HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-13, Page 7THE SEAFORTH NEWS
":iitl U to ,I.ekt X, LL• ...GIV1'.b;1tya17.."1- J': ,� .. ...
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a meeting and arrange a proper fee
andreport back at the January tneet-
iliig. The present fees are to be paid
until new arrangements are made,
This motion concerns the technical
school at London, at which are a
number of students of !Huron Coun-
ty. The council wants to 1cn'aw the
i'ees set for Uhe various .municipalities
and for Huron far their students.a
"Phe report of the special c'omLOit-
.tee to investigate county constables
was read and adopted. By this report
John Ferguson of Blyth is to be stn
tioned at Goderich as a Full time coup
ty constable to take over the dutiesthat
of Thomas Gundry.
rl'he report of the 'finance commit-
tee teas road and adopted. This report
showed the expenditures for .the year
amounted to $61,80161313 as corupared
with $66j215O1112 last year. A number
o faccouins were also considered,
The finance committee met school
inspectors Field and ,Beacom in the
judge's chambers in connection with
dispute aF inspectors' `expenses
for the mou'th's of July and _August,
1930. Judge T. M. Costello reserved
his decision. -
Council, on motion of Reeves Scott
and L'nwunan, extended heartacst can.
gratnlations Co Reeve \+feller: of Hay
township who an Dec. 6 celebrated
his 35ith birthday. Mr. Melicic is sett•-
u1 for his second year on the coon-
ty council.
Roads Committee
The report of the .Roads commit
sec was read and adopted, The report
states: "Since June all work carried
an has been is accordance with the
relief measure, on tlhieh ,grants were
payable only on an 8 -hour day, and
it was found that the County could
get more work done for less money
by paying 215 cents per hour for la
bor, and working 8 hours per day
111112 b}• paying 10 Cents and working
10 hours, The 3 -hour clay and the ._5-
cent rate were aefardiu.gty adopted.
.\ considerable amount of work has
been carried out in serious Harts of
the County-. and at the end of the
year, it is expected that the receipts
and C.l'penhtUmeS on account of the
teal'', work will be ilCafl)" equal.
"Two gravel p'ts were purchased
"-1111'fe acres ill 1 uckersnnth for $400,
and four acres south nt Grand Bend
for $900 -frantic Officer Lever was
hurt in 111 accident, w'hire carrying on
111' clinks, and has heels (de work
Iuly. Payments on account of
this accidept have been made, total-
ling $416„10, At the 1'1131 of 1115 year
it is expected that the receipt; and
expenditures oil account Of roads will
be aPPra�lurticly a, follow:: Total
1pa}rtlCnt la 9,Gt10,00; recelph: Levy,
833.11-15.411,3 relief grants, $30,l)00: sub_
slily y5:0,000: sundry receipts, $2,000;
total, $dN0JII2,..I'1.
"lee letter from 1L Rossof Bay-
a)eid regarding payment for lights, no
record of any appin'ai for payment
of such lights can be seen, and as
the road is. only Provincial Highway,
we can see no place for action by
the Count},
"Letter from the Department of
r g'Itsra};, ac41isin,
:; that the vest
town line of L'sbornc has been as-
stluled as a Provincial Highway, we
of the taking over of this
"Letter from J.:\. Doig of \\'cox-
eters 4.13 find that there are no n)
in,s for grader operators at this time
of the year. Pwere
1otian of Angers. Swcitzer and
Arcs\\'Mitre.- that the south `tOWil line
of Step.heu be assumed as a County
road, we recommend that action be
deferred until the situation can be
\feature tit' the final meeting of
Huron Cnun't}' Council 1+rid<ly was
the presentation of a gold -mounted
cane to the retiring Warden for
1sT, 4, Gel tse H. Elliott, of Clinton.
'Reeve 133ow wine]i occupied the Chair
Burin the
g Presentation, The present-
iltg of 'hire cane by :Reeve Gamble was
followed by an address read by Reeve
Jobe 11c:Neb'b which expressed
Pressed the
of the council for the ser-
.vice 11': rdeu Elliott had rendered dor-
fel tb w
g e year.
