HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-13, Page 5THURSI)IAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 THE SEAPORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE, CHRISTMAS "S% Is Just Around z the Corner And Superior Stores with a wide variety of seasonable foods, low prices and freedelivery service, are rendering valuable assistance to busy housewives. Make Superior! Stores your headquarters for food and the assured of quality, value and satisfaction. This week features another attractive list of "Specials." ITEMS FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK OHIPSO LARGE PKG. DURHAM CORN STARCH PER PKG. AYLMER TOMATOES, 2'sq. 4 TINS OHOICE BLUE ROSE RICE 3 LBS. McL'AREN'S JELLY POWDERS,, assorted 5 PKGS. LEMONS, FRESH, GOOD SIZE DOZEN ALM'OND PASTE 34 LB, TINS 17c 8c 25c 25c 25c 19c 28c Choice Pumpkin, large 2%'s 2 tins Hillcrest Shortening, l's 2 lbs, Aylmer Crushed Pineapple 16 oz, tin Aylmer Tid Bit Pineapple, 2'sq...... . .. . . ..... . Derby Cheese, %'s, spreads or slices 2 pkgs. 1's family jar 2 lbs. Royal York Coffee Ideal Sweet Pickles Mince Meat, homemade style Crosse & Blackwell's Jams, Raspberry, Strawberry and 'Black Currant 32 oz, jar 35c per pkg. 23c 2 lbs. 25c 4 cakes 15c medium -67c; large 1.09 23c 23c 17c 19c 25c 39c 27c 25c Cereal Blend New Pitted Dates Pearl Naptha Soap Ovaltine, small -45c; CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, FOR CHRISTMAS— French Creams, Cream Bells, Chocolate Drops , . per lb. Satin Mixed, Fruit Flavors per lb. Household Mixed Chocolates, Creams, etc. per lb. per lb. per Ib, 2 lbs, per Ib. per lb, 2 lbs. Wrapped Chocolates ,... 3 lb. box Silver Humbugs Cut Rock Candy Bonnie Mixed, very special Tender Gum Drops Roasted Peanuts Golden Mixed Nuts Ganong's Christmas 190 15c 15c 150 18c 25c 150 10c 33c 79c Grapes, Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Cranberries, Head Lettuce, Tomatoes, Apples, Turnips, Parsnips Carrots, Beets Cabbage, Celery, etc., etc. Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W, J. WA1LKBR, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE—AUTO—WIND Our Policies Will Protect You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully 'protected—you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE SPECIAL Choice farm in the Township of McKillop, good soil, good build- ings, well located, well watered, Hydro, many extras. Also Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Call, Phone or Write Us. A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc, SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per lis,,,,,,,......, ,.....18c Oats, per bushel , ....... , , 313.0 'Whe'at, per bushel ..................99c Feed barley, per bushel ., ....,48e Malting 'barley, per bushel dec Hogs, per cwt., $6,50 Eggs, per doz. ............. .21;c,30c VARNA. 'The 13eefringers held their anneal dance in the hall Tuesday. A good crowd and a good time reported. 'The W. A. of St, John's Church heli! bheir annual meeting at the hon -ie of Mr's, M. Reid, After :the bu- siness meeting several bales of cloth illg were packed for tlt'e Nest. 'Mr. 1Vm, Reid is chopping every eiftennlooat at present. WEST BRODHAGEN. Mr. and Mfrs, Martin :Dietz moves[ to the farm on the ,Loth concession on \l-ednesday, which they recently bought from Mr. Frank Welsh. We wish then success ill their 11015 home, Mfr, Frank Forrester is engaged at Mr, George Beuermann's for the win- ter months eueting wood, Mr. Tads Daniel is engaged at Mr. 