon. A hast of friends join in best wishes. 45. (Failed in five subjects: A. Nichol- son 011, 'Failed in six or more subjects: D. Stewart 49, G. Houston 44, L. Bannon 40, R. 'Oke 47, A. Henderson l5, R, Patrick 31. 'absent for exams: C. MacKinnon, J, Dungey, G. MIcC'lure, J, McIver•. Form II. - !Highest pupil, S. Whitmore 86, Passed in all subjects: S. Whitmore 40, J. Mills Sl', A. Scott 79, K. Sharp 75, J. McDonald 70, H. Currie 71, R. Duncan 70. 'R. Smith 68, J. Drover 08, J. 'Murray- 66, W. Stoskopf 63, R. Stewart 62. Failed in oue subject:- M. -heating 9, F, Stewart 69, J. Thompson 60, 11. Smith 66, G. -Mowbray 65, R. Mc- Lachlan 63, E. Plant 63, M. 'Moore u1, E. 'Wallace 59 1-1. Jamieson 57. Failed in two subjects: B. McSpad den 59, R. Ross 58, 20. McIver 517, h Anderson 55, R. Gemmell 51. !Failed in three subjects: D. Cern- men 100, M. Southgate 552, A. Wil- liams 5e, D. Parke 50, M. Fontune 48. !Failed in four subjects: A. Case 60, H. Pretty 56, H. Crich 52, K. Adams 49. r Failed in five subjects, H. Elliott 52. plaided in seven or more subjec'es: J. Fortune 41, J. Stewart 36, 1. Flan- iigan .57. Absent for part of exams, G. Free 45. Form III,- Hig'hest pupil, A. Finnigan 74 per cent, Passed in all subjects: A. Finnigan 74, 11. Holmes 73, J. Eckert 64, L. Nast 61, G. Gemmel] :58. (Failed in one subject: S. Geddes '68, D. 'Lawson 63, H. 'Armstrong 6] 'f. Wigg 60, 13, Forrest 59, V. Pell 53. Tailed in two subjects: E, Drover 63, D. Drover 62, J. Drager 62, M. Storey 61, R. Cliff 57, M. Finnigan coy C. Dale 57, R. Allen 54, A, Hud- son 51, E. Dexter 50. Tailed in three subjects: M. Mur- ray 58, P. Hugill 38, J. Devereaux 512, 21. -McMichael 53, E. Leitch 50. ,Failed in four subjects: Ir. Rut- ledge 52, 3. Rankin 50, V. Storey 48, F. Grieve 42, C. Nolan 411. :Failed in five subjects: 21. McIver 52, D. Hudson 48, H. Hamilton 46, IG. Pinkney- -14, C. Carmichael 41, 'i, ?lett 38, !Nailed in six or more subjects: J. Hotham 39. W. Forrest 39, L. Box 39, E. Shitted 39, G. Ryan 38. 'Absent for Bart of exams, -lf. John- stone 65. Form IV.- IHighe;t pupil, D, Golding 76. Pass- ed on all subjects, D. ,Golding 76, 0. Moore 05, C. Eckert 04, E. Duffy 64, P. Southgate 63, M. Murphy 58, F. Sills 60. !Failed in one subject: A. Love 68, MM, Mdlvor 6r, W. Cudlmore 5S. !Failed in two subjects: J. Watson 64, I, Beales 62, M. Leyburne 62, J. Sherwood 60, P. Hugill 59, E. South- gate 59, H, Rutledge 59, L. Wright 59, J. Cheoros 59, G. Kruse 58, 0, Castle 56. (Failed in 'three su'bjec'ts: M. Broad - root 56, R. Pryce 512, F. 'Fortune 52, T. Sills 42. !Failed lira: four subjects: M. Beattie 511; 5, D,'orsance 50, M. Duffy 46, Failed in five subjects: 0. Aber hart 417, D. H. Stewart 46, G. Carter 43, !Failed in six. subjects: H. McLean 41. 'Absent for part of exams: 'R. Ren- nie 411, Form V.- 'Passed in eleven Upper . School subjects: A. Keys 79, F. Whitmore CONSTANCE Mrs, David Dewar Of ' Toronto spent a few daysat the .home Of Mr. and Mrs. George 'Wheatley. Itrs. Charles Leslie of R!'ic'hmond returned hoarse on Saturday from _ vis- iting her parents, Mr." and Mrs. George Wheatley, 1Mi'ss Donald's; Alcoa of Toronto is spending the hotidlay seasoutc with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs, ' Ernest Adams, '1' . LIEUT.-COL: R. S. HAYS. The death occurred in Toronto on Tuesday, December 26th of Liettt- Clol. Robert Stanley Hays of Sea- idrth, following a fen hours' illness while visiting at the h'otne of his dau- ghter, Mrs. .E, C. McClelland,- 108 Admiral Road, where Inc had gone with members of the family to spend Christmas, He was seized with a heart attack in the 'ntnrning,before bteakfast and passed away during the afternoon. :'Dean of the legal fraternity in Sea- fdrth, Lieut -Col. Hays had practised la'w here for the last forty years. Biprn in Goderich seventy years ago, s n of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. T. ays, he pursued his studies in law a the University of Chicago, On his a misson to the (Bar he established ai oilfice in Seaforth, Sin 1932 Inc tortned the legal firm of Hays Ss Meir and since then gradually retired frbm practice. He went overseas in 4946 as Sen- ior Major with the ll6llst Battalion and later rose to the rank of Lieut- Cpionel. He was a member of the Masonic Order, and inpolitics was a prominent Liberal. For inany years he was