1"[r. Elliott assured the members
that it had been a pleasure to act as
their warden for 1934 and said that it
had been Itis ambition since entering
council to aspire to that post. 1t?h
Elliott stated that 10314 had been a
year frill of actives and that he was activities
glad to have been ruble to have come.
out SO well. 1 -le is 1411(1 eCicl'e'(1, Illl•w,
that he has retired front the County
CO mleil whether to 1.111the
t for the post
of Mayor of Clinton 00 not. 'y'' +'
1 will
always carr}: this Calif and 16no1
that as T travel along
ongtifC's highway
r1 will support me weld."
James llattantyne .asked 10 sa • a
lei) b'ol'ds .and spoke Of his Bdendslb4
t\nl'tll Mr, I!','l hOtt and Ip
°1l the June cIcctions •in -high he,
111, Bailnntyne: w'as elected to
provili;C the
Gos-ern'me'n't, - he stated
'that he an0:I!f,r. robots opposin'q hal
ran a "clean fi,:ht."
JIohsi 1l ciNab•b of Grey
.. ; , e} til
o t\,as defeated n the contest
st bur
reevesbip and therefore will not be
,on the County Council next year, ad-
dressed the commit for a few mom-
elms, as did William Gamble, speak -:'them
intg for those m'enilbers who dict not
know yet whether they would be re-
turned to the council for 19135,
fin the morning session Reeve
S'colt inlquieed .regarding the adver-
tieing of taxes in the Ontario G'a'zette,
paper which it is claimed reaches
few' of the taxpayers of the county.
•\Ir. 7tslcine, the treasurer, advised
advelitl ing for such sales in .the local
press toge'th'er with that placed in the,
Ontario 'Gazette The treasurer stated
the cost of advertisingin the Ge
zepte 1, 1L0 fo.r \arrant and 00 cents•fine
for each pa'rcei of laud.
The gttestiolf of grants to certain
fairs was raised and was moved by
Reeves Ballantyne and Denlerling
that the fair boards on bordering
lines of the County receive a grant o'f
$5,0, :Motion carried.
Mr,Hay of London addressed the
'Council and gave a detailed report
o11 matters perlainiug to registry of-
Ince equipment as it concerned the
County of Huron.
'An adopted motion macl'e by
•'Reeves Gamble and Cardiff read that
we memorialize the Ontario Legisla-,
4ure ilislt the rate of interest 00 t--
teal's of taxes returned' to the County
Treasurer be Iatvered irons 110 per
-cent 10 6 per cent, as we consider tut
der present conditions 110 per cent an_
nua'lly is an nal i•easnuable rale of
charge and a cops- of this resolution
be sent t„ our local members of the
lAnether motion by Reeves Saun-
dens and Goldthorpe reconuncndecl
to the provincial government that the
limit for old age pensions be not
lowered to 05 but remain as it is.
1lotfon carried,
'Ali account presented by Reeve
Lardifl its eeenectin11 with a patient
1\'lin was sal: en to the Ontario Ilns pl
for the Insane, was dealt uitis Jin
a motion after a great Ileal of di urs_
511,11 and controversy.