'Jerry Doerr's for the winter months, Miss -Marie Koehler took i11 Thurs. evening while attending church and is still conked to bed. We wish her a speedy recovery. Cutting pine roots in the swamp is the order of the day and even at right es Mike Connelly reports he had two loads piled 011 the road, which disappeared Wednesday night. There are hundreds of cords piled again, all ready ,waiting for sleighing. .Mars. Ed. Rose's 150 acre farm is. not sold yet:s temiug l y no one, has money enough to pay for it as terms are cash, Mrs. Rose has noised to Stratford where she is living with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Becker. Mr. Becker is not in the best of health and confined to bed. Mrs. Louisa dIaegy, \vho fell about two Week. ago in her room, breaking her hip 1s not improving as well as her friends ,would like to see her. Mr, John A. is very busy in his chopping mill every Tuesday and Friday and sometitnes has nearly 200 bags per day. There is a cold wave passing' over this section and on Sunday morning it was eight below zero. FROM THE WEST vIr, Con. Eckert of town has re- ceived the following letter: IHazlet, ,Sas!:,, Dec, 3. Dear Friend: -About a week ago we got a man's waist, it exactly fits Dad In one of its pockets was a slip of paper taaluich said to let the writer knot,' of tidies out here. But before I tell you about the times, I have to thank you in Mother and .Diad's name, They are very ,glad to get it. 'Well, about the tidies, they are bad enough. This year tee didn't'cut anything on our land. Not even th'e Russion Thistles were good enough to cut, Everybody 111 the country here lives on. relief. It is only a few who,, don't, We are al- ways glad when we get anything, for. we sass always used With best wish- es from all, I remain, yours truly, Helen Redekop. TOWN TOPICS. 14•rs, 'Sidney johns is visiti'n'g with friends at Kelso. !Mrs. Albert Harrison is doing as .well as can be expected after her re- cent operation, The children, of;the pu'bhc school kindergarten will give their usual Christmas programme on Wednes- day morning, 'D'ecember 119t4t alt 9:30. Parents .and any w;lro imay be inter- ested in the klnderganten are eord'ially invited to attend. ,Canon E. Appleyard is attending a meeting of Huron College Council in London, Wednesday, and a meeting of the Executive Committee of the ;Diocese of Huron on Thursday after- noon, .. The many friends of Mrs. J, I Welsh regret to learn she is confined to the hospital: Minor accidents have occurred at the corners on bcgh sides of Main street on 'Goderich .St. One involved a posit box and the other, on Wednes- day resulted in (lanrages to Ja,,ls Me- Nall's car front Blyth When side- swiped by alight truck. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. II'iils have re- turned to their home in Egmlondville after a month's visit in Toronto, 'Miss Anna Edmonds, nurse -ht - training, of Woodstock, returns on Thursday after a brief visit with her another, Mrs, 'WV'. Edmonds. Miss alae iBroadfoot left on Satur- day for an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs, _Morton at Port Nelson, Miss E, Davidson went to Pitts- burgh, Pa., on \Vednesday, where she will spend several months with her niece, Mrs. Murray. 'dr, and Mrs. W. 