a member of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute (Board, and was also local chairman of the Mothers' Allowance Board. IIn recent year, Inc had travelled ex- tcnaively, visiting Great Britain and the Continent. Surviving are his widow, wild was formerly Miss '.Annie Shane of Blyth. and four sons and two daughters, Charles and Hector of Windsor; Gor- don of Detroit, George at • home; Mrs. McClelland, of Toronto, and Mary, at home. One son, Stanley, was killed during the war in Texas while training in the (Royal Flying Corps. The remains were brought to Sea - forth Wednesday evening and the funeral will take place from his late residence, Sperling street, under mili- tary auspices, on Friday, December 28th at 2 p.m. to Maitland Bank cem- etery. The fancily have the deepest sym- pathy of the community in their be- reavement. Passed in seven subjects: S. Plant ROBERT GOVENLOCK A lifelong resident of the North Gravel road, McKillop, passed away on Wednesday afternoon, December 26th, about 2 o'clock, in the person of Robert Govenlock fn his 75th year. About four weeks ago 'he took ill with pneumonia, and went to ,Scott id moria! Hospital and alter ten days had improved sufficiently to return home and scanned to he recovering nicely instil Tuesday when he re- turned to the hospital, where be passed away. - IHe was born on. the adjoining farm, about a mile. and a half north of Seaforth, son of the late Thos, Goven- lock, and .was united in 1907 in mar- riage to hiss Margaret Barr, daugh- ter of the minister of the old Har- purhey Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his widow and ane soil, Thomas: else one brother, Mr. Wil- liam Govenlock of Vancouver, and one sister, fldi!;s Susie Govenlock, of Seaforth. The funeral will take ,lace ou Sat- urday afternoon. December. 29th, ..from his late resi4encc- at 2 p.nt. to 'Maitland Bank Cemetery. AMENT - CHES'NEY 'at the manse, Agincourt, on Sattfr- day. December 22nd, by the Rev. W. D. McDonald, Wilhelmina Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. Pearson \lure Chesney, Seaforth, to Mr. 1, il- liant Kenneth Aanent, of Kitchener, second son of -lir. and Mr:. 'Villiant Armen¢, Seaforth. 83, I. Jamieson 67, A, Delaney 66, M. Shannon 58. IP'assed in six subjects: 'I, Eberhart 76, B. G•adkin 62, 1I. Downey 60, G. Krauter 59, H. Sclater 57, ,Passed • in five subjects: A, Golding 63, J. 'Wallace 5(8, F. 01Leery 544. ;Passed in four subjects: B. Eckert 65, R. O'Connor 517, C. Coleman 34. 'Passed in three subjects: R. Allen 5x5, Passed in 'two subjects: J. DC/Wil- ey owi-ney 47. 'The per cent after each name is the average of all subjects written. De- tailed reports have been ,given to each pupil to take 'tome for parent's ,gn'ature. 'Pupils who were away the last day of school will receive their reports when they return to school on Jan/ 3rd, 19'315; At this Joyful and Festive season of the Year we wish you in all sincerity Happy and Prosperous New Year We also wish to thank you most heartily for the abundant measure of good will to this Store, which has made the Christmas Season the busiest and best in several years. May we also express our belief that the tide has definitely turned and that we are now entering on a period of reasonable prosperity which will grow as the years pass by and which be marked by peace and plenty. This is our wish to you. Fred. S. Savauge 1 GEORGE HAS 1VIANY TROUBLES .George (Welsh, who lives on the old Flannery place, town line west of Walton, came to 'Seaforth Friday af- ternoon last to do his Christmas shopping and became involved in a chain of circumstances which, to say the least, detracted from the pleasure of 'the occasion, The trouble started when a strang- er -.vent into the' Star Cafe about 630 and upon finding that supper would cost 315tc, asked for a meal for 25c,. which sum was all he had. The wait- er, Hildebrandt, went out to an ad- joining store to get the proprietor, Tom Chong, and as the two re-enter- ed they met the custdmer an his way out, saying he 'would be back in a minute. Two young boys, INen Reid and Charlie Wood, then entered 'the rest- aurant to infornn the owner that they had been looking in the window and had seen the ratan remove bills from the till; this was confirmed when -1Jr. Chong found the cash drawer partly open and 14110 missing. ' Police