1'er.S}. 'I'llc bill was
fc'r $35:50 and the motion "that the
expenses of the investigation 111d 2ise
1'ellll'VInK of the patient to tile 00-
ttll,iu Hospital
I i'tatl be pard il' tile f,,il•,ty"
was tiled until Alr. -Cardiff scud.: a
bill trn111 Morris losvilship,
•I'he report
POI't OI. the executive CUM-
ulittte was rearsenrf adopted. The re-
Port stated that the dal1155 of the
committee -e• glad been'Reeve
very 11g'ht for
this se, cion. '[ al only trotter con-
termed a communication from the
Agricultural Council of. Ontario mos_
ing for a grant to be used to help
furry on their work, 'rhe committee
tevontnicnded that the matter be reit
over for elle January meeting and
the clerk write and procure inform-
anon on the w'oric and the financial
The report of the House of Re-
fuge 10ntnliktce, read and adoptesi,
dealt with the ease of a tuherfuitlt
Patient at Oneen Alexandria .Sana-
rations in London. The 'House of Re-
Mute physician, 1)r, Shaw of Clinton,
felt that the House of Refuge was
the proper place for this patient to be
cared for. The patient is in condition
to do light semis and his disease is
Legislative Committee
The report of the Legislative Cont-
rniftce tans rears clause by clause on
the re uest of the members. The re-
port contained the fallowing clauses:'sets
Re motion of Reeser Bowman
and Sweitzer,, "that a resolution be
forwarded to the Minister of Public
\\'elfare that this council is not in
favor of doing aw•tq' with the local
illt'estig,atin;e committee for pensions,
and a copy be sent to the members
for Huron." ft ,was recommended that
a resolution be forwarded asking for
the present system to be carried .an.
The clause carried,
'Re communication of Heidi land
"that the department focus its at•
tet ion around the problems affecting
the Production and allarketing of dairy.
products to help conditions general-
13'." This Clause was left to be dealt
with by the council as a whole it
was decided that a petition be sent
to the minister of .agriculture.
Re resolution of the County of On-
tario concerning the taxing of chain
stores by assessment, was left to be
dealt with b y+ the cuuncF as a whole
a'n'd after some lengthy cliscttssion.
it was decided to take the matter up
again after the price spreads i11ye5110'.
alion hall ended.
Re con
communication of County ee
Perth concerning a resolution of that
council which embodied a request to
ti1'i'll'is'tem' of Ise, Q
alt 1 to have the
'14ospiital and :Sanitorittm .
5 Act ant..
eucled tvhercnp a parent Cr' guardian
g Ian
. w-otticl be liable '
lab e bar-• the maintenance'
of their children when arc r
len they Heine
at :hotne as51d the parents :arc in a 0001-
i fontablc financial- position. The coin-
wittce recommended that no: action
be talon on this nt,altter,
lAsother motion: recommend ed the
purchase by the council of an ardor
cluvir and footstool from H. :Biacic
stone. The antic Inad been lis
1 the
)ud e'e's chamibute fol•some years and
'since their need was felt the motion
IAilter the presentation Ito the War-
'den, the singing .of the National Au-
broughtreasurethis r'sessionsReport to a close.
. 'The year 1'SO4 has been extremely
good from, a :financial standpoint,"
s'a'id Harvey Erskine treasurer of
'Huron County at Wednesday's res-
sign of Ilttroit County Council. ;the
county w°ill have a surplus in it, gen-
eral accouurbs this }Feat of 5,0OQ, after
having paid oft total general accounts
of $15,001). The treasurer's report was
\+'dl applauded and Warden Elliott
said that in four years'service on the
county council he had never heard so
a report as that given by Mr,
Erskine, Reeve Gamble moved tt e
adoption of the report and also Lhat
pp nnnnaa
Electro Therapist — Massage
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a note of appreciation be sent to the
clerk and treasurer of the county,
,'Reeve Wright seconded the motion,
The county clerk, J. M. Roberts,
his report, which re-
then submitjust
ceited just touse, Reeve Bowman of
'Ba''tlssols moved the adoption of the
r'ep'ort and said that such a report was
a credit to the clerk.
The report of Roy Patterson, cotta-
k,y' esgi-neer, teas ttdnp•ted on ntotii)u
of Reeves Mont -rings and Dc'nterling,
114r, Patterson remained for a long
lime ans\vdring questions of maty of
the councilors pertaining; to Highway
and \Vorkmens Compensation Acts.:
The councilors cited several cases of
ivoliere county workmen had been hurt
and asked the engineer if the costs of
attending greatThe
g•thesennen would be as
as the cost of being represented in
the Compensations Act.year
In the inquiries, Reeve Cardiff re-
quested that the cost al Gray's insur-
tone co evening county employees be
Reeve S'tewast asked what county
hospital grant, were a ed .for and was
informed that they were used for the
maintenance and general expense of -
'hospitals, Reeve Matheson ext rained
the matter in regard to indigents stat-
in that it cost the county far less by
'117("illy of these Call to shalt it wntl�fl
to give indigents treatment in their
Ilnnit.", perhaps under the care of a :
Paid ItliPse, _
tR m e \lllntti tags also spoke O❑ the
saying that Ile Cast o[ heat
and light and file Mail}' little matters
Mat must be attendee. to in Coulee -
tion with a hospital were aided by
these [„1'a❑Ls.