'Tart and fancily of Wroxeter visited with Mr. and ,Mfrs. Harry Hart this week. NI ISA Gertrude Appleyard is visit- ing' friends in London, Mrs, E.. Murray, Goderich street 1\'e, received the best wishes of her many- friends on Monday, December 10th. her 90th birthday. Mr, Vincent Clark of St. Thomas its visiting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Thomas (Lane. Tuckcrsntith, l[r. Geo Bethune arrived home this week from Port McNichol to spend the twinter. Mr. and l[rs. Harry Hart, and Mr. and :\Irs. Ferg. Bullard spent Satur- day with friends in London, DIVISION COURT 'Judge T. \I Costello of tiorlerlch !,resided at Division Court on Mon- day morning, Dee. loth, in the '1'owt alai!. Nine hearings were disposed of, consisting chiefly of garnishee eases, The Simpson vs. Sandford case was dismissed. JUNIOR FARMERS The meeting of the junior 'Farmers was held in the Council Chamber, Seaforth, on Saturday night, Dec. 8, (3fhi t is ars President, Arthur Nich- olson, Vice President John Moylan, Sect huts, \\nt, Alexander, Representatives of teams—St. Co- lunthan, Joe, Malone; Winthrop, F. Bullard E;mondvillc Frank Kling; Tucketsmut Robif.. Archibald neu- tral, Dr. McMaster. Referee-, G, Muir and 12. Holmes. Rules -00.A. play- ers barred, 1:1 trophy will he given by the Club to the player who is of toast value to his teams, 50 p,c, for sportsmanship and 50 p.c. for efficiency, The Com- mittee will meet on Sat. evening. HOCKEY SCHEDULE Seaforth at of\"inghant, Dee. 37. 'Clinton at Goderich, Dec, 2h. 'Goderich at Seaforth, Jan, 3. .Mitchell at Clinton, Jan, 4. \Vi itu'lianu at !Mitchell, Jan. 7, Clinton at Seaforth, Jan, 10, Mitchell at Goderich, Jana 111', 'Clinton at Wingham, Jan. 14. ieaforth at MTitcheli, Jan, 115. \Vingihain at Goderich, Jan, 17, Seaforth at Clinton, Jan. P8, 'Goderich at Mitchell, fan. 21. \\'inghaan at Seaforth, Jan, 22. Mitchell at \\'iu;:;hant, J',vn. 24. Goderich at Clinton. Jan, 26, Clinton at .Mitchell, vein, 244. Seaforth at Goderich, jau. 29. (Goderich at \Viagltant, Jan. 311, 31itcluell at Seaforth, Jan. 311. Wingham at Clinton, Feb. 4. IT--lig"h team has option of play-off. Single schedule played. First 3 teams play off; first teas. to have option of playing 3rd teats or laking a bye, goals to count. (Referees--1Gloderich, H. :Verney, Norman 1,Vark, D. McKay. Seaforth -1Gorrlon Muir. Jos, Hart, F. Bullard, Rus, Holmes, Gordon Rennie, Wing - ham -- III, ,Sorters, A. Lackeridge, Mitchell—Chas, Stoneman, Dave Eis- eranauu, L. Sawyer, Dick Thorne. Citation -_ID, 'Tluorn'dyIce, J, Neiliger. (Secretaries —. G'od,ericlu, Harold M'urney. Seaforth = [D'a.t'e Wilson, 4\''iug'hant—_l,fr. J'olhirson, Mitchell — 'red S'tonenian, Clinton—J, A. Wig- ginton, BORN, Tiutney-1Iiu Scott Memorial Hospital, on liond'ay, Dec. 10, 19314, to Mr. and -Mrs. George 'T'iuney, rIensall, a son (sltill-born). CHRISTMAS Entertainment AND NATIVITY DRAMA ST. JAMES' PARISH HALL Thurs,, Dec. 20 Admission 2!5c ORCHESTRA SELECTIONS TOWN COUNCIL (Continued from Page One.) window's would be washed this week, weather permitting. :Fire and 'Water committee reported everything cleared away for this year, ,Reeve Crosier reported the year's work pretty well 'com'pleted by the streets committee. Forty-five loads of gravel bad 'been used for patching and the streets are all In good shape; a pile for sanding streets has been stor- ed behind the town hall, The Reece had .also received notice trots the hospital, as per regulations, of two indigent patients; before for- warding his o.ic. to Goderich .he avould investigate each case, 'Affid'avits will be required for re- lief distribution under the new rules, the Mayor reported, which will make the ttork more difficult. IFivance committee reported as Sol- lows: ol-- 1ows: !Public !School 'Board, Nov., $000; Collegiate Institute 13c1,, Nor„ $500; Jas, V. ,Ryna, sal„ ,$515; 'Ono, A. Wil- son, sal, and transp„ etc., $700iS; ([[. Snell, sal„ $60; Thos. Storey, sal., $60; Arthur (Powell, wages, $1.75; do„ $325; Can. (Nat, IRys., cross, prot., $6.11, do., rent, $1!1; ,Geo, Seip, ace„ 8800; 'Twp, of 'Tuckersntith, e. stone, $316; P. j. !Dorsey, acct„ $4.7,5; R. J. .f.ovell Co„ "inv., $'t.09; 'J. F. Daly, acct., $14,,11; P. l'. Cont., light and acct„ '$35,611; E. T. IShewiclt, acct., $3.49; IG IP 'Eberhant, gravel, 8212.00; tGco.A. Sills & Sons. acct„ 02.39 Thompson's Bookstore, acct., $3,70 John MIokenzie, acct„ 730; County of Huron $5,034,50; John H. Earle, Dit Court, $44.00; !Public Library Board, $889,37; 'Public School 13oaril $564,90 Separate School 'Beard, $530416; Jos, Heffernan, wages x,00; H, C. Chamberlain division court, $116.00 !1. J. ITluggard, retainer and acct„ $110, John C. 'MfeKenzic, tire chief, $7'5 'Fire e litigade grant, $300; do, '14 as- sessed members, 85.00 each, $70.00; street light acct., $1853,00; F. J. Bur- rows, 200ML,0)H,. $Sth); Dr, Har- burn V.S acct„ $5,00; Mlctf can Bros, acct„ $22.01, Seaforth Netts, acct„ $208,05; dlell Tel. Co:, acct„ $2.45; ,S, \dies, asst„ $5.00; 1V. Ilawkins, acct„ $717.60; County of Huron, indigents, $31,30, McKILLOP. The following is the school report of S, S, No, 8, Mfel'1illop, for the months of September to Derember. Names arc placed in order of Merit: Sr.TV.-4Penlice Manley 8054-, 'Gerald M[eK ty 84, Vara Leonhardt 80, Do- minic Murray 80, Joseph Eckert 78, Marie Iloegy 73, :Mervin Dettz 73, Chester Johnson Al, Aaron Kistner 03, Jr. 1\'. .Della Eggert 86, Carl ,S.ieanon 84, Raymond'Kleber 80, Mar- ley Koehler 712. Annie Eckert 71, Laverne Gloor 70, Louis Hoegy 66. Sr, ;RIII.--,Dorothy- S'cherbarth 679 marks, Stephen McKay 676, Elmer ,Kleber 665, Cyril Johnson 6-15, Jos- eph Johnson 012, Thomas Murray 610. Robert Benermann 600, Margaret Eckert 591,.' Jr, LIIL—:\tvin Elligson, ,Florence Leanhardt, Stephen :Manley, Let Johnson, Ilarolcl Dcitz, Second Class—Margaret ,Kleber, Man 3i[c- Kay, Edward Bennetvies, Nonntaat Eggert, Manny I3enncwies, I:nnner- son Gloor, Cecelia Eckert, First Class —Ruth Rapicn and Kenneth ,Schmidt (equal); Rita 13eti1ewies and r:dw•arrl Scherbartlt (equal); Francis Mfnrray. ;Ordelia T.eonhard't, 'Ralph Fischer, .Stephen Johnston, Jerome M[an]e y. Primers — Joseph McKay, Mfiltoiiu Deitz, :Allan Kleher and Martin Deitz (equal), Teresa Eckert, Jimmie .T•Io- ran, Rose Bennewies, -Nanny Koeh- ler, 'Kenneth Beuermann, !Dorothy Johnson. Nn, on 'R'oll 55, Helen r 31. Delaney, Teacher, LONDESBORO Mr, and \[r 'R. Yungblutt, Mrs. W. M4ountauu, Miss 'Gladys Mountain. and Miss Helen Ytmgblut,t visited Announcement GET YOUR HAIR DRIED THE QUICK 'WAY FINGER WAVING_ 50c 'MARCELLING 50c SHAMPOO 35c BELCANO FACIAL 50c SURFACE WAVE 25c DOROTHY SUTHERLAND PHONE 152-5 (One block from Main St., west,) See the Display of Re-Coothhioned RadioSeta in Our Shop Window THE PRICES ARE VERY LOW THE SETS ARE FULLY GUARANTEED TIME PAYMENTS MAY BE ARRANGED DEMONSTRATION'S IN YOUR HOME Don't forget that we test your radio tubes free of charge, EDMUND DALY DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH play ofusefuland ornamental articles On Tuesday Night were for sante, a large amount of which were disposed of. A varied program was given by local talent, af- ter the supper and sale, and was very much enjoyed by the large crowd that was present. The proceeds of the evening amounted to about $90. DEC, 18TH Christmas Concert Will be given by the Y.P.L. in the basement of N'ORTH'SIDE UNITED ,CHURCH In addition to a good program a play entitled "A Story of Old Beth- lehem," will be given Admission 15e, Corrie friends on Tuesday, Mir, and 21rs. Leslie Ball, Edna and I-Ieletu attended the "Royal