Constable J. V. Ryan vva- notified at 'the town hall and acting on a hunch he began making inquiries to see if George Welsh were in town, George being a sort of altimnur of the police books, and after some 'telephon- ing and searching roads out .of town, the constable began a systematic search in stores on Main street that were still open. and finally saw his expect in Willis' shoe store and wait- ed 'outside until George came on: with his purchases, Constable Ryan passed the time of day with him and George, very generously enter- ing into the •Christmas festive spirit, offered to stand treat. Welsh may have 'become suspicious that all might 1101 be well, for he dropped e parcel on the street and told the con - table to go on while he would go back to pick up his package, whereupon he was placed tinder arrest and was es- corted to the restaurant, protesting, vigorously he had never been gear the place, The restaurant people identified him as 'their visitor and 'George be- came a guest of the 'town until Prov- incial C'onsta'ble McCoy removed him to Goderich, 'Next day Welsh arrived back in Seaforth on the afternoon trainand proceeded to the town hall with a letter from the authorities saying 'Inc was a free man again, released on. bail. 'George 'finished his 'Christmas. shopping In ISeafarth, ready to let bygones be :bygones. He maintains his innocence and will have an oppor- tunity to 'tell it to the magistrate some day this week, iHOSPITAL AID. The regular meeting of the I\Vom- eit .Hospital !Aid to Scott 'lrcmoriai Hospital 'will be held .on 'Thursday, Jan. 3rd at 3.30 p.nn. In Carnegie Hall. ELECT OFFICERS At the last regular meeting of Or- ange Lily Lodge, the folinwing of- ficers were installed by Miss Grace Pethick, Past 'Mistress, assisted by :Mr-, Milt. Stewart, Past Mistress: P. Mistress -'Mrs. John Cott'sitt, W.M.-Mrs. Arnold Wes'tcott, D.M.--,Mrs. A, Harrison. Chaplain --Mrs. 1Sc'ott Habkirk,. 1R, Secy. -Mrs. Thos. Sharpe„ 'F. Secy. -Mrs. Jtohn Hothatn. 'Treas,-M'rs. John Pullman. Lecturer -Mrs, Melvin Clarke. D. of C. -Mrs. Ferg. BadIlard.. J;nner Guard -/\yrs. lAtndy. Dunlop: Outer Guard -Mus, John Crawford:. Sr. Committee -Mrs. Joseph Hogg.. 'Committee -•'Mrs, Wes. Nicholfs, Mrs, R. G. Parke, Mrs, Oldfield, Miss G. Pethick, IGuardliani-Mrs, Wm. Shannon. Pianist -Mrs, E. Harrison. At the close, Mrs, C•on'sit't, retiring (distress, .was presented with a Past Mistress' jewel. A social time was spent. HARTRY - RITCHIE' 4t the chapel of the Church of Sr. Joliet the Evangelist, (London, at noon Saturday, the marriage was solemn- ized of A1'meda Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mfrs, Howard IHar'try, of South London, to Sydney Fie -Wine Ritchie c4 Montreal, only son of Dr and Mrs. F. S. Ritchie, of Sydenham Highgate, Jamaica. Canon C. E. Dea- kins officiated, . The wedding music was played by Ivor S. Brake, organ- ist of the church and the chancel wa- decorated with flowers. The bride, gi- ven in marriage by her father, wore a lovely gown of white satin, floor length and severely 'plain, the bodice having long, close -fitting sleeves. The veil of tulle was simply draped, There were no attendants, A wedding break- fast was served at the hone of the bride's parents to some 30 guests. Mrs. Hartry received in 'a hand'so;,,a gown of black velvet. Pink roses and` ivory tapers were used effectively on the bride's .table and blossoming plants of rose pink begonias were ar- ranged through the rooms. Later in' the afternoon Mr. and Mrs, Hartry held a 'reception for the bride and groom. The tea table was presided over by Miss Maude H+artry df' Sea. • forth and .firs. R. N. Bisisonette- of Stratford, :aunts of the 'bride, for tthe.. first hour; later by Mris, Ellen Dal-. unagc and Mrs. A. Stewart and for the latter part of the afternoon by Mrs, E. N. Kidd and Mrs. L, Waters. Assisting in the tea room were the. Misses Jean. Dultnage,Margaret 'Kidd: and !Helen Hlaotty and Billy H!ertry,. younger son of the house;" Frank Kunz and !Harvey Blackmore, Jack and IDorot'hy Hartry were the door • attendants, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Ritchie left in the evening for their new home in Montreal, the bride tra- velling in a smart gown of dark green' sheer wool with brown .fur 'coat and brown accessories and small close fitting hat ofcherry color,