Da\ idsull brought theatten--
lion of the council to .t child, aged
k11'u y'ear's, N'�hll"11 milt w'CI ?'
gig six
Pull it rl s. 1'I al'Cd b}' Reel Ca Cardiff and
'Gamble that the conn recommend
the h
Pacing of the child at \\Iinghanl
ul a private home, until such time aS
tt is able to walk and that this county"
pay their share, such expense not to
exceed $!1425 per da}'
House of Refuge Report
The fu11011'ing Hou50 l,f Refu,ge Re-
port Was read and adopted:
General accounts for the quarter end-
m * Nov'. 30, 13334, were audited and
found correct. The •new garage, which
teas atlthorIned at the last mesatiug,
was inspected aim fmine to he setts-
factors. The cost of con_,tructilin was
less than $200, the amount authorized,
Che aeeonnt; 7 }esu-,
1 lairs lar the four ing
quarters of the year ending Nov. 30
were: February' 25, (3-41518,933; 1fa' 31, 11
$'4.549,, 3t August 3'1, $1,939,114; yNo_
vemlber 3 , $3, i9.
The total receiptsing
1 for the •four guar-
or the year ending November 30
as follows: February
3- 3S, $1; -
,, .', L; 3153' 3)11 .s. ,,,,4'4.951 August :il.
M)1,b63,943 \o\'enber 30, $859:77,
Mr. Foster of %erich aticlressed the
t'Ounc'1 regarding, a soot deetrnver,
nor possible use in the Court l•
:Furnace. The hatter was referred to
the Property Commitee,
Y ours
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drought conditions dutin the aunt -
Iter and bisect dally a in certain re+•-
1 damage
irn15, the Crop of 1932? fell short of
rhe previous crop by 10,195,597
Pounce. An •increase •of 7!3.000 pounds
user 1932 was recorded in '1.934with
another slight increase promised for
10iµ, .., .'entry every cloud has iia
silver linin~*, ler in this case the chart
crops nav0 permitted the producers to.
depose of all carry -mer from previ-
oils rears at slightly advanced )rices.
g } I
The preueius crop, is mocang quite
br• iskly on the de me.tll ntarkM at
prices Slights} in advance over last
while a fair amount is advent: -
to the •export market,. :Nlthou�h
is risky to forecast production the
condition of stain honey producing
plants and of the bees themaettes go-
into Winter are promising, huw-
ever, these conditions are not the
whole story,
`Continued from Wage Three)
the repot of the Children's 'Sher-
-we Committee showed the place to be
'n first class condition and the chit-
Area is be well cared for, .11 present
there are fourteen children in the
home, aged six months to '1r4 years.
The committee wished' to advise
the Mothers and [others to titch their
children the points about life that
they should understand. Attention
was drawn to the wonderful work the
matron, _Mrs. Oliver, is doing. Ex-
lenses will be about 13,500, abient the
as in 10't3t3s
'Reeve McNabb referred to the loss
of a highway contract last Yearapprove
y Y
a petition of the council to
:,arc No. 4 Highway an extra ten
,Cet, as it was considered unsafe to
leave it a ten -foot highway, Air. _Mc-
Nabb wished the council to recon-
mend that the provincial government
reimburse him for the toss sustained
in not securing the second contract.
'These who diel not sign the peti-
tion to give Mr, :McNabb the con-
tract gave their reasons for doing so.