Winter 'Fair at Guelph on \Vednesday. The concert put 011 by the hockey committee was a grand success. The program was given by local talent. The proceeds were $89, which is t., help cover expenses of ,cell -drilling. The 1\\'.':F, of the United Church held their anneal bazaar in the com- munity hall Friday afternoon, $50 be- ing made, MTr,'R is'emsblu,tt, .firs. \\'nu, Grt - hth'e, lits. J. Nott and Mr, Arthur 'Griffith's attended the funeral of their cousin at 'Gowanstown on Saturday, -lir, and Mfrs. Samuel Cox of God- erich visited at Mn, 14arold Sprung: last week, Mfrs. Cox and lit.;. ,Sprung visited u tit Mrs. Lansing one day l•r. t wed., Miss E. Arnett and Mrs. Harold Adams spent Saturday in Goderich The Sunday School held their White Gut Service 'Sunday nlortang with many valuable gifts hang given for the'West and needy institutions, Mr. 'Fred, Yungbiutt and hiss :Mar- garet spent .Sunday with Miss 'Clads s Mountain. (Gladys .fountain spent a few days this week with IGocdericlu friends. Mr, W. D. Hopper of Seaforth has .finished his contract drilling* for the ,skating rink at Londesboro and struck a good !low of water at 147 feet, ELIMVILLE. Miss Catherine d'et'ers of .London spurt the week -end at her Bonne hero, The Sunday School classes are pre- paring for a Christmas concert to be held on Wednesday, Dec, 19, The '\\:.A, held a very successful supper and 'bazaar on Uriday night. A splendid chicken supper was serv- ed by the ladies and a beautiful dis- COMMUNICATION. Editor The Seaforth News. !Dear Sir, --This is my first venture at writing for the public press and I would not do so now, did I not consider that what I have to say rep- resents the feeling• of many people, in regard to that class called a kinder- garten class in our public school. I read in your valued paper that Seaforth has one of the very few classes of the kind in Ontario town;, which places that class beyond any shadow of argument as a distinct "luxury" I (anrl there were many other.) in years gone by care- fully put by enough for my old age, avoiding wild car stocks, and invest- ing only in the best farm mortgages and bonds, and now I find some of the principal lost forever and the in- terest on what is left cut in half. 1 have less than one-quarter the in- come 1 was nittely able to live 00 0 few years ago. Now, Mr, Snowdon, the town de- mauls front me taxes to support a Inxury, that no other place has, and if 1 cann,0 pay, fhey trill seize my home and send nue to the poorhouse. I may not express myself very well in writing and this may sound a little far-fetched, but when honestly con- sidered it proves to be the truth. Is that right: It is a grave injustice, while I lack many of the necessities ,f life, Let this kindergarten depend on the free -twill offerings of those who are in favor of it and can afford to pay, but do not grind other's into t ire rinit, I our; truly, ONE OF MANY, Euchre & ance! WINTHROP HALL Tues. Dec. 18th Good. Prizes Brussels Orchestra Gents 25c Ladies with lunch free. lesin Something MORE than carefully selected ingredients; something MORE than scientifically balanced proteins; vitamins and minerals; something MORE than a full measure of clean, profit -producing feed for your poultry—and that SOMETHING is ROE PRACTICAL POULTRY EXPERIENCE ROE FEEDS are all Poultry -Farm -tested and proven. All guess work is eliminated, assuring more profit for you in every bag. gheRHE POULTRY RANCH MANUFAOF vou',TRY FEED A COMPLETE POULTRY ORGANIZATION "Feeds For MI Needs" ATWOOD, ONT. Local Representative — SCOTT'.S POULTRY FARM MR. JAMES M. 'SCOTT