(Reeve Wright said he refused be-
cause the government would pay full
cost of provincial high ways, at a date
after ...the 'June session, and it would
cost the county nothing. Mr. McNabb
refused because he yl•as a part}* to
the contract;fill
!Reeve Goldthorpe explained in no
uncertain terms that he had already
voted f01' a resolution ss'hic11 carried
in cot,ncil and stated that for the time
bein fro more roads would begratitude
g paved
by the county, and he did not wish
to go against the motion,
It1 motion by Reeve T.3eminglway
and Reeve Sweitzer to the effect that
Mr. h[+G\Ta'b;b should be reimbursed
for his loss by the Provincial Gov-
ernmelrt, carried.
Lin hl;dT cod, agricultural repiesen-
iative, read his report, which was ad-
3ptcd, Mr. isicJLead answered goes-
tions concerning the use of certain
fepfilizcrs 011 grains. He assured yl'1,
rn pe that the 'Russian thistle,
w'hi'ch has been causing
g softie annoy-
ance to formers or Colborne "M'ow's,-
ship; would be added to the list at;pl�ied
pest weeds. 'elle report w•as adopted,
$17,000 For Hospitals
'Reeve l llantyne tusked tliC trees-
pier what the total .eunenditure of.
hospitals was Eoi 1x931}. 'Mr. Erskige
replied that the totals were
e '$1,7,000,
which included grants of �,t'hal
g ,$L;6001; ;,$$,-
000 of this was for sanitoriunss le -
ng $4;00Y1 for indigents, for whiclr'tlle
vunici alidies were'Reeve'
p liable for halawho
-the cost.
Walter McKibbon of Win;;htun, an
ex -warden of Huron Const}, address-
ed the council and (pressed his plea-
sure at meeting his old friends again.
!Alts Henderson, former reeve of
\l'nrris township, spoke, aura left rl
fel,' facts for thought among the
01e11rbers. Arr. Hanna, .mayor n'
\Vin) tont, was present and leas iuU"
ituced to the council.
ee, T. Cooper of Clinton came be-
lore the council in the afternoon to
,furnish any fnfnrnlcltibn available on
the Al others' Allowance Com miseiotl
and to reply to several vacs ions car-
fain members asked hint. 11 r. Coop-
er stated that the Mother's Allow_
solar l;'aatd consisted of J. M. Rob -through
pits. Col. 1:. S. Hays, Mrs, Fowler,
•11rs. Farmer and A. T. Cooper, The
county Council could recommend two
members and the Mothere' \limy
ante Commission, 1-hu•on branch,
three members. but all appoiututents
are in the hand: of the Provincial
Commission. 1n June last the county
council recommended tet appoint
relent of J..11, Roberts and Mrs, Red-
ditt and on the following clay recnni-
mended the appointment of R. S.
ela•s, three being recommended due
y g
to the passing of .NICs. 3leKim, one
of the members. however, at a meet-
ing; of the commission. a month prey-
ions, 1.1rs. Palmer was appointed, to
the place reit by Mrs. 1lci<im be_
eau5e of overlapping and confusion,
He pointed out that it was the power
nI the council to change the board
from year to year, The matter rests
there. 'Mr. Cooper said the loud had
not been functioning properly because
of uncertainty of the status of N11.
Holman, ex -clerk of Huron County.
The board was since re -organized.
J. 1'L 1Go•venlock, inspector of the
lT•louse of Refuge and Mr, Jacobs,
manager, presented themselves be -the
fore the Council to reply to several
.questions 0.5 which members were
not clear. 'I''he main question at issue
eves raised b}+ Reeve 1!IdClNall as to
why all itemized SIatclnclt showing
the actual ;profit on .bogs could out be
given lather than a lump sum spew-
inCJ recei is only. 1r
P y Go re-
tha;C a prdfiY of $?;'0110 less feed-'
ing coat's was _derived from these
hogs, A lieav sys'tcm of boolciceepfug
will be used at the H 011ie in 19iJ15.
Education 'Committeein
The education cau7lvitteC cepoa t
was rcazl n n
and adopted after being
gone aver clause clause. 'The clei•dc
was instructed to communicate
1 to smith
the secretary of the board of edu.ca-
tion 'London, and the county clerksg
of the ) i I rg municipalities to hold
adjoining od
Cheap Feeds for Crate
Finishing of Poultry
lin experiments in crate finishing
P t htig
of poultry, it has been found that
buckwheat screenings or standard re-
cleaned screendngs, •a by-product irons
the grain elevators consisting largely
of wild buckwheat and broken wheat
with a shall admixture of wild oats,
flaxseed and other weed seeds, give
excellent results both as to tau St+
and tui q t
quality of flesh, It was also shown
un -
m these experiments that small l es
marketable potatoes may be used t,
'Cafe feeding. )'cd in
t ot_ with live as Dec grain.
these potatoes gave as economical
,mills as corn and lrochl r h�
J cel .ettom
and finer quality •in slain .and
flesh: 'T'he l�ttatoe may he 154 either
boiled and mashed, or raw and ft.iely
chopped, and ilk. with the ground
and milk.
e * * * * * * * * **
* CFurnished by ,Ontar)o Depart- *
'* inent of Agriculture. *
* * * * * * * * * * *
Clean And Sterilize All
Dairy Utensilsa
'L'(le keeping quality cif milk de-
pends directly uponi
the number f
bacteria present and, this in turn de-
poo the thoroughness with
pends ucolour
. which dairy utensils have been clean-
err anal sterilized. The nese of live
'steam or scalding with boiling • water
is always effective Pl'oviding-it is ay- ,,r.ai11S
enable in sufficient volume, but as a
general rule the quantity availa'ble on
the 'average faros is inadequate for
effective results. It is for this reason
that the use of chlorine in suitable
form' IS 1'eCUI1t17lCli'.deCl 1)aeleriolo -
by g
ical experts. lit acts, rapidly' In cc1Ct
water and I's '
1 cheaper and more con-
yenietlt than The h Cast treatment IVs gels'
era recvmmenrcled: '1V'he n properly
eon to. •ed rine sterilization gives
excellent restos , .. . i
illi end the practice, al-
'ready gelicral ' in n' " tm94k and
g tl other
Food plants, is ,pt•eadinm totight
.,thC dairy
Patients Play Patience
as Health Returns
:51110 gzvnse OC''Patieitcn" prOt9des 000
roans of wllllin away^ o: pllagann 110Ur,:
Sol' there are no restrictions tl1)000 the
player altd too Carsio 511ay bb bathored up
nn wilt u.nd cut llwo)' wtlen interact wlEnes.
nonuser forth of ' ti ltiencte' " Is bding
),htyer 1)y 2130 'IdIt1aUC5 .Of the TOC011to
ilospltalfor Consumptives; the Hfunhoka
ILos peal nor ti for Cutiwes and the Queon
Mary Rospitatfor Cousttmptive OniidrOn
but, there is a dlife'1'e11Ce^they cati 4
`leave,oif whoa they w(sri.
At thasi three sanctuaries foe the flab
victims of tuberculosis, the nowt-ondiug
is carried on for trio lives of men,
women and children. Over r in these
Pate,lbs aro being carol for in these
hospitals where kindly doctors and
nurses smile with their pasionts at gains
in height and strength. flier° 10 gains
for their recover if friends continue the
vornnra.l•y eontrivbut)m1s of Dover yetis
401•ib is a factthat fmv bf 2110 pationts can
)sty anything toward their keep and the
1 y si 1 e p
tiu'ce hos[iitos mus4 largely depeli'd upon
gtaiMif rho itrilisto connate. Will you
pleaso assist in tits great work by aendlug
tvhab you can to George A.. kola..
Treasurer, Gatto institute, 223 Colla e'
8treeb, 'Poronto 2.
The Canadian Hone
a y Crop
Igor the third successive year
} ar It
would appear that the honey
} crop
of Gaa7ada is Ding to ,fall llie low no1-
oal. Tlsc peakyear w
a was 1913111 when
"9,66'50'98 Bounds rheic pr
produced, but
due to winter killing of clovers